Baptist Cemetery, Moulmein Most of the graves and headstones were destroyed, a project is in hand to collect up the remaining stones which will be placed in a memorial garden. to search this page press ctrl + f
Avietick, 1921
Mary and Lucy Barr, 1886
Lydia Bromley nee Pyne
Eleanor Butler, 1888
Daisy Gay, 1968
Arratoon Todd Gregory, 1953
Rev'd. J.M. Haswell, 1876
Beth Kelly
Laura Kelly, 1884
Robert Halliday, 1864-1933
Gracie Khan, 1960
Decimus Flower Lonsdale, 1889
Mah Sine, 1878 (stone carved in the USA)
Mary Middleton, 1898
John Muir, 1889
Julia Murray, 1888(?)
Elizabeth Neville, 1862
Charles Patterson, 1866
George Pyne, 1894
Agnes Neilson, wife of Edgar Bridgman Roach, 1886-1918
Makho Craig
Edith Turner, 1923
Thomas Whittam, 1874 and Caroline Whittam, 1869
William Muir, 1887
C.G. Stevens, 1846 and Hestan Lincoln Stevens, 1849
Christine Halliday, 1901-1923
Emma, wife of Chas, D.R. Paxton, 1889
Emma, wife of Dr. George Wikie 1847-1914
Claiborne R. Erickson (Olay), husband of Janet Erickson, 1929-1990
Rev'd. Edwin B. Bullard, 1847
Selma Martha Maxville, 1883-1950
Peggy Smith, wife of Bob Maase, 1921-2000
Elisha Allen Higgins, 1877
Dr. Ellen E. Mitchell, 1829-1901
Rev'd. and Mrs A.C. Darrow, Rev'd and Mrs Robert Halliday and Miss S.M. Maxville