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Burma Gazette
Appointments / Postings / Leave
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Dec. 29th 1917
On return from general military service Mr J.F. Williams, Superintendent, Land Records, is posted to the charge of the Kyaukse Land Records office.
The Commissioner of the Pegu Divn. appoints the under mentioned gentlemen to be members of the Syriam Municipal Committee. They will hold office for a further term of two years with effect from 1st Jan. 1918:- J. Moore of the Burma Oil Co. and R. Cloudsley of the Burma Oil Co.
Under provisions of section ... the following gentlemen are notified as having been elected members of the Syriam Municipal Committee on 3rd Dec. 1917. They will hold office for a further term of two years with effect from 1st Jan. 1918:-
Syriam Refinery Ward - A. Storrar of the Burma Oil Co. and A. Mathieson of the Burma Oil Co.
The Bogyok Refinery Ward - A.G. Forbes of the Burma Oil Co., Thanhlyin, Nyaungthonbin.
The Commissioner of the Pegu Divn. appoints the under mentioned gentlemen to be members of the Hospital Committee, Syriam, Hanthawaddy Dist. They will hold office for a further term of two years with effect from 1st Jan. 1918:- Mr A. Nundi, Municipal Commissioner, J.C. Hope, Burma Oil Co., Mr R. Pitkethly, Burma Oil Co., Mr A. Storrar, Burma Oil Co.
The following gentlemen are appointed members of the Municipal Committee, Henzada. They will hold office for two years with effect from 1st Jan. 1918: Cassim Dala, Merchant, Ko Maung Gyi, Merchant, A.W. Bodeker, bar-at-law, F.L. Phipps, Pleader.
The following gentlemen are appointed members of the Thaton Municipal Committee. They will hold office for two years with effect from 1st Jan. 1918: U Pein, A.T.M., Extra Asst. Commissioner, On Ba Wet , Merchant, W.B. Abreu, Advocate.
Jan. 5th 1918
The services of E.D. Haffenden, Executive Engineer, are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
The services of H.R. Aston, Executive Engineer, are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
W.M. Hayfield, Executive Engineer, Mon Canals Divn., is transferred to the charge of the Meiktila Irrigation Divn. vice H.R. Aston, Executive Engineer, proceeding on Military Duty.
R. Berrill, Temporary Engineer, Ye-u Canal Divn., is appointed to officiate as Executive Engineer, Mon Canals Divn. vice W.M. Hayfield, Executive Engineer, transferred.
C.E. Muriel, Conservator of Forests, 1st grade (on leave) is permitted to retire from the service of Government with effect from the 9th November 1917. From the same date following promotions are made:- H. Carter, Conservator of Forests, 2nd grade, (offg. 1st grade) is confirmed in the 1st grade ; R.C. Milward, offg. Conservator of Forests, 3rd grade, is appointed Conservator of Forests, 3rd grade, s.p.t.
Oscar de Glanville, Barrister-at-Law is appointed to be Western Sub-divnl. Magistrate, Rangoon in place of H.H. Mackney, I.C.S., Asst, Commissioner.
H.H. Mackney, I.C.S., Asst, Commissioner, is appointed to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner and is appointed 1. To be Dist, Magistrate of the Rangoon Town Dist. 2. To be Officer in charge of the General Administration of the Rangoon Town Dist. and 3. To be Deputy Commissioner of the Rangoon Town Dist.
The service of J.E. Houldey, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner are placed at the disposal of the Military Dept. for duty in connection with the Indian Defence Force.
Privilege leave for six week is granted to F.A. McMahon, officiating Dist. Superintendent of Police, Yamethin Dist.
The following substantive and temporary alterations in rank are ordered in the Police Dept:-
(1) With effect from 3rd July 1917 the date on which C.E.W. Molesworth, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade, sub pro tem., and offg. 4th grade, proceeded on privilege leave: Mr A.J. Corban-Lucas, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade, sub pro tem., to officiate as a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 4th grade.
(2) With effect from 5th July 1917 consequent on the return from privilege leave of A.P. Warburton, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade, sub pro tem. and offg. 4th grade: C.E.W. Molesworth, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade, sub pro tem., and offg. 4th grade, on privilege leave, to be Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade: A.J.L. Corban-Lucas, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade, sub pro tem. and offg. 4th grade to be Dist. Superintendent of Police 5th grade, sub pro tem.
(3) With effect from 10th July 1917 consequent on the departure on leave of J.A.P. Stuart, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade, sub pro tem. and offg. 4th grade: C.E.W. Molesworth, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade, sub pro tem., on privilege leave, to officiate as a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 4th grade: A.J.L. Corban-Lucas, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade, sub pro tem., to offg. as a Dist. Superintendent of Police 4th grade.
(4) With effect from 13th July 1917 the date on which M.B. Comber, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 3rd grade and offg. 2nd grade, assumed charge of his special duty at Rangoon: J.L. Ommanney, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 3rd grade, to offg. as a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 2nd grade. Mr J.R.G. Hastings, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade and offg. 4th grade to officiate as a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 4th grade.
(5) With effect from 14th July 1917 consequent on the retirement from the service of Mr H. Deighton, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 3rd grade:
Mr C.H.M. Roberts, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 4th grade, on furlough, to be a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 3rd grade, Mr A.C. Bateman, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 4th grade, sub. pro tem. and officiatiing 3rd grade to be a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 4th grade, and to continue to officiate as a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 3rd grade. Mr J.R.G. Hastings, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade, and officiating 3rd grade, to be a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 4th grade, 4th grade, sub pro tem., and to continue to officiate as a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 3rd grade.
M.S. Merrikin, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade, sub pro tem. and officiating 4th grade to be a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade and to continue to officiate a Dist. Superintendent of Police. [4th grade]
H.F. Reynolds, Asst. Superintendent of Police, 1st grade and officiating Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade, on privilege leave, to be a Dist. Superintendent of Police 5th grade, sub. pro. tem.
H.R. Alexander, Asst. Superintendent of Police, 1st grade, sub. pro. tem., to be an Asst. Superintendent of Police 1st grade.
A.G. Adams, Asst. Superintendent of Police, 3rd grade, and 1st grade, sub. pro. tem., on duty with the Military Police, to be an Asst. Superintendent of Police, 2nd grade and simultaneously an Asst. Superintendent of Police 1st grade, sub. pro. tem. and to remain on duty with the Military Police.
(6) With effect from 7th Aug. 1917, the date on which Mr C.E.W. Molesworth, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade, sub. pro. tem. and officiating 4th grade, returned from privilege leave: Mr R. Hardie, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade, sub. pro. tem. and officiating 4th grade, to be a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade, pro. tem.
(7) With effect from 9th Aug. 1917, consequent on the death of Mr W.W. Forbes, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 1st grade: Mr R.E. Barber, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 2nd grade and officiating 1st grade, to be a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 1st grade.
Mr W.S. Thom, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 3rd grade and officiating 2nd grade to be a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 2nd grade.
T.H.D. LaTouche, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 4th grade, on furlough, to be a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 3rd grade.
Major A.F.M. Slater, I.A., Dist. Superintendent of Police, 4th grade, sub. pro. tem. and officiating 3rd grade, on military duty, to be a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 4th grade, and to continue to officiate as a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 3rd grade, and to remain on military duty.
D.J. Ross, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 4th grade and officiating 4th grade (sic) to be a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 4th grade, sub. pro. tem.
A. Dunbar, Asst. Superintendent of Police, 1st grade, on furlough, to be a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade.
C.G. Stewart, Asst. Superintendent of Police, 1st grade, sub. pro. tem. and officiating Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade, to be an Asst. Superintendent of Police, 1st grade, and to continue to officiate as a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade.
G.J. Harvey, Asst. Superintendent of Police, 3rd grade, and 1st grade, sub. pro. tem., on duty with the Military Police, to be an Asst. Superintendent of Police, 2nd grade and simultaneously an Asst. Superintendent of Police, 1st grade, sub. pro. tem., and to remain on duty with the Military Police
(8) With effect from 12th Sept. 1917, the date on which Mr A.P. Warburton, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade, sub pro tem., and officiating 4th grade, availed himself of the privilege leave portion of the combined leave granted tom him: R. Hardie, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade, sub. pro. tem., to officiate as a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 4th grade.
(9) With effect from 16th Sept. 1917, the date on which C.E.W. Molesworth, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade, sub. pro. tem., and officiating 4th grade, made over charge of the police of the Pakokku Distrist to Mr P.J. Harvey, prior to proceeding on duty with the Military Police: P.J. Harvey, Asst. Superintendent of Police, 1st grade, sub. pro. tem. to officiate as a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade.
(10) With effect from 18th Sept. 1917, consequent on the expiry of the privilege leave portion of the combined leave granted to A.P. Warburton: Mr A.P. Warburton, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade, sub. pro. tem., and officiating 4th grade, on furlough, to be an Asst. Superintendent of Police, 1st grade.
Mr H. R. Alexander, Asst. Superintendent of Police, 1st grade, on duty with the Military Police, to be a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade, sub. pro. tem., and to remain on duty with the Military Police.
C.G. Stewart, Asst. Superintendent of Police, 1st grade, and officiating Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade, to be a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade, sub. pro. tem.
(11) With effect from 19th Sept. 1917, consequent on the termination of the special duty of Mr J.W. Davidson, Superintendent of Police Supplies, in the office of the Superintendent of Police Supplies and the retirement of Mr H.F. Hertz, C.I.E., Dist. Superintendent of Police, 2nd grade and officiating 1st grade and officiating Superintendent of Police Supplies: Mr R.C.E. Underwood, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 3rd grade and officiating 2nd grade, to be a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 2nd grade.
T.R. Dobson, Dist. Superintendent of Police 4th grade and officiating 3rd grade, to be a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 3rd grade.
Capt. J.D. Thomson, I.A., Dist. Superintendent of Police 4th grade, sub. pro. tem., and officiating 3rd grade, on military duty, to be a Dist. Superintendent of Police 4th grade and to continue to officiate as a Dist. Superintendent of Police 3rd grade and to remain on military duty.
P.H. Mears, Dist. Superintendent of Police 5th grade, and officiating 4th grade, to be a Dist. Superintendent of Police 4th grade, sub. pro. tem.
N.P. Morrison, Dist. Superintendent of Police 5th grade, sub. pro. tem., and officiating 4th grade, to be a Dist. Superintendent of Police 5th grade and to continue to officiate as a Dist. Superintendent of Police 4th grade.
F.A. McMahon, Asst. Superintendent of Police 1st grade, sub. pro. tem. and officiating Dist. Superintendent of Police 5th grade, to be an Asst. Superintendent of Police, 1st grade, and simultaneously a Dist. Superintendent of Police 5th grade.
F.H. Robinson, Asst. Superintendent of Police 3rd grade and 1st grade sub. pro. tem. on military duty, to be an Asst. Superintendent of Police 2nd grade and simultaneously an Asst. Superintendent of Police 1st grade, tem. and to remain on military duty.
(12) With effect from 26th Sept. 1917, the date on which Mr H.F. Hertz, C.I.E., assumed charge of the police of the Southern Shan States on re-appointment to the police subsequent to retirement from the service: Mr H.F. Hertz, C.I.E., Dist. Superintendent of Police (retired) to be an Asst. Superintendent of Police 2nd grade, sub. pro. tem.
(13) With effect from 26th Sept. 1917, the date on which C.E.W. Molesworth, Dist. Superintendent of Police 5th grade, sub. pro. tem., and officiating 4th grade, assumed charge of his duties with the Military Police: Mr H.F. Reynolds, Dist. Superintendent of Police 5th grade, sub. pro. tem., to officiate as a Dist. Superintendent of Police 4th grade.
H.R. Lanktree, Asst. Superintendent of Police 1st grade, sub. pro. tem., on duty with the Military Police, to be a Dist. Superintendent of Police 5th grade, sub. pro. tem., and to remain on duty with the Military Police.
E.A. Henry, Asst. Superintendent of Police 1st grade, sub. pro. tem. and officiating Dist. Superintendent of Police 5th grade, to be a Dist. Superintendent of Police 1st grade, sub. pro. tem.
(14) With effect from 27th Sept. 1917, the date on which Mr B.C. Rake, Dist. Superintendent of Police 4th grade, sub. pro. tem., and officiating 3rd grade, availed himself of the privilege leave portion of the combined leave granted to him: Mr D.J. Ross, Dist. Superintendent of Police 4th grade, sub. pro. tem., to officiate as a Dist. Superintendent of Police 3rd grade.
C.G. Stewart, Dist. Superintendent of Police 5th grade, sub. pro. tem., to officiate as a Dist. Superintendent of Police 4th grade.
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint Major W.L. Meade, 95th Russell's Infantry, to be an Aide-de-Camp on his Personal Staff.
J.C. Mackenzie, I.C.S., is transferred from Rangoon and is posted to Forest Settlement duty in the Amherst and Hanthawaddy District.
H.F. Sitzler, I.C.S., is transferred from Bassein and is posted to special duty in the Hanthawaddy Sessions Divn.
Privilege leave for one month is granted to T. Lister, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner and Private Secy. to the Lt.-Governor.
The services of T. Lister, I.C.S., are temporarily placed at the disposal of the Govt. of the United Provinces.
G.C. Latimer, Asst. Superintendent of Police is placed in charge of the police of the Moulmein Town Sub-divn. Amherst Dist., in addition to his own duties in place of Maung Hla.
The following alterations in rank are ordered in the Police Dept. with effect from 6th Nov. 1917:-
R.G.B. Prescott, Asst. Dist. Superintendent of Police, on probation, to be an Asst. Superintendent of Police, 3rd grade, on probation, and simultaneously to be an Asst. Superintendent of Police, 1st grade, sub. pro. tem., on probation.
R.G.B. Prescott, Asst. Dist. Superintendent of Police, on probation, is confirmed in his appointment.
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint R.C. Morris, Dist. Superintendent of Police, to be a Commandant of Military Police.
On return from leave, D.J. Ross, Dist. Superintendent of Police, is appointed to be Asst. Commissioner of Police, Rangoon.
On relief by D.J. Ross, J.C. Habgood, Dist. Superintendent of Police, is placed in charge of the Central Divn. in addition to his duties as Superintendent of Police, Western Divn., Rangoon Town, in place of W. Milne, offg. Deputy Superintendent of Police.
On relief by J.C. Habgood, W. Milne, offg. Deputy Superintendent of Police, is reverted to his substantive appointment as Inspector of Police.
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint E.D. Duckworth, I.C.S., Divnl. Judge of the Hanthawaddy Divn., to be also an Additional Sessions Judge of the Tharrawaddy Divn. He shall try such cases as the Sessions Judge may make over to him for trial and shall sit for the disposal of such cases at Rangoon.
H.F. Sitzler, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, is appointed under section ... to exercise jurisdiction as an Additional Sessions Judge in the Court of Sessions of the Hanthawaddy Divn. He shall try such cases as the Sessions Judge may make over to him for trial.
At the departmental exams. held at Rangoon, Bassein, Akyab, Moulmein, Mergui, Magwe, Meiktila, Mandalay and Kindat on 7th Nov. 1917, the under mentioned candidates passed the exam. in Criminal Law prescribed for Excise Officers:-
J.B. Mellican, Inspector of Excise, Tavoy
Under the provisions of section 12 ... the under mentioned gentlemen are appointed to be Magistrates (Hony.) of the third class in the Hanthawaddy Dist:-
H.L. Allan, Asst. Works Manager, Burma Oil Co., Syriam
J.C. Hope, Junior Asst. Works Manager, Burma Oil Co., Syriam
J. Moore, Superintending Engr., Burma Oil Co. and Vice-president of the Municipal Committee, Syriam
A. Storrar, Asst. Engr., Burma Oil Co., and Member of the Municipal Committee, Syriam.
It is notified that a certificate of approval has been granted to each of eh following persons to prospect for minerals in the Province of Burma:-
H.H. Bateman, Mergui
L.P. Declozets, Rangoon
H.P.G. Selvey, Tavoy
A.C. Martin, Rangoon
V.J. Nahapiet, Rangoon
L.Y. Ham, Moulmein
The Burma-Malaya Mines Ltd., Rangoon
John J.A. Page, A.R.S.M., A.I.M.M., Tavoy
P.M. Haines, Rangoon
F.A. Leete, Conservator of Forests, has been granted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State for India an extension of furlough for six months in continuation of the combined leave.
Gazette of India:- Mr F.T. Dalton, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, Port Blair, is appointed to be an Asst. Commissioner in the Settlement.
F.H. Steavenson, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner and is posted to the charge of the Mandalay Dist.
W.J. Smyth, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, is appointed to officiate as a Commissioner and is posted to the charge of the Mandalay Divn. in place of Lt.-Col. S.L. Aplin, C.S.I., I.A., Commissioner.
Mr Claude Bertram de Kretser, I.C.S., who has been appointed to be an Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, in Burma, is posted to the headquarters of the Sagaing district for training.
M.B. Comber, Dist. Superintendent of Police is appointed to be a Superintendent of Police, Rangoon and is posted to the charge of the police of the Western Divn. in place of J.C. Habgood, Dist. Superintendent of Police, transferred. J.C. Habgood, Dist. Superintendent of Police, is transferred from Rangoon and is posted to the charge of the police of the Meiktila district in place of Maung Po Tha, Dist. Superintendent of Police, deceased. M.B. Comber Superintendent of Police, Western Divn., Rangoon Town, is placed in charge of the Central Divn. in addition to his other duties.
R.D. Burne, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to officiate as a Commandant of Burma Military Police and is transferred from Mandalay and posted to the command of the Chindwin Battn. with headquarters at Monywa, in place of Capt. A. Lethbridge, I.A. transferred.
R.G.B. Lawson, Asst. Superintendent of Police is transferred from the Chindwin Battn. Burma Military Police and is posted to special duty in the Chin Hills with headquarters at Falam.
A.G. Adams, Asst. Superintendent of Police is transferred from the Mandalay Battn. Burma Military Police and is posted to special duty in the Chin Hills with headquarters at Falam.
C.E.W. Molesworth, Dist. Superintendent of Police is transferred from the Myitkina Battn. Burma Military Police and is posted to special duty in the Pakokku Hill Tracts with headquarters at Pakokku.
N.P. Morrison, Dist. Superintendent of Police is transferred from Monywa to the charge of the police of the Sagaing Dist. in place of J.A. Vardon, officiating Dist. Superintendent of Police, transferred.
J.A. Vardon, officiating Dist. Superintendent of Police is transferred from Sagaing to the charge of the police of the Lower Chindwin Dist. in place of N.P. Morrison, transferred.
On return from leave, A.E. Potter, I.E.S., Inspector of Schools, is placed on special duty in the office of the Director of Public Instruction, Burma, until further orders.
J.C. Mackenzie, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, is appointed to succeed the Sub-divisional Officer, Kawkareik, as Forest Settlement Officer for the purpose of holding the enquiry ordered, regarding the proposed Ta-ok Reserve in the Amherst Dist.
J.C. Mackenzie, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, is appointed to succeed the Sub-divisional Officer, Kyauktan, as Forest Settlement Officer for the purpose of holding the enquiry ordered, regarding the proposed Sinkyun Reserve in the Hanthawaddy Dist.
On completion of the timber measuring duty Mr A.R. Villar, Deputy Conservator of Forests, was transferred from Pakokku and was reposted to the charge of the Shwegu Forest Sub-divn. Bhamo Forest Divn. in place of G.K. Parker, Deputy Conservator of Forests, who remains in charge of that division.
W.G. Shaw, Asst. Superintendent of Excise, is transferred from Toungoo to Rangoon.
The Commissioner, Pegu Divn. appoints C.H.B. David, Sub-divnl. Police Officer, Paungde and Maung Aung Pru, Sub-asst. Surgeon, Paungde, to be members of the Paungde Municipal Committee in place of Maung Gyi and Mr Pillay, transferred.
P. Lynam, Sub-inspector of Excise, 2nd grade, Akyab Dist. is appointed to officiate as Inspector of Excise (Salt) 5th grade and is posted to Kyaukpyu, Kyaukpyu Dist.
D.H.D. Wilkinson, Inspector of Excise, 5th grade, on return from general military service, is posted to Mogok, Ruby Mines Dist.
G. Kinsman, Resident Excise Officer, 7th grade, Myitkyina, is appointed to officiate as Inspector of Excise, 5th grade and is posted to Myitkyina, in place of B. McCrea, Inspector of Excise, 4th grade, proceeding on military duty.
E. La Bouchardiere, Resident Excise Officer, 5th grade, on expiry of leave is reposted to the Tenasserim Divn.
Maung Tun Hla U, Resident Excise Officer, 6th grade, Minbya, Akyab Dist. is appointed to officiate as Inspector of Excise, 5th grade and is posted to the charge of the Akyab, Ponnagyun and Rathedaung Townships, in place of K.L. Willson, Inspector of Excise, 3rd grade, proceeding on military duty.
Leave on medical certificate for two months is granted to J.D. Thompson, Inspector of Excise, Nyaunglebin, Pegu Dist.
J.D. Thompson, Inspector of Excise, 5th grade, on expiry of his leave is reposted to Nyaunglebin, Pegu Dist.
Dec. 29th 1917
On return from general military service Mr J.F. Williams, Superintendent, Land Records, is posted to the charge of the Kyaukse Land Records office.
The Commissioner of the Pegu Divn. appoints the under mentioned gentlemen to be members of the Syriam Municipal Committee. They will hold office for a further term of two years with effect from 1st Jan. 1918:- J. Moore of the Burma Oil Co. and R. Cloudsley of the Burma Oil Co.
Under provisions of section ... the following gentlemen are notified as having been elected members of the Syriam Municipal Committee on 3rd Dec. 1917. They will hold office for a further term of two years with effect from 1st Jan. 1918:-
Syriam Refinery Ward - A. Storrar of the Burma Oil Co. and A. Mathieson of the Burma Oil Co.
The Bogyok Refinery Ward - A.G. Forbes of the Burma Oil Co., Thanhlyin, Nyaungthonbin.
The Commissioner of the Pegu Divn. appoints the under mentioned gentlemen to be members of the Hospital Committee, Syriam, Hanthawaddy Dist. They will hold office for a further term of two years with effect from 1st Jan. 1918:- Mr A. Nundi, Municipal Commissioner, J.C. Hope, Burma Oil Co., Mr R. Pitkethly, Burma Oil Co., Mr A. Storrar, Burma Oil Co.
The following gentlemen are appointed members of the Municipal Committee, Henzada. They will hold office for two years with effect from 1st Jan. 1918: Cassim Dala, Merchant, Ko Maung Gyi, Merchant, A.W. Bodeker, bar-at-law, F.L. Phipps, Pleader.
The following gentlemen are appointed members of the Thaton Municipal Committee. They will hold office for two years with effect from 1st Jan. 1918: U Pein, A.T.M., Extra Asst. Commissioner, On Ba Wet , Merchant, W.B. Abreu, Advocate.
Jan. 5th 1918
The services of E.D. Haffenden, Executive Engineer, are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
The services of H.R. Aston, Executive Engineer, are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
W.M. Hayfield, Executive Engineer, Mon Canals Divn., is transferred to the charge of the Meiktila Irrigation Divn. vice H.R. Aston, Executive Engineer, proceeding on Military Duty.
R. Berrill, Temporary Engineer, Ye-u Canal Divn., is appointed to officiate as Executive Engineer, Mon Canals Divn. vice W.M. Hayfield, Executive Engineer, transferred.
C.E. Muriel, Conservator of Forests, 1st grade (on leave) is permitted to retire from the service of Government with effect from the 9th November 1917. From the same date following promotions are made:- H. Carter, Conservator of Forests, 2nd grade, (offg. 1st grade) is confirmed in the 1st grade ; R.C. Milward, offg. Conservator of Forests, 3rd grade, is appointed Conservator of Forests, 3rd grade, s.p.t.
Oscar de Glanville, Barrister-at-Law is appointed to be Western Sub-divnl. Magistrate, Rangoon in place of H.H. Mackney, I.C.S., Asst, Commissioner.
H.H. Mackney, I.C.S., Asst, Commissioner, is appointed to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner and is appointed 1. To be Dist, Magistrate of the Rangoon Town Dist. 2. To be Officer in charge of the General Administration of the Rangoon Town Dist. and 3. To be Deputy Commissioner of the Rangoon Town Dist.
The service of J.E. Houldey, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner are placed at the disposal of the Military Dept. for duty in connection with the Indian Defence Force.
Privilege leave for six week is granted to F.A. McMahon, officiating Dist. Superintendent of Police, Yamethin Dist.
The following substantive and temporary alterations in rank are ordered in the Police Dept:-
(1) With effect from 3rd July 1917 the date on which C.E.W. Molesworth, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade, sub pro tem., and offg. 4th grade, proceeded on privilege leave: Mr A.J. Corban-Lucas, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade, sub pro tem., to officiate as a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 4th grade.
(2) With effect from 5th July 1917 consequent on the return from privilege leave of A.P. Warburton, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade, sub pro tem. and offg. 4th grade: C.E.W. Molesworth, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade, sub pro tem., and offg. 4th grade, on privilege leave, to be Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade: A.J.L. Corban-Lucas, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade, sub pro tem. and offg. 4th grade to be Dist. Superintendent of Police 5th grade, sub pro tem.
(3) With effect from 10th July 1917 consequent on the departure on leave of J.A.P. Stuart, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade, sub pro tem. and offg. 4th grade: C.E.W. Molesworth, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade, sub pro tem., on privilege leave, to officiate as a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 4th grade: A.J.L. Corban-Lucas, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade, sub pro tem., to offg. as a Dist. Superintendent of Police 4th grade.
(4) With effect from 13th July 1917 the date on which M.B. Comber, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 3rd grade and offg. 2nd grade, assumed charge of his special duty at Rangoon: J.L. Ommanney, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 3rd grade, to offg. as a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 2nd grade. Mr J.R.G. Hastings, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade and offg. 4th grade to officiate as a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 4th grade.
(5) With effect from 14th July 1917 consequent on the retirement from the service of Mr H. Deighton, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 3rd grade:
Mr C.H.M. Roberts, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 4th grade, on furlough, to be a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 3rd grade, Mr A.C. Bateman, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 4th grade, sub. pro tem. and officiatiing 3rd grade to be a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 4th grade, and to continue to officiate as a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 3rd grade. Mr J.R.G. Hastings, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade, and officiating 3rd grade, to be a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 4th grade, 4th grade, sub pro tem., and to continue to officiate as a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 3rd grade.
M.S. Merrikin, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade, sub pro tem. and officiating 4th grade to be a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade and to continue to officiate a Dist. Superintendent of Police. [4th grade]
H.F. Reynolds, Asst. Superintendent of Police, 1st grade and officiating Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade, on privilege leave, to be a Dist. Superintendent of Police 5th grade, sub. pro. tem.
H.R. Alexander, Asst. Superintendent of Police, 1st grade, sub. pro. tem., to be an Asst. Superintendent of Police 1st grade.
A.G. Adams, Asst. Superintendent of Police, 3rd grade, and 1st grade, sub. pro. tem., on duty with the Military Police, to be an Asst. Superintendent of Police, 2nd grade and simultaneously an Asst. Superintendent of Police 1st grade, sub. pro. tem. and to remain on duty with the Military Police.
(6) With effect from 7th Aug. 1917, the date on which Mr C.E.W. Molesworth, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade, sub. pro. tem. and officiating 4th grade, returned from privilege leave: Mr R. Hardie, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade, sub. pro. tem. and officiating 4th grade, to be a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade, pro. tem.
(7) With effect from 9th Aug. 1917, consequent on the death of Mr W.W. Forbes, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 1st grade: Mr R.E. Barber, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 2nd grade and officiating 1st grade, to be a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 1st grade.
Mr W.S. Thom, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 3rd grade and officiating 2nd grade to be a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 2nd grade.
T.H.D. LaTouche, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 4th grade, on furlough, to be a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 3rd grade.
Major A.F.M. Slater, I.A., Dist. Superintendent of Police, 4th grade, sub. pro. tem. and officiating 3rd grade, on military duty, to be a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 4th grade, and to continue to officiate as a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 3rd grade, and to remain on military duty.
D.J. Ross, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 4th grade and officiating 4th grade (sic) to be a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 4th grade, sub. pro. tem.
A. Dunbar, Asst. Superintendent of Police, 1st grade, on furlough, to be a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade.
C.G. Stewart, Asst. Superintendent of Police, 1st grade, sub. pro. tem. and officiating Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade, to be an Asst. Superintendent of Police, 1st grade, and to continue to officiate as a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade.
G.J. Harvey, Asst. Superintendent of Police, 3rd grade, and 1st grade, sub. pro. tem., on duty with the Military Police, to be an Asst. Superintendent of Police, 2nd grade and simultaneously an Asst. Superintendent of Police, 1st grade, sub. pro. tem., and to remain on duty with the Military Police
(8) With effect from 12th Sept. 1917, the date on which Mr A.P. Warburton, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade, sub pro tem., and officiating 4th grade, availed himself of the privilege leave portion of the combined leave granted tom him: R. Hardie, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade, sub. pro. tem., to officiate as a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 4th grade.
(9) With effect from 16th Sept. 1917, the date on which C.E.W. Molesworth, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade, sub. pro. tem., and officiating 4th grade, made over charge of the police of the Pakokku Distrist to Mr P.J. Harvey, prior to proceeding on duty with the Military Police: P.J. Harvey, Asst. Superintendent of Police, 1st grade, sub. pro. tem. to officiate as a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade.
(10) With effect from 18th Sept. 1917, consequent on the expiry of the privilege leave portion of the combined leave granted to A.P. Warburton: Mr A.P. Warburton, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade, sub. pro. tem., and officiating 4th grade, on furlough, to be an Asst. Superintendent of Police, 1st grade.
Mr H. R. Alexander, Asst. Superintendent of Police, 1st grade, on duty with the Military Police, to be a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade, sub. pro. tem., and to remain on duty with the Military Police.
C.G. Stewart, Asst. Superintendent of Police, 1st grade, and officiating Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade, to be a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade, sub. pro. tem.
(11) With effect from 19th Sept. 1917, consequent on the termination of the special duty of Mr J.W. Davidson, Superintendent of Police Supplies, in the office of the Superintendent of Police Supplies and the retirement of Mr H.F. Hertz, C.I.E., Dist. Superintendent of Police, 2nd grade and officiating 1st grade and officiating Superintendent of Police Supplies: Mr R.C.E. Underwood, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 3rd grade and officiating 2nd grade, to be a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 2nd grade.
T.R. Dobson, Dist. Superintendent of Police 4th grade and officiating 3rd grade, to be a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 3rd grade.
Capt. J.D. Thomson, I.A., Dist. Superintendent of Police 4th grade, sub. pro. tem., and officiating 3rd grade, on military duty, to be a Dist. Superintendent of Police 4th grade and to continue to officiate as a Dist. Superintendent of Police 3rd grade and to remain on military duty.
P.H. Mears, Dist. Superintendent of Police 5th grade, and officiating 4th grade, to be a Dist. Superintendent of Police 4th grade, sub. pro. tem.
N.P. Morrison, Dist. Superintendent of Police 5th grade, sub. pro. tem., and officiating 4th grade, to be a Dist. Superintendent of Police 5th grade and to continue to officiate as a Dist. Superintendent of Police 4th grade.
F.A. McMahon, Asst. Superintendent of Police 1st grade, sub. pro. tem. and officiating Dist. Superintendent of Police 5th grade, to be an Asst. Superintendent of Police, 1st grade, and simultaneously a Dist. Superintendent of Police 5th grade.
F.H. Robinson, Asst. Superintendent of Police 3rd grade and 1st grade sub. pro. tem. on military duty, to be an Asst. Superintendent of Police 2nd grade and simultaneously an Asst. Superintendent of Police 1st grade, tem. and to remain on military duty.
(12) With effect from 26th Sept. 1917, the date on which Mr H.F. Hertz, C.I.E., assumed charge of the police of the Southern Shan States on re-appointment to the police subsequent to retirement from the service: Mr H.F. Hertz, C.I.E., Dist. Superintendent of Police (retired) to be an Asst. Superintendent of Police 2nd grade, sub. pro. tem.
(13) With effect from 26th Sept. 1917, the date on which C.E.W. Molesworth, Dist. Superintendent of Police 5th grade, sub. pro. tem., and officiating 4th grade, assumed charge of his duties with the Military Police: Mr H.F. Reynolds, Dist. Superintendent of Police 5th grade, sub. pro. tem., to officiate as a Dist. Superintendent of Police 4th grade.
H.R. Lanktree, Asst. Superintendent of Police 1st grade, sub. pro. tem., on duty with the Military Police, to be a Dist. Superintendent of Police 5th grade, sub. pro. tem., and to remain on duty with the Military Police.
E.A. Henry, Asst. Superintendent of Police 1st grade, sub. pro. tem. and officiating Dist. Superintendent of Police 5th grade, to be a Dist. Superintendent of Police 1st grade, sub. pro. tem.
(14) With effect from 27th Sept. 1917, the date on which Mr B.C. Rake, Dist. Superintendent of Police 4th grade, sub. pro. tem., and officiating 3rd grade, availed himself of the privilege leave portion of the combined leave granted to him: Mr D.J. Ross, Dist. Superintendent of Police 4th grade, sub. pro. tem., to officiate as a Dist. Superintendent of Police 3rd grade.
C.G. Stewart, Dist. Superintendent of Police 5th grade, sub. pro. tem., to officiate as a Dist. Superintendent of Police 4th grade.
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint Major W.L. Meade, 95th Russell's Infantry, to be an Aide-de-Camp on his Personal Staff.
J.C. Mackenzie, I.C.S., is transferred from Rangoon and is posted to Forest Settlement duty in the Amherst and Hanthawaddy District.
H.F. Sitzler, I.C.S., is transferred from Bassein and is posted to special duty in the Hanthawaddy Sessions Divn.
Privilege leave for one month is granted to T. Lister, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner and Private Secy. to the Lt.-Governor.
The services of T. Lister, I.C.S., are temporarily placed at the disposal of the Govt. of the United Provinces.
G.C. Latimer, Asst. Superintendent of Police is placed in charge of the police of the Moulmein Town Sub-divn. Amherst Dist., in addition to his own duties in place of Maung Hla.
The following alterations in rank are ordered in the Police Dept. with effect from 6th Nov. 1917:-
R.G.B. Prescott, Asst. Dist. Superintendent of Police, on probation, to be an Asst. Superintendent of Police, 3rd grade, on probation, and simultaneously to be an Asst. Superintendent of Police, 1st grade, sub. pro. tem., on probation.
R.G.B. Prescott, Asst. Dist. Superintendent of Police, on probation, is confirmed in his appointment.
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint R.C. Morris, Dist. Superintendent of Police, to be a Commandant of Military Police.
On return from leave, D.J. Ross, Dist. Superintendent of Police, is appointed to be Asst. Commissioner of Police, Rangoon.
On relief by D.J. Ross, J.C. Habgood, Dist. Superintendent of Police, is placed in charge of the Central Divn. in addition to his duties as Superintendent of Police, Western Divn., Rangoon Town, in place of W. Milne, offg. Deputy Superintendent of Police.
On relief by J.C. Habgood, W. Milne, offg. Deputy Superintendent of Police, is reverted to his substantive appointment as Inspector of Police.
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint E.D. Duckworth, I.C.S., Divnl. Judge of the Hanthawaddy Divn., to be also an Additional Sessions Judge of the Tharrawaddy Divn. He shall try such cases as the Sessions Judge may make over to him for trial and shall sit for the disposal of such cases at Rangoon.
H.F. Sitzler, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, is appointed under section ... to exercise jurisdiction as an Additional Sessions Judge in the Court of Sessions of the Hanthawaddy Divn. He shall try such cases as the Sessions Judge may make over to him for trial.
At the departmental exams. held at Rangoon, Bassein, Akyab, Moulmein, Mergui, Magwe, Meiktila, Mandalay and Kindat on 7th Nov. 1917, the under mentioned candidates passed the exam. in Criminal Law prescribed for Excise Officers:-
J.B. Mellican, Inspector of Excise, Tavoy
Under the provisions of section 12 ... the under mentioned gentlemen are appointed to be Magistrates (Hony.) of the third class in the Hanthawaddy Dist:-
H.L. Allan, Asst. Works Manager, Burma Oil Co., Syriam
J.C. Hope, Junior Asst. Works Manager, Burma Oil Co., Syriam
J. Moore, Superintending Engr., Burma Oil Co. and Vice-president of the Municipal Committee, Syriam
A. Storrar, Asst. Engr., Burma Oil Co., and Member of the Municipal Committee, Syriam.
It is notified that a certificate of approval has been granted to each of eh following persons to prospect for minerals in the Province of Burma:-
H.H. Bateman, Mergui
L.P. Declozets, Rangoon
H.P.G. Selvey, Tavoy
A.C. Martin, Rangoon
V.J. Nahapiet, Rangoon
L.Y. Ham, Moulmein
The Burma-Malaya Mines Ltd., Rangoon
John J.A. Page, A.R.S.M., A.I.M.M., Tavoy
P.M. Haines, Rangoon
F.A. Leete, Conservator of Forests, has been granted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State for India an extension of furlough for six months in continuation of the combined leave.
Gazette of India:- Mr F.T. Dalton, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, Port Blair, is appointed to be an Asst. Commissioner in the Settlement.
F.H. Steavenson, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner and is posted to the charge of the Mandalay Dist.
W.J. Smyth, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, is appointed to officiate as a Commissioner and is posted to the charge of the Mandalay Divn. in place of Lt.-Col. S.L. Aplin, C.S.I., I.A., Commissioner.
Mr Claude Bertram de Kretser, I.C.S., who has been appointed to be an Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, in Burma, is posted to the headquarters of the Sagaing district for training.
M.B. Comber, Dist. Superintendent of Police is appointed to be a Superintendent of Police, Rangoon and is posted to the charge of the police of the Western Divn. in place of J.C. Habgood, Dist. Superintendent of Police, transferred. J.C. Habgood, Dist. Superintendent of Police, is transferred from Rangoon and is posted to the charge of the police of the Meiktila district in place of Maung Po Tha, Dist. Superintendent of Police, deceased. M.B. Comber Superintendent of Police, Western Divn., Rangoon Town, is placed in charge of the Central Divn. in addition to his other duties.
R.D. Burne, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to officiate as a Commandant of Burma Military Police and is transferred from Mandalay and posted to the command of the Chindwin Battn. with headquarters at Monywa, in place of Capt. A. Lethbridge, I.A. transferred.
R.G.B. Lawson, Asst. Superintendent of Police is transferred from the Chindwin Battn. Burma Military Police and is posted to special duty in the Chin Hills with headquarters at Falam.
A.G. Adams, Asst. Superintendent of Police is transferred from the Mandalay Battn. Burma Military Police and is posted to special duty in the Chin Hills with headquarters at Falam.
C.E.W. Molesworth, Dist. Superintendent of Police is transferred from the Myitkina Battn. Burma Military Police and is posted to special duty in the Pakokku Hill Tracts with headquarters at Pakokku.
N.P. Morrison, Dist. Superintendent of Police is transferred from Monywa to the charge of the police of the Sagaing Dist. in place of J.A. Vardon, officiating Dist. Superintendent of Police, transferred.
J.A. Vardon, officiating Dist. Superintendent of Police is transferred from Sagaing to the charge of the police of the Lower Chindwin Dist. in place of N.P. Morrison, transferred.
On return from leave, A.E. Potter, I.E.S., Inspector of Schools, is placed on special duty in the office of the Director of Public Instruction, Burma, until further orders.
J.C. Mackenzie, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, is appointed to succeed the Sub-divisional Officer, Kawkareik, as Forest Settlement Officer for the purpose of holding the enquiry ordered, regarding the proposed Ta-ok Reserve in the Amherst Dist.
J.C. Mackenzie, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, is appointed to succeed the Sub-divisional Officer, Kyauktan, as Forest Settlement Officer for the purpose of holding the enquiry ordered, regarding the proposed Sinkyun Reserve in the Hanthawaddy Dist.
On completion of the timber measuring duty Mr A.R. Villar, Deputy Conservator of Forests, was transferred from Pakokku and was reposted to the charge of the Shwegu Forest Sub-divn. Bhamo Forest Divn. in place of G.K. Parker, Deputy Conservator of Forests, who remains in charge of that division.
W.G. Shaw, Asst. Superintendent of Excise, is transferred from Toungoo to Rangoon.
The Commissioner, Pegu Divn. appoints C.H.B. David, Sub-divnl. Police Officer, Paungde and Maung Aung Pru, Sub-asst. Surgeon, Paungde, to be members of the Paungde Municipal Committee in place of Maung Gyi and Mr Pillay, transferred.
P. Lynam, Sub-inspector of Excise, 2nd grade, Akyab Dist. is appointed to officiate as Inspector of Excise (Salt) 5th grade and is posted to Kyaukpyu, Kyaukpyu Dist.
D.H.D. Wilkinson, Inspector of Excise, 5th grade, on return from general military service, is posted to Mogok, Ruby Mines Dist.
G. Kinsman, Resident Excise Officer, 7th grade, Myitkyina, is appointed to officiate as Inspector of Excise, 5th grade and is posted to Myitkyina, in place of B. McCrea, Inspector of Excise, 4th grade, proceeding on military duty.
E. La Bouchardiere, Resident Excise Officer, 5th grade, on expiry of leave is reposted to the Tenasserim Divn.
Maung Tun Hla U, Resident Excise Officer, 6th grade, Minbya, Akyab Dist. is appointed to officiate as Inspector of Excise, 5th grade and is posted to the charge of the Akyab, Ponnagyun and Rathedaung Townships, in place of K.L. Willson, Inspector of Excise, 3rd grade, proceeding on military duty.
Leave on medical certificate for two months is granted to J.D. Thompson, Inspector of Excise, Nyaunglebin, Pegu Dist.
J.D. Thompson, Inspector of Excise, 5th grade, on expiry of his leave is reposted to Nyaunglebin, Pegu Dist.
G.C. Tew, I.C.S. and G.E. Harvey, I.C.S., officiating under Secretaries to the Govt. of Burma, are confirmed in those appointments.
G.C. Tew, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, 1st grade sub. pro. tem. (Under Secy. to the Govt. of Burma) to be an Asst. Commissioner, 3rd grade and 1st grade sub. pro. tem.
J. St. C. Saunders, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, and 2nd grade sub. pro. tem. on special duty, to be an Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade, sub. pro. tem. and to remain on special duty.
A.E.H. Killick, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, 3rd grade, sub. pro. tem. and officiating 1st grade (Asst. Secy. to the Financial Commissioner,) to be an Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade, sub. pro. tem. and to continue to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 1s grade.
Capt. H.R. Pelly, I.A., and J.F. Sheehy, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioners, 4th grade, on military duty, to be Asst. Commissioners, 3rd grade, sub. pro. tem. and to remain seconded for service in the Military Dept.
V.S. Bhide, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade and officiating 2nd grade, to be Asst. Commissioner 3rd grade sub. pro. tem. and to continue to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 2nd grade.
With effect from 2nd Nov. 1917 consequent on the return from privilege leave of the Hon. Mr B.S. Carey, C.S.I., C.I.E., Commissioner of the Sagaing Divn: Mr H. Tonkinson, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade and officiating Commissioner to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner 2nd grade.
B.W. Perkins, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade, sub. pro. tem. and officiating 2nd grade, to be a Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade, sub. pro. tem.
With effect from 3rd Nov. 1917, the date on which the services of Mr F.W. Spargo, I.C.S., officiating Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade, were placed at the disposal of the Military Dept., and Mr H. Parker, I.C.S., officiating Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade, made over charge of the Sagaing Dist.
M.S. Collis, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, 3rd grade sub. pro. tem. and officiating 2nd grade, on reversion from special duty, to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 1st grade.
H. Parker, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, 3rd grade sub. pro. tem. and officiating Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade, to officiate as Asst. Commissioner 2nd grade.
With effect from 4th Nov. 1917, the date on which H. Parker, I.C.S., officiating Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade, relieved Mr W. Street, Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade, sub. pro. tem., and officiating Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade, whose services were placed at the disposal of the Military Dept. : J.B. Marshall, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade, sub. pro. tem. and officiating Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade, to be an Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade, sub. pro. tem. and to continue to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade. Captains R.W. Barker, I.A., and G.C. Slacke, I.A., Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade and 3rd grade, sub. pro. tem., on military duty, to be Asst. Commissioners, 2nd grade, sub. pro. tem. and to remain seconded for service in the Military Dept. Mr H.F. Searle, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, 3rd grade, sub. pro. tem., and officiating Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade, to be an Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade, sub. pro. tem. and to continue to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade. Mr H. Parker, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, 3rd grade, sub. pro. tem., and officiating 2nd grade, to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade.
With effect from 5th Nov. 1917 consequent on the appointment of Mr A.G. Mosely, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, 3rd grade, and 1st grade, sub. pro. tem., as a Dist. Judge, sub. pro. tem. : Major H.H. Batten, I.A., and Capt. W.A.S. Grey, I.A., Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade, sub. pro. tem., on military duty, to be Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade, sub. pro. tem. and to remain seconded for service in the Military Dept. Mr B.W. Swithinbank, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade, sub. pro. tem. and officiating Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade to be an Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade, sub. pro. tem., and to continue to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade. Mr G. E. Harvey, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, 3rd grade, sub. pro. tem., and officiating 1st grade, (Under Secy. to the Govt. of Burma) to be an Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade, sub,. pro. tem., and to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade.
With effect from 6th Nov. 1917 the date on which Mr H.L. Stevenson, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, 1st grade was placed on special duty : Mr A.G.H. Breithaupt, Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade, to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner, 1st grade. Mr B.W. Perkins, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade, sub. pro. tem., to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade. Mr H.F. Dunkley, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade, sub. pro. tem., and officiating 1st grade, to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner 3r grade. Mr J.M. Conder, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, 3rd grade, sub. pro. tem., and officiating 2nd grade, to officiate as a Asst. Commissioner 1st grade.
With effect from 12th Nov. 1917 consequent on the death of Mr G.W. Dawson, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, 1st grade, on leave : Mr H. Clayton, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade and officiating 1st grade (Registrar, Co-operative Societies) to be a Deputy Commissioner, 1st grade. Major W.B.T. Abbey, I.A., Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade sub pro,. tem. on duty with the Burma Military Police, to be a Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade and remain seconded for service in the Burma Military Police. Mr J.L. McCallum, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade and officiating 2nd grade, to be a Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade sub. pro. tem. Mr S.G. Grantham, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade, Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade, sub. pro. tem. and officiating 2nd grade, to be an Asst. Commissioner 1st grade and Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade, sub. pro. tem. and to continue to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade. Mr A. J. Page, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, 3rd grade, 1st grade, sub. pro. tem. and officiating Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade, to be an Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade and 1st grade sub. pro tem. and to continue to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade. Mr J. St. C. Saunders, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade and 1st grade, sub. pro. tem., on special duty, to be an Asst. Commissioner 3rd grade and 1st grade sub. pro. tem. and to remain on special duty. Mr A.R. Morris, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade, sub. pro. tem., and officiating Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade, to be an Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade, sub. pro. tem. and to continue to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade. Mr F.W. Spargo, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, 3rd grade, sub. pro. tem., on military duty, to be an Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade, sun. pro. tem. and to remain seconded for service in the Military Dept. Mr M.S. Collis, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, 3rd grade, sub. pro. tem., and officiating 1st grade, to be an Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade, sub. pro. tem., and to continue to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade.
With effect from 27th Nov. 1917, the date on which Mr J.E. Houldey, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade, sub. pro. tem., on return from special duty, relieved Mr H.H. Mackney, I.C.S., officiating Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade : Mr B.W. Perkins, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade, sub. pro. tem., and officiating 2nd grade, to be a Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade, sub. pro. tem. ; Mr H.H. Mackney, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade, sub. pro. tem., and officiating Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade, to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade.
With effect from 28th Nov. 1917 consequent on the return from leave of Lt.-Col. T.L. Ormiston, I.A., officiating Deputy Commissioner, 1st grade, and Excise Commissioner : Mr A.G.H. Breithaupt, Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade and officiating 1st grade, to be a Commissioner, 2nd grade ; Mr J. Clague, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade sub. pro. tem. and officiating 2nd grade (Deputy Director of Land Records) to be a Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade, sub. pro. tem.
Major T.D.H. Hackett, I.A., Commandant, Burma Military Police, is transferred from the Shwebo Battn. and is posted to special duty in the Upper Chindwin Dist. with headquarters at Homalin.
Lt. H.R. Vaughan, Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, is appointed to officiate as a Commandant, and is posted to the command of the Shwebo Battn. in place of Major T.D.H. Hackett, I.A., transferred.
Capt. R.R. Ewing, I.A., Asst. Adjutant, Burma Military Police, is transferred from the Rangoon Battn. and is posted to special duty in the Upper Chindwin Dist. as an Asst. Commandant, with headquarters at Homalin.
The name of Lt. Henry Louis Stevenson of the Upper Burma Volunteer Rifles is placed on the supernumerary list.
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint the Rev’d. john E. Cummings, M.A., D.D., Superintendent, A.B.M. High School, Henzada, to be a member of the Educational Syndicate in place of the Rev’d. E.W. Kelly whose resignation has been accepted.
Mr Devaraju Pillai, 1st grade Sub-Asst. Surgeon, Insein Jail, has been placed in medical charge of the Jail in addition to his own duties, in place of Dr. Hollingsworth, who proceeded on leave with effect from 1st July 1917 and until further orders.
G.C. Tew, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, 1st grade sub. pro. tem. (Under Secy. to the Govt. of Burma) to be an Asst. Commissioner, 3rd grade and 1st grade sub. pro. tem.
J. St. C. Saunders, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, and 2nd grade sub. pro. tem. on special duty, to be an Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade, sub. pro. tem. and to remain on special duty.
A.E.H. Killick, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, 3rd grade, sub. pro. tem. and officiating 1st grade (Asst. Secy. to the Financial Commissioner,) to be an Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade, sub. pro. tem. and to continue to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 1s grade.
Capt. H.R. Pelly, I.A., and J.F. Sheehy, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioners, 4th grade, on military duty, to be Asst. Commissioners, 3rd grade, sub. pro. tem. and to remain seconded for service in the Military Dept.
V.S. Bhide, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade and officiating 2nd grade, to be Asst. Commissioner 3rd grade sub. pro. tem. and to continue to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 2nd grade.
With effect from 2nd Nov. 1917 consequent on the return from privilege leave of the Hon. Mr B.S. Carey, C.S.I., C.I.E., Commissioner of the Sagaing Divn: Mr H. Tonkinson, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade and officiating Commissioner to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner 2nd grade.
B.W. Perkins, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade, sub. pro. tem. and officiating 2nd grade, to be a Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade, sub. pro. tem.
With effect from 3rd Nov. 1917, the date on which the services of Mr F.W. Spargo, I.C.S., officiating Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade, were placed at the disposal of the Military Dept., and Mr H. Parker, I.C.S., officiating Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade, made over charge of the Sagaing Dist.
M.S. Collis, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, 3rd grade sub. pro. tem. and officiating 2nd grade, on reversion from special duty, to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 1st grade.
H. Parker, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, 3rd grade sub. pro. tem. and officiating Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade, to officiate as Asst. Commissioner 2nd grade.
With effect from 4th Nov. 1917, the date on which H. Parker, I.C.S., officiating Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade, relieved Mr W. Street, Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade, sub. pro. tem., and officiating Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade, whose services were placed at the disposal of the Military Dept. : J.B. Marshall, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade, sub. pro. tem. and officiating Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade, to be an Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade, sub. pro. tem. and to continue to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade. Captains R.W. Barker, I.A., and G.C. Slacke, I.A., Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade and 3rd grade, sub. pro. tem., on military duty, to be Asst. Commissioners, 2nd grade, sub. pro. tem. and to remain seconded for service in the Military Dept. Mr H.F. Searle, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, 3rd grade, sub. pro. tem., and officiating Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade, to be an Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade, sub. pro. tem. and to continue to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade. Mr H. Parker, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, 3rd grade, sub. pro. tem., and officiating 2nd grade, to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade.
With effect from 5th Nov. 1917 consequent on the appointment of Mr A.G. Mosely, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, 3rd grade, and 1st grade, sub. pro. tem., as a Dist. Judge, sub. pro. tem. : Major H.H. Batten, I.A., and Capt. W.A.S. Grey, I.A., Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade, sub. pro. tem., on military duty, to be Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade, sub. pro. tem. and to remain seconded for service in the Military Dept. Mr B.W. Swithinbank, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade, sub. pro. tem. and officiating Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade to be an Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade, sub. pro. tem., and to continue to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade. Mr G. E. Harvey, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, 3rd grade, sub. pro. tem., and officiating 1st grade, (Under Secy. to the Govt. of Burma) to be an Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade, sub,. pro. tem., and to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade.
With effect from 6th Nov. 1917 the date on which Mr H.L. Stevenson, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, 1st grade was placed on special duty : Mr A.G.H. Breithaupt, Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade, to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner, 1st grade. Mr B.W. Perkins, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade, sub. pro. tem., to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade. Mr H.F. Dunkley, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade, sub. pro. tem., and officiating 1st grade, to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner 3r grade. Mr J.M. Conder, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, 3rd grade, sub. pro. tem., and officiating 2nd grade, to officiate as a Asst. Commissioner 1st grade.
With effect from 12th Nov. 1917 consequent on the death of Mr G.W. Dawson, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, 1st grade, on leave : Mr H. Clayton, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade and officiating 1st grade (Registrar, Co-operative Societies) to be a Deputy Commissioner, 1st grade. Major W.B.T. Abbey, I.A., Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade sub pro,. tem. on duty with the Burma Military Police, to be a Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade and remain seconded for service in the Burma Military Police. Mr J.L. McCallum, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade and officiating 2nd grade, to be a Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade sub. pro. tem. Mr S.G. Grantham, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade, Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade, sub. pro. tem. and officiating 2nd grade, to be an Asst. Commissioner 1st grade and Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade, sub. pro. tem. and to continue to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade. Mr A. J. Page, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, 3rd grade, 1st grade, sub. pro. tem. and officiating Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade, to be an Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade and 1st grade sub. pro tem. and to continue to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade. Mr J. St. C. Saunders, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade and 1st grade, sub. pro. tem., on special duty, to be an Asst. Commissioner 3rd grade and 1st grade sub. pro. tem. and to remain on special duty. Mr A.R. Morris, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade, sub. pro. tem., and officiating Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade, to be an Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade, sub. pro. tem. and to continue to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade. Mr F.W. Spargo, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, 3rd grade, sub. pro. tem., on military duty, to be an Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade, sun. pro. tem. and to remain seconded for service in the Military Dept. Mr M.S. Collis, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, 3rd grade, sub. pro. tem., and officiating 1st grade, to be an Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade, sub. pro. tem., and to continue to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade.
With effect from 27th Nov. 1917, the date on which Mr J.E. Houldey, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade, sub. pro. tem., on return from special duty, relieved Mr H.H. Mackney, I.C.S., officiating Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade : Mr B.W. Perkins, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade, sub. pro. tem., and officiating 2nd grade, to be a Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade, sub. pro. tem. ; Mr H.H. Mackney, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade, sub. pro. tem., and officiating Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade, to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade.
With effect from 28th Nov. 1917 consequent on the return from leave of Lt.-Col. T.L. Ormiston, I.A., officiating Deputy Commissioner, 1st grade, and Excise Commissioner : Mr A.G.H. Breithaupt, Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade and officiating 1st grade, to be a Commissioner, 2nd grade ; Mr J. Clague, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade sub. pro. tem. and officiating 2nd grade (Deputy Director of Land Records) to be a Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade, sub. pro. tem.
Major T.D.H. Hackett, I.A., Commandant, Burma Military Police, is transferred from the Shwebo Battn. and is posted to special duty in the Upper Chindwin Dist. with headquarters at Homalin.
Lt. H.R. Vaughan, Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, is appointed to officiate as a Commandant, and is posted to the command of the Shwebo Battn. in place of Major T.D.H. Hackett, I.A., transferred.
Capt. R.R. Ewing, I.A., Asst. Adjutant, Burma Military Police, is transferred from the Rangoon Battn. and is posted to special duty in the Upper Chindwin Dist. as an Asst. Commandant, with headquarters at Homalin.
The name of Lt. Henry Louis Stevenson of the Upper Burma Volunteer Rifles is placed on the supernumerary list.
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint the Rev’d. john E. Cummings, M.A., D.D., Superintendent, A.B.M. High School, Henzada, to be a member of the Educational Syndicate in place of the Rev’d. E.W. Kelly whose resignation has been accepted.
Mr Devaraju Pillai, 1st grade Sub-Asst. Surgeon, Insein Jail, has been placed in medical charge of the Jail in addition to his own duties, in place of Dr. Hollingsworth, who proceeded on leave with effect from 1st July 1917 and until further orders.
At the departmental exams. held at Rangoon, Bassein, Akyab, Moulmein, Meiktila, Mergui, Magwe, Mandalay, Mogok, Kindat, Putao and Port Blair on 5th Nov. 1917 the under mentioned candidates passed the exam. in Burmese by the standards specified:-
At the departmental exams. held at Rangoon, Bassein, Akyab, Moulmein, Meiktila, Mergui, Magwe, Mandalay, Mogok, Kindat, Putao and Port Blair on 5th Nov. 1917 the under mentioned candidates passed the exam. in Burmese by the standards specified:-
Higher Standard
2nd Lt. W.T. Palmer, Indian Army Reserve
V.S. Bhide, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner F.H. Fearnley-Whittingstall, Asst. Supdt. of Police – with great credit S.M. Carrapiett, Extra Asst. Commissioner M.D. David, Civil Asst. Surgeon, Rangoon D.R. Lewis, Civil Asst. Surgeon, Rangoon – with credit |
Miss Maria Gordon, Teacher, Govt. High School, Bassein – with credit
R.R. Bhote, Teacher, Govt. High School, Akyab – with great credit J.M. Sircar, Teacher, Govt. High School, Moulmein Mr Kishen Singh, Oversee, Mandalay M. Gallagher, Sergt, of Police, Rangoon |
Lower Standard
J.J. Bennison, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner
H.C. Smith, Asst. Conservator of Forests – with great credit 2nd Lt. R.C. Abraham, Indian Army Reserve – with credit Ram Chandra, Asst. Engr., P.W.D. A.N. Chopra, Asst. Engr., P.W.D. F.G. Edwards, Probationary Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests A.L. George, Probationary Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests |
G.P. Walden, Probationary Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests
G.J. Caldecourt, Probationary Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests J.B. Mellican, Inspector of Excise, Tavoy – with credit J.N. Bhattacharjee, Inspector of Police, Rangoon K. Singham, Jailor, Mergui V. D’Castro, offg. Excise Inspector, Rangoon – with great credit |
Elementary Standard
E.? D. Wilson, Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police
G. Hunter, Inspector of Police, Tavoy J.C.T. Patton, Junior Auditor, Rangoon |
B. Purcell, Sergt. of Police, Rangoon
W. Nelson, Sergt. of Police, Rangoon |
Colloquial Standard
Lt. F.G. French, Indian Army Reserve, Asst. Adjutant, Burma Military Police
2nd Lt. R.F. Cooper, Indian Army Reserve, Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police
2nd Lt. R.F. Cooper, Indian Army Reserve, Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police
The Commissioner of Pegu Divn. appoints Mr J. Moore, a member of the Syriam Municipality, to be its Vice-president.
Maung Ba Kin, Clerk, Headquarters Magistrate’s Court, Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Myitkyina, is appointed to officiate as Resident Excise Officer 7th grade and is posted to the charge of the Mogaung opium shop, Myitkyina Dist., in place of Mr A. Lang, Resident Excise Officer, 4th grade, proceeding on leave.
The following revised list of persons who are entitled to purchase arms and ammunition without a special permit in the Chin Hills Dist., is published for general information:- J.M. Wright, B.A., I.C.S., Superintendent, Chim Hills, Falam ; H.T. Daun, Asst. Superintendent, Falam ; H.E. Fisher, Asst. Superintendent, Haka ; L.B. Naylor, Asst. Superintendent, Tiddim ; Major Abbey, I.A., Battn., Commandant, Falam ; G.J. Harvey, Asst. Superintendent of Police, Falam ; Lt. Stedman, I.A., Asst. Commandant, Tiddim ; Major A.G.E. Newland, I.M.S., retired Civil Surgeon, Haka ; A.C. Bateman, Dist. Superintendent of Police (now Asst. Superintendent on special duty,) Tiddim ; R.G.B. Lawson, Asst. Superintendent of Police, Falam.
Privilege leave for one month is granted to D.H.D. Wilkinson, Inspector of Excise, 5th grade, Mogok, Ruby Mines Dist.
Extraordinary leave without allowances for one year is granted to Mr E. LaBouchardiere, Resident Excise Officer, 5th grade, in extension of leave. The notification reposting Mr E. LaBouchardiere to the Tenasserim Division is cancelled.
J.M. Manook, Resident Excise Officer, 6th grade, is transferred from Paungbyin, Upper Chindwin Dist., to the Irrawaddy Divn.
C.R. Wilkinson, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, is transferred from Meiktila to the charge of the Katha Dist. In place of Mr A.J. Page, I.C.S, offg. Deputy Commissioner, transferred.
A.J. Page, I.C.S., offg. Deputy Commissioner, is transferred from Katha to the charge of the Meiktila Dist. in place of C.R. Wilkinson, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, transferred.
Arthur Whittim Seth, Chief Clerk in the office of the Deputy Commissioner, Mandalay Dist. is appointed to officiate as an Extra Asst. Commissioner, 6th grade, and is posted to Sagaing as Superintendent of the office of the Commissioner, Sagaing Divn., in place of G.W. Cooke, Extra Asst. Commissioner, proceeding on leave.
Privilege leave for three months is granted to H.C. Moore, I.C.S., Divnl. Judge
Privilege leave for three months is granted to G.W. Cooke, Extra Asst. Commissioner.
The Lt-Governor is pleased to confer the honorary rank of Deputy Superintendent of Police on Mr G.D.F. Colquhoun, Inspector, Rangoon Town Police, for the period during which he performs the duties of Inspecting Officer for the Port of Rangoon.
The Lt-Governor is pleased to appoint Mr C.G. Kay-Mouat to be an Asst. Commandant in the Burma Military Police. Mr Kay-Mouat is posted to special duty with headquarters at Tamu.
At the departmental exam. held on 6th Nov. 1917, the under mentioned candidates passed the exam. in Criminal Law for Asst. Commissioner, Extra Asst. Commissioner and Myooks by the standards specified:- Lower Standard - J.J. Bennison, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner
Burma Railways
Dr. W.R. Taylor, Dist. Medical Officer, Burma Railways, Insein, is placed in medical charge of the Insein Central Jail, in place of 1st grade Sub-Asst. Surgeon Mr D. Pillai and until further orders.
Govt. Normal School
Miss Una H.S. Tilley, who has been appointed by His Majesty’s Secy. of State for India to be Head Mistress of the Govt. Normal School, Rangoon, reported her arrival on 1st Feb.
Maung Ba Kin, Clerk, Headquarters Magistrate’s Court, Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Myitkyina, is appointed to officiate as Resident Excise Officer 7th grade and is posted to the charge of the Mogaung opium shop, Myitkyina Dist., in place of Mr A. Lang, Resident Excise Officer, 4th grade, proceeding on leave.
The following revised list of persons who are entitled to purchase arms and ammunition without a special permit in the Chin Hills Dist., is published for general information:- J.M. Wright, B.A., I.C.S., Superintendent, Chim Hills, Falam ; H.T. Daun, Asst. Superintendent, Falam ; H.E. Fisher, Asst. Superintendent, Haka ; L.B. Naylor, Asst. Superintendent, Tiddim ; Major Abbey, I.A., Battn., Commandant, Falam ; G.J. Harvey, Asst. Superintendent of Police, Falam ; Lt. Stedman, I.A., Asst. Commandant, Tiddim ; Major A.G.E. Newland, I.M.S., retired Civil Surgeon, Haka ; A.C. Bateman, Dist. Superintendent of Police (now Asst. Superintendent on special duty,) Tiddim ; R.G.B. Lawson, Asst. Superintendent of Police, Falam.
Privilege leave for one month is granted to D.H.D. Wilkinson, Inspector of Excise, 5th grade, Mogok, Ruby Mines Dist.
Extraordinary leave without allowances for one year is granted to Mr E. LaBouchardiere, Resident Excise Officer, 5th grade, in extension of leave. The notification reposting Mr E. LaBouchardiere to the Tenasserim Division is cancelled.
J.M. Manook, Resident Excise Officer, 6th grade, is transferred from Paungbyin, Upper Chindwin Dist., to the Irrawaddy Divn.
C.R. Wilkinson, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, is transferred from Meiktila to the charge of the Katha Dist. In place of Mr A.J. Page, I.C.S, offg. Deputy Commissioner, transferred.
A.J. Page, I.C.S., offg. Deputy Commissioner, is transferred from Katha to the charge of the Meiktila Dist. in place of C.R. Wilkinson, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, transferred.
Arthur Whittim Seth, Chief Clerk in the office of the Deputy Commissioner, Mandalay Dist. is appointed to officiate as an Extra Asst. Commissioner, 6th grade, and is posted to Sagaing as Superintendent of the office of the Commissioner, Sagaing Divn., in place of G.W. Cooke, Extra Asst. Commissioner, proceeding on leave.
Privilege leave for three months is granted to H.C. Moore, I.C.S., Divnl. Judge
Privilege leave for three months is granted to G.W. Cooke, Extra Asst. Commissioner.
The Lt-Governor is pleased to confer the honorary rank of Deputy Superintendent of Police on Mr G.D.F. Colquhoun, Inspector, Rangoon Town Police, for the period during which he performs the duties of Inspecting Officer for the Port of Rangoon.
The Lt-Governor is pleased to appoint Mr C.G. Kay-Mouat to be an Asst. Commandant in the Burma Military Police. Mr Kay-Mouat is posted to special duty with headquarters at Tamu.
At the departmental exam. held on 6th Nov. 1917, the under mentioned candidates passed the exam. in Criminal Law for Asst. Commissioner, Extra Asst. Commissioner and Myooks by the standards specified:- Lower Standard - J.J. Bennison, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner
Burma Railways
Dr. W.R. Taylor, Dist. Medical Officer, Burma Railways, Insein, is placed in medical charge of the Insein Central Jail, in place of 1st grade Sub-Asst. Surgeon Mr D. Pillai and until further orders.
Govt. Normal School
Miss Una H.S. Tilley, who has been appointed by His Majesty’s Secy. of State for India to be Head Mistress of the Govt. Normal School, Rangoon, reported her arrival on 1st Feb.
J.C. Mackenzie, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, on completion of the duty to which he was posted on 9th Feb. 1918, is posted as Deputy Commissioner, Rangoon Town Lands and Collector, Rangoon Town Dist., in place of Mr G. Blake, Deputy Commissioner.
B.H. Heald, I.C.S., Additional Judge of the Court of the Judicial Commissioner of Upper Burma, is appointed under section ... to exercise jurisdiction as an Additional Sessions Judge in the Court of Session of the Sagaing Divn. in addition to his own duties.
H.A. Kamen, Superintendent of the office of the Director of Public Instruction, is appointed Asst. Director of Public Instruction, Burma, sub. pro. tem.
Privilege leave for one month and twenty three days and leave on medical certificate in continuation thereof for four months is granted to Mr J. Bell, Judicial Myook.
B.H. Heald, I.C.S., Additional Judge of the Court of the Judicial Commissioner of Upper Burma, is appointed under section ... to exercise jurisdiction as an Additional Sessions Judge in the Court of Session of the Sagaing Divn. in addition to his own duties.
H.A. Kamen, Superintendent of the office of the Director of Public Instruction, is appointed Asst. Director of Public Instruction, Burma, sub. pro. tem.
Privilege leave for one month and twenty three days and leave on medical certificate in continuation thereof for four months is granted to Mr J. Bell, Judicial Myook.
C.B. de Kretser, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, is transferred from Sagaing and is posted to duty in Rangoon as a temporary measure to verify the balances of the Currency Office.
Privilege leave for six weeks is granted to A.S.A.S. Gilbert, I.C.S., Dist. Judge.
Privilege leave for six weeks is granted to F.G. Paul, Extra Asst. Commissioner.
The Lt.-Governor declares Kota to be a police station in the Ruby Mines Dist., of the Mandalay Division.
Privilege leave for three weeks is granted to R.R. Gill, Deputy Supdt. of Police, in continuation of leave.
2nd Lt. H.R. Lanktree, Indian Army Reserve of Officers, attached 85th Burma Rifles, whose services have been placed at the disposal of the Government of Burma, is appointed to be an Asst. Commandant of Military Police in Upper Burma and is posted to special in the Chin Hills with headquarters at Tiddim.
Privilege leave for three weeks is granted to F.A. McMahon, Dist. Supdt. of Police, in continuation of leave.
W.G. Wedderspoon, I.E.S., Inspector of Schools, Meiktila Circle, is appointed to be Inspector of Schools, Tenasserim Circle, in place of Maung Zaw Pe, proceeding on leave.
On completion of special duty A.E. Potter, I.E.S. is appointed to be Inspector of Schools, Meiktila Circle, in place of W.G. Wedderspoon, transferred.
On return from leave F.H. Todd, Deputy Conservator of Forests, is posted to the charge of the Ataran Forest Divn., in place of R.L. Pocock, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, transferred.
On relief by F.H. Todd, R.L. Pocock, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, in charge of the Ataran Forest Divn., is transferred from Moulmein and is posted to the charge of the Meiktila Forests, who remains attached to the Division.
The services of J.D. Hamilton, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, Burma, were placed at the disposal of the Govt. of India for employment under the Indian Munitions Board, from 19th Oct. 1917 to 26th Nov. 1917, both days inclusive.
The services of G.J. Caldecourt, Probationary Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, Burma, were placed at the disposal of the Govt. of India for employment under the Indian Munitions Board, from the forenoon of 11th Jan. 1918 until further orders.
Privilege leave for eight days combined with furlough on medical certificate for a total period of one year is granted to H.R. Meredith, Deputy Conservator of Forests, in charge of the Meiktila Forest Division.
F.E.C. Palmer, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, attached to the Meiktila Forest Divn., was placed in charge of that Division as a temporary measure, in place of H.R. Meredith, Deputy Conservator of Forests who has proceeded on leave.
The Local Government appoints A.J. Darwood, bar-at-law, Moulmein, to be a member of the Moulmein Municipal Committee, in place of Mr Kenneth MacGibbon, who has resigned.
The services of Lt. H.J.D. Tayler, Asst. Engineer, Shwebo Divn., have been temporarily placed at the disposal of the Director General of Military Works.
Maung Po Tok, Myook, is transferred from Rangoon to the headquarters of the Myingyan Dist., as Treasury Officers and Headquarters Magistrate, in place of F.G. Paul, Extra Asst. Commissioner, proceeding on leave.
On return from military duty A.J. McManus, Asst. Supdt. of Excise, was posted to the Rangoon Town Dist., with effect from 6th Feb.
Maung Thein Pe, Inspctor of Excise, 4th grade, in expiry of leave is transferred from Mandalay to the charge of the Phoenix Distillery at Moulmein, Amherst Dist., in place of G. Britto, Resident Excise Officer, 6th grade, (offg. Inspector of Excise, 5th grade.)
G. Britto, Resident Excise Officer, 6th grade, (offg. Inspector of Excise, 5th grade,) on relief by Maung Thein Pe, reverts to his substantive appointment as Resident Excise Officer and is posted to the Tenasserim Division.
V. D’Castro, offg. Inspector of Excise 5th grade, on relief by A.J. McManus, Asst. Supdt. of Excise, reverts to his substantive appointment as Sub-Inspector of Excise, Rangoon Town District.
At the exam. held at Rangoon Mr Alastair Ian MacPherson, Assistant, Messrs. Finlay, Fleming & Co., Rangoon, passed the Colloquial Standard in Burmese.
Privilege leave for six weeks is granted to A.S.A.S. Gilbert, I.C.S., Dist. Judge.
Privilege leave for six weeks is granted to F.G. Paul, Extra Asst. Commissioner.
The Lt.-Governor declares Kota to be a police station in the Ruby Mines Dist., of the Mandalay Division.
Privilege leave for three weeks is granted to R.R. Gill, Deputy Supdt. of Police, in continuation of leave.
2nd Lt. H.R. Lanktree, Indian Army Reserve of Officers, attached 85th Burma Rifles, whose services have been placed at the disposal of the Government of Burma, is appointed to be an Asst. Commandant of Military Police in Upper Burma and is posted to special in the Chin Hills with headquarters at Tiddim.
Privilege leave for three weeks is granted to F.A. McMahon, Dist. Supdt. of Police, in continuation of leave.
W.G. Wedderspoon, I.E.S., Inspector of Schools, Meiktila Circle, is appointed to be Inspector of Schools, Tenasserim Circle, in place of Maung Zaw Pe, proceeding on leave.
On completion of special duty A.E. Potter, I.E.S. is appointed to be Inspector of Schools, Meiktila Circle, in place of W.G. Wedderspoon, transferred.
On return from leave F.H. Todd, Deputy Conservator of Forests, is posted to the charge of the Ataran Forest Divn., in place of R.L. Pocock, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, transferred.
On relief by F.H. Todd, R.L. Pocock, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, in charge of the Ataran Forest Divn., is transferred from Moulmein and is posted to the charge of the Meiktila Forests, who remains attached to the Division.
The services of J.D. Hamilton, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, Burma, were placed at the disposal of the Govt. of India for employment under the Indian Munitions Board, from 19th Oct. 1917 to 26th Nov. 1917, both days inclusive.
The services of G.J. Caldecourt, Probationary Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, Burma, were placed at the disposal of the Govt. of India for employment under the Indian Munitions Board, from the forenoon of 11th Jan. 1918 until further orders.
Privilege leave for eight days combined with furlough on medical certificate for a total period of one year is granted to H.R. Meredith, Deputy Conservator of Forests, in charge of the Meiktila Forest Division.
F.E.C. Palmer, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, attached to the Meiktila Forest Divn., was placed in charge of that Division as a temporary measure, in place of H.R. Meredith, Deputy Conservator of Forests who has proceeded on leave.
The Local Government appoints A.J. Darwood, bar-at-law, Moulmein, to be a member of the Moulmein Municipal Committee, in place of Mr Kenneth MacGibbon, who has resigned.
The services of Lt. H.J.D. Tayler, Asst. Engineer, Shwebo Divn., have been temporarily placed at the disposal of the Director General of Military Works.
Maung Po Tok, Myook, is transferred from Rangoon to the headquarters of the Myingyan Dist., as Treasury Officers and Headquarters Magistrate, in place of F.G. Paul, Extra Asst. Commissioner, proceeding on leave.
On return from military duty A.J. McManus, Asst. Supdt. of Excise, was posted to the Rangoon Town Dist., with effect from 6th Feb.
Maung Thein Pe, Inspctor of Excise, 4th grade, in expiry of leave is transferred from Mandalay to the charge of the Phoenix Distillery at Moulmein, Amherst Dist., in place of G. Britto, Resident Excise Officer, 6th grade, (offg. Inspector of Excise, 5th grade.)
G. Britto, Resident Excise Officer, 6th grade, (offg. Inspector of Excise, 5th grade,) on relief by Maung Thein Pe, reverts to his substantive appointment as Resident Excise Officer and is posted to the Tenasserim Division.
V. D’Castro, offg. Inspector of Excise 5th grade, on relief by A.J. McManus, Asst. Supdt. of Excise, reverts to his substantive appointment as Sub-Inspector of Excise, Rangoon Town District.
At the exam. held at Rangoon Mr Alastair Ian MacPherson, Assistant, Messrs. Finlay, Fleming & Co., Rangoon, passed the Colloquial Standard in Burmese.
At an exam. held at Mogok on 25th Feb. 1918, Mr J. St. H. Cleburne, Asst. Dist. Superintendent of Police passed the prescribed test in the Chingpaw dialect of the Kachin language. Mr Cleburne is entitled to receive a reward of Rs. 1,000.
The Rev’d. J.G. Lister, a Chaplain on probation, is appointed to be a Junior Chaplain on the Bengal (Rangoon) Ecclesiastical Establishment.
Privilege leave for two months is granted to Mr C. Pinto, P.E.S., Asst. Inspector of European and Normal Schools, Burma.
Mr J.E. Baker, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is transferred from Namhsan to Lashio as Treasury Officer and Headquarters Magistrate, in place of Mr G. Johnston, Extra Asst. Commissioner, transferred.
Mr G. Johnston, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is transferred from Lashio to Hsipaw and is appointed to be an Asst. Superintendent in the Northern Shan States and to hold charge of the State of Hsipaw in place of Mr W.V. Hoey, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, deceased.
Mr G. Johnston, Extra Asst. Commissioner is placed in charge of the office of the Asst. Superintendent, Namhsan, in addition to his other duties, as a temporary measure, in place of Mr J.E. Baker, Extra Asst. Commissioner, transferred.
Mr W.J. Smyth, I.C.S., offg. Commissioner, on being relieved by the Hon. Lt.-Col. S.L. Aplin, C.S.I., I.A., Commissioner, is posted to the charge of the Mandalay Dist., in place of Mr F.H. Steavenson, I.C.S., offg. Deputy Commissioner.
Mr F.H. Steavenson, I.C.S., offg. Deputy Commissioner, is appointed to be Headquarters Assistant, Mandalay.
Mr A.T. Rajan, I.C.S., Dist. Judge, on return from leave is appointed to officiate as a Divnl. Judge and is posted to Toungoo as Judge of the Divnl. and Sessions Court of the Toungoo Divn., in place of Mr H.E. McColl, I.C.S., Divnl. Judge, proceeding on leave.
D.F. Chalmers, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, is appointed to officiate as a Commissioner and is transferred from Thaton to the charge of the Tenasserim Divn., in place of Mr G.F.S. Christie, I.C.S., Commission, proceeding on leave.
S.A. Smyth, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, is posted to special duty in the Secretariat.
Privilege leave for three months is granted to Mr G.F.S. Christie, I.C.S., Commissioner.
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint Mr J.E. Baker, Extra Asst. Commissioner, Treasury Officer and Headquarters Magistrate, Lashio, to discharge the functions of an Asst. Superintendent for the notified area of Lashio.
W.H. Tarleton, Deputy Inspector General of Civil Police, has been granted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State for India, an extension of leave on medical certificate for one month.
C.N. James, Additional Personal Asst. to the Deputy Inspector General of Police for Railways and the Criminal Investigation Department, is placed in charge of the Railway Police, in addition to his own duties, in place of Mr F.J.S. Whiting, Dist. Superintendent of Police.
F.J.S. Whiting, Dist. Superintendent of Police, is transferred from the Railway Police and is appointed to officiate as Deputy Inspector General of Police for Railways and the Criminal Investigation Department, in place of Mr M.J. Chisholm, Deputy Inspector General of Police, proceeding on leave.
F.J. Warth, Agricultural Chemist, is posted to duty with the Mandalay Battalion, Burma Military Police, with headquarters at Mandalay.
The Lt.-Governor is please to appoint Mr F.J. Warth, Agricultural Chemist, to be an Asst. Commandant of Military Police.
Maung Hta Baw, Deputy Superintendent of Police, is posted to the charge of the Insein Sub-divn., Insein Dist., in place of Mr S. Johannes? Deputy Superintendent of Police, who is posted to the Headquarters of the Insein Dist. as Headquarters Deputy Superintendent in place of Mr A. Clark, Deputy Superintendent of Police, transferred.
A. Clark, Deputy Superintendent of Police, is transferred from Insein to the charge of the police of the Kawkareik? Sub-divn., Amherst Dist., in place of Mr J.T.M. Cowan, Asst. Superintendent of Police, transferred.
J.T.M. Cowan, Asst. Superintendent of Police,1st grade, sub. pro. tem., is appointed to officiate as a Deputy Superintendent of Police, 5th grade and is posted to the charge of the police of the Toungoo Dist., in place of Mr H.D. Lucas, Dist. Superintendent of Police, proceeding on leave.
C.E.W. Molesworth, Dist. Superintendent of Police, is transferred from Pakokku and is posted to duty with the Chindwin Battalion, Burma Military Police, with headquarters at Tamu.
J.B. Marshall, I.C.S., offg. Deputy Commissioner, Upper Chindwin Dist., is appointed under section ... to exercise jurisdiction as an Additional Sessions Judge in the Court of Sessions of the Sagaing Divn. in addition to his own duties.
Privilege leave for six weeks is granted to Mr H.E. McColl, I.C.S., Divnl. Judge.
On Relief by Mr A.B. Nixon, Deputy Conservator of Forests, Mr F.W. Collings, Deputy Conservator of Forests, in charge of the Nyaunglebin Forest Divn., was transferred from Nyaunglebin and was posted to the charge of the Thayetmyo Forest Divn., in place of Mr J.D. Hamilton, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, who remains attached to that Divn.
F.G. Edwards, Probationary Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, is transferred from Mandalay and is attached to the Mu Forest Divn.
J.B. Mercer Adam, Deputy Conservator of Forests, has been granted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State for India an extension of furlough on medical certificate for six months in continuation of combined leave granted to him.
J.W. Bradley, Deputy Conservator of Forests, has been permitted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State for India to return to duty within the period of his leave.
Maung Hla, Asst. Superintendent of Land Records, is transferred from Bassein and posted to the charge of the Yamethin Land Records Office, pending the arrival of Mr J.P. Connor, Superintendent of Land Records.
On return from leave Mr L.E. Palmer, Superintendent of Land Records, is posted to the charge of the Hanthawaddy Land Records Office.
On relief by Mr L.F. Palmer, Superintendent of Land Records, Mr J.P. Connor, Superintendent of Land Records, is transferred from Hanthawaddy and posted to the charge of the Yamethin Land Records Office.
The Commissioner of the Arakan Divn. appoints the following gentlemen to be members of the Maungdaw Hospital Committee in the Akyab Dist. – J.D. Rodrigues, Telegraph Master, Abdul Ali, Advocate, ... they will hold the office for two years from 1st February 1918.
Mr A.B. D’Attaides is awarded a Final Scholarship of Rs. 40 per month payable from Provincial Funds tenable for two years at the Govt. Medical College, Calcutta with effect from 1st April 1918.
The Local Govt. having sanctioned the creation of a temporary appointment as Additional Mistress for the Govt. Normal School, Rangoon, Miss Littlewood is appointed to it on Rs. 400 per month from 7th to 28th February 1918 and on Rs. 416 per month from 1st March to 15th May 1918.
Mr N. Olivari, Sub-Inspector of Excise, 1st grade, Bassein Dist., is appointed to officiate as Inspector of Excise (Salt) 5th grade and is posted to Sagyin Bassein Dist.
Privilege leave to the amount due combined with leave on medical certificate up to the 24th April 1918, is granted to Mr A. Lang, Resident Excise Officer, 4th grade, on probation, Mgoaung, Myitkyina Dist.
The Rev’d. J.G. Lister, a Chaplain on probation, is appointed to be a Junior Chaplain on the Bengal (Rangoon) Ecclesiastical Establishment.
Privilege leave for two months is granted to Mr C. Pinto, P.E.S., Asst. Inspector of European and Normal Schools, Burma.
Mr J.E. Baker, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is transferred from Namhsan to Lashio as Treasury Officer and Headquarters Magistrate, in place of Mr G. Johnston, Extra Asst. Commissioner, transferred.
Mr G. Johnston, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is transferred from Lashio to Hsipaw and is appointed to be an Asst. Superintendent in the Northern Shan States and to hold charge of the State of Hsipaw in place of Mr W.V. Hoey, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, deceased.
Mr G. Johnston, Extra Asst. Commissioner is placed in charge of the office of the Asst. Superintendent, Namhsan, in addition to his other duties, as a temporary measure, in place of Mr J.E. Baker, Extra Asst. Commissioner, transferred.
Mr W.J. Smyth, I.C.S., offg. Commissioner, on being relieved by the Hon. Lt.-Col. S.L. Aplin, C.S.I., I.A., Commissioner, is posted to the charge of the Mandalay Dist., in place of Mr F.H. Steavenson, I.C.S., offg. Deputy Commissioner.
Mr F.H. Steavenson, I.C.S., offg. Deputy Commissioner, is appointed to be Headquarters Assistant, Mandalay.
Mr A.T. Rajan, I.C.S., Dist. Judge, on return from leave is appointed to officiate as a Divnl. Judge and is posted to Toungoo as Judge of the Divnl. and Sessions Court of the Toungoo Divn., in place of Mr H.E. McColl, I.C.S., Divnl. Judge, proceeding on leave.
D.F. Chalmers, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, is appointed to officiate as a Commissioner and is transferred from Thaton to the charge of the Tenasserim Divn., in place of Mr G.F.S. Christie, I.C.S., Commission, proceeding on leave.
S.A. Smyth, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, is posted to special duty in the Secretariat.
Privilege leave for three months is granted to Mr G.F.S. Christie, I.C.S., Commissioner.
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint Mr J.E. Baker, Extra Asst. Commissioner, Treasury Officer and Headquarters Magistrate, Lashio, to discharge the functions of an Asst. Superintendent for the notified area of Lashio.
W.H. Tarleton, Deputy Inspector General of Civil Police, has been granted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State for India, an extension of leave on medical certificate for one month.
C.N. James, Additional Personal Asst. to the Deputy Inspector General of Police for Railways and the Criminal Investigation Department, is placed in charge of the Railway Police, in addition to his own duties, in place of Mr F.J.S. Whiting, Dist. Superintendent of Police.
F.J.S. Whiting, Dist. Superintendent of Police, is transferred from the Railway Police and is appointed to officiate as Deputy Inspector General of Police for Railways and the Criminal Investigation Department, in place of Mr M.J. Chisholm, Deputy Inspector General of Police, proceeding on leave.
F.J. Warth, Agricultural Chemist, is posted to duty with the Mandalay Battalion, Burma Military Police, with headquarters at Mandalay.
The Lt.-Governor is please to appoint Mr F.J. Warth, Agricultural Chemist, to be an Asst. Commandant of Military Police.
Maung Hta Baw, Deputy Superintendent of Police, is posted to the charge of the Insein Sub-divn., Insein Dist., in place of Mr S. Johannes? Deputy Superintendent of Police, who is posted to the Headquarters of the Insein Dist. as Headquarters Deputy Superintendent in place of Mr A. Clark, Deputy Superintendent of Police, transferred.
A. Clark, Deputy Superintendent of Police, is transferred from Insein to the charge of the police of the Kawkareik? Sub-divn., Amherst Dist., in place of Mr J.T.M. Cowan, Asst. Superintendent of Police, transferred.
J.T.M. Cowan, Asst. Superintendent of Police,1st grade, sub. pro. tem., is appointed to officiate as a Deputy Superintendent of Police, 5th grade and is posted to the charge of the police of the Toungoo Dist., in place of Mr H.D. Lucas, Dist. Superintendent of Police, proceeding on leave.
C.E.W. Molesworth, Dist. Superintendent of Police, is transferred from Pakokku and is posted to duty with the Chindwin Battalion, Burma Military Police, with headquarters at Tamu.
J.B. Marshall, I.C.S., offg. Deputy Commissioner, Upper Chindwin Dist., is appointed under section ... to exercise jurisdiction as an Additional Sessions Judge in the Court of Sessions of the Sagaing Divn. in addition to his own duties.
Privilege leave for six weeks is granted to Mr H.E. McColl, I.C.S., Divnl. Judge.
On Relief by Mr A.B. Nixon, Deputy Conservator of Forests, Mr F.W. Collings, Deputy Conservator of Forests, in charge of the Nyaunglebin Forest Divn., was transferred from Nyaunglebin and was posted to the charge of the Thayetmyo Forest Divn., in place of Mr J.D. Hamilton, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, who remains attached to that Divn.
F.G. Edwards, Probationary Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, is transferred from Mandalay and is attached to the Mu Forest Divn.
J.B. Mercer Adam, Deputy Conservator of Forests, has been granted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State for India an extension of furlough on medical certificate for six months in continuation of combined leave granted to him.
J.W. Bradley, Deputy Conservator of Forests, has been permitted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State for India to return to duty within the period of his leave.
Maung Hla, Asst. Superintendent of Land Records, is transferred from Bassein and posted to the charge of the Yamethin Land Records Office, pending the arrival of Mr J.P. Connor, Superintendent of Land Records.
On return from leave Mr L.E. Palmer, Superintendent of Land Records, is posted to the charge of the Hanthawaddy Land Records Office.
On relief by Mr L.F. Palmer, Superintendent of Land Records, Mr J.P. Connor, Superintendent of Land Records, is transferred from Hanthawaddy and posted to the charge of the Yamethin Land Records Office.
The Commissioner of the Arakan Divn. appoints the following gentlemen to be members of the Maungdaw Hospital Committee in the Akyab Dist. – J.D. Rodrigues, Telegraph Master, Abdul Ali, Advocate, ... they will hold the office for two years from 1st February 1918.
Mr A.B. D’Attaides is awarded a Final Scholarship of Rs. 40 per month payable from Provincial Funds tenable for two years at the Govt. Medical College, Calcutta with effect from 1st April 1918.
The Local Govt. having sanctioned the creation of a temporary appointment as Additional Mistress for the Govt. Normal School, Rangoon, Miss Littlewood is appointed to it on Rs. 400 per month from 7th to 28th February 1918 and on Rs. 416 per month from 1st March to 15th May 1918.
Mr N. Olivari, Sub-Inspector of Excise, 1st grade, Bassein Dist., is appointed to officiate as Inspector of Excise (Salt) 5th grade and is posted to Sagyin Bassein Dist.
Privilege leave to the amount due combined with leave on medical certificate up to the 24th April 1918, is granted to Mr A. Lang, Resident Excise Officer, 4th grade, on probation, Mgoaung, Myitkyina Dist.
F.G. Edwards, Probationary Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, is appointed to be an Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests.
T.O. Foster, Consulting Architect to the Govt. of Burma, is granted privilege leave for three months.
G.A. Nicholas, Asst. Superintendent of Land Records, is posted to the Akyab Land Records office as Asst. to the Superintendent of Land Records.
The Commissioner of the Pegu Divn. appoints the under mentioned gentlemen to be the members of the Nyaunglebin Town Committee. They will hold office for two years from 1st Jan. 1918:-
U Lun Maung, A.T.M., Vice-president ; Members:- J.B. Fressanges, Manager, T.D. Finlay & Sons
A. Ali, Pleader, Mr Haw Eya, Trader.
The Commissioner of Mandalay Divn. appoints the following gentlemen to be members of the Hospital Committee, Shwegu, Bhamo Dist. They will hold office for a term of two years:- E.H. Quinn, Steel Bros., Shwegu, A.R. Villar, Sub-divnl. Forest Officer, Shwegu, Maung Pe Aung, Advocate, Maung Kyaw, Trader, W. Brock, Circle Inspector of Police, Shwegu, G. Hundrey, Steel Bros., Shwegu.
At an exam. in Hindustani by the Colloquial Test held in Rangoon on 4th March 1918 the under mentioned candidates were successful:-
Francis Bathie Winter, Asst. Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corpn., Rangoon
Gordon Victor Lewis, Asst. Messrs. S. Oppenheimer & Co., Rangoon
Consequent on Mr J.S. Morris, Jailor, 4th grade, being seconded for service in the Military Dept., the following promotion is ordered: Maung Po Yin, Jailor, 5th grade, Rangoon, to be Jailor, 4th grade, sub. pro. tem.
Maung Mya Lu, Inspector of Excise, 5th grade, on relief by Mr J.W. Lynam, Inspector of Excise, 1st grade, is transferred from Kyaukpyu to the charge of salt duties in the same district vice Mr P. Lynam, offg. Inspector of Excise (Salt) 6th grade, who reverts to his substantive appointment as Sub-Inspector of Excise, Akyab Dist.
Mr W. Wortt, Resident Excise Officer, 2nd grade, Mergui, is permitted to retire from the service of Government.
Privilege leave for two months and fifteen days is granted to R.S. Carrapiett, Superintendent of Land Records, Sagaing.
On relief by J.P. Connor, Superintendent of Land Records, Maung Hla, Asst. Superintendent of Land Records, is transferred from Yamethin (sic) and posted to the charge of the Sagaing Land Records office in place of R.S. Carrapiet, (sic) Supdt. of Land Records, proceeding on leave.
On return from general military service, W.M.B. Smart, Superintendent of Land records, is posted to the charge of the Kyaukse Land Records Office in place of J.. Williams, Superintendent of Land Records, transferred.
L.A. Havelock, Superintendent of Excise, 4th grade, is granted privilege leave for two months with effect from the date on which his military training with the General Service Unit of the Indian Defence Force at Madras expires.
T.O. Foster, Consulting Architect to the Govt. of Burma, is granted privilege leave for three months.
G.A. Nicholas, Asst. Superintendent of Land Records, is posted to the Akyab Land Records office as Asst. to the Superintendent of Land Records.
The Commissioner of the Pegu Divn. appoints the under mentioned gentlemen to be the members of the Nyaunglebin Town Committee. They will hold office for two years from 1st Jan. 1918:-
U Lun Maung, A.T.M., Vice-president ; Members:- J.B. Fressanges, Manager, T.D. Finlay & Sons
A. Ali, Pleader, Mr Haw Eya, Trader.
The Commissioner of Mandalay Divn. appoints the following gentlemen to be members of the Hospital Committee, Shwegu, Bhamo Dist. They will hold office for a term of two years:- E.H. Quinn, Steel Bros., Shwegu, A.R. Villar, Sub-divnl. Forest Officer, Shwegu, Maung Pe Aung, Advocate, Maung Kyaw, Trader, W. Brock, Circle Inspector of Police, Shwegu, G. Hundrey, Steel Bros., Shwegu.
At an exam. in Hindustani by the Colloquial Test held in Rangoon on 4th March 1918 the under mentioned candidates were successful:-
Francis Bathie Winter, Asst. Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corpn., Rangoon
Gordon Victor Lewis, Asst. Messrs. S. Oppenheimer & Co., Rangoon
Consequent on Mr J.S. Morris, Jailor, 4th grade, being seconded for service in the Military Dept., the following promotion is ordered: Maung Po Yin, Jailor, 5th grade, Rangoon, to be Jailor, 4th grade, sub. pro. tem.
Maung Mya Lu, Inspector of Excise, 5th grade, on relief by Mr J.W. Lynam, Inspector of Excise, 1st grade, is transferred from Kyaukpyu to the charge of salt duties in the same district vice Mr P. Lynam, offg. Inspector of Excise (Salt) 6th grade, who reverts to his substantive appointment as Sub-Inspector of Excise, Akyab Dist.
Mr W. Wortt, Resident Excise Officer, 2nd grade, Mergui, is permitted to retire from the service of Government.
Privilege leave for two months and fifteen days is granted to R.S. Carrapiett, Superintendent of Land Records, Sagaing.
On relief by J.P. Connor, Superintendent of Land Records, Maung Hla, Asst. Superintendent of Land Records, is transferred from Yamethin (sic) and posted to the charge of the Sagaing Land Records office in place of R.S. Carrapiet, (sic) Supdt. of Land Records, proceeding on leave.
On return from general military service, W.M.B. Smart, Superintendent of Land records, is posted to the charge of the Kyaukse Land Records Office in place of J.. Williams, Superintendent of Land Records, transferred.
L.A. Havelock, Superintendent of Excise, 4th grade, is granted privilege leave for two months with effect from the date on which his military training with the General Service Unit of the Indian Defence Force at Madras expires.
Appointments/Leave etc.
H.H. Mackney, I.C.S., is transferred from Rangoon and is posted to special duty in the Magwe Dist., with headquarters at Yenangyaung.
H.H. Mackney, I.C.S., on completion of special duty is appointed to be Warden of the Yenangyaung, Minbu and Singu Oilfields, with headquarters at Yenangyaung, Magwe Dist., in place of E.G. Pattle, I.C.S., proceeding on leave.
H.H. Mackney, I.C.S., is appointed to be an Additional Judge of the Magwe Dist. Court.
Privilege leave for three months and leave on medical certificate in continuation thereof for a total combined period of six months is granted to W.G. Cole, Dy. S.P.
Privilege leave to the amount due and furlough in continuation thereof for a total combined period of two months is granted to H.D. Lucas, D.S.P. on account of ill health.
G.N. Hetly, offg. D.S.P., 5th grade, is reverted to his appointment as 1st grade, provisionally substantive, and is transferred from Minbu to the charge of the police of the Maymyo Sub-divn. Mandalay Dist.
The Local Government accept the resignation of W. MacDonald of his appointment as a visitor of the Rangoon Lunatic Asylum.
D.J. Buchanan, 2nd grade Master, Govt. High School, Rangoon, is appointed to officiate as Headmaster, Govt. High School, Rangoon, as a temporary measure with effect from 1st March 1918.
The Local Government is pleased to appoint Mr W. Buchanan, a Commissioner of the Port of Rangoon, to be Vice-chairman of the Commissioners in place of H.B. Huddleston, O.B.E., who has been appointed to act as Chairman.
The Local Government appoints H.B. Huddleston, O.B.E., Vice-chairman, to act as Chairman of the Commissioners for the Port of Rangoon during Mr Holmes’ absence on leave.
The Local Government is pleased to appoint Maung Po Yee to be a Commissioner for the Port of Rangoon, in place of W. Macdonald, (sic) who has resigned.
W.H.C. Prideaux, Inspector of Factories, Burma, is appointed to officiate as Electrical Inspector to the Govt. of Burma, in addition to his own duties with effect from the 30th Feb. 1918 and during the absence of Mr B. Raikes, Electrical Inspector, on deputation under the Indian Munitions Board.
E.H. Peacock, E.A.C.F., is granted an extension of privilege leave for two days in continuation of the leave granted. On return from leave Mr E.H. Peacock, E.A.C.F., is reposted to duty in the Zigon Forest Divn.
Privilege leave for one month is granted to K.L. Willson, Inspector of Excise, 3rd grade, with effect from the expiry of military duty. K.L. Willson, Inspector of Excise, 3rd grade, on expiry of his leave is posted to Akyab, Ponnagyun and Rathedaung Townships, Akyab Dist., in place of Tun Hla U, offg. Inspector of Excise, 5th grade who reverts to his substantive appointment as Resident Excise Officer, 6th grade.
Consequent on the retirement from the service of Mr A. Carthew Yorston, Asst. River Conservator, Mr D.I. Smith will carry on the duties of the Asst. River Conservator in addition to his own.
At a special meeting held on the 11th Mar. 1918, the Toungoo Municipal Committee elected Dr. N.E. Seppelt, Medical Officer, Burma Railways and a member of the Municipal Committee, to be their Vice-president, in place of Maung Ba Cho, Pleader who has resigned.
H.H. Mackney, I.C.S., is transferred from Rangoon and is posted to special duty in the Magwe Dist., with headquarters at Yenangyaung.
H.H. Mackney, I.C.S., on completion of special duty is appointed to be Warden of the Yenangyaung, Minbu and Singu Oilfields, with headquarters at Yenangyaung, Magwe Dist., in place of E.G. Pattle, I.C.S., proceeding on leave.
H.H. Mackney, I.C.S., is appointed to be an Additional Judge of the Magwe Dist. Court.
Privilege leave for three months and leave on medical certificate in continuation thereof for a total combined period of six months is granted to W.G. Cole, Dy. S.P.
Privilege leave to the amount due and furlough in continuation thereof for a total combined period of two months is granted to H.D. Lucas, D.S.P. on account of ill health.
G.N. Hetly, offg. D.S.P., 5th grade, is reverted to his appointment as 1st grade, provisionally substantive, and is transferred from Minbu to the charge of the police of the Maymyo Sub-divn. Mandalay Dist.
The Local Government accept the resignation of W. MacDonald of his appointment as a visitor of the Rangoon Lunatic Asylum.
D.J. Buchanan, 2nd grade Master, Govt. High School, Rangoon, is appointed to officiate as Headmaster, Govt. High School, Rangoon, as a temporary measure with effect from 1st March 1918.
The Local Government is pleased to appoint Mr W. Buchanan, a Commissioner of the Port of Rangoon, to be Vice-chairman of the Commissioners in place of H.B. Huddleston, O.B.E., who has been appointed to act as Chairman.
The Local Government appoints H.B. Huddleston, O.B.E., Vice-chairman, to act as Chairman of the Commissioners for the Port of Rangoon during Mr Holmes’ absence on leave.
The Local Government is pleased to appoint Maung Po Yee to be a Commissioner for the Port of Rangoon, in place of W. Macdonald, (sic) who has resigned.
W.H.C. Prideaux, Inspector of Factories, Burma, is appointed to officiate as Electrical Inspector to the Govt. of Burma, in addition to his own duties with effect from the 30th Feb. 1918 and during the absence of Mr B. Raikes, Electrical Inspector, on deputation under the Indian Munitions Board.
E.H. Peacock, E.A.C.F., is granted an extension of privilege leave for two days in continuation of the leave granted. On return from leave Mr E.H. Peacock, E.A.C.F., is reposted to duty in the Zigon Forest Divn.
Privilege leave for one month is granted to K.L. Willson, Inspector of Excise, 3rd grade, with effect from the expiry of military duty. K.L. Willson, Inspector of Excise, 3rd grade, on expiry of his leave is posted to Akyab, Ponnagyun and Rathedaung Townships, Akyab Dist., in place of Tun Hla U, offg. Inspector of Excise, 5th grade who reverts to his substantive appointment as Resident Excise Officer, 6th grade.
Consequent on the retirement from the service of Mr A. Carthew Yorston, Asst. River Conservator, Mr D.I. Smith will carry on the duties of the Asst. River Conservator in addition to his own.
At a special meeting held on the 11th Mar. 1918, the Toungoo Municipal Committee elected Dr. N.E. Seppelt, Medical Officer, Burma Railways and a member of the Municipal Committee, to be their Vice-president, in place of Maung Ba Cho, Pleader who has resigned.
Privilege leave for five weeks is granted to E.G. Pattle, I.C.S.
On return from leave J.A.P. Stuart, D.S.P., is posted to the charge of the police of the Pyapon dist.
P.F. Wickham, Superintending Engineer, Maritime Circle, is granted privilege leave for forty days.
F.R. Collins, Superintending Engineer, Rangoon Circle, is appointed to the charge of the Maritime Circle of Superintendence, in addition to his own duties vice P.F. Wickham, Superintending Engineer, granted privilege leave.
P.N. Sen, Superintending Engineer, 1st class, is granted privilege leave for three months combined with furlough for nine months on account of ill health.
J. Craig, Executive Engr., Insein Divn., is appointed to officiate as Superintending Engr., Pegu Circle, vice P.N. Sen, Superintending Engineer, granted leave. Mr Craig will, in addition to his own duties as Superintending Engr., retain charge of the Insein Divn. as a temporary measure.
F.P. Thompson in charge of the Kado Sub-divn. of the Kado and Agency Forest Divn., is transferred from Kado and is attached to duty in the Kado and Agency, Thaungyin and Ataran Forest Divns., with headquarters in Moulmein.
Privilege leave for six weeks is granted to F.A. Wright, E.A.C.F., attached to the Southern Shan States Forest Divn., with effect from 19th March 1918.
C.W. Doveton, D.C.F., in charge of the Southern Shan States Forest Divn. is placed in charge of the Bampon Forest Sub-divn. of that Division as a tempy. measure in addition to his own duties, in place of P. Burnside, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, transferred.
On relief by C.W. Doveton, D.C.F., Mr P. Burnside, E.A.C.F., in charge of the Bampon Sub-divn. of the Southern Shan States Forest Divn., is transferred from Loilem and is attached to that Division with headquarters at Kalaw.
L.F. Taylor, I.E.S., Principal, Govt. High School, Rangoon, is transferred from Rangoon to Akyab as Principal, Govt. High School, Akyab, in place of R. E. St. J. Clifford, offg. Principal of the Govt. High School.
Mr Simon Mackertic Minus, I.S.O. is appointed to be a Magistrate (honorary) of the first class in the Rangoon town district. He will hold office for three years.
On return from leave J.A.P. Stuart, D.S.P., is posted to the charge of the police of the Pyapon dist.
P.F. Wickham, Superintending Engineer, Maritime Circle, is granted privilege leave for forty days.
F.R. Collins, Superintending Engineer, Rangoon Circle, is appointed to the charge of the Maritime Circle of Superintendence, in addition to his own duties vice P.F. Wickham, Superintending Engineer, granted privilege leave.
P.N. Sen, Superintending Engineer, 1st class, is granted privilege leave for three months combined with furlough for nine months on account of ill health.
J. Craig, Executive Engr., Insein Divn., is appointed to officiate as Superintending Engr., Pegu Circle, vice P.N. Sen, Superintending Engineer, granted leave. Mr Craig will, in addition to his own duties as Superintending Engr., retain charge of the Insein Divn. as a temporary measure.
F.P. Thompson in charge of the Kado Sub-divn. of the Kado and Agency Forest Divn., is transferred from Kado and is attached to duty in the Kado and Agency, Thaungyin and Ataran Forest Divns., with headquarters in Moulmein.
Privilege leave for six weeks is granted to F.A. Wright, E.A.C.F., attached to the Southern Shan States Forest Divn., with effect from 19th March 1918.
C.W. Doveton, D.C.F., in charge of the Southern Shan States Forest Divn. is placed in charge of the Bampon Forest Sub-divn. of that Division as a tempy. measure in addition to his own duties, in place of P. Burnside, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, transferred.
On relief by C.W. Doveton, D.C.F., Mr P. Burnside, E.A.C.F., in charge of the Bampon Sub-divn. of the Southern Shan States Forest Divn., is transferred from Loilem and is attached to that Division with headquarters at Kalaw.
L.F. Taylor, I.E.S., Principal, Govt. High School, Rangoon, is transferred from Rangoon to Akyab as Principal, Govt. High School, Akyab, in place of R. E. St. J. Clifford, offg. Principal of the Govt. High School.
Mr Simon Mackertic Minus, I.S.O. is appointed to be a Magistrate (honorary) of the first class in the Rangoon town district. He will hold office for three years.
Appointments, Postings and Transfers
Privilege leave for three months and furlough in continuation thereof for three months is granted to Mr A. Vaillant, Extra Asst. Commissioner.
Major L.E.L. Burne, I.A., Commandant, Burma Military Police, is transferred from Falam and is posted to special duty in the Chin Hills with headquarters at Kalemyo.
On relief by Major L.E.L. Burne, I.A., Mr R.G.B. Prescott, Asst. Superintendent of Police, is transferred from Kalemyo and is posted to special duty in the Chin Hills with headquarters at Falam.
Senior Military Asst. Surgeon and Honorary Major A.H. Nolan, I.S.M.D., (retired,) Civil Surgeon, Prome, is granted privilege leave for one month.
Civil Asst. Surgeon S.A.R. Valles, L.M. & S (Bom.) is appointed to officiate as Civil Surgeon, Tharrawaddy, vice Civil Asst. Surgeon S. Paul.
On relief by Civil Asst. Surgeon S.A.R. Valles, Civil Asst. Surgeon S. Paul is appointed to officiate as Civil Asst. Surgeon, Prome.
The following students who were deputed by this province to the Forest Research Institute and College, Dehra Dun, having completed the course of training at that institution satisfactorily are appointed to be Probationary Extra Asst. Conservators of Forests on Rs. 175 per month with effect from 1st April 1918 and are posted to the Forest Divisions notes against each:-
D. Lindsay Smith, Bhamo Forest Divn. ; H. Hibert, Andamans Forest Divn. ; C.L. Edwards, North Toungoo Forest Divn. ; Maung Han, Mu Forest Divn. ; F.C. Phaure, Pyinmana Forest Divn. ; Maung Thein Lwin, Ataran Forest Divn.
Privilege leave for six weeks is granted to J.M.D. Mackenzie, Deputy Conservator of Forests attached to the Prome Forest Divn.
The Local Govt. is pleased to grant E.S. TenBroeke, Deputy Registrar, Burma Public Works Secretariat, as a special case, leave on medical certificate for six months in continuation of the combined leave for six months and one day granted.
Leave on medical certificate for three months is granted to J. Bell, Judicial Myook, in continuation of leave granted.
On relief by Mr B. McCrea, Inspector of Excise, 4th grade, Mr G. Kinsman, Resident Excise Officer, 7th grade, is posted to the charge of the Myitkyina Opium shop, Myitkyina Dist.
Mr A.H. Nolan, Inspector of Excise, 1st grade, on expiry of his leave granted to him in his office notification no 42, dated the 15th Feb. 1918, is posted to Pagaye, Tavoy Dist. in place of Maung Pe Kin.
On being struck off military duty Mr G.K.S. Dawson, Overseer, 3rd grade, is granted privilege leave for three months.
R.C. Bonnaud, Asst. Engr. is posted to the Chin Hills for special duty under the Superintendent, Chin Hills.
Privilege leave for three months and furlough in continuation thereof for three months is granted to Mr A. Vaillant, Extra Asst. Commissioner.
Major L.E.L. Burne, I.A., Commandant, Burma Military Police, is transferred from Falam and is posted to special duty in the Chin Hills with headquarters at Kalemyo.
On relief by Major L.E.L. Burne, I.A., Mr R.G.B. Prescott, Asst. Superintendent of Police, is transferred from Kalemyo and is posted to special duty in the Chin Hills with headquarters at Falam.
Senior Military Asst. Surgeon and Honorary Major A.H. Nolan, I.S.M.D., (retired,) Civil Surgeon, Prome, is granted privilege leave for one month.
Civil Asst. Surgeon S.A.R. Valles, L.M. & S (Bom.) is appointed to officiate as Civil Surgeon, Tharrawaddy, vice Civil Asst. Surgeon S. Paul.
On relief by Civil Asst. Surgeon S.A.R. Valles, Civil Asst. Surgeon S. Paul is appointed to officiate as Civil Asst. Surgeon, Prome.
The following students who were deputed by this province to the Forest Research Institute and College, Dehra Dun, having completed the course of training at that institution satisfactorily are appointed to be Probationary Extra Asst. Conservators of Forests on Rs. 175 per month with effect from 1st April 1918 and are posted to the Forest Divisions notes against each:-
D. Lindsay Smith, Bhamo Forest Divn. ; H. Hibert, Andamans Forest Divn. ; C.L. Edwards, North Toungoo Forest Divn. ; Maung Han, Mu Forest Divn. ; F.C. Phaure, Pyinmana Forest Divn. ; Maung Thein Lwin, Ataran Forest Divn.
Privilege leave for six weeks is granted to J.M.D. Mackenzie, Deputy Conservator of Forests attached to the Prome Forest Divn.
The Local Govt. is pleased to grant E.S. TenBroeke, Deputy Registrar, Burma Public Works Secretariat, as a special case, leave on medical certificate for six months in continuation of the combined leave for six months and one day granted.
Leave on medical certificate for three months is granted to J. Bell, Judicial Myook, in continuation of leave granted.
On relief by Mr B. McCrea, Inspector of Excise, 4th grade, Mr G. Kinsman, Resident Excise Officer, 7th grade, is posted to the charge of the Myitkyina Opium shop, Myitkyina Dist.
Mr A.H. Nolan, Inspector of Excise, 1st grade, on expiry of his leave granted to him in his office notification no 42, dated the 15th Feb. 1918, is posted to Pagaye, Tavoy Dist. in place of Maung Pe Kin.
On being struck off military duty Mr G.K.S. Dawson, Overseer, 3rd grade, is granted privilege leave for three months.
R.C. Bonnaud, Asst. Engr. is posted to the Chin Hills for special duty under the Superintendent, Chin Hills.
Appointments/Leave etc.
Notification no 9 dated 5th January 1918 granting privilege leave for one month to Mr T. Lister, I.C.S., is cancelled.
Maung Gale, offg. Dy. D.S.P. is transferred from Pyapon to the headquarters of Myingyan Dist. as Headquarters Deputy Superintendent in place of W.S. Plant, Dy. S.P., proceeding on leave.
A.L. George, Probationary, E.A.C.F. attached to the Ruby Mines Forest Divn. is transferred from Mogok and is attached to the Henzada-Maubin Forest Divn.
At an exam. held at Putao on 9th March 1918, F.H. Fearnley-Whittingstall, Asst. District Superintendent of Police, passed the prescribed test in the Chingpaw dialect of the Kachin language. Mr Fearnley-Whittingstall is entitled to receive a reward of Rs. 1,000.
A.E. Meyer, Merchant, is re-appointed to be a Magistrate, (hony.) of the third class in the Rangoon Town Dist. He will hold office for a further term of three years.
The unexpired portion of the leave granted to fourth grade Sub-asst. Surgeon, no. 604, M. John, is cancelled.
Senior Grade Sub-asst. Surgeon, no 81, P.M. Barna, is granted an extension of six months leave on medical certificate in continuation of the leave granted.
J.T. Joseph is awarded a European final scholarship of Rs. 40 per month, tenable for two years at the Civil Engineering College, Sibpur, with effect from 1st April 1918. The scholarship is payable from the special recurring grants sanctioned by the Govt. of India.
Notification no 9 dated 5th January 1918 granting privilege leave for one month to Mr T. Lister, I.C.S., is cancelled.
Maung Gale, offg. Dy. D.S.P. is transferred from Pyapon to the headquarters of Myingyan Dist. as Headquarters Deputy Superintendent in place of W.S. Plant, Dy. S.P., proceeding on leave.
A.L. George, Probationary, E.A.C.F. attached to the Ruby Mines Forest Divn. is transferred from Mogok and is attached to the Henzada-Maubin Forest Divn.
At an exam. held at Putao on 9th March 1918, F.H. Fearnley-Whittingstall, Asst. District Superintendent of Police, passed the prescribed test in the Chingpaw dialect of the Kachin language. Mr Fearnley-Whittingstall is entitled to receive a reward of Rs. 1,000.
A.E. Meyer, Merchant, is re-appointed to be a Magistrate, (hony.) of the third class in the Rangoon Town Dist. He will hold office for a further term of three years.
The unexpired portion of the leave granted to fourth grade Sub-asst. Surgeon, no. 604, M. John, is cancelled.
Senior Grade Sub-asst. Surgeon, no 81, P.M. Barna, is granted an extension of six months leave on medical certificate in continuation of the leave granted.
J.T. Joseph is awarded a European final scholarship of Rs. 40 per month, tenable for two years at the Civil Engineering College, Sibpur, with effect from 1st April 1918. The scholarship is payable from the special recurring grants sanctioned by the Govt. of India.
J.J. Anderson, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, in addition to special duty, is placed in charge of the current duties of the Asst. Secretary to the Financial Commissioner, Burma, in place of A.E.H. Killick, I.C.S.
Lt.-Col. C.E. Brown, I.A., Deputy Commissioner, is transferred from Sandoway to the charge of the Lower Chindwin Dist., in place of A.G.H. Breithaupt, Deputy Commissioner, transferred.
A.G.H. Breithaupt, Deputy Commissioner, is transferred from Monywa to the charge of the Sandoway Dist. in place of Lt.-Col. C.E. Brown, I.A., Deputy Commissioner, transferred.
Maung Myat Tha Gyaw, K.S.M., T.D.M., Extra Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner and is posted to the charge of the Pegu Dist. In place of W.S. Morrison, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner proceeding on leave.
Privilege leave for six weeks is granted to W.S. Morrison, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner.
The services of A.E.H. Killick, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, are placed at the service of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
Privilege leave for one month is granted to A.J.S. Butterwick, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, and Second Instructor at the Burma Forest School, Pyinmana.
Privilege leave for three months is granted to G.K. Parker, Deputy Conservator of Forests, in charge of the Bhamo Forest Divn.
A.R. Villar, Deputy Conservator of Forests in charge of the Shwegu Forest Sub-divn. of the Bhamo Forest Divn., is placed in charge of that Division in addition to his own duties, during Mr Parker’s absence on privilege leave or until further orders.
The Local Government is pleased to direct that the following Extra Deputy Conservators of Forests shall draw pay of Rs. 850 per month with effect from 1st Mar. 1918.
D.H. Allan ; J.W. Ryan ; R.L. Pocock ; W.H. Craddock.
Privilege leave for two months and thirty days combined with leave on medical certificate for a total period of one year is granted to N.W. Purchase, Superintendent of Land Records, Yamethin.
On return from general military service, R.F. Craen, Asst. Superintendent of Land Records, is reposted to the Lower Chindwin Land Records office to continue his training in Land Records work.
Privilege leave for two months is granted to H.B. Powell, Superintendent of Land Records, Lower Chindwin Dist.
R.F. Craen, Asst. Superintendent of Land Records, is posted to the charge of the Lower Chindwin Land Records office, in place of H.B. Powell, proceeding on leave.
Maung Tun Hla U, offg. Inspector of Excise, 5th grade, on relief by K.L. Willson, Inspector of Excise, 3rd grade, is posted to the charge of the Ponnagyun Opium shop, Akyab Dist.
W.G. Bowden, Superintendent of Excise, 3rd grade, Hanthawaddy Dist., is granted privilege leave for three months.
J.R. McCann, Inspector of Excise, 2nd grade, is appointed to officiate as Superintendent of Excise, 6th grade and is posted to the Hanthawaddy Dist. in place of W.G. Bowden, proceeding on leave.
W.G. Bowden, Superintendent of Excise,3rd grade, on return from leave is reposted to the Hanthawaddy Dist.
Consequent on the retirement of C.E. Brown, Inspector of Police, 1st grade, the following promotions are ordered in the Rangoon Police with effect from 17th April 1918:-
Maung On Gaing, Inspector of Police, 2nd grade, to be Inspector of Police, 1st grade.
Maung Shwe Ye, Inspector of Police, 3rd grade (on leave) to be Inspector of police 2nd grade.
J.H.L. Castor, Inspector of Police, 3rd grade, to officiate as Inspector of Police, 2nd grade.
T. Oliver, Deputy Inspector, 1st grade, to be Inspector of Police, 3rd grade and to remain seconded to the Military Dept.
H.W.W. Jennings, Deputy Inspector, 1st grade, to be Inspector of Police, 3rd grade, provisionally substantive.
Lt.-Col. C.E. Brown, I.A., Deputy Commissioner, is transferred from Sandoway to the charge of the Lower Chindwin Dist., in place of A.G.H. Breithaupt, Deputy Commissioner, transferred.
A.G.H. Breithaupt, Deputy Commissioner, is transferred from Monywa to the charge of the Sandoway Dist. in place of Lt.-Col. C.E. Brown, I.A., Deputy Commissioner, transferred.
Maung Myat Tha Gyaw, K.S.M., T.D.M., Extra Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner and is posted to the charge of the Pegu Dist. In place of W.S. Morrison, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner proceeding on leave.
Privilege leave for six weeks is granted to W.S. Morrison, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner.
The services of A.E.H. Killick, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, are placed at the service of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
Privilege leave for one month is granted to A.J.S. Butterwick, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, and Second Instructor at the Burma Forest School, Pyinmana.
Privilege leave for three months is granted to G.K. Parker, Deputy Conservator of Forests, in charge of the Bhamo Forest Divn.
A.R. Villar, Deputy Conservator of Forests in charge of the Shwegu Forest Sub-divn. of the Bhamo Forest Divn., is placed in charge of that Division in addition to his own duties, during Mr Parker’s absence on privilege leave or until further orders.
The Local Government is pleased to direct that the following Extra Deputy Conservators of Forests shall draw pay of Rs. 850 per month with effect from 1st Mar. 1918.
D.H. Allan ; J.W. Ryan ; R.L. Pocock ; W.H. Craddock.
Privilege leave for two months and thirty days combined with leave on medical certificate for a total period of one year is granted to N.W. Purchase, Superintendent of Land Records, Yamethin.
On return from general military service, R.F. Craen, Asst. Superintendent of Land Records, is reposted to the Lower Chindwin Land Records office to continue his training in Land Records work.
Privilege leave for two months is granted to H.B. Powell, Superintendent of Land Records, Lower Chindwin Dist.
R.F. Craen, Asst. Superintendent of Land Records, is posted to the charge of the Lower Chindwin Land Records office, in place of H.B. Powell, proceeding on leave.
Maung Tun Hla U, offg. Inspector of Excise, 5th grade, on relief by K.L. Willson, Inspector of Excise, 3rd grade, is posted to the charge of the Ponnagyun Opium shop, Akyab Dist.
W.G. Bowden, Superintendent of Excise, 3rd grade, Hanthawaddy Dist., is granted privilege leave for three months.
J.R. McCann, Inspector of Excise, 2nd grade, is appointed to officiate as Superintendent of Excise, 6th grade and is posted to the Hanthawaddy Dist. in place of W.G. Bowden, proceeding on leave.
W.G. Bowden, Superintendent of Excise,3rd grade, on return from leave is reposted to the Hanthawaddy Dist.
Consequent on the retirement of C.E. Brown, Inspector of Police, 1st grade, the following promotions are ordered in the Rangoon Police with effect from 17th April 1918:-
Maung On Gaing, Inspector of Police, 2nd grade, to be Inspector of Police, 1st grade.
Maung Shwe Ye, Inspector of Police, 3rd grade (on leave) to be Inspector of police 2nd grade.
J.H.L. Castor, Inspector of Police, 3rd grade, to officiate as Inspector of Police, 2nd grade.
T. Oliver, Deputy Inspector, 1st grade, to be Inspector of Police, 3rd grade and to remain seconded to the Military Dept.
H.W.W. Jennings, Deputy Inspector, 1st grade, to be Inspector of Police, 3rd grade, provisionally substantive.
Appointment/Leave etc.
A.M. Evans, Extra Asst. Commissioner, Superintendent of the Office of the Commissioner, Arakan Divn., is appointed to be an Additional Magistrate at Akyab, in addition to his own duties.
H.F. Dunkley, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, on relieving by Maung Chit Maung, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is posted to special duty in the Tenasserim Sessions Divn.
R.R. Brown, I.S.C., Deputy Commissioner, has been granted by His Majesty’s Secretary of State for India, an extension of furlough for three months.
W.H. Tarleton, Deputy Inspector-General of Civil Police, has been granted by His Majesty’s Secretary of State for India, an extension of leave on medical certificate for three months.
H.F. Dunkley, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to exercise jurisdiction as an Additional Sessions Judge in the Court of the Tenasserim Divn. He shall try cases as the Sessions Judge may make over to him for trial.
A.J. Finlayson, 3rd grade Master, Govt. High School, Rangoon, is appointed to officiate as Headmaster, Govt. High School, Rangoon in place of D.J. Buchanan, who reverts to his substantive appointment as 2nd grade Master of teh school.
E.C. Down, officiating Principal Govt, High School, Bassein, is appointed to officiate as Headmaster, Govt. High School Rangoon, in place of A.J. Finlayson, transferred.
L.E. Taylor, I.E.S., Principal, Govt. High School, Rangoon, is transferred from Rangoon to Bassein as Principal of the Govt. High School, Bassein, in place of E.C. Down.
Maung San Shwe, officiating Inspector of Schools, Arakan Circle, is appointed to officiate as Principal, Govt. High School, Akyab, in addition to his other duties, as a temporary measure, in place of Mr E. St. J. Clifford, transferred.
J. Haddock, Asst. Director of Land Records, Burma, is appointed Deputy Director of Land Records, Burma, sub. pro. tem. vice Mr J. Clague, I.C.S. whose services have been placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
C.W. Allan, retired Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, is, with the previous sanction of the Secretary of State, appointed to be a Deputy Conservator of Forests and is attached to the Mandalay Forest Divn.
The services of Mr E. Thompstone, Deputy Director of Agriculture, are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
F.J. Warth, Agricultural Chemist, who was appointed Asst. Commandant of Military Police, in Police Department Notification no. 74 of the 7th Mar. 1918, is temporarily reverted to the Agricultural Department and appointed to officiate as Deputy Director of Agriculture vice Mr E. Thompstone, whose services have been placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
The Local Government is pleased to appoint A.E. English, C.I.E., I.C.S., to assist the Registrar, Co-operative Societies, Burma, in addition to his other duties and to confer upon him all the powers of a Registrar under the Act.
A.M. Evans, Extra Asst. Commissioner, Superintendent of the Office of the Commissioner, Arakan Divn., is appointed to be an Additional Magistrate at Akyab, in addition to his own duties.
H.F. Dunkley, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, on relieving by Maung Chit Maung, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is posted to special duty in the Tenasserim Sessions Divn.
R.R. Brown, I.S.C., Deputy Commissioner, has been granted by His Majesty’s Secretary of State for India, an extension of furlough for three months.
W.H. Tarleton, Deputy Inspector-General of Civil Police, has been granted by His Majesty’s Secretary of State for India, an extension of leave on medical certificate for three months.
H.F. Dunkley, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to exercise jurisdiction as an Additional Sessions Judge in the Court of the Tenasserim Divn. He shall try cases as the Sessions Judge may make over to him for trial.
A.J. Finlayson, 3rd grade Master, Govt. High School, Rangoon, is appointed to officiate as Headmaster, Govt. High School, Rangoon in place of D.J. Buchanan, who reverts to his substantive appointment as 2nd grade Master of teh school.
E.C. Down, officiating Principal Govt, High School, Bassein, is appointed to officiate as Headmaster, Govt. High School Rangoon, in place of A.J. Finlayson, transferred.
L.E. Taylor, I.E.S., Principal, Govt. High School, Rangoon, is transferred from Rangoon to Bassein as Principal of the Govt. High School, Bassein, in place of E.C. Down.
Maung San Shwe, officiating Inspector of Schools, Arakan Circle, is appointed to officiate as Principal, Govt. High School, Akyab, in addition to his other duties, as a temporary measure, in place of Mr E. St. J. Clifford, transferred.
J. Haddock, Asst. Director of Land Records, Burma, is appointed Deputy Director of Land Records, Burma, sub. pro. tem. vice Mr J. Clague, I.C.S. whose services have been placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
C.W. Allan, retired Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, is, with the previous sanction of the Secretary of State, appointed to be a Deputy Conservator of Forests and is attached to the Mandalay Forest Divn.
The services of Mr E. Thompstone, Deputy Director of Agriculture, are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
F.J. Warth, Agricultural Chemist, who was appointed Asst. Commandant of Military Police, in Police Department Notification no. 74 of the 7th Mar. 1918, is temporarily reverted to the Agricultural Department and appointed to officiate as Deputy Director of Agriculture vice Mr E. Thompstone, whose services have been placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
The Local Government is pleased to appoint A.E. English, C.I.E., I.C.S., to assist the Registrar, Co-operative Societies, Burma, in addition to his other duties and to confer upon him all the powers of a Registrar under the Act.
Appointment/leave etc.
Privilege leave for one month is grated to W.F. Grahame, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner.
Leave on private affairs for three months is granted to G.W. Cooke, extra Asst,. Commissioner, in continuation of leave.
Lt. F.G. French, I.A.R.O., Asst. Adjutant, Burma Military Police, is posted to the Chin Hills Battalion as Asst. Commandant with headquarters at Kanpetlet.
J.T.M. Cowan, officiating Dist. Superintendent of Police, is transferred from Toungoo and is posted to the charge of the Police of the Pyapon Dist.
Maung Gale, offg. Dist. Superintendent of Police, is transferred from Pyapon to the headquarters of the Myingyan Dist. as Headquarters Deputy Superintendent, in place of W.S. Plant, Deputy Superintendent of Police, proceeding on leave.
Privilege leave for six weeks is granted to Lt.-Col. J.L.W. ffrench-Mullen, C.I.E., I.A., Deputy Inspector- General of Military Police, Burma.
Lt.-Col. F.L. Orman, I.A., Commandant, Burma Military Police, is transferred from Taunggyi to Rangoon and is appointed to officiate as Deputy Inspector-General of Military Police, Burma, during the absence on leave of Lt.-Col. J.L.W. ffrench-Mullen.
On the abolition of the Hanthawaddy Divn., P.W.D., Mr F.A. Gant, Executive Engr., has assumed charge of the Insein Divn. vice J. Craig, Executive Engr., transferred.
C.J. Homer, Asst. Engineer is appointed to officiate as Executive Engr. of the Light House Divn.
The services of Mr T. Hare, Executive Engr. are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
On return from leave Mr L.A. Havelock, Superintendent of Excise, 4th grade, is reposted to the charge of the Bassein Dist. in place of J.F. Blake, who reverts to his substantive appointment as Inspector of Excise, 2nd grade.
At a special meeting held on 9th May 1918, the Pegu Municipal Committee elected Maung Myat Tha Gyaw, K.S.M., T.D.M., Deputy Commissioner, Pegu, to be their President, in place of W.S. Morrison, I.C.S., proceeding on leave.
E.A. Archer, Pleader, is appointed to be a member of the Municipal Committee, Myaungmya, in place of H.C. Fisher, deceased.
Privilege leave for one month is grated to W.F. Grahame, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner.
Leave on private affairs for three months is granted to G.W. Cooke, extra Asst,. Commissioner, in continuation of leave.
Lt. F.G. French, I.A.R.O., Asst. Adjutant, Burma Military Police, is posted to the Chin Hills Battalion as Asst. Commandant with headquarters at Kanpetlet.
J.T.M. Cowan, officiating Dist. Superintendent of Police, is transferred from Toungoo and is posted to the charge of the Police of the Pyapon Dist.
Maung Gale, offg. Dist. Superintendent of Police, is transferred from Pyapon to the headquarters of the Myingyan Dist. as Headquarters Deputy Superintendent, in place of W.S. Plant, Deputy Superintendent of Police, proceeding on leave.
Privilege leave for six weeks is granted to Lt.-Col. J.L.W. ffrench-Mullen, C.I.E., I.A., Deputy Inspector- General of Military Police, Burma.
Lt.-Col. F.L. Orman, I.A., Commandant, Burma Military Police, is transferred from Taunggyi to Rangoon and is appointed to officiate as Deputy Inspector-General of Military Police, Burma, during the absence on leave of Lt.-Col. J.L.W. ffrench-Mullen.
On the abolition of the Hanthawaddy Divn., P.W.D., Mr F.A. Gant, Executive Engr., has assumed charge of the Insein Divn. vice J. Craig, Executive Engr., transferred.
C.J. Homer, Asst. Engineer is appointed to officiate as Executive Engr. of the Light House Divn.
The services of Mr T. Hare, Executive Engr. are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
On return from leave Mr L.A. Havelock, Superintendent of Excise, 4th grade, is reposted to the charge of the Bassein Dist. in place of J.F. Blake, who reverts to his substantive appointment as Inspector of Excise, 2nd grade.
At a special meeting held on 9th May 1918, the Pegu Municipal Committee elected Maung Myat Tha Gyaw, K.S.M., T.D.M., Deputy Commissioner, Pegu, to be their President, in place of W.S. Morrison, I.C.S., proceeding on leave.
E.A. Archer, Pleader, is appointed to be a member of the Municipal Committee, Myaungmya, in place of H.C. Fisher, deceased.
Appointments/Leave etc.
The services of Capt. J.P. Stallard, M.B., R.A.M.C., are replaced at the disposal of the Govt. of India in the Army Dept.
The services of Mr F.R. Lee, Principal of the Govt. School for the Sons of Shan Chiefs at Taunggyi, are placed at the disposal of the General Officer Commanding, Burma Divn., from the 1st to the 20th June 1918.
The servces of Mr L.P. Saunders, I.E.S., Professor of Philosophy, Govt. College, Rangoon, are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
J.M. Baguley, I.C.S., Deputy Judge, is appointed to officiate as a Commissioner and is posted to the Arakan Divn. as a temporary measure, in place of J.D. Fraser, I.C.S., Commissioner, proceeding on leave.
D. Lindsay-Smith, Probationary Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, is transferred from Bhamo and is attached to the Katha Forest Divn.
On return from leave, A.J.S. Butterwick, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forest, is reposted to the Burma Forest School, Pyinmana, as Second Instructor.
C.W. Allan, Deputy Conservator of Forests, attached to the Mandalay Forest Divn., is placed in charge of that Divn. In place of V.H.T. Fields-Clarke, Deputy Conservator of Forests, transferred.
Privilege leave for six weeks is granted to H. Parker, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner.
W.H. Tarleton, Deputy Inspector-General of Civil Police, has been granted by his Majesty’s Secy. of State for India, a further extension of leave on medical certificate for two months.
The services of Capt. G.G. Richardson, I.A., Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, are replaced at the disposal of his Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
The services of Lt. W.F. Hervey, I.A., Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, are replaced at the disposal of his Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
The services of 2nd Lt. H.R. Lanktree, Indian Army Reserve of Officers, Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, are replaced at the disposal of his Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
The Local Government appoints G.C. Whigham to be a visitor of the Rangoon Lunatic Asylum in place of W. MacDonald, who has resigned.
On relief by C.W. Allan, Deputy Conservator of Forests, Mr V.H.T. Fields-Clarke, Deputy Conservator of Forests, in charge of the Mandalay Forest Divn. is transferred from Maymyo and is posted to the charge of the Lower Chindwin Forest Divn. in place of W.H. Craddock, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests transferred.
On relief by V.H.T. Field-Clarke, (sic) Deputy Conservator of Forests, W.H. Craddock, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, in charge of the Lower Chindwin Forest Divn., is transferred from Monywa and is posted to the Burma Forest School, Pyinmana, as Second Instructor in place of N.V. Holberton, Deputy Conservator of Forests.
The services of N.V. Holberton, Deputy Conservator of Forests, are placed at the disposal of the Govt. of India for employment under the Indian Munitions board.
Maung Ba Thwe, Myook, is transferred from Paungbyin to the charge of the Homalin Sub-divn., Upper Chindwin Dist., in place of H. Parker, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, proceeding on leave.
W.J. Baker, Superintendent of Land Records, Mandalay, is placed in charge of the Mandalay Town Lots Office in addition to his own duties, in place of A.L. George, Superintendent of Land Records, proceeding on leave.
A.W. Donovan, officiating Resident Excise Officer, 7th grade, is posted to the charge of the opium shop at Thabaung, Bassein Dist., vice Maung Po Tun, Resident Excise Officer, transferred.
A. Lang, Resident Excise Officer, 4th grade, on probation, is permitted to resign his appointment.
R.H. Taylor, Inspector of Excise, 5th grade, sub. pro. tem., who has returned from military duty, is granted privilege leave for one month and fourteen days.
A.W. Donovan is appointed to officiate as a Resident Excise Officer, 7th grade, vice Maung Tha Hmun, Resident Excise Officer, 6th grade, deceased, and posted to the Irrawaddy Divn.
Privilege leave for three months is granted to G.E. Nelson, Inspector of Excise, 3rd grade, Rangoon Town Dist.
V. D’Castro. Sub-Inspector of Excise, 2nd grade, Rangoon Town Dist., is appointed to officiate as Inspector of Excise, 5th grade and is posted to Rangoon, Rangoon Town Dist., in place of G.E. Nelson, Inspector of Excise, 3rd grade, proceeding on leave.
W. Hann, Second Master of the Govt. High School, Moulmein, is transferred to the Govt. High School, Bassein as officiating Headmaster vice Mr Down, transferred, at present on military duty.
J.M. Sircar, Fourth Master of the Govt. High School, Moulmein, is appointed to officiate as Second Master vice Mr Hann, transferred.
The services of Capt. J.P. Stallard, M.B., R.A.M.C., are replaced at the disposal of the Govt. of India in the Army Dept.
The services of Mr F.R. Lee, Principal of the Govt. School for the Sons of Shan Chiefs at Taunggyi, are placed at the disposal of the General Officer Commanding, Burma Divn., from the 1st to the 20th June 1918.
The servces of Mr L.P. Saunders, I.E.S., Professor of Philosophy, Govt. College, Rangoon, are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
J.M. Baguley, I.C.S., Deputy Judge, is appointed to officiate as a Commissioner and is posted to the Arakan Divn. as a temporary measure, in place of J.D. Fraser, I.C.S., Commissioner, proceeding on leave.
D. Lindsay-Smith, Probationary Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, is transferred from Bhamo and is attached to the Katha Forest Divn.
On return from leave, A.J.S. Butterwick, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forest, is reposted to the Burma Forest School, Pyinmana, as Second Instructor.
C.W. Allan, Deputy Conservator of Forests, attached to the Mandalay Forest Divn., is placed in charge of that Divn. In place of V.H.T. Fields-Clarke, Deputy Conservator of Forests, transferred.
Privilege leave for six weeks is granted to H. Parker, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner.
W.H. Tarleton, Deputy Inspector-General of Civil Police, has been granted by his Majesty’s Secy. of State for India, a further extension of leave on medical certificate for two months.
The services of Capt. G.G. Richardson, I.A., Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, are replaced at the disposal of his Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
The services of Lt. W.F. Hervey, I.A., Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, are replaced at the disposal of his Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
The services of 2nd Lt. H.R. Lanktree, Indian Army Reserve of Officers, Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, are replaced at the disposal of his Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
The Local Government appoints G.C. Whigham to be a visitor of the Rangoon Lunatic Asylum in place of W. MacDonald, who has resigned.
On relief by C.W. Allan, Deputy Conservator of Forests, Mr V.H.T. Fields-Clarke, Deputy Conservator of Forests, in charge of the Mandalay Forest Divn. is transferred from Maymyo and is posted to the charge of the Lower Chindwin Forest Divn. in place of W.H. Craddock, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests transferred.
On relief by V.H.T. Field-Clarke, (sic) Deputy Conservator of Forests, W.H. Craddock, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, in charge of the Lower Chindwin Forest Divn., is transferred from Monywa and is posted to the Burma Forest School, Pyinmana, as Second Instructor in place of N.V. Holberton, Deputy Conservator of Forests.
The services of N.V. Holberton, Deputy Conservator of Forests, are placed at the disposal of the Govt. of India for employment under the Indian Munitions board.
Maung Ba Thwe, Myook, is transferred from Paungbyin to the charge of the Homalin Sub-divn., Upper Chindwin Dist., in place of H. Parker, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, proceeding on leave.
W.J. Baker, Superintendent of Land Records, Mandalay, is placed in charge of the Mandalay Town Lots Office in addition to his own duties, in place of A.L. George, Superintendent of Land Records, proceeding on leave.
A.W. Donovan, officiating Resident Excise Officer, 7th grade, is posted to the charge of the opium shop at Thabaung, Bassein Dist., vice Maung Po Tun, Resident Excise Officer, transferred.
A. Lang, Resident Excise Officer, 4th grade, on probation, is permitted to resign his appointment.
R.H. Taylor, Inspector of Excise, 5th grade, sub. pro. tem., who has returned from military duty, is granted privilege leave for one month and fourteen days.
A.W. Donovan is appointed to officiate as a Resident Excise Officer, 7th grade, vice Maung Tha Hmun, Resident Excise Officer, 6th grade, deceased, and posted to the Irrawaddy Divn.
Privilege leave for three months is granted to G.E. Nelson, Inspector of Excise, 3rd grade, Rangoon Town Dist.
V. D’Castro. Sub-Inspector of Excise, 2nd grade, Rangoon Town Dist., is appointed to officiate as Inspector of Excise, 5th grade and is posted to Rangoon, Rangoon Town Dist., in place of G.E. Nelson, Inspector of Excise, 3rd grade, proceeding on leave.
W. Hann, Second Master of the Govt. High School, Moulmein, is transferred to the Govt. High School, Bassein as officiating Headmaster vice Mr Down, transferred, at present on military duty.
J.M. Sircar, Fourth Master of the Govt. High School, Moulmein, is appointed to officiate as Second Master vice Mr Hann, transferred.
Appointments/Leave etc.
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to invest H.W. Darney, Asst. Dist. Superintendent of Police, on duty with the Putao Battalion of Burma Military Police, with the powers of an Asst. Commissioner. The local limits of the jurisdiction of Mr Darney shall be the Kachin Hill Tracts of the Putao District.
W. Carr, I.C.S., Divisional Judge, is recalled to duty before the expiry of his leave and is posted to Tharrawaddy as Judge of the Divisional and Sessions Court of the Tharrawaddy Divn. in place of A. Macgregor, I.C.S., Divisional Judge transferred.
H.W. Darney, Asst. Dist. Superintendent of Police, on duty with the Putao Battalion of Burma Military Police, is appointed to be in charge of the current duties of the office of the Sub-divnl. Officer and Asst. Superintendent, Kachin Hill, Laza, in addition to his other duties, in place of K.R.H. Jones, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, proceeding on leave.
H.F. Dunkley, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, on completion of special duty is posted to the headquarters of the Tavoy Dist. as Headquarters Asst., in place of Maung Chit Maung, Extra Asst. Commissioner.
A. Macgregor, I.C.S., Divisional Judge, is transferred from Tharrawaddy and is placed on special duty in the Secretariat, with headquarters at Maymyo.
E.J. Farmer, I.C.S. Deputy Commissioner, is transferred from Bhamo and is posted to special duty in the Secretariat, with headquarters at Rangoon.
Privilege leave for two months is granted to K.R.H. Jones, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner.
The services of H.H. Mackney, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
R.G.B. Lawson, Asst. Superintendent of Police, is transferred from Falam and is posted to duty with the Chin Hills Battalion, Burma Military Police, with headquarters at Haka.
A.G. Adams, Asst. Superintendent of Police, is transferred from Falam and is posted to duty with the Chin Hills Battalion, Burma Military Police, with headquarters at Tiddim.
R.G.B. Prescott, Asst. Superintendent of Police, is posted to duty with the Chin Hills Battalion, Burma Military Police, with headquarters at Falam.
Privilege leave to the amount due and furlough on medical certificate in continuation thereof for a total combined period of three months is granted to G.N. Hetley, Asst. Superintend of Police.
R.D. Burne, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to officiate as a Commandant of the Burma Military Police and is posted to the command of the Chindwin Battalion, with headquarters at Monywa, in place of Major G.D. Wright, I.A., transferred.
On relief by Major L.E.L. Burne, I.A., Mr R.D. Burne, officiating Commandant, Burma Military Police, is reverted to his substantive appointment as Extra Asst. Commissioner, 5th grade and is posted to duty with the Chindwin Battalion with headquarters at Monywa.
Privilege leave for three months is granted to W.S. Plant, Deputy Superintendent of Police, with effect from the date on which he may avail himself of it.
Maung Pol Lu, Resident Excise Officer, 6th grade, on relief by J.H. Molloy, Resident Excise Officer, is transferred from the Canal Street opium shop to the charge of the Hlegu opium shop in the Insein Dist.
A.J.K. Buttery, Resident Excise Officer, 3rd grade, on return from leave is posted to the charge of the Pazundaung opium shop in Rangoon Town, vice Mr J..H. Molloy, Resident [Excise] Officer, 3rd grade, transferred.
J.H. Molloy, Resident Excise Officer, 3rd grade, on relief by A.J.K. Buttery, Resident Excise Officer, is transferred from Pazundaung opium shop to the charge of the Canal Street opium shop in Rangoon Town, vice Maung Po Lu.
A.J. Finlayson, officiating Headmaster, Govt. High School, Rangoon, is appointed to officiate as Principal, Govt. High School, Rangoon in [place] of L.F. Taylor.
D.J. Buchanan, 2nd grade Master, Govt. High School, Rangoon, is appointed to officiate as Headmaster, Govt. High School, Rangoon, in place of Mr Finlayson.
H.F. Dunkley, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to be an Additional Judge of the Dist. Court of Tavoy.
On return from leave Senior Military Asst. Surgeon and Honorary Major A. H. Nolan, I.S.M.D., (retired) is appointed to be Civil Surgeon, Prome, vice Civil Asst. Surgeon S. Paul, transferred.
On relief by Senior Military Asst. Surgeon and Honorary Major A. H. Nolan, I.S.M.D., (retired) Civil Asst. Surgeon S. Paul is appointed to officiare as Civil Surgeon, Tharrawaddy, vice S.A.R. Valles, reverted.
W. Milne, Inspector of Police, 1st grade, is granted privilege leave for three months with effect from 1st June 1918.
Consequent on the grant of leave to Inspector W. Milne the following temporary promotions are made with effect from 1st June 1918:-
H. Smith, Inspector of Police, 2nd grade to officiate as Inspector of Police 1st grade.
P.A. Korb, Inspector of Police, 3rd grade to officiate as Inspector of Police 2nd grade.
A. Tingley, Deputy Inspector of Police, 1st grade to officiate as Inspector of Police 3rd grade.
At the examination held at Myitkyina on 18th May 1918, the under mentioned officers passed the prescribed test in the Chingpaw dialect of the Kachin language, each of these officers is entitled to receive a reward of Rs, 1000:-
E.J. Farmer, I.C.S. Deputy Commissioner
J.E. Gillies, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner
Wah Yone, Supervisor, 2nd grade is posted to the charge of the Thayetmyo Sub-divn. of the Magwe Divn. vice Mr S. McCann, Sub-Engineer, 3rd grade.
J.F. Blake, Inspector of Excise, 2nd grade, on relief by L.A. Havelock, Superintendent of Excise, 4th grade, is reposted to Rangoon, Rangoon Town Dist., in place of V. D’Castro, officiating Inspector of Excise, 5th grade, who reverts to his substantive appointment.
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to invest H.W. Darney, Asst. Dist. Superintendent of Police, on duty with the Putao Battalion of Burma Military Police, with the powers of an Asst. Commissioner. The local limits of the jurisdiction of Mr Darney shall be the Kachin Hill Tracts of the Putao District.
W. Carr, I.C.S., Divisional Judge, is recalled to duty before the expiry of his leave and is posted to Tharrawaddy as Judge of the Divisional and Sessions Court of the Tharrawaddy Divn. in place of A. Macgregor, I.C.S., Divisional Judge transferred.
H.W. Darney, Asst. Dist. Superintendent of Police, on duty with the Putao Battalion of Burma Military Police, is appointed to be in charge of the current duties of the office of the Sub-divnl. Officer and Asst. Superintendent, Kachin Hill, Laza, in addition to his other duties, in place of K.R.H. Jones, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, proceeding on leave.
H.F. Dunkley, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, on completion of special duty is posted to the headquarters of the Tavoy Dist. as Headquarters Asst., in place of Maung Chit Maung, Extra Asst. Commissioner.
A. Macgregor, I.C.S., Divisional Judge, is transferred from Tharrawaddy and is placed on special duty in the Secretariat, with headquarters at Maymyo.
E.J. Farmer, I.C.S. Deputy Commissioner, is transferred from Bhamo and is posted to special duty in the Secretariat, with headquarters at Rangoon.
Privilege leave for two months is granted to K.R.H. Jones, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner.
The services of H.H. Mackney, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
R.G.B. Lawson, Asst. Superintendent of Police, is transferred from Falam and is posted to duty with the Chin Hills Battalion, Burma Military Police, with headquarters at Haka.
A.G. Adams, Asst. Superintendent of Police, is transferred from Falam and is posted to duty with the Chin Hills Battalion, Burma Military Police, with headquarters at Tiddim.
R.G.B. Prescott, Asst. Superintendent of Police, is posted to duty with the Chin Hills Battalion, Burma Military Police, with headquarters at Falam.
Privilege leave to the amount due and furlough on medical certificate in continuation thereof for a total combined period of three months is granted to G.N. Hetley, Asst. Superintend of Police.
R.D. Burne, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to officiate as a Commandant of the Burma Military Police and is posted to the command of the Chindwin Battalion, with headquarters at Monywa, in place of Major G.D. Wright, I.A., transferred.
On relief by Major L.E.L. Burne, I.A., Mr R.D. Burne, officiating Commandant, Burma Military Police, is reverted to his substantive appointment as Extra Asst. Commissioner, 5th grade and is posted to duty with the Chindwin Battalion with headquarters at Monywa.
Privilege leave for three months is granted to W.S. Plant, Deputy Superintendent of Police, with effect from the date on which he may avail himself of it.
Maung Pol Lu, Resident Excise Officer, 6th grade, on relief by J.H. Molloy, Resident Excise Officer, is transferred from the Canal Street opium shop to the charge of the Hlegu opium shop in the Insein Dist.
A.J.K. Buttery, Resident Excise Officer, 3rd grade, on return from leave is posted to the charge of the Pazundaung opium shop in Rangoon Town, vice Mr J..H. Molloy, Resident [Excise] Officer, 3rd grade, transferred.
J.H. Molloy, Resident Excise Officer, 3rd grade, on relief by A.J.K. Buttery, Resident Excise Officer, is transferred from Pazundaung opium shop to the charge of the Canal Street opium shop in Rangoon Town, vice Maung Po Lu.
A.J. Finlayson, officiating Headmaster, Govt. High School, Rangoon, is appointed to officiate as Principal, Govt. High School, Rangoon in [place] of L.F. Taylor.
D.J. Buchanan, 2nd grade Master, Govt. High School, Rangoon, is appointed to officiate as Headmaster, Govt. High School, Rangoon, in place of Mr Finlayson.
H.F. Dunkley, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to be an Additional Judge of the Dist. Court of Tavoy.
On return from leave Senior Military Asst. Surgeon and Honorary Major A. H. Nolan, I.S.M.D., (retired) is appointed to be Civil Surgeon, Prome, vice Civil Asst. Surgeon S. Paul, transferred.
On relief by Senior Military Asst. Surgeon and Honorary Major A. H. Nolan, I.S.M.D., (retired) Civil Asst. Surgeon S. Paul is appointed to officiare as Civil Surgeon, Tharrawaddy, vice S.A.R. Valles, reverted.
W. Milne, Inspector of Police, 1st grade, is granted privilege leave for three months with effect from 1st June 1918.
Consequent on the grant of leave to Inspector W. Milne the following temporary promotions are made with effect from 1st June 1918:-
H. Smith, Inspector of Police, 2nd grade to officiate as Inspector of Police 1st grade.
P.A. Korb, Inspector of Police, 3rd grade to officiate as Inspector of Police 2nd grade.
A. Tingley, Deputy Inspector of Police, 1st grade to officiate as Inspector of Police 3rd grade.
At the examination held at Myitkyina on 18th May 1918, the under mentioned officers passed the prescribed test in the Chingpaw dialect of the Kachin language, each of these officers is entitled to receive a reward of Rs, 1000:-
E.J. Farmer, I.C.S. Deputy Commissioner
J.E. Gillies, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner
Wah Yone, Supervisor, 2nd grade is posted to the charge of the Thayetmyo Sub-divn. of the Magwe Divn. vice Mr S. McCann, Sub-Engineer, 3rd grade.
J.F. Blake, Inspector of Excise, 2nd grade, on relief by L.A. Havelock, Superintendent of Excise, 4th grade, is reposted to Rangoon, Rangoon Town Dist., in place of V. D’Castro, officiating Inspector of Excise, 5th grade, who reverts to his substantive appointment.
Appointments/Leave etc.
Privilege leave for one day is granted to Mr A.S.A.S. Gilbert, I.C.S., Dist. Judge.
W.H.L. Cabell, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, has been permitted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State for India to return to [duty] within the period of his leave.
On return from privilege leave Mr A.P. Warburton, Dist. Superintendent of Police, is posted to the charge of the police of the Henzada Dist., in place of C.A. Reynell, Dist. Superintendent of Police, transferred.
On relief by Mr A.P. Warburton, Dist. Superintendent of Police, Mr C.A. Reynell, Dist. Superintendent of Police, is transferred from Henzada to the charge of the police of the Myingyan Dist., in place of T.R. Dobson, Dist. Superintendent of Police, proceeding on leave.
Privilege leave for eleven days is granted to Mr R.R. Gill, Deputy Superintendent of Police, in continuation of leave.
B.C. Rake, Dist. Superintendent of Police, has been granted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State for India, an extension of leave on medical certificate for three months.
Mr T.H.D. LaTouche, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 3rd grade, is permitted to retire from the service of Government.
The privilege leave for two months granted to Mr W.A.R. McLean, Supervisor, Supernumerary List, is extending by one month.
Privilege leave for three months is granted to S.H. Hampton, Hony. Asst. Engineer and Sub-divnl. Officer, Kyaukse Sub-divn. of the Meiktila Divn.
On return from one month’s privilege leave Capt. T. Curley, Asst. Engineer, is reposted to the charge of the Headquarters Sub-divn. of the Chindwin Divn.
S.W. Cocks made over and J.M.S. Hunter received charge of the office of the Director of Public Instruction, Burma, on the forenoon of the 6th June 1918.
C.R.P. Cooper, I.C.S., has relinquished charge of the duties of Joint Registrar of the Co-operative Societies, (Upper Burma) Maymyo.
R.A. Cochrane, Deputy Conservator of Forests, Burma, has been appointed Deputy Controller (Tanning Materials) Burma.
F.P. Thomson is attached to duty in the Kado and Agency, Thaungyin and Ataran Forest Divn.
E.C.C. Mealin, Sub-Inspector of Excise, 1st grade, Rangoon Town Dist. is appointed to officiate as Inspector of Excise, 5th grade, and is posted to Prome, Prome Dist., in place of Maung Aung Dun, Inspector of Excise, 1st grade, appointed to officiate as Superintendent of Excise, 6th grade.
Leave on medical certificate for two months and sixteen days is grated to A.H. Nolan, Inspector of Excise, 1st grade, in continuation of leave granted.
The following temporary promotions are ordered in the Excise Department consequent on the temporary promotion of C.H. Thomas, from Inspector of Excise, 1st grade (officiating Superintendent of Excise, 6th grade) to Superintendent of Excise 6th grade, sub. pro. tem. with effect from 30th Dec. 1917 to 4th April 1918:-
F.H. Byron, Insp. of Excise, 2nd grade, sub. pro. tem., seconded for appointment to the Military Dept.
J.R. McCann, Inspector of Excise, 2nd grade, to be Inspector of Excise, 1st grade, sub. pro. tem.
J.A. Gallagher, Inspector of Excise, 3rd grade, to be Inspector of Excise, 2nd grade, sub. pro. tem.
With effect from 30th December 1917 to 3rd February 1918:-
J.G. Beechey, Inspector of Excise, 4th grade, sub. pro. tem. (sic)
R.E. St. John Clifford, officiating Principal, Govt. High School, Akyab, is transferred as Headmaster of the Govt. High School, Tavoy, vice Mr D’Silva, retired.
Under the provisions of Section 17 of the Burma Municipal Act. 1898, the Sandoway Municipality elected A.G.H. Breithaupt, Deputy Commissioner, Sandoway, to be their President.
Consequent on the appointment of C.H. Brakspear, Superintendent of Excise, 5th grade, to military duty, the following alterations are ordered in the Excise Dept. with effect from 1st Nov. 1916 (sic) :-
K. Nowrojee, Superintendent of Excise, 5th grade, sub. pro. tem., to be Superintendent of Excise, 5th grade, provisional sub.
S.W. Burghall, Superintendent of Excise, 6th grade, sub. pro. tem. to be Superintendent of Excise 6th grade, provisional sub.
On return from leave, D.J. Munro, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, is posted to duty in the Prome Forest Divn.
F.A. Wright, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, is granted an extension of privilege leave in continuation of leave for a total period of two months.
On return from leave F.A. Wright, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, is reattached to the Southern Shan States Forest Divn. with headquarters at Kalaw.
Privilege leave for six weeks is granted to C.V. Ryan, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, in charge of the Shwegyin Forest Divn.
L.C. Secluna, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, attached to the West Salween Forest Divn., is transferred from Moulmein and is placed in charge of the Shwegyin Forest Divn. in place of C.V. Ryan, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, proceeding on leave.
Privilege leave for six weeks is granted to T.I. Pocock, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, attached to the Ataran Forest Divn.
J.W. Ryan, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, is reposted to the charge of the Thaungyin Forest Divn. in place of C.E. Parkinson, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, who remains attached to that Divn.
Privilege leave for one day is granted to Mr A.S.A.S. Gilbert, I.C.S., Dist. Judge.
W.H.L. Cabell, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, has been permitted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State for India to return to [duty] within the period of his leave.
On return from privilege leave Mr A.P. Warburton, Dist. Superintendent of Police, is posted to the charge of the police of the Henzada Dist., in place of C.A. Reynell, Dist. Superintendent of Police, transferred.
On relief by Mr A.P. Warburton, Dist. Superintendent of Police, Mr C.A. Reynell, Dist. Superintendent of Police, is transferred from Henzada to the charge of the police of the Myingyan Dist., in place of T.R. Dobson, Dist. Superintendent of Police, proceeding on leave.
Privilege leave for eleven days is granted to Mr R.R. Gill, Deputy Superintendent of Police, in continuation of leave.
B.C. Rake, Dist. Superintendent of Police, has been granted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State for India, an extension of leave on medical certificate for three months.
Mr T.H.D. LaTouche, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 3rd grade, is permitted to retire from the service of Government.
The privilege leave for two months granted to Mr W.A.R. McLean, Supervisor, Supernumerary List, is extending by one month.
Privilege leave for three months is granted to S.H. Hampton, Hony. Asst. Engineer and Sub-divnl. Officer, Kyaukse Sub-divn. of the Meiktila Divn.
On return from one month’s privilege leave Capt. T. Curley, Asst. Engineer, is reposted to the charge of the Headquarters Sub-divn. of the Chindwin Divn.
S.W. Cocks made over and J.M.S. Hunter received charge of the office of the Director of Public Instruction, Burma, on the forenoon of the 6th June 1918.
C.R.P. Cooper, I.C.S., has relinquished charge of the duties of Joint Registrar of the Co-operative Societies, (Upper Burma) Maymyo.
R.A. Cochrane, Deputy Conservator of Forests, Burma, has been appointed Deputy Controller (Tanning Materials) Burma.
F.P. Thomson is attached to duty in the Kado and Agency, Thaungyin and Ataran Forest Divn.
E.C.C. Mealin, Sub-Inspector of Excise, 1st grade, Rangoon Town Dist. is appointed to officiate as Inspector of Excise, 5th grade, and is posted to Prome, Prome Dist., in place of Maung Aung Dun, Inspector of Excise, 1st grade, appointed to officiate as Superintendent of Excise, 6th grade.
Leave on medical certificate for two months and sixteen days is grated to A.H. Nolan, Inspector of Excise, 1st grade, in continuation of leave granted.
The following temporary promotions are ordered in the Excise Department consequent on the temporary promotion of C.H. Thomas, from Inspector of Excise, 1st grade (officiating Superintendent of Excise, 6th grade) to Superintendent of Excise 6th grade, sub. pro. tem. with effect from 30th Dec. 1917 to 4th April 1918:-
F.H. Byron, Insp. of Excise, 2nd grade, sub. pro. tem., seconded for appointment to the Military Dept.
J.R. McCann, Inspector of Excise, 2nd grade, to be Inspector of Excise, 1st grade, sub. pro. tem.
J.A. Gallagher, Inspector of Excise, 3rd grade, to be Inspector of Excise, 2nd grade, sub. pro. tem.
With effect from 30th December 1917 to 3rd February 1918:-
J.G. Beechey, Inspector of Excise, 4th grade, sub. pro. tem. (sic)
R.E. St. John Clifford, officiating Principal, Govt. High School, Akyab, is transferred as Headmaster of the Govt. High School, Tavoy, vice Mr D’Silva, retired.
Under the provisions of Section 17 of the Burma Municipal Act. 1898, the Sandoway Municipality elected A.G.H. Breithaupt, Deputy Commissioner, Sandoway, to be their President.
Consequent on the appointment of C.H. Brakspear, Superintendent of Excise, 5th grade, to military duty, the following alterations are ordered in the Excise Dept. with effect from 1st Nov. 1916 (sic) :-
K. Nowrojee, Superintendent of Excise, 5th grade, sub. pro. tem., to be Superintendent of Excise, 5th grade, provisional sub.
S.W. Burghall, Superintendent of Excise, 6th grade, sub. pro. tem. to be Superintendent of Excise 6th grade, provisional sub.
On return from leave, D.J. Munro, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, is posted to duty in the Prome Forest Divn.
F.A. Wright, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, is granted an extension of privilege leave in continuation of leave for a total period of two months.
On return from leave F.A. Wright, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, is reattached to the Southern Shan States Forest Divn. with headquarters at Kalaw.
Privilege leave for six weeks is granted to C.V. Ryan, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, in charge of the Shwegyin Forest Divn.
L.C. Secluna, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, attached to the West Salween Forest Divn., is transferred from Moulmein and is placed in charge of the Shwegyin Forest Divn. in place of C.V. Ryan, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, proceeding on leave.
Privilege leave for six weeks is granted to T.I. Pocock, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, attached to the Ataran Forest Divn.
J.W. Ryan, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, is reposted to the charge of the Thaungyin Forest Divn. in place of C.E. Parkinson, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, who remains attached to that Divn.
Appointmens/Leave /Exams. etc.
At an exam. held at Putao on 14th May 1918, Mr J. Suares, officiating Civil Surgeon, Putao, passed the prescribed test in the Nung language. Mr Suares is entitled to receive a reward of Rs. 1,000.
At the departmental exam. held at Mandalay on 4th June 1918 Mr A.F. Chapman, Asst. Engineer, passed the lower standard exam. in Hindustani prescribed for officers of the Public Works Dept.
Rev’d. G.A. Ellaby, Chaplain of Meiktila, is posted to the charge of the Chaplaincy of Rangoon Cantonments in place of Rev’d. J.G. Lister, transferred.
Rev’d. J.G. Lister, Chaplain of Rangoon Cantonments, on being relieved by the Rev’d. G.A. Ellaby, is posted to the charge of the Meiktila Chaplaincy.
Mr C. Chakko, M.B. (Cal.) who has [been] appointed to be a Civil Asst. Surgeon, on probation, is confirmed in that appointment.
On return from leave, Maung Maung, P.E.S., Asst. Inspector of Schools, Mandalay Circle, is appointed Asst. Inspector of European and Normal Schools, in place of Mr C. Pinto, transferred.
Mr T.P. Dewar, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is placed in charge of the office of Sub-divnl. Officer and Asst. Superintendent, Kachin Hills, Kamaing, in addition to his other duties, as a temporary measure in place of C.W. King, Extra Asst. Commissioner, proceeding on leave.
Mr E.J. Farmer, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, is transferred from Bhamo and is posted to special duty at Maymyo.
A.G. Cooke, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, Myingyan Dist., is appointed [to] exercise jurisdiction as an additional Sessions Judge in the Court of Sessions of the Meiktila Divn., in addition to his own duties.
Privilege leave for three months is granted to Mr M. D’Castro, Resident Excise Officer, Thaton.
Maung Gyi, Clerk in the office of the Superintendent of Excise, Thaton, is appointed to officiate as a Resident Excise Officer, 7th grade, and is posted to the charge of the opium shop at Thaton, vice Mr M D’Castro, Resident Excise Officer, proceeding on leave.
J.M.D. Mackenzie, Deputy Conservator of Forests, is granted an extension of privilege leave for a total period of one month an twenty four days.
J.N. Kukar, Asst. Engineer and Sub-divn. Officer, Myitkyina Sub-divn., is appointed to officiate as Executive Engineer, Myitkyina Divn. vice Mr T. Hare, Executive Engineer, transferred for duty in the Military Dept.
The office of the Special Survey Party, Burma, has been removed from Insein to Thamaing, (Insein Dist.)
B. McCrae, Inspector of Excise, 4th grade, is transferred from Myitkyina to Maymyo, Mandalay Dist., in place of Maung Ba Thaung, Inspector of Excise, 1st grade, proceeding on leave.
R.W. Targett, who has been appointed as an Asst. Controller (Clothing) at the headquarters of the Indian Munitions Board, assumed charge of his duties on the 22nd May 1918.
R.C. Bonnaud, Asst. Engineer, on special duty in the Chin Hills, is transferred to the Meiktila Divn. for the charge of the Kyaukse Sub-divn. vice Mr S.H. Hampton, Hony. Asst. Engineer, proceeding on privilege leave
At a special meeting held on 12th June 1918, the Prome Municipal Committee elected Major A.H. Nolan, Civil Surgeon, to be their Vice-president in place of Mr S. Paul, Civil Surgeon, transferred.
At an exam. held at Putao on 14th May 1918, Mr J. Suares, officiating Civil Surgeon, Putao, passed the prescribed test in the Nung language. Mr Suares is entitled to receive a reward of Rs. 1,000.
At the departmental exam. held at Mandalay on 4th June 1918 Mr A.F. Chapman, Asst. Engineer, passed the lower standard exam. in Hindustani prescribed for officers of the Public Works Dept.
Rev’d. G.A. Ellaby, Chaplain of Meiktila, is posted to the charge of the Chaplaincy of Rangoon Cantonments in place of Rev’d. J.G. Lister, transferred.
Rev’d. J.G. Lister, Chaplain of Rangoon Cantonments, on being relieved by the Rev’d. G.A. Ellaby, is posted to the charge of the Meiktila Chaplaincy.
Mr C. Chakko, M.B. (Cal.) who has [been] appointed to be a Civil Asst. Surgeon, on probation, is confirmed in that appointment.
On return from leave, Maung Maung, P.E.S., Asst. Inspector of Schools, Mandalay Circle, is appointed Asst. Inspector of European and Normal Schools, in place of Mr C. Pinto, transferred.
Mr T.P. Dewar, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is placed in charge of the office of Sub-divnl. Officer and Asst. Superintendent, Kachin Hills, Kamaing, in addition to his other duties, as a temporary measure in place of C.W. King, Extra Asst. Commissioner, proceeding on leave.
Mr E.J. Farmer, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, is transferred from Bhamo and is posted to special duty at Maymyo.
A.G. Cooke, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, Myingyan Dist., is appointed [to] exercise jurisdiction as an additional Sessions Judge in the Court of Sessions of the Meiktila Divn., in addition to his own duties.
Privilege leave for three months is granted to Mr M. D’Castro, Resident Excise Officer, Thaton.
Maung Gyi, Clerk in the office of the Superintendent of Excise, Thaton, is appointed to officiate as a Resident Excise Officer, 7th grade, and is posted to the charge of the opium shop at Thaton, vice Mr M D’Castro, Resident Excise Officer, proceeding on leave.
J.M.D. Mackenzie, Deputy Conservator of Forests, is granted an extension of privilege leave for a total period of one month an twenty four days.
J.N. Kukar, Asst. Engineer and Sub-divn. Officer, Myitkyina Sub-divn., is appointed to officiate as Executive Engineer, Myitkyina Divn. vice Mr T. Hare, Executive Engineer, transferred for duty in the Military Dept.
The office of the Special Survey Party, Burma, has been removed from Insein to Thamaing, (Insein Dist.)
B. McCrae, Inspector of Excise, 4th grade, is transferred from Myitkyina to Maymyo, Mandalay Dist., in place of Maung Ba Thaung, Inspector of Excise, 1st grade, proceeding on leave.
R.W. Targett, who has been appointed as an Asst. Controller (Clothing) at the headquarters of the Indian Munitions Board, assumed charge of his duties on the 22nd May 1918.
R.C. Bonnaud, Asst. Engineer, on special duty in the Chin Hills, is transferred to the Meiktila Divn. for the charge of the Kyaukse Sub-divn. vice Mr S.H. Hampton, Hony. Asst. Engineer, proceeding on privilege leave
At a special meeting held on 12th June 1918, the Prome Municipal Committee elected Major A.H. Nolan, Civil Surgeon, to be their Vice-president in place of Mr S. Paul, Civil Surgeon, transferred.
Appointments/Leave etc.
H. Parker, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, is, on return from leave, appointed to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner and is posted to the charge of the Upper Chindwin Dist., in place of J.B. Marshall, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, proceeding on leave.
Privilege leave for six weeks is granted to J.B. Marshall, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner.
G.F.S. Christie, I.C.S., Commissioner of a Division, is, on the expiry of his present leave, placed on special duty in the Madras Presidency.
A.G. Adams, Asst. Superintendent of Police, is transferred from Tiddim and is posted to duty with the Toungoo Battn., Burma Military Police, with headquarters at Toungoo.
Privilege leave to the amount due and furlough on medical certificate in continuation thereof for a total combined period of nine months is granted to T.R. Dobson, Dist. Superintendent of Police.
G.J. Harvey, Asst. Dist. Superintendent of Police, passed the prescribed test in the Siyin dialect of the Chin language. Mr Harvey is entitled to receive a reward of Rs. 1000.
G.J. (sic) Caldecourt, Probationary Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, passed the exam. in Procedure and Accounts prescribed for officers of the Forest Dept.
J. St. H. Cleburne, Dist. Superintendent of Police, passed the prescribed test in Hindustani by the Higher Standard. Mr Cleburne is entitled to receive a reward of Rs. 1000.
Civil Asst. Surgeon F. Rodrigues, L.M. & S. (Bom.) is appointed to officiate as Civil Surgeon, Pegu, vice Dr. J.A. Maddox, deceased.
The following promotions and reversions are ordered in the superior establishment of the Land Records Dept.
With effect from 15th June 1916:- C.F. Cooper, Supdt. of Land Records, 5th grade, to be Supdt. of Land Records, 4th grade.
With effect from 15th Sept. 1916:- A.P. Nolan, Supdt. of Land Records, 5th grade, to be Supdt. of Land Records, 4th grade.
With effect from 22nd June 1917:- A.P.P. L’Estrange, Supdt. of Land Records, 5th grade, to be Supdt. of Land Records, 4th grade, sub. pro. tem.
With effect from 1st Nov. 1917:- J.H. Reynaud, Supdt. of Land Records, 6th grade, to be Supdt. of Land Records, 5th grade, sub. pro. tem.
With effect from 19th Dec. 1917:- J.F. Williams, Supdt. of Land Records, 6th grade, to be Supdt. of Land Records, 5th grade, sub. pro. tem.
With effect from 4th Jan. 1918:- G.A. Nicholas and Maung Maung Gyi, Asst. Superintendents of Land Records, 2nd grade, to be Asst. Superintendents of Land Records 1st grade.
With effect from 1st April 1918:- A.P.P. L’Estrange, Supdt. of Land Records, 4th grade, sub. pro. tem. to be Supdt. of Land Records, 5th grade.
With effect from 10th April 1918:- J.F. Williams, Supdt. of Land Records, 5th grade, sub. pro. tem. to be Supdt. of Land Records, 6th grade.
With effect from 24th April 1918:- W.C. Godfrey, Supdt. of Land Records, 4th grade, to be Supdt. of Land Records, 3rd grade.
A.P.P. L’Estrange, Supdt. of Land Records, 5th grade, sub. pro. tem. to be Supdt. of Land Records, 4th grade.
R.R. Butcher, Supdt. of Land Records, 5th grade, sub. pro. tem., to be confirmed in the grade.
J.F. Williams, Supdt. of Land Records, 6th grade, to be Supdt. of Land Records, 5th grade, sub. pro. tem.
So much of Notification no. 132 of the 25th Dec. 1916 as relates to the promotion of C.F. Cooper from the 5th to the 4th grade of Superintendents of Land Records and so much of Notification no. 88 of the 3rd Aug. 1917 as relates to the similar promotion of A.P. Nolan are superseded.
Privilege leave for six weeks is granted to A.R. Brown, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, in charge of the Revenue Range, Bassein-Myaungmya Forest Divn.
J.W. Bradley, Deputy Conservator of Forests, is granted an extension of furlough for seven days in continuation of leave.
C.C. Chill, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, is granted an extension of privilege leave in continuation of leave for a total period of three months.
H.S. Ker-Edie, Deputy Conservator of Forests, has been granted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State for India an extension of furlough on medical certificate for six months in continuation of furlough.
R.H. Taylor, Inspector of Excise, 5th grade, sub. pro. tem., on return from leave, is posted to Rangoon vice G.A. Chill, officiating Inspector of Excise, 5th grade, who reverts to his substantive appointment.
The following changes in appointments among Inspectors of Excise are ordered with effect from 17th Dec. 1917:-
A.H. Nolan, Inspector of Excise, 1st grade, sub. pro. tem., to be Inspector of Excise, 1st grade, provisionally substantive.
T.P. Smith, G.R. Gordon, W.L. Johnstone and Maung Ze Ya Pru, Inspectors of Excise, 2nd grade, sub. pro. tem., to be Inspectors of Excise, 2nd grade, provisionally substantive.
Maung Su Tha, K.L. Willson, Maung On Maung, G.E. Nelson, Maung Ngwe Chi, Maung Hla Baw and T.J. Keenan, Inspectors of Excise, 3rd grade sub. pro. tem., to be Inspectors of Excise, 3rd grade, provisionally substantive.
Maung Po Han, Maung Shwe Tun U, Maung Thein Pe, Maung Pan Gaing, B. McCrea, Maung San Hla Gyaw and J. Andrews, Inspectors of Excise, 4th grade, sub. pro. tem., to be Inspectors of Excise, 4th grade, provisionally substantive.
G.H. Reily, T. Jordon, Maung Kyi Nyo, Maung Mya Lu, Maung Po Min, R.H. Taylor, Maung Lat, E.A. Noyce, R.A. Blake, J.B. Mellican, Maung Tun Aung Gya, A.E. Darlington and Maung Tun Mra U, Inspectors of Excise, 5th grade, sub. pro. tem. to be Inspectors of Excise 5th grade, provisionally substantive.
Maung Gale, Inspector of Excise 5th grade, on expiry of leave is posted to the charge of Salt duties at Saggyin, Bassein Dist., in place of N. Olivari, officiating Inspector of Excise (Salt) 5th grade, who reverts to his substantive appointment as Sub-Inspector of Excise, Bassein Dist.
H. Parker, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, is, on return from leave, appointed to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner and is posted to the charge of the Upper Chindwin Dist., in place of J.B. Marshall, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, proceeding on leave.
Privilege leave for six weeks is granted to J.B. Marshall, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner.
G.F.S. Christie, I.C.S., Commissioner of a Division, is, on the expiry of his present leave, placed on special duty in the Madras Presidency.
A.G. Adams, Asst. Superintendent of Police, is transferred from Tiddim and is posted to duty with the Toungoo Battn., Burma Military Police, with headquarters at Toungoo.
Privilege leave to the amount due and furlough on medical certificate in continuation thereof for a total combined period of nine months is granted to T.R. Dobson, Dist. Superintendent of Police.
G.J. Harvey, Asst. Dist. Superintendent of Police, passed the prescribed test in the Siyin dialect of the Chin language. Mr Harvey is entitled to receive a reward of Rs. 1000.
G.J. (sic) Caldecourt, Probationary Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, passed the exam. in Procedure and Accounts prescribed for officers of the Forest Dept.
J. St. H. Cleburne, Dist. Superintendent of Police, passed the prescribed test in Hindustani by the Higher Standard. Mr Cleburne is entitled to receive a reward of Rs. 1000.
Civil Asst. Surgeon F. Rodrigues, L.M. & S. (Bom.) is appointed to officiate as Civil Surgeon, Pegu, vice Dr. J.A. Maddox, deceased.
The following promotions and reversions are ordered in the superior establishment of the Land Records Dept.
With effect from 15th June 1916:- C.F. Cooper, Supdt. of Land Records, 5th grade, to be Supdt. of Land Records, 4th grade.
With effect from 15th Sept. 1916:- A.P. Nolan, Supdt. of Land Records, 5th grade, to be Supdt. of Land Records, 4th grade.
With effect from 22nd June 1917:- A.P.P. L’Estrange, Supdt. of Land Records, 5th grade, to be Supdt. of Land Records, 4th grade, sub. pro. tem.
With effect from 1st Nov. 1917:- J.H. Reynaud, Supdt. of Land Records, 6th grade, to be Supdt. of Land Records, 5th grade, sub. pro. tem.
With effect from 19th Dec. 1917:- J.F. Williams, Supdt. of Land Records, 6th grade, to be Supdt. of Land Records, 5th grade, sub. pro. tem.
With effect from 4th Jan. 1918:- G.A. Nicholas and Maung Maung Gyi, Asst. Superintendents of Land Records, 2nd grade, to be Asst. Superintendents of Land Records 1st grade.
With effect from 1st April 1918:- A.P.P. L’Estrange, Supdt. of Land Records, 4th grade, sub. pro. tem. to be Supdt. of Land Records, 5th grade.
With effect from 10th April 1918:- J.F. Williams, Supdt. of Land Records, 5th grade, sub. pro. tem. to be Supdt. of Land Records, 6th grade.
With effect from 24th April 1918:- W.C. Godfrey, Supdt. of Land Records, 4th grade, to be Supdt. of Land Records, 3rd grade.
A.P.P. L’Estrange, Supdt. of Land Records, 5th grade, sub. pro. tem. to be Supdt. of Land Records, 4th grade.
R.R. Butcher, Supdt. of Land Records, 5th grade, sub. pro. tem., to be confirmed in the grade.
J.F. Williams, Supdt. of Land Records, 6th grade, to be Supdt. of Land Records, 5th grade, sub. pro. tem.
So much of Notification no. 132 of the 25th Dec. 1916 as relates to the promotion of C.F. Cooper from the 5th to the 4th grade of Superintendents of Land Records and so much of Notification no. 88 of the 3rd Aug. 1917 as relates to the similar promotion of A.P. Nolan are superseded.
Privilege leave for six weeks is granted to A.R. Brown, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, in charge of the Revenue Range, Bassein-Myaungmya Forest Divn.
J.W. Bradley, Deputy Conservator of Forests, is granted an extension of furlough for seven days in continuation of leave.
C.C. Chill, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, is granted an extension of privilege leave in continuation of leave for a total period of three months.
H.S. Ker-Edie, Deputy Conservator of Forests, has been granted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State for India an extension of furlough on medical certificate for six months in continuation of furlough.
R.H. Taylor, Inspector of Excise, 5th grade, sub. pro. tem., on return from leave, is posted to Rangoon vice G.A. Chill, officiating Inspector of Excise, 5th grade, who reverts to his substantive appointment.
The following changes in appointments among Inspectors of Excise are ordered with effect from 17th Dec. 1917:-
A.H. Nolan, Inspector of Excise, 1st grade, sub. pro. tem., to be Inspector of Excise, 1st grade, provisionally substantive.
T.P. Smith, G.R. Gordon, W.L. Johnstone and Maung Ze Ya Pru, Inspectors of Excise, 2nd grade, sub. pro. tem., to be Inspectors of Excise, 2nd grade, provisionally substantive.
Maung Su Tha, K.L. Willson, Maung On Maung, G.E. Nelson, Maung Ngwe Chi, Maung Hla Baw and T.J. Keenan, Inspectors of Excise, 3rd grade sub. pro. tem., to be Inspectors of Excise, 3rd grade, provisionally substantive.
Maung Po Han, Maung Shwe Tun U, Maung Thein Pe, Maung Pan Gaing, B. McCrea, Maung San Hla Gyaw and J. Andrews, Inspectors of Excise, 4th grade, sub. pro. tem., to be Inspectors of Excise, 4th grade, provisionally substantive.
G.H. Reily, T. Jordon, Maung Kyi Nyo, Maung Mya Lu, Maung Po Min, R.H. Taylor, Maung Lat, E.A. Noyce, R.A. Blake, J.B. Mellican, Maung Tun Aung Gya, A.E. Darlington and Maung Tun Mra U, Inspectors of Excise, 5th grade, sub. pro. tem. to be Inspectors of Excise 5th grade, provisionally substantive.
Maung Gale, Inspector of Excise 5th grade, on expiry of leave is posted to the charge of Salt duties at Saggyin, Bassein Dist., in place of N. Olivari, officiating Inspector of Excise (Salt) 5th grade, who reverts to his substantive appointment as Sub-Inspector of Excise, Bassein Dist.
Appointments/Leave etc.
A.E.H. Killick, I.C.S. Asst. Commissioner, whose services have been replaced at the Lt.-Governor’s disposal is appointed to be Asst. Secy. to the Financial Commissioner, Burma , in place of J.J. Anderson, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner.
Privilege leave for one month is granted to C.W. King, Extra Asst. Commissioner.
The following promotions and reversions are ordered in the Provincial Civil Service:-
With effect from 17th Dec. 1917: Messrs. J.W. Adamson and B. Fischer, Extra Asst. Commissioners, 4th grade, to be Extra Asst. Commissioners, 4th grade, prov. sub.
Mr H.E. Fisher, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, sub. pro. tem. to be Extra Commissioner, 4th grade, prov. sub.
F.G. Paul, Maung Tok Kale and J.J. Phipps, Extra Asst. Commissioners, 5th grade to be Extra Asst. Commissioners 5th grade, prov. sub.
J. Shaw, A. G. Gahan and S. St. R. Körper, Extra Asst. Commissioners, 5th grade, sub. pro. tem. to be Extra Asst. Commissioners, prov. sub.
With effect from 16th Mar. 1918 consequent on the reversion of Mr J.E. Baker, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, to the regular line:-
H.E. Fisher, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, prov. sub. to be Extra Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, sub. pro. tem.
H. Rundle, on military service, Maung Gale on foreign service and E.T.D. Gaudoin Extra Asst. Commissioners, 4th grade, sub. pro. tem. to be Extra Asst. Commissioner, 5th grade.
S. St. R. Körper, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 5th grade, prov. sub. to be Extra Asst. Commissioner, 5th grade sub. pro. tem.
With effect from 4th May 1918 consequent on the retirement of Maung Po Yon, T.D.M., Extra Asst. Commissioner, 5th grade: F.G. Paul, Extra Asst. Commissioner 5th grade, prov. sub., to be confirmed in that grade. S. St. R. Körper, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 5th grade, sub. pro. tem. to be Extra Asst. Commissioner, 5th grade, prov. sub.
With effect from 12th May 1918 consequent ion the retirement of Maung Saw Maung, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade: J.W. Adamson, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, prov. sub. to be confirmed in that grade. H.E. Fisher, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, sub. pro. tem. to be Extra Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, prov. sub. H. Rundle, on military duty, Maung Gale on foreign service and E.T.D. Gaudoin, Extra Asst. commissioners, 5th grade to be Extra Asst. Commissioners, 4th grade, sub. pro. tem.
The following alterations of rank are ordered in the Superior Judicial Service with effect from 25th Feb. 1917 (sic) :-
J. P. Doyle, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade and 1st grade, sub. pro. tem., on military duty, to be a Dist. Judge, sub. pro. tem. and to remain seconded for service in the Military Dept.
A.S.A.S. Gilbert, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade, sub. pro. tem. and officiating Dist. Judge, to be a Dist. Judge, sub. pro. tem.
The following alteration of rank is ordered in the Superior Judicial Service with effect from 1st Nov. 1917 (sic) :- A.S.A.S. Gilbert, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade (sic) and Dist. Judge, sub. pro. tem. and officiating Divnl. Judge, 4th grade, to be a Dist. Judge, provisionally substantive and to continue to officiate as a Divnl. Judge, 4th grade.
The following promotions are ordered in the Police Dept., with effect from the 16th May 1918 consequent on the retirement of Maung Aung Gyaw, T.D.M., Deputy Superintendent of Police, 2nd grade, sub. pro. tem. :-
M.E. Jacob, Deputy Superintendent of Police, 3rd grade, to be a Deputy Superintendent of Police, 2nd grade, sub. pro. tem.
T. Fforde, Deputy Superintendent of Police, 3rd grade, sub,. pro. tem. to be a Deputy Superintendent of Police, 3rd grade.
Departmental Exams.
At the Departmental Exams. held at Bassein, Moulmein, Mandalay, Meiktila and Port Blair on 5th June 1918, the under mentioned candidates passed the exam. in Law prescribed for officers of the [Forest] Dept:-
A.L. George, Probationary Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests
G.P. Walden, Probationary Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests
At the Departmental Exams. held at Rangoon, Bassein, Moulmein and Mandalay, on 5th June 1918, the under mentioned candidates passed the exam. in Land Revenue prescribed for officers of the Forest Dept:- A.L. George, Probationary Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests.
At the Departmental Exams. held at Rangoon, Bassein, Akyab, Moulmein and Mandalay, on 6th June 1918, the under mentioned candidates passed the exam. in Criminal Law prescribed for Excise Officers:- N. Olivari, officiating Inspector of Excise, Sagyin.
At the Departmental Exams. held at Rangoon, Meiktila, Mandalay, Mawlaik and Taunggyi on 4th June 1918, the under mentioned candidates passed the exam. in Hindustani by the colloquial standard prescribed for Police Officers and Jailors:- H. Foster, officiating Inspector of Police, Taunggyi.
At the Departmental Exams. held at Mandalay on 4th June 1918, 2nd Lt. J.A. Neil, Indian Army Reserve of Officers, Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, passed the exam. in Burmese by the colloquial standard .
At the Departmental Exams. held at Rangoon, Bassein, Akyab, Moulmein, Meiktila and Mandalay on 4th June 1918, the under mentioned officer of the Education Dept. passed the exam. in Burmese by the standards specified below:-
Higher Standard:- A.S. Peters, Headmaster, Govt. High School, Yamethin – with great credit
Lower Standard:- M.A. Reddie, 6th Master, Govt. High School, Henzada
W. Hann, officiating Headmaster, Govt. High School, Bassein is appointed to officiate as Principal of the Govt. High School, Bassein, as temporary measure, during the absence of Mr L.F. Taylor.
On return from leave Mr G.K. Parker, Deputy Conservator of Forests, is posted to the charge of the Bhamo Forest Divn. in place of A.R. Villar, Deputy Conservator of Forests, who remains in charge of the Shwegu Sub-divn. of the Bhamo Forest Divn.
Privilege leave for three months is granted to B.R. Hutchins, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, attached to the Myittha and Upper Chindwin Forest Divn.
The Local Government is pleased to direct that Messrs. B.P. Kelly and C.C. Bonig, Extra Assistant Conservators of Forests shall draw pay at Rs. 700 per month.
C.H. Philipp, Deputy Conservator of Forests, in charge of the Minbu Forest Divn. is transferred from Minbu and is placed on special duty in the Katha and Ruby Mines Forest Divisions.
D.H. Allan, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, in charge of the Yaw Forest Divn. is placed in charge of the Minbu Forest Divn. in addition to his own duties, in place of C.H. Philipp, Deputy Conservator of Forests, transferred.
The following reversions are ordered in the Excise Dept., with effect from the 5th April 1918:-
W. Law, Superintendent of Excise, 4th grade, sub. pro. tem. to be Superintendent of Excise, 5th grade.
J.T.C. Reynolds, Superintendent of Excise, 5th grade, sub. pro. tem. to be Superintendent of Excise, 6th grade.
C.H. Thomas, Superintendent of Excise, 6th grade, sub. pro. tem. to be officiating Superintendent of Excise, 6th grade.
Marine & Commerce
Subjoined lists of Merchants and Pilots eligible for appointment as Assessors on Special Courts of Enquiry into charges made against licensed Pilots of the Port of Rangoon are published:-
W. Archbald ; H.P. Cameron ; G.W.H. Clay ; A.P. Cotterell ; J. Cowie ; A.E. Donaldson ; A. Forbes ; J. Lidderdale ; H.M. Matthew ; J. Meikle ; F.I. Miers ; G.R. Neilson ; H.A. Rees ; A.M. Rogerson ; W.A. Scholes ; L.E. Sinclair ; R. Sinclair ; B. Standen ; H. Steel ; G.W. Watson ; J.S. Wilson.
R.R. Proud ; F.E. Forbes-Leith ; C.E.S. Downey ; J.G. Dainty (on special war leave) ; J.T. Robertson ; W. Reynolds ; G.L. Woolcock ; J. Currie ; E. Ottewill ; H.H. Berry ; H.E. Browning (Harbourmaster, Basra) ; W.B. Taylor (on special war leave) ; F.C. Hendry (Harbourmaster, Basra) ; A.J.W. Billett ; E.K. Young (Harbourmaster, Basra) ; M.D. Wylie ; G. Shand (Harbourmaster, Basra) ; H.W. Jones ; J.M. Wheeler ; E. Gregory (on combined leave in England) ; S. Lefevre.
The following lists of Merchants and Pilots eligible for appointment as Assessors on Special Court of Enquiry into charges made against Pilots at the Port of Moulmein are published:-
Courtenay Merceron Adair Bruce ; Francis Henry Theodore Buchanan ; Walter Archbald William Dawn ; William Dods ; Emile Joseph Foucar ; John Geddes ; Kenneth MacGibbon ; Peter McNeill ; R. Philips ; John Alexander Shaw ; Frank Wood.
Pierre Hinault ; Edward Andrew Anthony ; Harold Garret ; Francis Joseph Gill.
The following lists of Merchants and Pilots eligible for appointment as Assessors on Special Court of Enquiry into charges made against Pilots at the Port of Bassein are published:-
G. Achard ; W.H. Gillespie ; J. McCraken ; H.I. MacLeish ; W. Milne ; R. Muir Simpson.
L.C. Johns ; E.D.B. Hopkins ; G. Foster ; J.A. Vandrell (on war service) ; C.I. McConney (on war service.)
Leave on medical certificate for three months is granted to Mr J. Bell, Judicial Myook in continuation of leave.
F.D. Sutherland, Supervisor, Supernumerary List, on return from leave has been reposted to the Chindwin Circle of Superintendence.
Land Records
Privilege leave for fifteen days is granted to R.S. Carrapiett, Superintendent of Land Records in continuation of leave.
W.J. Baker, Superintendent of Land Records, is transferred from the Mandalay Land Records office and posted to the charge of the Mandalay Town Lots office.
A.J. McManus, Asst. Superintendent of Excise, is granted privilege leave for one month with effect from the date on which he may avail himself of it. On return from leave Mr McManus is reposted to the Rangoon Town Dist.
A.E.H. Killick, I.C.S. Asst. Commissioner, whose services have been replaced at the Lt.-Governor’s disposal is appointed to be Asst. Secy. to the Financial Commissioner, Burma , in place of J.J. Anderson, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner.
Privilege leave for one month is granted to C.W. King, Extra Asst. Commissioner.
The following promotions and reversions are ordered in the Provincial Civil Service:-
With effect from 17th Dec. 1917: Messrs. J.W. Adamson and B. Fischer, Extra Asst. Commissioners, 4th grade, to be Extra Asst. Commissioners, 4th grade, prov. sub.
Mr H.E. Fisher, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, sub. pro. tem. to be Extra Commissioner, 4th grade, prov. sub.
F.G. Paul, Maung Tok Kale and J.J. Phipps, Extra Asst. Commissioners, 5th grade to be Extra Asst. Commissioners 5th grade, prov. sub.
J. Shaw, A. G. Gahan and S. St. R. Körper, Extra Asst. Commissioners, 5th grade, sub. pro. tem. to be Extra Asst. Commissioners, prov. sub.
With effect from 16th Mar. 1918 consequent on the reversion of Mr J.E. Baker, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, to the regular line:-
H.E. Fisher, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, prov. sub. to be Extra Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, sub. pro. tem.
H. Rundle, on military service, Maung Gale on foreign service and E.T.D. Gaudoin Extra Asst. Commissioners, 4th grade, sub. pro. tem. to be Extra Asst. Commissioner, 5th grade.
S. St. R. Körper, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 5th grade, prov. sub. to be Extra Asst. Commissioner, 5th grade sub. pro. tem.
With effect from 4th May 1918 consequent on the retirement of Maung Po Yon, T.D.M., Extra Asst. Commissioner, 5th grade: F.G. Paul, Extra Asst. Commissioner 5th grade, prov. sub., to be confirmed in that grade. S. St. R. Körper, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 5th grade, sub. pro. tem. to be Extra Asst. Commissioner, 5th grade, prov. sub.
With effect from 12th May 1918 consequent ion the retirement of Maung Saw Maung, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade: J.W. Adamson, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, prov. sub. to be confirmed in that grade. H.E. Fisher, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, sub. pro. tem. to be Extra Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, prov. sub. H. Rundle, on military duty, Maung Gale on foreign service and E.T.D. Gaudoin, Extra Asst. commissioners, 5th grade to be Extra Asst. Commissioners, 4th grade, sub. pro. tem.
The following alterations of rank are ordered in the Superior Judicial Service with effect from 25th Feb. 1917 (sic) :-
J. P. Doyle, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade and 1st grade, sub. pro. tem., on military duty, to be a Dist. Judge, sub. pro. tem. and to remain seconded for service in the Military Dept.
A.S.A.S. Gilbert, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade, sub. pro. tem. and officiating Dist. Judge, to be a Dist. Judge, sub. pro. tem.
The following alteration of rank is ordered in the Superior Judicial Service with effect from 1st Nov. 1917 (sic) :- A.S.A.S. Gilbert, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade (sic) and Dist. Judge, sub. pro. tem. and officiating Divnl. Judge, 4th grade, to be a Dist. Judge, provisionally substantive and to continue to officiate as a Divnl. Judge, 4th grade.
The following promotions are ordered in the Police Dept., with effect from the 16th May 1918 consequent on the retirement of Maung Aung Gyaw, T.D.M., Deputy Superintendent of Police, 2nd grade, sub. pro. tem. :-
M.E. Jacob, Deputy Superintendent of Police, 3rd grade, to be a Deputy Superintendent of Police, 2nd grade, sub. pro. tem.
T. Fforde, Deputy Superintendent of Police, 3rd grade, sub,. pro. tem. to be a Deputy Superintendent of Police, 3rd grade.
Departmental Exams.
At the Departmental Exams. held at Bassein, Moulmein, Mandalay, Meiktila and Port Blair on 5th June 1918, the under mentioned candidates passed the exam. in Law prescribed for officers of the [Forest] Dept:-
A.L. George, Probationary Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests
G.P. Walden, Probationary Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests
At the Departmental Exams. held at Rangoon, Bassein, Moulmein and Mandalay, on 5th June 1918, the under mentioned candidates passed the exam. in Land Revenue prescribed for officers of the Forest Dept:- A.L. George, Probationary Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests.
At the Departmental Exams. held at Rangoon, Bassein, Akyab, Moulmein and Mandalay, on 6th June 1918, the under mentioned candidates passed the exam. in Criminal Law prescribed for Excise Officers:- N. Olivari, officiating Inspector of Excise, Sagyin.
At the Departmental Exams. held at Rangoon, Meiktila, Mandalay, Mawlaik and Taunggyi on 4th June 1918, the under mentioned candidates passed the exam. in Hindustani by the colloquial standard prescribed for Police Officers and Jailors:- H. Foster, officiating Inspector of Police, Taunggyi.
At the Departmental Exams. held at Mandalay on 4th June 1918, 2nd Lt. J.A. Neil, Indian Army Reserve of Officers, Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, passed the exam. in Burmese by the colloquial standard .
At the Departmental Exams. held at Rangoon, Bassein, Akyab, Moulmein, Meiktila and Mandalay on 4th June 1918, the under mentioned officer of the Education Dept. passed the exam. in Burmese by the standards specified below:-
Higher Standard:- A.S. Peters, Headmaster, Govt. High School, Yamethin – with great credit
Lower Standard:- M.A. Reddie, 6th Master, Govt. High School, Henzada
W. Hann, officiating Headmaster, Govt. High School, Bassein is appointed to officiate as Principal of the Govt. High School, Bassein, as temporary measure, during the absence of Mr L.F. Taylor.
On return from leave Mr G.K. Parker, Deputy Conservator of Forests, is posted to the charge of the Bhamo Forest Divn. in place of A.R. Villar, Deputy Conservator of Forests, who remains in charge of the Shwegu Sub-divn. of the Bhamo Forest Divn.
Privilege leave for three months is granted to B.R. Hutchins, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, attached to the Myittha and Upper Chindwin Forest Divn.
The Local Government is pleased to direct that Messrs. B.P. Kelly and C.C. Bonig, Extra Assistant Conservators of Forests shall draw pay at Rs. 700 per month.
C.H. Philipp, Deputy Conservator of Forests, in charge of the Minbu Forest Divn. is transferred from Minbu and is placed on special duty in the Katha and Ruby Mines Forest Divisions.
D.H. Allan, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, in charge of the Yaw Forest Divn. is placed in charge of the Minbu Forest Divn. in addition to his own duties, in place of C.H. Philipp, Deputy Conservator of Forests, transferred.
The following reversions are ordered in the Excise Dept., with effect from the 5th April 1918:-
W. Law, Superintendent of Excise, 4th grade, sub. pro. tem. to be Superintendent of Excise, 5th grade.
J.T.C. Reynolds, Superintendent of Excise, 5th grade, sub. pro. tem. to be Superintendent of Excise, 6th grade.
C.H. Thomas, Superintendent of Excise, 6th grade, sub. pro. tem. to be officiating Superintendent of Excise, 6th grade.
Marine & Commerce
Subjoined lists of Merchants and Pilots eligible for appointment as Assessors on Special Courts of Enquiry into charges made against licensed Pilots of the Port of Rangoon are published:-
W. Archbald ; H.P. Cameron ; G.W.H. Clay ; A.P. Cotterell ; J. Cowie ; A.E. Donaldson ; A. Forbes ; J. Lidderdale ; H.M. Matthew ; J. Meikle ; F.I. Miers ; G.R. Neilson ; H.A. Rees ; A.M. Rogerson ; W.A. Scholes ; L.E. Sinclair ; R. Sinclair ; B. Standen ; H. Steel ; G.W. Watson ; J.S. Wilson.
R.R. Proud ; F.E. Forbes-Leith ; C.E.S. Downey ; J.G. Dainty (on special war leave) ; J.T. Robertson ; W. Reynolds ; G.L. Woolcock ; J. Currie ; E. Ottewill ; H.H. Berry ; H.E. Browning (Harbourmaster, Basra) ; W.B. Taylor (on special war leave) ; F.C. Hendry (Harbourmaster, Basra) ; A.J.W. Billett ; E.K. Young (Harbourmaster, Basra) ; M.D. Wylie ; G. Shand (Harbourmaster, Basra) ; H.W. Jones ; J.M. Wheeler ; E. Gregory (on combined leave in England) ; S. Lefevre.
The following lists of Merchants and Pilots eligible for appointment as Assessors on Special Court of Enquiry into charges made against Pilots at the Port of Moulmein are published:-
Courtenay Merceron Adair Bruce ; Francis Henry Theodore Buchanan ; Walter Archbald William Dawn ; William Dods ; Emile Joseph Foucar ; John Geddes ; Kenneth MacGibbon ; Peter McNeill ; R. Philips ; John Alexander Shaw ; Frank Wood.
Pierre Hinault ; Edward Andrew Anthony ; Harold Garret ; Francis Joseph Gill.
The following lists of Merchants and Pilots eligible for appointment as Assessors on Special Court of Enquiry into charges made against Pilots at the Port of Bassein are published:-
G. Achard ; W.H. Gillespie ; J. McCraken ; H.I. MacLeish ; W. Milne ; R. Muir Simpson.
L.C. Johns ; E.D.B. Hopkins ; G. Foster ; J.A. Vandrell (on war service) ; C.I. McConney (on war service.)
Leave on medical certificate for three months is granted to Mr J. Bell, Judicial Myook in continuation of leave.
F.D. Sutherland, Supervisor, Supernumerary List, on return from leave has been reposted to the Chindwin Circle of Superintendence.
Land Records
Privilege leave for fifteen days is granted to R.S. Carrapiett, Superintendent of Land Records in continuation of leave.
W.J. Baker, Superintendent of Land Records, is transferred from the Mandalay Land Records office and posted to the charge of the Mandalay Town Lots office.
A.J. McManus, Asst. Superintendent of Excise, is granted privilege leave for one month with effect from the date on which he may avail himself of it. On return from leave Mr McManus is reposted to the Rangoon Town Dist.
Appointments/Leave etc.
E.F. Baum, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, whose services have been replaced at the Lt.-Governor’s disposal, is posted to the charge of the Akyab Dist., in place of Maung Tha Ban, K.S.M., offg. Deputy Commissioner.
J.J. Anderson, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, in addition to special duty is appointed to be Asst. Secretary to the Financial Commissioner, Burma, in place of A.E.H. Killick, I.C.S.
J.C. Mackenzie, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, Rangoon Town Lands, and Collector, Rangoon Town Dist., is appointed, as a temporary measure, in addition to his own duties, – (1) to be Dist. Magistrate of the Rangoon Town Dist. (2) to be Officer-in-charge of the General Administration of the Rangoon Town Dist. and (3) to be Deputy Commissioner of the Rangoon Town Dist., for all business except that detailed in this department notification no. 1 dated 5th Jan. 1917 ; in place of Mr J.E. Houldey, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, transferred.
R.R. Brown, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, has been granted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State for India, an extension of furlough on medical certificate for three months.
Superior Judicial Service
With effect from 26th May 1918:-
Consequent on the return from leave of Mr H.C. Moore, I.C.S., offg. Divnl. Judge, 1st grade:
Mr A. Macgregor, I.C.S., Divnl. Judge, 3rd grade, sub. pro. tem., and offg. 1st grade, to officiate as a Divnl. Judge 2nd grade.
Mr E.D. Duckworth, I.C.S., Divnl. Judge, 4th grade, sub. pro. tem. and offg. 2nd grade, to officiate as a Divnl. Judge, 3rd grade.
H.A. Brown, I.C.S., Dist. Judge and offg. Divnl. Judge, 3rd grade to officiate as a Divnl. Judge, 4th grade.
With effect from 29th May 1918:-
Consequent on the return from leave of H.E. McColl, I.C.S., Divnl. Judge, 1st grade:
H.C. Moore, I.C.S. Divnl. Judge, 3rd grade and offg. 1st grade to officiate as a Divnl. Judge 2nd grade. A. Macgregor, I.C.S., Divnl. Judge, 3rd grade, tem. and offg. 2nd grade to be a Divnl. Judge, 3rd grade, sub. pro. tem.
R.C.S. Keith, I.C.S., Divnl. Judge, 4th grade, sub. pro. tem. and offg. 3rd grade, to be a Divnl. Judge 4th grade, sub. pro. tem.
A.T. Rajan, I.C.S., Dist. Judge, prov. sub. and offg. Divnl. Judge, 4th grade to be a Dist. Judge, prov. sub.
E.F. Baum, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, whose services have been replaced at the Lt.-Governor’s disposal, is posted to the charge of the Akyab Dist., in place of Maung Tha Ban, K.S.M., offg. Deputy Commissioner.
J.J. Anderson, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, in addition to special duty is appointed to be Asst. Secretary to the Financial Commissioner, Burma, in place of A.E.H. Killick, I.C.S.
J.C. Mackenzie, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, Rangoon Town Lands, and Collector, Rangoon Town Dist., is appointed, as a temporary measure, in addition to his own duties, – (1) to be Dist. Magistrate of the Rangoon Town Dist. (2) to be Officer-in-charge of the General Administration of the Rangoon Town Dist. and (3) to be Deputy Commissioner of the Rangoon Town Dist., for all business except that detailed in this department notification no. 1 dated 5th Jan. 1917 ; in place of Mr J.E. Houldey, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, transferred.
R.R. Brown, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, has been granted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State for India, an extension of furlough on medical certificate for three months.
Superior Judicial Service
With effect from 26th May 1918:-
Consequent on the return from leave of Mr H.C. Moore, I.C.S., offg. Divnl. Judge, 1st grade:
Mr A. Macgregor, I.C.S., Divnl. Judge, 3rd grade, sub. pro. tem., and offg. 1st grade, to officiate as a Divnl. Judge 2nd grade.
Mr E.D. Duckworth, I.C.S., Divnl. Judge, 4th grade, sub. pro. tem. and offg. 2nd grade, to officiate as a Divnl. Judge, 3rd grade.
H.A. Brown, I.C.S., Dist. Judge and offg. Divnl. Judge, 3rd grade to officiate as a Divnl. Judge, 4th grade.
With effect from 29th May 1918:-
Consequent on the return from leave of H.E. McColl, I.C.S., Divnl. Judge, 1st grade:
H.C. Moore, I.C.S. Divnl. Judge, 3rd grade and offg. 1st grade to officiate as a Divnl. Judge 2nd grade. A. Macgregor, I.C.S., Divnl. Judge, 3rd grade, tem. and offg. 2nd grade to be a Divnl. Judge, 3rd grade, sub. pro. tem.
R.C.S. Keith, I.C.S., Divnl. Judge, 4th grade, sub. pro. tem. and offg. 3rd grade, to be a Divnl. Judge 4th grade, sub. pro. tem.
A.T. Rajan, I.C.S., Dist. Judge, prov. sub. and offg. Divnl. Judge, 4th grade to be a Dist. Judge, prov. sub.
At the departmental exam. held at Rangoon, Bassein, Akyab, Magwe, Meiktila, Mandalay, Mogok, Taunggyi and Putao on 4th June 1918, the under mentioned candidates passed the exams. in Burmese by the standards below:-
Higher Standard
F. Rodriquez, Civil Asst. Surgeon, Rangoon
G.A. Nicholas, Asst. Supdt. of Land Records – with great credit
Lower Standard
Dewan Chand Virmani, Sub-asst. Surgeon, Konglu – with credit
N. Olivari, offg. Inspector of Excise, Sagyin – with great credit
E. James, Jailor, Bassein
T.D. David, Jailor, Yamethin
A.M. Ramchander, Jailor, Myingyan
C.C. Gomes, Jailor, Mogok
Elementary Standard
F. Quinlivan, Sergt. of Police, Rangoon
V.C. Danker, Sergt. of Police, Rangoon
Senior Military Asst. Surgeon and Hony. Major A.H. Nolan, I.S.M.D., (retired) Civil Surgeon, Prome, is granted privilege leave for twenty eight days in continuation of leave.
Lt.-Col. Sargent
The Lt.-Governor greatly regret to record the death on the 14th May 1918 in Mesopotamia of Lt.-Col. Alfred George Sargent, a member of the Indian Medical Service, employed in Burma prior to proceeding on Field Service on the 5th March 1917. Lt.-Col. (then Major) Sargent had been holding charge of the duties of the Superintendent, Rangoon Central Jail, in addition to his own onerous duties as Superintendent of the Rangoon Lunatic Asylum. By his death the Burma Medical Department is deprived of a popular and efficient officer whose loss will be keenly felt.
J.B. Marshall, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, prior to his departure on leave is transferred from Mawlaik and is placed on special duty at Rangoon.
The services of C.R.P. Cooper, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
R.D. Burne, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 5th grade, is permitted to retire from the service of Government.
W.S. Plant, Deputy Superintendent of Police, 3rd grade, is recalled to duty before the expiry of his leave and is appointed to officiate as a Dist. Superintendent of Police 5th grade and posted to the charge of the police of the Myingyan Dist.
Privilege leave for six weeks is granted to R.C.E. Underwood, Dist. Superintendent of Police.
Privilege leave for three months is granted to Lt.-Col. J.L.W. ffrench-Mullen, C,I.E., I.A., Deputy Inspector General of Military Police.
The following alterations of rank are ordered in the Police Department consequent on the reversion of Major G.D. Wright, I.A., Commandant sub. pro. tem., Burma Military Police, to be Asst. Commandant from 13th May 1918:-
Lt. H.S. Jackson, offg. Commandant , Burma Military Police, to be Commandant, sub. pro. tem. from 13th May 1918 to 20th June 1918, both days inclusive.
Capt. R.R. Ewing, I.A., offg. Commandant, Burma Military Police, to be Commandant, sub. pro. tem. from 21st June 1918.
On completion of special duty A.C. Bateman, Dist. Superintendent of Police is posted to the charge of the police of the Upper Chindwin Dist.
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint Lt. L.C. Graves, 18th Rifle Brigade, to be an Aide-de-Camp on his personal Staff, as a temporary measure.
Subject to the confirmation of the Government of India, J.D. McNeilage, Technical Instructor, Government Engineering School, Insein, is appointed Forest Utilisation Officer, with headquarters at Insein for one year from 12th July.
On return from leave C.V. Ryan, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, is reposted to the charge of the Shwegyin Forest Divn., in place of L.C. Secluna, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, transferred.
On relief by C.V. Ryan Mr L.C. Secluna, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, in charge of the Shwegyin Forest Divn., is transferred from Shwegyin and is posted to the charge of the West Salween Forest Division, in place of D.H.M. Silvanus, Deputy Conservator of Forests, proceeding on leave.
Privilege leave for six weeks is granted to D.H.M. Silvanus, Deputy Conservator of Forests in charge of the West Salween Forest Divn.
Privilege leave for one month is granted to P.J.C. de la Taste, Second Asst. Port Officer, Rangoon.
H. Marsland, Executive Engr., is granted one month’s privilege leave with effect from the date on which he is released from Military Training.
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to order the following promotions in the Superintending Engineer classes of the Burma Public Works Dept:-
J.D. Stuart to Superintending Engineer, 3rd class, offg. vice B.M. Samuelson, Superintending Engineer, 3rd class sub. pro. tem. appointed to officiate as Chief Engineer, 2nd class ; J.D. Stuart to Superintending Engineer, 3rd class temporary, vice B.M. Samuelson, appointed Chief Engineer, 2nd class, temporary ; J. Craig, to Superintending Engineer, 3rd class, offg., vice P.N. Sen, Superintending Engineer, 1st class, granted combined leave ; J. M’F Petters, to Superintending Engineer, 3rd class, reversion, due to his being on leave on medical certificate ; C.E. Rushton, to Superintending Engineer, 2nd class, temporary, vice J.M’F. Petters in the vacancy due to the absence of J.V. Griffin, Superintending Engineer, 2nd class, on furlough ; J. Craig, to Superintending Engineer, 3rd class, temporary, vice J.M’F. Peters, Superintending Engineer, 3rd class, granted leave on medical certificate ; P.F. Wickham, to Superintending Engineer, 2nd class, permanent, vice J.V. Griffin, Superintending Engineer, 2nd class, retired ; F.R. Collins, to Superintending Engineer, 3rd class, permanent, vice P.F. Wickham, Superintending Engineer, 3rd class, promoted ; F.R. Collins, to Superintending Engineer, 2nd class, sub. pro. tem. vice P.F. Wickham, in the vacancy due to the absence of L.W. Lewis, Superintending Engineer, 2nd class, on deputation.
On return from leave R.S. Carrapiett, Superintendent of Land Records, is posted to the charge of the Hanthawaddy Land Records office, in place of L.E. Palmer, transferred.
Rev’d. J.G. Caldicott, Chaplain, Bassein, is appointed to be a member of the Irrawaddy Divisional School Board, in place of Rev’d. C.R. Purser, who has resigned.
Consequent on the abolition of the Government Body of the Government Anglo-Vernacular High School at Bassein, a School Committee has been formed the same date with the following personnel ... U So Maung, T.PS., Hony. Magistrate, U Tet Pyo, K.I.H., Hony. Magistrate, Rev’d. Fr. Provost, R.C. Missionary, L. Tah Shwe, Hony. Magistrate, J.S. Carrapiett, 2nd Master, Govt. A.-V High School, Bassein.
J.R. McCann, Inspector of Excise, 2nd grade, on relief by W.G. Bowden, Supdt. of Excise, 3rd grade, is posted to the Hanthawaddy Dist.
The following promotions are hereby ordered in the Excise Dept:-
With effect from 11th May 1918, consequent on the promotion of Maung Gale from Resident Excise Officer, 7th grade to Resident Excise Officer, 6th grade: Alfred William Donovan, offg. Resident Excise Officer, 7th grade, to be Resident Excise Officer, 7th grade, on probation.
With effect from the date of assumption of charge of duties as Resident Excise Officer , consequent on the promotion of Maung Tun Hla from Resident Excise Officer, 7th grade, to Resident Excise Officer, 6th grade (i) Mr M. St. C. Magnum, Registered Candidate , at present on Military Duty, to be Resident Excise Officer, 7th grade on probation and to remain seconded to the Military Dept.
Consequent on Mr L.C. Macleod, Resident Excise Officer, 7th grade, on probation, being absent on Military Duty : Maung Po Han, offg. Excise Officer, 7th grade, to be Resident Excise Officer, 7th grade, provisionally substantive, with effect from date of notification.
The following postings and transfers of Excise Inspectors are ordered in the Akyab Dist:-
F.E. Willson, on return from Military Duty is posted to Akyab Town
K.L. Willson, Inspector of Excise, 3rd grade, from the charge of Akyab, Ponnagyun and Rathedaung Townships to Maungdaw.
At the departmental exam. held at Rangoon, Bassein, Akyab, Magwe, Meiktila, Mandalay, Mogok, Taunggyi and Putao on 4th June 1918, the under mentioned candidates passed the exams. in Burmese by the standards below:-
Higher Standard
F. Rodriquez, Civil Asst. Surgeon, Rangoon
G.A. Nicholas, Asst. Supdt. of Land Records – with great credit
Lower Standard
Dewan Chand Virmani, Sub-asst. Surgeon, Konglu – with credit
N. Olivari, offg. Inspector of Excise, Sagyin – with great credit
E. James, Jailor, Bassein
T.D. David, Jailor, Yamethin
A.M. Ramchander, Jailor, Myingyan
C.C. Gomes, Jailor, Mogok
Elementary Standard
F. Quinlivan, Sergt. of Police, Rangoon
V.C. Danker, Sergt. of Police, Rangoon
Senior Military Asst. Surgeon and Hony. Major A.H. Nolan, I.S.M.D., (retired) Civil Surgeon, Prome, is granted privilege leave for twenty eight days in continuation of leave.
Lt.-Col. Sargent
The Lt.-Governor greatly regret to record the death on the 14th May 1918 in Mesopotamia of Lt.-Col. Alfred George Sargent, a member of the Indian Medical Service, employed in Burma prior to proceeding on Field Service on the 5th March 1917. Lt.-Col. (then Major) Sargent had been holding charge of the duties of the Superintendent, Rangoon Central Jail, in addition to his own onerous duties as Superintendent of the Rangoon Lunatic Asylum. By his death the Burma Medical Department is deprived of a popular and efficient officer whose loss will be keenly felt.
J.B. Marshall, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, prior to his departure on leave is transferred from Mawlaik and is placed on special duty at Rangoon.
The services of C.R.P. Cooper, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
R.D. Burne, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 5th grade, is permitted to retire from the service of Government.
W.S. Plant, Deputy Superintendent of Police, 3rd grade, is recalled to duty before the expiry of his leave and is appointed to officiate as a Dist. Superintendent of Police 5th grade and posted to the charge of the police of the Myingyan Dist.
Privilege leave for six weeks is granted to R.C.E. Underwood, Dist. Superintendent of Police.
Privilege leave for three months is granted to Lt.-Col. J.L.W. ffrench-Mullen, C,I.E., I.A., Deputy Inspector General of Military Police.
The following alterations of rank are ordered in the Police Department consequent on the reversion of Major G.D. Wright, I.A., Commandant sub. pro. tem., Burma Military Police, to be Asst. Commandant from 13th May 1918:-
Lt. H.S. Jackson, offg. Commandant , Burma Military Police, to be Commandant, sub. pro. tem. from 13th May 1918 to 20th June 1918, both days inclusive.
Capt. R.R. Ewing, I.A., offg. Commandant, Burma Military Police, to be Commandant, sub. pro. tem. from 21st June 1918.
On completion of special duty A.C. Bateman, Dist. Superintendent of Police is posted to the charge of the police of the Upper Chindwin Dist.
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint Lt. L.C. Graves, 18th Rifle Brigade, to be an Aide-de-Camp on his personal Staff, as a temporary measure.
Subject to the confirmation of the Government of India, J.D. McNeilage, Technical Instructor, Government Engineering School, Insein, is appointed Forest Utilisation Officer, with headquarters at Insein for one year from 12th July.
On return from leave C.V. Ryan, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, is reposted to the charge of the Shwegyin Forest Divn., in place of L.C. Secluna, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, transferred.
On relief by C.V. Ryan Mr L.C. Secluna, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, in charge of the Shwegyin Forest Divn., is transferred from Shwegyin and is posted to the charge of the West Salween Forest Division, in place of D.H.M. Silvanus, Deputy Conservator of Forests, proceeding on leave.
Privilege leave for six weeks is granted to D.H.M. Silvanus, Deputy Conservator of Forests in charge of the West Salween Forest Divn.
Privilege leave for one month is granted to P.J.C. de la Taste, Second Asst. Port Officer, Rangoon.
H. Marsland, Executive Engr., is granted one month’s privilege leave with effect from the date on which he is released from Military Training.
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to order the following promotions in the Superintending Engineer classes of the Burma Public Works Dept:-
J.D. Stuart to Superintending Engineer, 3rd class, offg. vice B.M. Samuelson, Superintending Engineer, 3rd class sub. pro. tem. appointed to officiate as Chief Engineer, 2nd class ; J.D. Stuart to Superintending Engineer, 3rd class temporary, vice B.M. Samuelson, appointed Chief Engineer, 2nd class, temporary ; J. Craig, to Superintending Engineer, 3rd class, offg., vice P.N. Sen, Superintending Engineer, 1st class, granted combined leave ; J. M’F Petters, to Superintending Engineer, 3rd class, reversion, due to his being on leave on medical certificate ; C.E. Rushton, to Superintending Engineer, 2nd class, temporary, vice J.M’F. Petters in the vacancy due to the absence of J.V. Griffin, Superintending Engineer, 2nd class, on furlough ; J. Craig, to Superintending Engineer, 3rd class, temporary, vice J.M’F. Peters, Superintending Engineer, 3rd class, granted leave on medical certificate ; P.F. Wickham, to Superintending Engineer, 2nd class, permanent, vice J.V. Griffin, Superintending Engineer, 2nd class, retired ; F.R. Collins, to Superintending Engineer, 3rd class, permanent, vice P.F. Wickham, Superintending Engineer, 3rd class, promoted ; F.R. Collins, to Superintending Engineer, 2nd class, sub. pro. tem. vice P.F. Wickham, in the vacancy due to the absence of L.W. Lewis, Superintending Engineer, 2nd class, on deputation.
On return from leave R.S. Carrapiett, Superintendent of Land Records, is posted to the charge of the Hanthawaddy Land Records office, in place of L.E. Palmer, transferred.
Rev’d. J.G. Caldicott, Chaplain, Bassein, is appointed to be a member of the Irrawaddy Divisional School Board, in place of Rev’d. C.R. Purser, who has resigned.
Consequent on the abolition of the Government Body of the Government Anglo-Vernacular High School at Bassein, a School Committee has been formed the same date with the following personnel ... U So Maung, T.PS., Hony. Magistrate, U Tet Pyo, K.I.H., Hony. Magistrate, Rev’d. Fr. Provost, R.C. Missionary, L. Tah Shwe, Hony. Magistrate, J.S. Carrapiett, 2nd Master, Govt. A.-V High School, Bassein.
J.R. McCann, Inspector of Excise, 2nd grade, on relief by W.G. Bowden, Supdt. of Excise, 3rd grade, is posted to the Hanthawaddy Dist.
The following promotions are hereby ordered in the Excise Dept:-
With effect from 11th May 1918, consequent on the promotion of Maung Gale from Resident Excise Officer, 7th grade to Resident Excise Officer, 6th grade: Alfred William Donovan, offg. Resident Excise Officer, 7th grade, to be Resident Excise Officer, 7th grade, on probation.
With effect from the date of assumption of charge of duties as Resident Excise Officer , consequent on the promotion of Maung Tun Hla from Resident Excise Officer, 7th grade, to Resident Excise Officer, 6th grade (i) Mr M. St. C. Magnum, Registered Candidate , at present on Military Duty, to be Resident Excise Officer, 7th grade on probation and to remain seconded to the Military Dept.
Consequent on Mr L.C. Macleod, Resident Excise Officer, 7th grade, on probation, being absent on Military Duty : Maung Po Han, offg. Excise Officer, 7th grade, to be Resident Excise Officer, 7th grade, provisionally substantive, with effect from date of notification.
The following postings and transfers of Excise Inspectors are ordered in the Akyab Dist:-
F.E. Willson, on return from Military Duty is posted to Akyab Town
K.L. Willson, Inspector of Excise, 3rd grade, from the charge of Akyab, Ponnagyun and Rathedaung Townships to Maungdaw.
The under mentioned gentlemen are appointed to be Magistrates (Honorary)of the 3rd class in the Insein Dist. They will hold office for a further term of three years:-
M. Oppenheimer, Merchant and Municipal Commissioner, Insein ; F. Watson, Merchant and Municipal Commissioner, Insein ;
Miss A.B. Redpath is appointed to be a member of the Divisional Education Board in the Tenasserim Divn. in place of Rev’d. D.C. Atwool who has resigned.
C.W. Law, Inspector of Excise, 2nd grade, is transferred to the Mandalay Dist. with headquarter at Maymyo.
The headquarters of G.R. Gordon, Inspector of Excise, 2nd grade are removed from Thazi to Meiktila.
J. Andrews, Inspector of Excise, 4th grade, is transferred to the Meiktila Dist. with headquarters at Thazi.
M. Oppenheimer, Merchant and Municipal Commissioner, Insein ; F. Watson, Merchant and Municipal Commissioner, Insein ;
Miss A.B. Redpath is appointed to be a member of the Divisional Education Board in the Tenasserim Divn. in place of Rev’d. D.C. Atwool who has resigned.
C.W. Law, Inspector of Excise, 2nd grade, is transferred to the Mandalay Dist. with headquarter at Maymyo.
The headquarters of G.R. Gordon, Inspector of Excise, 2nd grade are removed from Thazi to Meiktila.
J. Andrews, Inspector of Excise, 4th grade, is transferred to the Meiktila Dist. with headquarters at Thazi.
Appointments/Leave etc.
W.H.L. Cabell, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, on return from leave is posted to the charge of the Kyaukse Dist., in place of J.L. McCallum, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, proceeding on leave. Notification no 216, dated 25th July 1918 is cancelled.
J.E. Pusey, Deputy Superintendent of Police, is transferred from Mandalay to the Headquarters of the Tavoy Dist. as Headquarters Deputy Superintendent.
On relief by J.E. Pusey, Mr R. Loose, Deputy Superintendent of Police, is transferred to the charge of the police of the First Divn., Mandalay Town Dist.
At the departmental exam. held at Putao on 4th June 1918, Mr F.H. Ferneley-Whittingstall, Asst. Superintendent of Police, passed the prescribed test in Hindustani by the lower standard. Mr Ferneley-Whittingstall, is entitled to receive a reward of Rs. 250.
Leave on medical certificate for one year is granted to the Hon. Mr J.G. Rutledge, Bar-at-law, Secretary to the Burma Legislative Council and Asst. Secretary to the Government of Burma in the Legislative Dept., and officiating Government Advocate, with effect from the date on which he may avail himself of the leave.
Mr E. Higinbotham, bar-at-law, officiating Secretary to the Burma Legislative Council and Asst. Secretary to the Govt. of Burma in the Legislative Dept., is appointed to officiate as Govt. Advocate, Burma, during the absence on leave of Mr J.G. Rutledge or until further orders.
Mr P.P. Ginwala, bar-at-law, officiating Asst. Govt. Advocate, is appointed to officiate as Secretary to the Burma Legislative Council and Asst. Secretary to the Govt. of Burma, in the Legislative Dept. in place of Mr E. Higinbotham or until further orders.
Mr J. Shaw, bar-at-law, is appointed to officiate as Asst. Govt. Advocate, Burma, in place of Mr P.P. Ginwala, bar-at-law.
R. Venkateswaran is appointed provisionally to the Provincial Educational Service and is posted to the Govt. College, Rangoon, as a Professor of Chemistry with effect from 10th July 1918.
Furlough on medical certificate for six months is granted to L.F. Taylor, I.E.S., Principal of the Govt. High School, Bassein.
On return from military duty E.C. Down, officiating Headmaster, Govt. High School, Rangoon, is appointed to officiate as Principal, Govt. High School, Rangoon, in place of A.J. Finlayson.
A.J. Finlayson, officiating Principal, Govt. High School, Rangoon, on being relieved by Mr Down, is appointed to officiate as Headmaster, Govt. High School Rangoon, in place of D.J. Buchanan, who reverts to his substantive appointment as 2nd grade Master of the school.
The services of E.W. Carroll, Asst. Conservator of Forests and Mr C.E. Parkinson, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
On return from duty in the Military Dept., Mr G.K.S. Dawson, Overseer, 3rd grade, was reposted to the Maritime Circle with effect from the forenoon of the 15th April 1918, the date on which he reverted to the Public Works Dept.
On return from duty in connection with the Indian Defence Force, Mr W.A.R. McLean, Supervisor (Supernumerary List,) was reposted to the Maritime Circle with effect from the forenoon of the 16th April 1918.
The under mentioned passed medical pupils of the Burma Govt. Medical School are appointed 4th grade Sub-asst. Surgeons:-
Maung Tun Pe ; S.C. Bannerjee ; D. Manuel ; Maung Ohn Maung
H.H. Morris is awarded a European High School Scholarship of Rs. 20 per month tenable for two years at the Govt. College, Rangoon, with effect from 1st April 1918.
Under the provisions of Chapter IX of the Code of Regulations for European Schools, the following candidates are awarded European Middle School Scholarships of Rs. 12 per month each for three years, with effect from 1st March 918:- Eileen Doyle, St. Joseph’s Convent, Mandalay ; Victor Stevens, St. Peter’s European High School, Mandalay
Privilege leave for three months is granted to Mr N.S. Ezekiel, 3rd grade Jailor, of the Rangoon Central Jail.
Privilege leave for three months is granted to Mr J.B. Mellican, Inspector of Excise, 5th grade, Tavoy.
F.E. Willson, on return form military duty is posted to Tavoy, Tavoy Dist., vice J.B. Mellican, Inspector of Excise 5th grade, proceeding on leave.
A.H. Nolan, Inspector of Excise 1st grade, on expiry of leave is posted to Pagaye, Tavoy Dist., vice Maung San Hnyin, offg. Inspector of Excise, 5th grade, who reverts to his substantive appointment as Sub-inspector of Excise, Tavoy Dist.
The following promotions are ordered in the Excise Dept:-
With effect from 24th April 1918,consequent on the resignation of Mr A. Lang, Resident Excise Officer, 4th grade, on probation : Maung David Tuwa, Resident Excise Officer, 5th grade, to be Resident Excise Officer 4th grade ; Mr A. Thompson, Resident Excise Officer, 6th grade to be Resident Excise Officer, 5th grade ; Mr E. A. Noyce, Resident Excise Officer, 7th grade (Inspector of Excise, 5th grade, provisionally substantive,) to be Resident Excise Officer, 6th grade (Inspector of Excise, 5th grade, provisionally substantive,) ; Mr W.R. McCann, Resident Excise Officer, 7th grade to be Resident Excise Officer, 6th grade, provisionally substantive.
With effect from 7th July 1918, consequent on the death of Maung So, Resident Excise Officer, 4th grade ; Maung San Nyun, Resident Excise Officer, 5th grade to be Resident Excise Officer, 4th grade ; Mr J.M. Manook, Resident Excise Officer, 6th grade to be Resident Excise Officer, 5th grade ; W.R. McCann, Resident Excise Officer, 6th grade, prov. sub., to be Resident Excise Officer, 6th grade.
On return from privilege leave W.A.R. McLean, Supervisor (Supernumerary,) is posted as a temporary measure to the Lighthouse Division.
W.H.L. Cabell, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, on return from leave is posted to the charge of the Kyaukse Dist., in place of J.L. McCallum, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, proceeding on leave. Notification no 216, dated 25th July 1918 is cancelled.
J.E. Pusey, Deputy Superintendent of Police, is transferred from Mandalay to the Headquarters of the Tavoy Dist. as Headquarters Deputy Superintendent.
On relief by J.E. Pusey, Mr R. Loose, Deputy Superintendent of Police, is transferred to the charge of the police of the First Divn., Mandalay Town Dist.
At the departmental exam. held at Putao on 4th June 1918, Mr F.H. Ferneley-Whittingstall, Asst. Superintendent of Police, passed the prescribed test in Hindustani by the lower standard. Mr Ferneley-Whittingstall, is entitled to receive a reward of Rs. 250.
Leave on medical certificate for one year is granted to the Hon. Mr J.G. Rutledge, Bar-at-law, Secretary to the Burma Legislative Council and Asst. Secretary to the Government of Burma in the Legislative Dept., and officiating Government Advocate, with effect from the date on which he may avail himself of the leave.
Mr E. Higinbotham, bar-at-law, officiating Secretary to the Burma Legislative Council and Asst. Secretary to the Govt. of Burma in the Legislative Dept., is appointed to officiate as Govt. Advocate, Burma, during the absence on leave of Mr J.G. Rutledge or until further orders.
Mr P.P. Ginwala, bar-at-law, officiating Asst. Govt. Advocate, is appointed to officiate as Secretary to the Burma Legislative Council and Asst. Secretary to the Govt. of Burma, in the Legislative Dept. in place of Mr E. Higinbotham or until further orders.
Mr J. Shaw, bar-at-law, is appointed to officiate as Asst. Govt. Advocate, Burma, in place of Mr P.P. Ginwala, bar-at-law.
R. Venkateswaran is appointed provisionally to the Provincial Educational Service and is posted to the Govt. College, Rangoon, as a Professor of Chemistry with effect from 10th July 1918.
Furlough on medical certificate for six months is granted to L.F. Taylor, I.E.S., Principal of the Govt. High School, Bassein.
On return from military duty E.C. Down, officiating Headmaster, Govt. High School, Rangoon, is appointed to officiate as Principal, Govt. High School, Rangoon, in place of A.J. Finlayson.
A.J. Finlayson, officiating Principal, Govt. High School, Rangoon, on being relieved by Mr Down, is appointed to officiate as Headmaster, Govt. High School Rangoon, in place of D.J. Buchanan, who reverts to his substantive appointment as 2nd grade Master of the school.
The services of E.W. Carroll, Asst. Conservator of Forests and Mr C.E. Parkinson, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
On return from duty in the Military Dept., Mr G.K.S. Dawson, Overseer, 3rd grade, was reposted to the Maritime Circle with effect from the forenoon of the 15th April 1918, the date on which he reverted to the Public Works Dept.
On return from duty in connection with the Indian Defence Force, Mr W.A.R. McLean, Supervisor (Supernumerary List,) was reposted to the Maritime Circle with effect from the forenoon of the 16th April 1918.
The under mentioned passed medical pupils of the Burma Govt. Medical School are appointed 4th grade Sub-asst. Surgeons:-
Maung Tun Pe ; S.C. Bannerjee ; D. Manuel ; Maung Ohn Maung
H.H. Morris is awarded a European High School Scholarship of Rs. 20 per month tenable for two years at the Govt. College, Rangoon, with effect from 1st April 1918.
Under the provisions of Chapter IX of the Code of Regulations for European Schools, the following candidates are awarded European Middle School Scholarships of Rs. 12 per month each for three years, with effect from 1st March 918:- Eileen Doyle, St. Joseph’s Convent, Mandalay ; Victor Stevens, St. Peter’s European High School, Mandalay
Privilege leave for three months is granted to Mr N.S. Ezekiel, 3rd grade Jailor, of the Rangoon Central Jail.
Privilege leave for three months is granted to Mr J.B. Mellican, Inspector of Excise, 5th grade, Tavoy.
F.E. Willson, on return form military duty is posted to Tavoy, Tavoy Dist., vice J.B. Mellican, Inspector of Excise 5th grade, proceeding on leave.
A.H. Nolan, Inspector of Excise 1st grade, on expiry of leave is posted to Pagaye, Tavoy Dist., vice Maung San Hnyin, offg. Inspector of Excise, 5th grade, who reverts to his substantive appointment as Sub-inspector of Excise, Tavoy Dist.
The following promotions are ordered in the Excise Dept:-
With effect from 24th April 1918,consequent on the resignation of Mr A. Lang, Resident Excise Officer, 4th grade, on probation : Maung David Tuwa, Resident Excise Officer, 5th grade, to be Resident Excise Officer 4th grade ; Mr A. Thompson, Resident Excise Officer, 6th grade to be Resident Excise Officer, 5th grade ; Mr E. A. Noyce, Resident Excise Officer, 7th grade (Inspector of Excise, 5th grade, provisionally substantive,) to be Resident Excise Officer, 6th grade (Inspector of Excise, 5th grade, provisionally substantive,) ; Mr W.R. McCann, Resident Excise Officer, 7th grade to be Resident Excise Officer, 6th grade, provisionally substantive.
With effect from 7th July 1918, consequent on the death of Maung So, Resident Excise Officer, 4th grade ; Maung San Nyun, Resident Excise Officer, 5th grade to be Resident Excise Officer, 4th grade ; Mr J.M. Manook, Resident Excise Officer, 6th grade to be Resident Excise Officer, 5th grade ; W.R. McCann, Resident Excise Officer, 6th grade, prov. sub., to be Resident Excise Officer, 6th grade.
On return from privilege leave W.A.R. McLean, Supervisor (Supernumerary,) is posted as a temporary measure to the Lighthouse Division.
R.E.V. Arbuthnot, I.C.S., Commissioner of Settlements and Land Records, is appointed to officiate as Financial Commissioner, Burma, as a temporary measure, in addition to his other duties, in place of Hon. Mr H. Thompson, C.S.I., I.C.S., proceeding on leave.
G.P. Andrew, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, on return from leave, is posted to the charge of the Myingyan Dist., in place of A.G. Cooke, IL.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, transferred.
A.G. Cooke, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, is appointed to officiate in place of the Hon. Sir B.S. Carey, K.C.I.E., C.S.I., Commissioner, proceeding on leave.
Privilege leave for one month is granted to the Hon. Mr H. Thompson, C.S.I., I.C.S., Financial Commissioner, Burma.
In notification no. 211 dated 23rd July 1918 for “Miss Hilda Spencer Swithinbank” read “Miss Hilda Spenser Swithinbank.” ABL note:- We can find no reference to the notification.
B.C. Rake, Dist. Superintendent of Police, has been granted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State for India, an extension of leave on medical certificate for two months.
G. Ellis, officiating Deputy Superintendent of Police, 4th grade, reverts to his substantive appointment of Inspector of Police, 2nd grade, with effect from the date on which he is relieved of his duties as Headquarters Deputy Superintendent of Police, Henzada.
F.J. Warth, Agricultural Chemist, is posted to duty with the Mandalay Battalion, Burma Military Police, with headquarters at Mandalay.
C.H.B. David, Deputy Superintendent of Police, 2nd grade, is appointed to officiate as a District Superintendent of Police, 5th grade and is transferred from Paungde, Prome District, to the charge of the Police of the Henzada District, in place of C.A. Reynell, Dist. Superintendent of Police, transferred.
C.A. Reynell, Dist. Superintendent of Police, is transferred from Henzada to the charge of the police of the Myingyan Dist., in place of W.S. Plant, officiating Dist. Superintendent of Police, proceeding on leave.
W.H. Tarleton, Deputy Inspector-General of Civil Police, has been granted by his Majesty’s Secy. of State for India, an extension of leave on medical certificate for two months.
On relief by A.C. Bateman, Dist. Superintendent of Police, Meth Ramji Mal Rai Bahadur, officiating Dist. Superintendent of Police, reverts to his appointment as Deputy Superintendent of Police, 2nd grade and remains at the Headquarters of the Upper Chindwin Dist., as Headquarters Deputy Superintendent.
Meth Ramji Mal Rai Bahadur, Deputy Superintendent of Police, 2nd grade, is appointed to officiate as a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade and is posted to the charge of the police of the Upper Chindwin Dist., in place of A.C. Bateman, Dist. Superintendent of Police, who has proceeded on leave.
E. Fowle, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to be a Justice of the Peace within and for Burma.
In exercise of the power conferred by section 28 of the Indian Lunacy Act, 1912, the Local Govt. appoints Mr E.J. Holberton to be a visitor of the Rangoon Lunatic Asylum in place of Mr P.A. Churchward, C.I.E., who has resigned.
C.L. Barretto, Advocate, is appointed to officiate as Government Prosecutor, Moulmein, in place of Mr A.J. Darwood, Bar-at-law.
H.A. Kamen, Superintendent of the office of the Director of Public Instruction, Burma, is appointed Asst. Director of Public Instruction, Burma sub. pro. tem. in place of Mr W.G. Fraser, I.E.S., whose services have been placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
Miss M. Kingsley, Teacher, Govt. High School, Rangoon, is appointed to officiate in the Indian Educational Service as Professor of English, Govt. College, Rangoon, in place of G.H. Luce, transferred to the Military Dept.
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to direct that with effect from 9th June and 3rd July 1918 respectively, the Headquarters of the Myittha and the Upper Chindwin Forest Divisions shall be transferred from Kindat to Mawlaik.
C.E. Scovell, Executive Engr., on return from duty in the Military Dept., is reposted to the Chindwin Circle for the charge of the Pakokku Divn.
F.D. Flint, Asst. Engineer, has been granted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State for India an extension of furlough on medical certificate for three months.
The Commissioner of the Tenasserim Division appoints Dr. W.R. Jones, Mine Manager, High Speed Steel Alloys Ltd., Tavoy, and Mr S. Boonthee, Local Manager for the Putletto Mining Co., to be members of the Tavoy Hospital Sub-committee. They will hold office up to 31st December 1918.
R.G.S. Stevens and G.J.S. Nicholas are awarded European Collegiate Scholarships of Rs. 30 per month each tenable for two years at the Govt. College, Rangoon, with effect from 1st April 1918. The Scholarships are payable form Provincial Funds.
Miss Antram and W.S. Girsham are awarded European Collegiate Scholarships of Rs. 30 per month each tenable for two years at the Govt. College, Rangoon, with effect from 1st April 1918. The Scholarships are payable from the special recurring grants sanctioned by the Govt. of India.
The Headquarters of Mr C.W. Law, Inspector of Excise, 2nd grade, Mandalay Dist. are transferred from Maymyo to Mandalay.
G.K.S. Dawson, Overseer, 3rd grade, is transferred from the Lighthouse Division to the Tavoy Division.
G.P. Andrew, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, on return from leave, is posted to the charge of the Myingyan Dist., in place of A.G. Cooke, IL.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, transferred.
A.G. Cooke, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, is appointed to officiate in place of the Hon. Sir B.S. Carey, K.C.I.E., C.S.I., Commissioner, proceeding on leave.
Privilege leave for one month is granted to the Hon. Mr H. Thompson, C.S.I., I.C.S., Financial Commissioner, Burma.
In notification no. 211 dated 23rd July 1918 for “Miss Hilda Spencer Swithinbank” read “Miss Hilda Spenser Swithinbank.” ABL note:- We can find no reference to the notification.
B.C. Rake, Dist. Superintendent of Police, has been granted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State for India, an extension of leave on medical certificate for two months.
G. Ellis, officiating Deputy Superintendent of Police, 4th grade, reverts to his substantive appointment of Inspector of Police, 2nd grade, with effect from the date on which he is relieved of his duties as Headquarters Deputy Superintendent of Police, Henzada.
F.J. Warth, Agricultural Chemist, is posted to duty with the Mandalay Battalion, Burma Military Police, with headquarters at Mandalay.
C.H.B. David, Deputy Superintendent of Police, 2nd grade, is appointed to officiate as a District Superintendent of Police, 5th grade and is transferred from Paungde, Prome District, to the charge of the Police of the Henzada District, in place of C.A. Reynell, Dist. Superintendent of Police, transferred.
C.A. Reynell, Dist. Superintendent of Police, is transferred from Henzada to the charge of the police of the Myingyan Dist., in place of W.S. Plant, officiating Dist. Superintendent of Police, proceeding on leave.
W.H. Tarleton, Deputy Inspector-General of Civil Police, has been granted by his Majesty’s Secy. of State for India, an extension of leave on medical certificate for two months.
On relief by A.C. Bateman, Dist. Superintendent of Police, Meth Ramji Mal Rai Bahadur, officiating Dist. Superintendent of Police, reverts to his appointment as Deputy Superintendent of Police, 2nd grade and remains at the Headquarters of the Upper Chindwin Dist., as Headquarters Deputy Superintendent.
Meth Ramji Mal Rai Bahadur, Deputy Superintendent of Police, 2nd grade, is appointed to officiate as a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade and is posted to the charge of the police of the Upper Chindwin Dist., in place of A.C. Bateman, Dist. Superintendent of Police, who has proceeded on leave.
E. Fowle, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to be a Justice of the Peace within and for Burma.
In exercise of the power conferred by section 28 of the Indian Lunacy Act, 1912, the Local Govt. appoints Mr E.J. Holberton to be a visitor of the Rangoon Lunatic Asylum in place of Mr P.A. Churchward, C.I.E., who has resigned.
C.L. Barretto, Advocate, is appointed to officiate as Government Prosecutor, Moulmein, in place of Mr A.J. Darwood, Bar-at-law.
H.A. Kamen, Superintendent of the office of the Director of Public Instruction, Burma, is appointed Asst. Director of Public Instruction, Burma sub. pro. tem. in place of Mr W.G. Fraser, I.E.S., whose services have been placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
Miss M. Kingsley, Teacher, Govt. High School, Rangoon, is appointed to officiate in the Indian Educational Service as Professor of English, Govt. College, Rangoon, in place of G.H. Luce, transferred to the Military Dept.
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to direct that with effect from 9th June and 3rd July 1918 respectively, the Headquarters of the Myittha and the Upper Chindwin Forest Divisions shall be transferred from Kindat to Mawlaik.
C.E. Scovell, Executive Engr., on return from duty in the Military Dept., is reposted to the Chindwin Circle for the charge of the Pakokku Divn.
F.D. Flint, Asst. Engineer, has been granted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State for India an extension of furlough on medical certificate for three months.
The Commissioner of the Tenasserim Division appoints Dr. W.R. Jones, Mine Manager, High Speed Steel Alloys Ltd., Tavoy, and Mr S. Boonthee, Local Manager for the Putletto Mining Co., to be members of the Tavoy Hospital Sub-committee. They will hold office up to 31st December 1918.
R.G.S. Stevens and G.J.S. Nicholas are awarded European Collegiate Scholarships of Rs. 30 per month each tenable for two years at the Govt. College, Rangoon, with effect from 1st April 1918. The Scholarships are payable form Provincial Funds.
Miss Antram and W.S. Girsham are awarded European Collegiate Scholarships of Rs. 30 per month each tenable for two years at the Govt. College, Rangoon, with effect from 1st April 1918. The Scholarships are payable from the special recurring grants sanctioned by the Govt. of India.
The Headquarters of Mr C.W. Law, Inspector of Excise, 2nd grade, Mandalay Dist. are transferred from Maymyo to Mandalay.
G.K.S. Dawson, Overseer, 3rd grade, is transferred from the Lighthouse Division to the Tavoy Division.
Appointments/Leave etc.
C.S. Pennell, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, on being relieved by Maung Ngwe Kaing, K.S.M., A.T.M., Deputy Commissioner, is transferred from Prome and is placed on special duty in the Secretariat.
Furlough is granted to Sir B.S. Carey, K.C.I.E., C.S.I., Commissioner, with effect from the date on which he may be relieved of his duties and up to and including the 20th Jan. 1919.
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to invest Mr P.M.R. Leonard, Extra Asst. Commissioner, with all the powers of a Deputy Commissioner under the Regulation, except the powers referred to in sections ... The local limits of the jurisdiction of Mr Leonard shall be the Kachin Hill Tracts of the Myitkyina Dist.
R. Loose, Deputy Superintendent of Police, is transferred from Tavoy and is posted to special duty in the Mandalay Dist., with headquarters at Mandalay.
Maung Ba (3) Deputy Superintendent of Police, is transferred from Myanaung and is posted to the headquarters of the Henzada Dist. as Headquarters Deputy Superintendent in place of Mr G. Ellis, officiating Deputy Superintendent of Police reverted.
Privilege leave for three months and leave on medical certificate in continuation thereof for a total combined period of six months is granted to H.V.C. Sausman, Deputy Superintendent of Police.
T.I. Pocock, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, is granted an extension of privilege leave for two weeks in continuation of six weeks leave.
Privilege leave for three months is granted to C.G. Rogers, Conservator of Forests, Burma.
A.R. Villar, Deputy Conservator of Forests, in charge of the Shwegu Sub-divn. of the Bhamo Forests Divn., is placed in charge of the division in addition to his own duties in place of G.K. Parker, Deputy Conservator of Forests, transferred.
On relief by A.R. Villar, Deputy Conservator of Forests Mr G.K. Parker, Deputy Conservator of Forests, in charge of the Bhamo Forests Divn., who has been appointed to officiate as Conservator, is transferred from Bhamo and is posted to the charge of the Southern Circle in place of H. Carter, who has been appointed to officiate as Chief Conservator of Forests, Burma.
The Local Government is pleased to declare that it is proposed to constitute a reserved forest the land of which the situation and limits are specified in the Burma Gazette – Five tracts in the Minbya Sub-divn. of the Akyab Dist., to be known as the Bandula Reserve.
H. Marsland, Executive Engineer, is granted an extension of one week’s privilege leave.
R.C. Bonnaud, Executive Engineer, is transferred from the Chindwin to the irrigation Circle.
C.D.S. Perumal, Supervisor, 2nd grade, Pakokku Divn., has been granted leave on medical certificate for three months in combination with the privilege leave for three months granted him by the Superintending Engineer, Chindwin Circle.
In consequence of the abolition of the Rail and River Excise charge the following changes are ordered, with effect from 1st Aug. 1918:-
W.H. McCrea, Superintendent of Excise, 4th grade, Rail and River charge, is transferred to the Kyaukse, Meiktila and Myingyan Districts vice R.K. Anderson, transferred.
J.J. Oxlade, Superintendent of Excise, 3rd grade, Amherst Dist., is appointed Superintendent of Excise (Salt) with headquarters at Moulmein and is to continue to hold charge of the Amherst Dist. in addition, till relieved.
On relief by W.H. McCrea, R.K. Anderson, officiating Superintendent of Excise, 6th grade, is transferred to the charge of the Katha Dist. vice V.H. Thomas, who reverts to his substantive appointment as Inspector of Excise, 1st grade.
E.H.E. Dall, Superintendent of Excise, 6th grade, is posted to the charge of the Ruby Mines Dist. vice S.C.D. Edwardes, transferred.
On relief by E.H.E. Dall, S.C. D. Edwardes, Superintendent of Excise, 6th grade, is transferred to the charge of the Amherst Dist. vice J.J. Oxlade.
J.F. Blake, Inspector of Excise, 2nd grade, is appointed to officiate as Superintendent of Excise, 6th grade and posted to the charge of the Bassein Dist. in place of L.A. Havelock, Superintendent of Excise, proceeding on military service.
Privilege leave for three months is granted to J.B. Nichol, Inspector of Excise (Salt) 4th grade, Karoppi, Amherst Dist.
The headquarters of the Inspector of Excise, Henzada Dist. is transferred from Henzada to Myanaung.
Miss Kingsley assumed charge of her duties as Professor of English in the Govt. College, Rangoon on the forenoon of the 8th Aug. 1918.
C.S. Pennell, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, on being relieved by Maung Ngwe Kaing, K.S.M., A.T.M., Deputy Commissioner, is transferred from Prome and is placed on special duty in the Secretariat.
Furlough is granted to Sir B.S. Carey, K.C.I.E., C.S.I., Commissioner, with effect from the date on which he may be relieved of his duties and up to and including the 20th Jan. 1919.
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to invest Mr P.M.R. Leonard, Extra Asst. Commissioner, with all the powers of a Deputy Commissioner under the Regulation, except the powers referred to in sections ... The local limits of the jurisdiction of Mr Leonard shall be the Kachin Hill Tracts of the Myitkyina Dist.
R. Loose, Deputy Superintendent of Police, is transferred from Tavoy and is posted to special duty in the Mandalay Dist., with headquarters at Mandalay.
Maung Ba (3) Deputy Superintendent of Police, is transferred from Myanaung and is posted to the headquarters of the Henzada Dist. as Headquarters Deputy Superintendent in place of Mr G. Ellis, officiating Deputy Superintendent of Police reverted.
Privilege leave for three months and leave on medical certificate in continuation thereof for a total combined period of six months is granted to H.V.C. Sausman, Deputy Superintendent of Police.
T.I. Pocock, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, is granted an extension of privilege leave for two weeks in continuation of six weeks leave.
Privilege leave for three months is granted to C.G. Rogers, Conservator of Forests, Burma.
A.R. Villar, Deputy Conservator of Forests, in charge of the Shwegu Sub-divn. of the Bhamo Forests Divn., is placed in charge of the division in addition to his own duties in place of G.K. Parker, Deputy Conservator of Forests, transferred.
On relief by A.R. Villar, Deputy Conservator of Forests Mr G.K. Parker, Deputy Conservator of Forests, in charge of the Bhamo Forests Divn., who has been appointed to officiate as Conservator, is transferred from Bhamo and is posted to the charge of the Southern Circle in place of H. Carter, who has been appointed to officiate as Chief Conservator of Forests, Burma.
The Local Government is pleased to declare that it is proposed to constitute a reserved forest the land of which the situation and limits are specified in the Burma Gazette – Five tracts in the Minbya Sub-divn. of the Akyab Dist., to be known as the Bandula Reserve.
H. Marsland, Executive Engineer, is granted an extension of one week’s privilege leave.
R.C. Bonnaud, Executive Engineer, is transferred from the Chindwin to the irrigation Circle.
C.D.S. Perumal, Supervisor, 2nd grade, Pakokku Divn., has been granted leave on medical certificate for three months in combination with the privilege leave for three months granted him by the Superintending Engineer, Chindwin Circle.
In consequence of the abolition of the Rail and River Excise charge the following changes are ordered, with effect from 1st Aug. 1918:-
W.H. McCrea, Superintendent of Excise, 4th grade, Rail and River charge, is transferred to the Kyaukse, Meiktila and Myingyan Districts vice R.K. Anderson, transferred.
J.J. Oxlade, Superintendent of Excise, 3rd grade, Amherst Dist., is appointed Superintendent of Excise (Salt) with headquarters at Moulmein and is to continue to hold charge of the Amherst Dist. in addition, till relieved.
On relief by W.H. McCrea, R.K. Anderson, officiating Superintendent of Excise, 6th grade, is transferred to the charge of the Katha Dist. vice V.H. Thomas, who reverts to his substantive appointment as Inspector of Excise, 1st grade.
E.H.E. Dall, Superintendent of Excise, 6th grade, is posted to the charge of the Ruby Mines Dist. vice S.C.D. Edwardes, transferred.
On relief by E.H.E. Dall, S.C. D. Edwardes, Superintendent of Excise, 6th grade, is transferred to the charge of the Amherst Dist. vice J.J. Oxlade.
J.F. Blake, Inspector of Excise, 2nd grade, is appointed to officiate as Superintendent of Excise, 6th grade and posted to the charge of the Bassein Dist. in place of L.A. Havelock, Superintendent of Excise, proceeding on military service.
Privilege leave for three months is granted to J.B. Nichol, Inspector of Excise (Salt) 4th grade, Karoppi, Amherst Dist.
The headquarters of the Inspector of Excise, Henzada Dist. is transferred from Henzada to Myanaung.
Miss Kingsley assumed charge of her duties as Professor of English in the Govt. College, Rangoon on the forenoon of the 8th Aug. 1918.
F.H. Steavenson, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner, and is posted to the charge of the Mandalay Dist., in place of W.J. Smyth, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner.
W.J. Smyth, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, is appointed to officiate as a Commissioner and is posted to the charge of the Mandalay Divn., in place of the Hon. Lt.-Col. S.L. Aplin, C.S.I., I.A., Commissioner.
W.F. Grahame, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, is appointed to officiate as a Commissioner and is posted to the charge of the Pegu Divn., in place of Lt.-Col. O.J. Obbard, I.A., Commissioner, proceeding on leave.
H.F. Dunkley, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to officiate as a Dist. Judge and is transferred from Tavoy to Bassein as Judge of the Bassein and Henzada Dist. Courts in place of D.D. Nanavati, I.C.S., Dist. Judge, transferred.
D. O’Sullivan, officiating Dist. Judge, is transferred from Rangoon to the headquarters of the Amherst Dist., as Judge of the Dist. Courts, Amherst and Thaton, in place of A.S.A. Gilbert, I.C.S., Dist. Judge.
W.S. Morrison, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, on being relieved by Maung Ngwe Kaing, K.S.M., A.T.M., Deputy Commissioner, is transferred from Pegu and is placed on special duty in the Secretariat.
Privilege leave for six weeks is granted to Lt.-Col. O.J. Obbard, I.A.,, Commissioner, with effect from the date on which he may avail himself of it.
Under the provisions of Article 316 of the Civil Service Regulations, special leave on urgent private affairs for one month is granted to Mr G.P. Andrew, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, in continuation of leave granted.
The leave on private affairs for three months granted to G.W. Cooke, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is commuted into furlough and extended by one month and sixteen days.
G.C. Latimer, Asst. Superintendent of Police, is appointed to officiate as a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade, and is transferred from Moulmein to the charge of the police of the Yamethin Dist., in place of Mr F.A. McMahon, Dist. Superintendent of Police.
Privilege leave for three months is granted to Mr A.C. Bateman, Dist. Superintendent of Police.
Privilege leave for one month is granted to Mr J.C. Slym, Deputy Superintendent of Police.
Furlough on medical certificate for two months is granted to Mr G.N. Hetley, Asst. Superintendent of Police, in continuation of leave.
Maung Shwe Chaung, Deputy Superintendent of Police, is posted to the headquarters of the Henzada Dist. as Headquarters Deputy Superintendent, in place of Mr G. Ellis, who reverts to his substantive appointment of Inspector of Police, 2nd grade.
A.P.G Benemy, 1st grade Clerk in the office of the Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Burma, is appointed to officiate as Registrar of office of the Revenue Secretary to the Govt. of Burma, in the place of Mr J.H. Redmond.
Privilege leave for six weeks is granted to Mr J.H. Redmond, Registrar of the office of the Revenue Secretary to the Govt. of Burma.
At the departmental exams. held at Rangoon, Bassein, Akyab, Moulmein, Mergui, Magwe, Mandalay, Mogok, Mawlaik and Taunggyi on 4th June 1918 the under mentioned candidates passed the exam. in Treasury by the standards specified below:-
Higher Standard
J.J. Bennison, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner
C.B. de Kretser, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner
Maung Boon Swan, Myook, Bassein
At the departmental exams. held at Rangoon, Bassein, Akyab, Moulmein, Mergui, Magwe, Meiktila, Mandalay, Mawlaik, Taunggyi and Falam on 5th June 1918 the under mentioned candidates passed the exam. in Criminal Law for Asst. Commissioners, Extra Asst. Commissioners and Myooks by the standards specified below:-
Higher Standard
J.J. Bennison, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner – with credit
C.B. de Kretser, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner
A.M. Evans, Extra Asst. Commissioner (on probation)
Maung Thaung Pe (1) Myook, Mandalay
Maung On Gain (1) Myook, Kyaikmaraw
Maung Ka, Myook, Falam
The services of Mr A.H.M. Barrington, Deputy Conservator of Forests are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
W.J. Cooper, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, in charge of the Revenue Range of the Prome Forest Divn., is transferred from Prome and is posted to the charge of the Arakan Forest Divn., in place of A.H.M. Barrington, Deputy Conservator of Forests, whose services have been placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
C. Alfred, Extra Conservator of Forests, attached to the South Tenasserim Forest Divn., is transferred from Mergui and is posted to duty in the Pegu Forest Divn.
On return from Military duty Mr A. Lawrence, Deputy Conservator of Forests, is reposted to the charge of the South Tenasserim Forest Divn., in place of W.A. Robertson, Deputy Conservator of Forests, who remains in charge of the North Toungoo Forest Divn.
On return from Military duty, Mr J.V. Young, Deputy Conservator of Forests, is reposted to the charge of the Myitkyina Forest Divn., in place of Mr C.G.E. Dawkins, Deputy Conservator of Forests who remains in charge of the Katha Forest Divn.
The services of Mr C.K. Hargreaves, Deputy Conservator of Forests are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
A.B. Nixon, Deputy Conservator of Forests, in charge of the Nyaunglebin Forest Divn., is placed in charge of the Pegu Forest Divn., in addition to his own duties as a temporary measure, in place of C.K. Hargreaves, Deputy Conservator of Forests whose services are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
C. Lindsay-Smith, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, attached to the Upper Chindwin Forest Divn., is transferred from Mawlaik and is posted to the Burma Forest School, Pyinmana, as Instructor in place of A.J.S. Butterwick, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, transferred.
On relief by C. Lindsay-Smith, Mr of A.J.S. Butterwick, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests and Instructor, Burma Forest School, Pyinmana, is transferred from Pyinmana and is posted to duty in the Bhamo Forest Divn.
On return from leave, Mr C.C. Chill, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forest, is reposted to the charge of the Revenue Range, Pyinmana Forest Divn., in place of Mr C.S. Baldwin, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, who remains attached to the Divn.
C.V. Ryan, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, is granted an extension of privilege leave for five days.
Privilege leave for one month and eighteen days is granted to Mr P.J.C. de la Taste, Second Asst. Port Officer, Rangoon, in continuation of leave granted.
Mr D. Wells, Executive Engineer, Asst. to the Chief Engineer and Upper Secretary to the Govt. of Burma, Public Works Dept., is transferred to the Mandalay Circle for the charge of the Maymyo Divn.
Mr T. Hare, Executive Engineer, on return from duty in the Military Department is reposted to the Mandalay Circle for the charge of the Myitkyina Divn.
The services of Mr B.L. St. C. Miller, Asst. Engineer, are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
The services of Mr R.S. Baker, Executive Engineer, are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
Special University Scholarships
The following candidates are awarded special Senior and Junior University Scholarships of Rs. 16 and Rs 12 per month respectively tenable at the College notes against their names with effect from 1st April 1918 payable from the special recurring grants sanctioned by the Govt. [of] India:-
Special Junior University Scholarships - S.A. Darwood, Govt. College, Rangoon ...
Mr E.C. Down, officiating Principal Govt. High School, Rangoon, is appointed a member of the Text-Book Committee, vice Mr L.F. Taylor.
Mr P. Lynam, Sub-inspector of Excise, 2nd grade, Akyab Dist., is appointed to officiate as Inspector of Excise, 2nd grade, and is posted to Kyaukpyu, Kyaukpyu Dist., vice Mr J.W. Lynam, Inspector of Excise, 1st grade, appointed officiating Superintendent of Excise, 6th grade.
Maung Ba Pe (1) Sub-inspector of Excise, 1st grade, Rangoon Town Dist., is appointed to officiate as Inspector of Excise, 5th grade in the Rangoon Town Dist., in place of Mr J.F. Black, Inspector of Excise, 2nd grade, appointed to officiate as a Superintendent of Excise, 6th grade,
G.E. Nelson, Inspector of Excise, 3rd grade, on expiry of the leave granted to him in this office notification no. 89, dated 28th May 1918, is posted to Thaungdwingyi, Magwe Dist., vice Maung Lat, Inspector of Excise, 5th grade, transferred.
C.H. Thomas, Inspector of Excise, 1st grade, on relief by R.K. Anderson, officiating Superintendent of Excise, 6th grade, is posted to Myothit, who reverts to his substantive appointment.
Maung Kan Pe, Bench Clerk, office of the Deputy Commissioner, Amherst Dist., is appointed to officiate as Resident Excise Officer, 7th grade and is posted to the charge of the Warehouse at Amherst, Amherst Dist. vice Mr A. Fontyn.
Mr J. Breechey, Inspector of Excise (Salt) 5th grade, on relief by Maung Po Sein (3) officiating Inspector of Excise (Salt) 4th grade, is transferred from Amherst to Karoppi in the Amherst Dist., vice Mr J.B. Nichol, Inspector of Excise (Salt) 4th grade, proceeding on leave.
The services of Mr P.A. Korb, officiating Inspector of Police, 2nd grade, are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
Mr G.E. Litchfield, Inspector of Police, 3rd grade, is promoted to officiate as Inspector of Police, 2nd grade.
Mr A. Tingley, Inspector of Police, 3rd grade, is promoted to be Inspector of Police, 3rd grade, provisionally substantive.
Mr R.B.H. West, Deputy Inspector of Police, 2nd grade, is promoted to be Deputy Inspector of Police, 1st grade, provisionally substantive, and to officiate as Inspector of Police, 3rd grade with effect from the forenoon of 10th Aug. 1918. He is posted to the charge of the Arms Department from the date of his promotion.
H.K. Paul, Supervisor, 2nd grade, on being relieved of the charge of the Karen Hills Sub-divn., Toungoo Divn., by Mr A.T. Simoens, Supervisor, is transferred to the Headquarters Sub-divn., of the Toungoo Divn., as Sub-divnl. Officer, vice Maung Po Myin, Overseer, 3rd grade. The latter on relief will remain attached to the Toungoo Divn.
A.T. Simoens, Supervisor, 2nd grade, temporary, is transferred from the Tharrawaddy to the Toungoo Divn., for the charge of the Karen Hills Sub-divn., vice Mr H.K. Paul, Supervisor, 2nd grade, transferred.
C.L. Morris, Sub-Engineer, Supernumerary, on being relieved of the charge of the Zigon Sub-divn. by Maung Ba Thaw, Overseer, 1st grade, is transferred to the Bassein Divn. for the charge of the Headquarters Sub-divn., vice Mr Chattar Singh, Overseer.
W.J. Smyth, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, is appointed to officiate as a Commissioner and is posted to the charge of the Mandalay Divn., in place of the Hon. Lt.-Col. S.L. Aplin, C.S.I., I.A., Commissioner.
W.F. Grahame, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, is appointed to officiate as a Commissioner and is posted to the charge of the Pegu Divn., in place of Lt.-Col. O.J. Obbard, I.A., Commissioner, proceeding on leave.
H.F. Dunkley, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to officiate as a Dist. Judge and is transferred from Tavoy to Bassein as Judge of the Bassein and Henzada Dist. Courts in place of D.D. Nanavati, I.C.S., Dist. Judge, transferred.
D. O’Sullivan, officiating Dist. Judge, is transferred from Rangoon to the headquarters of the Amherst Dist., as Judge of the Dist. Courts, Amherst and Thaton, in place of A.S.A. Gilbert, I.C.S., Dist. Judge.
W.S. Morrison, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, on being relieved by Maung Ngwe Kaing, K.S.M., A.T.M., Deputy Commissioner, is transferred from Pegu and is placed on special duty in the Secretariat.
Privilege leave for six weeks is granted to Lt.-Col. O.J. Obbard, I.A.,, Commissioner, with effect from the date on which he may avail himself of it.
Under the provisions of Article 316 of the Civil Service Regulations, special leave on urgent private affairs for one month is granted to Mr G.P. Andrew, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, in continuation of leave granted.
The leave on private affairs for three months granted to G.W. Cooke, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is commuted into furlough and extended by one month and sixteen days.
G.C. Latimer, Asst. Superintendent of Police, is appointed to officiate as a Dist. Superintendent of Police, 5th grade, and is transferred from Moulmein to the charge of the police of the Yamethin Dist., in place of Mr F.A. McMahon, Dist. Superintendent of Police.
Privilege leave for three months is granted to Mr A.C. Bateman, Dist. Superintendent of Police.
Privilege leave for one month is granted to Mr J.C. Slym, Deputy Superintendent of Police.
Furlough on medical certificate for two months is granted to Mr G.N. Hetley, Asst. Superintendent of Police, in continuation of leave.
Maung Shwe Chaung, Deputy Superintendent of Police, is posted to the headquarters of the Henzada Dist. as Headquarters Deputy Superintendent, in place of Mr G. Ellis, who reverts to his substantive appointment of Inspector of Police, 2nd grade.
A.P.G Benemy, 1st grade Clerk in the office of the Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Burma, is appointed to officiate as Registrar of office of the Revenue Secretary to the Govt. of Burma, in the place of Mr J.H. Redmond.
Privilege leave for six weeks is granted to Mr J.H. Redmond, Registrar of the office of the Revenue Secretary to the Govt. of Burma.
At the departmental exams. held at Rangoon, Bassein, Akyab, Moulmein, Mergui, Magwe, Mandalay, Mogok, Mawlaik and Taunggyi on 4th June 1918 the under mentioned candidates passed the exam. in Treasury by the standards specified below:-
Higher Standard
J.J. Bennison, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner
C.B. de Kretser, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner
Maung Boon Swan, Myook, Bassein
At the departmental exams. held at Rangoon, Bassein, Akyab, Moulmein, Mergui, Magwe, Meiktila, Mandalay, Mawlaik, Taunggyi and Falam on 5th June 1918 the under mentioned candidates passed the exam. in Criminal Law for Asst. Commissioners, Extra Asst. Commissioners and Myooks by the standards specified below:-
Higher Standard
J.J. Bennison, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner – with credit
C.B. de Kretser, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner
A.M. Evans, Extra Asst. Commissioner (on probation)
Maung Thaung Pe (1) Myook, Mandalay
Maung On Gain (1) Myook, Kyaikmaraw
Maung Ka, Myook, Falam
The services of Mr A.H.M. Barrington, Deputy Conservator of Forests are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
W.J. Cooper, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, in charge of the Revenue Range of the Prome Forest Divn., is transferred from Prome and is posted to the charge of the Arakan Forest Divn., in place of A.H.M. Barrington, Deputy Conservator of Forests, whose services have been placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
C. Alfred, Extra Conservator of Forests, attached to the South Tenasserim Forest Divn., is transferred from Mergui and is posted to duty in the Pegu Forest Divn.
On return from Military duty Mr A. Lawrence, Deputy Conservator of Forests, is reposted to the charge of the South Tenasserim Forest Divn., in place of W.A. Robertson, Deputy Conservator of Forests, who remains in charge of the North Toungoo Forest Divn.
On return from Military duty, Mr J.V. Young, Deputy Conservator of Forests, is reposted to the charge of the Myitkyina Forest Divn., in place of Mr C.G.E. Dawkins, Deputy Conservator of Forests who remains in charge of the Katha Forest Divn.
The services of Mr C.K. Hargreaves, Deputy Conservator of Forests are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
A.B. Nixon, Deputy Conservator of Forests, in charge of the Nyaunglebin Forest Divn., is placed in charge of the Pegu Forest Divn., in addition to his own duties as a temporary measure, in place of C.K. Hargreaves, Deputy Conservator of Forests whose services are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
C. Lindsay-Smith, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, attached to the Upper Chindwin Forest Divn., is transferred from Mawlaik and is posted to the Burma Forest School, Pyinmana, as Instructor in place of A.J.S. Butterwick, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, transferred.
On relief by C. Lindsay-Smith, Mr of A.J.S. Butterwick, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests and Instructor, Burma Forest School, Pyinmana, is transferred from Pyinmana and is posted to duty in the Bhamo Forest Divn.
On return from leave, Mr C.C. Chill, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forest, is reposted to the charge of the Revenue Range, Pyinmana Forest Divn., in place of Mr C.S. Baldwin, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, who remains attached to the Divn.
C.V. Ryan, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, is granted an extension of privilege leave for five days.
Privilege leave for one month and eighteen days is granted to Mr P.J.C. de la Taste, Second Asst. Port Officer, Rangoon, in continuation of leave granted.
Mr D. Wells, Executive Engineer, Asst. to the Chief Engineer and Upper Secretary to the Govt. of Burma, Public Works Dept., is transferred to the Mandalay Circle for the charge of the Maymyo Divn.
Mr T. Hare, Executive Engineer, on return from duty in the Military Department is reposted to the Mandalay Circle for the charge of the Myitkyina Divn.
The services of Mr B.L. St. C. Miller, Asst. Engineer, are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
The services of Mr R.S. Baker, Executive Engineer, are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
Special University Scholarships
The following candidates are awarded special Senior and Junior University Scholarships of Rs. 16 and Rs 12 per month respectively tenable at the College notes against their names with effect from 1st April 1918 payable from the special recurring grants sanctioned by the Govt. [of] India:-
Special Junior University Scholarships - S.A. Darwood, Govt. College, Rangoon ...
Mr E.C. Down, officiating Principal Govt. High School, Rangoon, is appointed a member of the Text-Book Committee, vice Mr L.F. Taylor.
Mr P. Lynam, Sub-inspector of Excise, 2nd grade, Akyab Dist., is appointed to officiate as Inspector of Excise, 2nd grade, and is posted to Kyaukpyu, Kyaukpyu Dist., vice Mr J.W. Lynam, Inspector of Excise, 1st grade, appointed officiating Superintendent of Excise, 6th grade.
Maung Ba Pe (1) Sub-inspector of Excise, 1st grade, Rangoon Town Dist., is appointed to officiate as Inspector of Excise, 5th grade in the Rangoon Town Dist., in place of Mr J.F. Black, Inspector of Excise, 2nd grade, appointed to officiate as a Superintendent of Excise, 6th grade,
G.E. Nelson, Inspector of Excise, 3rd grade, on expiry of the leave granted to him in this office notification no. 89, dated 28th May 1918, is posted to Thaungdwingyi, Magwe Dist., vice Maung Lat, Inspector of Excise, 5th grade, transferred.
C.H. Thomas, Inspector of Excise, 1st grade, on relief by R.K. Anderson, officiating Superintendent of Excise, 6th grade, is posted to Myothit, who reverts to his substantive appointment.
Maung Kan Pe, Bench Clerk, office of the Deputy Commissioner, Amherst Dist., is appointed to officiate as Resident Excise Officer, 7th grade and is posted to the charge of the Warehouse at Amherst, Amherst Dist. vice Mr A. Fontyn.
Mr J. Breechey, Inspector of Excise (Salt) 5th grade, on relief by Maung Po Sein (3) officiating Inspector of Excise (Salt) 4th grade, is transferred from Amherst to Karoppi in the Amherst Dist., vice Mr J.B. Nichol, Inspector of Excise (Salt) 4th grade, proceeding on leave.
The services of Mr P.A. Korb, officiating Inspector of Police, 2nd grade, are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
Mr G.E. Litchfield, Inspector of Police, 3rd grade, is promoted to officiate as Inspector of Police, 2nd grade.
Mr A. Tingley, Inspector of Police, 3rd grade, is promoted to be Inspector of Police, 3rd grade, provisionally substantive.
Mr R.B.H. West, Deputy Inspector of Police, 2nd grade, is promoted to be Deputy Inspector of Police, 1st grade, provisionally substantive, and to officiate as Inspector of Police, 3rd grade with effect from the forenoon of 10th Aug. 1918. He is posted to the charge of the Arms Department from the date of his promotion.
H.K. Paul, Supervisor, 2nd grade, on being relieved of the charge of the Karen Hills Sub-divn., Toungoo Divn., by Mr A.T. Simoens, Supervisor, is transferred to the Headquarters Sub-divn., of the Toungoo Divn., as Sub-divnl. Officer, vice Maung Po Myin, Overseer, 3rd grade. The latter on relief will remain attached to the Toungoo Divn.
A.T. Simoens, Supervisor, 2nd grade, temporary, is transferred from the Tharrawaddy to the Toungoo Divn., for the charge of the Karen Hills Sub-divn., vice Mr H.K. Paul, Supervisor, 2nd grade, transferred.
C.L. Morris, Sub-Engineer, Supernumerary, on being relieved of the charge of the Zigon Sub-divn. by Maung Ba Thaw, Overseer, 1st grade, is transferred to the Bassein Divn. for the charge of the Headquarters Sub-divn., vice Mr Chattar Singh, Overseer.
Appointments / Leave etc.
The services of A.S.A. Gilbert, I.C.S., Dist. Judge, are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
Privilege leave to the amount due and furlough in continuation thereof for a total combined period of one year is granted to R.E. Barber, Dist. Superintendent of Police, on account of ill health.
Mr Bernard Pereira, M.B., B.S., (Bom.) is appointed to be a temporary Civil Asst, Surgeon in Burma.
Privilege leave for one month is granted to G. Scott, M.A., I.C.S., President, Rangoon Municipal Committee, with effect from 18th Sept.
On return from leave Mr H. Marsland, Executive Engineer is reposted to the Chindwin Circle for the charge of the Magwe Divn.
The under mentioned gentlemen are appointed to be Magistrates (Honorary) of the third class in the Magwe District: F.H. Parry, Ageny, Messrs. the Twinza Oil Co., Yenangyaung ; Maung Po Naing, Yenangyaung.
A. David is awarded a special Senior University Scholarship of Rs. 16 per month payable from the Provincial Funds tenable at the Govt. College, Rangoon.
The European High School Scholarship vacated by Henry Stiles is awarded, under Chapter IX of the Code of Regulation for European Schools, to Dorothy Martindell at Rs. 20 per month tenable for two years at the Govt. College, Rangoon with effect from 1st April 1918.
G.F.S. Christie, I.C.S., Commissioner, is posted to the charge of the Tenasserim Divn., in place of D.F. Chalmers, I.C.S., officiating Commissioner, transferred.
D.F. Chalmers, I.C.S., officiating Commissioner, on being relieved by G.F.C. Christie, is transferred from Moulmein and is appointed to be Director of Agriculture, Burma, in place of Mr A.E. English, C.I.E., I.C.S., Commissioner.
F.S. Grose, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to be Asst. Superintendent, Kengtung Sub-divn., Southern Shan States, in place of Maung Kyi Nyo officiating Myook.
Privilege leave for three months and furlough in continuation thereof for nine months is granted to J.L. McCallum, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, on account of ill health.
Privilege leave for two months and one day is granted to J.B. Marshall, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner.
P.H. Mears, Dist. Superintendent of Police, is posted to duty with the Chindwin Battalion, Burma Military Police, in addition to his own duties.
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint V.A.H. Beaman, Superintendent of Excise, to be an Asst. Commandant of Military Police.
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint P.H. Mears, Dist. Superintendent of Police, to be an Asst. Commandant of Military Police.
P.J Harvey, Dist. Superintendent of Police, is posted to duty with the Chindwin Battalion, Burma Military Police, in addition to his own duties.
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint P.J. Harvey, Dist. Superintendent of Police, to be an Asst. Commandant of Military Police.
R.G. Sims, officiating Dist. Superintendent of Police, is posted to duty with the Chindwin Battalion, Burma Military Police, in addition to his own duties.
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint R.G. Sims, officiating Dist. Superintendent of Police, to be an Asst. Commandant of Military Police.
R. Loose, Deputy Superintendent of Police, is placed in charge of the police of the Mandalay Town, First Divn., in place of J.E. Pusey, Deputy Superintendent of Police, transferred.
J.E. Pusey, Deputy Superintendent of Police, is transferred from the Mandalay Town, First Divn., and is posted to the headquarters of the Mandalay Dist. as Headquarters Deputy Superintendent in place of A.W. Cox, Deputy Superintendent of Police, transferred.
A.W. Cox, Deputy Superintendent of Police, 1st grade, sub. pro. tem., is appointed to officiate as a Dist. Superintendent of Police of the Kyaukse Dist., in place of R.E. Barber, Dist. Superintendent of Police, proceeding on leave.
H.C. Nangle, Dist. Superintendent of Police, is transferred from Shwebo and is posted to the charge of the police of the Mandalay Dist., in place of H.F. Reynolds, Dist. Superintendent of Police, transferred.
H.F. Reynolds, Dist. Superintendent of Police, is transferred from Mandalay and is posted to the charge of the police of the Shwebo Dist.
H.C. Nangle, Dist. Superintendent of Police, is placed in charge of the Provincial Police Training School, Mandalay, in addition to his own duties.
J.A.P. Stuart, Dist. Superintendent of Police, has been permitted by his Majesty’s Secy. of State for India to return to duty within the period of his leave.
The services of J.M. Symns, I.E.S., Inspector of Schools, Mandalay Circle, are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
On reversion from Military Duty, Senior Military Asst. Surgeon and Honorary Major P. McCarthy, I.S.M.D., is appointed to be Civil Surgeon, Akyab, vice H.E. Wells, transferred.
H.E. Wells, M.B.C.M., (Edin.) Civil Surgeon, Akyab, is appointed to be Civil Surgeon, Pegu, vice Civil Asst. Surgeon F. Rodrigues, transferred.
Civil Asst. Surgeon F. Rodrigues, L.M. & S. (Bom.) is appointed to officiate as Civil Surgeon, Fort Hertz, vice Civil Asst. Surgeon Jerome Suares, resigned.
On return from leave, B.R. Hutchins, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests is posted to the Mandalay Depot Forest Divn., for special duty in connection with the measuring of timber.
On return from leave D.H.M. Silvanus, Deputy Conservator of Forests, is posted to the charge of the Ataran Forest Divn., in place of F.H. Todd, Deputy Conservator of Forests, transferred.
The services of G.S. Shirly, Deputy Conservator of Forests are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
The Deputy Commissioner, Upper Chindwin Dist., is placed in charge of the Myittha and Upper Chindwin Forest Divn., as a temporary measure, in addition to his own duties in place of G.S. Shirley, (sic) Deputy Conservator of Forests and Mr A.E. Eden, Asst. Conservator of Forests, whose services have been placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
On return from leave, H.C. Walker, Deputy Conservator of Forests, is posted to the charge of the Upper Chindwin Forest Divn.
C.S. Baldwin, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, attached to the Pyinmana Forest Divn., is transferred from Pyinmana and is posted to the charge of the Magwe Sub-divn., Minbu Forest Divn., in place of D.A. Allan, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, transferred.
On relief by C.S. Baldwin, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, D.A. Allan, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, in charge of the Magwe Sub-divn., Minbu Forest Divn., is transferred from Taungdwingyi and is posted to the charge of the Myittha Forest Divn.
W.H. Miller, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, is permitted to resign his appointment.
Major H.P.M. Lord, I.A., Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner and is posted to the charge of the Amherst Dist., in place of B.W. Perkins, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner proceeding on leave.
Mr S. St. R. Korper, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is placed in charge of the office of the Treasury Officer and Headquarters Magistrate, Lashio, in addition to his own duties, as temporary measure, in place of E.T.D. Gaudoin, Extra Asst. Commissioner.
F.L.J. Williamson, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, whose services have been replaced at the Lt.-Governor’s disposal is posted to the charge of the Ruby Mines Dist., in place of Mr A. Samuel, officiating Deputy Commissioner.
F.H. Fearnley-Whittingstall, Asst. Dist. Superintendent of Police, on duty with the Putao Battalion of Burma Military Police, is appointed to be in charge of the office of the current Sub-divisional Officer and Asst. Superintendent, Kachin Hills, Laza, in addition to his other duties, during the absence of K.R.H. Jones, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, who has proceeded on leave.
Furlough for one year is granted to the Hon Mr Justice A.E. Rigg, I.C.S., Judge of the Chief Court of Lower Burma, on account of ill-health.
Privilege leave to the amount due under Article 252 is granted to B.H. Heald, I.C.S., Additional Judge, Court of the Judicial Commissioner, Upper Burma.
The Lt-Governor is pleased to invest Mr F.H. Fearnley-Whittingstall, Asst. Dist. Superintendent of Police, on duty with the Putao Battn. of Burma Military Police, with the powers of an Asst. Commissioner under that regulation. The local limits of the jurisdiction of Mr F.H. Fearnley-Whittingstall shall be the Kachin Hill Tracts of the Putao District.
On return from leave, A.G. Adams, Asst. Superintendent of Police, is posted to duty with the Toungoo Battalion, Burma Military Police, with headquarters at Toungoo.
H. McCready, Inspector of Police, 3rd grade, is appointed to officiate as a Deputy Superintendent of Police, 4th grade, and is posted to the charge of the police of the Northern Shan States.
A.P. Warburton, Dist. Superintendent of Police, has been granted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State for India an extension of leave on medical certificate for six months.
Privilege leave for two months is granted to G.J. Harvey, Asst. Superintendent of Police.
J.M. Symns, I.E.S., whose services have been placed at the disposal of the Army Department.
Mr A. Lawrence, Deputy Conservator of Forests in charge of the South Toungoo Forest Divn., is placed in charge of the North Toungoo Forest Divn., in addition to his own duties, in place of W.A. Robertson, Deputy Conservator of Forests, transferred.
A.E. Elmore, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, attached to the Tharrawaddy Forest Divn., is posted to duty in the Zigon Forest Divn.
On relief by Mr C. Linsay Smith, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, Mr A.J.S. Butterwick, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests and Instructor, Burma Forest School, Pyinmana, is transferred from Pyinmana and is posted to the charge of the Shwegu Sub-divn. of the Bhamo Forest Division, in place of Mr A.R. Villar, Deputy Conservator of Forests, who remain in charge of the Division.
The services of Mr F.A. Wright, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
The Local Government is pleased to appoint Mr J.M. Moss, Engineer of Messrs. Steel Bros., to be Engineer Surveyor at the Port of Moulmein, during the absence of Mr Charles Barden.
W.J.S. Carrapiett, Superintendent of Excise, is transferred from Myitkyina to Kamaing as Sub-divnl. Officer and Asst. Superintendent, Kachin Hills, in place of C.W. King, Extra Asst. Commissioner, proceeding on leave.
C.B. Aubrey, Superintendent, office of the Judicial Commissioner of Upper Burma, was appointed to hold charge of the office of Registrar of the Court of the Judicial Commissioner, Upper Burma, in place of Mr E. Millar, Extra Asst. Commissioner, who has proceeded on leave.
J.M. Wright, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, is transferred from Maymyo and is appointed to be Superintendent, Chin Hills, in place of Mr L.T. Daun, officiating Superintendent, Chin Hills.
L.T. Daun, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to be Asst. Superintendent, Falam.
Mr A. Vaillant, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is posted to duty in Rangoon as a temporary measure to verify the stock of stamps in the Rangoon Central Depot.
F.G. Paul, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is posted to the charge of the Myingyan Sub-divn., Myingyan Dist., in place of Maung Po Than, A.T.M., Extra Asst. Commissioner.
Privilege leave to the amount due under Article 252 is granted to B.W. Perkins, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner.
On return from leave, J.A.P. Stuart, Dist. Superintendent of Police is appointed to be Asst. Commissioner of Police, Rangoon Town.
Lt.-Col. R.H. Castor, I.M.S., Civil Surgeon, Moulmein, is appointed to be Civil Surgeon Taunggyi vice Mr Evans Bidie, transferred.
Mr Evans Bidie, L.R.C.P. and S. (Edin.) Surgeon, Taunggyi, is appointed to be Civil Surgeon, Moulmein vice Lt.-Col. R.H. Castor, I.M.S., transferred.
Pending the return of Mr D.H.M. Silvanus, Deputy Conservator of Forests, from leave, J.W. Ryan, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests in charge of the Thaungyin Forest Divn., is placed in charge of the Ataran forest Divn., as a temporary measure, in addition to his own duties.
During the absence of Mr J.A. Thompson on leave, Maung Gale, Akunwun, Rangoon Town Lands, is appointed with effect from 1st July 1918 to officiate in addition to his own duties as Deputy Collector of Income Tax, Rangoon.
Mr J. Bell, Judicial Myook, on return from leave, is posted to the headquarters of the Daik-u Township, Pegu Dist., as Judge of the Daik-u Township Court and Additional Magistrate, in place of Maung Shwe Po, Judicial Myook, who retires from the service of Government.
C.H. Thomas, Inspector of Excise, 1st grade, is appointed to officiate as Superintendent of Excise, 6th grade, and posted to the charge of the Upper Chindwin Dist., in place of V.A.H. Beaman, appointed Asst. Commandant of Military Police.
The following gentlemen are appointed as non-official members of the Port Advisory Board, Bassein:-
L.C. Johns Esq., first grade Pilot, Bassein
G. Achard Esq., Manager, The Ellerman Rice Mills Burma Ltd., Bassein
M. Simpson Esq., Agent, Irrawaddy Flotilla Co., Bassein
Maung Po Maung, T.P.S., Municipal Commissioner and Timber Merchant, Bassein
The Tavoy Municipal Committee have elected Maung Chit Maung, Extra Asst. Commissioner, to be their Vice-resident vice Mr H.F. Dunkley, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, who has left the station.
Rev’d. J.F. Ingram, Superintendent A.B.M. School, Meiktila, is appointed to be a member of the Divisional Education Board in the Meiktila Division vice Rev’d. H.E. Dudley, resigned.
The following gentlemen are appointed members of the School Committee of the Govt. High School, Rangoon:- Mr Pinto, B.A., Inspector of school, Rangoon Town Circle, chairman ; Mr E.C. Down, officiating Principal Govt. High School, Rangoon, Secretary ; D.J. Buchanan, Asst. Master, Govt. High School, Rangoon ; Mr L. Ah Yain, bar-at-law, Maung Thin, bar-at-law, Mr Mahomed Auzam, bar-at-law, C.W. Ainley, M.A., Professor, Govt. College, Rangoon, Maung Tun, M.A., Professor Govt. College, Rangoon.
Leave on medical certificate for one month is granted to Mr N.S. Ezekiel, 3rd grade Jailor of the Rangoon Central Jail, in continuation of leave sanctioned.
On relief by W.A.R. McLean, Supervisor, 2nd grade, Mr E.A.S. Peters, Supervisor, 2nd grade, sub. pro. tem. is transferred from the Independent Victoria Point Sub-divn., to the Lighthouse Divn.
The services of A.S.A. Gilbert, I.C.S., Dist. Judge, are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
Privilege leave to the amount due and furlough in continuation thereof for a total combined period of one year is granted to R.E. Barber, Dist. Superintendent of Police, on account of ill health.
Mr Bernard Pereira, M.B., B.S., (Bom.) is appointed to be a temporary Civil Asst, Surgeon in Burma.
Privilege leave for one month is granted to G. Scott, M.A., I.C.S., President, Rangoon Municipal Committee, with effect from 18th Sept.
On return from leave Mr H. Marsland, Executive Engineer is reposted to the Chindwin Circle for the charge of the Magwe Divn.
The under mentioned gentlemen are appointed to be Magistrates (Honorary) of the third class in the Magwe District: F.H. Parry, Ageny, Messrs. the Twinza Oil Co., Yenangyaung ; Maung Po Naing, Yenangyaung.
A. David is awarded a special Senior University Scholarship of Rs. 16 per month payable from the Provincial Funds tenable at the Govt. College, Rangoon.
The European High School Scholarship vacated by Henry Stiles is awarded, under Chapter IX of the Code of Regulation for European Schools, to Dorothy Martindell at Rs. 20 per month tenable for two years at the Govt. College, Rangoon with effect from 1st April 1918.
G.F.S. Christie, I.C.S., Commissioner, is posted to the charge of the Tenasserim Divn., in place of D.F. Chalmers, I.C.S., officiating Commissioner, transferred.
D.F. Chalmers, I.C.S., officiating Commissioner, on being relieved by G.F.C. Christie, is transferred from Moulmein and is appointed to be Director of Agriculture, Burma, in place of Mr A.E. English, C.I.E., I.C.S., Commissioner.
F.S. Grose, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to be Asst. Superintendent, Kengtung Sub-divn., Southern Shan States, in place of Maung Kyi Nyo officiating Myook.
Privilege leave for three months and furlough in continuation thereof for nine months is granted to J.L. McCallum, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, on account of ill health.
Privilege leave for two months and one day is granted to J.B. Marshall, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner.
P.H. Mears, Dist. Superintendent of Police, is posted to duty with the Chindwin Battalion, Burma Military Police, in addition to his own duties.
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint V.A.H. Beaman, Superintendent of Excise, to be an Asst. Commandant of Military Police.
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint P.H. Mears, Dist. Superintendent of Police, to be an Asst. Commandant of Military Police.
P.J Harvey, Dist. Superintendent of Police, is posted to duty with the Chindwin Battalion, Burma Military Police, in addition to his own duties.
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint P.J. Harvey, Dist. Superintendent of Police, to be an Asst. Commandant of Military Police.
R.G. Sims, officiating Dist. Superintendent of Police, is posted to duty with the Chindwin Battalion, Burma Military Police, in addition to his own duties.
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint R.G. Sims, officiating Dist. Superintendent of Police, to be an Asst. Commandant of Military Police.
R. Loose, Deputy Superintendent of Police, is placed in charge of the police of the Mandalay Town, First Divn., in place of J.E. Pusey, Deputy Superintendent of Police, transferred.
J.E. Pusey, Deputy Superintendent of Police, is transferred from the Mandalay Town, First Divn., and is posted to the headquarters of the Mandalay Dist. as Headquarters Deputy Superintendent in place of A.W. Cox, Deputy Superintendent of Police, transferred.
A.W. Cox, Deputy Superintendent of Police, 1st grade, sub. pro. tem., is appointed to officiate as a Dist. Superintendent of Police of the Kyaukse Dist., in place of R.E. Barber, Dist. Superintendent of Police, proceeding on leave.
H.C. Nangle, Dist. Superintendent of Police, is transferred from Shwebo and is posted to the charge of the police of the Mandalay Dist., in place of H.F. Reynolds, Dist. Superintendent of Police, transferred.
H.F. Reynolds, Dist. Superintendent of Police, is transferred from Mandalay and is posted to the charge of the police of the Shwebo Dist.
H.C. Nangle, Dist. Superintendent of Police, is placed in charge of the Provincial Police Training School, Mandalay, in addition to his own duties.
J.A.P. Stuart, Dist. Superintendent of Police, has been permitted by his Majesty’s Secy. of State for India to return to duty within the period of his leave.
The services of J.M. Symns, I.E.S., Inspector of Schools, Mandalay Circle, are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
On reversion from Military Duty, Senior Military Asst. Surgeon and Honorary Major P. McCarthy, I.S.M.D., is appointed to be Civil Surgeon, Akyab, vice H.E. Wells, transferred.
H.E. Wells, M.B.C.M., (Edin.) Civil Surgeon, Akyab, is appointed to be Civil Surgeon, Pegu, vice Civil Asst. Surgeon F. Rodrigues, transferred.
Civil Asst. Surgeon F. Rodrigues, L.M. & S. (Bom.) is appointed to officiate as Civil Surgeon, Fort Hertz, vice Civil Asst. Surgeon Jerome Suares, resigned.
On return from leave, B.R. Hutchins, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests is posted to the Mandalay Depot Forest Divn., for special duty in connection with the measuring of timber.
On return from leave D.H.M. Silvanus, Deputy Conservator of Forests, is posted to the charge of the Ataran Forest Divn., in place of F.H. Todd, Deputy Conservator of Forests, transferred.
The services of G.S. Shirly, Deputy Conservator of Forests are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
The Deputy Commissioner, Upper Chindwin Dist., is placed in charge of the Myittha and Upper Chindwin Forest Divn., as a temporary measure, in addition to his own duties in place of G.S. Shirley, (sic) Deputy Conservator of Forests and Mr A.E. Eden, Asst. Conservator of Forests, whose services have been placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
On return from leave, H.C. Walker, Deputy Conservator of Forests, is posted to the charge of the Upper Chindwin Forest Divn.
C.S. Baldwin, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, attached to the Pyinmana Forest Divn., is transferred from Pyinmana and is posted to the charge of the Magwe Sub-divn., Minbu Forest Divn., in place of D.A. Allan, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, transferred.
On relief by C.S. Baldwin, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, D.A. Allan, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, in charge of the Magwe Sub-divn., Minbu Forest Divn., is transferred from Taungdwingyi and is posted to the charge of the Myittha Forest Divn.
W.H. Miller, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, is permitted to resign his appointment.
Major H.P.M. Lord, I.A., Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner and is posted to the charge of the Amherst Dist., in place of B.W. Perkins, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner proceeding on leave.
Mr S. St. R. Korper, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is placed in charge of the office of the Treasury Officer and Headquarters Magistrate, Lashio, in addition to his own duties, as temporary measure, in place of E.T.D. Gaudoin, Extra Asst. Commissioner.
F.L.J. Williamson, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, whose services have been replaced at the Lt.-Governor’s disposal is posted to the charge of the Ruby Mines Dist., in place of Mr A. Samuel, officiating Deputy Commissioner.
F.H. Fearnley-Whittingstall, Asst. Dist. Superintendent of Police, on duty with the Putao Battalion of Burma Military Police, is appointed to be in charge of the office of the current Sub-divisional Officer and Asst. Superintendent, Kachin Hills, Laza, in addition to his other duties, during the absence of K.R.H. Jones, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, who has proceeded on leave.
Furlough for one year is granted to the Hon Mr Justice A.E. Rigg, I.C.S., Judge of the Chief Court of Lower Burma, on account of ill-health.
Privilege leave to the amount due under Article 252 is granted to B.H. Heald, I.C.S., Additional Judge, Court of the Judicial Commissioner, Upper Burma.
The Lt-Governor is pleased to invest Mr F.H. Fearnley-Whittingstall, Asst. Dist. Superintendent of Police, on duty with the Putao Battn. of Burma Military Police, with the powers of an Asst. Commissioner under that regulation. The local limits of the jurisdiction of Mr F.H. Fearnley-Whittingstall shall be the Kachin Hill Tracts of the Putao District.
On return from leave, A.G. Adams, Asst. Superintendent of Police, is posted to duty with the Toungoo Battalion, Burma Military Police, with headquarters at Toungoo.
H. McCready, Inspector of Police, 3rd grade, is appointed to officiate as a Deputy Superintendent of Police, 4th grade, and is posted to the charge of the police of the Northern Shan States.
A.P. Warburton, Dist. Superintendent of Police, has been granted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State for India an extension of leave on medical certificate for six months.
Privilege leave for two months is granted to G.J. Harvey, Asst. Superintendent of Police.
J.M. Symns, I.E.S., whose services have been placed at the disposal of the Army Department.
Mr A. Lawrence, Deputy Conservator of Forests in charge of the South Toungoo Forest Divn., is placed in charge of the North Toungoo Forest Divn., in addition to his own duties, in place of W.A. Robertson, Deputy Conservator of Forests, transferred.
A.E. Elmore, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, attached to the Tharrawaddy Forest Divn., is posted to duty in the Zigon Forest Divn.
On relief by Mr C. Linsay Smith, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, Mr A.J.S. Butterwick, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests and Instructor, Burma Forest School, Pyinmana, is transferred from Pyinmana and is posted to the charge of the Shwegu Sub-divn. of the Bhamo Forest Division, in place of Mr A.R. Villar, Deputy Conservator of Forests, who remain in charge of the Division.
The services of Mr F.A. Wright, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
The Local Government is pleased to appoint Mr J.M. Moss, Engineer of Messrs. Steel Bros., to be Engineer Surveyor at the Port of Moulmein, during the absence of Mr Charles Barden.
W.J.S. Carrapiett, Superintendent of Excise, is transferred from Myitkyina to Kamaing as Sub-divnl. Officer and Asst. Superintendent, Kachin Hills, in place of C.W. King, Extra Asst. Commissioner, proceeding on leave.
C.B. Aubrey, Superintendent, office of the Judicial Commissioner of Upper Burma, was appointed to hold charge of the office of Registrar of the Court of the Judicial Commissioner, Upper Burma, in place of Mr E. Millar, Extra Asst. Commissioner, who has proceeded on leave.
J.M. Wright, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, is transferred from Maymyo and is appointed to be Superintendent, Chin Hills, in place of Mr L.T. Daun, officiating Superintendent, Chin Hills.
L.T. Daun, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to be Asst. Superintendent, Falam.
Mr A. Vaillant, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is posted to duty in Rangoon as a temporary measure to verify the stock of stamps in the Rangoon Central Depot.
F.G. Paul, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is posted to the charge of the Myingyan Sub-divn., Myingyan Dist., in place of Maung Po Than, A.T.M., Extra Asst. Commissioner.
Privilege leave to the amount due under Article 252 is granted to B.W. Perkins, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner.
On return from leave, J.A.P. Stuart, Dist. Superintendent of Police is appointed to be Asst. Commissioner of Police, Rangoon Town.
Lt.-Col. R.H. Castor, I.M.S., Civil Surgeon, Moulmein, is appointed to be Civil Surgeon Taunggyi vice Mr Evans Bidie, transferred.
Mr Evans Bidie, L.R.C.P. and S. (Edin.) Surgeon, Taunggyi, is appointed to be Civil Surgeon, Moulmein vice Lt.-Col. R.H. Castor, I.M.S., transferred.
Pending the return of Mr D.H.M. Silvanus, Deputy Conservator of Forests, from leave, J.W. Ryan, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests in charge of the Thaungyin Forest Divn., is placed in charge of the Ataran forest Divn., as a temporary measure, in addition to his own duties.
During the absence of Mr J.A. Thompson on leave, Maung Gale, Akunwun, Rangoon Town Lands, is appointed with effect from 1st July 1918 to officiate in addition to his own duties as Deputy Collector of Income Tax, Rangoon.
Mr J. Bell, Judicial Myook, on return from leave, is posted to the headquarters of the Daik-u Township, Pegu Dist., as Judge of the Daik-u Township Court and Additional Magistrate, in place of Maung Shwe Po, Judicial Myook, who retires from the service of Government.
C.H. Thomas, Inspector of Excise, 1st grade, is appointed to officiate as Superintendent of Excise, 6th grade, and posted to the charge of the Upper Chindwin Dist., in place of V.A.H. Beaman, appointed Asst. Commandant of Military Police.
The following gentlemen are appointed as non-official members of the Port Advisory Board, Bassein:-
L.C. Johns Esq., first grade Pilot, Bassein
G. Achard Esq., Manager, The Ellerman Rice Mills Burma Ltd., Bassein
M. Simpson Esq., Agent, Irrawaddy Flotilla Co., Bassein
Maung Po Maung, T.P.S., Municipal Commissioner and Timber Merchant, Bassein
The Tavoy Municipal Committee have elected Maung Chit Maung, Extra Asst. Commissioner, to be their Vice-resident vice Mr H.F. Dunkley, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, who has left the station.
Rev’d. J.F. Ingram, Superintendent A.B.M. School, Meiktila, is appointed to be a member of the Divisional Education Board in the Meiktila Division vice Rev’d. H.E. Dudley, resigned.
The following gentlemen are appointed members of the School Committee of the Govt. High School, Rangoon:- Mr Pinto, B.A., Inspector of school, Rangoon Town Circle, chairman ; Mr E.C. Down, officiating Principal Govt. High School, Rangoon, Secretary ; D.J. Buchanan, Asst. Master, Govt. High School, Rangoon ; Mr L. Ah Yain, bar-at-law, Maung Thin, bar-at-law, Mr Mahomed Auzam, bar-at-law, C.W. Ainley, M.A., Professor, Govt. College, Rangoon, Maung Tun, M.A., Professor Govt. College, Rangoon.
Leave on medical certificate for one month is granted to Mr N.S. Ezekiel, 3rd grade Jailor of the Rangoon Central Jail, in continuation of leave sanctioned.
On relief by W.A.R. McLean, Supervisor, 2nd grade, Mr E.A.S. Peters, Supervisor, 2nd grade, sub. pro. tem. is transferred from the Independent Victoria Point Sub-divn., to the Lighthouse Divn.
Appointments / Leave etc.
F.W. Martin, Chief Superintendent of Excise, is placed in charge of the current duties of the office of the Commissioner of Excise, Burma, in additional to his other duties, as a temporary measure, in place of Lt.-Col. T. L. Ormiston, I.A., proceeding on leave.
S.A. Smyth, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, is posted to the charge of the Minbu Dist., in place of D.G. Robertson, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, transferred.
D.G. Robertson, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, is transferred from Minbu to the charge of the Insein Dist. in place of Maung San Pe, T.D.M., offg. Deputy Commissioner.
R.C. Paton, officiating Deputy Superintendent of Police, is transferred from Akyab and is posted to the headquarters Deputy Superintendent.
W.J. Doveton, Dist. Superintendent of Police is transferred from Sandoway to the charge of the police at Akyab Dist. in place of G. Waterworth, Dist. Superintendent of Police, transferred.
G. Waterworth, Dist. Superintendent of Police is transferred from Akyab to the charge of the police of the Insein Dist.
C.N. James, Dist. Superintendent of Police, is placed in charge of the Railway Police in addition to his duties as Additional Personal Assistant to the Deputy Inspector-General of Civil Police for Railway and Criminal Investigation Dept., in place of F.J.S. Whiting, Dist. Superintendent of Police.
2nd Lt. H. Rundle, Indian Army Reserve of Officer, whose services have been placed at the disposal of the Govt. of Burma, is appointed to be an Asst. Commandant of Military Police and is posted to special duty in Rangoon.
2nd Lt. H. Rundle, Asst. Commandant of Military Police, is transferred from Rangoon and is posted to special duty in the Chin Hills with headquarters at Tiddim.
Leave on medical certificate for five months and twenty-two days is granted to W.G. Cole, Deputy Superintendent of Police, in continuation of leave granted.
F.J.S. Whiting, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 2nd grade, is appointed to be a Deputy Inspector--General of Civil Police, 2nd grade, (temporary) and is posted to the charge of the Irrawaddy Range, with headquarters at Rangoon.
R.C.E. Underwood, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 2nd grade, is appointed to be a Deputy Inspector--General of Civil Police, 2nd grade, (temporary) and is posted to the charge of the Pegu Range with headquarters at Rangoon.
At an examination held at Putao on 3rd Sept. 1918, Mr F.H. Fearnley-Whittingstall, Asst. Dist. Superintendent of Police, passed the prescribed test in the Maru language. Mr Fearnley-Whittingstall is entitled to receive a reward of Rs. 1000.
P. Burnside, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, attached to the Southern Shan States Divn., is appointed to succeed Mr F.A. Wright, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, as the Forest Officer in the enquiry ordered regarding the proposed Kalaw Reserve partly in the State of Hsa Mong Hkam, Southern Shan States and partly in the Meiktila Dist.
J.B. Mercer Adam, Deputy Conservator of Forests has been granted by His Majesty’s Secy. for India an extension of furlough on medical certificate for two and a half months in continuation of leave granted.
Prior to his assumption of the charge of the duties in the Burma Forest School as Instructor, to which he was posted Mr C. Lindsay Smith, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, is placed on special duty in that office.
F.J. Warth, Agricultural Chemist, who was posted to duty with the Mandalay Battalion, Burma Military Police, reverted to the Agricultural Dept.
E.W.W. Xavier, Asst. Registrar, Appellate Side, to officiate as 2nd Deputy Registrar, S. Packiam, Asst. Registrar, Original Side, to officiate as Asst. Registrar, Appellate Side.
H.A. Stacey, Superintendent of Excise, 5th grade is transferred from Toungoo and posted to the charge of the Myitkyina Dist. in place of W.J.S. Carrapiett, appointed Sub-divnl. Officer and Asst. Superintendent, Kachin Hills.
E.W. Buttras, B.A., Headmaster, Govt. Anglo-Vernacular High School, Akyab, and Maunf Mra Tha Aug, officiating Deputy Inspector of Schools, Akyab, nominated by the Director of Public Instruction, Burma, are appointed member of the Arakan Divnl. Board vice Messrs. R.E. St. John Clifford and Ainuddin transferred and resigned respectively.
The following gentlemen are appointed members of the Magwe Town Committee:- V.S. Aiyer, bar-at-law, vice Mr C. de Facieu, Extra Asst, Commissioner, resigned.
C.L. Morris, Sub-Engr., (Supernumerary list) is granted privilege leave for three months combined with leave on medical certificate for three months.
A. Vaillant, Extra Asst, Commissioner, is posted to special duty in the office of the Deputy commissioner, Rangoon Town Lands, and Collector, Rangoon Town Dist.
W.J. Smyth, I.C.S., officiating Commissioner, on being relieved by the Hon. Lt.-Col. S.L. Aplin, C.S.I., I.A., Commissioner, is posted to the charge of the Mandalay District, in place of F.H. Steavenson, I.C.S., officiating Deputy Commissioner.
F.H. Steavenson, I.C.S., officiating Deputy Commissioner is appointed to be Headquarters Assistant, Mandalay.
E.G. Pattle, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner and is posted to the charge of the Magwe Dist., as a temporary measure, in addition to his own duties, in place of T.J. Metcalfe, Deputy Commissioner, proceeding on leave.
Furlough for one month is granted to G.W. Cooke, Extra Asst. Commissioner, in continuation of leave.
Special leave on urgent private affairs for fourteen days is granted to G.P. Andrew, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, in continuation of leave.
Privilege leave for one month is granted to T.J. Metcalfe, Deputy Commissioner.
The services of W.E. Lowry, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
The services of J.M. Baguley, I.C.S., Dist. Judge are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
F. Newton, Asst. Superintendent of Police, has been permitted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State for India, to return to duty within the period of his leave.
C. O’Donoghue, offg. Deputy Superintendent of Police, is transferred from Katha and is posted to the headquarters of the Pegu Dist., as Headquarters Deputy Superintendent of Police in place of D. David, Deputy Superintendent of Police, transferred.
D. David, Deputy Superintendent of Police, is transferred from Pegu and is posted to the Headquarters of the Prome Dist. as Headquarters Deputy Superintendent of Police, in place of Maung Baw, T.D.M., Deputy Superintendent of Police, transferred.
Privilege leave for six week is granted to E.C.S. Shuttleworth, offg. Commissioner of Police, Rangoon.
M.B. Comber, Superintendent of Police, Western Divn., Rangoon Town, is appointed to offg. as Commissioner of Police, Rangoon Town, in place of E.C.S. Shuttleworth, proceeding on leave.
W. Perry, Inspector of Police, is appointed to offg. as a Deputy Superintendent of Police, Rangoon Town and is placed in charge of the Western Divn., in place of M.B. Comber, Superintendent of Police
W. Perry, Inspector of Police, offg. Deputy Superintendent is appointed under section 7 of the Rangoon Police Act, 1899 to be a Superintendent of Police in Rangoon.
W. Perry, Superintendent of Police, Western Divn., Rangoon Town, is placed in charge of the Central Divn., in addition to his other duties.
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint Lt.-Col. Owen James Obbard, I.A., Commissioner, Pegu Divn., to be a member of the Council of the Lt.- Governor of Burma for the purpose of making Laws and Regulations in the place of Sir B.S. Carey,, K.C.I.E., C.S.I., V.D., resigned.
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint Mr Edward Higinbotham, bar-at-law, offg. Govt. Advocate, Burma, to be a member of the Council of the Lt.- Governor of Burma for the purpose of making Laws and Regulations in the place of J.G. Rutledge, bar-at-law, resigned.
Privilege leave for six weeks is granted to Major T.F. Owens, I.M.S., Chemical Examiner, Burma.
Maung Thein Kin, F.C.S., First Asst. to the Chemical Examiner to the Govt. of Burma, is appointed to offg. as Chemical Examiner to the Govt. of Burma in place of Major Owens, proceeding on leave.
Temporary Civil Asst. Surgeon Mrs (sic) K.G. Ferguson, L.R.C.P. & S. (Edin.) F.R.C.S., L.M. (Dub.) is granted privilege leave to the extent due and leave on medical certificate in connection thereof, for a total period of three months.
Privilege leave for three months is granted to Mr J. Haddock, Deputy Director of Land Records, Burma, sub. pro. tem.
G.E. Scott, Executive Engineer, Port Blair, is re-transferred to the Burma Public Works Dept. and posted to the Chindwin Circle for special duty.
J. M’F Petters, Superintending Engineer, 3rd class, Burma Public Works Dept. has been granted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State for India an extension of six months leave on medical certificate.
In consequence of the retirement from the service of Mr E.S. TenBroeke, Deputy Registrar, Burma Public Works Secretariat, the following changes in the Ministerial Establishment of the above Secretariat are ordered with effect from the forenoon of the 19th Sept. 1918:-
W.J. Peters, Clerk, 1st class, to be Deputy Registrar, but to continue to act as Registrar.
A. F. Godenho, Clerk, 2nd class, to be Clerk, 1st class, but to continue to act as Deputy Registrar.
The under mentioned gentlemen are re-appointed to be Magistrates (Hony.) of the third class in Magwe Dist:- Yenangyaung - L. Kirk ; Maung Tun Aung Gyaw, K.S.M. ; Maung Tha Ya ; Maung Lu Gyi. The above mentioned gentlemen will hold office for a further term of three years.
Rev’d. W.E. Hardcastle relinquished charge of the Riverine Chaplaincy on 4th Oct.
B.W. Perkins, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, is, on return from leave, posted to special duty in the office of the Settlement Officer, No. 5 party.
Maung Po Han, bar-at-law, officiating First Deputy Registrar, Chief Court of Lower Burma, is appointed to officiate as Judge of the Court of Small Causes, Rangoon during the absence on leave of J.W. Godfrey, bar-at-law, or until further orders.
W.F. Grahame, I.C.S., officiating Commissioner, is, on being relieved by the Hon. Lt.-Col. O.J. Obbard, I.A., Commissioner, posted to the charge of the Hanthawaddy Dist., in place of Maung Shwe Zan Aung, A.T.M., officiating Deputy Commissioner, transferred.
Privilege leave for one month and sixteen days is granted to J.E. Godfrey, bar-at-law, Court of Small Causes, Rangoon.
Privilege leave to the amount due under Article 252 and leave on medical certificate in continuation thereof for a total period of three months is granted to C.W. King, Extra Asst. Commissioner.
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to nominate Dr. P.A. Hayne, M.R.C.S. (Eng.) L.R.C.P. (Lond.) Burma Railways, to be a member of the Burma Medical Council in place of Dr. T.F. Pedley, who has resigned.
J.L. Hefferman, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, attached to the Katha Forest Division, is transferred from Katha and is posted to the charge of the Lower Chindwin Forest Divn., in place of V.H.T. Fields-Clarke, Deputy Conservator of Forests, transferred.
On relief by J.L. Hefferman, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, V.H.T. Fields-Clarke, Deputy Conservator of Forests, in charge of the Lower Chindwin Forest Divn., is transferred from Monywa and is posted to the charge of the Bhamo Forest Divn. in place of A.R. Villar, Deputy Conservator of Forests, transferred.
On relief by V.H.T. Fields-Clarke, Deputy Conservator of Forests, A.R. Villar, Deputy Conservator of Forests, in charge of the Bhamo Forest Divn., is transferred from Bhamo and is posted to the charge of the West Salween Forest Division in place of L.C. Secluna, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, transferred.
On relief by A.R. Villar, Deputy Conservator of Forests, L.C. Secluna, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, in charge of the West Salween Forest Division, is transferred from Moulmein and is posted to the charge of the Revenue Range of the South Toungoo Forest Divn., in place of R.R. O’Hara, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, transferred.
On relief by L.C. Secluna, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, R.R. O’Hara, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, in charge of the Revenue Range of the South Toungoo Forest Divn., is transferred from Toungoo and is posted to the charge of the Insein Forest Divn. in place of R. Unwin, Deputy Conservator of Forests, who remains as Personal Asst. to the Conservator of Forests, Pegu Forest Circle, Rangoon.
The Services of Mr L. St. Clare Rundlett, Asst. Engineer, are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
B.E. Blaney, Engineer student from the Thomason College, Roorkee, under training in Burma, is appointed to the Engineer Branch of the Public Works Dept., as an Asst. Engineer, Provincial Service, and is posted to the Irrigation circle.
The following gentlemen are appointed to be members of the Yenangyaung Town Committee. They will hold office for two years: -
F.H. Parry, Agent, Twinzas Oil Co. ; Mahomed G.H. Surti, Twinza, U Than Zin, Twinza, U Lu Gyi, Twinza, Hon. Magistrate.
The Superintendent, Southern Shan States, appoints V.B. Webber to be a member of the Kalaw Town Committee, in place of W.C. Cantrell, who has left the station.
A.S. Gale, Inspector of Excise, 5th grade, is transferred from Rangoon to Moulmein, Amherst Dist., vice Maung Saw Aye, Asst. Supdt., of Excise, appointed to offg. as Supdt. of Excise.
J.B. Nicol, Inspector of Excise, (Salt) 4th grade, on expiry of leave is posted to Sandoway Dist., in place of Maung Za Ni U, offg. Inspector of Excise, who will revert to his permanent appointment.
R.A. Blake, Inspector of Excise, 5th grade, provisional substantive, on return from military duty, is granted War leave for six weeks.
E.E. Daniel, Sub-Inspector of Excise, 4th grade, Bhamo Dist., is appointed to officiate as Inspector of Excise, 5th grade and is posted to Myothit, Bhamo Dist., in place of C.H. Thomas, Inspector of Excise, 1st grade, appointed to officiate as Superintendent of Excise, 6th grade.
Maung Tun Baw, Sub-Inspector of Excise (Salt) 1st grade, is appointed to officiate as Inspector of Excise, (Salt) 5th grade and is posted to Karoppi in the Amherst Dist., vice J.B. Nichol, (sic) Inspector of Excise, (Salt) 4th grade, proceeding on leave.
J.G. Beechey, Inspector of Excise (Salt) 5th grade, on relief by Maung Po Sein, offg. Inspector of Excise (Salt) 4th grade, is transferred from Amherst Dist., vice Maung Tun Baw, offg. Inspector of Excise, (Salt) 5th grade, transferred.
B.S. Dean, Oversee, 1st grade, on being relieved of the charge of the Southern Sub-divn., is posted to the charge of the Headquarters Sub-divn., Pakokku Divn., vice S.R. Sharma, Asst. Engineer, transferred.
W.T. Bridge has been appointed Assistant Controller (Hardware, Implements and Metals, Calcutta.
F.W. Scott, I.C.S.A, Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner and is transferred from Paungde to the charge of the Prome District in place of C.S. Pennell, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, proceeding on leave.
Privilege leave for six weeks is granted to C.S. Pennell, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner.
The notification pacing the services of Mr J.M. Baguley, I.C.S., Dist. Judge, at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief of India, is cancelled.
W.H. Tarleton, Deputy Inspector-General of Police, 1st grade, and Commissioner of Police, Rangoon, is permitted to retire from the services of Government.
The services of D.J. Ross, Dist. Superintendent of Police are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief of India.
Privilege leave for three months is granted to J.H. Redmond, Registrar of the office of the Revenue Secretary to the Govt. of Burma.
Privilege leave for six weeks is granted to Dr. F.A. Foy, M.B., C.M., Port Health Officer, Rangoon.
J. F. D’Mello, L.M. & S. (Bom.) D.P.H., (Cantab.) is appointed to officiate as Port Health Officer, Rangoon, during the absence on leave of Dr. F.A. Foy.
E.H. Liversidge, Executive Engineer, Meiktila Divn., has privilege leave for six weeks with effect from the forenoon of the 12th Nov. 1918, with permission to affix to the leave the ensuing Christmas holiday to the provisions of Article 220 (ii) Civil Service Regulations.
The services of H.W.S. Smith, Executive Engineer, Embankment Divn., are placed at the disposal of the Military Department for duty in connection with the Indian Defence Force.
The Superintendent of the Northern Shan States appoints the following gentlemen to be members of the Lashio Town Committee: Major E. Butterfield, I.A., D.S.O., Battalion Commandant, Lashio ; Mr H. McReady, Deputy Superintendent of Police, Lashio ; Babu Tarachand, Merchant, Lashio.
P.A. Korb, officiating Inspector of Police, 2nd grade, on military duty, reverts to his substantive appointment as Inspector of Police, 3rd grade, with effect from 10th Aug. 1918 and remains seconded for service in the Military Department.
F.W. Martin, Chief Superintendent of Excise, is placed in charge of the current duties of the office of the Commissioner of Excise, Burma, in additional to his other duties, as a temporary measure, in place of Lt.-Col. T. L. Ormiston, I.A., proceeding on leave.
S.A. Smyth, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, is posted to the charge of the Minbu Dist., in place of D.G. Robertson, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, transferred.
D.G. Robertson, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, is transferred from Minbu to the charge of the Insein Dist. in place of Maung San Pe, T.D.M., offg. Deputy Commissioner.
R.C. Paton, officiating Deputy Superintendent of Police, is transferred from Akyab and is posted to the headquarters Deputy Superintendent.
W.J. Doveton, Dist. Superintendent of Police is transferred from Sandoway to the charge of the police at Akyab Dist. in place of G. Waterworth, Dist. Superintendent of Police, transferred.
G. Waterworth, Dist. Superintendent of Police is transferred from Akyab to the charge of the police of the Insein Dist.
C.N. James, Dist. Superintendent of Police, is placed in charge of the Railway Police in addition to his duties as Additional Personal Assistant to the Deputy Inspector-General of Civil Police for Railway and Criminal Investigation Dept., in place of F.J.S. Whiting, Dist. Superintendent of Police.
2nd Lt. H. Rundle, Indian Army Reserve of Officer, whose services have been placed at the disposal of the Govt. of Burma, is appointed to be an Asst. Commandant of Military Police and is posted to special duty in Rangoon.
2nd Lt. H. Rundle, Asst. Commandant of Military Police, is transferred from Rangoon and is posted to special duty in the Chin Hills with headquarters at Tiddim.
Leave on medical certificate for five months and twenty-two days is granted to W.G. Cole, Deputy Superintendent of Police, in continuation of leave granted.
F.J.S. Whiting, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 2nd grade, is appointed to be a Deputy Inspector--General of Civil Police, 2nd grade, (temporary) and is posted to the charge of the Irrawaddy Range, with headquarters at Rangoon.
R.C.E. Underwood, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 2nd grade, is appointed to be a Deputy Inspector--General of Civil Police, 2nd grade, (temporary) and is posted to the charge of the Pegu Range with headquarters at Rangoon.
At an examination held at Putao on 3rd Sept. 1918, Mr F.H. Fearnley-Whittingstall, Asst. Dist. Superintendent of Police, passed the prescribed test in the Maru language. Mr Fearnley-Whittingstall is entitled to receive a reward of Rs. 1000.
P. Burnside, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, attached to the Southern Shan States Divn., is appointed to succeed Mr F.A. Wright, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, as the Forest Officer in the enquiry ordered regarding the proposed Kalaw Reserve partly in the State of Hsa Mong Hkam, Southern Shan States and partly in the Meiktila Dist.
J.B. Mercer Adam, Deputy Conservator of Forests has been granted by His Majesty’s Secy. for India an extension of furlough on medical certificate for two and a half months in continuation of leave granted.
Prior to his assumption of the charge of the duties in the Burma Forest School as Instructor, to which he was posted Mr C. Lindsay Smith, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, is placed on special duty in that office.
F.J. Warth, Agricultural Chemist, who was posted to duty with the Mandalay Battalion, Burma Military Police, reverted to the Agricultural Dept.
E.W.W. Xavier, Asst. Registrar, Appellate Side, to officiate as 2nd Deputy Registrar, S. Packiam, Asst. Registrar, Original Side, to officiate as Asst. Registrar, Appellate Side.
H.A. Stacey, Superintendent of Excise, 5th grade is transferred from Toungoo and posted to the charge of the Myitkyina Dist. in place of W.J.S. Carrapiett, appointed Sub-divnl. Officer and Asst. Superintendent, Kachin Hills.
E.W. Buttras, B.A., Headmaster, Govt. Anglo-Vernacular High School, Akyab, and Maunf Mra Tha Aug, officiating Deputy Inspector of Schools, Akyab, nominated by the Director of Public Instruction, Burma, are appointed member of the Arakan Divnl. Board vice Messrs. R.E. St. John Clifford and Ainuddin transferred and resigned respectively.
The following gentlemen are appointed members of the Magwe Town Committee:- V.S. Aiyer, bar-at-law, vice Mr C. de Facieu, Extra Asst, Commissioner, resigned.
C.L. Morris, Sub-Engr., (Supernumerary list) is granted privilege leave for three months combined with leave on medical certificate for three months.
A. Vaillant, Extra Asst, Commissioner, is posted to special duty in the office of the Deputy commissioner, Rangoon Town Lands, and Collector, Rangoon Town Dist.
W.J. Smyth, I.C.S., officiating Commissioner, on being relieved by the Hon. Lt.-Col. S.L. Aplin, C.S.I., I.A., Commissioner, is posted to the charge of the Mandalay District, in place of F.H. Steavenson, I.C.S., officiating Deputy Commissioner.
F.H. Steavenson, I.C.S., officiating Deputy Commissioner is appointed to be Headquarters Assistant, Mandalay.
E.G. Pattle, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner and is posted to the charge of the Magwe Dist., as a temporary measure, in addition to his own duties, in place of T.J. Metcalfe, Deputy Commissioner, proceeding on leave.
Furlough for one month is granted to G.W. Cooke, Extra Asst. Commissioner, in continuation of leave.
Special leave on urgent private affairs for fourteen days is granted to G.P. Andrew, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, in continuation of leave.
Privilege leave for one month is granted to T.J. Metcalfe, Deputy Commissioner.
The services of W.E. Lowry, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
The services of J.M. Baguley, I.C.S., Dist. Judge are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
F. Newton, Asst. Superintendent of Police, has been permitted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State for India, to return to duty within the period of his leave.
C. O’Donoghue, offg. Deputy Superintendent of Police, is transferred from Katha and is posted to the headquarters of the Pegu Dist., as Headquarters Deputy Superintendent of Police in place of D. David, Deputy Superintendent of Police, transferred.
D. David, Deputy Superintendent of Police, is transferred from Pegu and is posted to the Headquarters of the Prome Dist. as Headquarters Deputy Superintendent of Police, in place of Maung Baw, T.D.M., Deputy Superintendent of Police, transferred.
Privilege leave for six week is granted to E.C.S. Shuttleworth, offg. Commissioner of Police, Rangoon.
M.B. Comber, Superintendent of Police, Western Divn., Rangoon Town, is appointed to offg. as Commissioner of Police, Rangoon Town, in place of E.C.S. Shuttleworth, proceeding on leave.
W. Perry, Inspector of Police, is appointed to offg. as a Deputy Superintendent of Police, Rangoon Town and is placed in charge of the Western Divn., in place of M.B. Comber, Superintendent of Police
W. Perry, Inspector of Police, offg. Deputy Superintendent is appointed under section 7 of the Rangoon Police Act, 1899 to be a Superintendent of Police in Rangoon.
W. Perry, Superintendent of Police, Western Divn., Rangoon Town, is placed in charge of the Central Divn., in addition to his other duties.
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint Lt.-Col. Owen James Obbard, I.A., Commissioner, Pegu Divn., to be a member of the Council of the Lt.- Governor of Burma for the purpose of making Laws and Regulations in the place of Sir B.S. Carey,, K.C.I.E., C.S.I., V.D., resigned.
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint Mr Edward Higinbotham, bar-at-law, offg. Govt. Advocate, Burma, to be a member of the Council of the Lt.- Governor of Burma for the purpose of making Laws and Regulations in the place of J.G. Rutledge, bar-at-law, resigned.
Privilege leave for six weeks is granted to Major T.F. Owens, I.M.S., Chemical Examiner, Burma.
Maung Thein Kin, F.C.S., First Asst. to the Chemical Examiner to the Govt. of Burma, is appointed to offg. as Chemical Examiner to the Govt. of Burma in place of Major Owens, proceeding on leave.
Temporary Civil Asst. Surgeon Mrs (sic) K.G. Ferguson, L.R.C.P. & S. (Edin.) F.R.C.S., L.M. (Dub.) is granted privilege leave to the extent due and leave on medical certificate in connection thereof, for a total period of three months.
Privilege leave for three months is granted to Mr J. Haddock, Deputy Director of Land Records, Burma, sub. pro. tem.
G.E. Scott, Executive Engineer, Port Blair, is re-transferred to the Burma Public Works Dept. and posted to the Chindwin Circle for special duty.
J. M’F Petters, Superintending Engineer, 3rd class, Burma Public Works Dept. has been granted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State for India an extension of six months leave on medical certificate.
In consequence of the retirement from the service of Mr E.S. TenBroeke, Deputy Registrar, Burma Public Works Secretariat, the following changes in the Ministerial Establishment of the above Secretariat are ordered with effect from the forenoon of the 19th Sept. 1918:-
W.J. Peters, Clerk, 1st class, to be Deputy Registrar, but to continue to act as Registrar.
A. F. Godenho, Clerk, 2nd class, to be Clerk, 1st class, but to continue to act as Deputy Registrar.
The under mentioned gentlemen are re-appointed to be Magistrates (Hony.) of the third class in Magwe Dist:- Yenangyaung - L. Kirk ; Maung Tun Aung Gyaw, K.S.M. ; Maung Tha Ya ; Maung Lu Gyi. The above mentioned gentlemen will hold office for a further term of three years.
Rev’d. W.E. Hardcastle relinquished charge of the Riverine Chaplaincy on 4th Oct.
B.W. Perkins, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, is, on return from leave, posted to special duty in the office of the Settlement Officer, No. 5 party.
Maung Po Han, bar-at-law, officiating First Deputy Registrar, Chief Court of Lower Burma, is appointed to officiate as Judge of the Court of Small Causes, Rangoon during the absence on leave of J.W. Godfrey, bar-at-law, or until further orders.
W.F. Grahame, I.C.S., officiating Commissioner, is, on being relieved by the Hon. Lt.-Col. O.J. Obbard, I.A., Commissioner, posted to the charge of the Hanthawaddy Dist., in place of Maung Shwe Zan Aung, A.T.M., officiating Deputy Commissioner, transferred.
Privilege leave for one month and sixteen days is granted to J.E. Godfrey, bar-at-law, Court of Small Causes, Rangoon.
Privilege leave to the amount due under Article 252 and leave on medical certificate in continuation thereof for a total period of three months is granted to C.W. King, Extra Asst. Commissioner.
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to nominate Dr. P.A. Hayne, M.R.C.S. (Eng.) L.R.C.P. (Lond.) Burma Railways, to be a member of the Burma Medical Council in place of Dr. T.F. Pedley, who has resigned.
J.L. Hefferman, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, attached to the Katha Forest Division, is transferred from Katha and is posted to the charge of the Lower Chindwin Forest Divn., in place of V.H.T. Fields-Clarke, Deputy Conservator of Forests, transferred.
On relief by J.L. Hefferman, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, V.H.T. Fields-Clarke, Deputy Conservator of Forests, in charge of the Lower Chindwin Forest Divn., is transferred from Monywa and is posted to the charge of the Bhamo Forest Divn. in place of A.R. Villar, Deputy Conservator of Forests, transferred.
On relief by V.H.T. Fields-Clarke, Deputy Conservator of Forests, A.R. Villar, Deputy Conservator of Forests, in charge of the Bhamo Forest Divn., is transferred from Bhamo and is posted to the charge of the West Salween Forest Division in place of L.C. Secluna, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, transferred.
On relief by A.R. Villar, Deputy Conservator of Forests, L.C. Secluna, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, in charge of the West Salween Forest Division, is transferred from Moulmein and is posted to the charge of the Revenue Range of the South Toungoo Forest Divn., in place of R.R. O’Hara, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, transferred.
On relief by L.C. Secluna, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, R.R. O’Hara, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, in charge of the Revenue Range of the South Toungoo Forest Divn., is transferred from Toungoo and is posted to the charge of the Insein Forest Divn. in place of R. Unwin, Deputy Conservator of Forests, who remains as Personal Asst. to the Conservator of Forests, Pegu Forest Circle, Rangoon.
The Services of Mr L. St. Clare Rundlett, Asst. Engineer, are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
B.E. Blaney, Engineer student from the Thomason College, Roorkee, under training in Burma, is appointed to the Engineer Branch of the Public Works Dept., as an Asst. Engineer, Provincial Service, and is posted to the Irrigation circle.
The following gentlemen are appointed to be members of the Yenangyaung Town Committee. They will hold office for two years: -
F.H. Parry, Agent, Twinzas Oil Co. ; Mahomed G.H. Surti, Twinza, U Than Zin, Twinza, U Lu Gyi, Twinza, Hon. Magistrate.
The Superintendent, Southern Shan States, appoints V.B. Webber to be a member of the Kalaw Town Committee, in place of W.C. Cantrell, who has left the station.
A.S. Gale, Inspector of Excise, 5th grade, is transferred from Rangoon to Moulmein, Amherst Dist., vice Maung Saw Aye, Asst. Supdt., of Excise, appointed to offg. as Supdt. of Excise.
J.B. Nicol, Inspector of Excise, (Salt) 4th grade, on expiry of leave is posted to Sandoway Dist., in place of Maung Za Ni U, offg. Inspector of Excise, who will revert to his permanent appointment.
R.A. Blake, Inspector of Excise, 5th grade, provisional substantive, on return from military duty, is granted War leave for six weeks.
E.E. Daniel, Sub-Inspector of Excise, 4th grade, Bhamo Dist., is appointed to officiate as Inspector of Excise, 5th grade and is posted to Myothit, Bhamo Dist., in place of C.H. Thomas, Inspector of Excise, 1st grade, appointed to officiate as Superintendent of Excise, 6th grade.
Maung Tun Baw, Sub-Inspector of Excise (Salt) 1st grade, is appointed to officiate as Inspector of Excise, (Salt) 5th grade and is posted to Karoppi in the Amherst Dist., vice J.B. Nichol, (sic) Inspector of Excise, (Salt) 4th grade, proceeding on leave.
J.G. Beechey, Inspector of Excise (Salt) 5th grade, on relief by Maung Po Sein, offg. Inspector of Excise (Salt) 4th grade, is transferred from Amherst Dist., vice Maung Tun Baw, offg. Inspector of Excise, (Salt) 5th grade, transferred.
B.S. Dean, Oversee, 1st grade, on being relieved of the charge of the Southern Sub-divn., is posted to the charge of the Headquarters Sub-divn., Pakokku Divn., vice S.R. Sharma, Asst. Engineer, transferred.
W.T. Bridge has been appointed Assistant Controller (Hardware, Implements and Metals, Calcutta.
F.W. Scott, I.C.S.A, Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner and is transferred from Paungde to the charge of the Prome District in place of C.S. Pennell, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, proceeding on leave.
Privilege leave for six weeks is granted to C.S. Pennell, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner.
The notification pacing the services of Mr J.M. Baguley, I.C.S., Dist. Judge, at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief of India, is cancelled.
W.H. Tarleton, Deputy Inspector-General of Police, 1st grade, and Commissioner of Police, Rangoon, is permitted to retire from the services of Government.
The services of D.J. Ross, Dist. Superintendent of Police are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief of India.
Privilege leave for three months is granted to J.H. Redmond, Registrar of the office of the Revenue Secretary to the Govt. of Burma.
Privilege leave for six weeks is granted to Dr. F.A. Foy, M.B., C.M., Port Health Officer, Rangoon.
J. F. D’Mello, L.M. & S. (Bom.) D.P.H., (Cantab.) is appointed to officiate as Port Health Officer, Rangoon, during the absence on leave of Dr. F.A. Foy.
E.H. Liversidge, Executive Engineer, Meiktila Divn., has privilege leave for six weeks with effect from the forenoon of the 12th Nov. 1918, with permission to affix to the leave the ensuing Christmas holiday to the provisions of Article 220 (ii) Civil Service Regulations.
The services of H.W.S. Smith, Executive Engineer, Embankment Divn., are placed at the disposal of the Military Department for duty in connection with the Indian Defence Force.
The Superintendent of the Northern Shan States appoints the following gentlemen to be members of the Lashio Town Committee: Major E. Butterfield, I.A., D.S.O., Battalion Commandant, Lashio ; Mr H. McReady, Deputy Superintendent of Police, Lashio ; Babu Tarachand, Merchant, Lashio.
P.A. Korb, officiating Inspector of Police, 2nd grade, on military duty, reverts to his substantive appointment as Inspector of Police, 3rd grade, with effect from 10th Aug. 1918 and remains seconded for service in the Military Department.
Appointments / Leave etc.
C.K. Davis, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner and is posted to the charge of the Myaungmya District as a temporary measure in addition to his other duties, in place of J.S. Furnivall, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner.
J.S. Furnivall, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, on being relieved by C.K., Davis, is posted to special duty in the Myaungmya Sessions Divn.
R.R. Brown, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, is, on return from leave, posted to the charge of the Amherst Dist., in place of Major H.P.M. Lord, I.A., officiating Deputy Commissioner.
Major H.P.M. Lord, I.A., officiating Deputy Commissioner, on being relieved by R.R. Brown, remains at the headquarters of the Amherst Dist. as Headquarters Assistant.
G.W. Cooke, Extra Asst. Commissioner, on return from leave, is posted to Sagaing as Superintendent of the office of the Commissioner, Sagaing Divn., in place of A.W. Seth, officiating Extra Asst. Commissioner, who reverts to his substantive appointment.
T.J. Metcalfe, Deputy Commissioner, on return from leave, is appointed to officiate as a Commissioner and is posted to the charge of the Magwe Divn., in place of Lt.-Col. D.J. Macnabb, C.S.I., I.A., Commissioner, proceeding on leave.
F.G. Steavenson, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner and is posted to the charge of the Mandalay Divn. in place of W.J. Smyth, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, proceeding on leave.
Privilege leave for one month is granted to E.D. Duckworth, I.C.S., officiating Divisional Judge.
E. Dawson, Dist. Judge, is permitted to retire from the service of Government.
The Lt.-Governor, with the previous sanction of the Government of India, is pleased to appoint Mr J. Coggin Brown, Asst. Superintendent, Geological Survey of India, to be Inspector of Explosives in and for the Tavoy and Mergui Disttrict.
The services of W.G. Fraser, I.E.S., Asst. Director of Public Instruction, Burma, are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in Chief in India.
A.L. George, Probationary Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, attached to the Henzada-Maubin Forest Divisions, is transferred from Henzada and is attached to the Pyinmana Forest Divn.
Major G. Farrington, Asst. Engineer, Sub-divnl. Officer of the Headquarters Sub-divn., Meiktila Divn., is appointed to hold charge of the current duties of the office of the Executive Engineer of the Division in addition to his own duties during the absence of Mr E.H. Liversidge, Executive Engineer, on six weeks privilege leave.
J.A. de Rozario, Supervisor, 1st grade, has been transferred from the Pegu to the Chindwin Circle.
R.A. Blake, Inspector of Excise, 5th grade, pro. sub. on expiry of leave is posted to the charge of the Salt duties at Karoppi, Amherst Dist. vice J.G. Beechey, Inspector of Excise (Salt) 5th grade, deceased.
J.B. Mellican, Inspector of Excise, 5th grade, is permitted to return to duty before the expiry of leave, is posted to Pa-an, Thaton Dist. vice Maung Pan Gaing, Inspector of Excise, 4th grade, transferred.
Leave on medical certificate for three months is granted to Mr M. D’Castro, Resident Excise Officer, 3rd grade, in continuation of privilege leave.
A.G. Adams, Asst. Supdt. of Police, is transferred from the Toungoo Battn. Burma Military Police and is posted to special duty with headquarters at Monywa.
M.O. Tanner, Asst. Supdt. of Police, is transferred from the Northern Shan States Battalion, Burma Military Police, and is posted to special duty with headquarters at Monywa.
Lt. J.A. Neil, Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, is transferred from the Bhamo Battalion and is posted to special duty with headquarters at Mawlaik.
J.A.P. Stuart, Dist. Supdt. of Police, is posted to duty with the Chindwin Battalion, Burma Military Police in addition to his own duties.
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint Mr J.A.P. Stuart, Dist. Supdt. of Police, to be an Asst. Commandant of Military Police.
The services of F.A. McMahon, Dist. Supdt. of Police, are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
At a special examination held at Rangoon on the 28th Oct. 1918, Mr G.E. Harvey, I.C.S., Under Secy. to the Govt. of Burma, passed the examination in Burmese by the Proficiency Standard.
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to extend the term of office of the following Members of the Legislative Council to the 18th May 1919:-
A. – Nominated Member. The Hon. Mr Charles Morgan Webb, I.C.S.
B. – Elected Member. The Hon. Mr Francis Foster Goodliffe.
Mr Yusuf Khandia, offg. Asst. Inspector of Schools, Pegu Circle, is appointed Asst. Inspector of Schools, sub. pro. tem., in place of Mr C. Pinto, P.E.S., Inspector of Schools, Rangoon Town Circle.
Privilege leave for two months and twenty seven days is granted to F.E.C. Palmer, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, attached to the Meiktila Forest Divn.
The special duty on which Mr A.O. Molesworth, Executive Engr., was placed, terminated on the forenoon of 1st Nov. 1918. The services of Mr A.O. Molesworth, Executive Engr., Burma Public Works Dept., are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
Privilege leave for twelve days is granted to G.A. Nicholas, Asst. Supdt. of Land Records, Akyab.
Mr D. St. J. Havock, M.B.E., Superintendent of excise, 4th grade, Insein Dist., is granted privilege leave for one month.
J.R. McCann, Inspector of Excise, 2nd grade, is appointed to officiate as Supt. of Excise, 6th grade and is posted to the Insein Dist. in place of Mr D. St. J. Havock.
C.K. Davis, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner and is posted to the charge of the Myaungmya District as a temporary measure in addition to his other duties, in place of J.S. Furnivall, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner.
J.S. Furnivall, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, on being relieved by C.K., Davis, is posted to special duty in the Myaungmya Sessions Divn.
R.R. Brown, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, is, on return from leave, posted to the charge of the Amherst Dist., in place of Major H.P.M. Lord, I.A., officiating Deputy Commissioner.
Major H.P.M. Lord, I.A., officiating Deputy Commissioner, on being relieved by R.R. Brown, remains at the headquarters of the Amherst Dist. as Headquarters Assistant.
G.W. Cooke, Extra Asst. Commissioner, on return from leave, is posted to Sagaing as Superintendent of the office of the Commissioner, Sagaing Divn., in place of A.W. Seth, officiating Extra Asst. Commissioner, who reverts to his substantive appointment.
T.J. Metcalfe, Deputy Commissioner, on return from leave, is appointed to officiate as a Commissioner and is posted to the charge of the Magwe Divn., in place of Lt.-Col. D.J. Macnabb, C.S.I., I.A., Commissioner, proceeding on leave.
F.G. Steavenson, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner and is posted to the charge of the Mandalay Divn. in place of W.J. Smyth, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, proceeding on leave.
Privilege leave for one month is granted to E.D. Duckworth, I.C.S., officiating Divisional Judge.
E. Dawson, Dist. Judge, is permitted to retire from the service of Government.
The Lt.-Governor, with the previous sanction of the Government of India, is pleased to appoint Mr J. Coggin Brown, Asst. Superintendent, Geological Survey of India, to be Inspector of Explosives in and for the Tavoy and Mergui Disttrict.
The services of W.G. Fraser, I.E.S., Asst. Director of Public Instruction, Burma, are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in Chief in India.
A.L. George, Probationary Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, attached to the Henzada-Maubin Forest Divisions, is transferred from Henzada and is attached to the Pyinmana Forest Divn.
Major G. Farrington, Asst. Engineer, Sub-divnl. Officer of the Headquarters Sub-divn., Meiktila Divn., is appointed to hold charge of the current duties of the office of the Executive Engineer of the Division in addition to his own duties during the absence of Mr E.H. Liversidge, Executive Engineer, on six weeks privilege leave.
J.A. de Rozario, Supervisor, 1st grade, has been transferred from the Pegu to the Chindwin Circle.
R.A. Blake, Inspector of Excise, 5th grade, pro. sub. on expiry of leave is posted to the charge of the Salt duties at Karoppi, Amherst Dist. vice J.G. Beechey, Inspector of Excise (Salt) 5th grade, deceased.
J.B. Mellican, Inspector of Excise, 5th grade, is permitted to return to duty before the expiry of leave, is posted to Pa-an, Thaton Dist. vice Maung Pan Gaing, Inspector of Excise, 4th grade, transferred.
Leave on medical certificate for three months is granted to Mr M. D’Castro, Resident Excise Officer, 3rd grade, in continuation of privilege leave.
A.G. Adams, Asst. Supdt. of Police, is transferred from the Toungoo Battn. Burma Military Police and is posted to special duty with headquarters at Monywa.
M.O. Tanner, Asst. Supdt. of Police, is transferred from the Northern Shan States Battalion, Burma Military Police, and is posted to special duty with headquarters at Monywa.
Lt. J.A. Neil, Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, is transferred from the Bhamo Battalion and is posted to special duty with headquarters at Mawlaik.
J.A.P. Stuart, Dist. Supdt. of Police, is posted to duty with the Chindwin Battalion, Burma Military Police in addition to his own duties.
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint Mr J.A.P. Stuart, Dist. Supdt. of Police, to be an Asst. Commandant of Military Police.
The services of F.A. McMahon, Dist. Supdt. of Police, are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
At a special examination held at Rangoon on the 28th Oct. 1918, Mr G.E. Harvey, I.C.S., Under Secy. to the Govt. of Burma, passed the examination in Burmese by the Proficiency Standard.
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to extend the term of office of the following Members of the Legislative Council to the 18th May 1919:-
A. – Nominated Member. The Hon. Mr Charles Morgan Webb, I.C.S.
B. – Elected Member. The Hon. Mr Francis Foster Goodliffe.
Mr Yusuf Khandia, offg. Asst. Inspector of Schools, Pegu Circle, is appointed Asst. Inspector of Schools, sub. pro. tem., in place of Mr C. Pinto, P.E.S., Inspector of Schools, Rangoon Town Circle.
Privilege leave for two months and twenty seven days is granted to F.E.C. Palmer, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, attached to the Meiktila Forest Divn.
The special duty on which Mr A.O. Molesworth, Executive Engr., was placed, terminated on the forenoon of 1st Nov. 1918. The services of Mr A.O. Molesworth, Executive Engr., Burma Public Works Dept., are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India.
Privilege leave for twelve days is granted to G.A. Nicholas, Asst. Supdt. of Land Records, Akyab.
Mr D. St. J. Havock, M.B.E., Superintendent of excise, 4th grade, Insein Dist., is granted privilege leave for one month.
J.R. McCann, Inspector of Excise, 2nd grade, is appointed to officiate as Supt. of Excise, 6th grade and is posted to the Insein Dist. in place of Mr D. St. J. Havock.
D.D. Nanavati, I.C.S., officiating Divnl. Judge, on being relieved by Mr E.D. Duckworth, I.C.S., Divnl. Judge, is posted as Judge of the Hanthawaddy and Insein Dist. Courts, in place of Maung Ba Kyaw, (2) K.S.M., officiating Dist. Judge.
Mr A.W. Seth, Chief Clerk in the office of the Deputy Commissioner, Mandalay Dist., is appointed to officiate as Extra Asst. Commissioner, 6th grade and is posted as Superintendent of the office of the Commissioner, Mandalay Divn., in place of Mr J.G. Harris, I.S.O., Extra Asst. Commissioner, deceased.
The following permanent alterations of rank are ordered in the Burma Commission:-
With effect from 26th Dept. 1918, consequent on the retirement of Lt.-Col. E.C. Townsend, I.A.: The Hon. Mr W.F. Rice, C.S.I., I.C.S. Chief Secretary to the Government of Burma, is appointed to be a Commissioner of a Division and to remain seconded as Chief Secretary to the Government of Burma. Mr R.E.V. Arbuthnot, I.C.S., Commissioner of Settlement and Land Records, Burma, to be a Commissioner of a Division and to remain seconded as Commissioner of Settlement and Land Records, Burma.
Mr J.S. Furnival, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, on completion of the duty to which he was posted in Oct., is posted to the charge of the Myaungmya Dist. in place of C.K. Davis, officiating Deputy Commissioner.
Mr J.H. Willson, Extra Asst. Commissioner (retired,) is appointed to be Superintendent of the office of the Commissioner, Arakan Divn., in place of Mr A.M. Evans, Extra Asst. Commissioner, proceeding on leave.
Privilege leave for three months and furlough in continuation thereof for three months is granted to A.E. English, C.I.E., I.C.S., Commissioner.
Privilege leave for three months is granted to A.M. Evans, Extra Asst. Commissioner.
The undermentioned Inspectors of Police are appointed to officiate as Deputy Superintendents of Police, 4th grade: W. Porter, Maung Than, Maung Po Hnone, A.G. Snadden, Maung Po Chit (2) Maung Ba Maung.
Major A.S.B. Roberts, I.A., Commandant, Burma Military Police, has been granted an extension of leave on medical certificate for six months.
An extension of leave in India for three days is granted to Major G.D. Wright, I.A., Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, in continuation of leave granted him.
On being appointed to officiate as a Deputy Superintendent of Police, W. Porter, Inspector of Police, is posted to the charge of the Kawkareik Subdivision, Amherst Dist., in place of Mr A. Clark, Deputy Superintendent of Police, proceeding on leave.
On being appointed to officiate as a Deputy Superintendent of Police, A.G. Snadden, Inspector of Police, is posted to the headquarters of the Mergui Dist. as Headquarters Deputy Superintendent.
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to make the following appointment upon his Personal Staff:- To be Aide-de-Camp – Capt. E.J.C. Hordern, R.I.M., Principal Port Officer, Burma.
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint Maung Ba Kyaw (2) K.S.M., offg. Dist. Judge, to be an Additional Judge of the Dist. Courts of Hanthawaddy and Insein.
L.F. Taylor, I.E.S., Principal of the Govt. High School, Bassein, is placed under suspension from 14th December.
Lt.-Col. C.S. Duer, I.M.S., (retired) Civil Surgeon, Maymyo, is granted privilege leave to the amount due from 20th Dec. 1918.
Capt. B.F. Eminson, I.M.S. is appointed to hold collateral charge of the Civil Surgeoncy at Maymyo during the absence of Lt.-Col. C.S. Duer, I.M.S., (retired.)
A.J. Finlayson, officiating Headmaster, Govt. High School, Rangoon, is transferred to the Govt. High School, Sagaing, as Headmaster vice J. Worsley.
At the departmental examination held on 6th Nov. the undermentioned candidates passed the exam. in Revenue Law for Asst. Commissioners, Extra Asst. Commissioner and Myook, by the standards specified:- Higher Standard – S.B. Smart, Probationary Extra Asst. Commissioner
At the departmental examination held on 5th and 6th Nov. the undermentioned candidates passed the exam. in Civil Law for Asst. Commissioners, Extra Asst. Commissioner and Myook, by the standards specified:- Higher Standard – C.B. de Kretser, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner
C.W. King, E.A.C., is, on return from leave, posted to Kamaing as Sub-divnl. Officer and Asst. Superintendent, Kachin Hills, in place of Mr L.D. Wilson, Asst. Commandant, Military Police, Myitkyina Battn.
B.W. Perkins, I.C.S., D.C., is appointed to be Settlement Officer, No. 5 Party, with effect from 1st Nov. 1918.
B.W. Swithinbank, I.C.S., on being relieved of the charge of No. 5 Party by Mr Perkins, will continue to perform the duties of Settlement Officer in the Sagaing Dist., till the 15th Dec. 1918 and thereafter is posted to Forest Settlement duty in the Amherst Dist.
T.J. Metcalfe, officiating Commissioner, is, on being relieved by Lt.-Col. D.J.C. Macnabb, C.S.I., I.A., Commissioner, posted to the charge of the Magwe Dist. in place of E.G. Pattle, I.C.S., officiating D.C.
F.W. Scott, I.C.S., officiating D.C., is on being relieved by C.S. Pennell, I.C.S., D.C., posted to the charge of the Paungde Sub-divn., Prome Dist., in place of Maung Maung, E.A.C.S, transferred.
Privilege leave for one month is granted to W.G. Wooster, E.A.C.
The Lt.-Governor declares Syriam Oil Works to be a police station to the Hanthawaddy Dist. of the Pegu Divn.
On return from leave, W.S. Plant, Deputy Superintendent of Police, is posted to the headquarters of the Lower Chindwin Dist. as Headquarters Deputy Superintendent.
Major E.T. Harris, I.M.S., is appointed first class Civil Surgeon, sub. pro. tem. with effect from 16th Sept. 1918 vice Lt.-Col. J. Penny, I.M.S., whose services have been placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander0in-Chief.
Notification No. 192 dated 4th Sept. 1918, appointing Mr Bernard Pereira, M.B., B.S. (Bom.) as a temporary Civil Asst. Surgeon, in Burma, is hereby cancelled.
On relief by Mr Hatim Taj, A.T.M., E.A.C.F., C.S. Baldwin, E.A.C.F., in charge of the Magwe Sub-divn. of the Minbu Forest Divn., is transferred from Taungdwingyi and is posted to the charge of the Revenue Range, North Toungoo Forest Divn.
Privilege leave for two months was granted to T.I. Pocock, E. Dy. C. F. with effect from 14th June 1918 in supersession of the leave granted on 12th June and 12th Aug. 1918 respectively.
Privilege leave for one month is granted to V.H.T. Fields-Clarke, D.C.F., with effect from 3rd Nov. prior to his taking over charge of the Bhamo Forest Divn.
J.B. Mercer Adam, D.C.F., has been granted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State for India, an extension of furlough on medical certificate for three and a half months in continuation of the extension of leave granted to him.
B.W. Swithinbank, I.C.S., D.C., is appointed to succeed J.C. Mackenzie, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, as Forest Settlement Officer for the purpose of holding the enquiry regarding the proposed Ta-ok Reserve in the Amherst Dist. ; he is appointed to succeed the Sub-divnl. Officer, Amherst, as Forest Settlement Officer for the purpose of holding the enquiries regarding the proposed Sakangyi Panga Tinyu and Lamaing Reserves, respectively in the Amherst Dist. ; and also appointed to succeed the Sub-divnl. Officer, Kawkareik, as Forest Settlement Officer for the purpose of holding the enquiries regarding the proposed Anangwin, Alantaya, Dawebauk, Megwa Extension No. III, Gungyi Extension No. III and Dali Extension No. III Reserves, respectively, in the Amherst Dist.
H.S. Ker-Edie, D.C.F., on leave, is permitted to retire from the service of Government with effect from 3rd Sept. 1918.
H.W.S. Smith, Executive Engr., on return from duty in the Military Dept., is re-posted to the Irrigation Circle for the charge of the Embankment Divn. Mr Smith took over charge of the Division from Maung Hpo Tsine, A.T.M. Temporary Upper Sub-ordinate, on the afternoon of the 14th Nov.
R.P. Farr, Executive Engr., Lashio Divn., is transferred from the Mandalay Circle and is appointed Executive Engr. Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Port Blair.
D.T. Wells, Executive Engr., Maymyo Divn. is appointed, as a temporary measure, to the charge of the Lashio Divn. in addition to his own duties.
R.F. Crean, Asst. Superintendent of Land Records, is posted to the charge of the Lower Chindwin Land Records office as a temporary measure in place of H.B. Powell, Superintendent of Land Records, transferred.
J.F. Williams, Superintendent of Land Records, is transferred from Shwebo and posted to the charge of the Thayetmyo Land Records Office in place of Maung Tin Gyi, Superintendent of Land Records, transferred.
B. Kirshore, Superintendent of Excise, 5th grade, sub. pro. tem., Henzada Dist. is granted privilege leave for three months with effect from the date on which he may be relieved of his duties.
A.J. McManus, Assistant Superintendent of Excise, is appointed to officiate as Superintendent of Excise, 6th grade and is posted to the Henzada Dist. in place of B. Kirshore, Superintendent of Excise, proceeding on leave.
The Financial Commissioner revokes the licence to solemnise marriages in Burma which was granted under the authority of Government General Department Notification No. 42, dated 30th Mar. 1899 to the Rev’d E.J. Bradford, Wesleyan Mission, Mandalay.
At the exam. held at Rangoon on 5th Nov. 1918, Mr V.S. Bhide, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, passed the prescribed exam. in Pali by the higher standard. Mr Bhide is entitled to receive a reward of Rs. 800.
The following promotions are ordered in the Provincial Civil Service:-
1. With effect from 16th July 1918, consequent on the retirement of R.D. Burne, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 5th grade: Mr J.J. Phipps, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 5th grade, prov. sub., to be confirmed in that grade.
2. With effect from 24th July 1918, consequent on the temporary increase to the cadre: J.T.O. Barnard, C.I.E., Extra Asst. Commissioner, 3rd grade and officiating Deputy Commissioner, to be Extra Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade, prov. sub. and to continue to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner. Maung Pein, A.T.M., Extra Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, to be Extra Asst. Commissioner, 3rd grade, prov. sub. Mr H. Rundle, on military duty Maung Gale (8) on foreign service and E.T.D. Gaudoin, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, sub. pro. tem., to be Extra Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, prov. sub. Mr E.G. Dobson, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 5th grade, to be Extra Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, tem. Mr A.W. Porter, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 5th grade, sub. pro. tem., to be Extra Asst. Commissioner, 5th grade, prov. sub.
3. With effect from 1st Aug. 1918, consequent on the retirement of Maung Po Yin , K.S.M., T.D.M., Extra Asst. Commissioner 3rd grade: ... Mr B. Fischer, (sic) Extra Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, prov. sub., to be confirmed in that grade. E.G. Dobson, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, sub. pro. tem., to be extra Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, prov. sub. Mr E.M. Kingsley, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 5th grade, to be Extra Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, sub. pro. tem. Mr J. Shaw, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 5th grade, prov. sub. to be confirmed in that grade.
4. With effect from 29th Aug. 1918, consequent on the retirement of Maung Po Byu (1) Extra Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade: Mr H.E. Fisher, (sic) Extra Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, prov. sub., to be confirmed in that grade. Mr E.M. Kingsley, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, sub. pro. tem., to be Extra Asst. Commissioner 4th grade, prov. sub. Mr K. Gibson-Nepean, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 5th grade, to be Extra Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, sub. pro. tem. Mr A.G. Gahan, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 5th grade, prov. sub., to be confirmed in that grade. Maung Tun On, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 5th grade, to be Extra Asst. Commissioner, 5th grade. Mr L.B. Naylor, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 6th grade, to be Extra Asst. Commissioner 5th grade, sub. pro. tem.
5. With effect from 12th Sept. 1918, consequent on the transfer of Maung Thet (1) T.D.M., Extra Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, to the Provincial Judicial Service: Mr H. Rundle, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, prov. sub., on military duty, to be confirmed in that grade and to continue to remain on military duty. Mr K. Gibson-Nepean, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, sub. pro. tem., to be Extra Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, prov. sub. Mr S. St. R. Korper, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 5th grade, prov. sub., to be confirmed in that grade. A.F. Thomas, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 6th grade, to be Extra Asst. Commissioner 5th grade, sub. pro. tem.
6. With effect from 22nd Oct. 1918, consequent on the retirement of Maung Tun Nyein, I.S.O., Extra Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade: Mr J.T.O. Barnard, C.I.E., Extra Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade, prov. sub. and officiating Deputy Commissioner, to be Extra Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade and to continue to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner. Mr G. Blake, Extra Asst. Commissioner 3rd grade, to be Extra Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade, prov. sub. Mr A.S. Phipps, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 6th grade, to be Extra Asst. Commissioner, 5th grade, sub. pro. tem.
The following promotions are ordered in the Police Dept:-
With effect from 21st Aug. 1918, consequent on the reversion of Mr G. Ellis, Dy. S.P. 4th grade, sub. pro. tem., on probation, to his substantive appointment as Inspector of Police, 2nd : Mr A.W. Barretto, Inspector of Police, 1st grade and officiating Dy. S.P., 4th grade, to be a Dy. S.P. 4th grade, sub. pro. tem., on probation.
With effect from 27th Sept. 1918, consequent on the retirement from service of Maung On, T.D.M., D.S.P., 2nd grade, and Maung Shwe Thaung, K.S.M., T.D.M., D.S.P., sub. pro. tem. Messrs. H.V.C. Sausman and W.S. Plant, Dy. S.P., 3rd grade, to be Dy. S.P. 2nd grade, sub. pro. tem. Messrs. P.A. Monteiro and A. Clark, Dy. S.P. 3rd grade, sub. pro. tem., to be Dy. S.P. 3rd grade. ... Mr R. Loose, Dy. S.P., 4th grade sub. pro. tem, on probation to be a Dy. S.P., 4th grade, provisionally substantive. Messrs. S.G. O’Hara and C. O’Donoghue, Inspectors of Police, 2nd grade and officiating Dy. S.P., 4th grade, to be Dy. S.P., 4th grade sub. pro. tem. on probation.
Dec. 7th – Extraordinary leave without allowances for fourteen days was granted to Major G.R.K. Williams, Deputy Commissioner, in extension of the leave granted him in May 1916, as extended by four months and seventeen days.
The following temporary alterations of tank are ordered in the Burma Commission:-
1. With effect from 5th Aug. 1918, the date on which the services of Mr F.L.J. Williamson, I.C.S., officiating Deputy Commissioner, 1st grade, were temporarily placed at the disposal of the Military Dept. for training: Mr G. Scott, I.C.S., (President Rangoon Municipal Committee,) to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner, 1st grade ; Mr A.J. Page, I.C.S., to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade.
2. With effect from 8th Aug. 1918, the day on which W.H.L. Cabell, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, 1st grade, returned from leave and Mr J.L. McCallum, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade, sub. pro. tem., proceeded : Mr G. Scott, I.C.S., (President Rangoon Municipal Committee,) to be a Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade.
3. With effect from 9th Aug. 1918, consequent on the return from leave of Mr G.P. Andrews, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade: Mr A.J. Page, I.C.S., to be a Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade, prov. sub.
4. With effect from 16th Aug. 1918, the date on which Mr A.G. Cooke, I.C.S., was appointed to officiate as a Commissioner of a Division: Mr G. Scott, I.C.S., (President Rangoon Municipal Committee,) to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner, 1st grade ; Mr A.J. Page, I.C.S., to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade.
5. With effect from 18th Aug. 1918, the date on which Mr F.H. Steavenson, I.C.S., to be (sic) a Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade, sub. pro. tem. ; F.W. Spargo, I.C.S. and M.S. Collis, I.C.S., to be Asst. Commissioners, 1st grade, sub. pro. tem. and to remain seconded for service in the Military Dept. ; H. Parker, I.C.S., to be Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade, sub. pro. tem. and to continue to officiare as a Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade.
6. With effect from 19th Aug. 1918, the date on which Mr W.J. Smyth, I.C.S., was appointed to officiate as a Commissioner of a Division: G.P. Andrew, I.C.S., to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner, 1st grade ; H.F. Sitzler, I.C.S., to officiate as a Deputy Commissions, 2nd grade.
7. With effect from 27th Aug. 1918, consequent on the appointment of A.G. Mosely, I.C.S., as a Dist. Judge, prov. sub. ; Mr J. St. C. Saunders, I.C.S., to be a Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade, prov. sub. and to remain seconded for service in the Military Dept. ; Mr J.B. Marshall, I.C.S., on privilege leave, to be a Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade, prov. sub. ; F.W. Scott, I.C.S., to be an Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade, prov. sub.
8. With effect from 9th Sept. 1918, consequent on the appointment of H.F. Dunkley, I.C.S., Dist. Judge, sub. pro. tem. : Major J.W.J. Alves, I.A., and Mr J.M. Conder, I.C.S., to be Asst. Commissioners, 1st grade, sub. pro. tem. and to remain seconded for service in the Military Dept. ; K.R.H. Jones, I.C.S., on privilege leave, to be an Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade, sub. pro.tem.
9. With effect from 18th Sept. 1918, consequent on the departure on leave of Mr G. Scott, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade and officiating 1st grade (President Rangoon Municipal Committee) : Lt.-Col. C.E. Bowen, to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner, 1st grade ; Mr H.O. Reynolds, I.C.S., to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade.
10. With effect from 19th Sept. 1918, the date on which Mr W.F. Grahame, I.C.S., was appointed to officiate as a Commissioner of a Division: Mr W.S. Morrison, I.C.S., on special duty, to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner, 1st grade ; Mr A.G.H. Breithaupt, to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner, 1st grade ; Mr J.B. Marshall, I.C.S., on privilege leave, to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade ; B.W. Swithinbank, I.C.S., to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade.
11. With effect from 24th Sept. 1918, consequent on the departure on privilege leave of B.W. Perkins, I.C.S., officiating Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade, Mr A.R. Morris, I.C.S., to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade: Major H.P.M. Lord, I.A., to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade.
The following substantive and temporary alterations in rank are ordered in the Police Dept:-
With effect from the 13th May 1918 – (a) consequent on the return from privilege leave of Mr H.D. Lucas, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 2nd grade; and (b) the retirement from the service of T.H.D. La Touche, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 3rd grade: Major H.C. Prescott, to be a D.S.P., 3rd grade and to remain on military duty ; A.C. Bateman, to be a D.S.P.S, 3rd grade, provisionally substantive and to remain on special duty ; C.A. Reynell, to be a D.S.P., 4th grade and simultaneously 3rd grade, provisionally substantive ; C.N. James, to be a D.S.P., 4th grade, provisionally substantive ; G. Waterworth, to be a D.S.P., 5th grade and to continue to officiate in the 4th grade ; E.H. Thirkell-White, to be a A.S.P., 1st grade, simultaneously a D.S.P., 5th grade, provisionally substantive and officiating 4th grade and to remain on military duty ; J.T.M. Cowan, to be a D.S.P. 5th grade, provisionally substantive ; M.O. Tanner, to be a D.S.P. 5th grade, provisionally substantive and to remain on duty with the Military Police ; H.J. Todd, to be a D.S.P., 5th grade, provisionally substantive and to remain on Military Duty ; Messrs. A.G. Adams and G.J. Harvey, to be D.S.P., 5th grade, provisionally substantive and to remain on duty with the Military Police ; F.H. Robinson to be a D.S.P., 5th grade, provisionally substantive and to remain on military duty ; Messrs. R.G.B. Lawson and F.H. Fearnley-Whittingstall, to be D.S.P. 5th grade, provisionally substantive and to remain on duty with the Military Police ; R.G.B. Prescott, to be a D.S.P. 5th grade, provisionally substantive and to remain on duty with the Military Police.
2. With effect from 2nd June consequent on the departure on combined leave of T. R. Dobson, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 3rd grade: C.N. James, to officiate as a D.S.P. 3rd grade ; J.T.M. Cowan to officiate as a D.S.P. 4th grade.
3. With effect from 6th June consequent on the return from privilege leave of M.J. Chisholm, Deputy Inspector-General of Civil Police, 1st grade: E.C.S. Shuttleworth, Deputy Inspector-General of Civil Police, 2nd grade and officiating 1st grade, to revert to his substantive appointment ; F.J.S. Whiting to officiate as a D.S.P. 1st grade ; W.S. Thom, D.S.P., 2nd grade and officiating 1st grade to revert to his substantive appointment ; Maung Tun Min, T.D.M., D.S.P. 3rd grade and officiating 2nd grade to revert to his substantive appointment ; C.N. James, to be a D.S.P. 4th grade, provisionally substantive ; J.T.M. Cowan, to be a D.S.P. 5th grade, provisionally substantive.
4. With effect from 11th June consequent on the departure on combined leave of Mr F.A. McMahon, Dist. Superintendent of Police 5th grade, provisionally substantive and officiating 4th grade: J.T.M. Cowan to officiate as a D.S.P., 4th grade.
Mr G.C. Latimer, officiating District Superintendent of Police is placed under suspension with effect from the 29th November 1918.
Privilege leave for one month and twelve days and special leave in continuation thereof for a total combined period of six months is granted to J.W. Davidson, Dist. Superintendent of Police and Superintendent of Police Supplies, Burma.
Privilege leave for two months is granted to S.W. Cocks, I.E.S. with effect from the 15th Dec. 1918.
Mr J. Haddock, Deputy Director of Land Records, Burma, sub. pro. tem., is permitted to retire from the service of Government with effect from the 24th January 1919.
The services of K. Duraiswami Mudaliyar of the Madras Provincial Civil Service are replaced at the disposal of the Govt. of Madras with effect from 6th Nov. 1918, on making over charge of his duties as Assistant Protector of Emigrants and Immigrants to J.C. MacKenzie, I.C.S., Protector of Emigrants and Immigrants, Rangoon.
A.E. Elmore, E.A.C., Forests, attached to the Zigon Forest Divn., is posted to duty in the Tharrawaddy Forest Divn.
Privilege leave for three months is granted to W.R. French, Extra D.C., Forests, attached to the Pegu Forest Divn.
Privilege leave for three months is granted to R.R. O’Hara, Extra D.C., Forests, in charge of the Revenue Range, South Toungoo Forest Divn.
J.W.L. O’Hara, E.A.C., Forests, attached to the South Toungoo Forest Divn., is posted to the charge of the Revenue Range, of that Divn., in place of R.R. O’Hara, proceeding on leave.
Mr V. Paul, Myook, is transferred from Danubyu to the headquarters of the Pegu Dist., for training in the duties of an Akunwun.
At an exam. in Hindustani by the colloquial test held at Rangoon on 19th Nov. the following passed: S.C. Butler, Asst. Accountant, National Bank of India, Rangoon ; B.M. Hallett, Asst. Messrs. Gillanders Arbuthnot & Co., Rangoon.
D.D. Nanavati, I.C.S., officiating Divnl. Judge, on being relieved by Mr E.D. Duckworth, I.C.S., Divnl. Judge, is posted as Judge of the Hanthawaddy and Insein Dist. Courts, in place of Maung Ba Kyaw, (2) K.S.M., officiating Dist. Judge.
Mr A.W. Seth, Chief Clerk in the office of the Deputy Commissioner, Mandalay Dist., is appointed to officiate as Extra Asst. Commissioner, 6th grade and is posted as Superintendent of the office of the Commissioner, Mandalay Divn., in place of Mr J.G. Harris, I.S.O., Extra Asst. Commissioner, deceased.
The following permanent alterations of rank are ordered in the Burma Commission:-
With effect from 26th Dept. 1918, consequent on the retirement of Lt.-Col. E.C. Townsend, I.A.: The Hon. Mr W.F. Rice, C.S.I., I.C.S. Chief Secretary to the Government of Burma, is appointed to be a Commissioner of a Division and to remain seconded as Chief Secretary to the Government of Burma. Mr R.E.V. Arbuthnot, I.C.S., Commissioner of Settlement and Land Records, Burma, to be a Commissioner of a Division and to remain seconded as Commissioner of Settlement and Land Records, Burma.
Mr J.S. Furnival, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, on completion of the duty to which he was posted in Oct., is posted to the charge of the Myaungmya Dist. in place of C.K. Davis, officiating Deputy Commissioner.
Mr J.H. Willson, Extra Asst. Commissioner (retired,) is appointed to be Superintendent of the office of the Commissioner, Arakan Divn., in place of Mr A.M. Evans, Extra Asst. Commissioner, proceeding on leave.
Privilege leave for three months and furlough in continuation thereof for three months is granted to A.E. English, C.I.E., I.C.S., Commissioner.
Privilege leave for three months is granted to A.M. Evans, Extra Asst. Commissioner.
The undermentioned Inspectors of Police are appointed to officiate as Deputy Superintendents of Police, 4th grade: W. Porter, Maung Than, Maung Po Hnone, A.G. Snadden, Maung Po Chit (2) Maung Ba Maung.
Major A.S.B. Roberts, I.A., Commandant, Burma Military Police, has been granted an extension of leave on medical certificate for six months.
An extension of leave in India for three days is granted to Major G.D. Wright, I.A., Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, in continuation of leave granted him.
On being appointed to officiate as a Deputy Superintendent of Police, W. Porter, Inspector of Police, is posted to the charge of the Kawkareik Subdivision, Amherst Dist., in place of Mr A. Clark, Deputy Superintendent of Police, proceeding on leave.
On being appointed to officiate as a Deputy Superintendent of Police, A.G. Snadden, Inspector of Police, is posted to the headquarters of the Mergui Dist. as Headquarters Deputy Superintendent.
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to make the following appointment upon his Personal Staff:- To be Aide-de-Camp – Capt. E.J.C. Hordern, R.I.M., Principal Port Officer, Burma.
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint Maung Ba Kyaw (2) K.S.M., offg. Dist. Judge, to be an Additional Judge of the Dist. Courts of Hanthawaddy and Insein.
L.F. Taylor, I.E.S., Principal of the Govt. High School, Bassein, is placed under suspension from 14th December.
Lt.-Col. C.S. Duer, I.M.S., (retired) Civil Surgeon, Maymyo, is granted privilege leave to the amount due from 20th Dec. 1918.
Capt. B.F. Eminson, I.M.S. is appointed to hold collateral charge of the Civil Surgeoncy at Maymyo during the absence of Lt.-Col. C.S. Duer, I.M.S., (retired.)
A.J. Finlayson, officiating Headmaster, Govt. High School, Rangoon, is transferred to the Govt. High School, Sagaing, as Headmaster vice J. Worsley.
At the departmental examination held on 6th Nov. the undermentioned candidates passed the exam. in Revenue Law for Asst. Commissioners, Extra Asst. Commissioner and Myook, by the standards specified:- Higher Standard – S.B. Smart, Probationary Extra Asst. Commissioner
At the departmental examination held on 5th and 6th Nov. the undermentioned candidates passed the exam. in Civil Law for Asst. Commissioners, Extra Asst. Commissioner and Myook, by the standards specified:- Higher Standard – C.B. de Kretser, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner.
D.D. Nanavati, I.C.S., Dist. Judge is transferred from Rangoon to the headquarters of the Bassein Dist. as Judge of the Dist. Courts, Bassein and Henzada, in place of Mr H.F. Dunkley, I.S.C., Dist. Judge, transferred.
Privilege leave for three months and furlough in continuation thereof for a total combine period of one year is granted to Mr J.L. Ommanney, Dist. Superintendent of Police, with effect from the date on which he may avail himself of the privilege leave.
On return from leave, Mr B.C. Rake, Dist. Superintendent of Police, is posted to the charge of the Police of the Hanthawaddy Dist. in place of J.L. Ommanney, Dist. Superintendent of Police, proceeding on leave.
W.H. Tarleton, Deputy Inspector-General of Civil Police, was granted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State for India an extension of leave on medical certificate from 20th Oct. 1918 to the 26th Nov. 1918, booth days inclusive.
On return from leave Mr A.C. Bateman, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 3rd grade, provisionally substantive, is appointed to officiate as Superintendent of Police Supplies, Burma, in place of Mr J.W. Davidson, Dist. Superintendent of Police, proceeding on leave.
Leave on full military pay for three months and leave on medical certificate in continuation thereof for one year and one month is granted to H.R. Alexander, Dist. Superintendent of Police, with effect from 28th May 1918.
At the departmental exam. held at Mandalay and Mawlaik on 4th Nov. 1918 Mr H.D. Grantham, Asst. Commandant , Burma Military Police, passed the prescribed test in Hindustani by the Standard (sic.) Mr Grantham is entitled to an award of Rs. 800. … The undermentioned passed by the Colloquial Standard prescribed for Police Offices and Jailors:-
Police Officers:- Maung Tin (2) offg. Inspector of Police, Hmawza … Mr T. Pearson, Sergt. of Police, Rangoon, Mr J. Hutton, Sergt. of Police, Maymyo, C.E. Henderson, Sergt. of Police, Shwebo.
Jailors:- Maung Gale, Jailor, Insein, … Mr P.I. David, Paid Apprentice Jailor, Meiktila.
Privilege leave to the amount due combined with furlough for a total period of six months is granted to Dr. F.A. Foy, M.B., C.M., Port Health Officer, Rangoon.
This department notification no. 231, dated 19th Oct. 1918 is hereby cancelled:- Lt.-Col. R.H. Castor, I.M.S., Civil Surgeon, Taunggyi, is appointed to be Civil Surgeon, Moulmein, in place of Mr Evans Bidie, transferred.
Mr Evans Bidie, L.R.C.P. & S. (Edin.) Civil Surgeon, Moulmein, is appointed to be Civil Surgeon, Taunggyi, in place of Lt.-Col. R.H. Castor, I.M.S., transferred.
Lt.-Col. P. Dee, M.B., I.M.S., Civil Surgeon, Rangoon (West) and (East) is granted privilege leave for six weeks.
On return from leave Lt.-Col. C.C.S. Barry, C.I.E., I.M.S., Medical Superintendent, Rangoon General Hospital, Major W.V. Coppinger, D.S.O., M.D., I.M.S., is appointed to officiate as Civil Surgeon, Rangoon (West) and also to hold charge of the duties of Civil Surgeon, Rangoon (East) in place of Lt.-Col. P. Dee, M.B., I.M.S., proceeding on leave.
On return from leave Mr W.R. French, Extra deputy Conservator of Forests, is posted to the charge of Pegu Forest Divn. in place of A.B. Nixon, Deputy Conservator of Forests, who remains in charge of the Nyaunglebin Forest Divisions.
The Local Government appoints the undermentioned gentlemen to be members of the Moulmein Municipal Committee with effect from 1st Jan. 1919:- Dr. E.J. Hynes, Medical Practitioner ; Mr P. McNeill of Messrs. Hall, Paterson & Co., Mr A.J. Darwood, bar-at-law ; Mr C.W. Law, bar-at-law ; Mr W.P. Mitchell, Merchant ; U Tha Dun Aung, K.S.M., A.T.M., F.R.C.L., Hony. Magistrate ; U Po Kin, Merchant ; U Pan, Merchant ; U Tha Dun, Merchant ; U CHit Pe, Advocate ; Leong Ah Choy, Merchant ; Mirza Mahomed Rafi, bar-at-law ; G.M. Lotiah, Merchant ; Babu H. Rookmanand, Merchant and Sawmill owner Mr P. Dorasawmy Pillay, Merchant.
The undermentioned gentlemen have been duly elected as members of the Bassein Municipal Committee:-
Elected by the European Community:-
Mr O. Christiansen, Stevedore ; R.A. Raphael, Merchant.
Elected by the Burman Community:-
U Po Maung, T.P.S., Trader and Magistrate ; U Tun Hla Gyi, Trader and Hony. Magistrate ; U Po Hlaing, Merchant ; U So Maung (T.P.S.) Paddy Broker & Hony. Magistrate ; Maung Ba Kyin, bar-at-law.
Elected by the Mahomedan Community:- Abdul Majid (alias Maung Pe) Trader.
Elected by the Chinese Community:- Loke Ta Shwe, Paddy Broker and Hony. Magistrate.
Elected by the Karen Community:- The Hon. Dr. San C. Po, Medical Practitioner.
The Local Government appoints Mr James McCraken of Messrs. Steel Bros., Bassein, to be a member of the Bassein Municipal Committee.
F.D. Sutherland, Supervisor, Supernumerary List, has been granted an extension of leave on medical certificate for one month.
J.R. McCann, Inspector of Excise, 2nd grade, is appointed to officiate as Superintendent of Excise, 6th grade and is posted to the Pyapon Dist., in place of Mr K. Nowrojee.
Maung Ba Thaung, Inspector of Excise, 1st grade, on expiry of his leave granted to him (17th June 918) is posted to Mandalay Dist. in place of Mr C.W. Law, Inspector of Excise, 2nd grade, transferred from Mandalay to Rangoon, Rangoon Town Dist. in place of S.S.T. Foster, officiating Inspector of Excise, 5th grade, who reverts to his substantive appointment.
Under the provisions of Rule 4 … leave on medical certificate for ten months has been granted to C.P.R. Young, bar-at-law, Govt. Advocate, Burma.
F.C. Barclay, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, whose services have been replaced at the charge of the Pyinmana Sub-divn. Yamethin Dist. in place of Maung Kyin Yon, K.S.M., Extra Asst. Commissioner.
On return from leave on the afternoon of the 6th Dec. 1918, Mr C.G. Rogers was placed on special duty in the office of the chief Conservator of Forests, Burma, with headquarters at Rangoon.
On completion of the special duty to which he was posted in this department notification no 221 of the 26th Dec. 1918, Mr C.G. Rogers resumed charge of the office of Chief Conservator of Forests, Burma, from Mr H. Carter, Conservator of Forests, who was reposted to the charge of the Southern Circle in place of Mr G.K. Parker, officiating Conservator of Forests, transferred.
On relief of the charge of the Southern Circle by Mr H. Carter, Conservator of Forests, Mr G.K. Parker, officiating Conservator of Forests, was transferred from Maymyo and was posted to the charge of the Tenasserim Circle in place of Mr F.H. Todd, Deputy Conservator of Forests, transferred.
On relief of the charge of the Tenasserim Circle by Mr G.K. Parker, officiating Conservator of Forests,
Mr F.H. Todd, Deputy Conservator of Forests, was transferred from Rangoon and was posted to the charge of the North Toungoo Forests Divn. in place of Mr A. Lawrence, Deputy Conservator of Forests, who remains in charge of the South Toungoo Forests Division.
Mr S. Yeates is appointed Timber Assistant in the Forest Department for three years and is posted to duty in the Zigon Forest Division.
Mr F.G. Edwards, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, whose services have been replaced by the Govt. of India at the Lt.-Governor’s disposal on completion of the duties to which he was posted under the Indian Munitions Board, is placed on duty in the Mu Forest Divn.
Mr R.A. Cochrane, Deputy Conservator of Forests, whose services have been replaced by the Govt. of India at the Lt.-Governor’s disposal on completion of the duties to which he was posted under the Indian Munitions Board, is placed on special duty in the Meiktila Forest Divn. with headquarters at Meiktila.
Under the provisions of section 7, sub-section (1) … of the Burma Municipal Act 1898, the Lt.-Governor appoints the undermentioned gentlemen to be members of the Rangoon Municipal Committee:- G. Scott, I.C.S. ; E.J. Holberton, Bombay Burma Trading Corporation ; A. Forbes, Hony. Magistrate, Rangoon ; J.R.D. Glascott, officiating Chief Engr., Burma Railways ; V.M. Abdul Rahman.
The Lt.-Governor reappoints Mr G. Scott, I.C.S., a member of the Rangoon Municipal Committee to be President of that committee.
On return from leave Mr F.D. Sutherland, Supernumerary Supervisor, has been transferred from the Chindwin to the Mandalay Circle.
On relief by Mr M. D’Castro, Resident Excise Officer, Mahomed, officiating Resident Excise Officer, is transferred from Mudon to the charge of the liquor warehouse at Amherst in place of Maung Kan Pe, officiating Resident Excise Officer, transferred.
Office of the Commissioner of Police, Rangoon – Mr W. Perry, officiating Deputy Superintendent of Police, reverts to his substantive appointment as Inspector of Police, 1st grade, with effect from the forenoon of 13th Dec. 1918. On his reversion Mr W. Perry assumed charge of his duty as Inspector of Police, 1st grade, on the forenoon of 13th Dec. 1918. Consequent on the reversion of Mr W. Perry officiating Deputy Superintendent of Police to his substantive appointment as Inspector of Police, 1st grade, the following reversions are ordered with effect from the forenoon of 13th Dec. 1918:-
Mr H. Smith, officiating Inspector of Police, 1st grade, to revert to his substantive appointment as Inspector of Police, 2nd grade ; G.E. Litchfield, officiating Inspector of Police, 2nd grade to revert to his substantive appointment as Inspector of Police 3rd grade ; A.V.O. Wells, , officiating Inspector of Police, 3rd grade revert to his substantive appointment as Deputy Inspector of Police 1st grade, provisionally substantive.
Mr A.V.O. Wells, Deputy Inspector of Police, 1st grade, provisionally substantive is re-promoted to be Inspector of Police, 3rd grade, provisionally substantive, with effect from the forenoon of 13th Dec. 1918 vice Maung Ba Oh, reverted.
At the departmental exam. held at Moulmein, Meiktila, Mandalay, Mogok and Port Blair on 5th Nov. 1918, the following candidates passed the exam. in Law prescribed for officers of the Forest Dept:- Mr D. Lindsay-Smith, Probationary Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests ; Mr H. Hilbert, Probationary Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests ; Maung Nee, Probationary Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests ; F. C. Phaure, Probationary Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests ; Maung Thein Lwin, Probationary Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests ; Mr W. Beatson, Forest Ranger, Singu ; Maung Sein Lwin, Forest Ranger, Mogok.
Mr A.W. Seth, Chief Clerk in the office of the Deputy Commissioner, Mandalay Dist., is appointed to officiate as Extra Asst. Commissioner, 6th grade and is posted as Superintendent of the office of the Commissioner, Mandalay Divn., in place of Mr J.G. Harris, I.S.O., Extra Asst. Commissioner, deceased.
The following permanent alterations of rank are ordered in the Burma Commission:-
With effect from 26th Dept. 1918, consequent on the retirement of Lt.-Col. E.C. Townsend, I.A.: The Hon. Mr W.F. Rice, C.S.I., I.C.S. Chief Secretary to the Government of Burma, is appointed to be a Commissioner of a Division and to remain seconded as Chief Secretary to the Government of Burma. Mr R.E.V. Arbuthnot, I.C.S., Commissioner of Settlement and Land Records, Burma, to be a Commissioner of a Division and to remain seconded as Commissioner of Settlement and Land Records, Burma.
Mr J.S. Furnival, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, on completion of the duty to which he was posted in Oct., is posted to the charge of the Myaungmya Dist. in place of C.K. Davis, officiating Deputy Commissioner.
Mr J.H. Willson, Extra Asst. Commissioner (retired,) is appointed to be Superintendent of the office of the Commissioner, Arakan Divn., in place of Mr A.M. Evans, Extra Asst. Commissioner, proceeding on leave.
Privilege leave for three months and furlough in continuation thereof for three months is granted to A.E. English, C.I.E., I.C.S., Commissioner.
Privilege leave for three months is granted to A.M. Evans, Extra Asst. Commissioner.
The undermentioned Inspectors of Police are appointed to officiate as Deputy Superintendents of Police, 4th grade: W. Porter, Maung Than, Maung Po Hnone, A.G. Snadden, Maung Po Chit (2) Maung Ba Maung.
Major A.S.B. Roberts, I.A., Commandant, Burma Military Police, has been granted an extension of leave on medical certificate for six months.
An extension of leave in India for three days is granted to Major G.D. Wright, I.A., Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, in continuation of leave granted him.
On being appointed to officiate as a Deputy Superintendent of Police, W. Porter, Inspector of Police, is posted to the charge of the Kawkareik Subdivision, Amherst Dist., in place of Mr A. Clark, Deputy Superintendent of Police, proceeding on leave.
On being appointed to officiate as a Deputy Superintendent of Police, A.G. Snadden, Inspector of Police, is posted to the headquarters of the Mergui Dist. as Headquarters Deputy Superintendent.
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to make the following appointment upon his Personal Staff:- To be Aide-de-Camp – Capt. E.J.C. Hordern, R.I.M., Principal Port Officer, Burma.
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint Maung Ba Kyaw (2) K.S.M., offg. Dist. Judge, to be an Additional Judge of the Dist. Courts of Hanthawaddy and Insein.
L.F. Taylor, I.E.S., Principal of the Govt. High School, Bassein, is placed under suspension from 14th December.
Lt.-Col. C.S. Duer, I.M.S., (retired) Civil Surgeon, Maymyo, is granted privilege leave to the amount due from 20th Dec. 1918.
Capt. B.F. Eminson, I.M.S. is appointed to hold collateral charge of the Civil Surgeoncy at Maymyo during the absence of Lt.-Col. C.S. Duer, I.M.S., (retired.)
A.J. Finlayson, officiating Headmaster, Govt. High School, Rangoon, is transferred to the Govt. High School, Sagaing, as Headmaster vice J. Worsley.
At the departmental examination held on 6th Nov. the undermentioned candidates passed the exam. in Revenue Law for Asst. Commissioners, Extra Asst. Commissioner and Myook, by the standards specified:- Higher Standard – S.B. Smart, Probationary Extra Asst. Commissioner
At the departmental examination held on 5th and 6th Nov. the undermentioned candidates passed the exam. in Civil Law for Asst. Commissioners, Extra Asst. Commissioner and Myook, by the standards specified:- Higher Standard – C.B. de Kretser, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner
C.W. King, E.A.C., is, on return from leave, posted to Kamaing as Sub-divnl. Officer and Asst. Superintendent, Kachin Hills, in place of Mr L.D. Wilson, Asst. Commandant, Military Police, Myitkyina Battn.
B.W. Perkins, I.C.S., D.C., is appointed to be Settlement Officer, No. 5 Party, with effect from 1st Nov. 1918.
B.W. Swithinbank, I.C.S., on being relieved of the charge of No. 5 Party by Mr Perkins, will continue to perform the duties of Settlement Officer in the Sagaing Dist., till the 15th Dec. 1918 and thereafter is posted to Forest Settlement duty in the Amherst Dist.
T.J. Metcalfe, officiating Commissioner, is, on being relieved by Lt.-Col. D.J.C. Macnabb, C.S.I., I.A., Commissioner, posted to the charge of the Magwe Dist. in place of E.G. Pattle, I.C.S., officiating D.C.
F.W. Scott, I.C.S., officiating D.C., is on being relieved by C.S. Pennell, I.C.S., D.C., posted to the charge of the Paungde Sub-divn., Prome Dist., in place of Maung Maung, E.A.C.S, transferred.
Privilege leave for one month is granted to W.G. Wooster, E.A.C.
The Lt.-Governor declares Syriam Oil Works to be a police station to the Hanthawaddy Dist. of the Pegu Divn.
On return from leave, W.S. Plant, Deputy Superintendent of Police, is posted to the headquarters of the Lower Chindwin Dist. as Headquarters Deputy Superintendent.
Major E.T. Harris, I.M.S., is appointed first class Civil Surgeon, sub. pro. tem. with effect from 16th Sept. 1918 vice Lt.-Col. J. Penny, I.M.S., whose services have been placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander0in-Chief.
Notification No. 192 dated 4th Sept. 1918, appointing Mr Bernard Pereira, M.B., B.S. (Bom.) as a temporary Civil Asst. Surgeon, in Burma, is hereby cancelled.
On relief by Mr Hatim Taj, A.T.M., E.A.C.F., C.S. Baldwin, E.A.C.F., in charge of the Magwe Sub-divn. of the Minbu Forest Divn., is transferred from Taungdwingyi and is posted to the charge of the Revenue Range, North Toungoo Forest Divn.
Privilege leave for two months was granted to T.I. Pocock, E. Dy. C. F. with effect from 14th June 1918 in supersession of the leave granted on 12th June and 12th Aug. 1918 respectively.
Privilege leave for one month is granted to V.H.T. Fields-Clarke, D.C.F., with effect from 3rd Nov. prior to his taking over charge of the Bhamo Forest Divn.
J.B. Mercer Adam, D.C.F., has been granted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State for India, an extension of furlough on medical certificate for three and a half months in continuation of the extension of leave granted to him.
B.W. Swithinbank, I.C.S., D.C., is appointed to succeed J.C. Mackenzie, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, as Forest Settlement Officer for the purpose of holding the enquiry regarding the proposed Ta-ok Reserve in the Amherst Dist. ; he is appointed to succeed the Sub-divnl. Officer, Amherst, as Forest Settlement Officer for the purpose of holding the enquiries regarding the proposed Sakangyi Panga Tinyu and Lamaing Reserves, respectively in the Amherst Dist. ; and also appointed to succeed the Sub-divnl. Officer, Kawkareik, as Forest Settlement Officer for the purpose of holding the enquiries regarding the proposed Anangwin, Alantaya, Dawebauk, Megwa Extension No. III, Gungyi Extension No. III and Dali Extension No. III Reserves, respectively, in the Amherst Dist.
H.S. Ker-Edie, D.C.F., on leave, is permitted to retire from the service of Government with effect from 3rd Sept. 1918.
H.W.S. Smith, Executive Engr., on return from duty in the Military Dept., is re-posted to the Irrigation Circle for the charge of the Embankment Divn. Mr Smith took over charge of the Division from Maung Hpo Tsine, A.T.M. Temporary Upper Sub-ordinate, on the afternoon of the 14th Nov.
R.P. Farr, Executive Engr., Lashio Divn., is transferred from the Mandalay Circle and is appointed Executive Engr. Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Port Blair.
D.T. Wells, Executive Engr., Maymyo Divn. is appointed, as a temporary measure, to the charge of the Lashio Divn. in addition to his own duties.
R.F. Crean, Asst. Superintendent of Land Records, is posted to the charge of the Lower Chindwin Land Records office as a temporary measure in place of H.B. Powell, Superintendent of Land Records, transferred.
J.F. Williams, Superintendent of Land Records, is transferred from Shwebo and posted to the charge of the Thayetmyo Land Records Office in place of Maung Tin Gyi, Superintendent of Land Records, transferred.
B. Kirshore, Superintendent of Excise, 5th grade, sub. pro. tem., Henzada Dist. is granted privilege leave for three months with effect from the date on which he may be relieved of his duties.
A.J. McManus, Assistant Superintendent of Excise, is appointed to officiate as Superintendent of Excise, 6th grade and is posted to the Henzada Dist. in place of B. Kirshore, Superintendent of Excise, proceeding on leave.
The Financial Commissioner revokes the licence to solemnise marriages in Burma which was granted under the authority of Government General Department Notification No. 42, dated 30th Mar. 1899 to the Rev’d E.J. Bradford, Wesleyan Mission, Mandalay.
At the exam. held at Rangoon on 5th Nov. 1918, Mr V.S. Bhide, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, passed the prescribed exam. in Pali by the higher standard. Mr Bhide is entitled to receive a reward of Rs. 800.
The following promotions are ordered in the Provincial Civil Service:-
1. With effect from 16th July 1918, consequent on the retirement of R.D. Burne, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 5th grade: Mr J.J. Phipps, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 5th grade, prov. sub., to be confirmed in that grade.
2. With effect from 24th July 1918, consequent on the temporary increase to the cadre: J.T.O. Barnard, C.I.E., Extra Asst. Commissioner, 3rd grade and officiating Deputy Commissioner, to be Extra Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade, prov. sub. and to continue to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner. Maung Pein, A.T.M., Extra Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, to be Extra Asst. Commissioner, 3rd grade, prov. sub. Mr H. Rundle, on military duty Maung Gale (8) on foreign service and E.T.D. Gaudoin, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, sub. pro. tem., to be Extra Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, prov. sub. Mr E.G. Dobson, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 5th grade, to be Extra Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, tem. Mr A.W. Porter, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 5th grade, sub. pro. tem., to be Extra Asst. Commissioner, 5th grade, prov. sub.
3. With effect from 1st Aug. 1918, consequent on the retirement of Maung Po Yin , K.S.M., T.D.M., Extra Asst. Commissioner 3rd grade: ... Mr B. Fischer, (sic) Extra Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, prov. sub., to be confirmed in that grade. E.G. Dobson, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, sub. pro. tem., to be extra Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, prov. sub. Mr E.M. Kingsley, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 5th grade, to be Extra Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, sub. pro. tem. Mr J. Shaw, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 5th grade, prov. sub. to be confirmed in that grade.
4. With effect from 29th Aug. 1918, consequent on the retirement of Maung Po Byu (1) Extra Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade: Mr H.E. Fisher, (sic) Extra Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, prov. sub., to be confirmed in that grade. Mr E.M. Kingsley, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, sub. pro. tem., to be Extra Asst. Commissioner 4th grade, prov. sub. Mr K. Gibson-Nepean, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 5th grade, to be Extra Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, sub. pro. tem. Mr A.G. Gahan, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 5th grade, prov. sub., to be confirmed in that grade. Maung Tun On, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 5th grade, to be Extra Asst. Commissioner, 5th grade. Mr L.B. Naylor, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 6th grade, to be Extra Asst. Commissioner 5th grade, sub. pro. tem.
5. With effect from 12th Sept. 1918, consequent on the transfer of Maung Thet (1) T.D.M., Extra Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, to the Provincial Judicial Service: Mr H. Rundle, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, prov. sub., on military duty, to be confirmed in that grade and to continue to remain on military duty. Mr K. Gibson-Nepean, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, sub. pro. tem., to be Extra Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, prov. sub. Mr S. St. R. Korper, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 5th grade, prov. sub., to be confirmed in that grade. A.F. Thomas, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 6th grade, to be Extra Asst. Commissioner 5th grade, sub. pro. tem.
6. With effect from 22nd Oct. 1918, consequent on the retirement of Maung Tun Nyein, I.S.O., Extra Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade: Mr J.T.O. Barnard, C.I.E., Extra Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade, prov. sub. and officiating Deputy Commissioner, to be Extra Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade and to continue to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner. Mr G. Blake, Extra Asst. Commissioner 3rd grade, to be Extra Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade, prov. sub. Mr A.S. Phipps, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 6th grade, to be Extra Asst. Commissioner, 5th grade, sub. pro. tem.
The following promotions are ordered in the Police Dept:-
With effect from 21st Aug. 1918, consequent on the reversion of Mr G. Ellis, Dy. S.P. 4th grade, sub. pro. tem., on probation, to his substantive appointment as Inspector of Police, 2nd : Mr A.W. Barretto, Inspector of Police, 1st grade and officiating Dy. S.P., 4th grade, to be a Dy. S.P. 4th grade, sub. pro. tem., on probation.
With effect from 27th Sept. 1918, consequent on the retirement from service of Maung On, T.D.M., D.S.P., 2nd grade, and Maung Shwe Thaung, K.S.M., T.D.M., D.S.P., sub. pro. tem. Messrs. H.V.C. Sausman and W.S. Plant, Dy. S.P., 3rd grade, to be Dy. S.P. 2nd grade, sub. pro. tem. Messrs. P.A. Monteiro and A. Clark, Dy. S.P. 3rd grade, sub. pro. tem., to be Dy. S.P. 3rd grade. ... Mr R. Loose, Dy. S.P., 4th grade sub. pro. tem, on probation to be a Dy. S.P., 4th grade, provisionally substantive. Messrs. S.G. O’Hara and C. O’Donoghue, Inspectors of Police, 2nd grade and officiating Dy. S.P., 4th grade, to be Dy. S.P., 4th grade sub. pro. tem. on probation.
Dec. 7th – Extraordinary leave without allowances for fourteen days was granted to Major G.R.K. Williams, Deputy Commissioner, in extension of the leave granted him in May 1916, as extended by four months and seventeen days.
The following temporary alterations of tank are ordered in the Burma Commission:-
1. With effect from 5th Aug. 1918, the date on which the services of Mr F.L.J. Williamson, I.C.S., officiating Deputy Commissioner, 1st grade, were temporarily placed at the disposal of the Military Dept. for training: Mr G. Scott, I.C.S., (President Rangoon Municipal Committee,) to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner, 1st grade ; Mr A.J. Page, I.C.S., to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade.
2. With effect from 8th Aug. 1918, the day on which W.H.L. Cabell, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, 1st grade, returned from leave and Mr J.L. McCallum, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade, sub. pro. tem., proceeded : Mr G. Scott, I.C.S., (President Rangoon Municipal Committee,) to be a Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade.
3. With effect from 9th Aug. 1918, consequent on the return from leave of Mr G.P. Andrews, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade: Mr A.J. Page, I.C.S., to be a Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade, prov. sub.
4. With effect from 16th Aug. 1918, the date on which Mr A.G. Cooke, I.C.S., was appointed to officiate as a Commissioner of a Division: Mr G. Scott, I.C.S., (President Rangoon Municipal Committee,) to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner, 1st grade ; Mr A.J. Page, I.C.S., to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade.
5. With effect from 18th Aug. 1918, the date on which Mr F.H. Steavenson, I.C.S., to be (sic) a Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade, sub. pro. tem. ; F.W. Spargo, I.C.S. and M.S. Collis, I.C.S., to be Asst. Commissioners, 1st grade, sub. pro. tem. and to remain seconded for service in the Military Dept. ; H. Parker, I.C.S., to be Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade, sub. pro. tem. and to continue to officiare as a Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade.
6. With effect from 19th Aug. 1918, the date on which Mr W.J. Smyth, I.C.S., was appointed to officiate as a Commissioner of a Division: G.P. Andrew, I.C.S., to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner, 1st grade ; H.F. Sitzler, I.C.S., to officiate as a Deputy Commissions, 2nd grade.
7. With effect from 27th Aug. 1918, consequent on the appointment of A.G. Mosely, I.C.S., as a Dist. Judge, prov. sub. ; Mr J. St. C. Saunders, I.C.S., to be a Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade, prov. sub. and to remain seconded for service in the Military Dept. ; Mr J.B. Marshall, I.C.S., on privilege leave, to be a Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade, prov. sub. ; F.W. Scott, I.C.S., to be an Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade, prov. sub.
8. With effect from 9th Sept. 1918, consequent on the appointment of H.F. Dunkley, I.C.S., Dist. Judge, sub. pro. tem. : Major J.W.J. Alves, I.A., and Mr J.M. Conder, I.C.S., to be Asst. Commissioners, 1st grade, sub. pro. tem. and to remain seconded for service in the Military Dept. ; K.R.H. Jones, I.C.S., on privilege leave, to be an Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade, sub. pro.tem.
9. With effect from 18th Sept. 1918, consequent on the departure on leave of Mr G. Scott, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade and officiating 1st grade (President Rangoon Municipal Committee) : Lt.-Col. C.E. Bowen, to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner, 1st grade ; Mr H.O. Reynolds, I.C.S., to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade.
10. With effect from 19th Sept. 1918, the date on which Mr W.F. Grahame, I.C.S., was appointed to officiate as a Commissioner of a Division: Mr W.S. Morrison, I.C.S., on special duty, to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner, 1st grade ; Mr A.G.H. Breithaupt, to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner, 1st grade ; Mr J.B. Marshall, I.C.S., on privilege leave, to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade ; B.W. Swithinbank, I.C.S., to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade.
11. With effect from 24th Sept. 1918, consequent on the departure on privilege leave of B.W. Perkins, I.C.S., officiating Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade, Mr A.R. Morris, I.C.S., to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade: Major H.P.M. Lord, I.A., to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade.
The following substantive and temporary alterations in rank are ordered in the Police Dept:-
With effect from the 13th May 1918 – (a) consequent on the return from privilege leave of Mr H.D. Lucas, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 2nd grade; and (b) the retirement from the service of T.H.D. La Touche, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 3rd grade: Major H.C. Prescott, to be a D.S.P., 3rd grade and to remain on military duty ; A.C. Bateman, to be a D.S.P.S, 3rd grade, provisionally substantive and to remain on special duty ; C.A. Reynell, to be a D.S.P., 4th grade and simultaneously 3rd grade, provisionally substantive ; C.N. James, to be a D.S.P., 4th grade, provisionally substantive ; G. Waterworth, to be a D.S.P., 5th grade and to continue to officiate in the 4th grade ; E.H. Thirkell-White, to be a A.S.P., 1st grade, simultaneously a D.S.P., 5th grade, provisionally substantive and officiating 4th grade and to remain on military duty ; J.T.M. Cowan, to be a D.S.P. 5th grade, provisionally substantive ; M.O. Tanner, to be a D.S.P. 5th grade, provisionally substantive and to remain on duty with the Military Police ; H.J. Todd, to be a D.S.P., 5th grade, provisionally substantive and to remain on Military Duty ; Messrs. A.G. Adams and G.J. Harvey, to be D.S.P., 5th grade, provisionally substantive and to remain on duty with the Military Police ; F.H. Robinson to be a D.S.P., 5th grade, provisionally substantive and to remain on military duty ; Messrs. R.G.B. Lawson and F.H. Fearnley-Whittingstall, to be D.S.P. 5th grade, provisionally substantive and to remain on duty with the Military Police ; R.G.B. Prescott, to be a D.S.P. 5th grade, provisionally substantive and to remain on duty with the Military Police.
2. With effect from 2nd June consequent on the departure on combined leave of T. R. Dobson, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 3rd grade: C.N. James, to officiate as a D.S.P. 3rd grade ; J.T.M. Cowan to officiate as a D.S.P. 4th grade.
3. With effect from 6th June consequent on the return from privilege leave of M.J. Chisholm, Deputy Inspector-General of Civil Police, 1st grade: E.C.S. Shuttleworth, Deputy Inspector-General of Civil Police, 2nd grade and officiating 1st grade, to revert to his substantive appointment ; F.J.S. Whiting to officiate as a D.S.P. 1st grade ; W.S. Thom, D.S.P., 2nd grade and officiating 1st grade to revert to his substantive appointment ; Maung Tun Min, T.D.M., D.S.P. 3rd grade and officiating 2nd grade to revert to his substantive appointment ; C.N. James, to be a D.S.P. 4th grade, provisionally substantive ; J.T.M. Cowan, to be a D.S.P. 5th grade, provisionally substantive.
4. With effect from 11th June consequent on the departure on combined leave of Mr F.A. McMahon, Dist. Superintendent of Police 5th grade, provisionally substantive and officiating 4th grade: J.T.M. Cowan to officiate as a D.S.P., 4th grade.
Mr G.C. Latimer, officiating District Superintendent of Police is placed under suspension with effect from the 29th November 1918.
Privilege leave for one month and twelve days and special leave in continuation thereof for a total combined period of six months is granted to J.W. Davidson, Dist. Superintendent of Police and Superintendent of Police Supplies, Burma.
Privilege leave for two months is granted to S.W. Cocks, I.E.S. with effect from the 15th Dec. 1918.
Mr J. Haddock, Deputy Director of Land Records, Burma, sub. pro. tem., is permitted to retire from the service of Government with effect from the 24th January 1919.
The services of K. Duraiswami Mudaliyar of the Madras Provincial Civil Service are replaced at the disposal of the Govt. of Madras with effect from 6th Nov. 1918, on making over charge of his duties as Assistant Protector of Emigrants and Immigrants to J.C. MacKenzie, I.C.S., Protector of Emigrants and Immigrants, Rangoon.
A.E. Elmore, E.A.C., Forests, attached to the Zigon Forest Divn., is posted to duty in the Tharrawaddy Forest Divn.
Privilege leave for three months is granted to W.R. French, Extra D.C., Forests, attached to the Pegu Forest Divn.
Privilege leave for three months is granted to R.R. O’Hara, Extra D.C., Forests, in charge of the Revenue Range, South Toungoo Forest Divn.
J.W.L. O’Hara, E.A.C., Forests, attached to the South Toungoo Forest Divn., is posted to the charge of the Revenue Range, of that Divn., in place of R.R. O’Hara, proceeding on leave.
Mr V. Paul, Myook, is transferred from Danubyu to the headquarters of the Pegu Dist., for training in the duties of an Akunwun.
At an exam. in Hindustani by the colloquial test held at Rangoon on 19th Nov. the following passed: S.C. Butler, Asst. Accountant, National Bank of India, Rangoon ; B.M. Hallett, Asst. Messrs. Gillanders Arbuthnot & Co., Rangoon.
D.D. Nanavati, I.C.S., officiating Divnl. Judge, on being relieved by Mr E.D. Duckworth, I.C.S., Divnl. Judge, is posted as Judge of the Hanthawaddy and Insein Dist. Courts, in place of Maung Ba Kyaw, (2) K.S.M., officiating Dist. Judge.
Mr A.W. Seth, Chief Clerk in the office of the Deputy Commissioner, Mandalay Dist., is appointed to officiate as Extra Asst. Commissioner, 6th grade and is posted as Superintendent of the office of the Commissioner, Mandalay Divn., in place of Mr J.G. Harris, I.S.O., Extra Asst. Commissioner, deceased.
The following permanent alterations of rank are ordered in the Burma Commission:-
With effect from 26th Dept. 1918, consequent on the retirement of Lt.-Col. E.C. Townsend, I.A.: The Hon. Mr W.F. Rice, C.S.I., I.C.S. Chief Secretary to the Government of Burma, is appointed to be a Commissioner of a Division and to remain seconded as Chief Secretary to the Government of Burma. Mr R.E.V. Arbuthnot, I.C.S., Commissioner of Settlement and Land Records, Burma, to be a Commissioner of a Division and to remain seconded as Commissioner of Settlement and Land Records, Burma.
Mr J.S. Furnival, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, on completion of the duty to which he was posted in Oct., is posted to the charge of the Myaungmya Dist. in place of C.K. Davis, officiating Deputy Commissioner.
Mr J.H. Willson, Extra Asst. Commissioner (retired,) is appointed to be Superintendent of the office of the Commissioner, Arakan Divn., in place of Mr A.M. Evans, Extra Asst. Commissioner, proceeding on leave.
Privilege leave for three months and furlough in continuation thereof for three months is granted to A.E. English, C.I.E., I.C.S., Commissioner.
Privilege leave for three months is granted to A.M. Evans, Extra Asst. Commissioner.
The undermentioned Inspectors of Police are appointed to officiate as Deputy Superintendents of Police, 4th grade: W. Porter, Maung Than, Maung Po Hnone, A.G. Snadden, Maung Po Chit (2) Maung Ba Maung.
Major A.S.B. Roberts, I.A., Commandant, Burma Military Police, has been granted an extension of leave on medical certificate for six months.
An extension of leave in India for three days is granted to Major G.D. Wright, I.A., Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, in continuation of leave granted him.
On being appointed to officiate as a Deputy Superintendent of Police, W. Porter, Inspector of Police, is posted to the charge of the Kawkareik Subdivision, Amherst Dist., in place of Mr A. Clark, Deputy Superintendent of Police, proceeding on leave.
On being appointed to officiate as a Deputy Superintendent of Police, A.G. Snadden, Inspector of Police, is posted to the headquarters of the Mergui Dist. as Headquarters Deputy Superintendent.
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to make the following appointment upon his Personal Staff:- To be Aide-de-Camp – Capt. E.J.C. Hordern, R.I.M., Principal Port Officer, Burma.
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint Maung Ba Kyaw (2) K.S.M., offg. Dist. Judge, to be an Additional Judge of the Dist. Courts of Hanthawaddy and Insein.
L.F. Taylor, I.E.S., Principal of the Govt. High School, Bassein, is placed under suspension from 14th December.
Lt.-Col. C.S. Duer, I.M.S., (retired) Civil Surgeon, Maymyo, is granted privilege leave to the amount due from 20th Dec. 1918.
Capt. B.F. Eminson, I.M.S. is appointed to hold collateral charge of the Civil Surgeoncy at Maymyo during the absence of Lt.-Col. C.S. Duer, I.M.S., (retired.)
A.J. Finlayson, officiating Headmaster, Govt. High School, Rangoon, is transferred to the Govt. High School, Sagaing, as Headmaster vice J. Worsley.
At the departmental examination held on 6th Nov. the undermentioned candidates passed the exam. in Revenue Law for Asst. Commissioners, Extra Asst. Commissioner and Myook, by the standards specified:- Higher Standard – S.B. Smart, Probationary Extra Asst. Commissioner
At the departmental examination held on 5th and 6th Nov. the undermentioned candidates passed the exam. in Civil Law for Asst. Commissioners, Extra Asst. Commissioner and Myook, by the standards specified:- Higher Standard – C.B. de Kretser, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner.
D.D. Nanavati, I.C.S., Dist. Judge is transferred from Rangoon to the headquarters of the Bassein Dist. as Judge of the Dist. Courts, Bassein and Henzada, in place of Mr H.F. Dunkley, I.S.C., Dist. Judge, transferred.
Privilege leave for three months and furlough in continuation thereof for a total combine period of one year is granted to Mr J.L. Ommanney, Dist. Superintendent of Police, with effect from the date on which he may avail himself of the privilege leave.
On return from leave, Mr B.C. Rake, Dist. Superintendent of Police, is posted to the charge of the Police of the Hanthawaddy Dist. in place of J.L. Ommanney, Dist. Superintendent of Police, proceeding on leave.
W.H. Tarleton, Deputy Inspector-General of Civil Police, was granted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State for India an extension of leave on medical certificate from 20th Oct. 1918 to the 26th Nov. 1918, booth days inclusive.
On return from leave Mr A.C. Bateman, Dist. Superintendent of Police, 3rd grade, provisionally substantive, is appointed to officiate as Superintendent of Police Supplies, Burma, in place of Mr J.W. Davidson, Dist. Superintendent of Police, proceeding on leave.
Leave on full military pay for three months and leave on medical certificate in continuation thereof for one year and one month is granted to H.R. Alexander, Dist. Superintendent of Police, with effect from 28th May 1918.
At the departmental exam. held at Mandalay and Mawlaik on 4th Nov. 1918 Mr H.D. Grantham, Asst. Commandant , Burma Military Police, passed the prescribed test in Hindustani by the Standard (sic.) Mr Grantham is entitled to an award of Rs. 800. … The undermentioned passed by the Colloquial Standard prescribed for Police Offices and Jailors:-
Police Officers:- Maung Tin (2) offg. Inspector of Police, Hmawza … Mr T. Pearson, Sergt. of Police, Rangoon, Mr J. Hutton, Sergt. of Police, Maymyo, C.E. Henderson, Sergt. of Police, Shwebo.
Jailors:- Maung Gale, Jailor, Insein, … Mr P.I. David, Paid Apprentice Jailor, Meiktila.
Privilege leave to the amount due combined with furlough for a total period of six months is granted to Dr. F.A. Foy, M.B., C.M., Port Health Officer, Rangoon.
This department notification no. 231, dated 19th Oct. 1918 is hereby cancelled:- Lt.-Col. R.H. Castor, I.M.S., Civil Surgeon, Taunggyi, is appointed to be Civil Surgeon, Moulmein, in place of Mr Evans Bidie, transferred.
Mr Evans Bidie, L.R.C.P. & S. (Edin.) Civil Surgeon, Moulmein, is appointed to be Civil Surgeon, Taunggyi, in place of Lt.-Col. R.H. Castor, I.M.S., transferred.
Lt.-Col. P. Dee, M.B., I.M.S., Civil Surgeon, Rangoon (West) and (East) is granted privilege leave for six weeks.
On return from leave Lt.-Col. C.C.S. Barry, C.I.E., I.M.S., Medical Superintendent, Rangoon General Hospital, Major W.V. Coppinger, D.S.O., M.D., I.M.S., is appointed to officiate as Civil Surgeon, Rangoon (West) and also to hold charge of the duties of Civil Surgeon, Rangoon (East) in place of Lt.-Col. P. Dee, M.B., I.M.S., proceeding on leave.
On return from leave Mr W.R. French, Extra deputy Conservator of Forests, is posted to the charge of Pegu Forest Divn. in place of A.B. Nixon, Deputy Conservator of Forests, who remains in charge of the Nyaunglebin Forest Divisions.
The Local Government appoints the undermentioned gentlemen to be members of the Moulmein Municipal Committee with effect from 1st Jan. 1919:- Dr. E.J. Hynes, Medical Practitioner ; Mr P. McNeill of Messrs. Hall, Paterson & Co., Mr A.J. Darwood, bar-at-law ; Mr C.W. Law, bar-at-law ; Mr W.P. Mitchell, Merchant ; U Tha Dun Aung, K.S.M., A.T.M., F.R.C.L., Hony. Magistrate ; U Po Kin, Merchant ; U Pan, Merchant ; U Tha Dun, Merchant ; U CHit Pe, Advocate ; Leong Ah Choy, Merchant ; Mirza Mahomed Rafi, bar-at-law ; G.M. Lotiah, Merchant ; Babu H. Rookmanand, Merchant and Sawmill owner Mr P. Dorasawmy Pillay, Merchant.
The undermentioned gentlemen have been duly elected as members of the Bassein Municipal Committee:-
Elected by the European Community:-
Mr O. Christiansen, Stevedore ; R.A. Raphael, Merchant.
Elected by the Burman Community:-
U Po Maung, T.P.S., Trader and Magistrate ; U Tun Hla Gyi, Trader and Hony. Magistrate ; U Po Hlaing, Merchant ; U So Maung (T.P.S.) Paddy Broker & Hony. Magistrate ; Maung Ba Kyin, bar-at-law.
Elected by the Mahomedan Community:- Abdul Majid (alias Maung Pe) Trader.
Elected by the Chinese Community:- Loke Ta Shwe, Paddy Broker and Hony. Magistrate.
Elected by the Karen Community:- The Hon. Dr. San C. Po, Medical Practitioner.
The Local Government appoints Mr James McCraken of Messrs. Steel Bros., Bassein, to be a member of the Bassein Municipal Committee.
F.D. Sutherland, Supervisor, Supernumerary List, has been granted an extension of leave on medical certificate for one month.
J.R. McCann, Inspector of Excise, 2nd grade, is appointed to officiate as Superintendent of Excise, 6th grade and is posted to the Pyapon Dist., in place of Mr K. Nowrojee.
Maung Ba Thaung, Inspector of Excise, 1st grade, on expiry of his leave granted to him (17th June 918) is posted to Mandalay Dist. in place of Mr C.W. Law, Inspector of Excise, 2nd grade, transferred from Mandalay to Rangoon, Rangoon Town Dist. in place of S.S.T. Foster, officiating Inspector of Excise, 5th grade, who reverts to his substantive appointment.
Under the provisions of Rule 4 … leave on medical certificate for ten months has been granted to C.P.R. Young, bar-at-law, Govt. Advocate, Burma.
F.C. Barclay, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, whose services have been replaced at the charge of the Pyinmana Sub-divn. Yamethin Dist. in place of Maung Kyin Yon, K.S.M., Extra Asst. Commissioner.
On return from leave on the afternoon of the 6th Dec. 1918, Mr C.G. Rogers was placed on special duty in the office of the chief Conservator of Forests, Burma, with headquarters at Rangoon.
On completion of the special duty to which he was posted in this department notification no 221 of the 26th Dec. 1918, Mr C.G. Rogers resumed charge of the office of Chief Conservator of Forests, Burma, from Mr H. Carter, Conservator of Forests, who was reposted to the charge of the Southern Circle in place of Mr G.K. Parker, officiating Conservator of Forests, transferred.
On relief of the charge of the Southern Circle by Mr H. Carter, Conservator of Forests, Mr G.K. Parker, officiating Conservator of Forests, was transferred from Maymyo and was posted to the charge of the Tenasserim Circle in place of Mr F.H. Todd, Deputy Conservator of Forests, transferred.
On relief of the charge of the Tenasserim Circle by Mr G.K. Parker, officiating Conservator of Forests,
Mr F.H. Todd, Deputy Conservator of Forests, was transferred from Rangoon and was posted to the charge of the North Toungoo Forests Divn. in place of Mr A. Lawrence, Deputy Conservator of Forests, who remains in charge of the South Toungoo Forests Division.
Mr S. Yeates is appointed Timber Assistant in the Forest Department for three years and is posted to duty in the Zigon Forest Division.
Mr F.G. Edwards, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, whose services have been replaced by the Govt. of India at the Lt.-Governor’s disposal on completion of the duties to which he was posted under the Indian Munitions Board, is placed on duty in the Mu Forest Divn.
Mr R.A. Cochrane, Deputy Conservator of Forests, whose services have been replaced by the Govt. of India at the Lt.-Governor’s disposal on completion of the duties to which he was posted under the Indian Munitions Board, is placed on special duty in the Meiktila Forest Divn. with headquarters at Meiktila.
Under the provisions of section 7, sub-section (1) … of the Burma Municipal Act 1898, the Lt.-Governor appoints the undermentioned gentlemen to be members of the Rangoon Municipal Committee:- G. Scott, I.C.S. ; E.J. Holberton, Bombay Burma Trading Corporation ; A. Forbes, Hony. Magistrate, Rangoon ; J.R.D. Glascott, officiating Chief Engr., Burma Railways ; V.M. Abdul Rahman.
The Lt.-Governor reappoints Mr G. Scott, I.C.S., a member of the Rangoon Municipal Committee to be President of that committee.
On return from leave Mr F.D. Sutherland, Supernumerary Supervisor, has been transferred from the Chindwin to the Mandalay Circle.
On relief by Mr M. D’Castro, Resident Excise Officer, Mahomed, officiating Resident Excise Officer, is transferred from Mudon to the charge of the liquor warehouse at Amherst in place of Maung Kan Pe, officiating Resident Excise Officer, transferred.
Office of the Commissioner of Police, Rangoon – Mr W. Perry, officiating Deputy Superintendent of Police, reverts to his substantive appointment as Inspector of Police, 1st grade, with effect from the forenoon of 13th Dec. 1918. On his reversion Mr W. Perry assumed charge of his duty as Inspector of Police, 1st grade, on the forenoon of 13th Dec. 1918. Consequent on the reversion of Mr W. Perry officiating Deputy Superintendent of Police to his substantive appointment as Inspector of Police, 1st grade, the following reversions are ordered with effect from the forenoon of 13th Dec. 1918:-
Mr H. Smith, officiating Inspector of Police, 1st grade, to revert to his substantive appointment as Inspector of Police, 2nd grade ; G.E. Litchfield, officiating Inspector of Police, 2nd grade to revert to his substantive appointment as Inspector of Police 3rd grade ; A.V.O. Wells, , officiating Inspector of Police, 3rd grade revert to his substantive appointment as Deputy Inspector of Police 1st grade, provisionally substantive.
Mr A.V.O. Wells, Deputy Inspector of Police, 1st grade, provisionally substantive is re-promoted to be Inspector of Police, 3rd grade, provisionally substantive, with effect from the forenoon of 13th Dec. 1918 vice Maung Ba Oh, reverted.
At the departmental exam. held at Moulmein, Meiktila, Mandalay, Mogok and Port Blair on 5th Nov. 1918, the following candidates passed the exam. in Law prescribed for officers of the Forest Dept:- Mr D. Lindsay-Smith, Probationary Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests ; Mr H. Hilbert, Probationary Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests ; Maung Nee, Probationary Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests ; F. C. Phaure, Probationary Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests ; Maung Thein Lwin, Probationary Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests ; Mr W. Beatson, Forest Ranger, Singu ; Maung Sein Lwin, Forest Ranger, Mogok.