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Brief extracts from
Prince of Wales Island Gazette
Dec. 1824 - Dec. 1826
Jan. - Dec. 1827 & 1828
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Prince of Wales Island Gazette
Dec. 1824 - Dec. 1826
Jan. - Dec. 1827 & 1828
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To be Sold
At Public Auction by John Revely ... at the resident of Col. O’Halloran, handsome Mahogany and Toonwood household furniture ... To be Sold At Public Auction by John Revely ... at his Rooms ... The effects of the late Anthony Graham, late Chief Officer of the Schooner Friek consisting of wearing apparel, books and a valuable collection of nautical instruments ... Birth On Friday the 26th ultimo, the lady of Rev’d. R.S. Hutching, A.M., of a daughter. Adverts. Printed and published by William Cox, Beach St. Notice is hereby given that the Annual Examination of the children at the P.W. Island Free School will take place on ... R.S. Hutchings, Secy. H. Ritson, most respectfully begs to inform the gentlemen of this Island that he has opened for public reception the Waterloo Tavern, formerly occupied by the late Mr T. Scully. Shipping Arrivals – Passengers Per Alexander:- Mrs Napier and D.S. Napier |
By virtue of a Precept to me directed, I hereby proclaim and give notice that a Session of Oyer and Terminer and Goal Delivery in and for the P.W. Island ... be holden at the Court House ... D. Brown, Sheriff, Sheriff’s Office, P.W. Island. Marriage On the 6th instant at the Armenian Church by Rev’d. Igiazar, Resident Clergyman here, Narcis Mackertich (of the firm of Messrs. Balhetchet & Co.) Merchant of this Island to Miss Mariam Johannes Carapiet, second daughter of the late Johannes Carapiet, formerly of Calcutta. Notice It is hereby notified that during the residence of the Hon. the Governor on the Hill, a Dawk is established and letters of the Governor and his family will be received at the Post Office and forwarded daily ... E. Lake, Town Major in charge of the Post Office. For Sale The cutter “Corsican Fairy” ... for particulars apply at the office of William Hall. Shipping Arrivals – Passengers Per St. Antonio:- Mr S. Joze Maria |
Burma News
The schooner Fattal Garrih, W. Wallace, from Rangoon the 15th ultimo, arrived on Saturday last. Several Burmese with their families have come passengers by this vessel. We have not heard that the Army at Rangoon has made any further movement since the last accounts; but it is said that the Burmese inhabitants of the adjacent places appeared to gain confidence and were coming in daily to place themselves under British protection.
The Brig Covelong, Capt. D. Glass, from Rangoon the 20th ultimo, arrived on Wednesday evening. The following extract from a private letter received by this occasion giving the latest intelligence from the station has been kindly handed to us.
Extract from private letter dated Rangoon 17th Nov. 1824.
“Reports from the Jungle state that the Queen’s party at Ava killed the King and that Moon-Shoe-Za killed the Queen and her brother, the Prime Minister, and all their party and that Moon-Shoe-Za, who had been many times Governor of Rangoon, has placed the Kings son, 12 years old, on the Throne, taking upon himself the Regency. Maha Bundoola, the former General, has retreated with his army from before Rangoon to Ava in consequence. The Prince of Sarawaddy, the King’s brother, who is not far from this with a strong force has refused to go to Ava at Moon-Shoe-Za’s order. If this report is true the Burmah’s must be in a very awkward predicament just now, a civil war among themselves and enemies in all quarters. Martaban was taken a short time ago by a few troops sent from this. We have had no arrival from Calcutta these two months nearly; a great number of vessels however are expected daily when the place will be completely glutted with all kinds of goods, as it is now with most articles. Rangoon has been very unhealthy since it has been taken, I think from the want of fresh provisions and the badness of the water, as the dhobis are allowed to wash at all the wells that we always got our water from formerly and also the town being in a dirty state, which the Burmah’s never allowed.”
Extract from a dispatch form Brigadier General Sir Archibald Campbell, 15th Oct. 1824.
“If I can trust the information I receive, I may conclude that the united strength of the Burman Empire is now collecting in my front. I have not a doubt that part of the Bundoola’s Army was present at all the late affairs but their presence does not appear to have yet given any additional confidence to the troops we were in the habit of encountering, although it is certain they are now very generally armed with musquets. The Bundoola, all the prisoners say, has arrived at Donoobew, with unlimited power and is to make a general attack upon our position early in the ensuing moon. Preparatory orders from him had been received at those posts nearest our Line to cut quantities of bamboos of a certain length and collect all the earth oil and cotton the country could supply. These materials were of course intended for the construction of fire rafts, but Major Evan’s party having destroyed all the earth oil collected, that part of the General’s plan is so far disarranged.
The Court of Ava has already made great exertions in supplying their Army in this quarter with such materials as the country and Capital contain, all or great part of which has been successively captured by the troops under my command. What further exertions in that respect they may be capable of making I cannot judge; but if any inference can be drawn from the wooden guns, double and single headed wooden shot lately found in their Stockades and the rude lumps of ragged Iron used as shot, I should conclude their Arsenal Dept. must now be at a very low ebb.
Since I had the honour of addressing you, 180 bullocks have arrived from Madras and more are daily expected. They are the best caste of draft cattle on that coast and will be highly useful.
By Command of the Right Hon. the Governor General in Council, Geo. Swinton, Secy. to Govt.”
In a letter of the 24th October, it is stated as a current report that a revolution had taken place at Ava, headed by the King’s brother-in-law Myndajee and the Queen, who caused the King’s head to be cut off in the Palace – that on the same day the young Prince, Heir apparent of the Empire, placed himself under the care of the Moon-Shoe-Za formerly Viceroy of Rangoon, who stormed the Palace with 70 of his most trusty adherents and carried it, when the brother-in-law, together with the Queen were put to death – that Moon-Shoe-Za had taken the powers of Government upon himself for the young King – and that the whole of the Government Officers, including the Prince of Sarawaddy, had been summoned to the Capital. It is further said that the Maha Bundoola came down to Denobew with 7000 men and that after remaining there about to or 20 days he was recalled in consequence of the above events, when he ordered his Army to break up and disperse themselves in bands of 20 or 30 and not to make any attack on the English as there was no chance of their succeeding in his absence. Another private letter of the 23rd of October contains the following satisfactory particulars:-
“We are yet without any intelligence from the Detachment sent against Martaban, owing probably to the calms that prevail at this season of the year. For some time past our issues of fresh meat to the hospitals have been pretty regular and we now hope to be able to extend that benefit to the European part of the troops generally. Two parties send out within the last three days have brought in xxx hundred and four very fine buffaloes for slaughter. Two large transports have been sent to Cheduba and four to the Eastward to load if possible with live stock, and one is at Diamond Island taking on board Turtle. The natives communicated very freely with one of our buffalo hunting parties. They expressed their extreme regret that the situation of their families in the hands of their Chiefs, prevented their accepting our protection, a circumstance which they would hail with joy and allowed about fifty of the inhabitants of Rangoon to come in with the party.
I think including the Ordnance taken at Tavoy and Mergui, we have now deprived the enemy of somewhat more than 250 pieces and about the same number of serviceable Swivels. Of the Jingals we seldom take any account but destroy them on the spot.”
The schooner Fattal Garrih, W. Wallace, from Rangoon the 15th ultimo, arrived on Saturday last. Several Burmese with their families have come passengers by this vessel. We have not heard that the Army at Rangoon has made any further movement since the last accounts; but it is said that the Burmese inhabitants of the adjacent places appeared to gain confidence and were coming in daily to place themselves under British protection.
The Brig Covelong, Capt. D. Glass, from Rangoon the 20th ultimo, arrived on Wednesday evening. The following extract from a private letter received by this occasion giving the latest intelligence from the station has been kindly handed to us.
Extract from private letter dated Rangoon 17th Nov. 1824.
“Reports from the Jungle state that the Queen’s party at Ava killed the King and that Moon-Shoe-Za killed the Queen and her brother, the Prime Minister, and all their party and that Moon-Shoe-Za, who had been many times Governor of Rangoon, has placed the Kings son, 12 years old, on the Throne, taking upon himself the Regency. Maha Bundoola, the former General, has retreated with his army from before Rangoon to Ava in consequence. The Prince of Sarawaddy, the King’s brother, who is not far from this with a strong force has refused to go to Ava at Moon-Shoe-Za’s order. If this report is true the Burmah’s must be in a very awkward predicament just now, a civil war among themselves and enemies in all quarters. Martaban was taken a short time ago by a few troops sent from this. We have had no arrival from Calcutta these two months nearly; a great number of vessels however are expected daily when the place will be completely glutted with all kinds of goods, as it is now with most articles. Rangoon has been very unhealthy since it has been taken, I think from the want of fresh provisions and the badness of the water, as the dhobis are allowed to wash at all the wells that we always got our water from formerly and also the town being in a dirty state, which the Burmah’s never allowed.”
Extract from a dispatch form Brigadier General Sir Archibald Campbell, 15th Oct. 1824.
“If I can trust the information I receive, I may conclude that the united strength of the Burman Empire is now collecting in my front. I have not a doubt that part of the Bundoola’s Army was present at all the late affairs but their presence does not appear to have yet given any additional confidence to the troops we were in the habit of encountering, although it is certain they are now very generally armed with musquets. The Bundoola, all the prisoners say, has arrived at Donoobew, with unlimited power and is to make a general attack upon our position early in the ensuing moon. Preparatory orders from him had been received at those posts nearest our Line to cut quantities of bamboos of a certain length and collect all the earth oil and cotton the country could supply. These materials were of course intended for the construction of fire rafts, but Major Evan’s party having destroyed all the earth oil collected, that part of the General’s plan is so far disarranged.
The Court of Ava has already made great exertions in supplying their Army in this quarter with such materials as the country and Capital contain, all or great part of which has been successively captured by the troops under my command. What further exertions in that respect they may be capable of making I cannot judge; but if any inference can be drawn from the wooden guns, double and single headed wooden shot lately found in their Stockades and the rude lumps of ragged Iron used as shot, I should conclude their Arsenal Dept. must now be at a very low ebb.
Since I had the honour of addressing you, 180 bullocks have arrived from Madras and more are daily expected. They are the best caste of draft cattle on that coast and will be highly useful.
By Command of the Right Hon. the Governor General in Council, Geo. Swinton, Secy. to Govt.”
In a letter of the 24th October, it is stated as a current report that a revolution had taken place at Ava, headed by the King’s brother-in-law Myndajee and the Queen, who caused the King’s head to be cut off in the Palace – that on the same day the young Prince, Heir apparent of the Empire, placed himself under the care of the Moon-Shoe-Za formerly Viceroy of Rangoon, who stormed the Palace with 70 of his most trusty adherents and carried it, when the brother-in-law, together with the Queen were put to death – that Moon-Shoe-Za had taken the powers of Government upon himself for the young King – and that the whole of the Government Officers, including the Prince of Sarawaddy, had been summoned to the Capital. It is further said that the Maha Bundoola came down to Denobew with 7000 men and that after remaining there about to or 20 days he was recalled in consequence of the above events, when he ordered his Army to break up and disperse themselves in bands of 20 or 30 and not to make any attack on the English as there was no chance of their succeeding in his absence. Another private letter of the 23rd of October contains the following satisfactory particulars:-
“We are yet without any intelligence from the Detachment sent against Martaban, owing probably to the calms that prevail at this season of the year. For some time past our issues of fresh meat to the hospitals have been pretty regular and we now hope to be able to extend that benefit to the European part of the troops generally. Two parties send out within the last three days have brought in xxx hundred and four very fine buffaloes for slaughter. Two large transports have been sent to Cheduba and four to the Eastward to load if possible with live stock, and one is at Diamond Island taking on board Turtle. The natives communicated very freely with one of our buffalo hunting parties. They expressed their extreme regret that the situation of their families in the hands of their Chiefs, prevented their accepting our protection, a circumstance which they would hail with joy and allowed about fifty of the inhabitants of Rangoon to come in with the party.
I think including the Ordnance taken at Tavoy and Mergui, we have now deprived the enemy of somewhat more than 250 pieces and about the same number of serviceable Swivels. Of the Jingals we seldom take any account but destroy them on the spot.”
Whereas the number of pariah dogs in the settlement have increased so much as to have become a public nuisance, notice is hereby given that all dogs found running loose about the streets ... will be killed. Richard Caunter, Supdt. of Police. Shipping Arrivals – Passengers Per Volunteer:- Messrs. Barlow, Beverige, Earle and Boyd. Per Freak:- John Palmer. John Cooke and Master Brady. Per Dadaloy:- James Flemming and Mr Mark Barker. Arrivals – Passengers Per Dezempenho:- Mrs Allan, R. Allan, D. Pedro Saguezureiba Per Confiance:- Capt. Murat and H. Roberts Per Dadaloy:- J.D. de Castro, A.M. Barto, C. de Castro and M.F. Marquis. |
Arrivals – Passengers Per Commerce:- Mr Barrington P.W. Island Free School General Annual Meeting of Subscribers ... R. Caunter in the chair ... The following gentlemen were re-elected Directors for teh ensuing year:- G. Alexander, M.D. D. Brown R. Caunter W.S. Cracroft R. Scott Capt. Burney, Treasurer W. Balhetchet Rev’d. R.S. Hutchings, Secy. W. Henderson |
Arrivals – Passengers Per Eliza:- D.A. Overbeck, J.T.G. Overbeck Per Esperanca:- Capt. Murat and H. Roberts Per Dadaloy:- James Flemming and Mr Mark Barker. Per Helen:- Capt. Perkins Arrivals – Passengers Per Dezempenho:- Mrs Allan, R. Allan, D. Pedro Saguezureiba Per Confiance:- Capt. Murat and H. Roberts Per Dadaloy:- J.D. de Castro, A.M. Barto, C. de Castro and M.F. Marquis. |
Yesterday morning [22nd Feb. 1825] J.W. Toosey of the Civil Service of this Presidency. Yesterday forenoon [25th Feb. 1825] William Money Williams, of the Civil Service of this Presidency, aged 28 years, sincerely and deservedly lamented by all who knew him. To describe the virtues which have not only merited but obtained for him a feeling so unanimous in a society like that of P.W. Island, would as far exceed the abilities of his friends as the limits to which an obituary notice must necessarily be confined in a public print. |
J.W. Toosey, deceased
Letters of Administration to the Estate and Effects having been granted by the Court ... to A.J. Kerr, Registrar, All persons having demands on the Estate ... By Order of A.K. Kerr ... public auction... at the residence of the late J.W. Toosey,. The valuable property belonging to that gentleman ... Shipping Arrivals – Passengers Per Elizabeth:- Captains Cartwright, Crawfurd and Davies, Lt. Delsell, Messrs. Napier, Poynton and Congelton. Yesterday afternoon anchored in the harbour the ship Pascoa, Hugh Cathro, from China the 21st Jan. and Manilla 9th Feb. Passengers:- Col. A. Andrews. C.B., P.O. Carnegy and John Templeton. The schooner Mary Andeson, Capt. Salusbury, left harbour on Monday morning the 7th instant, in prosecution of her voyage to the Eastward. Passenger on board for Malacca, Robert Shand. |
Civil Appointments
W.S. Cracroft to be Secretary to Govt. P.O. Carnegy to be Storekeeper and Commissary of Supplies. E.A. Blundell to be Acting Secy. to Govt. P.O. Carnegy to be Sub-treasurer. 100 Dollars Reward Stolen from the residence of Lt. Hall between the hours of 4 and 6 on Sunday afternoon the 13th inst. a small red box containing a quantity of valuable articles to the amount of about 600 dollars as well as about 450 dollars in cash; the property of Ensign Hay. Any person finding the above and bringing the box and contents to Messrs. Brown & Co. will receive the above mentioned reward of 100 dollars. Arrivals – Passengers Per Novo Phoenix:- A. Dunlop. Per Alexander:- Mrs Aganoor and child, Mrs Milton and child, Mrs Maulton, Miss Rodyk, Miss P. Rodyk, J.A. Aganoor and G. Scott. |
Burma News
Extract from a Despatch from Brig. Genl. Sir Archibald Campbell dated 15th Jan.
All my sources of information from the interior of the country give me to understand that the immense Army lately before us is still dispersing in spite of every effort of some of their Chiefs to stop them; but it will be seen by the information contained in the enclosure No. 1 received this day, that the collection of another Army is in progress.
I, last night, received a most extraordinary communication from the General Maha Bundoola (enclosure No. 2.) Although not immediately to my address, the bearer of it was instructed by that General to deliver it to me in person.
The stranger mentioned in the pass addressed to the Chiefs as being the bearer of his letter, is a Bengal Lascar, a deserter from the Transport Ship David Scott, and who deserted from her the very day she arrived in this river, went into the jungles and was there made prisoner. He was brought near to our shipping at Kemmendine by a large Burmese boat and then drifted off in a canoe. He is to return this evening with my answer.
Enclosure No. 1.
Jan. 15th 1825.
The Carrians employed in the Intelligence Department returned last evening and state that Mounsoorazar, Lansago, Neech-eea-on named Mounkea-on, Oon Shaonda Maungee are reported to have arrived at Prome and are endeavouring to collect another army with a view to make a last effort against the British troops at Rangoon, that if they are not victorious they will yield but that they will most assuredly make the effort, as Artillery and muskets are said to have been brought down from Ava; when the attack will be made they do not know, neither are they acquainted with the exact force the above Chiefs have been able to collect. The Carrians state that the greater part of the Bundoolah’s army have dispersed, Cassay Horse etc. and that great efforts are making to re-collect them, but with little success, as those sent to seize the fugitives are invariably opposed by them and that constant fighting occurs between the two parties. The people declaring that it is useless to attempt to cope with a force so far superior in every way to themselves.
Enclosure No. 2.
Translation of a letter from Woen-Sheondah A Lioon Mynghee (Maah Bundoolah)
addressed to Messrs. Gibson, Arratoon, Sarkies, Turner, Snowball and Manuel (Ventura)
The Chief of Munnypoor, by name Jewyhe and Marwye* (Small men) forgetting their allegiance to the Golden King, revolted from his authority and ran away into the country of the English, which the King heard. For many years friendship has subsisted between the two nations and therefore it was not right that the English should have received and kept these two rebels, therefore the King gave an order that they should be demanded and I then sent from Arracan to the British Chokies at Shahpuree (Pawah) and Gunda Pullung (Rutna Pullung) on the subject, but the people there would not attend to what was necessary to be said and with the few men that were there, the said people made fight. How strange it is that for two paltry men, war should break out between our nations, therefore, did I afterwards remain with my troops at Arracan, waiting daily in the hope of hearing and understanding the reason of this; but I never could succeed in thoroughly getting to the bottom of it.
Therefore, when I could only learn that on account of these two paltry men, war had commenced and the ancient friendship of the two nations been destroyed, I returned from Arracan, on my way heard that the English had taken Rangoon, Martaban, Margui and Tavoy and upon this too I received the King’s Orders to proceed and ascertain the causes of these proceedings and to find out from the English why they has devastated our Provinces. In obedience to this order, I arrived at Sembewghewn and with the view of obtaining correct information dispatched three Chiefs Mynghee Maha Mynzla Yaza (Chehey woon) Mynghee Mynzlohraha Mynghoon and Myndiem Mynghoan each in command of a Division of the Army consisting of 10,000 musketeers, coolies attached 2,000, 3,000 fighting men (not musketeers) with 6,000 working men and 200 horse, with orders to proceed to Rangoon.
At the Sheo Dygon Praw of Rangoon, at Kymendine, Dalla and Kambha (Kokaine) there was much fighting and many men wounded which I have understood from the reports of the Chiefs, whom I sent down to Command; now, on hearing this I moved from Sembewghewn with my force and arriving at Deneboo on the 15th of Peazoo (13 days since) I hear Mr Gibson that you are now at Rangoon and you are a man whom the Golden King has conferred great honours on. You Messrs. Arratoon, Sarkies, Turner, Snowball and Manuel are Merchants, who carried on traffic between the two nations and it will therefore be proper that you should do everything in your power for the service of the King under whose protection you have long lived. The English having invaded the country, I am now very anxious to learn with what views, or intentions they have come, whether with the wish of devastating all out Kingdom or for what purpose; therefore some of my people having captured a Foreigner, I send this dispatch by him and when it reaches you desire that you will afford me all the information regarding this wishes or intentions of the English that you can obtain from them. No date to this letter.
Enclosure No. 3.
Translation of a Purwanneh or Order to the Burmese Chief’s addressed to them by Maha Bundoolah, the Generalissimo.
Maha Bundoolah, having with me an immense army, elephants, horse, etc. have arrived at Deneboo on the 15th Peeazoo (13 days since) and having first understood and ascertained the state of affairs, will then act as may be best. I have now sent a Foreigner, by name Kummoo, with this – let him pass and re-pass without hindrance or molestation and ask him no questions. When the Chief of an Army gives an order, whether to fight or anything else, soldiers will obey it, but, till he receives an order, his duty is not to do anything of his own account. As for the foreigners who, during the present war, may have been taken or put to death, or ill treated, that is now irrevocable, but now should any of them fall into our hands, take care that they are not killed or maltreated in any way. In the present case, the bearer has fallen into our hands and is returning with this dispatch, having received every kindness and good treatment as well as food and money and therefore let him go backwards and forwards without molestation.
Published by Command of the Hon. the Governor General in Council.
Geo. Swinton, Secy. to Govt.
* Chojees and Morjeet?
(ABL note:- Later correspondence tells us that the Carrians were villagers employed in the Intelligence Department.)
Extract from a Despatch from Brig. Genl. Sir Archibald Campbell dated 15th Jan.
All my sources of information from the interior of the country give me to understand that the immense Army lately before us is still dispersing in spite of every effort of some of their Chiefs to stop them; but it will be seen by the information contained in the enclosure No. 1 received this day, that the collection of another Army is in progress.
I, last night, received a most extraordinary communication from the General Maha Bundoola (enclosure No. 2.) Although not immediately to my address, the bearer of it was instructed by that General to deliver it to me in person.
The stranger mentioned in the pass addressed to the Chiefs as being the bearer of his letter, is a Bengal Lascar, a deserter from the Transport Ship David Scott, and who deserted from her the very day she arrived in this river, went into the jungles and was there made prisoner. He was brought near to our shipping at Kemmendine by a large Burmese boat and then drifted off in a canoe. He is to return this evening with my answer.
Enclosure No. 1.
Jan. 15th 1825.
The Carrians employed in the Intelligence Department returned last evening and state that Mounsoorazar, Lansago, Neech-eea-on named Mounkea-on, Oon Shaonda Maungee are reported to have arrived at Prome and are endeavouring to collect another army with a view to make a last effort against the British troops at Rangoon, that if they are not victorious they will yield but that they will most assuredly make the effort, as Artillery and muskets are said to have been brought down from Ava; when the attack will be made they do not know, neither are they acquainted with the exact force the above Chiefs have been able to collect. The Carrians state that the greater part of the Bundoolah’s army have dispersed, Cassay Horse etc. and that great efforts are making to re-collect them, but with little success, as those sent to seize the fugitives are invariably opposed by them and that constant fighting occurs between the two parties. The people declaring that it is useless to attempt to cope with a force so far superior in every way to themselves.
Enclosure No. 2.
Translation of a letter from Woen-Sheondah A Lioon Mynghee (Maah Bundoolah)
addressed to Messrs. Gibson, Arratoon, Sarkies, Turner, Snowball and Manuel (Ventura)
The Chief of Munnypoor, by name Jewyhe and Marwye* (Small men) forgetting their allegiance to the Golden King, revolted from his authority and ran away into the country of the English, which the King heard. For many years friendship has subsisted between the two nations and therefore it was not right that the English should have received and kept these two rebels, therefore the King gave an order that they should be demanded and I then sent from Arracan to the British Chokies at Shahpuree (Pawah) and Gunda Pullung (Rutna Pullung) on the subject, but the people there would not attend to what was necessary to be said and with the few men that were there, the said people made fight. How strange it is that for two paltry men, war should break out between our nations, therefore, did I afterwards remain with my troops at Arracan, waiting daily in the hope of hearing and understanding the reason of this; but I never could succeed in thoroughly getting to the bottom of it.
Therefore, when I could only learn that on account of these two paltry men, war had commenced and the ancient friendship of the two nations been destroyed, I returned from Arracan, on my way heard that the English had taken Rangoon, Martaban, Margui and Tavoy and upon this too I received the King’s Orders to proceed and ascertain the causes of these proceedings and to find out from the English why they has devastated our Provinces. In obedience to this order, I arrived at Sembewghewn and with the view of obtaining correct information dispatched three Chiefs Mynghee Maha Mynzla Yaza (Chehey woon) Mynghee Mynzlohraha Mynghoon and Myndiem Mynghoan each in command of a Division of the Army consisting of 10,000 musketeers, coolies attached 2,000, 3,000 fighting men (not musketeers) with 6,000 working men and 200 horse, with orders to proceed to Rangoon.
At the Sheo Dygon Praw of Rangoon, at Kymendine, Dalla and Kambha (Kokaine) there was much fighting and many men wounded which I have understood from the reports of the Chiefs, whom I sent down to Command; now, on hearing this I moved from Sembewghewn with my force and arriving at Deneboo on the 15th of Peazoo (13 days since) I hear Mr Gibson that you are now at Rangoon and you are a man whom the Golden King has conferred great honours on. You Messrs. Arratoon, Sarkies, Turner, Snowball and Manuel are Merchants, who carried on traffic between the two nations and it will therefore be proper that you should do everything in your power for the service of the King under whose protection you have long lived. The English having invaded the country, I am now very anxious to learn with what views, or intentions they have come, whether with the wish of devastating all out Kingdom or for what purpose; therefore some of my people having captured a Foreigner, I send this dispatch by him and when it reaches you desire that you will afford me all the information regarding this wishes or intentions of the English that you can obtain from them. No date to this letter.
Enclosure No. 3.
Translation of a Purwanneh or Order to the Burmese Chief’s addressed to them by Maha Bundoolah, the Generalissimo.
Maha Bundoolah, having with me an immense army, elephants, horse, etc. have arrived at Deneboo on the 15th Peeazoo (13 days since) and having first understood and ascertained the state of affairs, will then act as may be best. I have now sent a Foreigner, by name Kummoo, with this – let him pass and re-pass without hindrance or molestation and ask him no questions. When the Chief of an Army gives an order, whether to fight or anything else, soldiers will obey it, but, till he receives an order, his duty is not to do anything of his own account. As for the foreigners who, during the present war, may have been taken or put to death, or ill treated, that is now irrevocable, but now should any of them fall into our hands, take care that they are not killed or maltreated in any way. In the present case, the bearer has fallen into our hands and is returning with this dispatch, having received every kindness and good treatment as well as food and money and therefore let him go backwards and forwards without molestation.
Published by Command of the Hon. the Governor General in Council.
Geo. Swinton, Secy. to Govt.
* Chojees and Morjeet?
(ABL note:- Later correspondence tells us that the Carrians were villagers employed in the Intelligence Department.)
On Thursday morning the 31st ultimo, [31st March 1825] Mrs Rodyk, wife of C.J. Rodyk, deeply lamented. Sale - The house and premises known by the name of Northam House, pleasantly situated on the north beach and at present occupied by Capt. Bunbury. Also the house and premises situated in George Town commonly known as Bachelor’s Hall and fronting the residence of R. Scott, ... Civil Appointment John Anderson to be Acting Secy. to Govt. |
Arrivals – Passengers Per Mellekel Bhur:- Mrs Turner and family, Mrs Grimes, Mr Turner, Capt. Gridle-tone, Dr. Lindsay, Lt. Colquhoun and Capt. Cook. Per Merope:- X. Ghelet, B. Aycarraya, J.B. Machado. Per Flora:- Mrs Lake and 2 children, Mr Goldingham and Mr Harley. Per Mediterranean:- Mrs Lake and 2 children, Mr Goldingham and Mr Harley. Per Felicitas:- Mr Sub-conductor Hall, wife and 2 children. |
The friends of the late Hon’ble John Macalister, subscribers to a Mural Tablet to be erected to his memory are respectfully informed that the Governor has been pleased to comply with their request, made through us, to erect the same in the Church of this Presidency. Balhetchet & Co. The undersigned being about to proceed to Singapore begs to notify that his business will be conducted during his absence by J. Padday. W. Hall. Death Suddenly on Wednesday afternoon last, the 11th instant, Mr Johnstone McIntyre aged 36. His many good qualities endeared him to all who knew him and whose premature loss is most poignantly and deservedly felt by those relations and friends he has left behind. |
By Order of the Executors
To Be sold ... the following landed property belonging to the late James Carnegy. Those valuable premises, ... situated on the east side of Beach St. with extensive brick godowns and house. Also ... Shipping Arrivals – Passengers Per Good Hope:- D. Coutts and Lt. Chrator. Per Resource:- Capt. J. Jackson, Lt. Boileau, W. Barrington Per Aguilar:- Mr Jackson, Mr & Mrs Hailin. |
Local News
The launch of a schooner at Mr Snadden’s building yard took place on Thursday last the 2nd inst. ... under the name of “Blossom.” The schooner is constructed entirely of teak with the exception of her frames, which are from our own forests .... She appears to be of a handsome model and in every respect a compact fine little vessel and highly creditable to the talents of the builder. Notices Being about to proceed to the eastward, Mr William Anderson of the firm of Balhetchet and Co. is duly appointed my Agent during my absence from the Island. J.F. Carnegy. All persons indebted to or having claims against the estate of the late A. Koek of Malacca, who died on the 19th May last, are hereby requested to pay in their debts and produce their claims to the undersigned ... J.B. De Wind G. Koek E. Van Angelbeck P.S. De Witz Sale at Malacca Notice is hereby given that the extensive and valuable property of the late A. Koek of Malacca, will be sold at public auction ... Valuable town and country residence and lands ... Advert. - The subscriber has for sale a few half casks of rime American beef. F. Halliburton. |
At Malacca on the 19th May, Adrian Koek, formerly Resident at that place. This respected individual distinguished for the amenity of his manners, his intelligence and extensive acquaintance with the interests of the countries in which he had passed so many years of his fife, was born at Malacca, where he possessed large hereditary estates but educated in England. His death will be a subject of sincere regret with a numerous circle of friends both Dutch and English. Shipping Arrivals – Passengers Per Conde de Rio Pardo:- Rev’d. S. P. Maia, J.M. Sequera, B.J. Serva and S.F. de Miranda. Arrivals – Passengers Per Mary Anderson:- Thos. Graham. Per Edmonstone:- Major Paulin, Mr Campbell and Cwasjee Shapoorjee Per Angelica:- H.E. Don J.M. G. Palha, Governor of Macao, his Secy. and three sons, Capt. J.F. de Almeda and four children, L.A. Carvallo, H. de Figueireda and J. de Gomes. Per Helen:- Lt. J.H. Horne 43rd Regt., Lt. J.G. Sharpe 1st Light Battn., D. Gervair, A. Colquhoun and Mr Frawin. Arrivals – Passengers Per Shah Byramgore:- Mrs Beyts, Mrs Russell, Miss Jinning. Per Resource:- Capt. Sherriff, C.S. |
That pleasant and commodious bungalow and extensive grounds, most delightfully situated on the north beach and facing Northam Rd., the property of Capt. Smith, B.E. ... Apply to Messrs. Brown & Co. Advert. - Notice is hereby given that the Packets now open at the Post Office for England, Madras and Bengal ... will be closed on Monday ... E. Lake, post Master, P.W. Island. Shipping Arrivals – Passengers Per Stanmore:- Capt. & Mrs Burney, Mr & Mrs Wilkinson. Per Sherburne:- Capt. & Mrs Howard, Capt. Mc Farquhar. Per Venus:- Mr Garcia. Per Novo Phoenix:- Mr Rangel, Mr Barradas, Mr & Mrs de Silva, Miss C. Ferrao, Messrs. Monteiro, Carvalho and De Souza. Per Jehangeer:- Mr & Mrs Simons, Mr Jordan Manook and Mackartick. For Sale That commodious and airy bungalow pleasantly situated in Farquhar St., North Beach. ... apply to W. Anderson. Birth On Monday morning the 18th instant, the lady of E. Wilkinson, of a daughter. |
On Monday morning the 27th ultimo at the residence of Capt. M.A. Bunbury the lady of Capt. W.H. Hewitt of the 40th Regt. B.M.I. deeply regretted. Shipping Arrivals Passengers Per La Belle Alliance:- Mrs Presgrave and three children, E. Presgrave, T. Church, Rev’d. R. Burne, Asst. Surgeon Dennis, Messrs. Salmon, Hewitson, Bugly and Lueston. Per Malvina:- William Hall. 9 July 1825 image no. 238 Per London:- Major Vincent, lady and child. Per Confianca:- A.F. Basto, M.F. Marquis and F. da Conceicao. Per Sarah:- Capt. Hall, C.S. Per Mary Anderson:- J.F. Carnegy & E. Hartman. Per Francis Macnaghten:- Mr Burkinyoung. Per Repulse:- Mrs Garling, Messrs. Barnes, Patulls, Coles, Grant, Salmon, Penman and Scott. Capt. Hull, Messrs. Bullock, Mitchell, Hogan, Leicester, Hewitson, Burnell and Bell. |
By Order of Govt. Public Auction
The H.C. Brig “Jessy” ... at the same time and place, one eight day box Chronometer ... C.W.H. Wright, Master Attendant. Shipping Arrivals – Passengers Per Primeiro de Marco:- Mr. Reys. John Clark, deceased. Letters of Administration of the Estate and effects of John Clark, late Commander of the Brig “Sarah,” deceased, having been granted by the Court ... All persons indebted to or having claims against the Estate ... at the Registrar’s Office without delay. Richard Allan, Acting Registrar, Registrar’s Office, P.W. Island. Advert. Notice is hereby given that the interests of Cachatoor Galastaun and Narcis Mackertich in our establishment, will cease on 31st January 1826. Balhetchet & Co. Shipping Arrivals – Passengers Per Bridgewater:- J. Templeton, Crawford McLeod, Chas. Blight. Per General Kyd:- S. Paxton, Mrs Paxton, Miss F. Paxton, Mrs Wyatt, Miss Wyatt, Master H. Wyatt, Capt. Davidson, R. C. Plowden, E.C. Ravenshaw. Per Hythe:- Capt. and Mrs Chenney and children, Mr Chenney, Capt. Wellcombe, Lt. and Mrs Taylor, Ensign Wood, Ensign Graham with a detachment of the 65th Regt. Per Hereforshire:- Lt. Hay, B.N.I. and C. Boxley. Per Charles Forbes:- Dr. Freeze H.M. 6th Regt. with a detachment of the 65th Regt. |
To be Sold
Mount Patrick and premises a Ayer Etam, in a beautiful and healthy situation, occupied by Lt. Hall. Also that strong teak built house, the residence of Mr Meine, on the north beach with a quantity of ground, situated at the water course Polo Tecoose. ... Shipping News On Thursday evening anchored in the harbour the H.C. ship Atlas, Capt. J. Hine, from Madras the 1st Aug. Passengers:- Mrs Cuppage, J. R. Cuppage, C.S. [Mr] Zacharias and family and Carapeit Phanoos and family. The H.C. ship Repulse, Capt. Patterson, sailed on Thursday afternoon in prosecution of her voyage to China. Passengers:- Mrs Wilkinson and 3 children, Messrs. Perreau, Salmon and Coles, C.S. Capt. Grant, Capt. Scott and Capt. Wilkinson. Auction ... Two pieces of ground ... in the district of Tulloh Ayer Rajah, planted with a great number of spice and valuable fruit trees ... situated on the east side of the Burman Road ... Apply to Mr N. Bacon. By Order of the Executors ... Public Auction ... That commodious and airy house ... and extensive premises known by the name of Northam House ... at present in the occupation of Mr Church. ... General Orders J.R. Cuppage, Act. Secy. to Govt. Shipping The H.C. ship Windsor, Capt. Thomas Haviside, from Madras ... Passengers:- Mr & Mrs Kerr. |
J. Peterson begs leave most respectfully to announce to the public that he has reduced the charge of fresh beef supplied by him ... Shipping Arrivals – Passengers Per Hugh Crawford:- Mrs Langdon, Mrs Thornton and two servants. Per Guardian:- Mr Steward. Auction ... The effects of the late Capt. H. Davidson 30th Regt. B.N.I. consisting of Bureau, trunks, wearing apparel, plate etc. ... Shipping Arrivals – Passengers Per Malabar:- Capt. Jackson and Mr Bengs. Per Hibernia:- Mr Goldingham, Madras Civil Service for Madras. Per Johangheer:- Capt. Bunbury and Mr Colquhoun for Calcutta. Per Elizabeth:- W. Tonestone, Capt. Hull, B.N.I. and Captains Grant and Holl, C.S., for Calcutta. Per Hugh Crawford:- Mrs Thornton and two children and Mrs Langdon, for England. Per Charles Forbes:- Capt. Girdleston and Dr. Trigge for Bombay. Per Windsor:- Mrs Higgins, Lt.-Col. Higgins, Lt. Thompson 25th Regt. B.N.I., D. Brown and W. Henderson, Asst. Surgeon. Notice In compliance with the subjoined requisition I do hereby convene a meeting of the European and native inhabitants of this Presidency at the Court House in George Town ... Fred. Halliburton, Sheriff. Sir, We the undersigned request you will be pleased to call a meeting of the European and native inhabitants f the Island to afford the community an opportunity of considering the most appropriate mode of satisfying their respect and admiration of the character and memory of the late David Brown Esq. We have the honour to be, Sir, Your most obedient Servants:- J.F. Carnegy, P.O. Carnegy, H. Macfarquhar, F. Ferrao, W.Balhetchet, H. Burney, W. Hall, C. Galastan, W. Anderson, N. McKertich, N. Bacon, W.B. Kerr, T. Beighton. |
By virtue of a Precept to me directed, I hereby proclaim and give notice that a Session of Oyer and Terminer and Goal Delivery ... will be holden at the Court House ... Fred. Halliburton, Sheriff. Death D. Brown It becomes our melancholy duty to communicate to our friends and the public, the death of an old and much respected inhabitant of his Island. Letters were received in town on Thursday evening, by the ship City of Edinburgh, which brought the distressing intelligence of the death of D. Brown Esq., on the 12th instant, aged 49 years, on board the H.C. ship Windsor, Capt Haviside, within a day’s sail of Malacca. The late Mr B. had been a resident on this Island for the long period of 25 years and for the greater part of this time he has ever been a most active, zealous and useful member of this community. On all occasions he was most ready to devote his time, fortune and talents to any measures that could in any way tend to promote the public good. His name is in fact connected with every Public Institution on the Island. His loss therefore both in a public and private sense will be long and severely felt – for it has fallen to the lot of few men to have had it in their power to be so generally useful. He has long carried on Mercantile concerns and at the same time conducted with the most unwearied and often under very discouraging circumstances, most extensive operations in cultivation on this Island, which has been the means of giving support and employment to numerous and various classes of individuals. As a man his sterling worth will long, we are convinced, be duly valued by the community large, as well as by his relations and numerous friends who now deeply deplore this event. His unbounded and ever ready hospitality had made his worth and character known to hundreds of the European inhabitants of the other Presidencies. Shipping News Yesterday evening arrived the H.C. ship Royal George, Capt. Timmins, from Calcutta, 31st ultimo. Passengers:- Mrs Lawson and Miss Imlack, Col. J.M. Johnson, B.E., J. Trotter, J.M. Templer, B.C.S., Lt. E. Blundell and Lt. E. Long, B.E. ... Passengers per Alexander:- W. Cotes, Mr & Mrs Neaz. This morning arrived the H.C. ship Scaleby Castel, Capt. D.K. Newall, from Bengal, the 12th instant. Passengers:- H. Moore, C.S., J.J. Hoggs, and Lt. Edward H.M. 31st Regt. |
A. McIntyre begs to inform his friends and the public that he will relinquish the Auction and Commissioner Business on the 10th instant in favour of Mr George Ricketts Mayers and Mr John Edmund McIntyre and takes this occasion to return his grateful thanks for the liberal support he has experienced from his friends ... For Sale At Mr Ferrao’s godowns, Spermaciti candles ... David Brown, deceased At a numerous and highly respectable meeting of the European and native inhabitants ... it was moved and unanimously resolved ... that vith a view to honour and perpetuate the recollection of such worth and usefulness ... a Cenotaph with a Tablet bearing a Bust of the deceased and a copy of these resolutions in the Malayan and English languages be erected to the memory of the late David Brown, upon such part of the deceased’s estate as may be deemed most proper for that purpose. ... Deaths J.R. Cuppage On Wednesday the 12th instant, J.R. Cuppage, of the Civil Service of this Presidency, aged 22 years, son of Major General Cuppage of the Royal Artillery. Gifted by nature with abilities of the highest order and educated in principles which suited him to adorn any station, the loss which has been thus occasioned must be peculiarly felt as a public one. The situations which he filled as Acting Secy. to Govt. also that of High Sheriff bespeak the ample confidence reposed in him by the Government under which he served. By his attached family in England his early fate will be acutely felt; but more immediately on the spot is it to be deplored, where the manly mind and the generous warmth of his disposition had secured to him many friends and where he has left behind him one in whom all his affections were centered; her grief on such a lamentable occurrence admits of no consolation beyond that which religion affords and which the knowledge of his general and well deserved estimation can supply. Lt. J.T. Lowe On Thursday the 13th instant, Lt. J.T. Lowe, 65th Regt. N.I. Petronella Rodyk Yesterday morning the 14th instant, aged 14 years 3 months and 2 days, after a long and painful illness, which she bore with truly Christian fortitude and resignation, Miss Petronella Rodyk, the third daughter of John Rodyk Esq., rendering her premature demise the cause of sincere affliction to her inconsolable relations. Trained up in the paths of virtue and piety and conscious of her approaching dissolution she was prepared to meet the awful crisis like a Christian and to converse with her relatives in a manner which assured them she was inspired with the most confident hope of happiness in a future state. |
Oyer and Terminer and General Gaol Delivery
The third Sessions ... at the Court House ... After the Grand Jury, consisting of:- Wm. Balhetchet – Foreman, Robert Scott, C.W.H. Wright, E. Presgrave, Edward Tanner, William Hall, Thomas Church, John Meine, J. Patello, Wm. Anderson, J.F. Carnegy, J. Rodyk, George Scott, W.B. Kerr, Thomas Bacon, has been duly sworn in ... The late David Brown On Saturday last ... meeting of the European and native inhabitants ... The High Sheriff, Frederick Halliburton was unanimously elected to the Chair ... Gentlemen, I feel obliged to you for the honour you have conferred upon me ... We are assembled ... for the purpose of considering the most appropriate most of testifying our respect and admiration of the character and memory of the late David Brown . ... I am perhaps one of the oldest friends of Mr Brown present. I had known him intimately since the year 1811 and I will now, with your permission, endeavour to point out what parts of my deceased friend’s character deserves the admiration and lasting gratitude of the inhabitants of this Island. ... Shipping Arrivals – Passengers Per David Malcolm:- Lt.-Col. Woolf, Capt. Low and Lt. Sherman. Per Mary Anderson:- Mr Hailman. Per Spring:- Mr Thomas. Auctions ... That piece of ground delightfully situated on the east side of Pinang (sic) St., belonging to the estate of the late Capt. Mathew Shepperdson, ... ... Those valuable premises situated on the north side of Bishiop St., known by the name of the Waterloo Hotel. ... Shipping Arrivals – Passengers Per Lalla Rookh:- W. Henderson Per Siren:- John Miles, John Addams and Henry Cruttenden Per Margaretta:- Mr Mackey, Country Service. Notice Is hereby given that the period fixed in the notification ... for the receipt of Rupees ... W.E. Fullerton, Deputy Secy. to Govt. Sale - ... the sale of the valuable furniture, horses, carriages etc., belonging to the late J.R. Cuppage ... Birth On Wednesday the 26th instant, the lady of Lt. J. Hay 25th Regt. B.N.I., of a daughter. |
On Tuesday the 1st instant, Mrs Beyts, of a son. On Monday the 7th instant, the lady of Lt. W.J. MacVitie, Artillery Regt., of a son. Deaths On Sunday morning last [30th Oct. 1825] Mr Conductor Symons, of the Ordnance Dept. Same day Mrs Wyatt, wife of Capt. Wyatt, of the Country Service. Shipping Arrivals – Passengers Per Byramgore:- Thos. Barnes |
M. Griffin
Respectfully informs the public that he has commenced the business of Undertaker and will furnish all the requisites for funerals with the best quality and on reasonable terms. Shipping Arrivals – Passengers Per John Adam:- Mrs Wilkinson and three children, Col. Penny, Lt. Donally and E. Wilkinson. Birth On the 7th instant, at Clove Hall, the lady of Narcis McKertich (of the firm of Messrs. Balhetchet & Co.) of a son and heir. |
Burma News
... We have received, by the kind attentions of a friend, a copy of the Proclamation issued by A.D. Maingy, the Commissioner appointed by this Government to conduct the details of the Civil Administration of Tavoy and Mergui ...
Inhabitants of Tavoy and Mergui:
The King of Ava, by his unprovoked aggressions and extravagant pretensions having forced the British Government to invade his Dominions one of its first acts was to take possessions of these Provinces. But it is against the King and his arrogant Ministers and not against the people of Ava, that the English nation is at war and in proof of this fact the Right Honourable the Governor General of British India has resolved upon affording to you, the inhabitants of these Provinces, the benefits of a Civil Government under the Superintendence and direction of the Honourable the Governor of Prince of Wales Island.
I hasten then to acquaint you that I am deputed from Prince of Wales Island with instructions to assume charge of these Provinces and to provide them with a Civil and Political Administration on the most liberal and equitable principles.
Inhabitants of Tavoy and Mergui – Rest assured that your wives and children shall be defended against all foreign and domestic enemies – that life and property shall enjoy every liberty and protection and that your religion shall be respected and your priests and religious edifices secured from every insult and injury. Proper measures shall be immediately adopted for administering justice to you according to your own established Laws as far as they do not militate against the principles of humanity and natural enquiry. In respect to Revenue and all other subjects, your own customs and local usages shall be taken into consideration, but the most free and unrestricted internal and external Commerce will be established and promoted.
All that is required from you is to aid me towards giving you peace, order and happiness, by each inhabitant returning to his usual occupation by your respecting and cheerfully obeying all such as may be placed in Authority over you and by your discountenancing and pointing out wherever necessary, the seditious and evil disposed and the enemies of the British Government.
Lastly, I wish it to be clearly understood that access at all hours and at all places will be afforded to me to any, even to the poorest inhabitants, who may desire to see me upon business.
Signed. A.D. Maingy.
Prome – Dispatches have been received from Brig.-General Sir A. Campbell, at Prome, dated 7th, 14th and 19th Sept. 1825, which contain the following intelligence:-
On the evening of the 6th Sept. a war boat with a flag of truce presented itself at the advance post of the British Army on the Irawuddy, (sic) having on board a deputation consisting of two Chiefs and twelve followers. Upon being conducted to Sir Archibald Campbell’s presence, they produced a letter from the Officer Commanding the Burmese Army, addressed to the Commander of the British Forces, acknowledging in polite terms the receipt of his previous letters; announcing that the King’s youngest brother had been fully empowered to treat; and inviting Sir Archibald Campbell to make known the terms which the British Government proposed to offer. The Deputies added that they were instructed to communicate verbally the desire of their Government for peace and to enlarge on the benefits which would accrue to both countries from the restoration of friendship, an object which they understood the English also to be anxious to accomplish. Suitable replies having been given, the Chiefs then asked whether Sir Archibald Campbell would in return for their having been sent to the British Camp, allow two of his Officers to visit the Burman Commander at Meaday, observing that such a compliment would be received as a gratifying mark of confidence and a pledge of a sincerity of his desire for peace. To this measure Sir Archibald Campbell readily assented and selected for the mission Lt.-Col. Tidy, the Deputy Adjutant General and (at the recommendation of Capt. Alexander, R.N.) Lt. Smith of H.M.’s ship Alligator, with Mr Sarkies Manook as interpreter. The following day a further conference took place ...
... We have received, by the kind attentions of a friend, a copy of the Proclamation issued by A.D. Maingy, the Commissioner appointed by this Government to conduct the details of the Civil Administration of Tavoy and Mergui ...
Inhabitants of Tavoy and Mergui:
The King of Ava, by his unprovoked aggressions and extravagant pretensions having forced the British Government to invade his Dominions one of its first acts was to take possessions of these Provinces. But it is against the King and his arrogant Ministers and not against the people of Ava, that the English nation is at war and in proof of this fact the Right Honourable the Governor General of British India has resolved upon affording to you, the inhabitants of these Provinces, the benefits of a Civil Government under the Superintendence and direction of the Honourable the Governor of Prince of Wales Island.
I hasten then to acquaint you that I am deputed from Prince of Wales Island with instructions to assume charge of these Provinces and to provide them with a Civil and Political Administration on the most liberal and equitable principles.
Inhabitants of Tavoy and Mergui – Rest assured that your wives and children shall be defended against all foreign and domestic enemies – that life and property shall enjoy every liberty and protection and that your religion shall be respected and your priests and religious edifices secured from every insult and injury. Proper measures shall be immediately adopted for administering justice to you according to your own established Laws as far as they do not militate against the principles of humanity and natural enquiry. In respect to Revenue and all other subjects, your own customs and local usages shall be taken into consideration, but the most free and unrestricted internal and external Commerce will be established and promoted.
All that is required from you is to aid me towards giving you peace, order and happiness, by each inhabitant returning to his usual occupation by your respecting and cheerfully obeying all such as may be placed in Authority over you and by your discountenancing and pointing out wherever necessary, the seditious and evil disposed and the enemies of the British Government.
Lastly, I wish it to be clearly understood that access at all hours and at all places will be afforded to me to any, even to the poorest inhabitants, who may desire to see me upon business.
Signed. A.D. Maingy.
Prome – Dispatches have been received from Brig.-General Sir A. Campbell, at Prome, dated 7th, 14th and 19th Sept. 1825, which contain the following intelligence:-
On the evening of the 6th Sept. a war boat with a flag of truce presented itself at the advance post of the British Army on the Irawuddy, (sic) having on board a deputation consisting of two Chiefs and twelve followers. Upon being conducted to Sir Archibald Campbell’s presence, they produced a letter from the Officer Commanding the Burmese Army, addressed to the Commander of the British Forces, acknowledging in polite terms the receipt of his previous letters; announcing that the King’s youngest brother had been fully empowered to treat; and inviting Sir Archibald Campbell to make known the terms which the British Government proposed to offer. The Deputies added that they were instructed to communicate verbally the desire of their Government for peace and to enlarge on the benefits which would accrue to both countries from the restoration of friendship, an object which they understood the English also to be anxious to accomplish. Suitable replies having been given, the Chiefs then asked whether Sir Archibald Campbell would in return for their having been sent to the British Camp, allow two of his Officers to visit the Burman Commander at Meaday, observing that such a compliment would be received as a gratifying mark of confidence and a pledge of a sincerity of his desire for peace. To this measure Sir Archibald Campbell readily assented and selected for the mission Lt.-Col. Tidy, the Deputy Adjutant General and (at the recommendation of Capt. Alexander, R.N.) Lt. Smith of H.M.’s ship Alligator, with Mr Sarkies Manook as interpreter. The following day a further conference took place ...
Govt. Advert.
Notice is hereby given that the collection of Duties on certain articles suspended under the Public Adverts. ... will recommence from 1st Jan. ... E. Presgrave, Act. Secy. to Govt. Shipping Arrivals – Passengers Per Eleanor:- B. Henderson, Asst. Surgeon. Mr Bond, C.S. Per Carnatic:- Capt. Bacon, B.E., Mr Warwick and Mr & Mrs Gaspar. Deaths On the 19th ultimo, at sea on board the ship Carnatic, on his passage to Pinang? Capt. H.B. Scarborough of the Country Service. On Tuesday the 13th instant, William Henderson, Asst. Surgeon on this Establishment. Shipping Arrivals – Passengers Per Edmonstone:- S. Shand and Mr McLeod. Per Maria:- W.S. Cracroft Per Stanmore:- Mr Waker Per Louisa:- Mr & Mrs Duncan. Per Dezempenho:- Messrs. L.S. de Carvalho, F. de Silva. Arrivals – Passengers Per Angelica:- Rev’d. Mr M.F.J. de Santa Anna and Capt. A. Pereira. |
A select assortment of fashionable jewellery and sundry other articles imported in the Carnatic from Calcutta ... for sale by A.C. Gasper at his residence in Beach St., opposite the Custom House. Birth On Saturday the 3rd instant, the lady of the Rev’d. R.S. Hutchings, A.B., of a son. For Sale A small quantity of new Patna table rice and four new Bengal built buggies just landed from the Carnatic. Enquire of Fred. Halliburton. Advert. Thomas Williamson, John Bartholomew De Wind and John Bartholomew Westerhout respectfully announce to their friends and the public that they have entered into Partnership, which commenced on the 1st instant, as Merchants and Agents at Malacca, under the firm of Williamson, De Wind & Co. in which capacity they tender their services at that Station. Auction ... all that piece or parcel of ground situate on the west side of Beach St. described in Grant no. ... the property of Mr Abel Mackrell , bounded on the north by the Esplanade and on the south by Mr Revely’s premises. ... Birth On Tuesday the 13th instant, the lady of John Anderson, C.S., of a son. |
Law Report
.... The Grand Jury consisting of:- William Balhetchet - Foreman, Robert Scott, Henry Scott, J. Rodyk, Senior, C.W.H. Wright, Edward Tanner, P.O. Carnegy, John Anderson, William Hall, W. Anderson, Francisco Ferrao, J.F. Carnegy, W.B. Kerr, T. Church and George Scott. ... Shipping Arrivals – Passengers Per Dhaulle:- R.D. Cullen Arrivals – Passengers Per Conde Rio Pardo:- A.G. Aranga, J.M. de Sequeira, C.P. de Souza, B.F. de Aburquerque and Jas. Gordon. Per Alexander:- Capt. and Mrs Hodgson, Mrs Agnernew. Capt. Bombgarten and children, Mr MacLean and Mr Rosewell. |
William Anderson will cease in our Establishment on the 31st instant and the firm of Balhetchet and Co. will be henceforth continued by Mr Wm. Balhetchet. ... Balhetchet & Co. W. Balhetchet, C. Galastaun, W. Anderson, N. McKertich. A. Bruneo Begs leave to announce to the public that he intends relinquishing the line of business hitherto carried on by him and avails himself of this opportunity in returning to the public in general his respectful and sincere thanks for the very great and liberal support afforded him during the period he kept the Navy Hotel. .... as his intended departure from this settlement will take place very shortly. |
Court of Judicature
An abstract of the account of the Accountant General of the Court of Judicature of money belonging to deceased persons
and suitors in the Treasury of the Hon’ble Company up to 1st Oct. 1825:-
An abstract of the account of the Accountant General of the Court of Judicature of money belonging to deceased persons
and suitors in the Treasury of the Hon’ble Company up to 1st Oct. 1825:-
Thomas Lloyd
C. Smith Thomas Kekewich A. Ramage J. Porter J. Dunbar J. Grey A. Anderson H.B. McAuley (Infant) A. Cornabie Mary Ann Brown (Infant) B. Loftie |
P.F. David
Ebenezer White John Ogilvie Syed Harrow D.J. Vandockum R. Williams Bowen Bisses Johanna, Mary Ann, Anna, and P. Jeremiah (Infants) Joseph Finley J. McCarthy Charlotte Revely (Infant) |
John Scott
Colin McNicol Daniel Crawford J. Carnegy Edward Brown Richard Ballard Captain Machell John Barrett F.L. Light John and Alban Dragon (Infants) Joseph Overyset Porter |
Daniel Smith (infant)
George Scott William Arrow D. Brown and R. Scott Thomas Halyburton Thomas Youde S.C. Cooke Joseph Hodson The Hon. J. Macalister H. Nail Sir F.S. Bailey |
Total Spanish Dollars 148,584 ... (ABL note; we will not inserting the individual amounts)
Catchatoor Galastaun begs to announce to the public in general that he has from this date recommenced business as Merchant and Agent at his premises in Beach St. Penang, 1st Feb. 1826. Shipping Arrivals – Passengers Per Confianca:- A.T.M. Bosto and M.L. de Silva. Per Malvina:- Lt. Borleaw, Rev’d. Dr. Tyeman and Mr Burnett. The Rev’d. Dr. Tyeman, one of the deputation from the Mission Society of London, just arrived in the Malvina, we understand, will preach in the Mission Chapel on Sunday evening next. |
Govt. Advert.
... The exclusive right of trading in tea ... A. True Copy, T. Church, At. Collector of Customs and Land Revenues. Shipping Arrivals – Passengers Per Sophia:- Mrs King and 2 children. Birth On the 11th instant, the lady of Capt. Edward Lake, Town Major, of a son. Shipping Arrivals – Passengers Per Resource:- Mr Cramme, Mr Ballardon and Mr Cutchick. |
Navy Hotel, Beach St.
C. Barton respectfully informs the inhabitants of Pinang that he purposes opening the above hotel on Monday next, the 6th instant and by assiduity and attention he hopes to gain the patronage of all those who may honour him with their favours.
Arrivals – Passengers
Per Catherine:- G. Lee
Per Mary Ann Sophia:- W. Lewis
Arrivals – Passengers
Per Flora:- J. Gottlieh, David Galastaun, W.A. McIntyre, Alex. A. de Mello Samuel D. White, and four apprentice boys.
Arrivals – Passengers
Per Abgarris:- Capt. and Mrs Martin, W. Sinclair, H. Roche
Per Guardian:- C. Scott.
Navy Hotel, Beach St.
C. Barton respectfully informs the inhabitants of Pinang that he purposes opening the above hotel on Monday next, the 6th instant and by assiduity and attention he hopes to gain the patronage of all those who may honour him with their favours.
Arrivals – Passengers
Per Catherine:- G. Lee
Per Mary Ann Sophia:- W. Lewis
Arrivals – Passengers
Per Flora:- J. Gottlieh, David Galastaun, W.A. McIntyre, Alex. A. de Mello Samuel D. White, and four apprentice boys.
Arrivals – Passengers
Per Abgarris:- Capt. and Mrs Martin, W. Sinclair, H. Roche
Per Guardian:- C. Scott.
All those who have not yet sent in the claims they may have against the Estate of J.W. Toosey and that of W.M. Williams, deceased, are hereby requested to do so to the registrar of the Court of Judicature ... Shipping Arrivals – Passengers Per Caledonia:- W.B. Brown Per Mediterranean:- F.P. Fulcher, Mrs Greig and family and Mr Graham. Arrivals – Passengers Per Jamesina:- J. Templeton, J.S. Salano, Capt. and Mrs Grant and Capt. Howard. Per Malvina:- Capt. Bunbury. |
On board the ship Mediterranean, on the voyage from Batavia, Mr William Stuart, Chief Officer of that vessel. Shipping Yesterday evening came to an anchor the H.C. chartered ship Java, Capt. T. Driver, from the Sand Heads, the 25th ultimo. Passengers:- Capt and Mrs Mackenzie, S. Garling, C.S., Capt. Maxwell, H.M.S. and Dr. Innes. Notice Probate of the last Will and Testament of David Brown, late of P.W. Island, Merchant and Agent, deceased, has been granted ... to George Wilson Brown, one of the Executors named in the said Will. |
Civil Appointments
P.O. Carnegy to be Deputy Accountant and Auditor Capt. M. A. Bunbury to be Storekeeper and Commissary of Supplies. Judicial P.O. Carnegy to be Accountant General to the Court of Judicature. Shipping Arrivals – Passengers Per Curlew:- W. Booth Death On Saturday morning the 6th instant, the lady of Lt. C. Fowle 65th Regt. B.N.I. Shipping Arrivals – Passengers Per Eleanor:- Capt. Fernie, Lt. Tierney, J. Richie, S.R. Crawford. Per Bombay:- J.A. Stevenson, Capt. Beatson. |
Arrivals – Passengers Per Haman Shaw:- Major Chambers, Major Statelaw, Capt. Bolton, Lt. Samson, Lt, Bottler, Lt. Bedenfield, Lt. Neycent, Lt. Sayor, Lt. Ellis, Lt. Smith, Ensign Boyce, Ensign Smith, Dr. Tenmour, Mrs Davidson and child. Law Report ... The following gentlemen of the Grand Jury were sworn in:- William Balhetchet, Robert Scott, William Hall, James Fairlie Carnegy, Edward Hartman, John Rodyk, Senior, William Boyd Kerr, Francis Hutton, Patrick Ogilvie Carnegy, Henry Scott, Edward Tanner, Catchatoor Galastaun, Narcis Mackertich, George Wilson Brown. Marriage On Saturday last the 29th April, by the Rev’d. R.S. Hutchings, Thomas Church of the Hon’ble Company’s Civil Service to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of R. Scott. |
Arrivals – Passengers Per Carnatic:- Mr Stewart Per Nimrod:- Mr Turner Arrivals – Passengers Per Sir Godfrey Webster:- John Renoldson from Singapore 7th June and Malacca 9th June. Per Nimrod:- Mr J. Wesgate (omitted in our last.) Arrivals – Passengers Per Eleanor:- J.B. Crawfurd |
Notice is hereby given that James Graham having opened on the 1st instant an extensive room in Beach St. adjoining the premises occupied by William Hall, for the reception of merchandise only to be sold at auction ... The business will be carried on under the designation of Graham & Co. Death On Monday morning the 19th instant, Mr John Edmund McIntyre, deeply and deservedly regretted. Notice. Penang, 24th June. In consequence of the demise of J.E. McIntyre of the firm McIntyre & Co. the business of that concern will cease from this date until further notice. |
Advert. The public is hereby informed that the interest of the late David Brown in our establishment ceased on the 31st of December last, the business will continue to be conducted under the same firm until further notice. Brown & Co. Births On Wednesday the 28th ultimo, the lady of A.J. Kerr, of a daughter. Reward of 200 Sp. Drs. Whereas on the evening of Sunday last between the hours of 7 and 9 a quantity of silver plate was stolen from the residence of P.O. Carnegy, bearing the initials P.O.C., any person giving information leading to the discovery of the same ... Notice The undersigned begs leave to announce to his friends and the public that in consequence of the demise of his late partner Mr John Edmund McIntyre, the firm McIntyre & Co. ceases from this date. All claims against the said firm will be adjusted ... Geo. Ricketts Mayers. G.R. Mayers Begs to announce that he has engaged the godowns lately occupied by Mahboo & Co. for the purposes of disposing of his Stock in Trade, which is offered at reduced prices. ... Shipping Arrivals – Passengers Per Cauder Bux:- F. Beasley Per Melikel Bahar:- Mrs Duncan, Capt. Duncan, Asst. Surgeon Smith, Lt. Mills, Mr Napier and Mr Grigg. Per John Munro:- Mrs Greene, Messrs. Birch, Quiros, Lovell and Capt. Gillet. Auction At the Hon’ble Company’s Warehouse .... 32 elephant’s teeth, weighing 437 lbs. ... T. Church, Acting Warehouse Keeper. |
It is with feeling of the deepest regret that we announce the death of the Hon’ble William Armstrong Clubley, Senior Member of the Council at this Presidency, after a short illness of eight days. This mournful event took place at his house at Ayer Etam, early on Thursday morning last. He was interred with every public honour due to his rank and station and his remains were followed to the grave by his friends and a numerous assemblage of the community, who were anxious to pay their melancholy tribute of respect to his memory. Mr C. had been 21 years in the service of the Hon’ble. Company. He was early appointed to the important situation of Secretary to Government and for many years discharged his duties with that seal and ability which was highly honourable to himself and most satisfactory to the Government. In 1819 he was provisionally called into Council and in 1822 took his Seat there permanently; where his long experience and intimate knowledge of the several departments and every relation of this Presidency with the surrounding countries qualified him to be eminently useful. At the close of last year he was left in charge of the Government during the present Governor’s absence. Mr C’s character as a private individual and member of society is better attested by the ready attachment of his friends and the respect of the community than by any testimony which we could give or by any particularization of the virtues and good qualities which will make his loss deeply and extensively felt and regretted. Lt. J.W. Colquhoun At Malacca on the 4th instant, Lt. J.W. Colquhoun, of the 32nd Bengal Native Infantry; son of Colonel and Nephew of the late Sir James Colquhoun, Bart. of Luss N.B. Shipping Arrivals – Passengers Per Sir Francis Macnaghten:- Capt. Humfray, H. Moore. Shipping News .. Passengers:- Mr and Mrs Zuniga and family, James Calder, W. Harry, X. Barcaixtegui, James Scott, Lt. A. Barclay 67th Regt. N.I. |
No intelligence having been received of the brig Sarah, which left Calcutta in November last the follwing list of letters directed by her for this place and of letters directed per the bark Mary Ann Sophia and the ship Broxbornbury, but transferred to the Sarah in consequence of the former not being bound to Pinang and the latter having sailed before the Packets reached Kedgeree, is published for general information:
No intelligence having been received of the brig Sarah, which left Calcutta in November last the follwing list of letters directed by her for this place and of letters directed per the bark Mary Ann Sophia and the ship Broxbornbury, but transferred to the Sarah in consequence of the former not being bound to Pinang and the latter having sailed before the Packets reached Kedgeree, is published for general information:
From whom or from What Place
Mackintosh & Co. Rev’d. G. Mundy Capt. Main Decca Allahabad Hurkarn Gazette Hurkarn Gazette Govt. Gazette Cawnpore Indian Gazette Office Colvin & Co. Chief Secy. To Govt. Rangoon Gunter & Hooper Bagshaw & Co. Turner & Co. T.C. Watson T.C. Watson Mr Hamilton Europe Letter Mr Fox Mrs Gregory G. Swinton Barrackpore H. Winder Mr Montgomery Bagshaw & Co. Patna Alexander & Co. Mr Gardner Rangoon Mr Gardner Ferguson & Co. Europe Letter Rev’d. Marshman C. Glass Inland letter Europe Letter Europe Letter Mr Hamilton Mr Park Mr Trotter Inland Letters Miss Thornton Mrs Graham Mr Hare Mr Mackenzie Mr Clark |
J. Cuppage Rev’d. S. Kidd Capt. J. Main Capt. R. Wilson Lt. E. Salisbury J. Carnegy Capt. Davis Lt. C. Fowle Mrs Porter Lt. R.W. Wilson (Parcel) Mrs H. Burney J. Carter Capt. Lake Lt. R. Boyd G.W. Brown R. Scott J. Cross T. Harris W. Balhetchet D. Ramsay N.M. McIntyre Lt. Lowe Mrs Murray Mrs Pekeragill W.G. Mackenzie J. Rodyk Mrs D. Frayter Mrs R. Taylor J. Bennet W. Hall W. Henderson T.G. Mitchell Mrs J. Pearson Mr Whitaker R. Snadden Ensign L. Kerr C. Yates D. Ramsay J.W. Toosey Lt. W.J. Macvitie J. Goorave Rev’d. H. Hutchings A. Lax J. Rodyk Lt. Taylor R. Caunter Mr Simmons J. Simmons |
Burma News
We have had a letter from Rangoon which states that the natives had quitted and were quitting the place in great numbers for Mergui, Tavoy and Martaban. The Raywoon, who is there ready to assume his authority the moment the British Flag is hauled down, wanted Mr Crawford to prevent them from quitting the country which of course he declined to do. At Prome, no sooner was the protection of the British Flag with drawn, than a fine of fifty rupees upon every male and of one hundred upon every female, was levied on all who had remained during our occupation or had any communication with us, It will be well if punishment proceed no further than pecuniary fines; although inability to pay these, we fear, may subject the unfortunate persons implicated to
something worse. It is remarkable that the women should be fined double to the men!
News from Rangoon
Letters from Rangoon by the Dunvegan Castle, mention the second instalment of 25 lacs under the treaty of Pegam-mew as being nearly ready to deliver to Sir Archibald Campbell. On the payment of this instalment our troops are to be finally withdrawn from Burmese territory; but our letters mention that the Ava authorities, who are to succeed us at Rangoon, are apprehensive that without our assistance they may not be able to keep the Peguers in due subjection to the Golden Feet.
Among the consequences to which the late war may probably give rise, the rebellion of Pegue against its old masters, has been often alluded to: and it will not excite much surprise if after witnessing the degradation to which we have subjected the Burmese and the crippled state to which we have reduced their resources, the inhabitants of Pegu should be tempted to try the experiment of throwing off their yoke. How far, after the promises of protection, if not of something more which we have given to the Peguers since our troops landed at Rangoon, the Government may find itself able to comply with the wishes of the Burmese authorities – if such wishes have really been expressed – we cannot pretend to day. Should there be no obstacle from this cause in the way, we should apprehend that no great objections would be made to a part of our force being allowed to remain at Rangoon, until the Burmah authority is again re-established.
We have had a letter from Rangoon which states that the natives had quitted and were quitting the place in great numbers for Mergui, Tavoy and Martaban. The Raywoon, who is there ready to assume his authority the moment the British Flag is hauled down, wanted Mr Crawford to prevent them from quitting the country which of course he declined to do. At Prome, no sooner was the protection of the British Flag with drawn, than a fine of fifty rupees upon every male and of one hundred upon every female, was levied on all who had remained during our occupation or had any communication with us, It will be well if punishment proceed no further than pecuniary fines; although inability to pay these, we fear, may subject the unfortunate persons implicated to
something worse. It is remarkable that the women should be fined double to the men!
News from Rangoon
Letters from Rangoon by the Dunvegan Castle, mention the second instalment of 25 lacs under the treaty of Pegam-mew as being nearly ready to deliver to Sir Archibald Campbell. On the payment of this instalment our troops are to be finally withdrawn from Burmese territory; but our letters mention that the Ava authorities, who are to succeed us at Rangoon, are apprehensive that without our assistance they may not be able to keep the Peguers in due subjection to the Golden Feet.
Among the consequences to which the late war may probably give rise, the rebellion of Pegue against its old masters, has been often alluded to: and it will not excite much surprise if after witnessing the degradation to which we have subjected the Burmese and the crippled state to which we have reduced their resources, the inhabitants of Pegu should be tempted to try the experiment of throwing off their yoke. How far, after the promises of protection, if not of something more which we have given to the Peguers since our troops landed at Rangoon, the Government may find itself able to comply with the wishes of the Burmese authorities – if such wishes have really been expressed – we cannot pretend to day. Should there be no obstacle from this cause in the way, we should apprehend that no great objections would be made to a part of our force being allowed to remain at Rangoon, until the Burmah authority is again re-established.
William Boyd Kerr and Edward Tanner beg to announce that they have from this date entered into partnership as Merchants and General Agents and will conduct business under the firm of Kerr & Tanner. Shipping Arrivals – Passengers Per Marquis Camden:- Sir John T. Claridge, Recorder, Lady Claridge, Mrs Ibbetson, Miss Ibbetson, Mrs Wight, H. Nairne and F.C. Salmon. Mr Knips, Cadet of Bombay, Mrs Ogilvie, Mrs Charlotte Ruttenbury and Mr J. Bearner? Per Joanna:- D. Stewart, Monsr. A. Gwene? Civil Appointments S. Garling, Provisional Resident Councillor at Malacca. E. Presgrave, Deputy Resident at Singapore. T. Church, Acting Collector of Customs and Excise and Acting Warehouse Keeper. S.G. Bonham, Asst. Resident at Singapore F.C. Salmond, Asst. to the Accountant and Auditor H. Nairne, Asst. to the Secy. to Govt. Shipping Arrivals – Passengers Per Castle Huntly:- Capt. Clubley Madras Cavalry and R. Craggs. Per Lovely Sophia:- F. Thompson Anderson. Auction ... At the residence of the late Hon’ble W.A. Clubley ... Elegant Plate, Plated ware, glass ware, furniture, valuable books etc. |
Arrivals – Passengers Per Berwickshire:- Mrs Pearson, Mrs W. Palmer and child, Mrs S. Palmer and child, Miss Parry and Miss Law, W.P. Palmer, S. Palmer, Lt. J.B. Layard H.M.’s. 14th Regt. , Lt. H.T. Wheler 45th B.N.I. and Capt. Mac? Country service. J.R. Cuppage, deceased Letters of Administration to the Estate and effects of the late John Robert Cuppage, C.S., having been granted ... to A.J. Kerr, Registrar, All persons interested are hereby appraised thereof. J.T. Lowe, deceased Letters of Administration to the Estate and effects of J.T. Lowe, late a Lieutenant in the Military Service of the Hon. Company on their Bengal Establishment, having been granted ... to A.J. Kerr, Registrar, All persons interested are hereby appraised thereof. Shipping Arrivals – Passengers Per Lord Lowther:- Major James Elder, Bombay Infantry, Capt. James, Drysdale Bengal Infantry, Ensign Westly, Queen’s Royal and J. Johnston, Free Mariner. Per Marquid of Huntly:- Capt. Gamage and Mr Douglas. W. Kauffman Respectfully informs the public that he has commenced the business of a Coach maker and Saddler in the premises of the Waterloo Hotel, where all orders in the above lines will be thankfully received and duly executed. |
On Wednesday the 30th ultimo, the lady of Lt.-Col. Commandant Boyd, of a son. Shipping Arrivals – Passengers Per Rainbow:- W. Scott Per Robert Spankie:- G. Vandockum. Per Macqueen:- Mrs Bathgate, Miss Imlach, Miss S. Imlach, Messrs. Bathgate, Macleod and Imlach. Arrivals – Passengers Per Earl Balcarras:- Mrs Bryce and child, Mrs Hessing, Mrs Roberts, Col. McInnis, Lt. Urmston, Rev’d. Dr. Bryce ad Mr Hessing. Per Ganges:- Mrs Salmond, J. Salmond, J. Patullo, Capt. Taylor, Ensign Chartnes? Dr. Stenhouse, Capt. Cook, Mr Bean and Mrs Bean? Arrivals – Passengers Per Leith:- Capt. Glass. Per Guardian:- Capt. Burney and Suite. Per Laju:- Capt. Shipton. Per Catherina:- R. Burnett and family. Arrivals – Passengers Per Ulyssis:- Mr Harcourt and Mr Mitchell. Arrivals – Passengers Per Belle Alliance:- H. Young, E. Dariot and H. Oorloss. Per Alert:- Mr Boyd Holland Per Gilmore:- Mrs Laws and two children, Miss Kyd, Capt. Ralfe, Lt. Tinton, Lt. Reid, Asst. Surgeon Llewellyn. |
Sale - The house and premises, pleasantly situated in Northam Rd., at present occupied by the proprietor Mr William Hall, to whom apply for particulars.
To Be let The dwelling house on Mount Olivia and also to be let or sold Mount Albina. Civil Appointments R. Ibbetson Civil and Marine Warehouse Keeper. John Anderson, Secy. to Govt. T. Church, Accountant and Auditor. J. Patullo, Acting Deputy Resident at Malacca. P.O. Carnegy, Acting Collector of Customs and Excise. Military Appointment Capt. M.A. Bunbury, Paymaster in the Military Dept. Marriage At St. George’s Church on Thursday morning, by the Rev’d. R.S. Hutchings, Patrick Ogilvie Carnegy of the Civil Service on this Establishment to Susan, second daughter of Lt.-Col. Imlach, Military Auditor General, Bengal. Adverts. J. Revely begs to inform his friends and the public in general that he has this day admitted George Porter a Partner in his business which will henceforth be conducted under the firm of Revely & Co. ... The undersigned beg to announce that they have this entered into partnership as Auctioneers, Commission Brokers and General Agents ... John Revely and George Porter. |
Notice is hereby given to all .... that the adjourned Session of Oyer and Terminer and General Gaol Delivery ... be holden at the Court House ... on Tuesday the tenth instant. H. Scott, Sheriff. Shipping Arrivals – Passengers Per Sir David Scott:- Mrs Christie, Miss Christie, A. Campbell, H. Christie, E.A. Read, P.B. Downes, F.T. Ferguson, Thos. Lawrence and Phillis Delaree. Per Malvina:- Mr Harry, W.C. Crane and Capt. Moray. Per Thames:- Mrs Deans, Mrs Satoor, John Deans and Mr Satoor. Per Royal Charlotte:- Sir Ralph Rice, W. Napier and Capt. Maxwell. Death On Wednesday the 27th September, Capt. John James Gamage of the Madras Horse Artillery Brigade, aged 34 years. Notice On Thursday last the 28th ultimo, Henry Scott was sworn in as High Sheriff of P.W. Island and its dependencies. |
At Malacca on the 13th ultimo, the lady of Major W.G. Mackenzie, of a son and heir. Sale Mount Patrick for Sale. The property of Colonel Boyd for 3,000 Dollars ... Shipping Arrivals – Passengers Per Ephemina:- Mrs Smith, Mrs Palmer, Miss Palmer and one child, Rev’d. Smith, Mr Harper, Capt. Harvey, Capt. Wiggins 36th Regt. M.N.I., Lt. Hodge, Mr Le Maine? Per Louisa:- Mrs Mackey and three children. Arrivals – Passengers Per Robert Spankie:- Col. Snow. Per Bonavista:- James Bugler. Per Ganges:- Mrs Mackenzie, Mrs Cracklow, Mrs Lloyd, Mrs Roberts, Mrs Moulton, Major Mackenzie, Capt. Cracklow, Capt. Furnie?. Lt. Lloyd, Mr Beauchamp, Mr Howard, Mr Mitchell, Dr. Stenhouse, Mr Rose, Mary Barrell, servant to Mrs Mackenzie. |
For Sale or Rent
That beautiful and very desirable residence and plantation at Ayer Etam the property of the late W.A. Clubley, deservedly considered one of the prettiest spots and most compact estates in the Island. The house has been lately painted and put in thorough repair. The plantation consists of about 2500 Nutmeg and Clove trees besides a great number of choice fruit trees. ... Shipping Arrivals – Passengers Per Lady Melville:- Mrs MacPherson and child, Mrs Birney? Mr Asst. Surgeon MacPherson and Lt. Barrow Madras Establishment. Arrivals – Passengers Per Dunira:- Mrs Lushington, C. Lushington, Chief Secy. to the Supreme Govt., G. Hamilton, Chivalier Rienze. Per William:- Mrs W. Palmer, Mrs S. Palmer, Miss Law, W. Palmer, S. Palmer. B.C.S., J.W. Baxton. Per Francis Warden:- Mrs Webster, Ensign Knipe. Per Edmonstone:- Mrs Crawfurd, Mrs Pearson, Miss Parry, Miss Graham, Miss E. Graham, Miss Crawfurd (child) Mr Tanish. Arrivals – Passengers Per Argyle:- W.H. Sutherland. Per Gajah:- M. Boudwill? Per Bengal Merchant:- Mr Counter. Arrivals – Passengers Per Providence:- Mrs Ogilvie, Mrs Watson, Capt. Warwick, Mr Watson and Mr Drayner. Per Satellite:- Mrs Turner, Mrs Snoball and three children, Mrs Rives, Mrs L. Rives, Mrs Martin, Miss Blankenburg, Mr Turner. Per Nearchus:- Mrs Bartholemey, The Hon. J. Prince, Capt. Robb, R. Winter and 2 children? Master Lewis and Master Salmond. |
We are requested to give insertion to the following list of subscribers to the erection of a Cenotaph to the memory of the late D. Brown:-
W.A. Clubley R. Ibbetson R. Caunter John Anderson R. Scott Dr. Ramsay Capt. James Low Mr Snadden Mr Mein Capt. Burney Mr Maingy Mr Cracroft Mr Blundell F. Haliburton J.F. Carnegy W. Anderson W. Balhetchet C. Galastaun N. McKertich A. McIntyre P.O. Carnegy N. Bacon C.W.H. Wright Lt. D.. J. Revely F. Ferrao Capt. J. Sherrin W. Hall W.B. Kerr H. Scott G. Scott Capt. H. MacFarquhar Total Sp. Drs. 1212. |
Arrivals – Passengers Per Merops:- Lt. Wiggins and Lt. Codrington. Death Henry Clarges? Barrow At Kelso on the 20th ultimo, Ensign Henry Clarges Barrow of the 28th Regt. M.N.I. aged 19. Local News The new Gun Boat built at Tavoy beings accounts of the arrival of the brig Guardian at that port ... The Provinces continued healthy but a scarcity of provisions is complained of. Shipping Arrivals – Passengers Per Anna:- M. Thomas and M. George Per Louisa:- Mrs Duncan, Mrs Read, Capt. Duncan and Mr Read. Per Flora:- Capt. Thomas and Mr Razet. Per Lalla Rookh:- Mr Freese. Advert. Public notice is hereby given that all Executors, Administrators and other persons in any ways interested or concerned in the several sums of money now laying in the H.C. Treasury of this Presidency ... ... Rich. Allan, Acting Registrar. Notice The undersigned begs to notify that Mr Peregrine Butler Downes will be admitted a Partner in this Establishment on the 1st proximo, from which date the business will be carried on under the firm of Hall, Downes and Co. Wm. Hall. Advert. Messrs. Revely & Co. will dispose of by public auction ... the well known valuable and airy residence of the Rev’d. R.S. Hutchings, A.M., delightfully situated on the North Beach next to Northam House ... |
By Order of the Superintending Engineer ... The whole of the building materials consisting of bricks, brick jelly, venetians, beams, tiles ... laying on the premises lately occupied by Mr A. Brunoe and well known as the Navy Hotel. ... P.W. Island Free School A General Meeting of the community was held at the school house ... Monthly subscribers to the P.W. Island Boarding School to commence 1st Jan. 1826:- Robt. Ibbetson, Sir John Thomas Claridge, Lady Claridge, Thos. Church, Rev’d. R.S. Hutchings, W. Caunter, N.M. McIntyre, Richard Allan, John Read, F.G. Mitchell, Senior, J.A. Palmer, R. Caunter, E.B. Leicester, F.G. Mitchell, Junior, R. Burnett, J. Anderson, Henry Sinclair, C. Harcourt. Donations to the Institution:- Sir John Thomas Claridge, Lady Claridge, J. Anderson, T. Church. Advert. Notice is hereby given that the under mentioned nine householders have been appointed Members of the Committee of Assessors for the ensuing year:- Robert Ibbetson – Chairman John Anderson P.O. Carnegy Capt. E. Lake Richard Caunter Robert Scott George Brown W.B. Kerr C. Galastaun Edward Tanner – appointed Assessor to the said Committee A. Rodyk, Clerk to the Committee. Shipping Arrivals – Passengers Per Cambridge :- Mrs Brown, Mrs Thomson, Mrs Keynser? Miss Torrain, Major [F.] Browne, Lt. [N.] Geoghegan, Lt. Morris, Lt. [Chas. O.] Backhouse, Lt. [Wm.] Biddle, Lt. [Chas. A.] Crosby, Dr. [T.W.] Ward, Ensign [Chas. W.] Warren, Mr Briggs and Mr Theyner. Per Caledonia:- P.B. Downes. Per Dezempenho:- Mr Manuel Luis de Silva. Per Santa Antonio:- J.F. de Oliveiro, J.F. Franco, P.A.S. Beilo. |
The Hon. The Court Of Directors
Directors The Chairman Deputy Chairman Directors Secy. to Deputy Secy. The Govt. of India The Governor General The Governor of Madras ... ... Signed: Edw. Lake, Town Major and Post Master. By Order of the Hon. the Governor in Council. John Anderson, Secy. to Govt. Law Report The last Sessions of Oyer and Terminer for the year past was opened at the Court House on Wednesday the 20th by the Hon. the Governor, J. Prince and the Hon. Robert Ibbetson assisted by Sir John Thomas Claridge ... The Grand Jury was composed of:- Wm. Balhetchet, Foreman Robert Scott Fredk. Halliburton Thomas Church C. Gallastaun N. McKertich James Graham Gro. W. Brown P.O. Carnegy E. Tanner W.B. Kerr W. Hall John Rodyk J. Paddy Geo. Scott Shipping Arrivals - Passengers Per Sophia:- Mr Lecy Per Mary Ann:- Mr Clarke Per Arjuna:- Miss Snaden, W Anderson, J.P. Murat and Mr Moses. Notice Whereas their being reason to believe that much of the theft and robbery complained of at this Settlement has its origin in the unprincipled and abandoned character of some of the persons employed on the island as private servants ... All persons engaging will be at liberty to refer to the Register for the discovery of the character of the persons offering themselves. R. Caunter, Supdt. of Police, Police Office, Fort Cornwallis. Shipping Arrivals - Passengers Per Lalla Rookh:- J. Calder and J.F. Carnegy Per Conde de Rio Pardo:- Senr’s. Joze Maria de Siquera, Prosper Oronzet, Joao Joze Viera, Goncalo de Mello and Albino G. de Aranja Per James Sibbald:- Lieuts. Smith, Mixon and Brooks, Ensign Halpin, Asst. Surgeon Giddes, 25th Regt. M.N.I. and Lt. Carew, Lt. Baillie and Lt. Mortimer Madras Artillery. |
To Be Sold by Revely & Co. on the premises ... That elegant and spacious house, no. 2 Farquhar St. commanding a delightful view of the sea, now occupied by Mr Deputy Commissioner Cross, with the valuable household furniture, plate, horses and carriages etc. ... Messrs. Revely & Co. will dispose of by public auction ... and airy residence of the Rev’d. R.S. Hutchings, A.M. delightfully situated on the north beach next to Northam House ... Newspaper - Printed and Published by William Cox, Pinang St. Sealed proposals will be received by the committee of Assessors of P.W. Island ... to keep the streets and drains of George Town in a complete and through state of repair ... A. Rodyk, Clerk to the Committee of Assessors. Shipping Arrivals ... Passengers Per Fly:- R. Allport Per Jessy:- J. Rozario Per Kent:- F. Ferao Arrivals ... Passengers Per Cyrene:- Capt. Taylor H.M. 13th Light Dragoons Per Esperanca:- Rmo. Sr. Padre Bartholomea and Sr. J. Antonio Barradas Birth At Pinang on the 3rd instant, the wife of G. Irvine, Sub-conductor of Ordnance, of a still born male child. To Be Sold The under mentioned claims against the Estate of China Mah Boo & Co as also of the late W.M. Williams and J.W. Toosey ... will be sold by Messrs. Revely & Co. ... After which to close some consignments ... Hall, Downes & Co. To Be Sold ... Those valuable and extensive premises in Beach St. at present occupied by Brown & Co ... Notice The Packet now open for letters to England direct by the ship ... will be closed on Sunday ... E. Lake, Post Master, P.W. Island Notice Is hereby given that all persons keeping carriages, palankeens, buggies carts and horses for hire are directed to Register and Number the same at the Committee of Assessor’s Office. Persons neglecting to do so are hereby informed that their carriages and horses will be detained under a Warrant from the Chairman until the Tax is paid ... A. Rodyk, Clerk to the Committee. Committee of Assessor’s Office. Pinang School The Directors are requested to meet on Monday next at ... Rob. S. Hutchings, Secy. |
Is hereby given that William Anderson had been admitted a Partner in our firm from this date. Carnegy & Co. Pinang, 1st Feb. 1827 Freemasons - Lodge Humanity with Courage The Worshipful Master, Wardens and Brethren of the above Lodge (working under the Provincial Grand Lodge of Asia) solicit the attendance of all true Brethren, Members, Hony. Members and others at a Special meeting to be convened on Thursday next, the 8th instant. J. Padday, Secy. Shipping Arrivals ... Passengers Per Hastings:- Mrs Spey and child, Mrs Goodridge and child, Miss Hoffman, Lt. Russell and Asst. Surgeon Grant. Marriage On Thursday the 25th Ultimo at St. George’s Church by the Rev’d. R.S. Hutchings, G.F. Gottlies to Miss Emily Harris, daughter of the late H. Harris, M.D. of the Madras Establishment. Death Died at Prince of Wales Island on the 7th February 1827, after a lingering illness which she bore with true Christian fortitude. Mrs Isabella Turner, wife of John Turner, (late of Rangoon) leaving a disconsolate and affectionate husband and aged widowed mother and a numerous acquaintance behind to deplore their irreparable loss. Many poor orphans who have been daily fed on her bounty, will have equally to lament the loss of their late humane and charitable benefactress. Births Yesterday morning the 16th instant, the lady of the Rev’d. T. Brighton, Missionary, of a daughter. At Kelso on Tuesday the 20th instant, the lady of R.S.M. Sprye, of a daughter. Shipping The Free Trader Lalla Rookh, Capt. G. Stewart, left the harbour on Wednesday evening last for London direct. Passengers:- W. Hall, Mr & Mrs Snadden and family and M.A. Brunoe. Auctions By A. McIntyre at the residence of R. Snadden in Pinang St. ... the household furniture, plate, glass and chinaware ... belonging to this gentleman lately embarked for Europe. Catalogues of the whole will be published ... By A. McIntyre at the godowns of R. Snadden ... Sundry Marine Stores consisting of Country and Fir Spars ... Teak timber, boats ... |
Burma News
The H.C. Ship Hastings, Capt. G. Dawson, from Tavoy the 16th ultimo, anchored in the harbour on Sunday morning last. Mr Crawfurd, we understand, was to leave Ava on the 15th ultimo, having finally closed his important mission to that Court. The disturbances between the Peguers and Burmese, it is stated, assumed a serious aspect, several attacks had been made on the latter in which they suffered severely and a large army of the former had actually approached the town of Rangoon and completely surrounded it. The Burmese were in great confusion and it was daily expected that the Peguers would obtain possession of the town. Francis Grenon Respectfully announces to the Settlement that he has engaged the Long Rooms and Premises in Beach St. lately in the occupation of Messrs. Graham & Co. opposite the Commissariat Office, for the reception of goods for sale on Commission and by public auction, ... Shipping Arrivals ... Passengers Per Providence:- A.A. Demello Advert. At a meeting of a majority of the Merchants and Agents of this Presidency on Sat. last, the following revised General Rates of Agencg, Commission and godown rent were agreed upon ... W. Balhetchet, Chairman of said meeting. Balhetchet & Co. Carnegy & Co. Hall, Downes & Co. Kerr & Tanner Fred. Halliburton G.W. Brown, for self and G. Stuart C. Galastaun Advert. The undersigned beg leave to announce to their friends and the public in general that the Co-partnership heretofore existing between them under the firm of Revely & Co. has this day been dissolved by mutual consent and that the business will in future be carried on solely by Mr G. Porter, who will adjust all claims against and debts due to the late Firm. John Revely & George Porter. Penang, 15th Feb. 1827. Auction By G. Porter, ... The valuable household furniture, plate and plated ware, glass and earthen ware, a capital Palankeen carriage ... the property of Mr John Revely, about to leave the settlement. |
George Porter will dispose of at public auction this day the valuable household furniture, horses and carriages of Capt. Pearson, about to leave the Settlement as described in catalogues. ... Shipping Arrivals - Passengers Per Eleanor:- K. Scott Per Colstream:- Mrs Mullandaine and two children, Mrs & Miss Keating, Major Mullandaine, Lt. Keating and a detachment of the 35th Regt. M.N.I. Per Phoenix:- F. Millett, J. Greig Per Hastings:- Mrs Conwell and Miss Conwell, Capt. Kerr, Capt. Campbell, Lt. Claridge, Ensign McNabb, Dr. Grant. Per Cambridge:- Mrs Sale, Mrs Bruce, Mrs Senior, Mrs Brooshooft, Mrs Warrand, Miss Warrand, Miss Shearman, Miss Senior, Lt.-Col. Sale, Capt. Bruce, Lt. Hicks, Lt. Ure, Lt. Brooshooft, Lt. Senior, Lt. Farran, Ensign Gray, Ensign Wilken, (or Wilkinson) Ensign Maywer, Dr. Warrand, Master Bruce and Master Brooshooft. Burma News It is said that Rangoon and the adjacent stations as far as Prome are in complete possession of the Peguers who have been joined by the Taliens and a Carian Chief with a considerable force; the latter had attacked and taken possession of Donabew. Appointments, Revenue Dept. A.M. Bond, Asst. to the Supdt. of Lands, 1st March. H. Nairne, Asst. to the Supdt. of Lands, 1st Mar. F.C. Salmond, Asst. to the Supdt. of Province Wellesley, 1st Mar. J. Murchison, Acting Collector and Warehouse Keeper, 28th Mar. P.O. Carnegy, Acting Deputy Collector, 25th Mar. |
All demands against Capt. Harvey, Native Commissioned, Non-Commissioned Officers, Drummers, Privates and Followers of the Bengal Golaundauze and 65th Regt. Volunteer Details, to be presented for payment at Mr Barton’s Hotel on Mon. morning next and sums due to Officers, Men or Followers of the above Details to be forthwith paid to the parties respectively. Deaths Died at Prince of Wales Island on the 5th March 1827, Mrs Esperenca Monk, aged 61 years. From the day of her late and only beloved daughter, Mrs Isabella Turner’s decease, her mind became so dejected and her whole frame so weakened as to confine her to her bed and which she never once quitted, until death relieved her from her severe affliction. At Malacca, on Friday the 2nd instant, of Jungle Fever, after a short illness, Mr Charles Gray, much regretted by his community. Govt. Advert. The Government Advertisement of the 22nd Sept. 1825 having failed in its object to induce individuals to register their respective landed property on this Island; Notice is hereby given that the Provisions and Immunities therein granted will in consequence be, from and after the 1st May next, withdrawn ... R. Ibbetson, Supdt. of Lands. Advert. George Wilson Brown and George Stuart beg to announce that they have entered into Partnership as Merchants and Agents and will in future conduct business under the firm of Brown and Stuart. Pinang, 8th Mar. 1827. |
Penang Free School
A special general meeting of the Directors of this institution is particularly requested at the school on Mon. next ... Balhetchet & Co., Treasurers.
Arrivals - Passengers
Per Guardian:- Capt. Burney, Capt. MacFarquhar? Mr Colquhoun, Mr Harris, Mr Elias and Mr Poons?
Per Mediterranean:- Mrs Vincent and two children, Capt. Thompson, Mr Cantor and Mr Malloch.
Per Nearchus:- Mrs Mackenzie and child, Major Mackenzie, Capt. Agar, Capt. MacLean, Capt. Baungarten and Mr Mitchell.
Burma News
Accounts from Rangoon state that the Peguers and Taliens have been completely discomfited by the Burmese, who being reinforced from the Capital attacked and put to flight the insurrectionary forces in the vicinity of Rangoon. The district of Dalla, lately taken by the Taliens, is again in the hands of the Burmese. The Pegue flotilla had also been attacked who fled towards Syriam. A large number of Peguers had crossed the Saluna and sought refuge in the newly acquired territory. Very little loss, however, is said to have been sustained by either party.
By the Bombay Merchant, which arrived on the 22nd, Mr Crawfurd and most of the gentlemen attached to his Mission to Ava, have returned [Calcutta] by this opportunity, several communications of much interest which we hope shortly to lay before our readers and in the meantime are enabled to offer the following notices of the state of public affairs:-
The accounts brought by the Bombay Merchant, from the new Settlement of Amherst, extend to the 9th of this month and from Rangoon to the end of January. The Cantonments at Maulam’hyeng have been nearly completed and on the 26th and 27th January H.M. 45th Regt., previous at old Martaban, crossed the river and occupied their barracks. There is every appearance of the new station proving healthy. The sick of the 45th which, in December, announced to be 140, were reduced, by the end of January to 88, and among these there were but eight severe cases.
The report of Rangoon being in possession of the Taliens, to which we adverted last week, proves to be premature, but the whole of lower Pegue, from the Saleun to the Bassein river, on one side, and from the sea to the branching off of the Irrawaddy at Yangainchainya on the other, is in a state of insurrection or anarchy. Maongsat, the Myothuggi of Syriam, has assumed the title of King and mounted the “white umbrella” the standard of Royalty. This individual is about 50 years old and a man of courage and firmness but not remarkable for his talent. The late King married a cousin of Maongsat’s and by her, who was a great favourite, had a son, the present Prince of Mek-k-ha-ra. Through the influence of this connection, Maongsat was, at one time, raised to the station of Governor of Martaban, a place however, which he soon lost in the vicissitude of Burma Court intrigue. He afterwards became Myothuggi, or Chief of the District of Syriam, his native place. In this situation he made, of all the Burman Chiefs, the most vigorous and preserving resistance against our arms.
Hostility to the Burmans has always marked his character and brought him into frequent troubles. On one occasion, not above four years ago, he actually led out for execution and pardoned on the spot. During our occupation of the country and after he had once fairly joined us, he continued faithfully and attached without receiving any other encouragement than that of being retained in the administration of his district. Now in power, he professes to imitate the English. The practice of sitting and crouching before the great is denounced by him as unmanly. His troops and retainers of all kinds are directed to come into his own presence or that of the other Chiefs in a erect attitude and salute like English Sepoys. He declares that after the example of the English he will dismiss all his prisoners after disarming them and that he will neither kill nor maim any of his enemies taken in action. Hitherto it is said, he has kept his word. He pays the utmost deference to whatever in person or property is English and although in possession of the whole of the lower part of the river, the smallest boats or vessels belonging to us are allowed to pass his posts without molestation. His insurrection against the Burman Government was what no one could have foretold.
Some persons, otherwise well informed, had even gone the length of insisting from the earliest period of our invasion of the Burman Empire that the Taliens, as a nation, might be considered extinct, being after seventy years subjugation, as if it were incorporated with the Burmans. The result has proved the total fallacy of this opinion. Experience has also proved the fallacy of another notion, that the Karians were a peaceful agricultural people, who never engaged in the profession of arms. Maoungbyu, the Chief of this tribe, has risen in insurrection against the Burmans and joined Maoungsat. He is promised the Government of Bassein and has actually marched to the conquest of the Province with 3000 men. With the exception of the town of Rangoon and the Great Pagoda the whole neighbourhood of Rangoon is in the occupation of the Taliens as well as the districts of Syriam and Dalla.
What the termination of this contest will be it is almost impossible to say. As far as arms, discipline and courage are concerned, both parties seem to be nearly upon an equality, that is to say, they are both as deficient in all three as can well be imagined. The members of the Mission returning from Ava and our countrymen residing at Rangoon were eye witnesses of several of the actions or skirmishes which were fought and were utterly surprised at the imbecility and pusillanimity of both Burmans and Taliens. The incapacity of the Burmans to put down this insurrection affords incontestable evidence if the feebleness to which its power had been reduced by the late war. The news of the insurrection had reached Ava by the middle of December and yet down to the end of January no reinforcement or none at least of any moment, had arrived at Rangoon, although if troops had been available at the Capital they might have been sent by dispatch in less than ten days.
... At the residence of Mr Surgeon Henderson, near the new Cantonment Lines ... household furniture, plate, glass ...
... The very valuable property of the late Rev’d. R.S. Hutchings, A.M. also a splendid and very extensive library ...
Arrivals - Passengers
Per Cyrene:- Lt. Snow and Lt. Gils?
Per Lady Munro:- A. Decosta.
Per Investigator:- Lt. Woodford.
We perform, a painful duty in announcing the death of the Rev’d. R.S. Hutchings, A.M., Chaplain of this Presidency, which took place at Ayer Etam on Thursday the 20th instant. His remains were brought down and deposited in St. George’s Church and the Internment took pace the following evening attended by a large concourse of all classes of his community.
A special general meeting of the Directors of this institution is particularly requested at the school on Mon. next ... Balhetchet & Co., Treasurers.
Arrivals - Passengers
Per Guardian:- Capt. Burney, Capt. MacFarquhar? Mr Colquhoun, Mr Harris, Mr Elias and Mr Poons?
Per Mediterranean:- Mrs Vincent and two children, Capt. Thompson, Mr Cantor and Mr Malloch.
Per Nearchus:- Mrs Mackenzie and child, Major Mackenzie, Capt. Agar, Capt. MacLean, Capt. Baungarten and Mr Mitchell.
Burma News
Accounts from Rangoon state that the Peguers and Taliens have been completely discomfited by the Burmese, who being reinforced from the Capital attacked and put to flight the insurrectionary forces in the vicinity of Rangoon. The district of Dalla, lately taken by the Taliens, is again in the hands of the Burmese. The Pegue flotilla had also been attacked who fled towards Syriam. A large number of Peguers had crossed the Saluna and sought refuge in the newly acquired territory. Very little loss, however, is said to have been sustained by either party.
By the Bombay Merchant, which arrived on the 22nd, Mr Crawfurd and most of the gentlemen attached to his Mission to Ava, have returned [Calcutta] by this opportunity, several communications of much interest which we hope shortly to lay before our readers and in the meantime are enabled to offer the following notices of the state of public affairs:-
The accounts brought by the Bombay Merchant, from the new Settlement of Amherst, extend to the 9th of this month and from Rangoon to the end of January. The Cantonments at Maulam’hyeng have been nearly completed and on the 26th and 27th January H.M. 45th Regt., previous at old Martaban, crossed the river and occupied their barracks. There is every appearance of the new station proving healthy. The sick of the 45th which, in December, announced to be 140, were reduced, by the end of January to 88, and among these there were but eight severe cases.
The report of Rangoon being in possession of the Taliens, to which we adverted last week, proves to be premature, but the whole of lower Pegue, from the Saleun to the Bassein river, on one side, and from the sea to the branching off of the Irrawaddy at Yangainchainya on the other, is in a state of insurrection or anarchy. Maongsat, the Myothuggi of Syriam, has assumed the title of King and mounted the “white umbrella” the standard of Royalty. This individual is about 50 years old and a man of courage and firmness but not remarkable for his talent. The late King married a cousin of Maongsat’s and by her, who was a great favourite, had a son, the present Prince of Mek-k-ha-ra. Through the influence of this connection, Maongsat was, at one time, raised to the station of Governor of Martaban, a place however, which he soon lost in the vicissitude of Burma Court intrigue. He afterwards became Myothuggi, or Chief of the District of Syriam, his native place. In this situation he made, of all the Burman Chiefs, the most vigorous and preserving resistance against our arms.
Hostility to the Burmans has always marked his character and brought him into frequent troubles. On one occasion, not above four years ago, he actually led out for execution and pardoned on the spot. During our occupation of the country and after he had once fairly joined us, he continued faithfully and attached without receiving any other encouragement than that of being retained in the administration of his district. Now in power, he professes to imitate the English. The practice of sitting and crouching before the great is denounced by him as unmanly. His troops and retainers of all kinds are directed to come into his own presence or that of the other Chiefs in a erect attitude and salute like English Sepoys. He declares that after the example of the English he will dismiss all his prisoners after disarming them and that he will neither kill nor maim any of his enemies taken in action. Hitherto it is said, he has kept his word. He pays the utmost deference to whatever in person or property is English and although in possession of the whole of the lower part of the river, the smallest boats or vessels belonging to us are allowed to pass his posts without molestation. His insurrection against the Burman Government was what no one could have foretold.
Some persons, otherwise well informed, had even gone the length of insisting from the earliest period of our invasion of the Burman Empire that the Taliens, as a nation, might be considered extinct, being after seventy years subjugation, as if it were incorporated with the Burmans. The result has proved the total fallacy of this opinion. Experience has also proved the fallacy of another notion, that the Karians were a peaceful agricultural people, who never engaged in the profession of arms. Maoungbyu, the Chief of this tribe, has risen in insurrection against the Burmans and joined Maoungsat. He is promised the Government of Bassein and has actually marched to the conquest of the Province with 3000 men. With the exception of the town of Rangoon and the Great Pagoda the whole neighbourhood of Rangoon is in the occupation of the Taliens as well as the districts of Syriam and Dalla.
What the termination of this contest will be it is almost impossible to say. As far as arms, discipline and courage are concerned, both parties seem to be nearly upon an equality, that is to say, they are both as deficient in all three as can well be imagined. The members of the Mission returning from Ava and our countrymen residing at Rangoon were eye witnesses of several of the actions or skirmishes which were fought and were utterly surprised at the imbecility and pusillanimity of both Burmans and Taliens. The incapacity of the Burmans to put down this insurrection affords incontestable evidence if the feebleness to which its power had been reduced by the late war. The news of the insurrection had reached Ava by the middle of December and yet down to the end of January no reinforcement or none at least of any moment, had arrived at Rangoon, although if troops had been available at the Capital they might have been sent by dispatch in less than ten days.
... At the residence of Mr Surgeon Henderson, near the new Cantonment Lines ... household furniture, plate, glass ...
... The very valuable property of the late Rev’d. R.S. Hutchings, A.M. also a splendid and very extensive library ...
Arrivals - Passengers
Per Cyrene:- Lt. Snow and Lt. Gils?
Per Lady Munro:- A. Decosta.
Per Investigator:- Lt. Woodford.
We perform, a painful duty in announcing the death of the Rev’d. R.S. Hutchings, A.M., Chaplain of this Presidency, which took place at Ayer Etam on Thursday the 20th instant. His remains were brought down and deposited in St. George’s Church and the Internment took pace the following evening attended by a large concourse of all classes of his community.
May & June
no copies survive (but we live in hope)
no copies survive (but we live in hope)
Burma News
Accounts from Rangoon by the Brig Maria, state that much discontent prevailed among the Burmese. Money was scarce and the trade of that port had greatly fallen. It is said that the Treasury of the Burmese empire has been completely exhausted by the payment of the first and second instalment stipulated by the Treaty and that the Great Officers of the Court of Ava find the utmost difficulty in raising even a trifling sum, it is therefore supposed that the two last instalments will not be forthcoming for some considerable period. The European Settlers entertain some alarm for their safety in consequence of the unsettled state of the country and talk of quitting Rangoon. Shipping Arrivals - Passengers Per Repulse:- The Hon. T.H. Harrington, 2nd Member of Council, Mrs Harrington and child, Mrs Col. Nixon, Mrs Lowis, Mrs Taylor and three children, J. Lowis, C. Trebeck, R. Maxwell, Lt. Ellis. Per Lady Herefordshire:- Mrs Craven, Mrs Hewitt and child, Mrs Hogg and child, Rev’d. Chas. Craven, D. Bryce, Capt. Delamain, N.I., Capt. H.T.C. Kerr, N.I., Mr Hogg. Per Catherine:- Mrs Cuthbertson and child, R. Cuthbertson and Mr Bone. Shipping News ... The Hon. T.H. Harrington and family are among the passengers by the former vessel proceeding to China ... Marriage On Monday the 17th instant, by the Rev’d. Mr Evans, J.L. Geddes, Asst. Surgeon 25th Regt. M.N.I., to Nancy, third daughter of the late Rev’d. W.A. Keating. Births On Friday the 13th instant, Mrs Berlie, of a son. On Monday the 16th instant, the lady of Baron D’Aebedyhli, late Netherlands Resident at Surat, of a daughter. Death At sea on board the H.C. ship Repulse, on the 12th instant, Ninian, the son of John Lowis, Bengal Civil Service, aged 2 years 8 months. |
Burma News
We are indebted to the Bengal Chronicle for the following extract from a letter dated Moulmein Cantonment, 9th March. “The heat of the weather here has been extremely oppressive during this and the prior month, but towards the end of February and up to this period the night sultry and close; towards morning cold thick fogs set in and do not clear off much before 10 o’clock in the day; which is very different from our old station at Amherst where we enjoyed a delightful sea breeze and cool clear atmosphere. The general opinion here of this ill chosen situation for a Cantonment is that it will become unhealthy after the rains and indeed we cannot boast of its salubrity at present. On the 28th of last month that dreadful scourge of India the epidemic Cholera broke out with singular severity in the 36th Madras Native Infantry and carried off fourteen men. A few fatal causes have also occurred in H.M. 45th Regt. and amongst the public followers. The Cantonment is situated along the base of a high ridge of rocky ground about 8 or 900 yards from the river which runs along its front but about 150 or 200 feet from the bank of a Military work which had been thrown up in former ages connected by their flanks to the ridge in rear and from its extent and messy appearance, must have been accomplished with incredible labour; at present however resembles the bund of a tank more. In viewing the Cantonment from the rear, the space appears very confined and the houses and tents seem so crammed together and the compounds so irregularly laid out that it puts one in mind of a camp of Brinjwarrals. All the high and most eligible spots of ground of course have been selected with avidity by the big wigs and the poor Subs left to make the best of a bad bargain in the swamps below, where, unless deep ditches are dug, ere the monsoon sets in, we shall have to lead rather an amphibious life for some time. In this solitary spot, to add to all our comforts, the necessities of life are out of all proportion, so much so that a Subaltern’s pay will do very little more than cover his Mess bill.” |
The proprietor of the Penang Register and Miscellany having purchased the property of the late Prince of Wales Island Gazette and obtained a license for the present publication, which will be continued weekly in lieu thereof; begs leave to solicit the public patronage and to give notice that he shall continue to furnish the subscribers to the former paper with a copy of the Registrar until further orders.
Govt. Notice
Whereas the term for which the exclusive privilege of holding a Market with the right of levying certain duties on the import of grain was vested in the late D. Brown, by an Agreement bearing the date the twenty second day of May one thousand eight hundred and seventeen, has expired. Public notice is hereby given that all persons are at liberty to import grain at all the public wharfs or their own godowns and sell the same at any part of the Island, free of any duty or toll whatever. ... John Anderson, Secy. to Govt.
R. Thompson
By order ... On account of the Estate of the late Robt. Thompson of Rangoon. On Mon. next, 27th instant, will be sold ... at the godown of Messrs. Balhetchet & Co. in Beach St. ... Brandy, ... Old Madeira ...
To Be Sold
... That desirable Estate and dwelling called Kelso the property and residence of Capt. Lake, with furniture ...
Capt. W. Brooke, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that Application has this day been made to the Hon. the Court of Judicature of P.W. Island ... for Letters of Administration to the Estate and Effects of William Brooke, late a Capt. of Artillery in the service of the Hon. United East India Company on their Madras Military establishment, deceased, to be granted to Messrs. Balhetchet & Co. ...
Freehold Property For Sale
The desirable and beautifully situated residence of Frederick Halliburton, of whom enquire for particulars. ...
For Sale
At Mr Halliburton’s godowns, ... Brandy ...
Private Sale
That well known elegant and commodious residence at present occupied by K. Murchison, at a rent of 90 dollars per month. The grounds are extensive with a good supply of water and well stocked with very productive fruit and spice trees. For particulars apply to Dr. Alexander, the proprietor, Messrs. Balhetchet & Co., or Mr Galastaun.
Arrivals - Passengers
Per Phoenix:- Miss Allen, R. Allen and Lt. Tait.
Per Bombay:- Mrs Col. Farren, Miss Farren, Mrs Ormsby, Miss Martin? Major Ormsby, Mr .Warren? Mr Dalze-e, Lt. McClellan 33rd N.I., Lt. Heresford and Lt. Carruthers Artillery.
Per Hottentot:- Mr Stuart and Lt. Kattray.
Per Penang Merchant:- Mrs Comb?
Per Margaret:- Mr Jaffray and Mr Jordan.
Per Molucco:- Mr Stewart and Mr Duncan.
Per William:- Mrs A-tree? and family.
Per Buckinghamshire:- Capt. Cockeller and Mr Goode.
Per Waterloo:- Rev’d. & Mrs Dyer, Miss Newall, Mr Neave, C.S., Lt. Nugent Madras Engineers and Ensign White 35th Regt.
Per Arjuna:- Mr Abraham and family.
Per Duke of Sussex:- Mr Huddleston for China.
Per Farquharson:- Mrs Wingrove, Miss McKenzie, W. Blunt, Col. Baines, Major Pattle, Major Castley, Mr Mallet, Mr Wingrove, Mr McKenzie ...
Per Louisa:- Mrs Duncan, J. Patullo.
Departures - Passengers
Per Waterloo:- Mrs and Dr. Caswell, Mrs Deighton, for China and Miss Newall for Malacca,
Passenger Extraordinary
Per Buckinghamshire:- Mr Halliburton’s Tyger [Tiger] “Miss Mary?” on her passage to England.
Newspaper - Printed and Published by Norman Maclister McIntyre, Beach St.
Arrivals - Passengers
Per Mellish:- Mr & Mrs Liddell, Mr & Mrs Winter and child, Mrs Taylor and 3 children, Co. Poole and Capt. Donner?
Per General Kyd:- Capt. & Mrs Stoll and Ensign Wilson.
Per Atlas:- Major Cameron and child.
The proprietor of the Penang Register and Miscellany having purchased the property of the late Prince of Wales Island Gazette and obtained a license for the present publication, which will be continued weekly in lieu thereof; begs leave to solicit the public patronage and to give notice that he shall continue to furnish the subscribers to the former paper with a copy of the Registrar until further orders.
Govt. Notice
Whereas the term for which the exclusive privilege of holding a Market with the right of levying certain duties on the import of grain was vested in the late D. Brown, by an Agreement bearing the date the twenty second day of May one thousand eight hundred and seventeen, has expired. Public notice is hereby given that all persons are at liberty to import grain at all the public wharfs or their own godowns and sell the same at any part of the Island, free of any duty or toll whatever. ... John Anderson, Secy. to Govt.
R. Thompson
By order ... On account of the Estate of the late Robt. Thompson of Rangoon. On Mon. next, 27th instant, will be sold ... at the godown of Messrs. Balhetchet & Co. in Beach St. ... Brandy, ... Old Madeira ...
To Be Sold
... That desirable Estate and dwelling called Kelso the property and residence of Capt. Lake, with furniture ...
Capt. W. Brooke, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that Application has this day been made to the Hon. the Court of Judicature of P.W. Island ... for Letters of Administration to the Estate and Effects of William Brooke, late a Capt. of Artillery in the service of the Hon. United East India Company on their Madras Military establishment, deceased, to be granted to Messrs. Balhetchet & Co. ...
Freehold Property For Sale
The desirable and beautifully situated residence of Frederick Halliburton, of whom enquire for particulars. ...
For Sale
At Mr Halliburton’s godowns, ... Brandy ...
Private Sale
That well known elegant and commodious residence at present occupied by K. Murchison, at a rent of 90 dollars per month. The grounds are extensive with a good supply of water and well stocked with very productive fruit and spice trees. For particulars apply to Dr. Alexander, the proprietor, Messrs. Balhetchet & Co., or Mr Galastaun.
Arrivals - Passengers
Per Phoenix:- Miss Allen, R. Allen and Lt. Tait.
Per Bombay:- Mrs Col. Farren, Miss Farren, Mrs Ormsby, Miss Martin? Major Ormsby, Mr .Warren? Mr Dalze-e, Lt. McClellan 33rd N.I., Lt. Heresford and Lt. Carruthers Artillery.
Per Hottentot:- Mr Stuart and Lt. Kattray.
Per Penang Merchant:- Mrs Comb?
Per Margaret:- Mr Jaffray and Mr Jordan.
Per Molucco:- Mr Stewart and Mr Duncan.
Per William:- Mrs A-tree? and family.
Per Buckinghamshire:- Capt. Cockeller and Mr Goode.
Per Waterloo:- Rev’d. & Mrs Dyer, Miss Newall, Mr Neave, C.S., Lt. Nugent Madras Engineers and Ensign White 35th Regt.
Per Arjuna:- Mr Abraham and family.
Per Duke of Sussex:- Mr Huddleston for China.
Per Farquharson:- Mrs Wingrove, Miss McKenzie, W. Blunt, Col. Baines, Major Pattle, Major Castley, Mr Mallet, Mr Wingrove, Mr McKenzie ...
Per Louisa:- Mrs Duncan, J. Patullo.
Departures - Passengers
Per Waterloo:- Mrs and Dr. Caswell, Mrs Deighton, for China and Miss Newall for Malacca,
Passenger Extraordinary
Per Buckinghamshire:- Mr Halliburton’s Tyger [Tiger] “Miss Mary?” on her passage to England.
Newspaper - Printed and Published by Norman Maclister McIntyre, Beach St.
Arrivals - Passengers
Per Mellish:- Mr & Mrs Liddell, Mr & Mrs Winter and child, Mrs Taylor and 3 children, Co. Poole and Capt. Donner?
Per General Kyd:- Capt. & Mrs Stoll and Ensign Wilson.
Per Atlas:- Major Cameron and child.
Civil Appointments
General Kenneth Murchison to be Acting Resident Councillor of P.W. Island. P.O. Carnegy to be Acting Deputy Secy. to Govt. Revenue Capt. James Low to be Deputy Supdt. of Lands. Military Capt. Ker to act as Local Military Paymaster. Death On Monday the 27th of August, at the residence of Mr A. McIntyre, Mrs Amelia Le Fevre, aged 17 years, her loss is deeply regretted by a large circle of relations and friends and particularly by her disconsolate husband. Births On the 7th instant, Mrs J.A. Palmer, of a daughter. On the morning of the 14th instant, at Kelso, the lady of Major Lake, of a son. A Card The Worshipful Master, Wardens and Brethren of the Neptune Lodge No. 441, beg leave to acquaint the ladies and gentlemen of the Settlement that a Monastic Procession will take place on ... for the purpose of erecting in St. George’s Church a Mural Tablet to the memory of their late Brother, the late Hon. John Macalister, to which they are respectfully invited. ... assemble at 4 o’clock at Green Hall, the residence of James F. Carnegy ... J. Padday, Secy. |
Arrivals - Passengers Per Windsor:- Mr & Mrs Lindsay, C.S., and Mr Leyburne Per Sunbur:- Capt. Fish, Country Service Arrivals - Passengers Per Scaleby Castle:- J. Elphinstone, Miss Abbott, Mrs Smith, T. Dent, Mr Dowall, J. Henry and Mrs Cassidy, servant to Miss Abbott. Per Heroine:- Mrs Farquhar and 2 children, Mr Grigs, Mr Minondo, Mr Rose and Mr Thompson. Auction At the residence of A.J. Kerr, by A. McIntyre, on Sat, ... Household furniture belonging to that gentleman ... Appointments Judicial John Poynton, to be High Sheriff of P.W. Island, Singapore & Malacca. J.W. Salmond, Accountant General to the Court of P.W. Island. Medical Mr Surgeon W.E.E. Conwell to officiate as Superintending Surgeon during the absence of Superintending Surgeon Alexander. |
John Macalister
Agreeably to the notice in our paper of last week, a Monastic Procession took place ... a Mural Tablet to the memory of the late Hon. John Macalister being marshalled in the following order:- Tyler with drawn sword, Entered Apprentices, two and two, Fellow Crafts, two and two, Master Mason, two and two, Stewards, two and two, Junior and Senior Deacons, Secretary and Treasurer, Past Wardens, Junior and Senior Wardens, Past Masters, Royal Arch Mason, Knights Templars Band of the 35th Regt. M.N.I. Bible, Square and Compass carried by a Past Master, supported by two Stewards with white rods. Grand Master. Master. Grand Second master with a drawn sword. The procession moved from Green Hall ... At the conclusion of the Sermon the whole of the congregation assembled neat the tablet ... It is an oblong Black Marble Slab of six feet in height with a circular top on which is represented, in relief, a plain white Marble Tomb, surmounted by a Sarcophagus; on one corner of the Tomb a Malay youth with a countenance full of silent grief in reclining in a sorrowful attitude over an inscription engraved on the end presented to the front – which is as follows:- To The Honorable JOHN MACALISTER ESQ. Of the Civil Service of this Presidency And Senior Member of the council Who Departed this Life On the 8th day of October 1824 Aged 39 years. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ... This Tablet has been erected by his admiring friends. A.D. 1827 ... Col. Sale of the 35th Regt. M.N.I. who officiated upon this occasion for the Grant Master of the Lodge (Mr Carnegy) addressed his Brethren to the following purport. ... His virtues as a man – a useful Member of Society and a worthy Brother, needed, however, no comment from him. His deeds of charity – his endearing qualities in private life – his strict integrity in all public transaction spoke sufficiently for themselves and would be long remembered. ... |
P.W. Island Gazette
The following article relative to the discontinuance of the publication of the Prince of Wales Island Gazette appears in the Singapore Chronicle of the 30th Aug.
“We are sorry to find from the following notice that the proprietor of the Prince of Wales Island Gazette has discontinued the publication of that paper. ... The Gazette we believe, has uniformly supported the measures of Government, or at all events, its course as relates to the higher powers has been a most inoffensive one; it is nevertheless however rumoured that Government have suppressed the paper. ...
Notice. The proprietor and published of the Prince of Wales Island Gazette, respectfully announces to the subscribers and the public that circumstances compel him to discontinue the publication of the Gazette and takes this occasion to return his grateful thanks for the liberal support and patronage afforded to that establishment during a period of 22 years.
P.W. Island, 14th April 1827.
We perceive that the conclusion come to by our contemporary of Singapore – of the Gazette having been suppressed ....
The following article relative to the discontinuance of the publication of the Prince of Wales Island Gazette appears in the Singapore Chronicle of the 30th Aug.
“We are sorry to find from the following notice that the proprietor of the Prince of Wales Island Gazette has discontinued the publication of that paper. ... The Gazette we believe, has uniformly supported the measures of Government, or at all events, its course as relates to the higher powers has been a most inoffensive one; it is nevertheless however rumoured that Government have suppressed the paper. ...
Notice. The proprietor and published of the Prince of Wales Island Gazette, respectfully announces to the subscribers and the public that circumstances compel him to discontinue the publication of the Gazette and takes this occasion to return his grateful thanks for the liberal support and patronage afforded to that establishment during a period of 22 years.
P.W. Island, 14th April 1827.
We perceive that the conclusion come to by our contemporary of Singapore – of the Gazette having been suppressed ....
For Malacca & Singapore
The Brig Mamoody, Capt. J.P. Venerosity, will be dispatched on the 18th inst. For freight or passage apply to the Commander at Mr Thompson’s, Jeweller. Shipping Arrivals - Passengers Per Sir F. Macnaughten:- W.H. Huggins Per Col Young:- Chas. Thomas, Miss Thomas and Mr Lackersteen. Arrivals - Passengers Per Champion:- Rev’d. Denton and Mr Badalick. Deaths On Sunday last, the 4th instant, [14th Oct.] Herapiet Ter Gabriel Esq., a very respectable and much regretted Armenian Merchant of this Island, aged 32 years. On Monday morning the 15th instant [15th Oct.] Mrs Margaret Heylin, wife of Henry Heylin, aged 21 years. On the 23rd instant, [23rd Oct.] Kenneth Robert, the infant son of Kenneth Murchison, of the Civil Service of the presidency, aged 5 months. Herapiet Ter Gabriel, deceased. Notice is hereby given that Application has this day been made to the Court of Judicature ... for Letters of Administration to the Estate and Effects of Herapiet Ter Gabriel, late an Armenian Merchant of this Island, deceased, to be granted to Messrs. Cachiture Galastaun and Narcis Ter Mackertich of the said Island, Armenian Merchants. C. Galastaun, N. Mackertich, George Town, P.W. Island, 22nd Oct. 1827. |
For Sale
A bungalow and piece of ground situated in Tulloh Aier Rajah district near the Burmese Pagoda at present occupied by the proprietor Mr Simoens. The bungalow is in good order and the grounds well stocked with fruit trees. For particulars apply at this office. Marriage On Wednesday the 17th instant [17th Oct.] A.M. Bond of the Civil Service of this presidency, to Miss Maria Salmond, daughter of Capt. James Salmond, late of the Bengal establishment. Boat Race A rowing match took place on Saturday evening last between a Thames built Wherry belonging to Mr Salmond of the H.C.C. Service of this Island, rowed and steered by the members of the Bachelors Rowing Club and a Malacca built boat rowed by young gentlemen of H.M.S. Java, for a wager of 100 Dollars. The boats started from the Fort direct across the harbour towards the Quedah shore, pulled round a boat stationed at about 2 miles from the fort and returned by the same route. The Wherry took the lead at starting and maintained it half way across when she was headed by the Malacca built boat which pulled round the station boat about a minute and a half before the Wherry and returned to her starting post five minutes before her opponent. ... Gregory Lucas - Circumstances induce us to defer until our next number any notice of the Inquest on the case of lunacy of Mr Gregory Lucas, an Armenian Merchant of this Island, further than that the verdict of the Jury declared him of sane mind on the 17th instant. To Be Let - That desirable airy and comfortable upper roomed house situated opposite the Esplanade, belonging to Mr N. Bacon, to who apply for particulars. |
Letter to John Poynton, Sheriff of P.W. Island
Sir, We the undersigned Merchants, Shopkeepers and Householders of this Island request you will be pleased on an early date to call a Public Meeting of the European and Native inhabitants of this Island for the purpose of taking into consideration petitioning against any addition being made to the present Rate of Fees levied on all Law proceedings by order of the Hon’ble Court of Judicature. We have the honour to be Sir, Your obedient Servants,
C. Galastaun, W. Balhetchet, Geo. Stuart, A. McIntyre, Memeera Lebby, Che Ong & Che Ex? Keat, W. Anderson, F. Halliburton, J.F. Carnegy, J. Grenon, Geo. Porter
Che Seong, Syed Ahmat
(ABL note:- A reply to the above also includes W.B. Kerr)
Gentlemen, I beg leave to acknowledge the receipt of a Requisition signed by several of the Merchant, Shopkeeper ...
Sir, We the undersigned Merchants, Shopkeepers and Householders of this Island request you will be pleased on an early date to call a Public Meeting of the European and Native inhabitants of this Island for the purpose of taking into consideration petitioning against any addition being made to the present Rate of Fees levied on all Law proceedings by order of the Hon’ble Court of Judicature. We have the honour to be Sir, Your obedient Servants,
C. Galastaun, W. Balhetchet, Geo. Stuart, A. McIntyre, Memeera Lebby, Che Ong & Che Ex? Keat, W. Anderson, F. Halliburton, J.F. Carnegy, J. Grenon, Geo. Porter
Che Seong, Syed Ahmat
(ABL note:- A reply to the above also includes W.B. Kerr)
Gentlemen, I beg leave to acknowledge the receipt of a Requisition signed by several of the Merchant, Shopkeeper ...
Gregory Lucas
An inquest (pursuant to a Commission issued by the Court of Judicature, P.W. Island, Singapore & Malacca, addressed to Messrs. Trebeck, A. McIntyre, N.M. McIntyre, Gabriel and Murat or to any three of them,) to enquire into the lunacy of Mr Gregory Lucas, an Armenian Merchant of this Island, was commended on the 12th instant, by the three first named of the said Commissioners and a Jury composed of the following gentlemen:- W. Balhetchet – Foreman, T. Church, W. Anderson, W.B. Kerr, G. Stuart, J.R. Cuthbertson, J. Rodyk, Senr., A. Satoor, T.G. Mitchell, W. Anchant, J. Reid, J. Rodyk, Junr. ... Who assembled at the dwelling house of Mr Lucas at Pulo Teecoose, where they sat examining witnesses until three o’clock that afternoon and then adjourned ... to meet at the godowns of Mr Lucas in Beach Street. Having reassembled at the appointed time, the first Commissioner stated that the Inquest might proceed with the remaining members of the Jury. The examination of evidence upon the point to which the Jury was directed to confine their first enquiry viz the lunacy or otherwise of Mr Gregory Lucas – was then proceeded with and lasted until 5 o’clock when the Jury requesting that they might see Mr Lucas, the last thing they did, prior to considering of their verdict. ... the Inquest was then adjourned to 10 o’clock the Wednesday morning at Mr Lucas’ house, where the Commissioners and Jury accordingly met and in a body saw and conversed with the supposed lunatic upwards of half an house and where, having learnt from a gentleman who had been residing with Mr Lucas from before the commencement of his illness, several circumstances of recent occurrence indicated an exceedingly favourable change in his disorder, the Jury wished that this gentleman, who had previously given evidence upon the Inquest, might be again examined and the first Commission promised that this should be done immediately on their return to town. However, on the reassembling of the Inquest at the godowns of Mr Lucas, the Commission proceeded to examine the Registrar of the Court of Judicature as to the nature and extent of Mr Lucas’ property, which examination the Jury conceiving to be premature, until they had decided upon the first point viz “whether the supposed lunatic was sane or not” – requested the Commissioner to defer and to proceed with the gentleman above alluded to, whose evidence was immediately to the point of their first Verdict. The Commissioners declining to do so, the Jury conferred together and signed a written paper, which they offered to the first Commissioner objecting to the examination then going on in the present stage of the Inquiry. The Commissioners refusing to read or hear read the paper in question, or then to place it upon the records of the Inquiry and the Jury still pressing the reading of the paper, the first Commissioner declaring he would be no longer interrupted of a sudden stayed all further proceedings and dismissed the Jury and all parties summoned to attend the same without consulting the other two Commissioners upon the measure. The first Commissioner then left the Jury room but the Jury sat down and drew up a Memorial to the Hon’ble the Court of Judicature with which they immediately proceeded in a body to the Court House where they found the first Commissioner before a Special Court stating proceedings which tending in some manner to accuse the Jury and particularly the Foreman of irregularity in the recent part of the Inquiry and the Foreman being heard in explanation, the Court, without receiving the Jury’s memorial, recommended the Commissioners and Jury to return and proceed with the Inquiry and to confine themselves in the first instance to the point of Lunacy. They returned accordingly and having heard the evidence of the gentleman whose examination they had so much wished for, the Jury retired for about half an hour and brought in a verdict declaring Mr Lucas “of sane mind.” We understand the Court has directed that Mr Lucas’ person and affairs shall remain in the care of the Registrar of the Court until the former be capable of attending personally to the same. |
... I hereby proclaim and give notice that a Session of Oyer and Terminer and Goal Delivery in and for P.W. Island and the places subordinate ... And I do hereby require and enjoin all persons bound to prosecute and give evidence ... to attend at the time and place above mentioned. A.M. Bond, Sheriff, P.W. Island ... Appointments Judicial A.M. Bond to be High Sheriff of P.W. Island, Singapore and Malacca. Clerical Rev’d. R. Denton, Madras Establishment, to officiate as Chaplain at P.W. Island. Justices of the Peace ... for the said Settlement:- K. Murchison J. Anderson T. Church W.E. Fullerton P.O. Carnegy C.W.H. Wright R. Cauner E. Presgave J. Patullo W.T. Lewis S.G. Bonham A.L. Johnstone C.R. Read J.A. Maxwell H. Syme Capt. Wm. Brooke, deceased Capt. F. Blundell Commanding Artillery, P.W. Island, having taken charge of the effects of the late Capt. Wm. Brooke Madras Artillery, deceased, and having disposed of the same by public auction after the payment of funeral expenses regimental debts and servants wages Has delivered over the balance viz Sicca Rupees 3549-4-9 three thousand five hundred and forty nine, Annas four, and Pie nine, to Wm. Balhetchet, Merchant, P.W. Island, Administrator to the Estate. Deaths On the evening of the 24th instant, Miss Sophia Green, youngest daughter of the late Mr Conductor Thomas Green of the Madras Establishment. On the morning of the 25th instant, in the 23rd year of her age, Mrs Elizabeth Caroline Berlie, wife of Mr Charles Berlie of the Pay Office, and eldest daughter of Mr Conductor J.R. Panchard of the Madras Establishment. Appointments ... Kenneth Murchison, Resident Councillor of Singapore and to relieve the Hon. Mr Prince who proceeds to Europe on furlough. John Patullo, Deputy Resident of P.W. Island, Collector of Excise Duties and Registrar of Imports and Exports. Patrick Ogilvie Carnegy to officiate as Collector of Excise Duties and Registrar of Imports and Exports until the arrival of Mr Patullo from Malacca. John Campbell Boswell, having reported his arrival, is admitted as Asst. Surgeon upon this establishment and is to be attached to the general Hospital. By Order, John Anderson, Secy. to Govt. |
At the Annual General Meeting of the Permanent Subscribers to the P.W. Island Library, held at the library ... Major Lake, at the request of the meeting, took the chair. ... It was also resolved that the Treasurer and Secretary be solicited to continue to fill their respective offices and to form with the Hon. Sir J.T. Claridge, W. Anderson and P.O. Carnegy the Committee of Management for the ensuing year. ... W. Balhetchet, Secy. Edwd. Lake, Chairman. Shipping Arrivals - Passengers Per Jane:- John Palmer and W. Napier Arrivals - Passengers Per Resource:- Mrs Col. Farren, Mrs Hicks, Dr. Boswell, Lt. Hicks, Mr Nearly Arrivals - Passengers Per Penang Merchant:- Major Mackenzie and family and Mr Dalzell, C.S. Auction ... The house and ground belonging to the Estate of the late Thomas L’Cerf situate in the district of Tulloh Ayer Rajah. ... Births On Saturday morning last, the 24th instant, the lady of John Anderson, Secy. to Govt., of a daughter. On Sat. the 17th instant, the lady of Capt. Gottliss Commanding the ship Arjana belonging to this port, of a son. Session of Oyer and Terminer ... the first Session ... The Court swore in as Justices of the Peace or P.W. Island, Singapore and Malacca – Thomas Church, P.O. Carnegy, R. Caunter and C.W.H. Wright. The Grand Jury was afterwards balloted for and the following gentlemen sworn in:- Thomas Church – Foreman R.F. Wingrove F.C. Downes? N. Mackertich H. Scott G. Stuart W. Anderson G.W. Brown F. Halliburton G. Dawson W.B. Kerr C. Galastaun C.A. Satoor G. Scott J.F. Carnegy Court of Judicature W. Anderson v. Mrs Margaret Wallace The Plaintiff instituted this suit to xxx the value of a pony killed in an injury xxx from a shaft of the Defendants Panankeen carriage which from not keeping the xxx side of the road in turning one corner xxx the Plaintiff’s buggy was turning xxx almost opposite, had come so nearly in xxx with each other, that one of the Panankeen’s shafts ran into the buggy pony’s breast. ... purely accidental xxx the Plaintiff with costs. |
John Thomas Lowe, deceased To all whom it may concern. Whereas the Estate and Effects which were of John Thomas Lowe, late a Lieutenant in the Military Service of the H.E.I. Company on their Bengal Establishment, deceased, within the Jurisdiction of the late Court of Judicature of P.W. Island, having been full administered by the Registrar thereof the remaining assets amounting to Sicca Rupees two thousand three hundred and twenty one, Annas nine and Pie eight, have this day been paid over to William Balhetchet as one of the firms of Messrs. Balchetchet & Co. legally constituted Agents of Deborah Matilda Gregory the mother of and Administratrix in Bengal to the estate of the said John Thomas Lowe, deceased. George Town, P.W. Island. Shipping Arrivals - Passengers Per Lowjee Family:- Mrs Patullo and J. Patullo, Civil service. Arrivals - Passengers Per Helen:- W. Day. Per Jusoor:- Mr Cudliepp and Nonias Jack and Jumalia. Arrivals - Passengers Per Arnand Pursaad:- A. Leno, M. Ardas. Per Fort William:- Mrs Beighton, Major Ormsby, Lt. Nugent. Births On Monday, the 31st instant [31st Nov.] the lady of R.F. Wingrove of the Civil Service of a still born son. At Tavoy on the 24th Oct. the lady of Capt. Henry Burney, late Envoy to Siam, of a son. On Friday the 14th [Dec.] Mrs Porter, of a son. Marriage At Malacca on Tuesday the 6th Nov. by the Rev’d. R. Burn, W.T. Lewis, C.S. to Miss Neubronner. Deaths On Sunday last on board H.M. ship Hind, Asst. Surgeon Robert Morrice, M.D. of that ship, after only two days illness. On Wednesday last the 5th instant, Mr William Bruce, late Chief Officer of the ship Eleanor. Notice Daniel Caldwell begs leave to inform the ladies and gentlemen of this Island and the public in general that he intends opening on the 1st of January next, a Butcher’s Shop in Love Lane ... |
Burma News
... We learn by private accounts dated in October that the Rangoon authorities were making every exertion to pay the whole of the third instalment within the stipulated period but the King and Court of Ava would not open the Royal coffers and the money due to us was being squeezed out of the poor inhabitants of the country, who were suffering in addition to the extortion, all the horrors of famine. Lower Pegue was in a state of desolation. Rice was retailing at Rangoon at from 12 to 16 Rupees per bag and the want of grain for seed foretold that the existing scarcity would not only last, but increase. The Burmese Governor of Rangoon is represented as a very superior Burmese, much respected by the British Merchants and very popular among his own countrymen. On the 11th of October the Irrawaddy Steamer left Rangoon with 11 ½ Lacs of the 3rd instalment. She was to return, it was said, immediately to take up the remaining 13 ½ Lacs, whenever the Rangoon authorities could collect and pay them. Speculations were in favour of Rangoon becoming a greater place of trade than ever when the people shall have got over their present difficulties. Court of Judicature of P.W. Island, Singapore & Malacca The following Bills were delivered to and xxx by the Grand Jury:- Benjamin James Gourd, for soliciting one Hussany? to kill and murder Clara Elizabeth Patrick, otherwise called Nonia Scarborough. No Bill – Prisoner discharged. John Revely and William Hay for an Assault. True Bill against John Revely. No Bill against William Hay. John Revely for an assault on Gregory Lucas was put to the bar and pleaded “Not Guilty.” During the examination of the first witness for the Prosecution, it was proposed from the Bench and acceded to by the Agent for the Prosecution that a Juror should be withdrawn, but the Defendant objecting to the same and preferring to stand the result of a verdict, the trial continued and the Jury, after hearing evidence on both sides, returned the Defendant “Not Guilty,” when he was immediately discharged. Hugh Lee, who was tried and found guilty on the 19th instant, was brought up, when the Court sentenced him to be imprisoned for two months in the Gaol of Prince of Wales Island. Faao? Francisco and Antonio Gostillino otherwise called Castellinho for Grand Larceny. No Bill. Adverts. Court of Judicature ... Notice is hereby given that a General Quarter Session of the Peace will be holden ... By Order, A.J. Kerr, Registrar. Registrar’s Office. P.W. Island. James Peterson begs leave to acquaint the gentlemen of the Settlement and the public in general that he had established a Coach Manufactory in Bishop St. next door to the Waterloo Hotel, where all orders will be gratefully received ... |
Emily Vandefut Hodge On Tuesday last the 25th ultimo [25th Dec. 1827] in the Convalescent Bungalow on the Great Hill, after a long and most painful illness, which she bore with extraordinary fortitude and resignation, Emily Vandefut, wife of Capt. Hodge, Executive Engr. at this Presidency; deeply and sincerely regretted by her affectionate husband and friends; who are thus separated from a lady of uncommon talent and ability and who possessed accomplishments of the highest order. Mourn not that purity has fought its home and found it in the bosom of its God. Richard Allan At Singapore on the 31st ultimo, whither he proceeded for the recovery of his health, Mr Richard Allan, many years Sworn Clerk and Interpreter of the Court of Judicature, deeply regretted. Anne Maria Le Fevre On the evening of the 14th instant, after a long and most painful illness, which she bore with Christian fortitude and resignation, Mrs Anne Maria Le Fevre, aged 45 years, deeply and sincerely regretted by all her friends and acquaintances. Jeronimo Pereira, deceased By Order of the Executor of the Estate of the late Jeronimo Pereira. Will be sold by public auction on the premises ... That substantial brick dwelling house on the south side of Church St. in George Town, now occupied by R.J. Cuthbertson, subject to his lease that will expire in June next. ... Balhetchet & Co. Agents to the Executor. |
Arrivals - Passengers Per Cecelia:- Mrs Hamilton, Mr Cuppage and Mr Lackersteen. Per Resource:- Mr Carroll. Per Lansdowne:- Mr & Mrs Bogard, Miss Mitchell, F. Beasley, C.S., Mr Munro, Asst. Surgeon Thompson and Mr Lamb. Notice The undersigned respectfully announces to friends and the public that he will discontinue his present business from the 31st instant and requests that all debts due to the Concern be paid on or before the 10th promimo, to enable him to adjust all claims against him. F. Grenon. Appointment R.F. Wingrove to be Asst. to the Registrar of Imports and Exports and collector of Excise Duties. Auction ... at the residence of F. Ferrao in Pulo Teekoos or Burman Town, on Thursday ... The household furniture comprising of couches, tables, pier glasses, wall, table and hanging lights etc. a horse, Palaukeen carriages, cows, glass and crockery ... belonging to that gentleman. ... |
Arrivals - Passengers Per Eleanor:- R.J. Cuthbertson and Mr Arakiel. Per Angelica:- J. Mitchel, H. Bopcher. Per Flora:- Mrs Paxton and child, Miss Mary Ann Kerr, Capt. Hay Bengal Army, Mr Williamson and Mr Brown. Per Eliza:- Rev’d. F. Thomazo Turente, Mr Vasconceltos? Mr Sequira, Mr Graham, Lt. Gray Per Vittoria:- Mr Garignes? Deaths Kerr & Hill On the 3rd inst. [3rd Feb.] on board the ship Flora, Capt. Sheriff, on her passage from Calcutta, Miss Helen? Mary Kerr, eldest daughter of Major General Kerr of the Bombay Establishment and sister of A.J. Kerr, Registrar of the Court of Judicature of this Presidency. On board the same ship, on the 20th ultimo [20th Jan.] Henry? Hill, junior. Miss Kerr had been ill at Calcutta prior to her embarkation, almost immediately after which she made an alarming relapse of the disorder which shortly proved fatal to her. Mr Hill embarked on board the Flora in the very last stage of consumption. The remains of this unfortunate lady and gentleman were sadly preserved by Capt. Sheriff, though with much trouble and inconvenience and brought to this Island where they were interred immediately after the Flora’s arrival. |
H.B. McCauly begs leave to announce to the gentlemen of the Settlement that he has engaged the premises lately vacated by Mr Hawkshaw, where he has established a carriage manufactory and pledges to execute all orders ... Penang Market Some considerable sales of Pepper and other spices have been made in the last week ... Tin has also been an article of demand ... while some large parcels of Cotton and a quantity of Europe Piece Gods have found fair prices for exportation to the West Coast. Several Merchants here have suffered to some extent by the burning down of Mr C. Rodyk’s house at Tavoy. Sale The sale of furniture etc. belonging to F. Halliburton advertised to take place today is postponed to tomorrow ... Shipping Arrivals - Passengers Per Hero of Malown:- Mrs Spry and family Per Cassador:- M.L. de Silva, A.F. de Silva. Per Mary Ann Sophia:- B.W. Weeding, C.S., Mr Abdam? and family and Capt. C. Tabor. |
... All that valuable and desirable estate and residence ... in the district of Aier Etam, bounded by Suffolk Park and Kelso ... and thriving Nutmeg and Clove plantations ... lately occupied by W. Cox. ... Shipping Arrivals - Passengers Per Metdin Bux:- Messrs. Reid, Sinclair and xxx. John Hannah Robert, deceased Notice is hereby given that application has this day been made to the Court of Judicature of P.W. Island ... for Letters of Administration to the Estate and Effects of John Hannah Robert, Commander of the Hon. Company’s Hired Schooner Blossom, deceased, to be granted to John Giffard Symons of the said Island, inhabitant. Shipping Arrivals - Passengers Per Alexander:- Dr. Sims and Mr Grigg. Per Soonhein:- C. Wiseman. P.W. Island Library ... and others as donations, the late Mr Petrie, then Governor of the Island, contributed largely from his valuable collection of books as likewise did Mr Phillips, he late Mr David Brown, Mr Clubley, Col. Coombs, Mr Murchison and many others ... |
Drowned in the river of Tavoy in the month of January last, Capt. William Hay, late Commander of the brig Robert Spankie, whose untimely fate is deeply regretted by many at this settlement. On Sunday the 9th inst. [9th Mar.] Mr Daniel Caldwell, leaving a numerous family to deplore his loss. Birth On the 1st? instant [1st Mar.] the wife of Sub-Conductor Higgins, of the Madras Ordnance Dept., of a daughter. Shipping News The ship Speke left our harbour on Sat. evening last for London direct, fully laden with a valuable cargo, collected from our won market ... The passengers by the Speke are Miss Harriett and Miss Christianna Bunbury and Miss Ince. Probate ... last Will and Testament of Richard Allan, late of this island, deceased, having been granted ... to Isabella Allan, the Executrix ... Auction By G. Porter at Mr N. Bacons house on the Esplanade ... The valuable property of the late R. Allan, deceased and other gentlemen who have left and are leaving the Settlement ... That comfortable and delightfully situated house on the north Beach belonging to the Estate of the late R. Allan, now occupied by Mrs Col. Garran ... |
... last Will and Testament of Richard Allan, late of this island, deceased, having been granted ... to Isabella Allan, the Executrix ... Shipping Arrivals - Passengers Per Cadar Bux:- Mr McCallum, W. Bulxxx, Mr Angus, Mr Lister. Courts The First Session of Oyer and Terminer of the present years for P.W. Island was opened ... The Grand Jury was composed of the following gentlemen:- W. Balhetchet – Foreman. P.B. Downes, G. Stuart, R. Scott, H. Scott, G. Scott, J.R. Cuthbertson, B. Weeding, N. McKertich, P.O. Carnegy, G.W. Brown, G.D. Gottlieb, J.F. Carnegy, G. Dawson, J. Padday. ... the Grand Jury retired and adjourned after returning the following:- ... Wm. Bennett Castleine, for Grand Larceny – No Bill. Shipping Arrivals - Passengers Per R. Spankie:- W. Cox, Miss Bresley. Court of Judicature The following Bills were this day delivered to the Grand Jury ... Capt. Peter Pender Hodge, for provoking to fight a duel with and sending a challenge to William Anderson, one of H.M.’s Justices of the Peace. True Bill. ... Capt. P.P. Hodge was tried for provoking to fight a duel with and sending a challenge to W. Anderson. Verdict Guilty, but recommended to the forbearance of the Court on account of the peculiar aggravated circumstances. Sentenced to pay a fine of one hundred Rupees to the King. |
Govt. Advert.
Wanted by the executive Officer for the purpose of joining the iron piped of the new Aqueduct, a plumber, who is willing to enter into a Contract ... P.O. Hodge, E.O. Shipping Arrivals - Passengers Per Joze:- Mr Carseat Per Drougan:- Mr Armstrong and Mr Warrington. H.T. Gabriel For Probate sale or to let. That substantial and comfortable house with commodious godowns and offices, situate on the east side of Beach St. belonging to the Estate of the late H.R. Gabriel. ... Apply to C. Galastaun and N. Ter Mackertich. Shipping Arrivals - Passengers Per Sophia:- Messrs. De Mello and Aidy. Per Donna Carmelita:- Capt. Hull, C. Stewart, Mr De Souza. Births On Saturday last the 19th instant, the lady of Patrick Ogilvie Carnegy, H.C. Civil Service, of a son and heir. On Monday the 21st instant, the lady of Asst. Surgeon J.L. Geddes 25th Regt. M.N.I. of a son. |
Burma News
In a subsequent column under the head of Rangoon we have copied from a Madras Paper a Memorial of the English Ship owners and Traders at and to Rangoon to the British Resident at that port, complaining of various annoyances and impositions practiced upon them by the Burmese authorities at Rangoon, in open violation of the Commercial Treaty lately entered into by the Government of that country for the special protection of our trade with them. The subject is of much moment to several of our commercial friends here, who have traded largely with Rangoon and indeed to the mercantile community generally, Rangoon being one of the few markets in which our Merchants, both European and native, have been able occasionally to compete successfully with those of other Presidencies; and in the present declining state of trade here, we would take the liberty of suggesting as advisable their lending as much aid as possible to the Rangoon Memorial, to show that there are more interested in the protection of the British trade there than the few whose signatures are attached to that document.
“Rangoon Memorial
To the British Resident
The Memorial of the English Ship owners, Commanders of vessels, Merchants and Agents residing [at] Rangoon. ...
Signed: R.G. Trill, Ship Owner and Merchant
M.F. Crisp, Ship Owner and Commander
J. Low, Merchant and Agent
J. Cuthbertson, Commander of the Ship “Eliza”
H.M. Potter, Merchant and Agent
G. Gahan, Commander of the Brig “Lady Munro”
In a subsequent column under the head of Rangoon we have copied from a Madras Paper a Memorial of the English Ship owners and Traders at and to Rangoon to the British Resident at that port, complaining of various annoyances and impositions practiced upon them by the Burmese authorities at Rangoon, in open violation of the Commercial Treaty lately entered into by the Government of that country for the special protection of our trade with them. The subject is of much moment to several of our commercial friends here, who have traded largely with Rangoon and indeed to the mercantile community generally, Rangoon being one of the few markets in which our Merchants, both European and native, have been able occasionally to compete successfully with those of other Presidencies; and in the present declining state of trade here, we would take the liberty of suggesting as advisable their lending as much aid as possible to the Rangoon Memorial, to show that there are more interested in the protection of the British trade there than the few whose signatures are attached to that document.
“Rangoon Memorial
To the British Resident
The Memorial of the English Ship owners, Commanders of vessels, Merchants and Agents residing [at] Rangoon. ...
Signed: R.G. Trill, Ship Owner and Merchant
M.F. Crisp, Ship Owner and Commander
J. Low, Merchant and Agent
J. Cuthbertson, Commander of the Ship “Eliza”
H.M. Potter, Merchant and Agent
G. Gahan, Commander of the Brig “Lady Munro”
Arrivals - Passengers Per Lee Goan:- William Hare Per Hebe:- J.E. Young Birth On the morning of the 13th inst. [13th May] Mas. __ Charboun, of a son. Auction ... That very pleasant and delightful residence “Bifrons” in the vicinity of the Sepoy Lines lately occupied by Major Brown ... Notice Agreeably to the Advertisement which appeared in the Malacca Observer on the 26th Feb. the house and premises belonging to P. Clark will be put up to public auction ... Notice F. Bedouin begs leave to announce to the gentlemen of the Settlement that he has engaged the premises lately vacated by Mr McCauly where he has established Coach Making, painting and millinery and pledges to execute all orders with neatness ... |
On Monday last the 19th instant, an accepted Draft from W.R. Wright tin favour of Capt. P.L. Murat, for the sum of 277 dollars. Any person finding same will receive a reward if required. Payment has been stopped. Shipping Arrivals - Passengers Per Bombay Merchant:- J. Templeton Per Ann:- Mrs Turner, Mr Turner, Mr Mackay, F. & W. Baumgarten and three children. Per Conde de Rio Pardo:- Messrs. Aquino, De Costa, De Souza and Remedios. Marriage On the 19th inst. [19th May] Mr Francis Grenon to Mrs Jansie Anna Nail. Shipping Arrivals - Passengers Per Flora:- Mrs Greenlaw, Messrs. Greenlaw, Cornish, Money, A. & R. Grote, W. Rodyk. Per Ann:- Mrs Turner, Mr Turner, Mr Mackay, F. & W. Baumgarten and three children. Per Conde de Rio Pardo:- Messrs. Aquino, De Costa, De Souza and Remedios. |
F. Bedouin begs leave to inform the gentlemen of the Island that he intends to open a stable for the reception of sick, lame and sore-back horses and that every care and attention shall be paid them in their treatment whilst under his immediate charge. Shipping Arrivals - Passengers Per Kent:- Mrs Goodenough, Lt. Wilkins. Ensign Goodenough and Mr Milletus. Per Jane & Eliza:- Capt. Mackie and Mr xxxerson. Per Angelica:- Messrs. Lanca and Agnino. Per Eliza:- Capt. Joseph, Col. Mendanea, Lt. Sampato, Messrs. Justiniano, Alsere, Lutegebe, Pereira? De Cruz, De Silva, Vicente, Joaquim. Per Dourada:- Senr’s. Oreira and Favier. Per Virginia:- Mr Jessop and family. Per Blossom:- Mr Stuart. Per Hebe:- Mr Tanner. Per Penang Merchant:- Col. Wyatt, W. Kerr, Mr Curdoz? and Master Phipps. Per Pallas:- Mrs Hall, Miss Hall and William Hall? Per Champion:- Ensign Nichols 25th Regt. M.N.I. and Mr Smith and family. |
On Monday the 9th isn’t. [9th June] at St. Gregory’s Church by Rev’d. Ter Mackertich Ter Andreas, Joseph Manook, (brother of Sarkies Manook of Rangoon) to Miss Thaque, daughter of Michael Ter Stephen, formerly of Bushire and niece of the late H.T. Gabriel, Armenian Merchant of this Island. Deaths On Sunday morning last, [15th June] the infant son of P.O. Carnegy, C.S., aged one month and 26 days. On Monday last the 2nd inst. [2nd June] at Kelso, William Hare, of the Bengal Civil Service, eldest son of Dr. Hare, formerly of the Bengal establishment. On Friday the 6th inst. [6th June] the lady of John Pattullo, of the Civil Service of this Presidency, eldest daughter of Dr. Hare of the Bengal Establishment. For Sale The Estate of Kelso with the dwelling house and out offices for further particulars apply to Mr Pattullo. |
Arrivals - Passengers Per Zephyr:- Mrs Anderson and family and John Anderson, Secy. to Govt. Per Flora:- Mrs Calder, Mrs Poynton, Lt. McClellan, A. Rodyk, B. Rodyk, and Mr Harris. Birth On Monday the 30th ultimo, [30th June] Mrs Aratoon Anton, of a son. Oyer and Terminer and Gaol Delivery The second session ... The following gentlemen composed the Grand Jury:- W. Balhetchet, Foreman, C.W.H. Wright, G.W. Brown, G. Scott, J. Graham, G. Jessop, P.B. Downes, H. Scott, W. Anderson, R. Scott, G. Dawson, E. Tanner, R.J. Cuthbertson, J.E. Young, J.F. Carnegy. Auction ... The substantially built brick dwelling house and godowns situate on the east side of Beach St. the property of the late H.T. Gabriel, deceased. ... Sale The dwelling house and premises belonging to A.J. Kerr situated to the eastward of Suffolk Park. ... Shipping Arrivals - Passengers Per Greenock:- Mr. Grote and Lt. Tait. Birth On the 4th inst. [4th July] the lady of Capt. John Poynton, of a son. |
Richard Winter, deceased. ... Will and Testament of Richard Winter, late of Singapore, deceased, ... granted to William Thomas Lewis of Malacca, one of the Executors ... Shipping Arrivals - Passengers Per Le Fils de France:- Messrs. Le Vidua, Doveton, Helip, Archer. Per Kent:- Lt. Balfour, Dr. warren and family and Miss McKenzie. Per Hercules:- Capt. Bowe and Mr Moses. Marriage At Calcutta, on 2nd June at the Cathedral, by Rev’d. W. Hovenden, William Boyd Kerr of Prince of Wales Island, Merchant, to Miss Catherine Moore of Calcutta. Shipping Arrivals - Passengers Per Castle Hixxxy:- Mrs Napier, Miss Napier and D. Napier, Per Phoenix:- Mrs Kerr and W.B. Kerr Per Arjuna:- Mr Pare. Birth On Tuesday the 29th inst. [29th July] the lady of A.M. Bond, of the Civil Service, of a son. John Brown, deceased ... with the Will of the late John Brown, deceased, ... to be granted to James Fairlie Carnegy of George Town ... the constituted Attorney of Edward Cliff and Mary Ann his wife, heretofore Mary Ann Brown, Spinster. ... |
... That most desirable comfortable and commodious puckah dwelling house with puckah out houses belonging to George Alexander, M.D. The founds are extensive and well stocked with spice and other trees in the most thriving condition. ... For Sale The very extensive premises known as “James Scott’s Godowns” ... situated at the North end of Beach St. ... Shipping Arrivals - Passengers Per Lady Munro:- Mrs Carty? Miss Gosling? Miss Hind? Lt. MacDowall, Mr Budd and Mr Tatham. Per Edinburgh:- Lt. Davies Per Mercury:- Mrs Hill, Mrs Pifford John Hill Rev’d. Pifford. Birth On Monday the 4th inst. [4th Aug.] at the house of the Hon. Sir J.T. Claridge, the lady of Lt. R.T.M. Sprye, of a son. Death On Monday the 4th inst. [4th Aug.] the infant son of A.M. Bond, of the Civil Service. Shipping Arrivals - Passengers Per Deidericka:- J. Palmer, Mr Fie, Mr xxx and Capt. Townes. Per Hastings:- Colonel Snow, C.B. Commander of the Forces, Capt. Snow and Lt. George Per David Scott:- J. Matheson. |
Penang Free School
Extract of proceedings at a special meeting ... It has long been the wish of the Directors to re-establish the Girls’ School which was formerly discontinued in consequence of the want of a proper person to superintend it, the necessary arrangements be made for the commencement of a daily school for Girls ... That Mrs Smith, the wife of the Master of the Free School for Boys’, be appointed Mistress of the said school. ... R. Denton, Acting Secy. Notice A certain amount in favour of the under mentioned persons on the books of the Malacca Orphan Chamber, having lain dormant for many years without any person claiming it, this notice is made for the information of such as may be concerned:- Adrian Ziegelits? Charlotte Lofty Anna M. Hadwin F.G.H. Cleuver? Inche Amilah Signed J.W. Baumgarten, Secy. O.C. Shipping Arrivals - Passengers Per Emerald:- Mr Archer. Per Wm. Fairlie:- Chas. Marjoribanks, C.S., A.C.F. Dickson, C.S., Capt. Murcott, Deputy Adjt. General, Ensign Drought. Per Johanna:- Mr Revely, Master Perkins and Master Ward. Per Jane:- J. Johnstone, W. McRay and R.C. Healey. Per Henriette:- M. Gagelin. |
On Wednesday morning the 27th inst. [27th Sept.] the lady of Capt. E.E. Bruce, 35th Regt. M.N.I., of a son. Death On Friday last, the 29th ultimo. [29th Aug.] Capt. Stephen Brown, of the ship Batavia, belonging to Mr Thornton, of London and Batavia. This is the second gentleman in the employment of that house who has fallen a victim to the fever of the West Coast while endeavouring to prosecute an extensive business there. Auction ... All that piece or parcel of ground being part of grant no. ... in the district of Tulloh Julatong, almost opposite the Southern Gate of Suffolk Park, with a very valuable and thriving spice plantation thereon, the property of William Edward Phillips. ... |
Thomas Benjamin Ramage (who was the son of Adam Ramage late of P.W. Island, Mariner, in the Straits of Malacca,) who was living about the year 1814 may, if now alive, hear something to his advantage on applying at the Curt of Judicature of P.W. Island, ... Shipping Arrivals - Passengers Per Marquis Huntly Mrs James and infant, Mrs Allport, Rev’d. Knapp, Mr Allport, R. Houldsworth, Mr Andrews, Capt. Stiles, Mrs Chadwin. Per Reliance:- D.B. Wardlow, Mrs Wardlow, Per Blosson:- Messrs. Hartman and Graham. Auction ... All those spacious and advantageously situated godowns, wharf and roomy compound on the east side of Beach St. formerly the property and in the occupation of the late James Scott ... |
Civil Appointments
Thomas Church, Deputy Resident, at Malacca
Joh Patullo, Deputy Resident, P.W. Island
Patrick Ogilvie Carnegy, 1st Asst. to the Resident, P.W. Island
J.W. Salmond, 2nd Asst. to the Resident, P.W. Island
Judicial Appointment
William Boyd Kerr, to be Sheriff of P.W. Island, Singapore & Malacca, for the ensuing year.
Justices of the Peace
At the Sessions on the 28th ultimo Messrs. J.W. Salmond, B. Weeding and Capt. Low were sworn in as Justices of the Peace for P.W. Island and Dependencies.
Government have been pleased to authorise the publication of a Weekly paper to be designated “The Government Gazette,” as being an Official Journal, it will possess the advantage of an early communication form all departments of such Regulations and Orders as are of public importance. European politics, Local and Home transactions, with selections from Literary Works of approved merit, will fill the remaining columns. ...
Shipping Report
Arrivals - Passengers
Per Phoenix:- A.B. Anderson, Penang, C.S., C.B. Greenlaw, B.C.S. and Mrs Greenlaw.
Per Deidiricka:- Messrs. Dearman and Frederick
Per Hebe:- Rev’d. Dyer, J. Young.
Per P.M. Stevens:- W.S. Greene and Miss Green x 3, J.H. Rodgers, J. Colville and D. Cardozo.
Printed at the Government Press by J.J. Hyppolite.
Thomas Church, Deputy Resident, at Malacca
Joh Patullo, Deputy Resident, P.W. Island
Patrick Ogilvie Carnegy, 1st Asst. to the Resident, P.W. Island
J.W. Salmond, 2nd Asst. to the Resident, P.W. Island
Judicial Appointment
William Boyd Kerr, to be Sheriff of P.W. Island, Singapore & Malacca, for the ensuing year.
Justices of the Peace
At the Sessions on the 28th ultimo Messrs. J.W. Salmond, B. Weeding and Capt. Low were sworn in as Justices of the Peace for P.W. Island and Dependencies.
Government have been pleased to authorise the publication of a Weekly paper to be designated “The Government Gazette,” as being an Official Journal, it will possess the advantage of an early communication form all departments of such Regulations and Orders as are of public importance. European politics, Local and Home transactions, with selections from Literary Works of approved merit, will fill the remaining columns. ...
Shipping Report
Arrivals - Passengers
Per Phoenix:- A.B. Anderson, Penang, C.S., C.B. Greenlaw, B.C.S. and Mrs Greenlaw.
Per Deidiricka:- Messrs. Dearman and Frederick
Per Hebe:- Rev’d. Dyer, J. Young.
Per P.M. Stevens:- W.S. Greene and Miss Green x 3, J.H. Rodgers, J. Colville and D. Cardozo.
Printed at the Government Press by J.J. Hyppolite.
The Hon. the Governor in Council has been pleased to appoint Messrs. J. Patullo, P.O. Carnegy, J.W. Salmond, A.M. Bond and B. Weeding, Commissioners of the Court of Requests at this Settlement. The Hon. the Governor in Council has been pleased to appoint the Commissary General and Messrs. J.W. Salmond and A.M. Bond, a Committee for controlling the Expenditure of Stationery and all Indents will accordingly be submitted to the Committee for Examination and Sanction with reference to established Rules and usage. Shipping Report Arrivals - Passengers Per Tage:- Mr and Mrs Anderson Per Deidiricka:- Messrs. Dearman and Frederick Per Hebe:- Rev’d. Dyer, J. Young. Appointments James William Salmond acting Deputy Secy. to Govt. Alexander Bewicke Anderson an Asst. in the Record Dept. Proclamation Public Notice is hereby given that John Anderson has this day taken the Oath and his Seat in Council as Acting Resident Councillor of this Settlement. J.W. Salmond, Act. Dept. Secy. to Govt. Shipping Arrivals ... The under mentioned passengers arrived on the above ships:- Per Minerva:- A. Prince Per Grace:- W.M. Macpherson and S. Kieruls Per Jessy:- W. Thomas Per Penang Merchant:- Messrs. Cullen and Thompson Departure Per Minerva:- A. Prince Per Penang Merchant:- Mrs Pifford, Rev’d. Messrs. McPherson, Pifford, Thompson and Calles. Per Virginia:- Mrs Hill, Mrs Codling and child, Miss Mannington and Mr Hill. |
The interest of Mr Peregrine Butler Downes in our Establishment will cease on the 30th instant, from which date the business will be conducted under the Firm of William Hall & Co. Hall, Downes & Co. Joseph English Takes the liberty most respectfully to intimate to his friends and the public that he intends to commence business on this Island in building Monuments, Tombs etc. Gregory Lucas, deceased Probate of the Last Will and Testament of Gregory Lucas, late of Prince of Wales Island, Armenian Merchant, deceased, having been granted by the Court of Judicature ... to Cachatoor Galastaun and Henry Scott, two of the Executors named in the said Will, all persons having claims upon, being indebted to or holding property belonging to the Estate are hereby requested forthwith to state their claims ... W. Caunter, Proctor, P.W. Island. Marine Appointment The Hon. the Governor in Council has been pleased to appoint Mr William Scott, first Asst. Master Attendant to remain at Malacca. J.W. Salmond, Act. Depy. Secy. to Govt. Shipping Arrivals ... The under mentioned passengers arrived on the above ships:- Per Lowjee Family:- Charles Frederick and Charles Scott Departures Per Sophia:- Mr Bedouin Per Zephyr:- Major & Mrs Lake and two children Auction ... The valuable property of W.E.E. Conwell, M.D., returning to Europe. Judicial Appointment The Hon. the Governor in Council has been pleased to appoint A.M. Bond, Accountant General to the Court of Judicature. General Orders Dr. Conwell, officiating Staff Surgeon, has the permission of the Governor to proceed Singapore and Malacca on sick Cert. and to be absent for the period of four months. ... |
General Orders
Asst. Surgeon Thomas Oxley having produced the requisite Medical Cert. the Hon. the Governor in Council is pleased to grant that officer 3 months leave of absence to proceed to sea for the benefit of his health, the same to commence from the date of his embarkation. J.W. Salmond, Actg. Dep. Secy. to Govt. Birth On Wednesday morning the 12th inst. the lady of W.T. Lewis, C.S., of a daughter. Tavoy Death Lately at Tavoy, Charles, the infant son of Capt. H. Burney, Resident Commissioner there. Penang Birth At Glugar House, 29th Nov. 1828. The lady of D.B. Wardlaw, Bengal Establishment, of a daughter. Shipping Arrivals ... The under mentioned passengers arrived on the above ships:- Per Lee Goan:- Mrs Mathews and son Per Sherburne:- Mrs Bryant and 2 children, Mrs White and child, Lt.-Col. Bryant, J.A.G. Bengal. Departure Per Sherburne:- Mrs & Col. Bryant and 2 children, Mrs White and child, Miss G. Rodyk Per Kent:- Mrs and Miss Conwell, Mrs Kidd and 2 children, Miss Morrison and Dr. Conwell, M.D. |
On Mon. last, the 8th inst. a Draft from Calcutta, for Sicca Rupees 98 in favour of J.P. Baptist, a reward of ten dollars will be given to any person who beings it to the Govt. Gazette Office. Shipping Departure Per Ann:- R. Caunter and J. Graham, Master R. Caunter and servant. Per Kent:- Mrs and Miss Conwell, Mrs Kidd and 2 children, Miss Morrison and Dr. Conwell, M.D. Notices Norman Macalister McIntyre will be admitted as Partner in our Firm on the 1st proximo. Balhetchet & Co. Jonathan Padday has been admitted a partner in our Firm from the 1st instant. William Hall & Co. J.P. Baptist Begs to acquaint the public that he shortly expects from Bengal, an investment of ladies fashionable dresses and millinery... Application to be made to William Ward, Penang Rd. General Orders The leave of absence granted to Asst. Surgeon Oxley on the 3rd instant, is hereby cancelled at his request. Shipping Departure Per Fort William:- Mrs Sprye and 2 children, Lt. Sprye, Ensign James Per Kent:- Mrs and Miss Conwell, Mrs Kidd and 2 children, Miss Morrison and Dr. Conwell, M.D. |