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Extracts from
The Rangoon Times, Jan. - Dec. 1915
Appointments, Promotions, Transfers/Leave, etc.
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Appointment, Postings & Transfers
C.W. King, Extra Assistant Commissioner, on being relieved by F.V. Clerk, Extra Assistant Commissioner, was transferred from Htawgaw to special duty at Laza, Putao Dist. P.M.R. Leonard, Extra Assistant Commissioner, on completion of the duty to which he was posted remains at Laza as Sub-divisional Officer and Assistant Superintendent, Kachin Hills. C.W. King, Extra Assistant Commissioner, on completion the special duty to which he was posted is transferred from Laza to headquarters of the Myitkyina Dist. as Headquarters Assistant and Additional Magistrate. C.W. King, Extra Assistant Commissioner, is transferred from Myitkyina to Putao as Sub-divisional Officer and Assistant Superintendent, Kachin Hills G.E.R. Grant Brown, Deputy Commissioner, from Kyaukse to the charge of the Meiktila Dist. H. Tonkinson, offg. Deputy Commissioner from Meiktila to the charge of the Kyaukse Dist. Major T.L. Ormiston, Deputy Commissioner, is posted to the charge of the Insein Dist. in place of G.F.S. Christie, Deputy Commissioner, transferred. G.F.S. Christie, Deputy Commissioner is appointed to officiate as a Commissioner and is transferred from Insein to the charge of the Tenasserim Divn. in place of J.D. Fraser, officiating Commissioner, transferred. J.D. Fraser, offg. Commissioner, on being relieved by G.F.S. Christie, offg. Commissioner is transferred from Moulmein to the charge of the Meiktila Divn. in place of M. Laurie, M.V.O., Commissioner proceeding on leave. Privilege leave to the amount due and furlough on medical cert. in continuation thereof for a total combined period of one year has been granted to Capt. R. Hodgins, Asst. Commissioner. Capt. Hodgins proceeded to England. Misc. Sir G.W. Shaw, made over and L.H. Saunders, received charge of the office of the Judicial Commissioner, Upper Burma, on 19th Dec. 1914. Police Dept. The services of Capt. E. Burd, 93rd Burma Infantry, Commandant, Burma Military Police, are placed at the disposal of the Govt. of India in the Home Dept. Military Dept. The following officers of the Moulmein Vol. Rifle Corps are placed on the supernumerary list:- Major John Graves Lt. John Percy Hardiman The name of Lieut. Colin Dunlop Donald (Artillery Coy.) of the Rangoon Port Defence Vols. is placed on the supernumerary list. Judicial Dept. The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint R.G. McKerron, Asst. Commissioner, to be an Additional Judge of the Sub-divnl. Courts of Minbya, Kyauktaw and Buthidaung in the Akyab Dist. R.G. McKerron, Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to be an Additional Judge of the Dist. Court, Akyab. J.M. Conder, Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to be a Magistrate of the 1st class in the Katha Dist. The Lt.-Governor invests P. Bose, Extra Asst. Commissioner, a Magistrate of the 1st class. The Lt.-Governor accepts the resignation tendered by the Hon’ble J.B. Stephens of his appointment as a visitor of the Central Jail, Rangoon. |
At a special exam. held at Rangoon on 30th Nov. 1914, A.J. Page, Asst. Commissioner, passed in Burmese by the Proficiency Standard.
Mr Page is entitled to receive a reward of Rs. 750. At the departmental exam. held at Rangoon, Bassein, Akyab, Moulmein, Magwe, Meiktila, Mandalay, Kindat, Myitkyina and Sandoway on 2nd Nov. 1914 the under mentioned candidates passed the exams. in Treasury by the standards below:- Higher Standard - J.E. Gillies, Asst. Commissioner Lower Standard - L.B. Naylor, Probationary Extra Asst. Commissioner |
At the departmental exam. held at Rangoon, Bassein, Akyab, Moulmein, Mergui,Magwe, Meiktila, Mandalay, Kindat, Taunggyi, Myitkyina and Sandoway on 3rd Nov. 1914 the under mentioned candidates passed the exams. in Criminal Law for Asst. Commissioners, Extra Asst. Commissioners and Myooks by the standards below:-
Higher Standard H. Parker, Asst. Commissioner C.C. Crosby, Extra Asst. Commissioner Lower Standard - L.B. Naylor, Probationary Extra Asst. Commissioner |
The Lt.-Governor hereby calls upon the Burma Chamber of Commerce to proceed, on or after the 15th Jan. 1915 to elect a Member for the Legislative council to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of the Hon’ble Mr Berkeley John Byng Stephens. The Rev’d. G.A. Ellaby, Senior Chaplain, on his return from leave, is posted to the Chaplaincy of Bhamo. Forest Dept. On return from leave A.R. Villar, Asst. Conservator of Forests, is posted to duty in the Bhamo Forest Divn. On return from leave A.H.M. Lawson, Deputy Conservator of Forests is posted to the charge of the Meiktila Divn. in place of H.A. Goldberg, Asst. Conservator of Forests, who remains attached to that division. Municipal & Local Dept. G.C. Buchanan, Chairman and Chief Engineer, Rangoon Port Commissioners, has been duly elected by the Port Commissioners as a member of the Rangoon Municipal Committee in place of J.L. Holmes, who has resigned. Marine & Commerce Dept. The Lt.-Governor accepts the resignation tendered by the Hon’ble B.J.B. Stephens of his appointment as a Commissioner for the Port of Rangoon. Non-Gazetted Officers - Police Dept. Capt. A. McL. Finnie and G.W.B. Prideaux, Dist. Superintendents, respectively made over and received charge of the police of the Meiktila Dist. on 16th Dec. 1914. Capt. C.C. Hicke and R.C.E. Underwood, Dist. Superintendents, respectively made over and received charge of the police of the Toungoo Dist. on the 17th Dec. 1914. |
Appointment, Posting & Transfers
Capt. G.C. Slacke, Asst. Commissioner on probation, is confirmed in his appointment as Asst. Commissioner, with effect from 24th Dec. 1914. S.B. Smart, Probationary Extra Asst. Commissioner, is transferred from Myittha to Namhsan, the headquarters of the Sawbwa Tawngpeng in the N. Shan States, in place of R.D. Burne, Probationary Extra Asst. Commissioner. C.P. Duffin, Probationary Extra Asst. Commissioner, is transferred from Wetlet to the charge of the Pakokku Sub-divn. Pakokku Dist. in place of A.W. Porter, Probationary Extra Asst. Commissioner treansferred. A.W. Porter, Probationary Extra Asst. Commissioner is transferred from Pakokku and posted to duty at Sinlumkaba as Asst. Supdt., Kachin Hills, in place of W. Scott, Extra Asst. Commissioner, transferred. W. Scott, Extra Asst. Commissioner, Asst. Supdt., Kachin Hills, is transferred from Sunlimkaba and is posted to special duty in the Myitkyina Dist. with headquarters at Kamaing. H.H. Craw, Asst. Commissioner, on completion of the duty to which he was posted, is appointed to be Headquarter Asst., Mandalay, in place of H.P. Hewett, Asst. Commissioner. H.P. Hewett, Asst. Commissioner, on being relieved by H.H. Craw, Asst. Commissioner, remains on special duty at the headquarters of the Mandalay Dist. Maung Po Than, Extra Asst. Commissioner, on return from leave is posted to the headquarters of the Lower Chindwin Dist. as Treasury Officer and Headquarters Magistrate in place of W.G. Wooster, Extra Asst. Commissioner who has proceeded on leave Leave Privilege leave to the amount due is granted to C.E. Crawford, Extra Asst. Commissioner, with effect from the date on which he may avail himself of it. Misc. The services of R.D. Burne, Probationary Extra Asst. Commissioner, are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India. Lt.-Col. O.J. Obbard, Deputy Commissioner, has been permitted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State to return to duty within the period of his leave. R.E.V. Arbuthnot relinquished charge of the special duty to which he was posted on the 24th Dec. 1914. |
Police Dept.
The services of Capt. E.S. Percy-Smith, I.A., Dist. Supdt. of Police, are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India. H.A. Atkinson, Deputy Supdt. of Police, is appointed to officiate as a Dist. Supdt. of Police of the Lower Chindwin Dist. as a tempy. measure in place of Capt. E.S. Percy-Smith, Dist. Supdt. of Police, who is reverting to Military duty. Judicial Dept. Lt.-Col. J. Penny, I.M.S., who has been appointed to be Civil Surgeon, Mandalay, is placed in charge of the Central Jail, Mandalay, in addition to his own duties, as a tempy. measure, in place of Senior Military Asst. Surgeon and Hony. Lieut. E.J. Murphy, transferred. R.A. Hollingsworth is posted to the charge of the Insein Central Jail, as a tempy. measure, in place of Senior Military Asst. Surgeon and Hony. Capt. T.W. Minty, Civil Surgeon, Insein and Hanthawaddy Districts, who is holding charge of the Insein Central Jail in addition to his own duties. General Dept. At an exam. held at Myitkyina on 22nd Dec. 1914 Capt. A.W. Malet, I.A., Asst. Commissioner, Burma Military Police, passed the prescribed test in Chingpaw dialect of the Kachin language. Capt. Malet is entitled to receive a reward of Rs. 1,000. Revenue Dept. The following promotion is ordered in the senior establishment of the Land Records Dept:- C.H. O’Hara, Supdt. of Land Records, 6th grade to be Supdt. of Land Records 5th grade. Mr O’Hara will rank immediately above D. Carey. B.F. Cooper, Supdt. of Land Records, 5th grade, sub pro tem, on probation, is confirmed in the Land Records Dept. |
At the department exams. held at Rangoon, Bassein, Akyab, Magwe, Meiktila, Mandalay, Kindat and Sandoway on 5th Nov. 1914 the under mentioned candidates passed the exams. in Revenue Law for Asst. Commissioners, Extra Asst. Commissioners and Myooks by the standard specified below:-
Higher Standard W.T. Palmes Asst. Commissioner J.E. Gillies Asst. Commissioner C.P. Duffin Probationary Extra Asst. Commissioner Lower Standard T.P. Dewar Extra Asst. Commissioner S.B. Smart Probationary Extra Asst. Commissioner L.B. Naylor Probationary Extra Asst. Commissioner ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On relief by Senior Military Asst. Surgeon and Hony. Lieut. L.K. Rodriguez, Lt.-Col. J. Penny, is appointed to be Civil Surgeon, Mandalay, in place of Senior Military Asst. Surgeon and Hony. Lieut. E.J. Murphy, transferred. Lt.-Col. R.H. Castor, whose tempy. posting to the Civil Medical charge of the Amherst Dist. was ordered, is appointed to be Civil Surgeon of the Amherst Dist. until further orders. On relief by Lt.-Col. J. Penny, Senior Military Asst. Surgeon and Hony. Lieut. E.J. Murphy, is appointed to be Civil Surgeon, Myaungmya in place of R.A. Hollingsworth, transferred. S.W. Cocks, Inspector of Schools, Pegu Circle, is placed on special duty in the office of the Director of Public Instruction with effect from 16th Dec. |
J.M.B. Stuart, Executive Engr. is permitted to return to duty within the period of his leave and is posted to the Irrigation Circle on special duty, for the re-modelling of the Salin canals, with headquarters at Minbu. On return from leave E.P. Dove, Executive Engr. is posted to the Chindwin Circle, for the charge of the Taunggyi Divn. vice F.A. Clift, Executive Engr. H.W.S. Smith, Executive Engr. is transferred from the Chindwin Circle to the Irrigation Circle. J.H. Talor, Asst. Engr. is transferred from the Irrigation to the Pegu Circle. |
Non-Gazetted Officers
V. Paul, Myook, is transferred from Pakokku to the headquarters of the Magwe Dist. as Treasury Officer and Headquarters Magistrate in place of C.E. Crawford. Extra Asst. Commissioner, proceeding on leave. P.W.D. - Conductor W.H.A. Cooper, Sub-Engr. 3rd grade, had been transferred from the Pegu to the Chindwin Circle. Chief Court of Lower Burma Privilege leave for three mths. is granted to S. Pakiam, B.A., B.L., Asst. Registrar on the Original Side of the Chief Court of Lower Burma, with effect from 4th Jan. M.H. Cumming, Shorthand Writer, Chief Court, is appointed to officiate as Asst. Registrar on the Original Side of the Chief Court of Lower Burma, during the absence on leave of S. Pakiam. |
J.P. Doyle, Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner and is posted to the charge of the Insein Dist. in addition to his other duties, as a tempy. measure, pending the arrival of Major T.L. Ormiston, Deputy Commissioner. Leave Furlough on medical cert. for one year was granted to M. Laurie, M.V.O., I.C.S., Commissioner. Misc. J.D. Fraser, made over and G.F.S. Christie received charge of the office of Commissioner, Tenasserim Divn. on 6th Jan. 1915. Police Dept. The under mentioned Inspectors of Police are appointed to officiate as Deputy Superintendents of Police 4th grade, until further orders and with effect from the dates on which they may respectively assume charge of their duties:- L.A. Spears, Inspector 2nd grade R.R. Jones, Inspector 2nd grade Mr Austin, Deputy Supdt. of Police, on probation, is confirmed in his appointment in the Rangoon Town Police, with effect from 14th Dec. Military Dept. The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint Company Quartermaster Sergt. Ernest Arthur Fisk to be Honorary Lieut. and Quartermaster in the Rangoon Port Defence Volunteers to complete the establishment. The following Officers of the Upper Burma Volunteer Rifles are placed on the supernumerary list with effect from 1st Dec. 1914:- 2nd Lt. Robert Edward Alderman 2nd Lt. Roy Douglas Burne |
Judicial Dept.
Lt. H.R. Pelly, Asst. Commissioner is appointed to be a Magistrate of the first class in the Prome Dist. Lt. H.R. Pelly, Asst. Commissioner is appointed to be a Justice of the Peace within and for Burma. Major W.H. Cox, D.S.O., I.M.S., has been granted a further extension of leave on medical cert. for three mths. Civil Asst. Surgeon Y. Subramanyam, L.M., & S. (Mad.) D.P.H., (Lon.) is appointed to officiate as Civil Surgeon, Upper Chindwin Dist. in place of first class Military Asst. Surgeon W.L. Brookes, transferred. Privilege leave for two mths. & seven days is grated to O.M.B. White, Asst. Director of Public Instruction. Marine & Commerce Dept. The Lt.-Governor accepts the resignation by J.W. Anderson of his appointment as an elected member of the Commissioners for the Port of Rangoon. Revenue Dept. The services of Arthur E. Hurst, Asst. Principal, Serampore Weaving Inst. having been placed by the Govt. of Bengal at the disposal of this Govt. for a further period, Mr Hurst will continue to carry on the special duties to which he was appointed. The Lt.-Governor confers on Capt. L.E.L. Burne, I.A., Asst. Commissioner, Warden of the Yenangyaung, Minbu and Singu Oilfields, the powers of a Collector in respect of all questions relating to the petroleum industry. Other Notifications On being relieved by H.W.S. Smith, Executive Engr., Mr A.F. Chapman, Asst. Engr., Mandalay Canal Sub-divn. of the Mandalay Canal Divn. is transferred to Meiktila Irrigation Divn. for the charge of the Myittha Irrigation Sub-divn. vice J.H. Taylor, Asst. Engr., transferred. |
Departmental Exams.
At the departmental exams. ... ... 3rd and 4th Nov. the under mentioned candidates passed the exam. in Civil Law for Asst. Commissioners, Extra Asst. Commissioners and Myooks ... ...
Higher Standard - Capt. J.W.J. Alves, I.A. Asst. Commissioner Lower Standard - A.M. Evans, Extra Asst. Commissioner ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At an exam. held at Thaton on 4th Jan. 1915, R.G. McDowall, Asst. Commissioner, passed the prescribed test in the Taungthu language. Mr McDowall is entitled to a reward of Rs. 1,000. At the departmental exam. held at Port Blair on 4th Nov. 1914 Mr W.H. Miller, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, passed the exam. in Procedure and Accounts prescribed for Officers of the Forest Dept. At the departmental exam. held at Rangoon on 3rd Nov. 1914 Mr G.M. Turner, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, passed the exam. in Land Revenue prescribed for Officers of the Forest Dept. |
At the departmental exam. held at Rangoon, Mandalay, Kindat and Port Blair on 3rd Nov. 1914, the following candidates passed the exams. in Law prescribed for Officers of the Forest Dept:-
Asst. Conservators of Forests A.W. Moodie G.H. Ogilvie F.F.A. Hay H. Trotter W.S. Shepherd E.W. Carroll A.E. Eden Extra Asst. Conservators of Forests W.H. Miller D.J. Munro, Probationary E.H. Peacock, Probationary |
At the departmental exam. held at Mandalay on 3rd Nov. 1914 C. C. Mackintosh, Asst. Engr. passed the exam. prescribed for officers of the Irrigation Dept.
At the departmental exams. ... ... 4th Nov. 1914 the under mentioned candidates passed the exam. in Criminal Law prescribed for Excise Officers:- A. Lang, Excise Officer, Pegu V.C. Pitchford, Excise Officer, Mogok R.W. Abreu, offg. Inspector of Excise, Henzada M.H. Nuriddin, Resident Excise Officer, Yelamaing C.E.F. Manson, Offg. Resident Excise Officer, Paungbyin |
At the departmental exams. ... ... 3rd Nov. 1914 the under mentioned candidates passed the exam. in Criminal Law prescribed for Civil Police Officers:-
H.W. Darney, Probationary Asst. Supdt. of Police M.M. Tanner, Probationary Asst. Supdt. of Police At the departmental exam. held at Rangoon on 3rd Nov. 1914, C.H. Delmege, Asst. Supdt. of Land Records passed the exam. in Revenue Law for Superintendents and Asst. Superintendents of the Land Records Dept. by the lower standard. |
Burmese Language
2nd Nov. 1914 the under mentioned candidates passed the exam. in Burmese by the standards below:-
2nd Nov. 1914 the under mentioned candidates passed the exam. in Burmese by the standards below:-
Higher Standard
M.S. Collis, Asst. Commissioner
J.V. Young, Asst. Conservator of Forests J.M.D. Mackenzie, Asst. Conservator of Forests R.A. Cochrane, Asst. Conservator of Forests H.F. Reynolds, Asst. Supdt. of Police J. St. H. Cleburne, Asst. Supdt. of Police F. Newton, Asst. Supdt. of Police R.G. Sims, Asst. Supdt. of Police C. Lindsay-Smith, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests F.P. Thomson, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests G.M. Turner, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests C.S. Baldwin, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests R.B. Finney, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests |
C.P. Duffin Probationary Extra Asst. Commissioner
Hari Lal Basu, Civil Asst. Surgeon, Moulmein S. Johannes, Deputy Supdt. of Police – (with great credit) R.K. Anderson, Asst. Supdt. of Excise C. Dantra, Inspector of Police, Henzada - (with great credit) A.H. Nolan, Excise Inspector, Prome (on leave) J.R. McCann, Excise Inspector, Syriam A. Lang, Excise Inspector, Rangoon – (with credit) M.H. Nuriddin, Resident Excise Officer, Yelamaing – (with credit) S.M. Williams, Resident Excise Officer, Momeik – (with great credit) W.R. McCann, offg. Resident Excise Officer, Tamanthi D. Christian, Headmaster, Govt. School, Myitkyina B.A. Paul, Asst. Master, Govt. High School, Henzada – (with great credit) |
Lower Standard
J.M. Conder, Asst. Commissioner – (with credit)
Capt. F.S. Lindesay, I.A., Cantonment Magistrate, Mandalay Capt. E.C. Kenny, I.A., Asst. Commissioner, Burma Military Police – (with credit) F.S. Vyall, Asst. Engineer, Pegu G.H. Luce, Professor of English, Govt. College, Rangoon A.C.J. Baldwin, Principal, Govt. High & Normal Schools – (with credit) W.S. Shepherd, Asst. Conservator of Forests H.J. Todd, Probationary Asst. Supdt. of Police G.J. Harvey, Probationary Asst. Supdt. of Police B.T. Roussac, Deputy Supdt. of Police – (with credit) D. David, Deputy Supdt. of Police C.C. Crosby, Extra Asst. Commissioner L.B. Naylor, Probationary Extra Asst. Commissioner – (with great credit) |
R.S.S. Aiyar, offg. Civil Surgeon, Yamethin
M.N.S. Chetty, Civil Asst. Surgeon, Bhamo S. Sen Gupta, Civil Asst. Surgeon, Mandalay B. La Bouchardiere, Military Asst. Surgeon, Mandalay K.C. Menon, Asst. Supdt. Telegraph Engineering, Rangoon R.W. Abreu, offg. Inspector of Excise, Henzada – (with credit) M.N. Nair, Jailor, Rangoon S.C. Lahiri, Jailor, Rangoon Z.E. Daniel, Sub-Inspector of Police, Shwebo – (with great credit) W.A. Mariano, Asst. Jailor, Henzada – (with great credit) C.S. Desmond, Asst. Jailor, Akyab – (with credit) Rock Roman, Sub-Asst. Surgeon, Prome – (with credit) |
Elementary Standard
Major J.H. Hudson, Controller of Military Accounts, Maymyo Lt. D.D.H. Campbell, R.G.A., Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police – (with great credit) Pte. G. Wilcox, 4th Worcestershire Regt., Meiktila S.A. Rashid, Jailor, Moulmein – (with great credit) I.E. Gideon, Jailor, Mergui N.C. Das, Jailor, Sandoway E.H. Murray, Deputy Inspector of Police, Rangoon M.J. Andrew, Sub-Asst. Surgeon, Myingyan Narayan Rao, Sub-Asst. Surgeon, Haka, Chin Hills S.A. Sattar, Apprentice Jailor, Myingyan – (with great credit) G. Manickam, Paid Apprentice Jailor, Mandalay – (with great credit) M.M. Thamby, Auditor, Rangoon |
Colloquial Standard
Asst. Commandants, Burma Military Police Capt. J.E. Colenso Capt. C.M. Mullaly Capt. R. Tilly Capt. A.C.G. Smythe Lt. B.G.M.F. Nixon Capt. G.G. Everett Lt. A.M. Arnott |
Appointments, Posting & Transfers
Major W.B.T. Abbey, I.A., officiating Deputy Commissioner, is transferred from Mergui and is posted to special duty at the headquarters of the Myitkyina Dist. J.S. Furnivall, Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner and is posted to the charge of the Mergui Dist. in additional to his other duties in place of Major W.B.T. Abbey. Leave Privilege leave for three mths. and leave on medical cert. in continuation thereof for six mths. is granted to W.G. Wooster, Extra Asst. Commissioner, with effect from the date on which he availed himself of the privilege leave. Promotion - The following promotion in the Provincial Civil Service is ordered:- R.D. Burne, Probationary Extra Asst. Commissioner, to be an Extra Asst. Commissioner, 6th grade on probation. Misc.- M. Laurie, made over and J.D. Fraser received charge of the office of Commissioner, Meiktila Divn. on 9th Jan. 1915. Police Dept. Leave on medical cert. for six mths. is granted to R.E. Barber, Dist. Supdt. of Police in continuation of the leave granted. L.A. Spears, offg. Deputy Supdt. of Police is transferred from Minbu to the headquarters of the Kyuakse Dist. as Headquarters Deputy Supdt. R.R. Jones, offg. Deputy Supdt. of Police remains at the headquarters of the Toungoo Dist. as Headquarters Deputy Supdt. |
All departmental exam. held at Port Blair on 2nd Nov. 1914, Mr T. Hare, offg. Executive Engr. passed the lower standard exam. in Hindustani, prescribed for officers of the P.W.D. All departmental exam. held at Magwe on 3rd Nov. 1914, Capt. J.W.J. Alves, Asst. Commissioner, passed exam. in Criminal Law, prescribed for Asst. Commissioners by the higher standard. All departmental exam. held at Rangoon, Bassein, Magwe, Meiktila and Mandalay on 2nd Nov. 1914, the under mentioned candidates passed the exam. in Hindustani by the colloquial standard prescribed for Police Officers and Jailors:- Probationary Asst. Supdts. of Police M.O. Tanner H.J. Todd P.E. Cantwell A.G. Adam G.J. Harvey A.V.O. Wells, European Sergeant, Rangoon Jailors A. Thorpe, Insein H.C. Gupta, Toungoo C. Cowell, Toungoo C.S.K. Singham, Rangoon A.M. Godhinho, Rangoon Maung Lu Pyu, Rangoon E.D. Solomon, Asst. Jailor, Myaungmya |
All departmental exam. held at Rangoon, Bassein, Magwe, Mandalay and Meiktila on 2nd Nov. 1914
the under mentioned candidates passed the exam. in Hindustani by the standard specified below:-
All departmental exam. held at Rangoon, Bassein, Magwe, Mandalay and Meiktila on 2nd Nov. 1914
the under mentioned candidates passed the exam. in Hindustani by the standard specified below:-
Higher Standard
W.H.A. Webb, offg. Dist. Supdt. of Police P.A. Monterio, offg. Deputy Supdt. of Police Each of the above officers is entitled to receive a reward of Rs. 500. |
Lower Standard
A.D. Keith, Professor of English & History, Govt. College, Rangoon Maung Tha Hnyin, Judicial Extra Asst. Commissioner C.K. Davis, Extra Asst. Commissioner E. L. George, Supdt. of Land Records S. Johannes, Deputy Supdt. of Police Each of the above officers, with the exception of A.D. Keith, is entitled to receive a reward of Rs. 250. |
It is notified that Arthur William Binning has been elected a member of the Legislative Council of the Lt.-Governor of Burma by the Burma Chamber of Commerce in place of the Hon’ble Mr Berkeley John Byng Stephens, resigned. |
At an exam. held at Mandalay on 11th Jan. 915, Capt. C.M.D. Enriquez, I.A., Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, passed the prescribed test in the Yunnanese dialect of the Chinese language. Capt. Enriquez is entitled to receive a reward of Rs. 1000. |
Revenue Dept.
The following promotions are ordered in the superior establishment of the Land Records Dept. with effect from the 15th Dec. 1914, consequent on the retirement of P. Beechey, Supdt. of Land records, 1st grade:- L.E. Palmer, Supdt. of Land Records, 2nd grade to be Supdt. of Land Records, 1st grade. W.J. Baker, Supdt. of land Records, 3rd grade to be Supdt. of Land Records 2nd grade. H.B. Powell, Supdt. of Land Records, 4th grade, to be Supdt. of Land Records, 3rd grade. F.A. D’Souza, Supdt. of Land Records, 5th grade, to be Supdt. of Land Records 4th grade. B.F. Cooper, Supdt. of Land Records, 5th grade, sub pro tem, to be confirmed in that grade. W.M. Smart, Supdt. of Land Records, 6thgrade, to be Supdt. of Land Records, 5th grade, sub pro tem. |
Marine & Commerce Dept.
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint W. Macdonald, a Commissioner for the Port of Rangoon, to be Vice-chairman of the Commissioners in place of the Hon’ble B.J.B. Stephens, who has resigned. P.W.D. W. Burn, Asst. Engr., Amherst Divn., is granted privilege leave for three mths. and special leave on urgent private affairs in continuation thereof. Mr Burn will spend the whole period of his leave in India. The Lt.-Governor is pleased to order the following promotions to and in the Superintending Engineer Class of the P.W.D :- C.H. Wollaston, from Superintending Engr. 2nd class to 1st class, tempy. H.E.W. Martindell, Superintending Engr. 3rd class, tempy. to 2nd class, tempy. P.F. Wickham, from offg. Superintending Engr. to Superintending Engr. 3rd class, tempy. E.G. Stanley, from Superintending Engr. 1st class, tempy. to 1st class permanent. P.F. Sen (on leave) from Superintending Engr. 3rd class to 2nd class, tempy. F.R. Collins, from Executive Engr. to offg. Superintending Engr., tempy. J.V. Griffin, from Executive Engr. and Superintending Engr. 2nd class, tempy. to Superintending Engr., 3rd class, permanent and Superintending Engr. 2nd class, tempy. |
Non-Gazetted Officers
Maung Lat, Myook, on return from leave is posted to the headquarters of the Magwe Dist. as Treasury Officer and Headquarters Magistrate in place of C.E. Crawford, Extra Asst. Commissioner, proceeding on leave. |
Appointments, Posting & Transfers
.Capt. J.W.J. Alves, Asst. Commissioner, on probation, is confirmed in his appointment a Asst. Commissioner with effect from 10th Jan.
Lieut. H.R. Pelly, Asst. Commissioner, on probation, is confirmed in his appointment as Asst. Commissioner with effect from 25th Jan. H.L. Nichols, offg. Under Secy. to Govt. of Burma, is confirmed in that appointment with effect from 4th Dec. 1914. G.E.R. Grant Brown, Deputy Commissioner, from Meiktila to the charge of the Kyaukse Dist. H. Tonkinson, offg. Deputy Commissioner from Kyaukse to the charge of the Meiktila Dist. F.V. Clerk, Extra Asst. Commissioner 5th grade, on probation, is confirmed in his appointment. H.A. Brown, Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner and is transferred from Rangoon to the charge of the Sagaing Dist. in place of Major F.C. Owens, Deputy Commissioner, proceeding on leave. Leave Privilege leave for one month was granted to G.P. Andrew, Deputy Commissioner. The special leave granted to A. Gaitskell, Commissioner, has been commuted into furlough on medical cert. and extended by four mths. |
Police Dept.
Capt. H.C. Strong, Asst. Commissioner, Burma Military Police, was transferred from Katha and was appointed to officiate as Commandant of the Shwebo Battalion, with headquarters at Shwebo, as a tempy measure, during the absence on leave of Capt. H. St. G. Harvey-Kelly. Privilege leave for one mth. and twenty eight days was granted to Capt. H. St. G. Harvey-Kelly, Commandant, Burma Military Police. Capt. G.D. Wright, 98th Inf. whose services have been placed at the disposal of the Govt. of Burma, is appointed to be an Asst. Adjutant of Military Police in Lower Burma and is posted to the Toungoo Battn. with headquarters at Bassein. Lt. R.G. Nairne, 61st King George’s Own Pioneers, whose services have been placed at the disposal of the Govt. of Burma, is appointed to be Asst. Commandant of Military Police in Upper Burma and is posted to the Myitkyina Battn. with headquarters at Myitkyina. The following alterations of rank are ordered in the Police Dept. with effect from 24th Dec. 1914, consequent on the retirement of A. J.A. Jardine, Deputy Inspector-Genl. of Police, 1st grade. M.J. Chisholm, Deputy Inspector-Genl. of Police, 2nd grad and offg. 1st grade to be Deputy Inspector-Genl. of Police 1st grade. C.M. Prendergast, Dist. Supdt. of Police 1st grade and offg. Deputy Inspector-Genl. 2nd grade to be Deputy Inspector-Genl. 2nd grade. |
Military Dept.
The following officers are transferred from the supernumerary list to active list of the Rangoon Vol. Rifle Corps:- Lt. Joseph Hamilton Primrose Wells 2nd Lt. David Ferguson Chalmers The following officers of the Rangoon Vol. Rifles are placed on the supernumerary list with effect from 23rd Dec. 1914:- Capt. Walter Lewis Henderson Capt. William Stevenson Lt. Ronald Edward St. John Clifford Lt. Arthur Salisbury Browne Roberts 2nd Lt. Frank Herbert Jones 2nd Lt. Ernest Frederick Baum 2nd Lt. Charles Hopewell Taylor 2nd Lt. Frank Coutts Hendry Judicial Dept. L.B. Naylor, Probationary Extra Asst. Commissioner, a Magistrate of the 2nd class in the Upper Chindwin Dist. is especially empowered to try cases under the Opium Act. 1878. |
At an exam. held at Mogok on 21st Dec.1914, A.A. Cameron, Extra Asst. Commissioner, passed the prescribed test in the Palaung language. Mr Cameron is entitled to receive a reward of Rs. 1000.
At an exam. held at Maubin on 7th Jan. 1915, E. Richard, Extra Asst. Commissioner, passed the prescribed test in the Sgau-Karen language. Mr Richard is entitled to receive a reward of Rs. 1000. F.C. Clerk, Extra Asst. Commissioner, passed the exam. in Criminal Law for Asst. Commissioners, Extra Asst. Commissioners and Myooks by the higher standard. J.G. Rutledge, bar-at-law, made over and the Hon’ble C.P. Radford Young, bar-at-law, received charge of the office of Govt. Advocate, Burma on 27th Jan. 1915. Maung Kin, bar-at-law, made over and E. Higinbotham, bar-at-law, received charge of the office of Asst. Govt. Advocate, Burma on 27th Jan. 1915. |
E. Higinbotham, bar-at-law made over and J.G. Rutledge, bar-at-law received charge of the office of Secy. to the Burma Legislative Council and Asst. Secy. to Govt. in the Legislative Dept. on 27th Jan. 1915.
D.J. Buchanan, 2nd grade Master, Govt. High School Rangoon is appointed to officiate as Headmaster, Govt. High School, Rangoon as a tempy. measure. Privilege leave for one mth. is granted to J.P. Bulkeley, Inspector of Schools, Mandalay Circle. Capt. S.T. Crump, is appointed to be Asst. Medical Supdt. of the Rangoon General Hospital, sub pro tem. G.F. Munro, Asst. Inspector of European and Normal Schools, is appointed Headmaster, Govt. High School, Rangoon in place of G.B. Smart, deceased. The Lt.-Governor appoints Commander A.R.G. Willock, Port Officer, Akyab, to be a member of the Akyab Municipal Committee. |
On return from leave J. M’F Petters, Executive Engr. is appointed to the charge of the Pegu Circle of Superintendence, vice P.F. Wickham, Superintending Engr. 3rd class, tempy. rank, transferred. On being relieved of the charge of the Pegu Circle J. M’F Petters, Executive Engr., is appointed to the charge of the Pegu Circle of Superintendence vice P.F. Wickham, Superintending Engr., 3rd class, tempy. rank, transferred. On being relieved of the charge of the Pegu Circle by J.M.F. Petters, Executive Engr., P.F. Wickham, Superintending Engr., 3rd class, tempy. rank, is transferred to the charge of the Chindwin Circle of Superintendence vice E.G. Stanley, Superintending Engr., 1st class, transferred. The services of E.G. Stanley, Superintending Engr., 1st class, P.W.D. are placed at the disposal of the Govt. of Bihar and Orissa. W. Burn, Asst. Engr., Amherst Divn., is granted privilege leave for three mths. and special leave on urgent private affairs in continuation thereof, for a total combined period of six mths. Mr Burn will spend the whole period of his leave in India. J. Dunn, Asst. Engr., has been granted an extension of 6 mths. leave on medical cert. |
Non-Gazetted Officers
Maung Shwe Po, Judicial Myook, on being relieved by P.W. Trutwein, Judicial Extra Asst. Commissioner, is transferred from Toungoo to the headquarters of the Pyu Township, Toungoo Dist. Notification by Heads of Depts. N.W. Purchase, Supdt. of Land Records, has been granted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State, leave on medical cert. for six mths. in continuation of the leave granted to him. B.M.D. Holmes, Inspector of Excise, 1st grade, is appointed to officiate as Supdt. of Excise, 6th grade and is posted to the charge of the Sandoway and Kyaukpyu districts, in place of Maung Saw Hla Pru. Maung Po U, Inspector of Police, 4th grade is reduced ten places on the list of Inspectors, 4th grade. Maung Po U will rank above Maung Po Aung, Inspector. Inspector Maung Po Eik will remain No. 27. Inspector Mr Fay will become No. 26. P.L. Whiter, 1st grade Sub-Inspector, Mergui Dist. Police, is appointed to officiate as an Inspector of Police, 4th grade, on probation and is posted to the Mergui Dist. Hanthawaddy (Syriam) Dist:- P.J. E. Curran, offg. Inspector, from Town Inspector, Syriam to the Thilawa Outpost. C. Bridge, Inspector from Thilawa Outpost to Town Inspector, Syriam. Resignation P.T. Rainsford, Inspector of Police, 2nd grade is permitted to resign his appointment. The under mentioned officer has passed the prescribed exam. in Surveying and Land Records work:- T.P. Dewar, Extra Asst. Commissioner, Meiktila Dist. |
C.P.R. Young, bar-at-law, relinquished charge of the office of Judge of the Chief Court, Lower Burma, on the 27th Jan. D.H.R. Twomey, bar-at-law, resumed charge of the office of Judge of the chief Court, Lower Burma, on 27th Jan. 1915. E.N. Drury made over and Lt.-Col. O.J. Obbard, received charge of the office of Commissioner, Arakan Divn. on 22nd Jan. 1915. Police Dept. S. Jennings, Dist. Supdt. of Police is recalled to duty before the expiry of his leave and is posted to the charge of the police of the Lower Chindwin Dist. in place of H.A. Atkinson, offg. Dist. Supdt. of Police. On relief of S. Jennings, Dist. Supdt. of Police, H.A. Arkinson, Deputy Supdt. of Police, remains at the headquarters of the Lower Chindwin Dist. as Headquarters Deputy Supdt. D.W. Rae, Deputy Supdt. of Police is transferred from Magwe to the charge of the police of the Myitkyina Dist. in place of T.S. Rake, offg. Dist. Supdt. of Police, transferred. T.S. Rake, offg. Dist. Supdt. of Police is transferred from Myitkyina to the charge of the police of the Magwe Dist. Judicial Dept. Capt. L.E.L. Burne, Asst. Commissioner is appointed to be an Additional Judge of the Magwe Dist. Court. General At the departmental exam. held at Falam and Loi Mwe on 4th Nov. 1914, the under mentioned candidates passed the exam. in Criminal Law and Procedure prescribed for British Officers of the Burma Military Police:- Capt. J.E. Colenso, Asst. Commandant Capt. A. Mackrell, Asst. Commandant On return of A.S. Dender, Asst. Inspector of Schools for Slojd and Drawing, Burma, from leave granted, Maung Ba Si reverts to his appointment as offg. Deputy Inspector of Schools. Civil Asst. Surgeon J. Bannerjee, is appointed to officiate as Civil Surgeon, Kyaukpyu, in place of 1st class Military Asst. Surgeon E.A. Picachy, transferred. F.A. Picachy is appointed officiate as Civil Surgeon, Pegu, as a tempy. measure in place of Civil Asst. Surgeon Maung Shwe Ge. Edgar John Pullar, F.R.I.B.A. is appointed as a tempy. measure, Consulting Architect to the Govt. of Burma, with effect from the forenoon of 1st Feb. 1915 vice H. Seton Morris, F.R.I.B.A. deceased. J. M’F. Petters, Executive Engr. is promoted to offg. Superintending Engr. with effect from 27th Jan. |
Forest Dept.
C. Alfred, Ranger, 2nd grade, is promoted to be an Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests On return from leave A. Lawrence, Deputy Conservator of Forests is re-posted to the charge of the Bassein-Myaungmya Forest Divn. in place of C.V. Ryan, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, transferred. On relief by J.D. Clifford, Deputy Conservator of Forests, C.V. Ryan, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests in charge of the Bassein-Myaungmya Forest Divn. is transferred from Bassein and is attached to the Shwegyin Forest Divn. On return from leave J.D. Clifford, Deputy Conservator of Forests, is re-appointed to be Director of the Burma Forest School, Pyinmana, in place of W.A. Robertson, Deputy Conservator of Forests, transferred On relief by J.D. Clifford, Deputy Conservator of Forests W.A. Robertson, Deputy Conservator of Forests, offg. Director, Burma Forest School, Pyinmana, is transferred from Pyinmana and is posted to the charge of the Tharrawaddy Forest Divn. in place of F.H. Todd, Deputy Conservator of Forests, transferred. F.H. Todd, Deputy Conservator of Forests,is transferred from Tharrawaddy and is posted to the charge of the Pyinmana Forest Divn. in place of W. Lawton, Deputy Conservator of Forests, transferred W. Lawton, Deputy Conservator of Forests, is transferred from Pyinmana and is posted to Working Plans duty in the Thaungyin Forest Divn. Non-Gazetted Officers P.W.D. E.G. Stanley, Superintending Engr, 1st class, on transfer to Bihar and Orissa, was relieved of his duties in this Province on 1st Feb. Police Dept. The following transfers are ordered in the Tavoy Dist:- E. Chill, Inspector, to hold charge of the North Eastern Circle, Yebyu, in addition to his own duties as Mines Inspector. Notifications from Heads of Depts. R.K. Anderson, Asst. Supdt. of Excise, Akyab Dist. is granted privilege leave for one mth. On his return from leave is re-posed to the Akyab Dist. On return from leave Maung Kin, Resident Excise Officer, is posted to the Opium Shop at Ngathainggyaung, Bassein Dist. vice J.A. Sartorius, Resident Excise Officer, proceeding on leave. J.A. Sartorius, Resident Excise Officer. In charge of the Opium Shop at Ngathainggyaung, Bassein Dist. is granted three mths. privilege leave with effect from the date of relief. |
Notifications from Heads of Depts.
Excise Dept. H.C. Stewart-Carlile, Excise Inspector 2nd grade on expiry of his leave is posted to the Amherst Sub-divn. in place of B.M.D. Holmes, Excise Inspector, 1st grade, who had been appointed to officiate as Superintendent of Excise 6th grade. S.W. Burghall, Excise Inspector, 1st grade, on relief by E.G. Robertson, Supdt. of Excise, 6th grade, is re-posted to the Rangoon Town Dist. in place of Maung Po Lu, offg. Excise Inspector 5th grade. G.H. Littlewood, Excise Inspector, 2nd grade, on probation, Rangoon Town Dist. is reduced twenty places on the list of Excise Inspectors for failing to pass the Departmental Exams. in Burmese by the lower standard. Mr Littlewood will rank as Excise Inspector 4th grade on probation and next below Maung Ba Gale. |
S.A. Smyth, Asst. Commissioner is appointed to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner and is transferred from Maymyo to the charge of the Sagaing Dist. in place of H.A. Brown, offg. Deputy Commissioner, transferred.
H.A. Brown, offg. Deputy Commissioner on being relieved by S.A. Smyth, is transferred from Sagaing to Rangoon and is placed on special duty in the Secretariat.
The following temporary and permanent alterations of rank are ordered in the Burma Commission:-
(1) With effect from 7th Oct. 1914 consequent on the return from leave of G.F.S. Christie, Deputy Commissioner, 1st grade: H.N. Tuck, Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade and officiating 1st grade reverts to his substantive rank.
W.B. Brander, Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade and officiating Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade.
Capt. D.N. Stewart, Asst. Commissioner 4th grade and officiating Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 1st grade.
Capt. T.D.H. Hackett, Asst. Commissioner 4th grade and officiating 1st grade to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 2nd grade.
H.F. Searle, Asst. Commissioner 4th grade and officiating 2nd grade to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 3rd grade.
(2) With effect from 8th Oct. 1914 consequent on the departure on leave of W.V. Hoey, officiating Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade: H.F. Searle, Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade and officiating 3rd grade to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 2nd grade.
(3) With effect from 10th Oct. 1914 consequent on the return from leave of L.H. Saunders, Commissioner and Capt. V. Beadon, Asst. Commissioner 4th grade: G.F. Arnold, Deputy Commissioner, 1st grade and offg. Commissioner, to revert to his substantive rank. G.C.B. Stirling, Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade and offg. 1st grade to revert to his substantive rank. Major F. Bigg Wither, Asst. Commissioner 2nd grade and offg. Deputy Commissioner 2nd grade to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade. Capt. V. Beadon, Asst. Commissioner 4th grade to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 2nd grade. H.F. Searle, Asst. Commissioner 4th grade and offg. 2nd grade to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 3rd grade.
(4) With effect from 11th Oct. 1914 consequent on the return from leave of T. Couper, Asst. Commissioner 1st grade: T. Couper, Asst. Commissioner 1st grade to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner 2nd grade. E.N. Bell Asst. Commissioner 2nd grade and offg. Deputy Commissioner 2nd grade to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade.
(5) With effect from 12th Oct. 1914 the date on which H.H. Craw, offg. Dist. Judge was relieved by H.B. Holme, offg. Dist. Judge: H.H. Craw Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade and offg. Dist. Judge, to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade. A.R. Morris, Asst. Commissioner 4th grade and offg. 1st grade to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 2nd grade. Capt. G.C. Slacke, Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade and offg, 2nd grade to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 3rd grade.
(6) With effect from 13th Oct. 1914 consequent on the return from leave of C.S. Pennell, J.B. Marshall and F.C. Barclay: C.S. Pennell, Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner 2nd grade. D.G. Robertson, Asst. Commissioner 2nd grade and offg. Deputy Commissioner 2nd grade to officiate as Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade. B.W. Perkins, Asst. Commissioner 3rd grade and offg. Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade (on privilege leave) to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 1st grade. Capt. E. Butterfield, Asst. Commissioner 4th grade and offg. Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 1st grade. J.B. Marshall, Asst. Commissioner 4th grade to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 2nd grade. Capt. W.A.S. Grey, Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade and offg. 1st grade to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 2nd grade. F.C. Barclay, Asst. Commissioner 4th grade on special duty, to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 3rd grade and to remain on special duty. A.E.H. Killick and Lt. R.W. Barker, Asst. Commissioners 4th grade and offg. 2nd grade to officiate as Asst. Commissioners 3rd grade.
(7) With effect from 2nd Nov. 1914 consequent on the appointment of G.B.H. Fell, Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade, as Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India and the reversion of C.F. Grant Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade and Settlement Officer, from the Settlement Dept. to the regular line. H.A. Thornton, Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade and offg. 2nd grade to be a Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade. Major H.V.M. Langtry, Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade and offg. Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade to be a Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade. C.F. Grant, Settlement Officer to be an Asst. Commissioner 1st grade and to remain on special duty.
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to invest Major W.B.T. Abbey, Asst. Commissioner, Kachin Hills, with all the powers of a Deputy Commissioner including the powers of a Sessions Judge. The limits of the jurisdiction of Major Abbey shall be the Kachin Hill Tracts of the Putao Dist.
S.A. Smyth, Asst. Commissioner is appointed to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner and is transferred from Maymyo to the charge of the Sagaing Dist. in place of H.A. Brown, offg. Deputy Commissioner, transferred.
H.A. Brown, offg. Deputy Commissioner on being relieved by S.A. Smyth, is transferred from Sagaing to Rangoon and is placed on special duty in the Secretariat.
The following temporary and permanent alterations of rank are ordered in the Burma Commission:-
(1) With effect from 7th Oct. 1914 consequent on the return from leave of G.F.S. Christie, Deputy Commissioner, 1st grade: H.N. Tuck, Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade and officiating 1st grade reverts to his substantive rank.
W.B. Brander, Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade and officiating Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade.
Capt. D.N. Stewart, Asst. Commissioner 4th grade and officiating Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 1st grade.
Capt. T.D.H. Hackett, Asst. Commissioner 4th grade and officiating 1st grade to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 2nd grade.
H.F. Searle, Asst. Commissioner 4th grade and officiating 2nd grade to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 3rd grade.
(2) With effect from 8th Oct. 1914 consequent on the departure on leave of W.V. Hoey, officiating Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade: H.F. Searle, Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade and officiating 3rd grade to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 2nd grade.
(3) With effect from 10th Oct. 1914 consequent on the return from leave of L.H. Saunders, Commissioner and Capt. V. Beadon, Asst. Commissioner 4th grade: G.F. Arnold, Deputy Commissioner, 1st grade and offg. Commissioner, to revert to his substantive rank. G.C.B. Stirling, Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade and offg. 1st grade to revert to his substantive rank. Major F. Bigg Wither, Asst. Commissioner 2nd grade and offg. Deputy Commissioner 2nd grade to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade. Capt. V. Beadon, Asst. Commissioner 4th grade to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 2nd grade. H.F. Searle, Asst. Commissioner 4th grade and offg. 2nd grade to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 3rd grade.
(4) With effect from 11th Oct. 1914 consequent on the return from leave of T. Couper, Asst. Commissioner 1st grade: T. Couper, Asst. Commissioner 1st grade to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner 2nd grade. E.N. Bell Asst. Commissioner 2nd grade and offg. Deputy Commissioner 2nd grade to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade.
(5) With effect from 12th Oct. 1914 the date on which H.H. Craw, offg. Dist. Judge was relieved by H.B. Holme, offg. Dist. Judge: H.H. Craw Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade and offg. Dist. Judge, to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade. A.R. Morris, Asst. Commissioner 4th grade and offg. 1st grade to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 2nd grade. Capt. G.C. Slacke, Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade and offg, 2nd grade to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 3rd grade.
(6) With effect from 13th Oct. 1914 consequent on the return from leave of C.S. Pennell, J.B. Marshall and F.C. Barclay: C.S. Pennell, Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner 2nd grade. D.G. Robertson, Asst. Commissioner 2nd grade and offg. Deputy Commissioner 2nd grade to officiate as Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade. B.W. Perkins, Asst. Commissioner 3rd grade and offg. Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade (on privilege leave) to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 1st grade. Capt. E. Butterfield, Asst. Commissioner 4th grade and offg. Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 1st grade. J.B. Marshall, Asst. Commissioner 4th grade to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 2nd grade. Capt. W.A.S. Grey, Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade and offg. 1st grade to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 2nd grade. F.C. Barclay, Asst. Commissioner 4th grade on special duty, to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 3rd grade and to remain on special duty. A.E.H. Killick and Lt. R.W. Barker, Asst. Commissioners 4th grade and offg. 2nd grade to officiate as Asst. Commissioners 3rd grade.
(7) With effect from 2nd Nov. 1914 consequent on the appointment of G.B.H. Fell, Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade, as Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India and the reversion of C.F. Grant Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade and Settlement Officer, from the Settlement Dept. to the regular line. H.A. Thornton, Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade and offg. 2nd grade to be a Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade. Major H.V.M. Langtry, Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade and offg. Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade to be a Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade. C.F. Grant, Settlement Officer to be an Asst. Commissioner 1st grade and to remain on special duty.
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to invest Major W.B.T. Abbey, Asst. Commissioner, Kachin Hills, with all the powers of a Deputy Commissioner including the powers of a Sessions Judge. The limits of the jurisdiction of Major Abbey shall be the Kachin Hill Tracts of the Putao Dist.
Police Dept.
Capt. G.G. Richardson, Asst. Adjutant, Toungoo Battn. is transferred from Bassein to the Chindwin Battn. as Asst. Commandant with headquarters at Magwe. The services of Capt. C.R.H.P. Landon, 35th Scinde Horse, Adjutant, Lower Burma Military Police, are replaced at the disposal of the Govt. of India in the Home Dept. Capt. H.W.F. Clive, Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, is transferred from the Putao Battn. to the Myitkyina Battn. with headquarters at Myitkyina. Judicial Dept. Capt. J.W.J. Alves, Asst. Commissioner is appointed to be a Magistrate of the first class in the Magwe Dist. Capt. J.W.J. Alves, Asst. Commissioner is appointed to be a Justice of the Peace within and for Burma. The Lt.-Governor is pleased to notify the Sir G.C. Buchanan, has been appointed a visitor of the Rangoon Central Jail. Forest Dept. J.J. Rorie, Deputy Conservator of Forests has been granted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State a further extension of three mths. leave on medical cert. in continuation of the extension of leave notified. On relief by F.H. Todd, Deputy Conservator of Forests, W. Lawton, Deputy Conservator of Forests, in charge of the Pyinmana Forest Divn. is transferred from Pyinmana and is placed on special duty in the N. Shan States, Mandalay Forest Divn. C.V. Ryan, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, in charge of the Bassein-Myaungmya Forest Divn. is granted privilege leave for one months and 8 days. Pending the arrival of A. Lawrence, Deputy Conservator of Forests, on leave, F.T. Dalton, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests in charge of the Revenue Range, Bassein-Myaungmya Forest Divn. is placed in temporary charge of that division in addition to his own duties in place of C.V. Ryan, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, proceeding on leave. |
On return from leave E.D. Heffenden, Executive Engr. is posted to the Pegu Circle for the charge of the Embankment Divn. vice B.M. Samuelson, Executive Engr. transferred. B.M. Samuelson, Executive Engr. is placed on special duty in the Pegu Circle with headquarters at Rangoon, in connection with the investigation into the streams from the Pegu Yomas and the improvement of the waterways in the Delta. Non-Gazetted Officers Other Notifications Privilege leave for three months combined with leave on private affairs for a further period of three months is granted to A.P.P. L’Estrange, Supdt. of Land Records. P.W.D. A.T. Simeons, Overseer, 2nd grade, Lashio Divn. has been granted leave on medical cert. for two mths. B.S. Dean, Overseer, 2nd grade, has been transferred from the Rangoon to the Chindwin Circle. Police Dept. Leave on medical cert. for three mths. is granted to A.E. Sherard, Inspector. Excise Dept. E.A. Noyce, offg. Resident Excise Officer, 7th grade, Wuntho, Katha Dist. to be Resident Excise Officer, 7th grade. W.R. McCann, offg. Resident Excise Officer, 7th grade, Tamanthi, U. Chindwin Dist. to be Resident Excise Officer, 7th grade. Privilege leave for three mths. and furlough in continuation thereof up to the 4th April 1916 is granted to L.A. Thurston, Supdt. of Excise, 1st grade, Rangoon Town Dist. with effect from the 16th Feb. 1915. The leave is granted on account of ill health. |
Excise Dept.
Consequent on the grant of leave to L.A. Thurston, Supdt. of Excise, the following changes are ordered in the Excise Dept.
(1) B.M. Thomas, Supdt. of Excise, 3rd grade is transferred from the Henzada Dist. to the Pegu Dist. in place of F.W. Martin, transferred.
(2) On relief by B.M. Thomas, F.W. Martin, Supdt. of Excise 2nd grade, is transferred from the Pegu Dist. to the Rangoon Town Dist. in place of L.A. Thurston.
(3) W.G. Bowden, Supdt. of Excise 4th grade, on his return from leave is posted to the Henzada Dist. in place of B.M. Thomas, transferred.
Consequent on the grant of leave to L.A. Thurston, Supdt. of Excise, the following changes are ordered in the Excise Dept.
(1) B.M. Thomas, Supdt. of Excise, 3rd grade is transferred from the Henzada Dist. to the Pegu Dist. in place of F.W. Martin, transferred.
(2) On relief by B.M. Thomas, F.W. Martin, Supdt. of Excise 2nd grade, is transferred from the Pegu Dist. to the Rangoon Town Dist. in place of L.A. Thurston.
(3) W.G. Bowden, Supdt. of Excise 4th grade, on his return from leave is posted to the Henzada Dist. in place of B.M. Thomas, transferred.
G.P. Andrews, Deputy Commissioner, on return from leave is placed on special duty in the Secretariat. Misc. R.G. McKerron, Asst. Commissioner, on being relieved by G.E. Harvey, Asst. Commissioner, was transferred from Minbu and was posted to duty at the headquarters of the Akyab Dist. The services of A.S. Gilbert, Asst. Commissioner, were placed at the disposal of the Govt. of India in the Army Dept. with effect from the 28th Oct. Police Dept. Capt. J.F.C. Carter, Dist. Supdt. of Police, has been seconded on foreign service under the orders of His Majesty’s Secy. of State for War. Capt. T.F.S. Burridge, Asst. Adjutant, Burma Military Police, is appointed to officiate as Adjutant of the Rangoon Battn. in place of Capt. C.R.H.P. Landon, proceeding on leave. Privilege leave is granted to Capt. C.R.H.P. Landon, Adjutant, Burma Military Police, with effect from 22nd Feb. 1915 to 18th Mar. 1915 both days inclusive. Military Dept. The name of Major James Good, M.B., I.M.S., Medical Officer, Moulmein Vol. Rifle Corps., is placed on the supernumerary list, with effect from 1st Feb. 1915. The following officers of the Upper Burma Vol. Rifles are placed on the supernumerary list:- Capt. Thomas Dalby Capt. Hutchinson Hackett Lt. Arthur Carrington Tyndale Lt. Peter Hughes Non-Gazetted Officers - Other Notifications G.S. Wiltshire has been appointed Asst. Demonstrator in Chemistry, Rangoon College, in place of G.A. Nicholas, B.A., transferred to the Land Records Dept. |
General Dept.
At an exam. held at Bassein on 12th Feb. W.F. Grahame, Deputy Commissioner, passed the prescribed test in the Sgau-Karen language. Mr Graham is entitled to receive a reward of Rs. 1000. The following promotions are ordered in the Civil Medical Dept:- Major E.R. Rost, to be a first class Civil Surgeon from 12th Sept. 1914 the date on which he returned from leave. L.P. Saunders, whose services have been placed at the disposal of this Govt. by the Govt. of India, assumed charge of his duties as Professor of Philosophy in the Govt. College, Rangoon on 7th Dec. 1914. Civil Surgeon Manilal Kundu, is appointed to officiate as Civil Surgeon Maubin, during the absence of Senior Military Asst. Surgeon and Hony. Capt. J.F. Curran, who has proceeded on leave. Leave for one mth. is granted to Senior Military Asst. Surgeon and Hony. Capt. J.F. Curran, Maubin. Forest Dept. The services of G.H. Ogilvie, Asst. Conservator of Forests, have been placed at the disposal of the Govt. of India in the Army Dept. The services of H. Trotter, Asst. Conservator of Forests, have been placed at the disposal of the Govt. of India in the Army Dept. Financial Dept. R. Baillie, Deputy Supdt. Govt. Printing, has been permitted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State to return to duty within the period of the combined leave granted to him. Marine Dept. The Lt-Governor is pleased to appoint William Dorrat, Engineer of the Arakan Flotilla Co., Akyab, to be Engineer Surveyor for the purposes of the Inland Steam Vessels Act. at the Port of Akyab, with effect from 1st Mar. during the absence of O.P. Thompson. |
A.S. Phipps,, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is transferred from Maubin to the charge of the Mogok Sub-divn., Ruby Mines Dist. in place of J.J. Phipps, Extra Asst. Commissioner, proceeding on leave. Leave Privilege leave for one mth. and 5 days on medical cert. in continuation thereof for 10 mths. and 25 days is granted to F.G. Paul, Extra Asst. Commissioner. Privilege leave to the amount due under article 232 and furlough on medical cert. in continuation thereof for a total combined period of one yr. was granted to Major F.C. Owens, Deputy Commissioner, Major Owens proceeded to England. General The Lt.-Governor appoints Col. Arthur Owen Evans, Inspector-Genl. of Civil Hospitals, and Dr. Archibald Robert John Douglas, Chief Medical Officer, Burma Railways, to be Members of the Council of the Lt.-Governor of Burma for the purpose of making Laws and Regulations ... ... and directs that they shall hold office for six months. At an exam. held at Loimwe on 13th Jan., Hony. Lt. A.E. Hamlin, offg. Civil Surgeon, Loimwe, passed the prescribed test in the Shan language by the lower standard. Hony. Lt. Hamlin is entitle to receive a reward of Rs. 1000. Furlough on medical cert. for 8 mths. from 2nd Feb. is granted to K.M. Ward, Professor of Physics at the Govt. College, Rangoon. Mr Ward is permitted to combine the Oct. vacation of 1915 which commences on 2nd Oct. 1915 with the furlough now granted to him. L.G. Owen, who has been appointed by His Majesty’s Secy. of State to be a member of the Indian Educational Service and Professor of mathematics at the Govt. College, Rangoon, reported his arrival on 11th Feb. 1915. Privilege leave to the amount due and furlough in continuation thereof for a total combined period of two years is granted to the Ven’ble C.P. Cory, Archdeacon of Rangoon and Bishop’s Commissary. |
Forest Dept.
F.E.C. Palmer, Probationary Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests is appointed to be an Extra Assistant Conservator of Forests. C.K. Hargreaves, Asst. Conservator of Forests attached to the Thayetmyo Forest Divn. is transferred from Thayetmyo and is posted to duty in the Pegu Forest Divn. P.E. Plunkett, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests is recalled to duty before the expiry of his leave and is placed temporarily on special duty with effect from 13th Feb. for the purpose of purchasing elephants required by the Forest Dept. Finance Dept. E. Nelson, Asst. Collector of Customs and Superintendent of the Preventive Service, Moulmein, is permitted to retire from the service of Government. P.W.D. On return from leave P.N. Sen, Superintending Engr. 2nd class is appointed to the charge of the Pegu Circle of Superintendence vice J. M’F. Petters, offg. Superintending Engr., transferred. J. M’F. Petters, offg. Superintending Engr., is appointed to be Sanitary Engr. vice F.R. Collins, offg. Superintending Engr., transferred. F.R. Collins, Executive Engr. is transferred to the Rangoon Circle for the charge of the Rangoon Construction Divn. vice F.D. Flint, offg. Executive Engr. Non-Gazetted Officers Maung An Tu, Myook, is permitted to return to duty before the expiry of his leave and is posted to the headquarters of the Maubin Dist. as Treasury Officer and Headquarters Magistrate in place of A.S. Phipps, Extra Asst. Commissioner, transferred. Police Dept. - The following transfers are ordered in the Mergui Dist:- P.L. Whiter offg. Inspector, from Town Inspector to Palaw Circle. F.R. Aubrey, Inspector, from Bokpyin to Victoria Point Circle C.A.C. Thomson, Inspector, from Victoria Point to Town Inspector. |
N.C.K. Aiyar, P.E.S., Lecturer in Physics, Govt. College, Rangoon, is appointed to officiate in the Indian Educational Service as Professor of Physics, in place of K.M. Ward, proceeding on leave. P.B. Quinlan, who has been appointed by His Majesty’s Secy. of State to be a member of the Indian Educational Service and Principal of the Govt. High School, Akyab, reported his arrival in Rangoon on the 13th February. P.B. Quinlan, I.E.S., is appointed Principal of the Govt. High and Normal Schools, Moulmein, with effect from 16th February. On relief by Mr Quinlan, C. Winckler, P.E.S., offg. Principal, Govt. High and Normal Schools, Moulmein, reverts to his substantive appointment as Headmaster, Govt. High School, Moulmein, in place of J.A. Marsh, who reverts to his substantive appointment as Headmaster, Govt. Normal School, Moulmein. A.M. Evans, Extra Asst. Commissioner, on being relieved by C. Sausman, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is transferred from Rangoon to the headquarters of the Insein Dist. for training. W. Street, Asst. Commissioner, on completion of the special duty to which he was posted, is posted to the charge of the Homalin Sub-divn. Upper Chindwin Dist. in place of L.B. Naylor, probationary Extra Asst. Commissioner. L.B. Naylor, probationary Extra Asst. Commissioner, on being relieved by W. Street, remains at the headquarters of the Homalin Sub-divn., Upper Chindwin Dist. to continue his training. |
Privilege leave for six weeks has been granted to W.F. Grahame, Deputy Commissioner. Furlough for five mths. and twenty-six days is granted to the Hon’ble Sir Henry S. Hartnoll, Bar-at-law, Judge, Chief Court of Lower Burma, on account of ill health, with effect from 18th Mar. 1915. Sir Henry Hartnoll is permitted to prefix the furlough to the long vacation of 1915. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Misc. E.F. Baum, Asst. Commissioner, was posted to Forest Settlement duty in the Pegu Dist. in addition to the special duty to which he was posted. Police Dept. Privilege leave for three mths. and furlough on medical cert. in continuation thereof for a total combined period of six mths. is granted to F.A. McMahon, Asst. Supdt. of Police. Judicial Dept. A.M. Evans, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to be an Additional Judge of the Insein Township Court in the Insein Dist. Non-Gazetted Officers Maung Hmon, Myook, is placed in charge of the Mogok Sub-divn., Ruby Mines Dist. in addition to his own duties, as a temporary measure, pending the arrival of A.S. Phipps, Extra Asst. Commissioner. |
Forest Dept.
Privilege leave to the amount due combined with leave on medical cert. so as to make a total period of nine mths. is granted to T.I. Pocock, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests. C.W. Allan, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, has been granted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State a further extension of three mths. leave on medical cert. in continuation of the extension of leave notified. T.A. Hauxwell, Conservator of Forests, on leave, is permitted to retire from the service of Govt. with effect from the 11th Mar. 1915. |
Notifications of Departments
Privilege leave for three mths. is granted to R.V. Littlewood, Supdt. of Land Records, Myingyan. R.K. Anderson, Asst. Supdt. of Excise, Akyab Dist. is granted an extension of privilege leave for one mth. E.C. Prinsep, Inspector, is transferred from Bhamo to the Kyaukse Dist. A.H. Nolan, Excise Inspector, 2nd grade, on expiry of his leave granted to him is posted to Maubin Dist. in place of Maung On Maung. |
Excise Dept.
The following promotions are ordered in the grades of Inspectors of Excise:- With effect from 2nd Feb. 1915 consequent on the reduction of G.H. Littlewood, Inspector of Excise, from the 2nd to the 4th grade - F.H. Byron, Inspector of Excise 3rd grade, Moulmein, Amherst Dist. to be Inspector of Excise 2nd grade. The following promotions are ordered in the grades of Resident Excise Officers:- With effect from 2nd Feb. 1915 consequent on the reduction of R.A.F. Hearsey, Resident Excise Officer, from 5th to 6th grade – Maung San Nyun, Resident Excise Officer 6th grade, Sinbyugyun, Minbu Dist. to be Resident excise Officer Resident Excise Officer 5th grade. With effect from 15th Jan. 1915 consequent on the death of H.W. Vyall, Resident Excise Officer, 6th grade, Maung Ba U, Resident Excise Officer 7th grade, Nyaunglebin, Pegu Dist. to be, Resident Excise Officer 6th grade. The following Excise Officer on probation are herby confirmed in their appointments:- W.F. Aplin, Excise Inspector, 5th grade, Rangoon, Rangoon Town Dist. M.H. Nuruddin, Resident Excise Officer, 6th grade, Ye, Amherst Dist. On being relieved of the charge of the Rangoon Construction Divn. by F.R. Collins, Executive Engr., F.D. Flint, Asst. Engr. is transferred to the Rangoon Divn. for the charge of the Insein Sub-divn. vice Lt. R. Walsh, Asst. Engr. proceeding on leave. Privilege leave for two mths. and six days is granted to Asst. Commissary and Hony. Lieut. R. Walsh, Asst. Engr. and Sub-divnl. Officer, Insein Sub-divn., Rangoon Divn. |
J.F. Sheehy, Asst. Commissioner, is transferred from Meiktila and is posted to duty in Rangoon, as a tempy. measure, to verify the balances of the Currency Office. Maung Shwe Tha, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is permitted to return to duty before the expiry of his leave and is posted to the charge of the Katha Sub-divn., Katha Dist. in place of J.M. Conder, Asst. Commissioner proceeding on leave. |
Privilege leave for three mths. and furlough in continuation thereof for three mths, is granted to H.M.S. Mathews, Commissioner of Settlements and Land Records. Privilege leave and furlough on medical cert. in continuation thereof for a total combined period of one year, was granted to M. Laurie, Commissioner. Privilege leave for three mths. and leave on medical cert. in continuation thereof for three mths. is granted to J.J. Phipps, Extra Asst. Commissioner. |
The following transfers are ordered in the Putao Dist:-
P.M.R. Leonard, Extra Asst. Commissioner, from Laza to Putao as Sub-divnl. Officer and Asst. Superintendent, Kachin Hills.
C.W. King, Extra Asst. Commissioner, from Putao to Laza as Sub-divnl. Officer and Asst. Superintendent, Kachin Hills Major W.B.T. Abbey, I.A., Asst. Commissioner, on completion of the duty to which he was posted is appointed to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner and is posted to the charge of the Myitkyina Dist. in place of E.J. Farmer, officiating Deputy Commissioner, transferred. E.J. Farmer, officiating Deputy Commissioner, is transferred from Myitkyina and is appointed to be Warden of the Yenangyaung, Minbu and Singu oil-fields with headquarters at Yenangyaung, Magwe Dist., in place of Capt. L.E.L. Burne, Asst. Commissioner. H.P. Hewett, Asst. Commissioner, on completion of the duty to which he was posted, is transferred from Mandalay to the charge of the Wakema Sub-divn. Myaungmya Dist. in place of Lt. R.W. Baker, I.A., Asst. Commissioner. |
W. Scott, Extra Asst. Commissioner, Asst. Superintendent, Kachin Hills on completion of the special duty to which he was posted, is posted to the charge of the Kamaing Sub-divn. Myitkyina Dist. in place of C.C. Crosby, Extra Asst. Commissioner, transferred.
C.C. Crosby, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is transferred from Kamaing to the charge of the Pakokku Sub-divn. Pakokku Dist. in place of C.P. Duffin, Probationary Extra Asst. Commissioner, transferred. C.P. Duffin, Probationary Extra Asst. Commissioner, is transferred from Pakokku and is posted to special duty at the headquarters of the Kamaing Sub-divn. Myitkyina Dist. F.B. Leach, Asst. Commissioner, on completion of the special duty to which he was posted, is transferred from Minbu and is posted to Forest Settlement duty in the N. Shan States. |
The following permanent alteration of rank is ordered in the Burma Commission:- With effect from 20th Dec. 1914, consequent on the appointment of L.H. Saunders, to be Judicial Commissioner, Upper Burma, Lt.-Col. O.J. Obbard, Deputy Commissioner, 1st grade, on leave, to be a Commissioner of a Division. |
Police Dept.
Capt. W.H. Barnett, officiating Adjutant, Burma Military Police, is transferred from Toungoo and is appointed to be of the Rangoon Battn. in place of Capt. C.R.H.P. Landon, who reverts to military duty.
Capt. L.E.L. Burne, Asst. Commissioner is appointed to be an Adjutant of Military Police in Lower Burma and is posted to the Toungoo Battn. in place of Capt. W.H. Barnett, transferred. R.G. Sims, Asst. Supdt. of Police, is transferred from Kawkareik to the headquarters of the Meiktila Dist. as Headquarters Asst. in place of J.T.M. Cowan, Asst. Supdt. of Police, transferred. J.T.M. Cowan, Asst. Supdt. of Police, is transferred from Meiktila to the charge of the police of the Kawkareik Sub-divn., Amherst Dist. in place of R.G. Sims, Asst. Supdt. of Police, transferred. Lieut. R.W. Baker, Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to be an Asst. Commandant of Military Police in Upper Burma and is posted to the Shwebo Battn. with headquarters at Katha, in place of Capt. H.C. Strong, deceased. |
D.W. Rae, Dist. Supdt. of Police, is transferred from Myitkyina to the charge of the police of the Bhamo Dist., in place of C.E. Lloyd, Dist. Supdt. of Police, transferred.
C.E. Lloyd, Dist. Supdt. of Police, is transferred from Bhamo to the charge of the police of the Myitkyina Dist. in place of D.W. Rae, Dist. Supdt. of Police, transferred. W.J. Doveton, Dist. Supdt. of Police, under suspension, is reinstated in his appointment, with effect from the forenoon of the 4th Mar. 1915 and is posted to special duty in Rangoon. On completion of his special duty in Rangoon W.J. Doveton, Dist. Supdt. of Police, is transferred to the charge of the police of the Sandoway Dist. in place of H.P. Tarleton, Dist. Supdt. of Police, transferred. H.P. Tarleton, Dist. Supdt. of Police, is transferred from Sandoway and is posted to special duty in Rangoon. |
Military Dept.
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to make the following appointment in the Rangoon Vol. Rifle Corp:- Rev’d. Wilfrid Harry Cowper Johnson to be Hony. Chaplain vice Rev’d. R.R. Smith, resigned. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint G.B. Savi, Asst. Dist. Supdt. of Police, to be an Aide-de-Camp on his personal staff. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The name of 2nd Lieut. Archie Ripon Anderson, of the Moulmein Vol. Rifle Corps, is placed on the supernumerary list. |
Judicial Dept.
E. Dawson, Dist. Judge, is appointed to exercise jurisdiction as an Additional Sessions Judge in the Court of Session of the Tenasserim Divn. He shall try such cases as the Sessions Judge may make over to him for trial. E.J. Farmer, Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to be an Additional Judge of the Magwe Dist. Court. The Lt.-Governor appoints the Supdt. of the Insein Central Jail to be the visiting Medical Officer of the Reformatory School at Insein. |
J.G. Rutledge, Bar-at-law, Secretary to the Burma Legislative Council and Asst. Secretary to the Govt. of Burma in the Legislative Dept. is appointed to officiate as Govt. Advocate, Burma, in place of the Hon’ble C.P. Radford Young, Bar-at-law.
E. Higinbotham, Bar-at-law, Asst. Govt. Advocate, Burma, is appointed to officiate as Secretary to the Burma Legislative Council and Asst. Secretary to the Govt. of Burma, in the Legislative Dept., in place of J.G. Rutledge Maung Kin, Bar-at-law, is appointed to officiate as Asst. Govt. Advocate, in place of E. Higinbotham. The services of the following officers are replaced at the disposal of the Govt. of India in the Home Dept:- Major E.R. Rost, I.M.S. Major R.D. Saigol, I.M.S. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Major A.R. Sargent, I.M.S., Supdt., Lunatic Asylum, Rangoon, is appointed to hold additional charge of the duties of Civil Surgeon, Rangoon (East) in place of Major E.R. Rost. |
Major A.G. Sargent, I.M.S., Supdt., Lunatic Asylum, Rangoon, is appointed to hold additional charge of the Govt. Plague and Contagious Diseases Hospital, Rangoon, in place of Major R.D. Saigol.
L.G. Fink, has been permitted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State to return to duty within the period of his leave. C.W. Ainley, Principal, Govt. High School for Europeans, Maymyo, has been permitted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State to return to duty within the period of his leave. Lt.-Col. K. Prasad, I.M.S., (retired) is appointed to be Civil Surgeon, Insein and Hanthawaddy Dist., excluding the Syriam Municipality, in place of Senior Military Asst. Surgeon and Hony. Capt. T.W. Minty, who retires from the service. Lt.-Col. D.P. Warliker, I.M.S., (retired) is appointed to be Civil Surgeon, Bhamo, in place of Capt. F.J. Kolapore, I.M.S. Military Asst. Surgeon H.J. Willes is granted leave in India for eleven days in continuation of the leave granted. |
A.M. Beatson, Sub-Engr. 2nd grade, is granted an extension of furlough for one mth. P.N. Sen assumed charge of the Pegu Circle of Superintendence, from J. M’F. Petters, on the forenoon of the 1st Mar. J. M’F Petters assumed charge of the appointment of Sanitary Engr. from F.R. Collins, on the 1st Mar. 1915. |
Non-Gazetted Officers
Maung Po Saing, Myook, is transferred from Zalun to the charge of the Wakema Sub-divn. Myaungmya Dist. as a tempy. measure, pending the arrival of H.P. Hewett, Asst. Commissioner. |
A.T. Rajan, Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to officiate as a Dist. Judge and is transferred from Allanmyo to Prome as Judge of Prome and Tharrawaddy Dist. Courts in place of E. Ford, Dist. Judge. E. Ford. Dist. Judge is appointed to officiate as a Divnl. Judge and is appointed to be the Judge of the Divnl. and Sessions Court of the Prome Divn. in place of H.S. Pratt, Divnl. Judge proceeding on leave. R.R. Brown, Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to officiate as a Dist. Judge and is transferred from Rangoon to Bassein as Judge of Bassein and Henzada Dist. Courts, in place of R.C.S. Keith, Dist. Judge proceeding on leave. D.F. Chalmers, Deputy Director of Land Records is placed in charge of the current duties of the office of the Commissioner of Settlements and Land Records in additional to his other duties, as a tempy. measure, in place of H.M.S. Mathews, proceeding on leave. P.M.R. Leonard, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is placed in charge of the Konglu Sub-divn. Putao Dist. in addition to his other duties, during the absence on leave of J.T.O. Barnard, Extra Asst. Commissioner. |
Privilege leave for one mth. is granted to H.S. Pratt, Divnl. Judge. Mr Pratt is permitted to prefix to the leave granted above the gazetted holidays, Apr. 1st to 21st inclusive. Privilege leave to the amount due under article 252 and furlough on medical cert. in continuation thereof for a total combined period of one year is granted to J.M. Conder, Asst. Commissioner. Privilege leave for three mths. is granted to J.T.O. Barnard, Extra Asst. Commissioner. |
H.L. Nicholas, Asst. Commissioner 4th grade (offg. 1st grade) and Under Secy. to the Govt. of Burma to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 2nd grade and to remain as Under Secy.
E.G. Pattle, Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 2nd grade. |
A. Williamson and F. Fisher, Asst. Commissioners 4th grade and officiating 2nd grade to officiate as Asst. Commissioners 3rd grade.
H.F. Searle, G.E. Harvey (on leave) and F.W. Spargo, Asst. Commissioners 4th grade and officiating 3rd grade to revert to their substantive rank. |
With effect from 5th Dec. 1914, the date on which C.R.P. Cooper, offg. Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade relinquished charge of his special duty:-
Capt. J.E.D. Prothero, I.A., Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade and officiating 1st grade, to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 2nd grade. H.H. Mackney, Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade and officiating 3rd grade to revert to his substantive rank. With effect from the 6th Dec. 1914, the date on which Capt. W.A.S. Grey, officiating Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade, reverted to Military Dept. H.H. Mackney, Asst. Commissioner 4th grade and officiating 3rd grade to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 2nd grade Capt. G.C. Slacke, Asst. Commissioner 4th grade to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 3rd grade. |
With effect from the 8th Dec. 1914 the date on which Major S. Bazett, Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade and officiating Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade, reverted to Military Dept.
E.J. Farmer, Asst. Commissioner, 3rd grade and officiating 1st grade to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade. J.A. Stewart, Asst. Commissioner 3rd grade, on special duty, to be an Asst. Commissioner 2nd grade, sub pro tem. and to remain on special duty. J.C. Mackenzie Asst. Commissioner 4th grade and Settlement Officer, to be an Asst. Commissioner 3rd grade, sub pro tem. and to remain seconded for service in the Settlement Dept. Capt. E. Butterfield, Asst. Commissioner 4th grade and officiating 1st grade to be an Asst. Commissioner 3rd grade sub pro tem. and to continue to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 1st grade. |
Police Dept.
H.W. Darney, Probationary Asst. Dist. Supdt. of Police is appointed to be an Asst. Dist. Supdt. of Police 3rd grade, on probation. Military Dept. The name of Lt. Algernon Edward Mann of the Rangoon Vol. Rifle Corps is placed on the supernumerary list. |
Judicial Dept.
R.R. Brown, officiating Dist. Judge, Bassein and Henzada, is appointed to exercise jurisdiction as an Asst. Sessions Judge in the Court of Sessions of the Bassein Divn. He shall try such cases committed from the Bassein Dist. as the Sessions Judge may make over to him for trial. L.G. Fink, on return from leave, is posted to the charge of the Mandalay Central Jail, as a tempy. measure, in place of Lt.-Col. J. Penny, Civil Surgeon, Mandalay, who is holding charge of the jail in addition to his own duties. |
At the departmental exams. held at Mandalay on 3rrd Nov. 1914, the under mentioned candidates passed the exams. in Criminal Law for Civil Police Officers:-
Probationary Asst. Supdts. of Police H.J. Todd A.G. Adams G.J. Harvey |
E.A.C. Walker, Senior Registrar, Burma Secretariat, is permitted to retire from the service of Govt. with effect from 1st Apr. 1915.
2nd class Military Asst. Surgeon, T.H. Brooks, Civil Surgeon, on probation, is confirmed in his appointment as Civil Surgeon. |
In consequence of the replacement of the services of Major E.R. Rost and Major R.D. Saigol, I.M.S., at the disposal of the Govt. of India, the commissioned Medical Officers named below are appointed to discharge the duties of the posts noted against each, in addition to their own duties, to the extent of lecturing in the subjects hereinafter mentioned in the Burma Govt. Medical School:-
Major A.G. Sargent, I.M.S., Civil Surgeon, Rangoon (East) Medicine and Clinical Medicine.
Lt.-Col. C.R. Pearce, I.M.S., Ophthalmic Surgeon, Rangoon Genl. Hospital, Physiology
Major H.H. Knapp, I.M.S., Resident Surgeon, Rangoon Genl. Hospital, Materia Medica and Pharmacy.
The following promotions are ordered in the Civil Medical Dept:-
Major F.A.L. Hammond, I.M.S., to be first class Civil Surgeon, sub pro tem., from 28th Nov. 1913, the date on which Lt.-Col. C. Duer, I.M.S., retired, to the 11th Sept. 1914 and to officiate as first class Civil Surgeon from 12th Sept. 1914 to 24th Oct. 1914 vice Lt.-Col. R.H. Castor, I.M.S., on leave and to be first class Civil Surgeon, sub pro tem. from 25th Oct. 1914 vice Lt.-Col. F.J. Dews, I.M.S., whose services have been placed at the disposal of the Govt. of India.
Lt.-Col. J. Penny, I.M.S. to officiate as first class Civil Surgeon for one day viz. the 25th Oct. 1914 vice Lt.-Col. R.H. Castor, I.M.S., on leave and to be first class Civil Surgeon sub pro tem. from 26th Oct. 1914 vice Lt.-Col. T. Stodart, I.M.S., whose services have been placed at the disposal of the Govt. of India.
Major P. Dee, I.M.S. to officiate as first class Civil Surgeon from 26th Oct. 1914 to 18th Nov. 1914, vice Lt.-Col. R.H. Castor, I.M.S. on leave.
H.J. Phillips, Asst. Collector of Customs and Supdt., Preventive Service, Akyab, is appointed to be Asst. Collector and Supdt., Preventive Service, Moulmein, vice E. Nelson, who retires from the service of Govt.
A.T. John, 2nd grade Supdt. in the office of the Chief Collector of Customs, is appointed to be an Asst. Collector and Supdt., Preventive Service, Akyab.
Major A.G. Sargent, I.M.S., Civil Surgeon, Rangoon (East) Medicine and Clinical Medicine.
Lt.-Col. C.R. Pearce, I.M.S., Ophthalmic Surgeon, Rangoon Genl. Hospital, Physiology
Major H.H. Knapp, I.M.S., Resident Surgeon, Rangoon Genl. Hospital, Materia Medica and Pharmacy.
The following promotions are ordered in the Civil Medical Dept:-
Major F.A.L. Hammond, I.M.S., to be first class Civil Surgeon, sub pro tem., from 28th Nov. 1913, the date on which Lt.-Col. C. Duer, I.M.S., retired, to the 11th Sept. 1914 and to officiate as first class Civil Surgeon from 12th Sept. 1914 to 24th Oct. 1914 vice Lt.-Col. R.H. Castor, I.M.S., on leave and to be first class Civil Surgeon, sub pro tem. from 25th Oct. 1914 vice Lt.-Col. F.J. Dews, I.M.S., whose services have been placed at the disposal of the Govt. of India.
Lt.-Col. J. Penny, I.M.S. to officiate as first class Civil Surgeon for one day viz. the 25th Oct. 1914 vice Lt.-Col. R.H. Castor, I.M.S., on leave and to be first class Civil Surgeon sub pro tem. from 26th Oct. 1914 vice Lt.-Col. T. Stodart, I.M.S., whose services have been placed at the disposal of the Govt. of India.
Major P. Dee, I.M.S. to officiate as first class Civil Surgeon from 26th Oct. 1914 to 18th Nov. 1914, vice Lt.-Col. R.H. Castor, I.M.S. on leave.
H.J. Phillips, Asst. Collector of Customs and Supdt., Preventive Service, Akyab, is appointed to be Asst. Collector and Supdt., Preventive Service, Moulmein, vice E. Nelson, who retires from the service of Govt.
A.T. John, 2nd grade Supdt. in the office of the Chief Collector of Customs, is appointed to be an Asst. Collector and Supdt., Preventive Service, Akyab.
Non-Gazetted Officers
P.W.D. On return from leave A.T. Simeons, Overseer, 2nd grade, has been posted to the Pegu Circle. |
Notifications by Heads of Depts.
The following transfers are ordered in the Toungoo Dist. M. Hayman, Inspector, from Oktwin to the Yedashe Circle The following are confirmed in their appointments:- S. Nelson, Inspector of Police, 4th grade on probation |
A.G.H. Breithaupt, Deputy Commissioner 3 grade, on probation, is confirmed in his appointment as Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade with effect from 25th Mar. 1915. C.F. Grant, Asst. Commissioner, on return from leave is posted to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner and is posted to the charge of the Meiktila Dist. in place of H. Tonkinson, officiating Deputy Commissioner. H. Tonkinson, offg. Deputy Commissioner, on being relieved by C.F. Grant, offg. Deputy Commissioner, is posted to the charge of the Meiktila Sub-divn. Meiktila Dist. in place of Maung Po Thaw. |
Privilege leave for six weeks is granted to C.R.P. Cooper, Asst. Commissioner, with effect from the date on which he may avail himself of it. Mr Cooper is permitted to prefix to the leave granted above the gazetted holidays, Apr. 20th to 5th inclusive. Misc. The services of G.P. Andrew, Deputy Commissioner, were placed at the disposal of His Excellency, the Commander-in-Chief in India with effect from 14th Mar. 1915. |
Police Dept.
H. de D. Dyer, Asst. Dist. Supdt. of Police on probation, is permitted to retire from the service of Govt. with effect from 15th Dec. 1914. The under mentioned Probationary Asst. Dist. Supdts of Police are transferred from Mandalay to the headquarters of the districts shown against their names to continue their training during the recess:- F.H. Robinson, Kyaukse Dist. R.G.B. Lawson, Shwebo Dist. F.H. Fearnley-Whittingstall, remains at the headquarters of the Mandalay Dist. to continue his training during the recess. |
E.A.C. Walker, I.S.O. made over and A.T. Stuart received charge of the Senior Registrar-ship of the Burma Secretariat on the 31st Mar. 1915. Lt.-Col. C.N. Bennsley, I.M.S., (retired) is appointed to be Civil Surgeon, Taunggyi, in place of P.R. Menon. C.W. Ainley, Principal, Govt. High School for Europeans, Maymyo has been granted by his Majesty’s Secy. of State an extension of furlough for one day. Senior Military Asst. Surgeon and Hony. Capt. J.F. Curran was granted privilege leave for five days with effect from 26th Feb. 1915. Non-Gazetted Officers Maung Tha Gyaw, Myook, on being relieved by Maung Po Saw, Myook is posted to the charge of the Paungde Sub-divn. Prome Dist. in place of F. Fisher, Asst. Commissioner, proceeding on leave. |
R. Casson, Registrar, Chief Court of lower Burma, has been granted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State an extension of furlough for fourteen days. Privilege leave for one month is granted to F. Fisher, Asst. Commissioner. Mr Fisher is permitted to prefix to the leave granted above the gazetted holidays, April 11th – 13th inclusive. Political Dept. In exercise of the powers conferred by section 10 sub-section (1) of the Karen Hills Tribes Regulation 1895, the Lt.-Governor is pleased to invest C.W. King and P.M.R. Leonard, Extra Asst. Commissioners, with all the powers of a Deputy Commissioner under that Regulation ... ... The local limits of the jurisdictions of Mr King and Mr Leonard shall be the Kachin Hill Tracts of the Putao Dist. |
The notification granting privilege leave for one month to H.S. Pratt, Divnl. Judge, is cancelled. The notification appointing E. Ford, Dist. Judge, to officiate as a Divnl. Judge and appointing him to be the Judge of the Divnl. and Sessions Court of the Prome Divn. is cancelled. H.M.S. Mathews made over and D.F. Chalmers received charge of the office of Commissioner of Settlements and Land Records on 23rd Mar. 1915. |
Police Dept.
The following promotions are ordered in the Police Dept. with effect from the 13th Jan. 1915:-
The following promotions are ordered in the Police Dept. with effect from the 13th Jan. 1915:-
C. Soord, Deputy Supdt. of Police, 3rd grade to be a Deputy Supdt. 2nd grade, sub pro tem.
A.S. Richardson, Deputy Supdt. of Police, 4th grade to be a Deputy Supdt. 3rd grade, sub pro tem. S. Johannes Deputy Supdt. of Police, 4th grade to be a Deputy Supdt. 3rd grade, sub pro tem. |
P.A. Monteiro, Inspector of Police, 2nd grade and officiating Deputy Supdt. 4th grade to be a Deputy Supdt. 4th grade sub pro tem.
A. Clark, Inspector of Police, 2nd grade and officiating Supdt. of Police 4th grade to be a Deputy Supdt. of Police 4th grade sub pro tem. on probations. H.B. Haine, Asst. Supdt. of Police, is appointed to officiate as a Dist. Supdt. of Police and is placed in charge of the police of the Myaungmya Dist. as a tempy. measure, during the absence on privilege leave of C.H.M. Roberts, Dist. Supdt. of Police. |
Military Dept.
Major William Sutherland is transferred from the Nagpur Vol. Rifles to the Rangoon Vol. Rifle Corps and is placed on the supernumerary list. The services of Major G.L. Cattell, I.A., Cantonment Magistrate, are replaced at the disposal of the Govt. of India in the Army Dept., with effect from the date on which he is relieved of his duties as Cantonment Magistrate, Rangoon. General Dept. Capt. F.S. Lindesay, I.A., Cantonment Magistrate, passed the examination prescribed for Cantonment Magistrates by the higher standard. A.T. Stuart made over and S.C. Buttery received charge of the Registrar-ship of the Office of the Secy. to the Govt. of Burma on the 31st Mar. 1915. The Lt.-Governor is pleased to re-appoint the Rev’d. J.A. Drysdale to be Vice-President of the Educational Syndicate with effect from 20th Mar. 1915. The Lt.-Governor is pleased to accept the resignation of H.M.S. Mathews, of his appointment as a member of the Educational Syndicate. A. Campbell, who has been appointed by His Majesty’s Secy. of State to be a member of the Indian Educational Service and Professor of English at the Govt. College, Rangoon, reported his arrival on 24th Mar. 1915. Forest Dept. A.L. George, Probationary Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, attached to the Pyinmana Forest Divn. is transferred from Pyinmana and is posted to duty in the Zigon Forest Divn. F.G. Edwards, Probationary Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests attached to the Rangoon Forest Divn. is transferred from Insein and is posted to the Zigon Forest Divn. |
P.W.D. J.H. Hill, Asst. Engr. had been granted an extension of six mths. furlough on medical cert. Non-Gazetted Officers Maung Po Saing, Myook, is transferred from Wakema to the charge of the Myanaung Sub-divn. Henzada Dist. in place of Capt. A.P. Sandeman, Asst. Commissioner, proceeding on leave. Notification by Heads of Departments Consequent on the return from leave of R. Casson, Registrar of the Chief Court, the Chief Judge re-appoints him as Secy. of the Rule Committee in place of R.R. Brown. H. de Penha, Inspector, is transferred from Katha to the Tharrawaddy Dist. A.J. Simpson, Inspector, is transferred from Shwebo to the Prome Dist. The under mentioned officer have passed the prescribed exam. in Surveying and Land Records work:- J.F. Sheehy, Asst. Commissioner, Meiktila The following transfers of Excise Inspectors are ordered in the Arakan Divn. K.L. Willson, Excise Inspector, 4th grade, from Buthidaung, Akyab Dist. to Sandoway, Sandoway Dist. |
C.E. Crawford, Extra Asst. Commissioner, on return from leave is posted to the headquarters of the Henzada Dist. as Treasury Officer and Headquarters Magistrate in place of Maung Tha Nyo proceeding on leave. E. Richard, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is transferred from Maubin to the headquarters of the Insein Dist. as Akunwun in place of Maung Ba Thin, transferred. Promotions The following temporary alterations of rank are ordered in the Burma Commission:- (1) With effect from 10th Nov. 1914 Capt. J.W.J. Alves, I.A., Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 3rd grade (2) With effect from 11th Nov. 1914 consequent on the return from special duty of F.C. Barclay, officiating Asst. Commissioner, 3rd grade : Capt. J.W.J. Alves, Asst. Commissioner, 3rd grade to revert to his substantive rank. (3) With effect from 14th Dec. 1914, the date on which Capt. H.F.M. Browne, I.A., officiating Asst. Commissioner, 3rd grade, reverted to the Military Dept: Capt. J.W.J. Alves, Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 3rd grade. |
Police Dept.
E.A. Henry, Asst. Supdt. of Police has been permitted to return to duty within the period of his leave.
Special privilege leave for one month is granted to Capt. J.S.S. Moir, I.A., Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, with effect from 29th Mar. 1915.
The following alterations of rank are ordered in the Police Dept:-
(1) With effect from 8th Oct. 1914, consequent on the reversion of Capt. F.W.A. Wells, I.A., Adjutant, Burma Military Police, to military duty:
Capt. H.R. Dyer, I.A., Asst. Adjutant, Burma Military Police, to be Adjutant, sub pro tem., from 8th Oct. to 16th Dec. 1914.
Capt. J.E. Power, I.A., Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, to be Commandant from 17th Dec. 1914.
(2) With effect from 8th Nov. 1914 consequent on the reversion of Capt. G.E. Smart, R.A., Commandant, Burma Military Police, to military duty:
Capt. E.A.W. Lake, Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police to be Commandant, sub pro tem. from 8th Nov. to 10th Nov. 1914.
Capt. J.E. Colenso, I.A., Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, to be Commandant sub pro tem., from 11th Nov. to 14th Nov. 1914.
Capt. E.A.W. Lake, Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, to be Commandant, sub pro tem., from 15th Nov to 18th Nov. 1914.
Capt. W.I.J. Massy, I.A., Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, to be Commandant sub pro tem., from 19th Nov. to 19th Dec. 1914.
Capt. St. J.A. Browne, Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, to be Commandant from 20th Dec. 1914.
(3) With effect from 4th Dec. 1914 consequent on the reversion of Capt. R.G.T. Gatherer, I.A. Commandant, Burma Military Police, to military duty:
Capt. C.E. Daly, I.A. Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, to be Commandant sub pro tem., from 4th Dec. to 8th Dec. 1914.
Capt. W. Thyne, I.A., Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, to be Commandant, sub pro tem., from 9th Dec. to 11th Jan. 1915.
Capt. W.H. Barnett, I.A., Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, to be Adjutant from 12th Jan. 1915.
(4) With effect from 15th Dec. 1914 consequent on the reversion of Capt. H.M. Hogg, I.A., Commandant, Burma Military Police, to military duty:
Capt. F.L. Roberts, I.A., officiating Commandant, Burma Military, Police, to be Commandant, sub pro tem., from 15th Dec. to 16th Dec. 1914, both days inclusive.
Capt. H.R. Dyer, I.A., officiating Adjutant, Burma Military Police, to be Adjutant, sub pro tem., from 17th Dec. to 19th Dec. 1914.
Capt. W.I.J. Massy, I.A., Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, to be Commandant, sub pro tem., from 20th Dec. to the 28th Dec. 1914.
Capt. A. Mackrell, I.A., Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, to be Commandant, sub pro tem., from 29th Dec. to 11th Jan. 1915.
Capt. W. Thyne, I.A., Commandant, Burma Military Police, sub pro tem., to be confirmed with effect from the 12th Jan. 1915.
(5) With effect from 16th Jan. 1915 consequent on the reversion of Capt. C.K.C. Stuart, I.A., Commandant, Burma Military Police, to military duty:
Capt. A. Mackrell, I.A., officiating Commandant, Burma Military Police, to be Commandant, sub pro tem.
(6) With effect from 16th Mar. 1915 consequent on the reversion of Capt. E. Burd, I.A., Commandant, Burma Military Police to military duty:
Capt. F.L. Robert, I.A., officiating Commandant, Burma Military Police, to be Commandant, sub pro tem.
Special privilege leave for one month is granted to Capt. J.S.S. Moir, I.A., Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, with effect from 29th Mar. 1915.
The following alterations of rank are ordered in the Police Dept:-
(1) With effect from 8th Oct. 1914, consequent on the reversion of Capt. F.W.A. Wells, I.A., Adjutant, Burma Military Police, to military duty:
Capt. H.R. Dyer, I.A., Asst. Adjutant, Burma Military Police, to be Adjutant, sub pro tem., from 8th Oct. to 16th Dec. 1914.
Capt. J.E. Power, I.A., Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, to be Commandant from 17th Dec. 1914.
(2) With effect from 8th Nov. 1914 consequent on the reversion of Capt. G.E. Smart, R.A., Commandant, Burma Military Police, to military duty:
Capt. E.A.W. Lake, Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police to be Commandant, sub pro tem. from 8th Nov. to 10th Nov. 1914.
Capt. J.E. Colenso, I.A., Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, to be Commandant sub pro tem., from 11th Nov. to 14th Nov. 1914.
Capt. E.A.W. Lake, Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, to be Commandant, sub pro tem., from 15th Nov to 18th Nov. 1914.
Capt. W.I.J. Massy, I.A., Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, to be Commandant sub pro tem., from 19th Nov. to 19th Dec. 1914.
Capt. St. J.A. Browne, Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, to be Commandant from 20th Dec. 1914.
(3) With effect from 4th Dec. 1914 consequent on the reversion of Capt. R.G.T. Gatherer, I.A. Commandant, Burma Military Police, to military duty:
Capt. C.E. Daly, I.A. Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, to be Commandant sub pro tem., from 4th Dec. to 8th Dec. 1914.
Capt. W. Thyne, I.A., Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, to be Commandant, sub pro tem., from 9th Dec. to 11th Jan. 1915.
Capt. W.H. Barnett, I.A., Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, to be Adjutant from 12th Jan. 1915.
(4) With effect from 15th Dec. 1914 consequent on the reversion of Capt. H.M. Hogg, I.A., Commandant, Burma Military Police, to military duty:
Capt. F.L. Roberts, I.A., officiating Commandant, Burma Military, Police, to be Commandant, sub pro tem., from 15th Dec. to 16th Dec. 1914, both days inclusive.
Capt. H.R. Dyer, I.A., officiating Adjutant, Burma Military Police, to be Adjutant, sub pro tem., from 17th Dec. to 19th Dec. 1914.
Capt. W.I.J. Massy, I.A., Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, to be Commandant, sub pro tem., from 20th Dec. to the 28th Dec. 1914.
Capt. A. Mackrell, I.A., Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, to be Commandant, sub pro tem., from 29th Dec. to 11th Jan. 1915.
Capt. W. Thyne, I.A., Commandant, Burma Military Police, sub pro tem., to be confirmed with effect from the 12th Jan. 1915.
(5) With effect from 16th Jan. 1915 consequent on the reversion of Capt. C.K.C. Stuart, I.A., Commandant, Burma Military Police, to military duty:
Capt. A. Mackrell, I.A., officiating Commandant, Burma Military Police, to be Commandant, sub pro tem.
(6) With effect from 16th Mar. 1915 consequent on the reversion of Capt. E. Burd, I.A., Commandant, Burma Military Police to military duty:
Capt. F.L. Robert, I.A., officiating Commandant, Burma Military Police, to be Commandant, sub pro tem.
Judicial Dept.
Major A.T. Kirkwood, I.A., Cantonment Magistrate, whose services have been placed at the disposal of the Govt. of Burma, is appointed to be Cantonment Magistrate, Rangoon. Forest Dept. Privilege leave for one month is granted to G.S. Shirley, Asst. Conservator of Forests on duty in the Katha Forest Divn. Marine & Commerce Dept. The name of the under mentioned gentleman, who has been elected by the Burma Chamber of Commerce to be a Commissioner for the Port of Rangoon is published for general information:- J.Scott. General Privilege leave for one month is granted to J.M. Symns, Inspector of Schools, Tenasserim Circle, with effect from 18th May. |
Non-Gazetted Officers
Judicial Dept. A.E. Meyer, Merchant, is re-appointed to be a Magistrate (Hony.) of the 3rd class in the Rangoon Town Dist. Mr Meyer will hold office for a further three years. P.W.D. S.J. Oates from Supervisor 2nd grade sub pro tem., to Supervisor, 2nd grade temporary, reversion. B. Henderson, from Supervisor 2nd grade, temporary, to Overseer, 1st grade, reversion. |
Notifications by Heads of Depts.
Rev’d. N.K. Anderson, Junior Chaplain, on the Establishment, handed over and Rev’d. G.R.S. Clack, Chaplain of the Additional Clergy Soc., took over charge of the Chaplaincy of Moulmein on 9th Apr.
H.P. Tarleton and W.J. Doveton, Dist. Supdts., respectively made over and received charge of the police of the Sandoway Dist. on the forenoon of 23rd Mar. 1915. Lt.-Col. J. Penny, I.M.S, made over and L.G. Fink, M.B., C.M. (Edin.) assumed charge of the Superintendent-ship of Mandalay Central Jail, as a tempy. measure on 27th Mar. |
F.E. Willson, Sub-Inspector of Excise, Akyab Dist. is appointed to officiate as Excise Inspector 5th grade and is posted to Kyauktaw, Akyab Dist., in place of Maung Shwe Tun U, proceeding on leave.
A.F. Chapman, Asst. Engr., Mandalay Canal Divn., is transferred to the Mon Canals Divn., for charge of the Pwinbyu Sub-divn. |
H.L. Stevenson, Deputy Commissioner, is appointed to officiate as a Divnl. Judge and is transferred from Henzada to Bassein as Judge of the Divnl. and Sessions Court of Bassein Divn. in place of W. Carr, Divnl. Judge proceeding on leave. Leave Privilege leave for 34 days was granted to Capt. A.P. Sandeman, Asst. Commissioner Privilege leave for one mth. is granted to W. Carr, Divnl. Judge. Police Dept. E.H. Thirkell-White, whose services have been placed at the disposal of the Govt. of Burma, is appointed to be an Asst. Dist. Supdt. of Police, 2nd grade and is posted to the headquarters of the Toungoo Dist. for training. Military Dept. The names of the following officers of the Rangoon Port Defence Vols. are placed on the supernumerary list:- Lt. E.H. Keeling, Artillery Coy. Capt. A.H. Smith, Artillery Coy. |
Judicial Dept.
Major G.L. Cattell, I.A., made over and Major A.T. Kirkwood, I.A., received charge of the Court and Office of the Cantonment Magistrate, Rangoon, on 7th April. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ With reference to para 5 (a) of Judicial Dept. Circular no 83 of 1910 dated 6th Dec. 191 regarding the sale of arms and ammunition by licensed vendors, the following list of licensed vendors is published for the information and guidance of Dist. Magistrates:- Balthazar & Son, Rangoon Barnett Bros., Rangoon T. Cook & Son, Rangoon S.C. Coombes Ltd., Rangoon P. Orr & Sons, Rangoon A. Scott & Co., Rangoon Ezekiel & Co., Akyab J.D. Stewart of J.D. Stewart & Co., Moulmein Manook & Cohen, Maymyo J.J.M. Kohn & Co., Bhamo Apcar Bros., Mandalay Balthazar & Son, Yenangyaung |
At an exam. held at Mandalay on 10th Apr. 1915 J.S. Furnivall, Offg. Deputy Commissioner, passed the exam. in Chinese by the elementary standard. At a special exam. held at Port Blair, E.H. Thirkell-White, 3rd Asst. Supdt., Port Blair, passed in Burmese by the lower standard. Forest Dept. G.R. Long, Conservator of Forests, made over and B.B. Ormaston, Conservator of Forests, received charge of the office of Conservator of Forests Northern Circle, on 15 April. Marine & Commerce Dept. Commander A.R.G. Willock, R.I.M., relinquished charge of his duties as Port Officer, Akyab on 3rd Apr 1915. J.M. Baguley, offg. Dist. Judge, Akyab, is placed in charge of the duties of Port Officer, Akyab, in addition to his own duties, as a tempy. measure, in place of Commander A.R.G. Willock whose services have been replaced at the disposal of the Govt. of India. |
The notification transferring H.W.S. Smith, Executive Engr. from the Chindwin to the Irrigation Circle is cancelled. The notification transferring J.H. Taylor, Asst. Engr. from the Irrigation to the Pegu Circle is cancelled. On return from leave B. Raikes resumed charge of the appointment of Electrical Inspector to the Govt. of Burma from H.W. Nimmo on 15th April. On return from leave J.A. Sartorius, Resident Excise Officer, is posted to the Opium Shop at Dedaye, Pyapon Dist. vice Maung Ba Thein. |
Non-Gazetted Officers
Judicial Dept. Major F.L. Orman, I.A., Commandant, Burma Military Police, assumed charge of his special duty in Rangoon on 10th Apr. On transfer from Sandoway H.P. Tarleton, Dist. Supdt., assumed charge of his special duty in the office of the Insp.-Genl. of Police in Rangoon. R.G.B. Lawson, F.H. Robinson and F.H.A. Fearnley-Whittingstall, Probationary Asst. Supdts. relinquished charge of their duties at the Provincial Police Training School, Mandalay on 31st Mar. B. McCrea, Excise Inspector, 5th grade, on relief by Maung Su Tha is transferred from Mandalay to Myitkyina, in place of G.H. Munro, offg. Excise Inspector, 1st grade who reverts to his substantive appointment as Resident Excise Officer 1st grade. |
H.L. Stevenson, Deputy Commissioner, is appointed to officiate as a Divnl. Judge and is appointed to be Judge of the Divnl. & Sessions Court of the Bassein Divn. in addition to his other duties, as a tempy. measure, in place of W. Carr, Divnl. Judge proceeding on leave. Misc. D.F. Chalmers, made over and the Hon’ble R.E.V. Arbuthnot received charge of the Office of Commissioner of Settlements and Land Records, on 12th Apr. 1915. Police Dept. F. Lewisohn, offg. Deputy Commissioner, is placed in charge of the current duties of the police of the Bhamo Dist., as a tempy. measure, in addition to his other duties, during the absence on leave of D.W. Rae, Dist. Supdt. of Police. A.G. Mayne, Deputy Inspector-Genl. of Civil Police, 1st grade, is permitted to retire from the service of Govt. |
At an exam. held at Falam on the 15th Apr. 1915, Capt. St. J.A. Browne, I.A., Commandant, Burma Military Police, passed the prescribed test in the Lai dialect of the Chin language. Capt. Browne is entitled to receive a reward of Rs. 1000. A.M. Evans, Probationary Extra Asst. Commissioner, having produced the certificate required is declared to have fully passed the exam. in treasury by the higher standard. At a special exam. held at Rangoon on 20th Apr. 1915, G.H. Ogilvie, Asst. Conservator of Forests and Asst. Postal Censor, Rangoon, passed the exam. in Burmese by the higher standard. Major P. Dee, I.M.S., is appointed first class Civil Surgeon, sub pro tem. vice Major E.R. Rost, I.M.S., whose services have been placed at the disposal of the Govt. of India. C. Pinto, Headmaster, Govt. Normal School, Mandalay, is appointed to be Asst. Inspector of European and Normal Schools, Burma. In consequence of the replacement of the services of Major A. Whitmore, I.M.S. at the disposal of the Govt. of India, the commissioned medical officer noted below is appointed to discharge the duties of the post noted, in addition to his own duties, to the extent of lecturing in the subject hereinafter mentioned in the Burma Govt. Medical School:- Lt.-Col. C.R. Pearce, I.M.S., Police Surgeon, Rangoon Genl. Hospital. Medical Jurisprudence and “Postmortems.” Forest Dept. C.W. Allan, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, has been permitted to return to duty within the period of his leave. On return from leave C.W. Allan, is posted to the charge of the Henzada-Maubin Forest Divn. in place of R.R. O’Hara, Extra Deputy conservator of Forests, transferred. On relief by C.W. Allan, R.R. O’Hara Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, in charge of Henzada-Maubin Forest Divn. is transferred from Henzada and is posted to duty in the West Salween Forest Divn. J.J. Rorie, Deputy Conservator of Forests, has been granted a further extension of six mths, leave on medical cert. |
Agricultural Dept.
Privilege leave for one mth. was granted to E. Thompstone, Deputy Director of Agriculture, Northern Circle, Burma. Marine & Commerce Dept. The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint J.A. Polson, a Commissioner for the Port of Rangoon, to be Vice-Chairman of the Commissioners in place of W. Macdonald, who has vacated his appointment as a Port Commissioner. The Lt.-Governor accepts the resignation tendered by F.D. Couchman of his appointment as a Commissioner for the Port of Rangoon. P.W.D. A.M. Beatson, Sub-Engr. 2nd grade, is granted a further extension of furlough for 2 mths. The services of C.L.A. Rouillard, Executive Engr., Burma P.W.D., who has been appointed to the Indian Army Reserve of Officers, are placed temporarily at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India. G. Clarke, Executive Engr. Shwebo Canal Divn. is, as a tempy. measure, appointed to the charge of the Ye-u Canal Divn. in additional to his own duties vice C.L.A. Rouillard. F. Marshall, Asst. Engr. is transferred from the Maritime to the Rangoon Circle. F.S. Vyall, Asst. Engr. is, as a tempy. measure, appointed to officiate as Executive Engr. of the Pegu Divn. vice A.M. Macnab, Executive Engr., granted privilege leave until further orders. Non-Gazetted Officers P.W.D. Conductor W.H.A. Cooper, Sub-Engr., 3rd grade, P.W.D., has been granted leave out of India on medical cert. to the afternoon of the 31st Dec. 1915. |
Notifications by Heads of Depts.
R.R. Brown, made over and R. Casson assumed charge of the Office of the Registrar of the Chief Court of Lower Burma on 3rd Apr.
G.H. Munro, Resident Excise Officer, 1st grade, officiating Excise Inspector 1st grade, on relief by B. McCrea, Excise Inspector, 5th grade, is transferred from Myitkyina to the charge of the opium shop at Shwegu, Bhamo Dist. in place of Maung Ba Than. J.H. Molloy, Resident Excise Officer, on his return from leave is posted to the charge of the Tantabin opium shop vice Maung Po Hlaing. |
Robert Arthur John Martin, second grade Sub-Inspector, Akyab Dist. Police, is appointed to officiate as an Inspector of Police. R.A.J. Martin, offg. Inspector is transferred from Akyab and is posted to the Paletwa Circle Hill Dist. of Arakan. On relief by Mr Martin, Mr G. Ellis, Inspector, is transferred from Paletwa to the Henzada Dist.
On return from leave H.C. Rayner, Inspector, is posted to the Railway Police as Prosecuting Inspector. Privilege leave for 15 days is granted to F.H. Byron, Excise Inspector, 2nd grade, Distillery Officer, Phoenix Distillery, Moulmein, Amherst Dist. F.H. Byron, on expiry of his leave is reposted to the charge of the Phoenix Distillery at Moulmein. |
H.F. Searle, Asst. Commissioner, is transferred from Salin and is appointed to be Warden of the Yenangyaung, Minbu and Singu oilfields with headquarters at Yenangyaung, Magwe Dist. in place of E.J. Farmer, Asst. Commissioner, proceeding on leave. The following transfers are ordered in the S. Shan States:- S. St. C. Lightfoot, Extra Asst. Commissioner from Loikaw to Taunggyi as Treasury Officer and Headquarters Magistrate. N. St. V. Nepean, Extra Asst. Commissioner, from Taunggyi to Loikaw as Asst. Supdt. and Asst. Political Officers, Karenni Sub-divn. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ E.F. Baum, Asst. Commissioner, on completion of the duties to which he was posted is posted to the charge of the Moulmein Sub-divn., Amherst Dist. in place of J. St. C. Saunders, Asst. Commissioner, proceeding on leave. |
Privilege leave for 3 mths. is granted to J. St. C. Saunders, Asst. Commissioner. Privilege leave for 1 mth. is granted to E.J. Farmer, Asst. Commissioner Police Dept. A. Clark, Deputy Supdt., sub pro tem., on probation, is transferred from Pegu to Rangoon and is posted to the Railway Police as Headquarters Deputy Supdt. in place of C.J. Forbes, Deputy Supdt. of Police, transferred. C.J. Forbes, Deputy Supdt. of Police, is transferred from Railway Police to the charge of the police of the Myanaung Sub-divn., Henzada Dist., in place of Maung Pe, retired. F.L. Orman, I.A., Commandant, Burma Military Police, is granted privilege leave for 2 mths. and twenty days and leave on medical cert. in continuation thereof for a total combined period of six mths. Major Orman has proceeded to England. |
Military Dept.
The name of Major Charles Stuart Thane of the Moulmein Vol. Rifle Corps, is placed on the supernumerary list. The Lt.-Governor accepts the resignation tendered by Hony. Chaplain the Rev’d. Nicol Keith Anderson, of his commission in the Moulmein Vol. Rifle Corps. The Lt.-Governor is pleased to make the following appointment in the Moulmein Vol. Rifle Corps:- Rev’d. George Reginald Sadler Clark to be Hony. Chaplain vice Anderson, resigned. Judicial Dept. H.F. Searle, Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to be an Additional Judge of the Magwe Dist. Court. Forest Dept. C.K. Hargreaves, Asst. Conservator of Forests, on duty in the Thayetmyo Forest Divn. is transferred from Thayetmyo and is posted to duty in the Pegu Forest Divn. Privilege leave for two mths. and six days was granted to E.A. Sitzler, Deputy Conservator of Forests, on duty in the Shwegyin Forest Divn. Privilege leave for one mth. is granted to J.W. Bradley, Asst. Conservator of Forests, on duty in the Prome Forest Divn. Non Gazetted Officers C.P. Ellis, Judicial Myook, is transferred from Yandoon to the headquarters of the Kyauktan Sub-divn., Hanthawaddy Dist. as Judge of the Kyauktan Sub-divisional Court and Additional Magistrate, in place of Maung Ba O. |
W.A. Reardon, Registrar of the Office of the Revenue Secy. to the Govt. of Burma, is permitted to retire from the service of Govt. S.C. Buttery, Registrar of the Office of the Secy. to the Govt. of Burma, is appointed Registrar of the Office of the Revenue Secy. to the Govt. of Burma. At an exam. held at Tiddim on 23rd Apr. 1915 Lt. R. Blandy, I.A., Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, passed the prescribed test in the Siyin dialect of the Chin language. Lt. Blandy is entitled to receive a reward of Rs. 1000. Rev’d. H.W. Blandford, Chaplain of Shwebo, is posted to the charge of the Maymyo Chaplaincy in place of the Ven’ble C.P. Cory, proceeding on leave. On the transfer of Rev’d. H.W. Blandford to Maymyo, Rev’d. G.A. Ellaby will hold charge of the Chaplaincy of Shwebo in addition to his duties as Chaplain of Bhamo. Rev’d. H.W. Blandford is appointed to officiate as Archdeacon of Rangoon and Bishop’s Commissary during the absence on leave of the Ven’ble C.P. Cory. Privilege leave to the amount due and furlough in continuation thereof for a total period of one year, eight mths. and twenty-two days is granted to the Ven’ble C.P. Cory, Archdeacon of Rangoon and Bishop’s Commissary with effect from 12th Apr. P.W.D. D.T. Wells, Asst. Engr. is transferred from the Mandalay to the Maritime Circle. |
Notification by Heads of Depts.
W. Carr, made over and H.L. Stevenson assumed charge of the office of the Divnl. and Sessions Judge, Bassein Divn. on 25th Apr. 1915. W.H. McCrea, Supdt. of Excise, 5th grade, Amherst Dist., is posted as Supdt. of Excise, Rail and River Establishment, Mandalay, in place of J.J. Oxlade, Supdt. of Excise 4th grade, transferred. J.J. Oxlade, Supdt. of Excise 4th grade, is posted to the Amherst Dist. in place of W.H. McCrea. B.E. Alleyn, Supdt. of Excise, 6 grade, on probation, on his return from leave, is posted to the charge of the Minbu, Magwe and Thayetmyo Dists. with headquarters at Minbu, in place of E.H.E. Dall, Supdt. of Excise, 6th grade, transferred. E.H.E. Dall, Supdt. of Excise, 6th grade, Minbu, Magwe and Thayetmyo Dists. is transferred to the charge of the Kyaukpyu and Sandoway Dists. with headquarters at Sandoway, in place of B.M.D. Holmes, officiating Supdt. of Excise 6th grade, who reverts to his permanent appointment of Inspector of Excise 1st grade. T.A. Korb, Asst. Supdt. of Excise, Rangoon Town Dist, is granted privilege leave for one mth. with effect from 10th May 1915. J.T.C. Reynolds, Supdt. of Excise, 6th grade, is transferred from the Maubin Dist. to the Myaungmya Dist. |
Office of the Commissioner of Pegu
At a special meeting held on 22nd Apr. the Pegu Municipal Committee elected Dr. Shwe Go to be their Vice-president in place of Dr. E.A. Picachy, transferred. Maung Bwa, a clerk in the Excise Office, Rangoon and registered candidate is appointed to officiate as a Resident Excise Officer, 7th grade and is posted to the charge of the Pazundaung Opium Shop, in place of W. Reynor, Resident Excise Officer, 1st grade, who retires from the service. On relief by A. Simpson, Inspector, A.G. Snadden, Inspector, is transferred from Prome Town to Paungde Town, Prome Dist. L.D.C. Breadon, Inspector, is transferred from Pakokku to the Upper Chindwin Dist. Privilege leave for twenty-three days combined with furlough for one year in India is granted to C.H. Clerke, Resident Excise Officer, 4th grade, Myitkyina. G. Kinsman, Sub-Inspector of Excise, Mandalay Dist. is appointed to officiate a Resident Excise Officer, 7th grade and is posted to the charge of the Opium Shop at Myitkyina. F. Marshall, Asst. Engr. is posted to the Twante Canal Divn. |
H.C. Moore, Divnl. Judge is transferred from Maubin to Prome as Judge of the Divnl. and Sessions Court of the Prome Dist. in place of H.S. Pratt, Divnl. Judge, transferred. H.S. Pratt, Divnl. Judge is transferred from Prome to Maubin as Judge of the Divnl. and Sessions Court of the Maubin Divn. in place of H.C. Moore. J.J. Anderson, Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner and is transferred from Myaungmya to the charge of the Maubin Dist. in place of W.V. Wallace, Deputy Commissioner, transferred. W.V. Wallace, Deputy Commissioner, is transferred from Maubin to the charge of the Henzada Dist. in place of C.R. Wilkinson, Deputy Commissioner proceeding on leave. Mr Casson, Asst. Commissioner is appointed to be a Dist Judge and is posted as Judge of the Hanthawaddy and Insein Dist. Courts, in place of J.E. Houldey, officiating Dist. Judge, transferred. Leave Privilege leave for two mths. and four days and furlough in continuation thereof for a total combined period of six mths. is granted to C.R. Wilkinson, Deputy Commissioner, on account of ill health. |
The following permanent alteration in rank of ordered in the Burma Commission:- With effect from 7th Feb 1915 consequent on the retirement of Lt.-Col. H.A. Browning; Lt.-Col. S.L. Aplin, Deputy Commissioner 1st grade, and officiating Commissioner to be Commissioner of a Division. The following permanent alteration of rank is ordered in the Burma Commission:- With effect from 3rd Apr. 1915 consequent on the appointment of R. Casson, Dist. Judge to be Registrar of the Chief Court, Lower Burma: Mr Casson, Dist. Judge, to be an Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade. Misc. A. Gaitskell, Commissioner, has been granted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State an extension of furlough on medical cert. for six mths. The Services of H.P. Hewett, Asst. Commissioner are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India. The department Notification relating to the appointment of the Hon’ble Mr F. Rice, to be a Commissioner of a Division, are cancelled. |
Police Dept.
J.C. Habgood, Asst. Supdt. of Police has been granted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State an extension of leave on medical cert. by six mths. On completion of the duty to which he was posted H.P. Tarleton, Dist. Supdt. of Police, is transferred to the charge of the police in the Upper Chindwin Dist. in place of B.C. Rake, Dist. Supdt. of Police, proceeding on leave. Privilege leave for one mth. is granted to D.W. Rae, Dist. Supdt. of Police. J.C. Slym, Deputy Supdt. of Police, is appointed to officiate as a Dist. Supdt. of Police and is placed in charge of the Katha Dist, as a tempy. measure in place of C.W.B. Anderson, deceased. Privilege leave for three mths. and furlough in continuation thereof for a total combined period of one year is granted to B.C. Rake, Dist. Supdt. of Police, on account of ill health. Military Dept. The name of Lt.-Col. Bertram Sousmarez Carey, C.S.I., C.I.E., V.D., of the Upper Burma Vol. Rifles, is placed on the supernumerary list. Judicial Dept. T.P. Dewar, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to be a Magistrate of the 2nd class in the Meiktila Dist. J. Shaw, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to be a Magistrate of the 1st class, in the Kyaukse Dist. General The Lt.-Governor is pleased to accept the resignation of R. Barr, of his appointment as a member of the Burma Boiler Commission. The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint J. Urie, Superintending Engr., Burma Oil Co. to be a member of the Burma Boiler Commission, in place of R. Barr, who has retired. |
Civil Asst. Surgeon P. Radakrishna Menon, is appointed to officiate as Civil Surgeon, Loimwe, in place of Senior Military Asst. Surgeon and Hony. Lieut. A.E. Hamlin, transferred. L.F. Taylor, who has been appointed to be a member of the Indian Educational Service and Principal of the Govt. High School, Bassein, reported his arrival at Bassein on 7th April 1915. The following persons are appointed as Civil Asst. Surgeons in Burma with effect from the dates noted again their names:- G. Secluna 9th April 1914. S.W Cocks, is appointed to be Inspector of Schools, Pegu Circle, in place of C.A. Snow, whose services have been placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-In-Chief in India. Forest Dept. On return from leave E.A. Sitzler, Deputy Conservator of Forests, was reposted to duty in the Shwegyin Forest Divn. A.P. Davis, Deputy Conservator of Forests is posted to duty in the Meiktila Forest Divn. This department Notification granting privilege leave for one month to G.S. Shirley, Asst. Conservator of Forests, on duty in the Katha Forest Divn. is hereby cancelled. P.W.D. G. Holme, Executive Engr. attached to the Tavoy Divn. is granted privilege leave for three months, combined with furlough on medical cert. for nine months. H.W.S. Smith, Executive Engr. and Officer-in-charge, Kalaw Sub-divn. Taunggyi Divn. is transferred to the charge of the Pakokku Divn. vice H.M.J. Bacon, Executive Engr. proceeding on leave. B. McCrea, Excise Inspector, 5th grade, received charge of the duties of Excise Inspector, Myitkyina, from G.H. Munro, offg. Excise Inspector 1st grade. |
Non Gazetted Officers
Maung Ba Tha, Myook, is appointed to officiate as a Judicial Myook and is transferred from Maubin to the headquarters of the Yandoon Township, Maubin Dist. as Judge of the Yandoon Township Court and Additional Magistrate in place of C.P. Ellis, Judicial Myook, transferred.
Maung Po Saing, Myook, on being relieved by Capt. A.P. Sandeman, Asst. Commissioner, is transferred from Myanaung to the charge of the Myaungmya Sub-divn. in place of J.J. Anderson, Asst. Commissioner, transferred. P.W.D. B.M.D. Holmes, Excise Inspector, 1st grade, (officiating Supdt. of Excise, 6th grade, Sandoway-Kyaukpyu Dists.) on his relief by E.H.E. Dall, Supdt. of Excise, 6th grade, is posted to the Sandoway Dist. in place of Maung Za Nee. Privilege leave for two mths. and twenty-two days combined with furlough for nine mths. is granted to W. Hutton, Resident Excise Officer, 6th grade, Maliwun, Mergui Dist. Maung Gun Bon, Clerk, Court of the Township Judge, Mergui, is appointed to officiate as Resident Excise Officer, 7th grade, and is posted to the charge of the Opium Shop at Maliwun, in place of W. Hutton, proceeding on leave. The following promotions are hereby ordered in the grades of Resident Excise Officers:- A. Fontyn, officiating Resident Excise Officer, 7th grade, Amherst, to be Resident Excise Officer, 7th grade on probation. |
F.B. Leach, Asst. Commissioner, on completion of the duty to which he was posted, is transferred from Maymyo to the headquarters of the Toungoo Dist. as Headquarters Asst. in place of D.D. Nanavati. E.F. Baum, Asst. Commissioner, on completion of the duties to which he was posted is posted to the charge of the Nyaunglebin Sub-divn. Pegu Dist. in place of C.H. Davies, Asst. Commissioner, who has proceeded on leave. R.R. Brown, officiating Dist. Judge, on being relieved by R.C.S. Keith, Dist. Judge, is transferred from Bassein to the charge of the Maymyo Sub-divn. Mandalay Dist. in place of A.G. Moseley, Asst. Commissioner who has proceeded on leave. H.F. Searle, Asst. Commissioner, on being relieved by E.J. Farmer, Asst. Commissioner, is posted to the charge of the Salin Sub-divn. Minbu Dist. in place of Maung Bo, Myook. R.P. Pinto, Extra Asst. Commissioner is placed in charge of the Myaungmya Sub-divn. in addition to his other duties as a tempy. measure, pending the arrival of Maung Po, Myook. Leave Privilege leave for three mths. and furlough on medical cert. in continuation thereof for three mths. was granted to C.H. Davies, Asst. Commissioner. Privilege leave for sixteen days is granted to C.F. Grant, Asst. Commissioner, in continuation of leave granted. Misc. The services of J.P. Doyle, Asst. Commissioner, are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India. The services of R. Nield, Asst. Commissioner, were placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India. The services of J. H. Wise, Asst. Commissioner, were placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India. The services of C.F. Grant, Asst. Commissioner, are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India. Police Dept. Privilege leave for two days is granted to Capt. J.S.S. Moir, I.A., Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, in continuation of the special privilege leave for one month granted. Privilege leave for one month is granted to R.G. Sims, Asst. Supdt. of Police. Judicial Dept. The Lt.-Governor invests F. B. Leach, Asst. Commissioner, with powers to try, as a Magistrate, all offences not punishable with death. General W.A. Reardon made over and S.C. Buttery received charge of the Registration-ship of the Office of the Revenue Secy. to the Govt. of Burma on 17th May. Rev’d. N.K. Anderson, Junior Chaplain on duty in Moulmein, is transferred to Dagshai. First class Military Asst. Surgeon E.A. Davies is appointed to be a Civil Surgeon permanently, with effect from 26th Mar. consequent on the retirement of Senior Military Asst. Surgeon and Hony. Captain T.W. Minty. P.W.D. B.M. Samuelson, Executive Engr. on special duty in the Pegu Circle, is transferred to the Irrigation Circle for the charge of the Ye-u Canal Divn. vice G. Clarke, Executive Engr. The services of J.M.B. Stuart, Executive Engr. on special duty in the Irrigation Circle who has been appointed to the Indian Army Reserve of Officers, are placed temporarily at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India. The services of A.M.S. Burn, Asst. Engr. Burma P.W.D., who has been appointed to the Indian Army Reserve of Officers, are placed temporarily at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India. The services of J.R.L. Shee, Asst. Engr. Mon Canal Divn. who has been appointed to the Indian Army Reserve of Officers, are placed temporarily at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India. C.E. Rushton, Executive Engr. on special duty in the Pegu Circle, is appointed to the charge of the Pegu Divn. vice F.S. Vyall, officiating Executive Engr. On return from privilege leave A.M. Mcnab, Executive Engr. is transferred from the Pegu to the Mandalay Circle and is appointed to the charge of the Shwebo Divn. vice J. Craig, Executive Engr. transferred. On being relieved of the charge of the Shwebo Divn. J. Craig, Executive Engr. is transferred from the Mandalay to the Pegu Circle and is appointed to the charge of the Bassein Divn. vice W.J. Finniston, Executive Engr. proceeding on leave. W.J. Finniston, Executive Engr. Bassein Divn. is granted privilege leave for three mths. and leave on medical cert. in continuation thereof for a total combined period of six mths. Judicial Dept. W. Rae, Manager of The Arakan Co., Moulmein is appointed to be a Magistrate (Hony.) of the 3rd class in the Amherst Dist. Mr Rae will hold office for three years. |
The following permanent alterations of rank are ordered in the Burma Commission with effect from 7th Feb. 1915:- Consequent on the retirement of Lt.-Col. H.A. Browning, I.A., Commissioner, on leave, and the appointment of Lt.-Col. S.L. Aplin, I.A., Deputy Commissioner, 1st grade and officiating Commissioner to be a Commissioner of a Division. W.V. Wallace, Deputy Commissioner 2nd grade and officiating 1st grade to be a Deputy Commissioner 1st grade. C.S. Pennell, Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade and officiating 2nd grade to be a Deputy Commissioner 2nd grade. S.A. Smyth, Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade and officiating Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade, on special duty, to be a Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade and to remain on special duty. J.E. Houldey, Asst. Commissioner 2nd grade and officiating Dist. Judge to be an Asst. Commissioner 1st grade and to continue to officiate as a Dist. Judge. J.A. Stewart, Asst. Commissioner 2nd grade sub pro tem, on special duty, to be an Asst. Commissioner 2nd grade and to remain on special duty. E.F. Baum, Asst. Commissioner, 3rd grade, on special duty, to be an Asst. Commissioner 2nd grade sub pro tem. and to remain on special duty. J.C. McKenzie, Asst. Commissioner 3rd grade sub pro tem. and Settlement Officer, to be an Asst. Commissioner 3rd grade and to remain seconded for service in the Settlement Dept. B.W. Perkins, Asst. Commissioner 4th grade (on leave) to be an Assistant Commissioner 3rd grade. Forest Dept. This department Notification regarding the transfer of C.K. Hargreaves, Asst. Conservator of Forests, is hereby cancelled. Privilege leave for one month is granted to F.W. Collings, Deputy Conservator of Forests in charge of the Shwegyin Forest Divn. with effect from 1st June 1915. C.V. Ryan, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, on duty in the Shwegyin Forest Divn. is placed in charge of that division, in place of F.W. Collings, Deputy Conservator of Forests, proceeding on leave. Privilege leave for three mths, is granted to C.S. Baldwin, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, on duty in the Tharrawaddy Forest Divn. Privilege leave for three mths. is granted to L.C. Secluna, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests in charge of the Kado Forest Sub-divn. of the Kado and Agency Forest Divn. H.R. Meredith, Asst, Conservator of Forests, on duty in the West Salween Forest Divn. is posted to the charge of the Kado Forest Sub-divn. of the Kado and Agency Forest Divn. in place of L.C. Secluna, proceeding on leave. R.S. Underhill, Forest Engineer whose services have been replaced by the Govt. of India at the disposal of this Govt. took over charge of his duties in Burma until further orders. Mr Underhill will be attached to the Pegu Forest Circle with headquarters at Rangoon. Agricultural Dept. Privilege leave for one mth. is granted to F.J. Warth, M.Sc. Agricultural Chemist, Burma, with effect from 1st June 1915. Non Gazetted Officers Maung Po Kin, Judicial Myook, is transferred from Einme to the headquarters of the Yandoon Township, Maubin Dist. as Judge of the Yandoon Township Court and Additional Magistrate in place of C.P. Ellis, Judicial Myook, transferred. Maung Gyi, Myook is placed in charge of the Maymyo Sub-divn., Mandalay Dist. in addition to his own duties as a tempy. Measure, pending the arrival of R.R. Brown, Asst. Commissioner. Notification by Heads of Departments The Chief Judge of the Chief Court of Lower Burma appoints J.E. Houldey, to be a Registrar of the Chief Court in place of R. Casson, transferred. The Chief Judge of the Chief Court of Lower Burma appoints J.E. Houldey, Registrar of the Chief Court to be the Secy. to the Rule Committee, Rangoon in place of R. Casson, transferred. Office of the Commissioner of Mandalay G.H. Munro, Resident Excise Officer, 1st grade, is granted privilege leave for two mths. and twenty-five days. The following transfers are ordered in the Katha Dist:- E.A. Noyce, Resident Excise Officer, 7th grade, is transferred from Wuntho to the charge of the Opium Shop at Katha vice W.N. Rees, transferred. W.N. Rees, Resident Excise Officer, 7th grade, is transferred from Katha to the charge of the Opium Shop at Wuntho vice E.A. Noyce. Privilege leave for three mths. and fourteen days is granted to J.N. List. Asst. Engr. and Sub-divisional Officer, Independent Mergui Sub-divn. with effect from the date on which he may avail himself of it. |
H.H. Mackney, Asst. Commissioner, is transferred from Shwegyin to the charge of the Moulmein Sub-divn. Amherst Dist. in place of J. St. C. Saunders, Asst. Commissioner proceeding on leave. T.P. Dewar, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is transferred from Meiktila to the charge of the Thazi Sub-divn. Meiktila Dist. in place of H. Parker, Asst. Commissioner, proceeding on leave. Leave Privilege leave for three wks. is granted to H. Parker, Asst. Commissioner. Misc. The services of J.A. Stewart, Asst. Commissioner were placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India. |
Military Dept.
2nd Lieut. Randal Casson is transferred from the supernumerary list to the active list of the Rangoon Port Defence Volunteers. The following officers of the Upper Burma Volunteer Rifles are placed on the supernumerary list with effect from the 26th Apr. 1915:- Capt. Charles Louis Amedee Rouillard Lt. John Mathew Blackwood Stuart General The Lt.-Governor is pleased to accept the resignation of R.J. Peters of his appointment as a members of the Burma Boiler Commission. The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint E.E. Whittome, Supdt., Rangoon Foundry, The Irrawaddy Flotilla Co. to be a member of the Burma Boiler Commissioner in place of R.J. Peters, who has resigned. |
Police Dept.
Maung Min Din, Deputy Supdt. of Police is appointed to officiate as a Dist. Supdt. of Police and is placed in charge of the police of the Tharrawaddy Dist. in place of H.S. Hill, Dist. Supdt. of Police, proceeding on leave.
Lt. A.M. Arnolt, I.A., Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, is transferred from Loikaw to the Rangoon Battn. as Asst. Adjutant with headquarters at Rangoon. Privilege leave for one mth. is granted to H.S. Hill, Dist. Supdt. of Police. Privilege leave for two mths. is granted to Capt. T.F.S. Burridge, I.A., Asst. Adjutant, Burma Military Police. The following promotions are ordered in the Police Dept. with effect from the 29th Mar. 1915 consequent on the retirement from the service of Maung Pe, Deputy Supdt. of Police 2nd grade:- C. Soord, Deputy Supdt. of Police 2nd grade sub pro tem, to be Deputy Supdt. of Police 2nd grade. J.E. Bell, Deputy Supdt. of Police 3rd grade to be a Deputy Supdt. 2nd grade sub pro tem. A.S. Richardson, Deputy Supdt. of Police 3rd grade sub pro tem, to be a Deputy Supdt. of Police 3rd grade. J.C. Slym, Deputy Supdt. of Police, 4th grade, to be a Deputy Supdt. 3rd grade sub pro tem. |
P.A. Monteiro, Deputy Supdt. of Police 4th grade sub pro tem, on probation to be a Deputy Supdt. 4th grade on probation.
W.G. Cole, Deputy Supdt. of Police, is transferred from Magwe to the headquarters of the Yamethin Dist. as Headquarters Deputy Supdt. in place of D. David, Deputy Supdt. of Police on probation, transferred. On relief by Mr Cole, D. David, Deputy Supdt., on probation, is transferred from Yamethin to the headquarters of the Magwe Dist. as Headquarters Deputy Supdt. H.W. Darney, Asst. Superintendent of Police, is transferred from Sagaing to the charge of the police of the Moulmein Town Sub-division Amherst District in place of A.J.L. Corban-Lucas, Asst. Supdt. of Police, transferred. A.J.L. Corban-Lucas, Asst. Supdt. of Police, is appointed to officiate as a Dist. Supdt. of Police and is transferred from Moulmein to the charge of the police of the Katha Dist. in place of J.C. Slym, officiating Dist. Supdt. of Police. On relief by A.J.L. Corban-Lucas, officiating Dist. Supdt. of Police, J.C. Slym, Deputy Supdt. of Police, remains at the headquarters of the Katha Dist. as Headquarters Deputy Supdt. Furlough on medical cert. for six mths. is granted to E.A. Henry, Asst. Supdt. of Police, in continuation of the leave granted. |
S.C. Buttery has made over and K.M. Basu received charge of the Registrar-ship of the Office of the Secy. to the Govt. of Burma.
At a special exam. held at Toungoo on 19th May 1915, W.S. Shepherd, Asst. Conservator of Forests, passed the exam. in Burmese by the higher Standard. The services of Major G.H. Stewart, I.M.S., are placed at the disposal of the Govt. of India in the Home Dept. Civil Asst. Surgeon Maung Shwe Go, is appointed to officiate as Civil Surgeon, Pegu, in place of 1st class Military Asst. Surgeon E.A. Picachy, transferred. 1st class Military Asst. Surgeon E.A. Picachy, is appointed to officiate as Civil Surgeon, Myitkyina in place of 1st class Military Asst. Surgeon, D.D. Stewart, transferred. 1st class Military Asst. Surgeon, D.D. Stewart, is appointed to be Civil Surgeon, Thayetmyo, in place of Major G.H. Stewart, I.M.S., whose services have been placed at the disposal of the Govt of India. |
Capt. H.W. Farebrother, R.A.M.C., is appointed to hold collateral charge of the Civil Surgeoncy, Thayetmyo, pending arrival of Military Asst. Surgeon D.D. Stewart.
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint the Hon’ble R.E.V. Arbuthnot, officiating Commissioner of Settlements and Land Records, to be a member of the Educational Syndicate in place of H.M.S. Mathews, who has resigned. The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint the Rev’d. Brother John, Director, St. Paul’s High School, Rangoon, to be a member of the Educational Syndicate, in place of Rev’d. Brother Cyprian, who has resigned. Privilege leave for two mths. and ten days is granted to F.X. D’Attaides, Civil Surgeon, Katha, with effect from the date on which he may avail himself of it. |
Non Gazetted Officers - Judicial Dept.
M. Hayman, Inspector, is transferred from the Toungoo Dist. to the Paungde Circle, Prome Dist. Privilege leave for three mths. combined with leave on medical cert. for nine mths. is granted to E.C. Prinsep, Inspector. Privilege leave for three mths. is granted to J.P. Dawson, Inspector. On relief by Maung Aung Tha, offg. Inspector, W.G. Snadden, Inspector, is transferred from Bassein and is placed on special duty at headquarters of the Sagaing Dist. Privilege leave for twenty-three days combined with leave on medical cert. for five mths. and seven days is granted to C.H. Clarke, Resident Excise Officer, 4th grade, Myitkyina. |
Notifications by Heads of Depts.
T.A. Korb, Asst. Supdt. of Excise, on his return from leave is re-posted to the Rangoon Town Dist. H.W. Lillywhite, officiating Supdt. of Excise, 6th grade, Tavoy Dist. is granted privilege leave for three wks. with effect from 17th May 1915. On his return from leave is reposted to the Tavoy Dist. |
Privilege leave for seven days is granted to C.R.P. Cooper, Asst. Commissioner in continuation of the leave granted.
Police Dept.
W.L. Thompson, Deputy Supdt. of Police, 2nd grade, is permitted to retire from the service of Govt.
At an exam. held at Putao on the 1st May 1915, Capt. J. de L. Conry, I.A. Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, passed
the prescribed test in the Chingpaw dialect of the Kachin language. Capt. Conry is entitled to receive a reward of Rs. 1000.
Privilege leave for seven days is granted to C.R.P. Cooper, Asst. Commissioner in continuation of the leave granted.
Police Dept.
W.L. Thompson, Deputy Supdt. of Police, 2nd grade, is permitted to retire from the service of Govt.
At an exam. held at Putao on the 1st May 1915, Capt. J. de L. Conry, I.A. Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, passed
the prescribed test in the Chingpaw dialect of the Kachin language. Capt. Conry is entitled to receive a reward of Rs. 1000.
Forest Dept.
On return from leave J.W. Bradley, Asst. Conservator of Forests is re-posted to duty in the Prome Forest Divn.
Privilege leave for six weeks is granted to H.S. Ker Edie, officiating Conservator of Forests, Tenasserim Circle. G.R. Long, Conservator of Forests, on special duty in the Office of the Chief Conservator of Forests, is transferred from Maymyo and is posted to the charge of the Tenasserim Forest Circle in place of H.S. Ker Edie. J.M.D. Mackenzie, Asst. Conservator of Forests is transferred from the Upper Chindwin Forest Divn. and is posted to the North Toungoo Forest Divn. for special duty in connection with measuring timber at Toungoo. E.W. Carroll, Asst. Conservator of Forests, is transferred from the Pyinmana Forest Divn. and is posted to the South Toungoo Forest Divn. for special duty in connection with measuring timber at Toungoo. B.R. Hutchins, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, on duty in the Shwegyin Forest Divn. is transferred from Shwegyin and is posted to the charge of the Kado Forest Sub-divn. of the Kado and Agency Forest Divn. in place of L.C. Secluna, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests proceeding on leave. H.R. Meredith, Asst. Conservator of Forests, on duty in the West Salween Forest Divn. is transferred from Moulmein and is posted to duty in the Ruby Mines Forest Divn. in place of R.A. Cochrane, Asst. Conservator of Forests, transferred. |
On relief by H.R. Meredith, Asst. Conservator of Forests, R.A. Cochrane, Asst. Conservator of Forests, on duty in the Ruby Mines Forest Divn. is transferred from Mogok and is posted to duty in the Shwegyin Forest Divn.
R.R. O’Hara, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, on duty in the West Salween Forest Divn. is placed in charge of that division in place of J.B. Mercer Adam, Deputy Conservator of Forests, transferred. On relief by R.R. O’Hara, J.B. Mercer Adam, Deputy Conservator of Forest in charge of the West Salween Forest Divn. is transferred from Moulmein and is posted to the charge of the Mandalay Forest Divn. in place of D.P. Hewett, Deputy Conservator of Forests, transferred. On relief by J.B. Mercer Adam, D.P. Hewett, Deputy Conservator of Forests, in charge of the Mandalay Forest Divn. is transferred from Maymyo and is posted to the charge of the Mu Forest Divn. in place of C.E. Milner, Asst. Conservator of Forests, transferred. Pending the arrival of D.P. Hewett, Deputy Conservator of Forests, posted to the charge of the Mu Forest Divn. C. Lindsay-Smith, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, on duty in the Mu Forest Divn. is placed in temporary charge. C.E. Milner, Asst. Conservator of Forests, in charge of the Mu Forest Divn. is transferred from Shwebo and is posted to special duty in the Mandalay Forest Divn. |
Financial Dept.
B.E. Alleyn, Supdt. of Excise, 6th grade, on probation, is promoted to be Supdt. of Excise 5th grade vice C.H. Brakespear, Supdt. of Excise 5th grade, sub pro tem. who reverts to his substantive appointment as Supdt. of Excise 6th grade. S.C.D. Edwards, Excise Inspector 1st grade and officiating Supdt. of Excise, is promoted to be Supdt. of Excise 6th grade. Municipal & Local Dept. Commander A.R.G. Willcock, R.I.M. is removed from the Akyab Municipal Committee. The Lt.-Governor appoints Commander F.V. de Burgh, R.I.M., Port Officer, Akyab Municipal Committee in place of Commander A.R.G. Willock, (sic) R.I.M. removed. |
Asst. Commissary and Lt. R. Walsh, Asst. Engr. Burma P.W.D., is granted leave in and out of India on medical cert. for a period of six mths. Privilege leave for three mths. combined with furlough up to the afternoon of 31st Jan. 1917, is granted to H.M.J. Bacon, Executive Engr. Pakokku Divn. Notifications by Heads of Depts. H.L. Stevenson, made over and W. Carr, assumed charge of the Office of the Divnl. & Sessions Judge, Bassein Divn. on 24th May. |
H. Parker, Asst. Commissioner, on return from leave is posted to special duty in connection with the Forest Reserves in the Meiktila and Myingyan Dists. T.R. Dewar, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is transferred from Thazi to the charge of the Myittha Sub-divn., Kyaukse Dist. in place of J. Shaw, Probationary Extra Asst. Commissioner, transferred. J. Shaw, Probationary Extra Asst. Commissioner is transferred from Myittha to the charge of the Thazi Sub-divn., Meiktila Dist. H.A. Brown, Asst. Commissioner, is transferred from Rangoon and is posted to special duty in the Maubin Sessions Divn. with headquarters at Myaungmya. E.T.D. Gaudoin, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is placed in charge of the duties of the Treasury Officer and Headquarters Magistrate, Lashio, N. Shan States, in addition to his other duties during the absence on leave of S. St. R. Korper, Extra Asst. Commissioner. |
Privilege leave for fifteen days is granted to S. St. R. Korper, Extra Asst. Commissioner. Promotions The following temporary alterations of rank are ordered in the Superior Judicial Service:- With effect from 26th Apr. 1915 consequent on the departure on privilege leave of W. Carr, offg. Divnl. Judge, 1st grade: - A.E. Rigg, Divnl. Judge 3rd grade and officiating 2nd grade to officiate as a Divnl. Judge 1st grade. H.C. Moore, Divnl. Judge, 4th grade and officiating 3rd grade to officiate as a Divnl. Judge 2nd grade. A. Macgregor, Dist. Judge and officiating Divnl. Judge 4th grade to officiate as a Divnl. Judge 3rd grade. H.L. Stevenson, Dist. Commissioner, 3rd grade, to officiate as a Divnl. Judge 4th grade. |
Police Dept.
Privilege leave for one mth. is granted to P.E. Cantwell, Probationary Asst. Supdt. of Police G.J. Harvey, Probationary Asst. Supdt. of Police is transferred from duty with the Chin Hills Battn. Burma Military Police, Falam, and is posted to the headquarters of the Lower Chindwin Dist. as Headquarters Asst., in place of H.A. Atkinson, Deputy Supdt. of Police, proceeding on leave. Lieut. A.M. Arnott, I.A., Asst. Adjutant Rangoon Brigade, is transferred from Rangoon to the Reserve Battn. as Asst. Commandant with headquarters at Pyawbwe. Capt. H.W.F. Clive, I.A. Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, is transferred from Myitkyina Battn. to the Putao Battn. with headquarters at Myitkyina. On relief by Capt. H.W.F. Clive, Capt. J.S.S. Moir, I.A. Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, is transferred from the Putao Battn. to the Toungoo Battn. as Asst. Adjutant, with headquarters at Bassein. On relief by Capt. J.S.S. Moir, Capt. G.D. Wright, I.A., Asst. Adjutant of Military Police, Toungoo Battn. is transferred from the Toungoo Battn. to the Myitkyina Batt. as Asst. Commandant, with headquarters at Myitkyina. |
Judicial Dept.
H.A. Brown, Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to exercise jurisdiction as an Additional Sessions Judge in the Court of Session of the Maubin Divn. J.F. Sheehy, Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to be a Magistrate 2nd class in the Meiktila Dist. General Privilege leave to the amount due and furlough in continuation thereof for a total combined period of two years is granted to the Rev’d. C.R. Bathurst, Junior Chaplain. Rev’d. W.R. Park, a Chaplain on probation, is appointed to be a Junior Chaplain on the Bengal (Rangoon) Ecclesiastical Establishment. |
Notification by Heads of Depts.
On return form leave R.S. Carrapiett, Supdt. of Land Records, is re-posted to the charge of the Minbu Land Records Office. On relief by R.S. Carrapiett, P.L. Nicholas, Asst. Supdt. of Land Records, on probation, remains at Minbu to complete his training in Land Records work. A.A.. Harris, Inspector of Excise (Salt) 5th grade, on probation, Amherst, is posted to the charge of the Phoenix Distillery at Moulmein, Amherst Dist. as Distillery Officer in place of F.H. Byron, Inspector of Excise 2nd grade transferred. F.H. Byron, Inspector of Excise 2nd grade is transferred from the Phoenix Distillery at Moulmein, to the charge of the Mandalay Distillery, Mandalay Dist. as 1st Distillery Officer, in place of D.F. Desmond, Inspector of Excise 1st grade, deceased. M.J. Andrews, Sub-Inspector of Excise, Amherst Dist. is appointed to officiate as Inspector of Excise (Salt) 5th grade and is posted to Amherst, Amherst Dist. in place of A.A. Harris, Inspector of Excise, 5th grade, transferred. Privilege leave for 3 mths. combined with furlough for 1 year is granted to E.C. Prinsep, Inspector. On return from leave A.E. Sherard, Inspector, is posted to the Yamethin Dist. |
Privilege leave for one mth. is granted to J.E. Baker, Extra Asst. Commissioner. M. Laurie, Commissioner, on account of ill health with effect from 9th Jan. 1915 Promotions The following temporary alterations of rank are ordered in the Burma Commission:- With effect from 6th Apr. 1915 consequent on the departure on leave of C.R.P. Cooper, officiating Asst. Commissioner 1st grade:- G.C. Tew, Asst. Commissioner 4th grade and officiating 2nd grade, to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 1st grade. A.E.H. Killick, Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade and officiating 3rd grade to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 2nd grade. With effect from 14th Apr. 1915 the date on which J. McKenna, Deputy Commissioner 2nd grade assumed charge of the Myaungmya Dist. on return from special duty, Lt.-Col. C.E. Bowen, I.A., Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade, officiating 2nd grade, to revert to his substantive rank. J.J. Anderson, Asst. Commissioner 2nd grade and officiating Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade, to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 1st grade. G.C. Tew, Asst. Commissioner 4th grade and officiating 1st grade to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 2nd grade. A.E.H. Killick, Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade and officiating 2nd grade to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 3rd grade. With effect from the 15th Apr. 1915 consequent on the departure on leave of F. Fisher, officiating Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade. A.E.H. Killick, Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade and officiating 3rd grade to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 2nd grade. With effect from 29th Apr. 1915 the date on which the services of H.P. Hewett, Asst. Commissioner 3rd grade, on special duty, were transferred to the Military Dept:- A.J. Page, Asst. Commissioner 4th grade and Settlement Officer, to be an Asst. Commissioner, 3rd grade sub pro tem. and to remain seconded to the service in the Settlement Dept. H.F. Sitzler, Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade and officiating 1st grade, to be an Asst. Commissioner, 3rd grade, sub pro tem. and to continue to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade. Police Dept. H.S. Hill, Dist. Supdt. of Police is transferred from Tharrawaddy to the charge of the Railway Police, in place of A.B. Skinner, Dist. Supdt. of Police, transferred. A.B. Skinner, Dist. Supdt. of Police is transferred from the Railway Police to the charge of the police at the Tharrawaddy Dist. Privilege leave for three mths. and leave on medical cert. in continuation thereof for three mths. is granted to H.A. Atkinson, Deputy Supdt. of Police. |
Judicial Dept.
The Lt-Governor invests F.B. Leach, Asst. Commissioner, a Magistrate of the 1st class in the Toungoo Dist. with powers to hear appeals under section 407 of the code of Criminal Procedure 1898, from Magistrates of the 2nd and 3rd classes. Exam. At an exam. held at Toungoo on 2nd June 1915, Capt. S. St. G. Harvey Kelly, Commandant, Burma Military Police, passed the prescribed test in the Sgau Karen language. Capt. Harvey Kelly is entitled to receive a reward of Rs. 1000. Forest Dept. G.S. Shirley, Asst. Conservator of Forests, on duty in the Katha Forest Divn. is transferred from Katha and is posted to duty in the Upper Chindwin Forest Divn. H.S. Ker Edie, officiating Conservator of Forests, made over and G.R. Long Conservator of Forests, received charge of the Office of Conservator of Forests, Tenasserim Circle on 29th May 1919. A.J. Walsh, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, on duty in the Minbu Forest Divn. is transferred from Minbu and is posted to duty in the Tharrawaddy Forest Divn. Marine & Commerce Dept. The Lt-Governor is pleased to appoint H.B. Huddleston to be a Commissioner of the Port of Rangoon in place of F.D. Couchman, who has resigned. P.W.D. The Kyaukse and Myittha Irrigation Sub-divns. are re-transferred from the Meiktila Irrigation to the Mandalay Canal Divn. D.T. Wells, Asst. Engr. is transferred from the Mandalay to the Chindwin Circle. On return from leave A.M. Beatson, Sub.-Engr. 2nd grade is posted to the Pegu Circle. Non Gazetted Officers Maung Po Kaung, Myook, is posted in charge of the Mogaung Sub-divn. Myitkyina Dist. and of the office of the Asst. Supdt. Kachin Hills, in addition to his other duties during the absence on leave of J.E. Baker, Extra Asst. Commissioner. Maung Shein, Myook, is appointed to officiate as a Judicial Myook and is transferred from Letpadan to the headquarters of the Zigon Sub-divn., Tharrawaddy Dist. as Judge of the Nattalin Township Court and Additional Magistrate in place of J.D.A. Savage, Judicial Myook, proceeding on leave. Moung Ku, Myook, is transferred from Monywa to the charge of the Shwebo Township, Shwebo Dist. in place of A.A. Nicholas, Myook, transferred. A.A. Nicholas, Myook, is transferred from Shwebo to the charge of the Wetlet Township, Shwebo Dist. Leave - Privilege leave is granted to J.D.A. Savage, Judicial Myook. Notification by Heads of Depts. The Rev’d. C.R. Bathurst, Junior Chaplain relinquished charge of the Chaplaincy of Thayetmyo on June 13th At a special meeting held on 7th June 1915 the Shwegyin Municipal Committee elected Maung Kyaing, Myook, and Sub-divn. Officer, Shwegyin to be their President in place of H.H. Mackney, Asst. Commissioner, who has left the station. |
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint H.C. Gadsden, Dist. Supdt. of Police, to be his Private Secy. in place of W.H.A. Webster, Dist. Supdt. of Police who reverts to police duty. D.F. Chalmers, Deputy Director of Land Records was appointed to officiate as Commissioner of Settlements and Land Records, as a tempy. measure, in addition to his other duties, pending the arrival of R.E.V. Arbuthnot. Leave Privilege leave for four days is granted to R.C.S. Keith, Dist. Judge, in continuation of the leave granted. Privilege leave for two mths. and 22 days and special leave on urgent private affairs in continuation thereof for a total combined period of six mths. was granted to A.G. Moseley, Asst. Commissioner. Misc. W.H.A. Webster made over and H.C. Gadsden receive charge of the Office of Private Secretary to the Lieut.-Governor on 16th June 1915. Police Dept. W.H.A. Webster, Dist. Supdt. of Police, is posted to the charge of the police of the Mandalay Dist. in place of P.F de la F. Sherman, Dist. Supdt. of Police, transferred. P.F de la F. Sherman, Dist. Supdt. of Police, is appointed to be Principal of the Provincial Police Training School, Mandalay, in place of H.C. Gadsden, transferred. With reference to this department Notification no. 61 dated 31st Mar. 1915, Messrs. F.H. Robinson, R.G.B. Lawson and F.H. Fearnley-Whittingstall, Probationary Asst. Dist. Supdts. of Police are reposted to the Provincial Police Training School, Mandalay, to continue their training. The under mentioned Deputy Supdts. of Police 4th grade, on probation, are confirmed in their appointments, Maung Po Thein, M.E. Jacob, H.V.C. Sausman, W.S. Plant and T. Fforde. Capt. A. Mackrell, I.A., Commandant, sub pro tem, Burma Military Police is confirmed in his appointment as Commandant in place of Capt. C.K.S. Stuart, I.A., who has reverted to Military duty. Privilege leave for seventeen days and furlough on medical cert. in continuation thereof for five mths. and thirteen days is granted to P.R. Cantwell, Probationary Asst. Supdt. of Police, in continuation of the leave granted. |
At an exam. held at Myitkyina on 9th June, the under mentioned officers passed the prescribed test in the Chingpaw dialect of the Kachin language:- J.E. Baker, Extra Asst. Commissioner O.W. Terndrup, Extra Asst. Commissioner Each of the mentioned officers is entitled to receive a reward of Rs. 1000 At an exam. held at Taunggyi on 9th June, Hony, Capt. G. Farrington, Asst. Engr., P.W.D. passed the prescribed test in the Shan language by the higher standard. Hony. Capt. Farrington is entitled to receive a reward of Rs. 1000. At an exam. held at Myitkyina on 10th June, the under mentioned officers passed the prescribed test in the Lisaw language:- W.J.S. Carrapiett, Supdt. of Excise S. Raghnuath Rai, Sub-Asst. Surgeon Mr Carrapiett is entitled to a reward of Rs. 1000 and Mr S. Raghnuath Rai, a reward of Rs. 200 Civil Asst. Surgeon K.R. Menon is appointed to officiate as Civil Surgeon, Kyaukse, with effect from 2nd June 1915, in place of W.D. Jones, granted leave. Forest Dept. Privilege leave for two mths. is granted to F.P. Thomson, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, on duty in the S. Shan States Forest Divn. On return from leave F.W. Collings, Deputy Conservator of Forests, is re-posted to the charge of the Shwegyin Forest Divn. in place of C.V. Ryan, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests who remain attached to the Divn. F.W. Collings, deputy Conservator of Forests in charge of the present Shwegyin Forest Divn. is transferred from Shwegyin and is posted to the charge of the new Nyaunglebin Forest Divn. C.V. Ryan, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests on duty in the present Shwegyin Forest Divn. is posted to the charge of the new Shwegyin Forest Divn. Financial Dept. F.B. Leach, Asst. Commissioner at the headquarters of the Toungoo Dist. is appointed to discharge within the Toungoo Dist the functions of a Collector under the Indian Stamp Act. Non Gazetted Officers - The under mentioned officer has passed the prescribed exam. in Surveying and Land Records work: A.M. Evans, Extra Asst. Commissioner, Insein Dist. |
Notifications by Heads of Depts.
H.W. Lillywhite, offg. Supdt. of Excise, 6th grade, Tavoy Dist. is granted an extension of privilege leave for three wks. in continuation of the leave granted. The following promotions are ordered in the grades of Inspectors of Excise:- With effect from 28th May 1915 consequent on the promotion of S.C.D. Edwardes from Inspector of Excise 1st grade to Supdt. of Excise 6th grade: Maung Aung Dun, Inspector of Excise 2nd grade, Thaton, to be Inspector of excise 1st grade. J.R. McCann, Inspector of Excise 3rd grade, Syriam, Hanthawaddy (Syriam) Dist. to be Inspector of Excise 2nd grade. T.J. Keenan, Inspector of Excise 5th grade on probation, Rangoon, Rangoon Town Dist. to be Inspector of Excise 4th grade on probation. With effect from 9th June 1915 consequent on the death of D.F. Desmond, Inspector of Excise, 1st grade: C.H. Thomas, Inspector of Excise 2nd grade, Bhamo, Bhamo Dist. to be Inspector of Excise 1st grade. |
A.E. English, Deputy Commissioner is appointed to be Registrar, Co-operative Societies, in place of C.W. Dunn, deputy Commissioner. C.W. Dunn, Deputy Commissioner on being relieved by A.E. English, is placed on special duty at Maymyo in the Co-operative and Agricultural Dept. R.F. Greer, Deputy Commissioner is appointed to officiate as Secy. to the Financial Commissioner, in place of I.G. Lloyd, proceeding on leave. H.A. Brown, Asst. Commissioner, is transferred from Myaungmya to Rangoon and is posted to special duty in the Secretariat. Maung Gale, Extra Asst. Commissioner is placed in charge of the office of the Asst. Supdt. of the Kodaung Hill Tracts in the Mong Mit States in addition to his other duties during the absence on leave of A.A. Cameron, Extra Asst. Commissioner. Leave Privilege leave for six weeks is granted to I.G. Lloyd, Secy. to the Financial Commissioner. Privilege leave to the amount due under article 252 is granted to A.A. Cameron, Extra Asst. Commissioner. Misc. H.A. Brown, Asst. Commissioner, assumed charge of the special duty to which he was posted on 30th June 1915. Police Dept. Capt. R.G. Nairne, I.A., Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, is transferred from Myitkyina and is placed on special duty at Meiktila. Capt. C.M.D. Enriquez, I.A., Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police is transferred from Myitkyina and is placed on special duty at Meiktila. On completion of his special duty at Meiktila Capt. C.M.D. Enriquez, is transferred from Meiktila to the Myitkyina Batt. with headquarters at Myitkyina. Major G.R.K. William, I.A., Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to officiate as a Commandant of Military Police in Upper Burma and is posted to the command of the Bhamo Battn. in place of Major F.L. Orman, I.A. who has proceeded on leave. General At a special exam. held at Rangoon on 14th June, J.C. Mackenzie, Asst, Commissioner, passed the exam. in Burmese by the Proficiency Standard. Mr Mackenzie is entitled to a reward of Rs. 750. P.W.D. This department Notification transferring D.T. Wells, Asst. Engr. from the Mandalay Circle are hereby cancelled. On return from deputation to Delhi, F.J. Kerwick, Asst. Engr. is posted to the Pegu Circle. W. Burn, Asst. Engr. is granted an extension of furlough for one year. J.A.A. Morrison, Executive Engr. attached to the Putao Divn. is transferred from the Mandalay Circle and is placed on special duty in the Burma Public Works Secretariat. |
Military Dept.
The name of Lt. Thomas Bainbridge Gibson of the Rangoon Vol. Rifle Corps, is placed on the Supernumerary List. Privilege leave for 3 mths. is granted to W.D. Jones, L.M. & S. (Mad.) L.R.C.P. & S. (Edin.) Civil Surgeon, Kyaukse. Forest Dept. On return from leave H.S. Ker Edie, officiating Conservator of Forests, is re-posted to the charge of the Tenasserim Forest Circle in place of G.R. Long, Conservator of Forests, transferred. On relief by H.S. Ker Edie, officiating Conservator of Forests, G.R. Long, Conservator of Forests, in charge of the Tenasserim Circle is transferred from Rangoon and is posted to special duty in the office of the Chief Conservator of Forests, Burma. H.R. Meredith, Asst. Conservator of Forests, is posted to special duty in the Meiktila Forest Divn. as a tempy. measure. A.E. Eden, Asst. Conservator of Forests, is transferred from the Pyinmana Forest Divn. and is posted to the South Toungoo Forest Divn. for special duty in connection with measuring the timber at Toungoo. The services of C.E. Milner, Deputy Conservator of Forests, were placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India with effect from 13th May 1915. The services of W.S. Shepherd, Asst. Conservator of Forests, were placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India with effect from 10th June 1915. The services of A.F. Dickson, Asst. Conservator of Forests, were placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India with effect from 10th June 1915. Non Gazetted Officers - P.W.D. W.E. D’Cruz, Overseer, Supernumerary List, Tavoy Divn. has been granted privilege leave for 3 mths. combined with leave on medical cert. for one year with effect from 1st June 1915. Notification by Heads of Depts. N.W. Purchase, Supdt. of Land Records, has been granted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State an extension of leave on medical cert. for a further period of 3 mths. T.A. Korb, Asst. Supdt. of Excise, Rangoon Town Dist. is appointed to officiate as Supdt. of Excise 6th grade and is posted to the charge of the Prome Dist. in place of H. Munro, Supdt. of Excise, 4th grade, transferred. On relief by T.A. Korb, Mr Munro, Supdt. of Excise, 4th grade, is transferred from the Prome Dist. to the Akyab Dist. in place of A.G. Mumford, Supdt. of Excise, 3rd grade, who has been appointed to the Indian Army Reserve of Officers. S.C.D. Edwardes, Supdt. of Excise, 6th grade, Bhamo Dist. is granted privilege leave for one mth. C.H. Thomas, Inspector of Excise, 1st grade is appointed to officiate as Supdt. of Excise 6th grade and is posted to the Bhamo Dist. in place of S.C.D. Edwardes, proceeding on leave. S.C.D. Edwardes, Supdt. of Excise, 6th grade, on his return from leave is re-posted to the Bhamo Dist. |
R.F. Greer, Deputy Commissioner is transferred from Rangoon and is posted to special duty in the S. Shan States with headquarter at Taunggyi. C.R.P. Cooper, Asst. Commissioner, is transferred from Tavoy to the headquarter of the Amherst Dist. as Headquarters Asst., Moulmein, in place of E.H. Jones, Asst. Commissioner. Promotions The following temporary alterations of rank are ordered in the Superior Judicial Service:- With effect from 25th May 1915, consequent on the return from leave of W. Carr, officiating Divnl. Judge, 1st grade: - A.E. Rigg, Divnl. Judge, 3 grade and officiating 1st grade to officiate as a Divnl. Judge 2nd grade. H.C. Moore, Divnl. Judge 4th grade and officiating 2nd grade, to officiate as a Divnl. Judge 3rd grade. A. Macgregor, Dist. Judge and officiating Divnl. Judge 3rd grade to officiate as a Divnl. Judge 4th grade. H.L. Stevenson, Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade and officiating Divnl. Judge 4th grade to remain on special duty as Additional Divnl. and Sessions Judge. Police Dept. On completion of his special duty at Rangoon Capt. C.E. Daly, I.A., Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, was transferred from Rangoon to the Reserve Battn. with headquarters at Pyawbwe. Capt. V.P.B. Williams, I.A., Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, is transferred from Sinra and is appointed to officiate as Commandant of the Chindwin Battn. with headquarters at Monywa in place of Capt. A.E.S. Fennell, I.A. who has proceeded on leave. H.J. Todd, Probationary Asst. Supdt. of Police is transferred from duty with the Mandalay Battn. Burma Military Police and is posted to the headquarters of the Akyab Dist. as Headquarters Asst. in place of Maung Maung, Deputy Supdt. of Police. L.A. Spears, officiating Deputy Supdt. of Police, is transferred from Kyaukse to the charge of the Kyaikto Sub-divn., Thaton Dist. in place of P.M. Burke, Deputy Supdt. of Police transferred. P.M. Burke, Deputy Supdt. of Police is appointed to officiate as a Dist. Supdt. of Police and is transferred from Kyaikto to the charge of the Police of the Prome Dist. in place of J.A.P. Stuart, officiating Dist. Supdt. of Police, transferred. J.A.P. Stuart, officiating Dist. Supdt. of Police, is transferred from Prome and is posted to special duty in the Salween Dist. with headquarters at Papun. C.H.B. David, Deputy Supdt. of Police is transferred from Henzada to the headquarters of the Thayetmyo Dist. as Headquarters Deputy Supdt. in place of E.C. Roussac, Deputy Supdt. of Police,transferred. E.C. Roussac, Deputy Supdt. of Police is transferred from Thayetmyo to the charge of the Police of the Myede Sub-Divn. Thayetmyo Dist. in place of Maung Aung Min, Deputy Supdt. of Police, who has been permitted to retire from Govt. Service. P.W.D. On return from leave E.S. Ten Broeke, Clerk, 1st Class Burma Public Works Secretariat, is appointed to officiate as Deputy Registrar, with effect from the forenoon of the 28th June. W.J. Peters, officiating Deputy Registrar, Burma Public Works Secretariat, is reverted to Clerk 1st Class, officiating with effect from the forenoon of the 28th June. In consequence of the grant of three mths. privilege leave to A.O. Rainford, officiating Registrar, Burma Public Works Secretariat, with effect from the 1st July 1915, E.S. Ten Broeke, officiating Deputy Registrar is appointed to officiate as Registrar with effect from the same date. W.J. Peters, Clerk, Burma Public Works Secretariat, is appointed to officiate as Deputy Registrar, with effect from 1st July 1915. |
Military Dept.
The name of Lt. William Joseph Ward of the Rangoon Vol. Rifle Corps is placed on the supernumerary list with effect from 29th June 1915. The Lt-Governor is pleased to make the following appointment in the Burma Railways Vol. Corps:- Rev’d. Gerald Arthur Richard Thursfield to be Hony. Chaplain vice Rev’d. C.R. Bathurst, resigned. Judicial Dept. The Lt.-Governor invests R.R. Brown, Asst. Commissioner, a Magistrate of the first class, with powers to try, as a Magistrate all offences not punishable with death. General At an exam. held at Putao on 2nd June 1915, J.T.O. Barnard, Extra Asst. Commissioner, passed the prescribed test in the Nung language. Mr Barnard is entitled to receive a reward of Rs. 1000. Privilege leave for one month is granted to H. Walken, P.E.S. Supdt. of the Reformatory School, Insein, with effect from 10th June 1915. B.A. Paul, Asst. Supdt. of the Reformatory School, Insein is appointed to officiate as Supdt. in place of H. Walken. W.G. Fraser, who has been appointed by His Majesty’s Secy. of State to be a temporary Member of the Indian Educational Service and Professor of English at the Govt. College, Rangoon, in place of T.Z.D. Babington, who has resigned, reported his arrival on the 5th June 1915. Privilege leave for three wks. is granted to Major F.A.L. Hammond, I.M.S., Civil Surgeon, Maymyo, with effect from the date on which he may avail himself of it. Capt. A.M. Dick, I.M.S. is appointed to hold collateral charge of the Civil Surgeoncy at Maymyo during the absence of Major Hammond. Major R.D. Saigol, I.M.S., in medical charge 79th Carnatic Inf. Regt., Rangoon, is appointed to hold collateral charge of the duties of the Ophthalmic Surgeon, General Hospital, Rangoon. G.F. Munro, P.E.S. Headmaster, Govt. High School, Rangoon, is appointed to officiate as Principal, in place of A.C.J. Baldwin, I.E.S., whose services have been placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India. L.A. Belletty, 4th grade Master, Govt. High School, Rangoon is appointed to officiate as Headmaster, in place of G.F. Munro. Revenue Dept. The following promotions is ordered in the superior establishment of the Land Records Dept:- H.R.K. Littlewood, Supdt. of Land Records 6th grade to be Supdt. of Land Records 5th grade with effect for 1st Feb. 1915. Mr Littlewood will rank immediately above C.F. Cooper. General The Services of G.H. Alington, Asst. Conservator of Forests, were placed at the disposal of His Excellency, the Commander-in-Chief in India. Non Gazetted Officers V. D’Castro, Sub-Inspector of Excise, Rangoon Town Dist. is appointed to officiate as Inspector of Excise 5th grade, and is posted to the Rangoon Town Dist. in place of T.A. Korb, Asst. Supdt. of Excise who has been appointed to officiate as Supdt. of Excise 6th grade. With the previous sanction of the Govt. of India, J. Moore, Inspector is seconded for service in the Army Dept. Mr Moore has been permitted to proceed to England. D.H.D. Wilkinson, Sub-Inspector of Excise, Mandalay Dist. is appointed to officiate as Inspector of Excise 5th grade and is posted to the Bhamo Dist. in place of C.H. Thomas, Inspector of Excise 1st grade, who has been appointed to officiate as Supdt. of Excise, 6th grade. G.F. Munro, Provincial Educational Service, officiating Principal, Govt. High School, Rangoon is appointed a member of the Text Book Committee vice A.C.J. Baldwin, Indian Educational Service. S.W. Cocks, Indian Educational Service, Inspector of Schools, Pegu Circle, is appointed a member of the Text Book Committee vice C.A. Snow, Indian Educational Service. B.E. Allen, Supdt. of Excise 5th grade was granted an extension of leave on medical cert. for twenty days in continuation of the leave granted to him. |
H.L. Stevenson, Deputy Commissioner is transferred from Henzada and is posted to special duty in the Tenasserim Sessions Divn. H.A. Brown, Asst. Commissioner, on completion to the special duty to which he was posted in this department is appointed to officiate as a Dist. Judge and is posted as Judge of the Hanthawaddy and Insein Dist. Courts, in place of R. Casson, Dist. Judge. W.S. Morrison, Deputy Commissioner, is transferred from Moulmein to the charge of the Pegu Dist. in place of C.C.T. Chapman, Deputy Commissioner transferred. C.C.T. Chapman, Deputy Commissioner is transferred from the Pegu to the charge of the Amherst Dist. in place of W.S. Morrison, Deputy Commissioner, transferred. Misc. The services of E.H. Jones, Asst. Commissioner, were placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India with effect from 8th July The services of R. Casson, Dist. Judge, are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India. Financial Dept. R.K. Anderson, Asst. Supdt. of Excise, on probation, is confirmed in his appointment, with effect from the date of this notification. P.W.D. J.A.A. Morrison, Executive Engr. on special duty in the Burma Public Works Secretariat, has been granted privilege leave for 20 days and furlough on medical cert. in continuation thereof for a total combined period of one year. |
Military Dept.
Lt. Robin Turenne Power is transferred from the supernumerary list to the active list of the Burma Railways Volunteer Corps. The following officers of the Burma Railways Vol. Corps are placed on the supernumerary list:- Capt. George Scott Darby Lt. Edward Arthur Fitzherbert Goodfellow 2nd Lt. Edward Henry Aikman 2nd Lt. George Gordon Taylor Toller 2nd Lt. Donald Harry Ferguson Surgeon-Lieut. Daniel Thomas Henry Croly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ General The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint H.H. Gallie, Asst. Manager, Bulloch Bros. to be a member of the Burma Boiler Commission. Forest Dept. C. K. Hargreaves, Asst. Conservator of Forests, on duty in the Pegu Forest Divn. is transferred from Pegu and is posted to the North Toungoo Forest Divn. for special duty in connection with measuring timber at Toungoo. Privilege leave to the amount due combined with furlough in continuation thereof for a total period of six mths. is granted on account of ill health to S.F. Hopwood, Deputy Conservator of Forests, in charge of the Pegu Forest Divn. J.M.D. Mackenzie, Asst. Conservator of Forests, on duty in the Upper Chindwin Forest Divn. is transferred from Kindat and is posted to the charge of the Pegu Forest Divn. vice S.F. Hopwood, Deputy Conservator of Forests, proceeding on leave. Prior to the assumption of the charge of the Pegu Forest Divn. J.M.D. Mackenzie, is attached to that Divn. for general duty. |
Police Dept.
The following substantive and temporary alterations of rank are ordered in the Police Dept:- With effect from 2nd Nov. 1914 the date on which G.B. Savi, Asst. Supdt. of Police, 2nd grade and officiating 1st grade, assumed charge of his special duty. F. Newton, Asst. Supdt. 2nd grade, to officiate as an Asst. Supdt. 1st grade. With effect from 3rd Nov. 1914, consequent on the return from leave of P.F. de la F. Sherman and the relinquishment by C.M. Maclosky of his special duty at Pegu, P.F. de la F. Sherman, Dist. Supdt. 3rd grade to officiate as a Dist. Supdt. 2nd grade. W.S. Thom, Dist. Supdt. 3rd grade and officiating 2nd grade to revert to his substantive rank. G.W. Prideaux, Dist. Supdt. 4th grade and officiating 3rd grade to revert to his substantive rank. Capt. A.F.M. Slater, I.A., Dist. Supdt. 5th grade and officiating 4th grade to revert to his substantive rank. F. Newton, Asst. Supdt. 2nd grade and officiating 1st grade to revert to his substantive rank. With effect from 3rd Nov. 1914, H.W. Darney, Asst. Supdt. 3rd grade, on probation, to officiate as an Asst. Supdt. 2nd grade on probation. H.J. Todd, probationary, Asst. Supdt. to be an Asst. Supdt. 3rd grade on probation and to officiate as an Asst. Supdt. 2nd grade on probation. G.J. Harvey, probationary Asst. Supdt. to be an Asst. Supdt. 3rd grade, on probation and to officiate as an Asst. Supdt. 2nd grade on probation. With effect from 9th Nov. 1914 consequent on the appointment of B.G. Savi, Asst Supdt. 2nd grade as Aide-de-Camp to His honour the Lt.-Governor: J.T.M. Cowan, Asst. Supdt. 3rd grade on probation and officiating 2nd grade, to be an Asst. Supdt. 2nd grade sub pro tem. on probation. Privilege leave for two days is granted to D.W. Rae, Dist. Supdt. of Police, in continuation of the leave granted. F.H. Fearnley-Whittingstall, Probationary Asst. Supdt. of Police, is transferred from the Provincial Police Training School, Mandalay and is posted to the charge of the police in the Maymyo Sub-divn. Mandalay Dist. in place of G.N. Hetley, Asst. Supdt. of police, transferred. G.N. Hetley, Asst. Supdt. of Police, is transferred from Maymyo to the charge of the Police of the Pa-an Sub-divn., Thaton Dist. in place of Maung Aung Ban. |
F.B. Leach, Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner and is transferred from Toungoo to the charge of the Meiktila Dist. in place of H. Tonkinson, Asst. Commissioner, transferred. H. Tonkinson, Asst. Commissioner, is transferred from Meiktila and is posted to special duty in the Amherst Dist. with headquarters at Moulmein. Misc. H.A. Brown, Asst. Commissioner, relinquished charge of the special duty to which he was posted on 15th July 1915. Police Dept. Leave on medical cert. for three mths. is granted to R.W. Barber, Dist. Supdt. of Police, in continuation of the leave granted. The following alterations in rank are ordered:- With effect from 22nd June 1915, consequent on the retirement of A.G. Mayne, Deputy Inspector-General of Police, 1st grade, W.H. Tarleton, Deputy Inspector-General of Police, 2nd grade and officiating 1st grade, to be a Deputy Inspector-General of Police 1st grade. A.D. Kiernanader, Dist. Supdt., 1st grade and officiating Deputy Inspector-Genl. of Police, 2nd grade, to be a Deputy Inspector-General of Police 2nd grade. Capt. R. Tully, I.A., Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, is appointed to officiate as a Commandant of the Bhamo Battn. as a temporary measure, in place of Major F. L. Orman, I.A., Commandant, transferred. Judicial Dept. H. Tonkinson, Asst. Commissioner, a Magistrate of the first class is appointed to be an Additional Dist. Magistrate in the Amherst Dist. K.R.H. Jones, Asst. Commissioner is appointed to be a Magistrate of the first class in the Mergui Dist. K.R.H. Jones, Asst. Commissioner is appointed to be a Justice of the Peace within and for Burma. J.E. Gillies, Asst. Commissioner is appointed to be a Magistrate of the first class in the Akyab Dist. and a Justice of the Peace within and for Burma. The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint H. Tonkinson, Additional Dist. Magistrate, Amherst Dist. to be President of the Moulmein Leper Asylum Board. |
Forest Dept.
G.R. Long, Conservator of Forests made over and H.S. Ker Edie, officiating Conservator of Forests, received charge of the Office of Conservator of Forests, Tenasserim Circle on the 12th July 1915. Privilege leave for 2 mths. and 19 days is granted to T.W. Forester, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests in charge of the Mansi Forest Divn. with effect from 1st Aug. R.B. Finney, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, on duty in the Katha Forest Divn. is placed in charge of the Mansi Forest Divn. A.W. Moodie, Asst. Conservator of Forests, on duty in the Upper Chindwin Forest Divn. is transferred from Kindat and is posted to duty in the Katha Forest Divn. Non Gazetted Officers R. Maung Lwin, Myook, is transferred from Pauk to the headquarters of the Pakokku Dist. as Treasury Officer and Headquarters Magistrate in place of V. Paul, Myook, proceeding on leave. Maung Po Kye Myook, is transferred from Mergui to the headquarters of the Tavoy Dist. as Headquarters Asst., Tavoy, in place of C.R.P. Cooper, Asst. Commissioner, transferred. Leave Privilege leave to the amount due under article 252 and leave on medical cert. in continuation thereof for a total combined period of six mths. is granted to V. Paul, Myook. Departmental Notifications C.R.P. Cooper, Asst. Commissioner, assumed charge of the duties of Headquarters Asst. in the Amherst Dist. on 14th July. H. de Penha, Inspector, is transferred from Tharrawaddy and is posted to the charge of the Shwebo Section of the Railway Police. Maung Gale, officiating Excise Inspector, 5th grade, on relief by Maung Po Han, Excise Inspector 5th grade, is transferred from Pyawbwe, Yamathin Dist. to Maubin, Maubin Dist., in place of A.H. Nolan, Excise Inspector 2nd grade, transferred. |
F.L.J. Williamson, Deputy Commissioner, is transferred from Pyapon to the charge of the Minbu Dist. in place of Major H.V.M. Langtry, I.A. officiating Deputy Commissioner, transferred. Major H.V.M. Langtry, I.A. officiating Deputy Commissioner, is transferred from Minbu to the charge of the Maubin Dist. in place of J.J. Anderson, officiating Deputy Commissioner, transferred. J.J. Anderson, officiating Deputy Commissioner, is transferred from Maubin to the charge of the Kyaukse Dist. in place of G.E.R. Grant Brown, Deputy Commissioner proceeding on leave. J.F. Sheehy, Asst. Commissioner, is transferred from Meiktila to the charge of the Katha Sub-divn. Katha Dist. D. O’Sullivan, Bar-at-law, Registrar of the Court of Small Causes at Moulmein, is appointed to officiate as a Dist. Judge and is posted to the Headquarters of the Amherst Dist. as Judge of the Dist. Courts, Amherst and Thaton, in place of E. Lawson, Dist. Judge. O.M. Rees, Asst. Commissioner and Asst. Settlement Officer, No. 5 Party, is placed on special duty in the Office of the Deputy Inspector-General of Military Police, at Rangoon. C.P. Duffin, Probationary Extra Asst. Commissioner, is transferred from Kamaing to Sadon, Myitkyina Dist. as Asst. Supdt., Kachin Hills, in place of T.F.G. Wilson, Extra Asst. Commissioner, proceeding on leave. The following alteration of rank is ordered in the Burma Commission:- With effect from 20th Feb. 1915: Major H.V.M. Langtry, I.A., Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade, to be an Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade and to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade. Leave J.J. Phipps, Extra Asst. Commissioner, has been granted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State an extension of leave on medical cert. for two mths. Privilege leave to the amount due under article 252 and special leave on urgent private affairs in continuation thereof for a total combined period of six mths. is granted to G.E.R. Grant Brown, Deputy Commissioner. Privilege leave to the amount due is granted to W.V. Hoey, Asst. Settlement Officer, with effect from the date on which he avails himself of it. Privilege leave for three mths. is granted to T.F.G. Wilson, Extra Asst. Commissioner. Misc. The services of E. Dawson, Dist. Judge, are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India. Police Dept. Capt. A.E.S. Fennell, I.A. Commandant, Burma Military Police, is granted privilege leave to the amount due and leave on medical cert. in continuation thereof for a total combined period of six mths. Capt Fennell has proceeded to England. Capt. E.A.W. Lake, I.A., Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, is appointed to officiate as Commandant of the Chindwin Battn. as a tempy. measure, pending the arrival of Capt. V.P.B. Williams, I.A. Capt. C.M.D. Enriquez, I.A., Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, is transferred from the Myitkyina Battn. to the S. Shan States Battn. with headquarters at Loimwe. Lt. A.M. Arnott, I.A., Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, is transferred from the Reserve Battn. to the S. Shan States Battn. with headquarters at Loikaw A. Clark, Deputy Supdt. of Police, was appointed to officiate as a Dist. Supdt. of Police and was placed in charge of the Railway Police for the period from 29th June to 8th July 1915. Other Dept. Notifications Leave on private affairs for three mths. is granted to R.V. Littlewood, Supdt. of Land Records, in continuation of the leave granted to him. Privilege leave for three mths. combined with furlough up to 15th Sept. 1916, is granted on the grounds of ill health to W.E. Johnson, Supdt. of Land Records with effect from date of his relief. |
Military Dept.
The following officers of the Moulmein Vol. Rifle Corps are placed on the supernumerary list, with effect from the dates mentioned against their names:- Capt. Colin Arthur Lakin, 5th Mar. 1915 Lt. William Edward Lowry, 1st Apr. 1915 General At an exam. held at Myitkyina on 12th July, Lt.-Col. A.W.H. Lee, I.A., Commandant, Burma Military Police, passed the prescribed test in the Chingpaw dialect of the Kachin language. Lt.-Col. Lee is entitled to a reward of Rs. 1000. Capt. T.F. Owens, I.M.S., Chemical Examiner and Bacteriologist to the Govt. of Burma is appointed to hold additional charge of the duties of Police Surgeon and Pathologist, Rangoon General Hospital, with effect from 14th June 1915. C.A. Sells, Second Master, Govt. High School for Europeans, Maymyo, is appointed Headmaster at the Govt. High school, Moulmein, in the provincial Educational Service, in place of C. Winckler, who has resigned. The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint H. Tonkinson, Asst. Commissioner, on special duty in the Amherst Dist. to be Registrar of the Amherst Registration Dist. Forest Dept. On return from leave M.C.S. Baldwin, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, is posted to duty in the Minbu Forest Divn. On transfer from the Andamans, C. Alfred, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, is posted to duty in the Prome Forest Divn. The services of E.A. Sitzler, Deputy Conservator of Forests were placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India, with effect from the 10th July 1915. A.L. George, Probationary Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, is transferred from Tharrawaddy and is re-posted to duty in the Pyinmana Forest Divn. General Special leave on urgent private affairs for six mths. is granted to A.D. Keith, I.E.S., Professor of English and History, Govt. College, Rangoon, with effect from 19th Aug. 1915. G.F. Munro, P.E.S., officiating Principal, Govt. High School, Rangoon, is appointed to officiate in the Indian Educational Service as Professor of English and History, Govt. College, Rangoon in place of A.D. Keith, proceeding on leave. L.F. Taylor, I.E.S., Principal, Govt. High School, Bassein, is transferred from Bassein to Rangoon as Principal, Govt. High School, Rangoon in place of G.F. Munro. E.C. Down, Headmaster, Govt. High School, Bassein, is appointed to officiate in the Indian Educational Service as Principal of the School in place of L.F. Taylor, transferred. Miss J. Kohn is appointed to be a Lady Doctor of Burma, on probation for six mths. with effect from the date on which she assumes charge of her duties Non Gazetted Officers Maung Po Myit, Myook, is transferred from Sagu to the headquarters of the Thayetmyo Dist. as Treasury Officer and Headquarters Magistrate, in place of P.M. Richardson, Myook, proceeding on leave. Leave Privilege leave to the amount due and leave on medical cert. in continuation thereof for a total combined period of six mths. is granted to P.M. Richardson, Myook. Judicial Dept. - Under the provisions of section 12 of the Code of Criminal Procedure 1898 the under mentioned gentlemen are appointed to be Honorary Magistrates of the 3rd class in the Insein Dist:- M. Oppenheimer, Merchant and Municipal Commissioner, Insein, in place of Maung Shwe Tha, resigned. F. Watson, Merchant and Municipal Commissioner, Insein in place of A.J. Hutton, resigned. The above mentioned will hold office for three years. Revenue Dept. - W.E.S. Swiney, Supdt. of Land Records, is transferred from Hanthawaddy and posted to the charge of the Map Section of the Govt. Press, Rangoon, in place of W.E. Johnson, Supdt. of Land Records, proceeding on leave. The Commissioner of Pegu Divn. appoints D. Ross, of the Burma Oil Co., to be a member of the Syriam Municipal Committee in place of J.F. Macdonald, resigned. |
Exam. Results
At the departmental examination held at Rangoon ... ... on 9th June 1915,
the under mentioned candidates passed the examination in Civil Law prescribed for Excise Officers:-
At the departmental examination held at Rangoon ... ... on 9th June 1915,
the under mentioned candidates passed the examination in Civil Law prescribed for Excise Officers:-
A.A. Harris, Excise Insp., Kyaikkam
B. McCrea, Excise Insp., Myitkyina J. Beechey, Excise Insp., Mandalay F.E. Wilson, offg. Excise Insp., Kyauktaw G. Kinsman, Resident Excise Officer, Mandalay |
At the departmental examination ... ... on the 7th June 1915,
the under mentioned candidates passed the examinations in Burmese by the standards specified below:-
the under mentioned candidates passed the examinations in Burmese by the standards specified below:-
Higher Standard
K.R. Hope Jones, Asst. Commissioner
Capt. C.W. Bushell, 15th Burma Coy. Sappers & Miners, Mandalay D.H.M. Silvanus A.R. Villar G.S. Shirley E.F.A. Hay, Asst. Conservator of Forests N.P. Morrison, Dist. Supdt. of Police A.J.L. Corban-Lucas, offg. Dist. Supdt. of Police (with credit) J.J. Oxlade, Supdt. of Excise (with credit) P.J. Harvey, Asst. Supdt. of Police G.N. Hetley, Asst. Supdt. of PoliceE.A. Noyce, Resident Excise Officer, Katha A. Fontyn, offg. Resident Excise Officer, Amherst (with credit) Bombardier A.B. Philip, 77th Battn. Royal Field Art., Mandalay W.R. Wall, Registered Candidate, Rangoon (with credit) Ahmed Khan, Sub-Insp. of Police, Hanthawaddy J.C. Sutherland, Teacher, Govt. High School, Moulmein (with great credit) C.S.R. Singham, Teacher, Rangoon S.N. Chatterjee, Teacher, Kindat |
G.F. Matthews, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests
A.J. Walsh, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests J.W. L. O’Hara, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests B.F. Cooper, Supdt. of Land Records L.B. Naylor, Probationary Extra Asst. Commissioner Manilal Kundu, offg. Resident Surgeon, Genl. Hospital, Rangoon J. Suarez, Civil Asst. Surgeon, Papun (with credit) H. Shircore, Myook, Kawlin P.L. Whiter, offg. Insp. of Police, Mergui Dist. (with great credit) E.A. Noyce, Resident Excise Officer, Katha A. Fontyn, offg. Resident Excise Officer, Amherst (with credit) Bombardier A.B. Philip, 77th Battn. Royal Field Art., Mandalay W.R. Wall, Registered Candidate, Rangoon (with credit) Ahmed Khan, Sub-Insp. of Police, Hanthawaddy J.C. Sutherland, Teacher, Govt. High School, Moulmein (with great credit) C.S.R. Singham, Teacher, Rangoon S.N. Chatterjee, Teacher, Kindat |
Lower Standard
J.F. Sheehy, Asst. Commissioner (with great credit)
Capt. C.M.D. Enriquez, Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police G.E. Scott, Asst. Engr., P.W.D. (with credit) C.E. Whitcombe, Asst. Engr., P.W.D. E.W. Carroll, Asst. Conservator of Forests A.E. Eden, Asst. Conservator of Forests M.O. Tanner, Probationary Asst. Supdt. of Police A.G. Adams, Probationary Asst. Supdt. of Police F.H. Fearnley-Whittingstall, Probationary Asst. Supdt. of Police D.J. Munro, Probationary Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests P. Burnside, Probationary Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests J. Chowdhuri, Civil Asst. Surgeon, Moulmein J.J.G. DaCosta, Civil Asst. Surgeon, Myitkyina (with great credit) M.D. David, Civil Asst. Surgeon, Rangoon |
W.E. Hill, Manager, Upper Burma Central Co-operative Bank, Mandalay
G.H. Littlewood, Excise Insp., Rangoon A.E. Korb, Excise Insp., Pegu Dist. T.J. Keenan, Excise Insp., Rangoon J. Beechey, offg. Excise Insp., Mandalay (with great credit) K. Nagaigh, Jailor, Myingyan B.C. Barna, Jailor, Myingyan D. Sanjiva Rou, Jailor, (with Credit) G. Kinsman, offg. Resident Excise Officer, Myitkyina (with great credit) A.G. Wilks, Sub-Insp. of Police, Tharrawaddy (with great credit) S.J. Jacob, Sub-Insp. of Police, Tharrawaddy, (with great credit) Autar Singh, Sub-Insp. of Police, N. Shan States N. Akbar Khan, Sub-Asst. Surgeon, Toungoo |
Elementary Standard
S.M.A. Rahim, Hailor, Insein
G.B. Hamilton, Jailor, Insein (with great credit) J.L. Matheson, Sub-Insp. of Police (with great credit) A. Brown, Sergt. of Police, Rangoon (with great credit) R.M. Matthias, Sergt. of Police, Mandalay E.O. Wheeler, Sergt. of Police, Bhamo A.R. Mahadevram, Sub-aast. Surgeon, Thayetmyo |
Colloquial Standard
Capt. F.L. Roberts I.A., Commandant, Burma Military Police.
Capt. F.L. Roberts I.A., Commandant, Burma Military Police.
B.W. Swithinbank, I.C.S. Asst. Settlement Officer is transferred from Tharrawaddy to the charge of the Moulmein Sub-division, Amherst Dist., in place of H. H. Mackney, I.C.S. Asst. Commissioner, transferred. H.H. Mackney, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner is transferred from Moulmein to the charge of the Shwegyin Sub-division, Toungoo Dist., in place of Maung Kyaing, Myook, transferred. W.T. Palmes, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, is transferred from Toungoo to the charge of the Myanaung Sub-division, Henzada Dist., in place of Capt. A.P. Sandeman, I.A., Asst. Commissioner. Transfers S.S. Hussen, Extra Asst. Commissioner, from Thaton to the charge of the Amherst Sub-division, Amherst Dist. J.W. Adamson, Extra Asst. Commissioner, from Myingyan to Taunggyi, S. Shan States, as Treasury Officer and Headquarters Magistrate in place of S. St. C. Lightfoot, Extra Asst. Commissioner, transferred. S. St. C. Lightfoot, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is transferred from Taunggyi to the headquarters of the Lower Chindwin Dist. as Treasury Officer and Headquarters Magistrate in place of Maung Po Than (2) A.T.M., Extra Asst. Commissioner, transferred. Leave Privilege leave for ten days is granted to J.E. Baker, Extra Asst. Commissioner, in continuation of the leave granted. Promotions The following permanent and temporary alterations of rank are ordered in the Burma Commission:- With effect from the 27th Apr. 1915 the date on which the services of J.P. Doyle, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, 3rd grade, on special duty, were transferred to the Military Dept. A.J. Page, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, and Settlement Officer, to be an Asst. Commissioner. 3rd grade, sub pro tem., and to remain seconded for service in the Settlement Dept. H.F. Sitzler, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade and offg. 1st grade, to be an Asst. Commissioner, 3rd grade, sub pro tem., and to continue to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 1st grade. With effect from the 29th Apr. 1915, the date on which the services of H.P. Hewett, I.C.S. Asst. Commissioner, 3rd grade, on special duty, were transferred to the Military Dept. H.O. Reynolds, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner 4th grade and Asst. Settlement Officer, to be an Asst. Commissioner 3rd grade, sub pro tem., and to remain seconded for service in the Settlement Dept. A.G. Mosely, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner 4th grade and offg. 1st grade, to be an Asst. Commissioner 3rd grade, sub pro tem., and to continue to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 1st grade. Misc. The services of Capt. A.P. Sandeman, I.A., Asst. Commissioner, are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India as a temporary measure. Political Dept. The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint J.W. Adamson, Extra Asst. Commissioner, Treasury Officer and Headquarters Magistrate, Taunggyi, to discharge the functions of an Asst. Supdt. for the S. Shan States. The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint C.H. Macnutt to be Magistrate of the 3rd class and to exercise jurisdiction as such within the area leased by the Burma Mines Ltd. in the Shan States of North Hsenwi and Tawngpeng. Police Dept. On completion of his special duty at Rangoon, Lt. A.M. Arnott, I.A., Asst. Adjutant, Burma Military Police, was re-posted to the Rangoon Battn., as an Asst. Adjutant with headquarters at Rangoon. E.H. Thirkell White, Asst. Supdt. of Police, on probation, is posted to the headquarters of the Toungoo Dist. as Headquarters Asst. in place of R.R. Jones, offg. Deputy Supdt. of Police, transferred. R.R. Jones, offg. Deputy Supdt. of Police, is transferred from Toungoo to the headquarters of the Meiktila Dist. as Headquarters Deputy Supdt. in place of R.G. Sims, Asst. Supdt. of Police, transferred. R.G. Sims, Asst. Supdt. of Police, is transferred from Meiktila to the charge of the Police of the Yenangyaung subdivision, Magwe Dist., in place of C.J. Heath, Asst. Supdt. of Police, transferred. C.J. Heath, Asst. Supdt. of Police is transferred from Yenangyaung and is posted to special duty with His Honour the Lt.-Governor. Judicial Dept. H. Tonkinson, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, a Magistrate of the first class, is appointed to be an Additional Dist. Magistrate in the Amherst Dist., for a period of six months. The services of Senior Military Asst. Surgeon and Honorary Lieutenant A.W. Truter, I.S.M.D., Deputy Supdt. Rangoon Jail, are placed at the disposal of the Director-General, Indian Medical Service. General At an examination held at Falam on the 19th Apr. 1915 H.R. Aston, Asst. Engineer, Public Works Dept., Falam, passed the prescribed test in the Tashon dialect of the Chin language. Mr Aston is entitled to receive a reward of Rs. 1000. Civil Asst. Surgeon I. Charan, L.R.C.P.& S. (Edin.) is appointed to hold visiting charge of the Civil Surgeoncy, Minbu Dist. in place of First Class Military Asst. Surgeon G.W. Vincent. Civil Asst. Surgeon, J.J.G. DaCosta, L.M. & S. (Mad.) is appointed to officiate as Civil Surgeon, Myitkyina in place of First Class Military Asst,. Surgeon E.A. Picachy. On return from leave W.D. Jones, L.M.& S. (Mad.) L.R.C.P. & S. (Edin.) is posted to the civil medical charge of the Minbu Dist., in place of Civil Asst. Surgeon Isa Charan who is holding visiting charge. Forest Dept. Privilege leave for six weeks is granted to J.L. Hefferman, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, in charge of the Bampon Forest Subdivision, S. Shan States Forest Divn. with effect from the 15th Sept. Non-Gazetted Officers - Notifications by Heads of Departments On return from leave J.H. Reynaud, Supdt. Land Records, is posted to the Bassein Land Records Office as Asst. to the Supdt. Land Records. At a special meeting held on the 30th July the Pegu Municipal Committee elected W.S. Morrison, Deputy Commissioner, Pegu, as their President, in place of C.C. T. Chapman, transferred. G.H. Munro, Resident Excise Officer, 1st grade, on expiry of his leave granted to him is reported to Shwegui, Bhamo Dist., in place of Maung Ba Than, offg. Resident Excise Officer, 7th grade, transferred. Maung Po Saw, Asst. to the Agricultural Chemist and F.J. Warth, Agricultural Chemist, respectively made over and received charge of the current duties of the office and laboratory of the Agricultural Chemist, Burma, on the 1st July. |
The following changes were made in the class of Conservators with effect from the dates mentioned: H.S. Ker-Edie, Offg. Conservator of Forests, 3rd grade, reverted to the class of Deputy Conservator on proceeding on privilege leave with effect from the afternoon of the 29th May 1914. From the same date G.R. Long Conservator of Forests, 2nd grade, provisional substantive, on relinquishing his special duty in the office of the Chief Conservator of Forests, assumed charge of the Tenasserim Circle. H.S. Ker-Edie, of Deputy Conservator of Forests is appointed to officiate as Conservator of Forests 3rd grade in charge of the Tenasserim Circle, with effect from the forenoon of 12th July 1915 vice G.R. Long, Conservator of Forests 2nd grade, provisional substantive placed on special duty in the office of the Chief Conservator of Forests. |
Privilege leave for two months and special privilege leave in continuation thereof for one month is granted to J.T.O. Barnard, C.I.E., Extra Asst. Commissioner. Police Dept. Privilege leave for one month is grated to Capt. F.L. Roberts, I.A,. Commandant, sub pro tem. Burma Military Police and offg. Personal Asst. to the Deputy Inspector General of Military Police, Burma. Privilege leave to amount due and furlough on medical certificate in continuation thereof for a total combined period of six mths. is granted to G.B. Savi, Asst. Supdt. of Police, with effect from 5th Aug. Military Dept. The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint C.J. Heath, Asst. Dist. Supdt. of Police, to be an Aide de Camp on his Personal Staff, in place of G.B. Savi, Asst. Supdt. of Police, on privilege leave. Judicial Dept. E.N. Bell, I.C.S., offg. Deputy Commissioner, is appointed to exercise jurisdiction as an Additional Sessions Judge in the Court of Sessions of the Mandalay Divn. The Lt.-Governor invests A.T. Rajan, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, a Magistrate of the 1st class, in the Toungoo Dist. The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint L.T. Ah Pon to be a member of the Moulmein Leper Asylum Board in place of the Rev’d. M. B. Kirkpatrick, M.D. General At an examination held at Mogok on the 1st July 1915, Lt. C. Leslie-Smith, I.A., Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, passed the prescribed test in the Chingpaw dialect of the Kachin language. Lt. Leslie-Smith is entitled to receive a reward of Rs. 1,000. At the departmental examination held at Rangoon, Moulmein, Mandalay and Mogok on the 8th June 1915, the following candidates passed the examination in Law prescribed for officers of the Forest Dept: - J.W.L. O’Hara, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests Maung Thet She, Ranger, Mandalay |
At the departmental examination held at Rangoon, ... ... on the 8th June 1915,
the under mentioned candidates passed the examination in Civil Law for
Asst. Commissioners, Extra Asst. Commissioners and Myooks, by the standards specified below:-
the under mentioned candidates passed the examination in Civil Law for
Asst. Commissioners, Extra Asst. Commissioners and Myooks, by the standards specified below:-
Higher Standard
M.S. Collis, Asst. Commissioner H. Parker, Asst. Commissioner K.R. Hope Jones, Asst. Commissioner J.F. Sheehy, Asst. Commissioner A.M. Evans, Extra Asst. Commissioner |
Registered Candidate - Rangoon
E.B. Sutherland Lower Standard L.B. Naylor, Extra Asst. Commissioner (probationary) |
Leave - Privilege leave for three days is granted to Major F.A.L. Hammond, I.M.S., in continuation of leave granted to him.
Public Works Dept. - At a special meeting held on the 30th June 1915, the Municipal Committee, Yandoon, elected J.M. Burke, Agent, Irrawaddy Flotilla Co., Yandoon, to be their Vice-President in place of the Township Judge, Yandoon, who has resigned. General - At a special meeting held on the 23rd July 1915, the Prome Municipal Committee, on the expiration of his term of office, re-elected Major A.N. Nolan, Civil Surgeon, Prome to be their Vice-President. |
B.W. Perkins, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, on return from leave is posted to the headquarters of the Amherst Dist. as Headquarters Asst., Moulmein in place of C.R.P. Cooper, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, transferred. C.R.P. Cooper, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, is transferred from Moulmein to the headquarters of the Tavoy Dist., as Headquarters Asst., Tavoy, in place of Muang Po Kye, Myook, transferred. A. Samuel, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is transferred from Loimwe and is posted to duty at Taunggyi, S. Shan States. H. Parker, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, on completion of the special duty to which he was posted, is posted to the charge of Thazi Subdivision, Meiktila Dist., in place of J. Shaw, Probationary Extra Asst. Commissioner, transferred. J. Shaw, Probationary Extra Asst. Commissioner, is transferred from Thazi to Liomwe, S. Shan States, as Sub-Treasury Officers and Headquarters Magistrate. B.W. Swithinbank, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, on being relieved by Mr J. St. C. Saunders, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, transferred from Moulmein and appointed to be Asst. Settlement Officer, no. 5 party. Misc. The vocational leave granted to Sir Henry S. Hartnoll, Kt., I.C.S., Bar-at-law, Judge, Chief Court of Lower Burma, has been commuted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State into furlough on medical certificate and extended for six months. B.W. Perkins, I.C.S. Asst. Commissioner, has been permitted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State for India to return to duty within the period of his leave. General Privilege leave for one month is granted to J.P. Bulkeley, I.E.S. Inspector of Schools, Mandalay Circle. J. Dunn, Asst. Engineer, reported his return from leave on the forenoon of the 16th Aug. and is attached to the Burma Public Works Secretariat on special duty with effect from that date. H.R. Aston, Asst. Engineer, is transferred from the Chindwin to the Irrigation Circle. W.M. Hayfield, Executive Engr., is transferred from the Irrigation to the Pegu Circle. Privilege leave for one month is granted to F.C. Lowis, Executive Engr., Putao Divn. with effect from the date on which he is relieved of his duties. Forest Dept. R. Unwin, Asst. Conservator of Forests, on duty in the Thaungyin Forest Divn. is transferred to the Pyinmana Forest Divn. A.R. Villar, Asst. Conservator of Forests is transferred from the Bhamo Forest Divn. and is posted to the Yaw Forest Divn., for special duty in connection with measuring timber at Pakokku. G.S. Shirley, Asst. Conservator of Forests is transferred from the Upper Chindwin Forest Divn. and is posted to the Yaw Forest Divn. for special duty in connection with measuring timber at Pakokku. E.F.A. Hay, Asst. Conservator of Forests is transferred from the Gangaw Forest Sub-divn. [to the] Yaw Forest Divn. and is posted to special duty in that Divn. in connection with measuring timber at Pakokku. T.I. Pocock, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests is granted an extension of leave on medical certificate for three months in continuation of the combined leave granted to him. H.L.P. Walsh, Deputy Conservator of Forests, in charge of the North Toungoo Forest Divn. is appointed to the charge of the South Toungoo Forest Divn. in addition to his own duties, as a temporary measure, in place of N.V. Holberton, Deputy Conservator of Forests, transferred. On relief H.L.P. Walsh, Deputy Conservator of Forests, N.V. Holberton, Deputy Conservator of Forests, in charge of the South Toungoo Forest Divn. is transferred from Toungoo and is placed on special duty at Maymyo in connection with the preparation of a pamphlet of “Departmental Instructions for the guidance of Forest Officers.” Non-Gazetted Officers - J.D.A. Savage, Judicial Myook, on return from leave is posted to the headquarters of the Prome Sub-divn. as Judge of the Prome and Hmawza Township Courts and Additional Magistrate in place of Maung Shein (2) offg. Judicial Myook, transferred. Public Works Dept. Kedar Nath, Overseer, 3rd grade, Rangoen Construction Divn., has been promoted to Overseer 2nd grade. W.E. D’Cruz, Overseer, Supernumerary List, Tavoy Divn., has been granted privilege leave for three months combined with leave on medical certificate for one year. Notifications by Heads of Departments Privilege leave for three month is granted to H.R.K. Littlewood, Supdt. of Land Records, Akyab. On return from leave, H.B. Powell, Supdt. of Land Records, is posted to the charge of the Akyab Land Records Office in place of H.R.K. Littlewood. P.L. Nicholas, Asst. Supdt., Land Records, on completion of his training in Land Records work, is transferred from Minbu and posted to the charge of the Pakokku Land Records office in place of C. F. Cooper, Supdt., Land Records, proceeding on leave. E.G. Robertson, Supdt. of Excise, 6th grade, is transferred from the Hanthawaddy Dist. to the Thaton Dist. On relief of E.G. Robertson, O.G. Dover, offg. Supdt. of Excise, 6th grade, is transferred from the Thaton Dist. to the Hanthawaddy Dist. At a special meeting on the 11th Aug. the Moulmein Municipal Committee elected H. Tonkinson, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, on special duty in the Amherst Dist. to be their President in place of W.S. Morrison, I.C.S. Deputy Commissioner, who has left the station. At a special meeting held on 11th Aug. the Moulmein Municipal Committee elected B.W. Swithinbank, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, Sub-divisional Officer, Moulmein, to be their Vice-president, after noon, in place of H.H. Mackney, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, who has left the stations. Privilege leave for one month is granted to H.C. Mills, Inspector, with effect from the date on which he may avail himself of it. Capt. C.M.D. Enriquez, I.A. Asst. Commandant, S. Shan States Battn. assumed charge of his duties at Loimwe on the forenoon of the 11th Aug. 1915. The following Excise Officers on probation are hereby confirmed in their appointments:- G.H. Littlewood, Inspector of Excise 3rd grade, Rangoon Town Dist. A.E. Korb, Inspector of Excise 4th grade, Nyaunglebin, Pegu Dist. T.J. Keenan, Inspector of Excise 4th grade, Rangoon Town Dist. A.A. Harris, Inspector of Excise 5th grade, Moulmein, Amherst Dist. J. Beechey, Inspector of Excise 5th grad, Rail and river Establishment, Mandalay Dist. Maung Po Thet, Resident Excise Officer, 6th grade on probation, Kama, Thayetmyo Dist. is reduced ten places on the list of Resident Excise Officers for failing to pass the Departmental Examinations in Criminal Law. Maung Po Thet will rank as Resident Excise Officer, 7th grade, on probation, next below G. Britto, Resident Excise Officer 7th grade. R.A.F. Hearsey, Resident Excise Officer 6th grade, on probation, Pakokku, is reduced ten places on the list of Resident Excise Officers for failing to pass the Examination in Burmese by the lower standard. Mr Hearsey will rank as Resident Excise Officer, 7th grade, on probation and next below Maung Tok, Resident Excise Officer 7th grade. J.B. Nottage, Asst. Engineer is, as a temporary measure, transferred from the Tavoy Divn. to the office of the Superintending Engineer, Maritime Circle and placed on special duty. |
General - H.L. Stevenson, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, on completion of the duty to which he was posted is transferred from Moulmein and is posted to special duty in the Tharrawaddy Sessions Divn. in the headquarters at Henzada.
Leave - Privilege leave is granted for one month to the Hon’ble Mr Justice S.M. Robinson, Bar-at-law, Judge of the Chief Court of Lower Burma with effect from the 14th Nov. 1915 ... ... Promotions - R.D. Burne, Extra Asst. Commissioner, 6th grade, on probation, on military duty, to be Extra Asst. Commissioner , 5th grade, sub pro tem., on probation and to remain seconded for service in the Military Dept., Maung Tin Baw, Extra Asst. commissioner, 6th grade, to be Extra Asst. Commissioner ... ... Police Dept. M. Comber, Dist. Supdt. of Police (on deputation as Chief Supdt. of Excise) is posted to special duty with Headquarters at Rangoon. S. St. R. Korper, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is placed in charge of the current duties of the police of the Northern Shan States, as a temporary measure, in addition to his own duties, in place of C.G. Stewart, Asst. Supdt. of Police, transferred. C.G. Stewart, Asst. Supdt. of Police, is transferred from Lashio and is posted to special duty in the office of the Deputy Inspector-General of Police for Railway and Criminal Investigation, Burma. Military Dept. - The name of the Honorary Lieutenant and Quartermaster Henry Thomas Whittam of the Moulmein Volunteer Rifle Corps is placed on the supernumerary list. Judicial Dept. - The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint H.L. Stevenson, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner, to be an Additional Judge of the Divnl. Court of the Tharrawaddy Divn. Mr H.L. Stevenson is appointed to exercise jurisdiction as an Additional Sessions Judge in the Court of Sessions of the Tharrawaddy Divn. He shall try such cases as the Sessions Judge may make over to him for trail. Non-Gazetted Officers - Maung Shwe Po (3) Judicial Myook is transferred from Kyaikto to the headquarters of the Kawa Township, Pegu Dist., as Judge of the Kawa Township Court and Addl. Magistrate in place of J. Bell, Judicial Myook, proceeding on leave. Public Works Dept. The services of G.A. Durie, Executive Engineer, Asst. to the Chief Engr. and Under Secretary to the Govt. of Burma, Public Works Dept., are placed at the disposal of the Chief Commissioner, Central Provinces. Mr J. Dunn, Asst. Engineer, on special duty in the Burma Public Works Secretariat is appointed to be Asst. to the Chief Engr. and Under Secretary of the Govt. of Burma, Public Works Dept., with effect from the afternoon of the 25th Aug. 1915 vice G.A. Durie, Executive Engr., transferred. Judicial Dept.- Privilege leave to the amount due under Article ... is granted to J. Bell, Judicial Myook. Notifications by Heads of Departments Transfers - The following transfers are ordered in the Western Range:- S.G. O’Hara, Inspector from Pakokku to the Minbu Dist. |
Exam. Results
At the departmental examinations held at Rangoon and
Mandalay on 7th June 1915, the under mentioned candidates passed the prescribed test in Hindustani by the Lower Standard:- A.H. Lloyd, Asst. Commissioner H.H. Craw, Asst. Commissioner G.C. Tew, Asst. Commissioner H.J. Todd, Asst. Supdt. of Police |
At the departmental examinations held at Rangoon, Bassein, Magwe, Meiktila, Mandalay and Kindat on 7th June 1915,
the under mentioned candidates passed the examination in
Hindustani by the Colloquial Standard prescribed for Police Officers and Jailors:-
the under mentioned candidates passed the examination in
Hindustani by the Colloquial Standard prescribed for Police Officers and Jailors:-
Police Officers
Rangoon T.H. North, Deputy Insp. of Police G. Graham, Sergt. of Police A. Brown, Sergt. of Police H.C. Nunn, Sergt. of Police W. Perry, Sergt. of Police O.B. Ellis, Sergt. of Police E.O. Weller, Sergt. of Police, Bhamo |
Rangoon Maung Po Choe Maung Rai Baw Thu C. Lashley E.P. Fonseca, Toungoo |
O.M. Rees, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to be Asst. Settlement Officer, No. 6 Party. Lt.-Col. W.R. Stone, I.A., Deputy Commissioner, is transferred from Rangoon to the charge of the Insein Divn. in place of Major T.L. Ormiston, I.A., Deputy Commissioner, transferred. Major T.L. Ormiston, I.A., Deputy Commissioner, is transferred from Insein to Rangoon and is appointed to be Commissioner of Excise, in place of Lt.-Col. W.R. Stone. W.V. Hoey, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, on return from leave, is posted to the charge of the Maymyo Sub-division, Mandalay Dist., in place of R.R. Brown, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, transferred. J.E. Houdley, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, on being relieved by R.R.A Brown, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner and is appointed to be (1) Dist. Magistrate of the Rangoon Town Dist. (2) Officer in charge of the General Administration of Rangoon Town Dist., (3) Deputy Commissioner of the Rangoon Town Dist., for all business except that detailed in this department Notification No. 1 dated the 5th Jan. 1907. A.M. Evans, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is transferred from Insein and is posted to duty in Rangoon as a temporary measure to verify the balances of the Currency Office and the stock of stamps in the Rangoon Central Depot. Leave Privilege leave to the amount due under article 252 is granted to S. St. C. Lightfoot, Extra Asst. Commissioner, with effect from the 21st May. Privilege leave for fifteen days is granted to D.W. Kiernander, Extra Asst. Commissioner. Misc. J.J. Phipps, Extra Asst. Commissioner, has been permitted to return to duty within the period of his leave. P.E. Jamieson, I.C.S., Asst. Commission, has been permitted to return to duty within the period of his leave. C.H. Duffin, Settlement Officer, is permitted to retire from the service of Govt. with effect from the 4th Oct. 1915. Police Dept. The under mentioned Inspectors of Police are appointed to officiate as Deputy Superintendents of Police, 4th grade, until further orders and with effect from the dates on which they may respectively assume charge of their duties:- Maung Paw Tun (1) Inspector of Police, 2nd grade R.R. Gill, Inspector of Police, 2nd grade On completion of his special duty at Rangoon A.G. Adams, Probationary Asst. Superintendant of Police, was transferred from Rangoon for duty with the S. Shan States Battn. of the Military Police with headquarters at Taunggyi. On completion of his special duty at Rangoon M.O. Tanner, Probationary Asst. Superintendent of Police, was transferred from Rangoon for duty with the Bhamo Battn. of the Military Police, with headquarters at Bhamo. Military Dept. The Lt.-Genl. is pleased to appoint Mr Albert Archibald Abreu to be Hony. Lieut. and Quartermaster in the Moulmein Vol. Rifle Corps. vice Whittam transferred to the supernumerary list. Judicial Dept. - Capt. R.G. Nairne, I.A., Asst. Commandant of Burma Military Police is appointed to be a Magistrate of the second class in the Meiktila Dist. General At the departmental examination held at Rangoon, Bassein, Akyab, Moulmein, Magwe, Meiktila, Mandalay, Kindat and Putao on 7th June 1915 the under mentioned candidates passed the examination in Treasury by the standards specified below:- Higher Standard J.F. Sheehy, Asst. Commissioner C.W. King, Extra Asst. Commissioner L.B. Naylor, Probationary Extra Asst. Commissioner Registered Candidate - Rangoon E.B. Sutherland Lower Standard T.P. Dewar, Extra Asst. Commissioner Registered Candidate, Rangoon H.J. Mitchell At the departmental examination held at Rangoon and Falam on 9th June 1915 the under mentioned candidates passed the examination in Criminal Law & Procedure for British Officers of the Burma Military Police:- Capt. St. J.A. Browne, I.A., Commandant Capt. W.H. Barnett, I.A., Adjutant An examination held at Putao on the 30th July 1915, P.M.R. Leonard, Extra Asst. Commissioner, passed the prescribed test in the Nung language. Mr Leonard is entitled to receive a reward of Rs. 1000. Privilege leave for three months combined with leave out of India on medical certificate for three months is granted to Senior Military Asst. Surgeon and Honorary Lieutenant A.E. Hamlin. I.K.M. Vazier, L.M.S. (Bom) D.P.H. (Cantab,) is appointed temporary Asst. Port Health Officer, Rangoon. E.W. Buttress, Second Master, Govt. High School, Moulmein is appointed to be Headmaster Govt. High school, Moulmein sub pro tem. in the Provincial Education Service, with effect from the 1st Aug. 1915 till the assumption of charge by Mr C.A. Sells. Forest Dept. On return from leave L.C. Secluna, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests is re-posted to the charge of the Kado Subdivision of the Kado and Agency Forest Divn., in place of B.R. Hutchins, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, transferred. On relief of L.C. Secluna, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, B.R. Hutchins, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, in charge of the Kado Subdivision of Kado and Agency Forest Divn., is transferred from Kado and posted to duty in the Myittha Forest Divn., in place of Maung Kyaw Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, transferred. On return from leave F.W. Collings, Deputy Conservator of Forests was posted to the charge of the newly constituted Nyaungebin Forest Divn. Non-Gazetted Officers Forest Dept. On relief of B.R. Hutchins, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, Maung Kyaw, Extra Asst, Conservator of Forests on duty in the Myitha Forest Divn. is transferred from Kindat and posted to duty in the Nyaungebin Forest Divn. D.J. Munro, Probationary Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests is appointed to be an Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests. P. Burnside, Probationary Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests is appointed an Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests. On return from leave F.P. Thomson, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests is re-posted to duty in the S. Shan States Forest Divn. Police Dept. The following reversion is ordered in the ranks of Inspector of Police with effect from the 14th Aug. 1915 consequent on the reversion from Deputy Superintendent of Police 4th grade, on probation of Maung Shwe So to Inspector of Police, 1st grade sub pro tem:- J.C. Collins, Inspector of Police 1st grade sub pro tem. to be an Inspector of Police 2nd grade. Leave on medical certificate for three months is granted to E.M. Browne, Inspector with effect from the date he may avail himself of it. |
With the previous sanction of the Governor-Genl. George Johnston, Inspector of Police, is appointed to be an Extra Asst Commissioner, 6th grade, sub pro tem. on probation and is posted to the headquarters of the Thaton Dist. for training. O.M. Rees, Asst. Commissioner and Asst. Settlement Officer No,. 6 party is placed on special duty in the office of the Deputy Inspector-General of Military Police, Rangoon. Leave Privilege leave for three months and furlough in continuation thereof for six months is granted to A.G. Cooke, Deputy Commissioner, on account of health. W.G. Wooster, Extra Asst. Commissioner, has been granted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State, an extension of leave on medical certificate for three months. Police Dept. R.R. Gill, offg. Deputy Supdt. of Police, is transferred from Akyab to the headquarters of the Salween Dist. as Headquarters Deputy Supdt. Capt. A. Lethbridge, Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, is appointed to officiate as Commandant of the Chin Hills Battn. as a temporary measure during the absence on leave of Capt. St. J. A. Browne, I.A. Privilege leave for two months is granted to G.C. Latimer, Asst. Supdt. of Police. Privilege leave for one month is granted to F. Newton, Asst. Supdt. of Police. Military Dept. The name of Lt. Noel D’Courcy Hardwick of the Burma Railways Vol. Corps is placed on the supernumerary list. Judicial Dept. G. Johnston, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to be an Additional Judge of the Thaton Township Court in the Thaton Dist. and a Magistrate of the 3rd grade in the Thaton Dist. General Lt.-Col. C.R. Pearce, I.M.S., Director, Burma Pasteur Inst., is appointed to hold additional charge of the duties of Pathologist, Rangoon General Hospital. Capt. T.F. Owens, I.M.S., Chemical Examiner and Bacteriologist to the Govt. of Burma, is appointed to hold additional charge of the duties of Police Surgeon, Rangoon General Hospital. Forest Dept. Privilege leave for one month is granted to W.R. French, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, in charge of the Revenue Range, Zigon Forest Divn. A.E. Elmore, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests in charge of the Revenue Range, North Toungoo Forest Divn., is transferred from Toungoo and is posted to the Revenue Range, Zigon Forest Divn. in place of W.R. French. On return from leave of W.R. French, is posted to the charge of the Revenue Range, North Toungoo Forest Divn., in place of A.E. Elmore. Public Works Dept. A.C. Bocker, temporary Engineer, Akyab Divn. is, as a temporary measure, appointed to the charge of the Akyab Divn. with effect from the afternoon of the 18th Aug. 1915 vice C.E. Scovell, Executive Engr., granted privilege leave. Privilege leave for one month is granted to C.E. Scovell, Executive Engr., Akyab Divn. Special privilege leave for one month is granted to F.C. Lowis, C.I.E., Executive Engr. H. Hughes, Asst. Engr., Lashio Divn., is granted privilege leave for three months combined with furlough on medical certificate for nine months. Notifications by Heads of Departments The Chief Judge of the Chief Court of Lower Burma appoints R.R. Brown I.C.S., Registrar of the Chief Court to be the Secretary of the Rule Committee, Rangoon, in place of J.E. Houldey, I.C.S., transferred. Extraordinary leave without allowances for seven days is granted to H.B. Powell, Supdt. of Land Records, in continuation of the leave granted to him. P.L. Nicholas, Asst. Supdt. of Land Records is transferred from Pakokku and posted to the charge of the Kyaukpyu Land Records office in place of C.H. Delmege, Asst. Supdt., of Land Records, proceeding on leave. Privilege leave for one month and fifteen days is granted to E.F. Pereira, Resident Excise Officer, Twante. Maung Po Hlaing, a clerk in the office of the Deputy Commissioner, Insein, is appointed to officiate as a Resident Excise Officer, 7th grade and is posted to the charge of the Twante Opium Shop, Hanthawaddy Dist., vice E.F. Pereira, proceeding on leave. Maung Ba Chit, Clerk Excise Commissioner’s Office, who is appointed as a Resident Excise Officer 7th grade on probation, is posted to the charge of the Tantabin Opium Shop, Insein Dist., vice J.H. Molloy, Resident Excise Officer, transferred. J.H. Molloy on relief by Maung Ba Chit is transferred from Tantabin, Insein Dist. to the charge of the Pazundaung Opium Shop, Rangoon Town Dist. vice Maung Bwa, offg. Resident Excise Officer, who reverts to his substantive appointment. S. Nelson, Inspector, is transferred from Myingyan to the charge of the police of the Syriam Oil Works, Hanthawaddy Dist. H. McCready, Inspector, is transferred from the charge of the police of the Syriam Oil Works, Hanthawaddy Dist. to the Namtu Circle, N. Shan States. Temporary Civil Asst. Surgeon D. Murray, M.B. (Cal.) assumed charge of cholera duty in Prome Dist. with headquarters at Prome. W. Cooke, Headmaster, Govt. High School, Mergui, is granted six months leave on medical certificate. A.E. Sherard, Inspector from Yamethin Circle to Pyinmana as Town Inspector. T.J.. Keenan, Inspector of Excise, 4th grade, on relief by S.B. Yerbury is transferred from Rangoon, Rangoon Town Dist. to the Rail and River Establishment, Mandalay Dist. in place of Maung Gyi, Inspector of Excise 4th grade transferred. |
D.D. Nanavati, Asst. Commissioner is appointed to officiate as a Dist. Judge and is transferred from Pegu to the headquarters of the Hanthawaddy Dist. as Judge of the Dist. Courts, Hanthawaddy and Insein, in place of H.A. Brown, offg. Dist. Judge.
H.A. Brown, offg. Dist. Judge is appointed to offg. as a Divisional Judge and is posted as Judge of the Divisional and Sessions Court of the Hanthawaddy Divn. in place of B. H. Heald, offg. Divisional Judge proceeding on leave. Leave B.W. Perkins, Asst. Commissioner, has been granted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State for India an extension of furlough for ten days. Privilege leave for one month is granted to B.H. Heald, offg. Divisional Judge. Mr Heald is permitted to affix to the leave granted to the gazetted Civil Court holidays, Oct. 21st to 3rd Nov. inclusive. Police Dept. K.C. Macdonald, Dist. Supdt. of Police has been granted an extension of leave on medical certificate for six months. Capt. St. J.A. Browne, I.A. Commandant, Burma Military Police, is granted privilege leave for one month and fifteen days and leave on medical certificate in continuance thereof for a total combined period of six months, Capt. Browne has proceeded to England. Military Dept. Major Christian Louis Melosch, V.D., Lieut. Reserve Section, Moulmein Volunteer Artillery Corps, resigns his commission. Judicial Dept. A.M. Evans, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to be a Magistrate of the second class in the Insein Dist. The Lt.-Governor invests B. W. Perkins, Asst. Commissioner a Magistrate of the first class with powers to try as a Magistrate all offences not punishable with death. On return from leave F.X. deAttaides, ,L.M.&S. (Bom.) is appointed to be Civil Surgeon, Yamathin in place of Civil Asst. Surgeon R.S.S. Aiyer, L.R.C.P. & S. (Edin.) L.M. (Dub.) transferred. On relief by Mr deAttaides, Civil Asst. Surgeon R.S.S. Aiyer, L.R.C.P. & S. (Edin.) L.M. (Dub.) is appointed as Civil Surgeon, Lashio, in place of Military Asst. Surgeon E.A. Davies, transferred. On relief by R.S.S. Aiyer Military Asst. Surgeon E.A. Davies is appointed to offg. as Civil Surgeon, Myitkyina in place of Civil Surgeon J.J.G. DaCosta, L.M.&S. (Mad.) The Lt.-Governor is pleased to accept the resignation of A.G. Cooke, of his appointment as a member of the Educational Syndicate. Public Works Dept. Privilege leave for six weeks is granted to C.E. Scovell, Executive Engr. Akyab Divn. With the approval of the Govt. of India C.H. Wollaston, Superintending Engineer, 1st class, Rangoon Circle, is appointed to officiate as Chief Engr. and Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Burma in the Public Works Dept. vice D.W. Aikman, C.I.E., Chief Engr. F.R. Collins, Executive Engr. Rangoon Construction Divn. is appointed to officiate as Superintending Engr. Rangoon Circle, vice C.H. Wollaston, Superintending Engineer, Mr Collins will retain charge of the Rangoon Construction Divn. whilst holding temporary charge of the Rangoon Circle. Non-Gazetted Officers - Public Works Dept. Leave for fifteen months on medical certificate if granted to 2nd grade Jailor R.C. Gomes of the Rangoon Central Jail. |
H.L. Stevenson, Deputy Commissioner on completion of the duty to which he was posted is transferred from Henzada and is posted to special duty in Rangoon in connection with the preparation of the General Administration Report. R.E.V. Arbuthnot, offg. Commissioner of Settlements & Land Records is confirmed in the appointment of Commissioner of Settlements & land Records with effect from 24th Sept. Leave Privilege leave for three months and leave on medical certificate in continuation thereof for three months is granted to A. Samuel, Extra Asst. Commissioner. Privilege leave for six days is granted to D.W. Kiernander, Extra Asst. Commissioner in continuation of the leave granted. C.R. Wilkinson, Deputy Commissioner, has been granted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State an extension of furlough for three days. Misc. Major F.C. Owens, Deputy Commissioner, has been permitted to return to duty within the period of his leave. C.R. Wilkinson, Deputy Commissioner, has been permitted to return to duty within the period of his leave. H.M.S. Mathews, Commissioner of Settlements and Land Records, is permitted to retire from the service of Government with effect from the 24th Sept. Police Dept. The following promotions are ordered with effect from 28th June 1915 consequent on the retirement from service of W.L. Thompson, Deputy Superintendent of Police 2nd grade:- J.E. Bell, Deputy Supdt. of Police 2nd grade sub pro tem, to be a Deputy Supdt. 2nd grade. C.H.B. Davis, Deputy Supdt. of Police 3rd grade to be a Deputy Supdt. 2nd grade. sub pro tem. S. Johannes, Deputy Supdt. of Police 3rd grade sub pro tem, to be Deputy Supdt. 3rd grade. Maung Aung Gyaw, Deputy Supdt. 4th Grade to be a Deputy Supdt. 3rd grade sub pro tem. A. Clark, Inspector of Police 2nd grade & Deputy Supdt. 4th grade sub pro tem. on probation to be a Deputy Supdt. 4th grade on probation. L.A. Spears, Inspector of Police 2nd grade & offg. Deputy Supdt. 4th grade to be a Deputy Supdt. 4th grade sub pro tem. on probation. With effect from 31st July 1915 consequent on the retirement from service of Maung Aung Min, Deputy Superintendent of Police 3rd grade:- J.C. Slym, Deputy Supdt. of Police 3rd grade sub pro tem. to be a Deputy Supdt. 3rd grade. R.R. Jones, Inspector of Police 2nd grade & offg. Deputy Supdt. 4th grade to be a Deputy Supdt. 4th grade sub pro tem. on probation. F.A. McMahon, Furlough on medical certificate for one month is granted to F.A. McMahon, Asst. Supdt. of Police in continuation of the leave granted. Major F.L. Orman, Commandant Military Police, has been granted an extension of leave on medical certificate for six months. Military Dept. The name of Lt. Randal Casson, (Artillery Companies) of the Rangoon Port Defence Volunteers is placed on the supernumerary list with effect from the 15th July. Lt. John Milne Thorburn is transferred from the supernumerary list to the active list of the Rangoon Port Defence Volunteers. Privilege leave for twenty-one days is granted to Capt. F.S. Lindesay, Cantonment Magistrate, Mandalay, with effect from the date on which he may avail himself of it. Capt. N.H.L. Watts, 92nd Punjabis, Station Staff Officer, Mandalay, is appointed to offg. as Cantonment Magistrate, Mandalay, during the absence on leave of Capt. F.S. Lindesay, or until further orders. Judicial Dept. The Lt.-Governor invests W. Street, Asst. Commissioner, a Magistrate of the first class in the Upper Chindwin Dist., with power to hear appeals ... ... of the ... Criminal Procedure ... from magistrates ... ... Capt. N.H.L. Watts, offg. Cantonment Magistrate, Mandalay, is appointed to be a Magistrate of the third class in the Mandalay Dist. General Dept. K.M. Ward, Professor of Physics at the Govt. College, Rangoon has been granted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State for India an extension of furlough on medical certificate for three months. Forest Dept. The Lt.-Governor is pleased to direct that the following Extra Deputy Conservators of Forests shall draw pay at Rs. 800 p.m. with effect from the 1st Mar. 1915:- D.H. Allan J.W. Ryan W.H. Craddock On return from leave A.L. George, Probationary Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests was re-posted to duty in the Pyinmana Forest Divn. A.L. George, Probationary Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests on duty in the Pyinmana Forest Divn. is transferred from Pyinmana and is posted to duty in the South Toungoo Forest Divn. On return from leave R.L. Pocock, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests is posted to the charge of the West Salween Forest Divn. in place of R.R. O’Hara Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, transferred. On relief of R.L. Pocock, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, R.R. O’Hara Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests in charge of West Salween Forest Divn. is transferred from Moulmein and is posted to duty in the Arakan Forest Divn. H.R. Meredith, Asst. Conservator of Forests, on special duty in the Meiktila Forest Divn. is transferred from Meiktila and is posted as Personal Asst. to the Conservator of Forests, Pegu Circle, in place of D.H. M. Silvanus, Asst. Conservator of Forests, transferred. On relief of H.R. Meredith, Asst. Conservator of Forests, D.H.M. Silvanus, Asst. Conservator of Forests and Personal Asst. to the Conservator of Forests, Pegu Circle, is transferred from Rangoon and is posted to duty in the South Toungoo Forest Divn. P.W.D. D.W. Aikman made over and C.H. Wollaston assumed charge of the duties of Chief Engineer and joint Secretary to the Govt. of Burma in the Public Works Dept. on Sept. 20th. C.H. Wollaston made over and F.R. Collins assumed charge of the office of the Superintending Engineer, Rangoon Circle on 20th Sept. 1915. Non-Gazetted Officers Leave Privilege leave to the amount due and leave on medical certificate in continuation thereof for a total combined period of 6 mths. is granted to J. Bell, Judicial Myook. Excise Dept. The following promotions are ordered in the grades of Inspectors of Excise with effect from the 20th June 1915 consequent on the promotion of Maung Ngwe Zaing from Inspector of Excise 1st grade to Supdt. of Excise 6th grade sub pro tem. Maung Ba Thaung, Inspector of Excise 2nd grade, Maymyo, Mandalay Dist. to be Inspector of Excise 1st grade, sub pro tem. J.F. Blake, Inspector of Excise 3rd grade, Myingyan, to be Inspector of Excise 2nd grade sub pro tem. F.C. Schnauber, Inspector of Excise, 5th grade, on probation, Rangoon, Rangoon Town Dist. to be Inspector of Excise 4th grade on probation, sub pro tem. J. Andrews, Inspector of Excise, (Salt) 5th grade, on probation, Amherst, Amherst Dist. to be Inspector of Excise 5th grade on probation and is transferred to the Rail and River Establishment, Mandalay, in place of J.G. Beechey, Inspector of Excise 5th grade. J.G. Beechey, Inspector of Excise 5th grade, on relief by J. Andrews, Inspector of Excise 5th grade, on probation, is appointed Inspector of Excise (salt) 5th grade and is transferred from the Rail and River Establishment, Mandalay to Amherst. Notifications by Heads of Departments M.H. Cumming, Shorthand Writer, Chief Court, is appointed to offg. as Asst. Registrar on the Original Side of the Chief Court of Lower Burma during the absence on leave of Maug Tha Zan Oung. The following gentlemen are notified as having been elected members of the Syriam Municipal Committee with effect from the 1st Sept. 1915:- For Bogyok Refinery Ward: - A.G. Forbes of the Burma Oil Co. in place of G.C. Hope, resigned. For Syriam Refinery Ward - A. Storrar of the Burma Oil Co. in place of J.B. Miller, resigned. At a special meeting held on the 9th Sept. the Moulmein Municipal Committee elected J. St. C. Saunders, I.C.S., Asst. Commissioner and Sub-divisional Officer, Moulmein, to be their Vice-president with effect from the 9th Sept. 1915 in place of B.W. Swithinbank, Asst. Commissioner, who has left the station. J.C. Collins, Inspector is transferred from Kyauktan, Hanthawaddy Dist. and is posted to duty in the Railway Police. J.E. Pusey, Inspector, is transferred from the Railway Police and is posted to the charge of the Maymyo Circle, Mandalay Dist. H.C. Mills, Inspector, is transferred from Maymyo, Mandalay Dist and is posted to the charge of the Mogok Circle, Ruby Mines Dist. R.D. Cole, Inspector, is transferred from Gangaw, Pakokku Dist. to the charge of the Police of the Yandoon Circle, Maubin Dist. C.D.R. Jones, Inspector, is transferred from Sandoway to the Salween Dist. |
L.B. Naylor, Probationary Extra Asst. Commissioner, is transferred from Homalin to Falam as Treasury Officer and Asst. Supdt., Falam, in place of L.T. Dunn, Extra Asst. Commissioner. L.T. Dunn, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to be Asst. Supdt., Falam, in place of W. R. Head, Extra Asst. Commissioner, transferred. W.R. Head, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is transferred from Falam and is appointed to the charge of His Highness the ex King Thebaw at Ratnagiri, Bombay Presidency. L.T. Dunn, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is place in charge of the Falam Treasury in addition to his other duties pending the arrival of L.B. Naylor. F.G. Paul, Extra Asst. Commissioner, on return from leave is posted to the charge of the Kyaukse Sub-divn. Kyaukse Dist. in place of Maung Hla (2) Extra Asst. Commissioner, transferred. The Hon’ble Mr W. J. Keith, offg. Revenue Secretary to the Govt. of Burma is confirmed in the appointment with effect from the 24th Sept. C.M. Webb, offg. Secretary to the Govt. of Burma is confirmed in that appointment with effect from the 24th Sept. A.M. Evan, Extra Asst. Commissioner, on completion of the duty to which he was posted is transferred from Rangoon and is posted to the headquarters of the Insein Dist., to continue his training. Promotions - The following permanent alterations of rank are ordered in the Burma Commission:- (1) With effect from the 20th Apr. 1915 consequent on the retirement of M. Laurie, M.V.O., I.C.S. : J.D. Fraser, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner 1st grade and offg. Commissioner, to be a Commissioner of a Divn. (2) With effect from the 5th July 1915 consequent on the retirement of A. Gaitskell, I.C.S. : G.F.S. Christie, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner 1st grade and offg. Commissioner, to be a Commissioner of a Divn. Political Dept. - The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint J. Shaw, Probationary Extra Asst. Commissioner, Sub-Treasury Officer and Headquarters Magistrate, Loimwe, to discharge the functions of an Asst. Supdt., for the S. Shan States. Police Dept. A.J.A. Jardine, Deputy Insp.-Genl. of Civil Police (retired) is appointed to be an Asst. Dist. Supdt. of Police in Burma and is placed in charge of the Police of the S. Shan States, in place of G.C. Latimer, Asst. Supdt. of Police, proceeding on leave. On return from leave, F.A. McMahon, Asst. Supdt. of Police is posted to special duty in the Tavoy Dist. with Hd.-qtrs. at Tavoy. On return from leave R.E. Barber, Dist. Supdt. of Police, is posted to the charge of the Police of the Kyaukse Dist. in place of D.J. Ross, Dist. Supdt. of Police, sub pro tem., transferred. D.J. Ross, Dist. Supdt. of Police, sub pro tem., is transferred from Kyaukse and is posted to special duty in the office of the Deputy Insp.-Genl. of Police for Railways and Criminal Investigation, Rangoon, in place of C.G. Stewart, Asst. Supdt. of Police, transferred. C.G. Stewart, Asst. Supdt. of Police, is transferred from special duty in the office of the Deputy Insp.-Genl. of Police for Railways and Criminal Investigation, Rangoon and is posted to the charge of the Police of the N. Shan States. The following substantive and temporary alterations in rank are ordered in the Police Dept:- (1) With effect from the 6th Apr. 1915 consequent on the assumption by H.P. Tarleton, Dist. Supdt. of Police, 4th grade, of his special duties in the office of the Insp.-Genl. of Police. J.R.G. Hastings, Dist. Supdt. of Police, 5th grade, sub pro tem., to officiate as a Dist. Supdt. of Police 4th grade. (2) With effect from the 24th Apr. 1915 consequent on the departure on privilege leave of D.W. Ray. Dist. Supdt. of Police, 3rd grade. T.H.D. La Touche, Dist. Supdt. of Police, 4th grade, to officiate as a Dist. Supdt. of Police, 3rd grade. D.J. Ross, Dist. Supdt. of Police, 5th grade sub pro tem., to officiate as a Dist. Supdt. of Police, 4th grade. (3) With effect from the 28th Apr. 1915 consequent the departure on privilege leave of R.G. Sims, offg. Asst. Supdt. of Police, 1st grade. H.J. Todd and G.J. Harvey, Asst. Supdt’s. of Police 2nd grade sub. pro tem., on probation, on duty with the Military Police, to officiate as Asst. Supdt’s. of Police, 1st grade on probation and to remain on duty with the Military Police. R.R. Gill, offg. Deputy Supdt. of Police is transferred from Akyab to the headquarters of the Toungoo Dist. as Headquarters Deputy Supdt. in place of E.H. Thirkell White, Asst. Supdt. of Police. E.H. Thirkell White remains on special duty in the Toungoo Dist., with headquarters at Toungoo. Capt. J. de L. Conry, I.A., Asst. Commandant Burma Military Police, is appointed to officiate as Commandant of the Putao Battn. as a temporary measure during the absence on leave of Capt. J.E. Power, I.A. or until further orders. Leave In India on medical certificate for four mths. is granted to Capt. J.E. Power, I.A. Commandant Burma Military Police. Military Dept. The name of Lt. Alexander Keith Faulkner of the Rangoon Vol. Rife Corps is placed on the supernumerary list. Judicial Dept. A.M. Evans, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to be an Additional Judge of the Insein Township Court in the Insein Dist. D. Murray, M.B. (Cal.) is appointed a temporary Civil Asst. Surgeon for a period of six mths. and placed on duty in connection with the suppression of cholera with effect from the 1st Aug. P.W.D. Privilege leave for three mths. is granted to FJ.F. Hewitt, Executive Engr. Tharrawaddy Divn. W.M. Hayfield, Executive Engr. is appointed to the charge of the Tharrawaddy Divn. vice J.F. Hewitt, Executive Engr., granted leave. D.T. Wells, Executive Engr. is, as a temporary measure, appointed to the charge of the Putao Divn. vice F.C. Lowis, C.I.E., Executive Engr. granted privilege leave. Forest Dept. A.W. Moodie, Asst. Conservator of Forests, on duty in the Katha Forest Divn. is transferred from Katha and is posted to the Mandalay Depot Divn. for special duty in connection with measuring timber at Mandalay. W. Lawton, Deputy Conservator of Forests, is transferred from Maymyo and posted to the Yaw Forest Divn. for special duty in connection with measuring timber at Pakokku. J.J. Rorie, Deputy Conservator of Forests, has been permitted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State to return to duty within the period of his leave. On return from leave L.C. Davis, Deputy Conservator of Forests, is posted to the charge of the Ataran Forest Divn. in place of G.F.R.B. Thurling, Deputy Conservator of Forests, proceeding on leave. Notifications by Heads of Dept’s Privilege leave for three mths. is granted to C.H. Delmege, Asst. Supdt. of Land Records, Kyaukpyu. Police Dept. Privilege leave for three mths. combined with furlough for three mths. is granted to A.J. Simpson, Inspector. Excise Dept. G.W.R. Griffin, Excise Inspector, 3rd grade, from Pyawbwe to Pyinmana. G.A. Chill, Sub-Inspector of Excise, Rangoon Town Dist. is appointed to officiate as Inspector of Excise, 5th grade and is posted to the Rangoon Town Dist. in place of Maung Ba E. |
The Lt.-Governor is pleased to invest C.R.P. Cooper, Asst. Commissioner, Tavoy Dist., with all powers of a Deputy Commissioner under the Burma Village act. 1907. Privilege leave for three weeks is granted to Lt.-Col. J. Penny, I.M.S. Civil Surgeon, Mandalay. Dr. L.G. Fink, M.B. C.M. (Edin.) Supdt., Central Jail, Mandalay, is appointed to hold collateral charge of the Civil Surgeoncy at Mandalay during the absence of Lt.-Col. Penny. General H.A. Brown, Offg. Divnl. Judge, on being relieved by B.H. Heald, offg. Divnl. Judge, is re-posted as Judge of the Hanthawaddy and Insein Dist. Courts, in place of D.D. Nanavati, offg. Dist. Judge, transferred. P.E. Jamieson, Asst. Commissioner, on return from leave, is appointed to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner and is posted to the charge of the Myaungmya Dist. in place of J. MacKenna, Deputy Commissioner, proceeding on leave. J.J. Phipps, Extra Asst. Commissioner, on return from leave, is reposted to the charge of the Mogok Sub-divn. Ruby Mines Dist. in place of A.S. Phipps, Extra Asst. Commissioner, transferred. Leave - Privilege leave for one month and ten days is granted to J. MacKenna, Deputy Commissioner. Misc. - Lt.-Col. W.R. Stone, I.A., made over and Major T.I. Ormiston, I.A., received charge of the office of Commissioner of Excise, Burma on 24th Sept. Police Dept. H.D. Grantham, Asst. Supdt. of Police has been granted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State an extension of furlough on medical cert. for three mths. On completion of his special duty at Meiktila Capt. G.D. Wright, I.A., Asst. Commandant Burma Military Police, is transferred from Meiktila to Myitkyina Battn. with headquarters at Myitkyina. Military Dept. The name of Lt.-Col. Ernest Dawson, Commandant, Moulmein Vol. Rifle Corps, is placed on the supernumerary list. Judicial Dept. F.V. Clark, Extra Asst, Commissioner, is appointed to be a Magistrate of the 1st class in the Myitkyina Dist. O.W. Terndrup, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to be a Magistrate of the 1st class in the Myitkyina Dist. C.R.P. Cooper, Asst. Commissioner, a Magistrate of the first class is appointed to be an Additional Dist. Magistrate in the Tavoy Dist. for a period of six months. Mr Cooper shall have all the powers of a Dist. Magistrate under the said Code. A.E.H. Killick, Asst. Commissioner, a Magistrate of the first class in the Insein Dist. is specially empowered to try, in a summary way, the offence specified in that section. C.C. Crosby, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to be a Magistrate of the first class n the Pakokku Dist. Non-Gazetted Officers The under mentioned gentlemen are appointed to be Magistrates (Honorary) of the 3rd class in the Magwe Dist. Yenangyaung G.S. de M. Rogers L. Kirk R.B. Ryall Maung Tun Aung Gyaw Forest Dept. C.C. Chill, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, on duty in the Nyaunglebin Forest Divn., is transferred and is posted to duty in Meiktila Forest Divn. On return from leave J.J. Roris, Deputy Conservator of Forests, is posted to the charge of the Insein Forest Divn. in place of G.H.A. Goldberg, Asst. Conservator of Forests, transferred. On relief by J.J. Rorie, Deputy Conservator of Forests, G.H. A. Goldberg, Asst. Conservator of Forests in charge of the Insein Forest Divn. is transferred from Insein and is posted to special duty in the Thayetmyo Forest Divn. P.W.D. - F.S. Vyall, Asst. Engineer is transferred from the Pegu to the Maritime Circle. Notifications by Heads of Depts. O.G. Dover, offg, Supdt. of Excise, 6th grade, on relief by E.G. Robertson, Supdt. of Excise, at Thaton, is granted privilege leave for one mth. OG. Dover, offg. Supdt. of Excise, 6th grade, on his return from leave is posted to the Hanthawaddy Dist. J.R. McCann, Insp. of Excise, 3rd grade, is appointed to officiate as Supdt. of Excise, 6th grade, as a temporary measure and is posted to the Hanthawaddy Dist. Privilege leave for two mths. is granted to R.A.F. Hearsay, Resident Excise Officer, 7th grade, Pakokku. Maung Ba Gyaw, Excise Clerk, Pakokku, is appointed to officiate as Resident Excise Officer, 7th grade and is posted to the charge of the opium shop at Pakokku vice R.A.F. Hearsay, Resident Excise Officer proceeding on leave. |
Judicial Dept.
D. O’Sullivan, Bar-at-law, Registrar of the Court of Small Causes at Moulmein, was appointed to be a Dist. Judge, sub pro tem. and was posted to the headquarters of the Amherst Dist. as Judge of the Dist. Court, Amherst and Thaton in place of E. Dawson, Dist. Judge. General Privilege leave for thirty days and furlough in continuation thereof for a total combined period of one year is granted to J.P. Bulkeley, I.E.S., Inspector of Schools, Mandalay Circle, on account of ill health. J.M. Symns, I.E.S., Inspector of Schools, Tenasserim Circle is transferred from Moulmein and is posted to the charge of the Mandalay Circle. William Gordon Fraser, Professor of English, Govt. College, Rangoon and a temporary member of the Indian Education Service, is appointed to be a permanent member of that service. The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint C.R.P. Cooper, Headquarters Asst., Tavoy, to be Registrar of the Tavoy Registration Dist. Forest Dept. On return from leave H. Carter, Conservator of Forests, who has been transferred to Burma, is posted to the charge of the southern Forest Circle in place of C.B. Smales, offg. Conservator of Forests, transferred to the Central Provinces. Privilege leave to the amount due combined with furlough on medical cert. for a total period of eight mths. is granted to G.F.R.B. Thurling, Deputy Conservator of Forests in charge of the Ataran Forest Divn. Pending the arrival of R.L. Pocock, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, W. S. Powell, Deputy Conservator of Forests in charge of the Thaungyin Forest Divn. is placed in charge of the Ataran Forest Divn. as a temporary measure. Privilege leave for one month is granted to J.V. Young, Deputy Conservator of Forests in charge of the Myitkyina Forest Divn. with effect from 1st Oct. H.R. Blanford, Deputy Conservator of Forests in charge of the Katha Forest Divn. is placed in charge of the Myitkyina Forest Divn. as a temporary measure in addition to his own duties. Marine & Commerce Dept. The Lt.-Governor appoints A.R. McLean to be Engineer Surveyor at the port of Moulmein as a temporary measure in place of J.D. Pyne deceased. P.W.D. C.E. Scovell, Executive Engineer is transferred from the Maritime to the Chindwin Circle for the charge of the Pakokku Divn. On being relieved of the charge of the Pakokku Divn. by C.E. Scovell, H.W.S. Smith, Executive Engineer is transferred from the Chindwin to the Maritime Circle for the charge of the Akyab Divn. Leslie St. Clare Rundlett, Asst. Engineer, appointed by His Majesty’s Secy. of State, reported his arrival at Rangoon on the forenoon of the 11th Oct. 1915 and is posted to the Irrigation Circle. J.M.F. Petters, Superintending Engineer, 3rd class, temporary, and Sanitary Engineer, is appointed, as a temporary measure, to the charge of the Maritime Circle of Superintendent in addition to his own duties vice J.V. Griffin, Superintending Engineer proceeding on privilege leave. A.O. Rainford, offg. Registrar, Public Works, Secretariat, having returned to duty on the forenoon of the 1st Oct. 1915, from the three months’ privilege leave granted him, the following changes are ordered with effect from the same date:- (i) E.S. TenBrooke, offg. Registrar, to revert to his former appointment as offg. Deputy Registrar (ii) W.J. Peters, offg. Deputy Registrar, to revert to his former appointment as offg. Clerk, 1st class. J.H. Hill, Asst. Engr., Public Works Dept. (on leave in England) has been granted a commission as 2nd Lt. in the Royal Engineers with effect from the 29th July 1915. W.J. Finniston, Executive Engr., has been granted an extension of six months’ leave on medical cert. Non-Gazetted Officers Maung Maung (12) Myook, on being relieved by H. Parker, Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to offg. as a Judicial Myook Notifications by Heads of Depts. Privilege leave for three months combined with leave on medical cert. for a total period of six mths. is granted to E.M. Korper, Supdt. of Land Records, Sagaing, with effect from the date of his relief Mr Korper is permitted to spend his leave out of India. On return from leave R.V. Littlewood, Supdt. of Land Records, is posted to the charge of the Sagaing Land Records Office in place of E.M. Korper. Privilege leave for three mths. is granted to E. Chill, Inspector. R.A. Blake, Sub-Inspector of Excise, Insein Dist., is appointed to officiate as Inspector of Excise, 5th grade and is posted to Syriam, Hanthawaddy Dist., in place of J.R. McCann, Inspector of Excise, 2nd grade, who has been appointed to officiate as Superintendent of Excise, 6th grade. G.B. Tanner, Clerk, Municipal Office, Moulmein, is appointed to officiate as Resident Excise Officer, 7th grade and is posted to the charge of the opium shop at Kyaikkaw, Thaton Dist. in place of Maung San Shwe, Resident Excise Officer. D.H.D. Wilkinson, Sub-Inspector of Excise, Meiktila Dist. is appointed to officiate as Excise Inspector, 5th grade, and is posted to the Katha Dist. |
C.P. Duffin, Probationary Extra Asst. Commissioner is transferred from Sadon to the headquarters of the Kamaing Sub-divn., Myitkyina Dist. as Asst. Superintendent Kachin Hills. Major W.B.T. Abbey, I.A., officiating Deputy Commissioner, is placed in charge of the office of Asst. Superintendent, Sadon, Kachin Hill Tracts, in addition to his other duties, pending the arrival of T.F.G. Wilson, Extra Asst. Commissioner. H.F. Dunkley, Asst. Settlement Officer is transferred from Prome to the charge of the Shwegyin Sub-divn. Toungoo Dist. in place of H.H. Mackay, Asst. Commissioner, transferred. H.H. Mackay, Asst. Commissioner is transferred from Shwegyin and is appointed to be Asst. Settlement Officer, No. 2 Party, in place of H.F. Dunkley. A.J. Page, Settlement Officer is transferred from Rangoon to the charge of the Kyaikto Sub-divn., Thaton Dist. in place of R.G. McDowall, Asst. Commissioner, transferred. R.G. McDowall, Asst. Commissioner is transferred from Kyaikto and is appointed to be Asst. Settlement Officer No. 5 Party, in place of B.W. Swithinbank, Asst. Settlement Officer. B.W. Swithinbank, Asst. Settlement Officer is appointed to be Settlement Officer No. 5 Party in place of J.L. McCallum, Settlement Officer transferred. J.L. McCallum, Settlement Officer is appointed to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner and is transferred from Tharrawaddy to the charge of the Pakokku Dist. in place of Lt.-Col. C.E. Bowen, Deputy Commissioner, proceeding on leave. J.C. MacKenzie, Settlement Officer is transferred from Thayetmyo to the charge of the Moulmein Sub-divn. Amherst Dist. in place of J. St. C. Saunders, Asst. Commissioner, transferred. J. St. C. Saunders, Asst. Commissioner, is transferred from Moulmein and is appointed to be Asst. Settlement Officer, No. 3 Party, in place of H.O. Reynolds, Asst. Settlement Officer. H.O. Reynolds, Asst. Settlement Officer, is appointed to be Settlement Officer, No. 3 Party, in place of J.C. MacKenzie, Settlement Officer, transferred. E.G. Pattle, Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner and is transferred from Kyauktan to the charge of the Hanthawaddy Dist. as a temporary measure in place of G. Scott, Deputy Commissioner, proceeding on leave. Leave Privilege leave for one month is granted to G. Scott, Deputy Commissioner, with effect from the date on which he may avail himself of it. Police Dept. Capt. B.G.M.F. Nixon, I.A., Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, is granted leave in India for twenty three days and leave on medical cert. in continuation thereof for four months. Capt. Nixon has proceeded to England. Privilege leave for one month and twelve days is granted to Capt. G.G. Richardson, I.A., Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police. Military Dept. - Privilege leave for six weeks is granted to Capt. F.S. Lindsay, Cantonment Magistrate, Mandalay, with effect from the 19th Sept. Judicial Dept. - C.R.P. Cooper, Asst. Commissioner is appointed to be an Additional Judge of the Dist. Court of Tavoy. Forest Dept. On return from leave R.L. Pocock, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests is posted to the charge of the Ataran Forest Divn. in place of G.F.R.B. Thurling, Deputy Conservator of Forests who has proceeded on leave. On return from leave L.C. Davis, Deputy Conservator of Forests is posted to the charge of the West Salween Forest Divn. in place of R.R. O’Hara, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, transferred. Financial Dept. The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint C.R.P. Cooper, Headquarters Asst., Tavoy, to be a Customs Collector for the Port of Tavoy. Municipal and Local Dept. E. West, Proprietor, Curtis & Co., Chemists & Druggists, Mandalay, has been duly elected as a member of the Mandalay Municipal Committee in place of C.W. Layard who has resigned. Privilege leave for forty days is granted to J.V. Griffin, Superintending Engr. 2nd Class, Maritime Circle. J.M.F. Petters, Sanitary Engr. assumed charge of the Maritime Circle of Superintendence from J.V. Griffin on the forenoon of the 11th Oct. O.H. Teulon, Executive Engr. has been granted a further extension of three days furlough. On return from leave B.B. Scott, Executive Engr. is appointed to be Asst. to the Chief Engr. and Under Secretary to the Govt. of Burma, P.W.D. vice J. Dunn, offg. Executive Engr., transferred. On being relieved of the appointment of Asst. to the Chief Engr. and Under Secretary to the Govt. of Burma, P.W.D., J. Dunn, Asst. Engr. is posted to the Mandalay Circle. A.E.S. Minett, Executive Engr. is transferred from the Mandalay Circle to the Chindwin Circle. Non Gazetted Officers A.A. Nicholas, Myook is transferred from Wetlet to the headquarters of the Pegu Dist. for training in the duties of an Akunwun. Other Depts. Privilege leave for one month and eighteen days combined with leave on medical cert. for a total period of six mths. is granted to E.M. Browne, Inspector. Messrs. E.H. Thrkell-White, Asst. Superintendent and R.R. Gill, offg. Deputy Superintendent, respectively made over and received charge of the duties of Headquarters Asst., Toungoo on 4th Oct. Privilege leave for one month and eleven days combined with leave on medical cert. for a total period of six months is granted to R.G. Stewart, Inspector. F.C. Schnauber, Inspector of Excise, 4th grade, sub pro tem. is transferred from Rangoon, Rangoon Town Dist. to Tavoy, in place of T.P. Smith, Inspector of Excise, 3rd grade transferred. T.P. Smith, Inspector of Excise, 3 rd grade, on relief by F.C. Schnauber, is transferred from Tavoy to Rangoon Town Dist. |
Privilege leave for three mths. and furlough in continuation thereof for one year and nine mths. is granted to A.T. Stuart, Senior Registrar, Burma Secretariat, with effect from 9th Nov. 1915. S.C. Buttery, Registrar of the Office of the Revenue Secretary to the Govt. of Burma is appointed to officiate as Senior Registrar, Burma Secretariat. J.H. Redmond, 1st grade clerk in the office of the Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Burma is appointed to officiate as Registrar of the office of the Revenue Secretary to the Govt. of Burma. The following permanent alteration of rank is ordered in the Superior Judicial Service:- With effect from the 16th July 1915 the date on which the services of R. Casson, Dist. Judge, were transferred to the Military Dept:- H.B. Holme, Asst. Commissioner 1st grade and officiating Dist. Judge to be a Dist. Judge sub pro tem. A.G. Mosely, Asst. Commissioner, on return from leave, is placed on special duty n the office of the Financial Commissioner. A.S. Phipps, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is transferred from Mogok to the headquarters of the Pakokku Dist. as Akunwun, in place of Maung Tha Nyo (2) Extra Asst. Commissioner. Leave - Privilege leave for three mths and special leave on urgent private affairs in continuation thereof for a total combined period of six mths. is granted to Lt.-Col. C.E. Bowen, Deputy Commissioner, Lt.-Col. Bowen proceeds to England. Police Dept. The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint L.D. Wilson to be an Asst. Commandant in the Burma Military Police. L.D. Wilson, Asst. Commandant is posted to special duty in the office of the Deputy Inspector-Genl. of Military Police at Rangoon. On completion of his special duty he is transferred from Rangoon to the Myitkyina Battn. with headquarters at Myitkyina. Military Dept. - The name of 2nd Lt. Martin Hunter Hailes of the Burma Railways Vol. Corps, is placed on the supernumerary list. Revenue Dept. The following promotions and appointments are ordered in the superior establishment of the Land Records Dept. with effect from 1st Nov. 1915:- Ronald Felix Craen, Asst. Demonstrator in Chemistry, Rangoon College, to be an Asst. Superintendent of Land Records, 2nd grade on probation. Forest Dept. F.P. Thomson, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests is granted an extension of privilege leave for two days in continuation of the privilege leave granted. On return from leave J.L. Hefferman, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests is re-posted to the charge of the Bampon Forest Sub-divn., S. Shan States Forest Divn. C.R.P. Cooper, Asst. Commissioner and Headquarters Asst., Tavoy, to succeed he Deputy Commissioner, Tavoy Dist., as Forest Settlement Officer for the purpose of holding the enquiry regarding the proposed Pandin-in Extension Reserve in the Tavoy Dist. F.E.C. Palmer, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, on duty in the Mu Forest Divn., is transferred from Shwebo and posted to the charge of the Mansi Forest Divn. in place of R.B. Finney, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, deceased. Pending the arrival of Mr Palmer, H.R. Blandford, Deputy Conservator of Forests in charge of the Katha and Myitkyina Forest Divisions, is placed in charge of the Mansi Forest Divn. as a temporary measure, in addition to his other duties. On return from leave T.W. Forster, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, is re-posted to the charge of the Mansi Forest Divn. in place of F.E.C. Palmer, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests. On relief by T.W. Forster, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, F.E. Palmer, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests in charge of the Mansi Forest Divn. is posted to duty in the Katha Forest Divn. F.G. Edwards, Probationary Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, attached to the Zigon Forest Divn. is transferred from Tharrawaddy and is attached to the Mu Forest Divn. in place of F.E.C. Palmer, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, transferred. Municipal Dept Privilege leave for twenty-one days is granted to W.H.L. Cabell, President, Rangoon Municipal Committee. P.W.D. F.J. Kerwick, Asst. Engr. is transferred from the Pegu to the Maritime Circle. Non-Gazetted Officers Maung Kyi Maung, Myook, is transferred from Myaungmya to the headquarters of the Yamethin Dist. as Treasury Officer and Headquarters Asst. in place of E.G. Dobson, Extra Asst. Commissioner, proceeding on leave. P.W.D. S.J. Oates, Supervisor, 2nd grade, sub pro tem. has been transferred from the Mandalay to the Pegu Circle. Other Depts. R.K. Sen, Supervisor, 1st grade and Sub-divisional Officer, Headquarters Sub-divn. Thayetmyo, on relief by A.E.S. Minett, Asst. Engineer, is transferred to the charge of the Magwe Sub-divn., Thayetmyo Divn. Privilege leave for three months is granted to S.T. Rolston, Sub-Engineer, 1st grade, and Honorary Asst. Engineer and Sub-divnl. Officer, Magwe Sub-divn., Thayetmyo Divn. J. Dunn, Asst. Engr. is posted to the Mandalay Divn. for the charge of the Ruby Mines Sub-divn. |
H.F. Dunkley, Asst. Settlement Officer is transferred from Prome to the charge of the Moulmein Sub-divn. Amherst Dist. in place of J. St. C. Saunders, Asst. Commissioner transferred. J. St. C. Saunders, Asst. Commissioner is transferred from Moulmein and is appointed to be Asst. Settlement Officer. No. 2 Party, in place of H.F. Dunkley. J.C. MacKenzie, Settlement Officer is transferred from Thayetmyo to the charge of the Shwegyin Sub-divn. Toungoo Dist. in place of H.H. Mackney, Asst. Commissioner, transferred. H.H. Mackney, Asst. Commissioner, is transferred from Shwegyin and is appointed to be Asst. Settlement Officer, No. 3 Party, in place of H.O. Reynolds, Asst. Settlement Officer. C.R. Wilkinson, Deputy Commissioner on return from leave is posted to the charge of the Meiktila Dist. in place of F.B. Leach, offg. Deputy Commissioner, transferred. F.B. Leach, offg. Deputy Commissioner is transferred from Meiktila and is posted to the headquarters of the Bassein Dist. as Headquarters Asst. C.P. Duffin, Probationary Extra Asst. Commissioner, is transferred from Sadon to the headquarters of the Mogaung Sub-divn., Myitkyina Dist. as Asst. Superintendent, Kachin Hills. Major G.R.K. Williams, I.A., Asst. Commissioner, on completion of the duty to which he was posted is appointed to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner and is transferred from Shwebo to the charge of the Sandoway Dist. in place of A.H. Gayer, Deputy Commissioner proceeding on leave. Leave Privilege leave for three mths. is granted to E.G. Dobson, Extra Asst. Commissioner. Police Dept. Capt. F.L. Roberts, I.A. Commandant, sub pro tem., Burma Military Police and officiating Personal Assistant to the Deputy Inspector-Genl. of Military Police, is reverted to his substantive appointment as Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police and is transferred from Rangoon to the Chindwin Battn. of Military Police, with headquarters at Magwe. J.C Habgood, Asst. Superintendent of Police has been permitted to return to duty within the period of his leave. Capt. G.D. Wright, I.A. Asst. Commandant Burma Military Police is transferred from the Myitkyina Battn. to the Mandalay Battn. with headquarters at Mandalay. Capt. Leslie-Smith I.A., Asst. Commandant Burma Military Police is transferred from the Mandalay Battn. to the Bhamo Battn. with headquarters at Bhamo. Capt. A.C.G. Smythe, I.A. Asst. Commandant Burma Military Police is transferred from the Bhamo Battn. to the Myitkyina Battn. with headquarters at Htawgaw. M.P. Tanner, Asst. Superintendent of Police is transferred from duty with the Bhamo Battn. Burma Military Police and is posted for duty with the Myitkyina Battn. Burma Military Police with headquarters at Myitkyina. Capt. C.E. Daly, I.A., Asst. Commandant Burma Military Police is transferred from the Reserve Battn. to the Chindwin Battn. with headquarters at Magwe. On relief by Capt. C.E. Daly, Capt. F.L. Roberts, I.A., Asst. Commandant Burma Military Police, is transferred from the Chindwin Battn. and is appointed to be Commandant, sub pro tem. and officiating Personal Asst. to the Deputy Inspector-Genl. of Military Police with headquarters at Rangoon. Capt. R.W. Barker, I.A., Asst. Commandant Burma Military Police is transferred from the Shwebo Battn. to the Chin Hills Battn. with headquarters at Kanpetlet. R.G.B. Lawson, Probationary Asst. Supdt. of Police is transferred from the Provincial Police Training School, Mandalay and is posted to duty with the Chin Hills Battn. Burma Military Police with headquarters at Falam. F.H. Robinson, Probationary Asst. Supdt. of Police is transferred from the Provincial Police Training School, Mandalay and is posted to duty with the S. Shan States Battn. Burma Military Police with headquarters at Taunggyi. General Lt.-Col. J. Penny, Civil Surgeon, Mandalay, is placed in charge of the Central Jail, Mandalay in addition to his own duties as a temporary measure in place of L.G. Fink, M.B., C.M., (Edin) transferred. At an examination held at Fort White on the 28th Sept. S. Samuel, Sub-Asst. Surgeon, passed the prescribed test in the Siyin dialect of the Chin language. Mr Samuel is entitled to receive a reward of Rs. 200. The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint Maung Aung Ba, Bailiff, to be Registrar of the Court of Small Causes, Moulmein, sub pro tem., in place of D. O’Sullivan, Bar-at- law, who has been appointed to be a Dist. Judge sub pro tem. Medical Dept. Civil Asst. Surgeon A.C. Syam, L.M. & S. (Cal) is appointed to officiate as Civil Surgeon, Sagaing, in place of Senior Military Asst. Surgeon and Honorary Capt. E. J. Greson. Civil Asst. Surgeon M.N.S. Chetty, L.M. & S. (Mad) is appointed to officiate as Civil Surgeon, Falam, in place of 2nd class Military Asst. Surgeon P.A. Scanlon. On relief by Lt.-Col. J. Penny, L.G. Fink is appointed to be asst. Medical Superintendent, Rangoon General Hospital in place of Capt. S.T. Crump, whose services have been placed temporarily at the disposal of the Govt. of India. Extraordinary leave without allowances for three days is granted to Civil Asst. Surgeon F. Rodrigues in continuation of the leave granted. Forest Dept. N.V. Holberton, Deputy Conservator of Forest is transferred from Maymyo and is re-posted to the charge of the South Toungoo Forest Divn. in place of H.L.P. Welsh, Deputy Conservator of Forests who remains in charge of the North Toungoo Forest Divn. A.W. Moodie, Asst. Conservator of Forests is posted to duty in the Upper Chindwin Forest Divn. On return from leave J.V. Young, Deputy Conservator of Forests is re-posted to the charge of the Myitkyina Forest Divn. in place of H.R. Blanford, Deputy Conservator of Forests who remains in charge of the Katha Forest Divn. Marine & Commerce Dept. The services of Commander R.H. Graves-Burton, Second Asst. Port Officer, Rangoon are temporarily placed at the disposal of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty with effect from 23rd May 1915 before noon and from the same date the unexpired portion of the combined leave granted is cancelled. Philip John Colas de la Taste is appointed to be a Second Asst. Port Officer, Rangoon, sub pro tem.,from the 23rd May 1915 before noon, in place of Commander R.H. Graves-Burton. P.W.D. Privilege leave for twenty-two days s granted to E.H. Liversidge, Executive Engr., Meiktila Divn. Commissary and Honorary Captain G. Farrington, Asst. Engr. and Officer-in-Charge, Headquarters Sub-divn. Meiktila Divn, is, as a temporary measure, appointed to the charge of the current duties of the office of the Executive Engineer, Meiktila Divn. in additional to his own duties vice E.H. Liversidge On return from privilege leave F.C. Lowis, Executive Engr. is re-posted to the Mandalay Circle for the charge of the Putao Divn. vice D.T. Wells, Executive Engr. Non-Gazetted Officers General Maung Maung (12) Myook, on being relieved by H. Parker, Asst. Commissioner, is transferred from Thazi to the charge of the Lawe Township, Yamethin Dist. Maung Bo (2) Myook, is transferred from Sagu to the charge of the Pakokku Sub-divn. in place of C.C. Crosby, Extra Asst. Commissioner, proceeding on leave. Notifications from Heads of Depts. Privilege leave to the extent due combined with leave on private affairs for a total period of six months is granted to J.F. Williams, Registrar of Town Lots, Mandalay. J.H. Reynaud, Supdt. of Land Records, is transferred from Bassein and posted to the charge of Mandalay Town Lots Office in place of J.F. Williams. On return from leave N.W. Purchase, Supdt. of Land Records, is posted to the charge of the Yamethin Land Records Office in place of F.A. D’souza, Supdt. of Land Records, transferred. F.A. D’souza, Supdt. of Land Records, is transferred from Bassein Land Records Office in place of W.M.B. Smart, Supdt. of Land Records, proceeding on leave. Privilege leave for three months is granted to W.M.B. Smart, Supdt. of Land Records. Furlough for four months is granted to H.R.K. Littlewood, Supdt. of Land Records, in continuation of the leave granted. C.H. Clarke, Resident Excise Officer, 4th grade, on expiry of his leave granted to him is re-posted to the Mandalay Divn. |
A.G. Mosely, Asst. Commissioner, on completion of the duty to which he was posted, is appointed to officiate as Asst. Secy. to the Financial Commissioner in place of P.C. Fogarty, proceeding on leave. Maung Tin Baw, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is transferred from Pegu to the charge of the Kyonpaw sub-divn. Bassein Dist. in place of F.W. Scott, Asst. Commissioner, transferred. F.W. Scott, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is transferred from Kyonpyaw to the charge of the Myaungmya sub-divn. in place of Maung Po, Myook. Privilege leave for one month is granted to P.C. Fogarty, Asst. Secy. to the Financial Commissioner, with effect from the date on which he may avail himself of it. Privilege leave for one month and five days and furlough in continuation thereof up to and including 16th May 1916, is granted to A.H. Gayer, Deputy Commissioner. Privilege leave for three months and leave on medical cert. in continuation thereof for three mths. is granted to E.G. Dobson Extra Asst. Commissioner. Promotions Burma Commission With effect from 25th Jan. 1915 Capt. H.R. Pelly, I.A., Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, on military duty to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner, 3rd grade and to remain seconded for service in the military dept. With effect from the 20th Feb. 1915, consequent on the reversion of Major H.V.M. Langtry, I.A., from the substantive rank of a Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade, to the substantive rank of an Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade. R.F. Greer, Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade, on special duty, to be a Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade and to remain on special duty. With effect from 27th Mar. 1915 consequent on the appointment of W.F. Grahame, Deputy Commissioner, 1st grade, to a temporary appointment in the Burma Secretariat. C.C.T. Chapman, Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade and officiating 1st grade, to be a Deputy Commissioner, 1st grade sub pro tem. J.P. Hardiman, Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade and officiating 2nd grade to be a Deputy Commissioner 2nd grade, sub pro tem. Major W.B.T. Abbey, I.A., Asst. Commissioner 1st grade and officiating Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade to be a Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade sub pro tem. E.N. Bell, Asst. Commissioner 2nd grade and officiating Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade to be an Assistant Commissioner 1st grade sub pro tem. and to continue to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade. Major L.E.L. Burne, I.A., Asst. Commissioner 3rd grade, on duty in the Burma Military Police, to be an Assistant Commissioner 2nd grade sub pro tem. and to remain seconded for service in the Burma Military Police. Capt. A.P. Sandeman, I.A., Asst. Commissioner, 3rd grade and officiating 1st grade to be an Asst. Commissioner 2nd grade sub pro tem. and to continue to officiate as an Asst Commissioner 1st grade. A.J. Page, Asst. Commissioner 4th grade and Settlement Officer to be an Asst. Commissioner 3rd grade sub pro tem. and to remain seconded for service in the Settlement Dept. H.F. Sitzler, Asst. Commissioner 4th grade and officiating 1st grade to be an Asst. Commissioner 3rd grade sub pro tem. and to continue to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 1st grade. With effect from 20th Apr. 1915 consequent on the retirement of M. Laurie, Commissioner and the appointment of J.D. Fraser, Deputy Commissioner 1st grade and officiating Commissioner, to be a Commissioner of a Division. C.C.T. Chapman, Deputy Commissioner 1st grade sub pro tem. to be Deputy Commissioner 1st grade. J.P. Hardiman, Deputy Commissioner 2nd grade sub pro tem. to be a Deputy Commissioner 2nd grade. Major T.L. Ormiston, Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade and officiating 2nd grade to be a Deputy Commissioner 2nd grade sub pro tem. C.F. Grant, Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade sub pro tem. (on privilege leave) to be a Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade. E.O. Fowler, Asst. Commissioner 1st grade and officiating Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade to be a Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade sub pro tem. J.L. McCallum, Asst. Commissioner 1st grade sub pro tem. and Settlement Officer to be an Asst. Commissioner 1st grade and to remain seconded for service in the settlement Dept. D.G. Robertson, Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade sub pro tem. and officiating Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade to be an Asst. Commissioner 1st grade and to continue to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade. Major F. Bigg Wither, Asst. Commissioner 2nd grade and officiating Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade to be an Asst. Commissioner 1st grade sub pro tem. and to continue to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade. E.F. Baum, Asst. Commissioner 2nd grade sub pro tem. on special duty, to be an Asst. Commissioner 2nd grade and to remain on special duty. H.P. Hewett, Asst. Commissioner 3rd grade, on special duty, to be an Asst. Commissioner 2nd grade sub pro tem. and to remain on special duty. Capt. E. Butterfield, Asst. Commissioner 3rd grade sub pro tem. on military duty, to be an Asst. Commissioner 3rd grade and to remain seconded for service in the military dept. H.O. Reynolds, Asst. Commissioner 4th grade and Asst. Settlement Officer, to be an Asst. Commissioner 3rd grade sub pro tem. and to remain seconded for service in the Settlement Dept. A.G. Mosely, Asst. Commissioner 4th grade and officiating 1st grade to be an Asst. Commissioner 3rd grade sub pro tem. and to continue to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 1st grade. With effect from 27th Apr. 1915 the date on which the services of J.P. Doyle, Asst. Commissioner 3rd grade, on special duty, were transferred to the Military Dept. Capt. G.H. Newcombe, I.A. Asst. Commissioner 4th grade, on military duty, to be an Asst. Commissioner 3rd grade sub pro tem. and to remain seconded for service under the War Office. Capt. J.E.D. Prothero, I.A., Asst. Commissioner 4th grade, on military duty to be Asst. Commissioner 3rd grade sub pro tem. and to remain seconded for service in the Military Dept. H.L. Nichols, Asst. Commissioner 4th grade (officiating 1st grade) and Under Secy. to the Govt. of Burma, to be an Asst. Commissioner 3rd grade sub pro tem. and to continue to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 1st grade and to remain as Under Secy. With effect from the 29th Apr. 1915, the date on which the services of H.P. Hewett, Asst. Commissioner 2nd grade sub pro tem. on special duty, were transferred to the Military Dept. S.G. Grantham and J. Clague Asst. Commissioner 3rd grade and Settlement Officers, to be Asst. Commissioners 2nd grade sub pro tem. and to remain seconded for service in the Settlement Dept. C. R.P. Cooper, Asst. Commissioner 3rd grade and offg. 1st grade (on privilege leave) to be an Asst. Commissioner 2nd grade sub pro tem. and to continue to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 1st grade. Police Dept. C.N. James Asst Supdt. of Police is transferred from Ratnagiri and is posted to special duty in the office of the Deputy Inspector-Genl. of Police for Railways and Criminal Investigation, Burma. A.G. Adams, Asst. Supdt. of Police is transferred from special duty with the S. Shan States Battn. Burma Military Police and is posed to the charge of the police of the Myaungmya Sub-divn. in place of H.B. Haine, Asst. Supdt. of Police, transferred. H.B. Haine, Asst. Supdt. of Police, is transferred from Myaungmya to the charge of the police of the Mandalay Town, 1st Divn. in place of H.R. Alexander, Asst. Supdt. of Police, proceeding on leave. Furlough on medical cert. for six mths. is granted to E.A. Henry, Asst. Supdt. of Police. Military Dept. The name of 2nd Lt. John Horace Cardew of the Burma Railways Vol. Corps is placed on the supernumerary list. General S.C. Buttery made over and J.H. Redmond received charge of the Registrar-ship of the office of the Revenue Secy. to the Govt. of Burma on the 9th Nov. A.T. Stuart made over and S.C. Buttery received charge of the Senior Registrar-ship of the Burma Secretariat on the 9th Nov. Forest Dept. On completion of the timber measuring duty in the Yaw Forest Divn. to which he was posted W. Lawson, Deputy Conservator of Forests, is posted to duty in the Ruby Mines Forest Divn. L.C. Davis, Deputy Conservator of Forests, was granted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State, a further extension of furlough for six days in continuation of the extension of leave notified. A.E. Eden, Asst. Conservator of Forests, is posted to duty in the Thaungyin Forest Divn. P.W.D. Special leave on urgent private affairs for twenty-four days is granted to E.D. Haffenden, Executive Engr., Embankment Divn., with effect from the 10th Nov. S.R. Sharma, Asst. Engr. and Officer-in-charge, Maubin sub-divn., Embankment Divn., is as a temporary measure, appointed to the charge of the current duties of the office of the Executive Engr., Embankment Divn., in addition to his own duties vice E.D. Haffenden, Executive Engr., proceeding on leave. On return from leave, O.H. Teulon, Executive Engr., is posted to the Pegu Circle for the charge of the Bassein Divn. vice J. Craig, Executive Engr., transferred. On being relieved of the charge of the Bassein Divn. by O.H. Teulon, Executive Engr., J. Craig, Executive Engr. is transferred from the Pegu Circle to the Rangoon Circle for the charge of the Rangoon construction Divn. The services of W.A. Hall, Asst. Engr., Burma P.W.D., who has been appointed to the Indian Army Reserve of Officers, are placed temporarily at the disposal of His Excellency the Commander-in -Chief in India. Non-Gazetted Officers C. Bridge, Inspector of Police, 4th grade, on probation, is confirmed in his appointment. P. McNeill of Hall Paterson & Co. and the Hon’ble Mr Mirza Abdul Hosein Khan Bahadur, Merchant, Moulmein, are re-appointed non-official members of the Advisory Board of the Port of Moulmein. They will hold office for a period of two years. J.R. McCann, Inspector of Excise 2nd grade, on relief by O.G. Dover offg. Supdt. of Excise 6th grade is re-posted to Syriam, Hanthawaddy Dist. in place of R.A. Blake, offg. Inspector of Excise 5th grade, who reverts to his substantive appointment as Sub-Inspector of Excise, Insein Dist. |
G. Blake, Extra Asst. Commissioner is appointed to officiate as Deputy Commissioner, Rangoon Town Lands and collector for Rangoon Town Dist. as a tempy. measure in addition to his other duties during the absence of J.P. Hardiman, deputy Commissioner. G. Scott, Deputy Commissioner on return from leave is posted to special duty in the Tharrawaddy Sessions Divn. with headquarters at Rangoon. P.E. Jamieson, offg. Deputy Commissioner, on being relieved by J. MacKenna, Deputy Commissioner, is transferred from Myaungmya and is posted to special duty in the S. Shan States with headquarters at Taunggyi. Leave Capt. R. Hodgins, I.A., Asst. Commissioner, has been granted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State an extension of furlough for ten days. Misc. Capt. R. Hodgins, I.A., Asst. Commissioner has been permitted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State to return to duty within the period of his leave. Police Dept. Capt. R. Blandy, I.A. Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, is transferred from Tiddim and is appointed to officiate as Commandant of the Chin Hills Battn. in place of Capt. A. Lethbridge, I.A. who reverts to his substantive appointment as Asst. Commandant of the Chin Hills Battn. On return from leave Major F.C. Owens, I.A., Deputy Commissioner, is appointed to officiate as a Commandant of Military Police in Upper Burma and is posted to the command of the Bhamo Battn. in place of Capt. R. Tilly, I.A. who reverts to his substantive appointment as Asst. Commandant, Bhamo Battn. Privilege leave for three mths. is granted to H.R. Alexander, Asst. Supdt. of Police. Military Dept. The name of Lt. Ian Douglas Campbell Annesley of the Moulmein Vol. Rifle Corps is placed on the supernumerary list. Judicial Dept. G. Scott Deputy Commissioner is appointed to exercise jurisdiction as an Addtl. Sessions Judge in the Court of Sessions of the Tharrawaddy Divn. He shall try such cases as the Sessions Judge may make over to him for trial. The Lt.-Governor, with the previous sanction of the Govt. of India is pleased to appoint J. Coggin Brown, Asst. Supdt., Geological Survey of India, to be Inspector of Explosives in and for Burma. General At an examination held at Myitkyina on 9th Nov. Capt. W.I.J. Massy, I.A., Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police passed the prescribed test in the Chingpaw dialect of the Kachin language. Capt. Massey is entitled to receive a reward of Rs. 1000. At an examination held at Myitkyina on 8th Nov. T.F.G. Wilson, Extra Asst. Commissioner, passed the prescribed test in the Lisaw language. Mr Wilson is entitled to receive a reward of Rs. 1000. It is hereby notified that Francis Foster Goodliffe has been elected a Member of the Legislative Council of the Lt.-Governor of Burma by the Rangoon Trades Assoc. The Lt.-Governor appoints Charles Morgan Webb, Secy. to the Govt, of Burma, to be a Member of the Council of the Lt.-Governor of Burma for the purpose of making Laws and Regulations. Privilege leave for twenty-one days is granted to S.W. Cocks, Inspector of School, Pegu Circle. Mr S.W. Cocks is permitted to affix to the leave granted above the gazetted holidays from the 24th Dec. to 1st Jan. 1916 inclusive. P.W.D. C.H. Wollaston, Superintending Engineer, 1st class, Rangoon Circle, was appointed to the charge of the current duties of the office of the Chief Engr. and Joint Secy. to the Govt. of Burma in the P.W. Dept., with effect from the 20th to the 30th Sept. 1915, both days inclusive vice D.W. Aikman, Chief Engr., 2nd class, transferred. C.H. Wollaston, Chief Engr., 2nd class, tempy. rank, is appointed to be Chief Engr. and Joint Secy. to the Govt. of Burma in the P.W. Dept. with effect from 1st Oct. 1915. A.R. Anderson, Asst. Engr. is transferred from the Irrigation to the Maritime Circle. On return from privilege leave, J.F. Hewitt, Executive Engr. is re-posted to the Pegu Circle for the charge of the Tharrawaddy Divn. Non-Gazetted Officers - Chief Court of Lower Burma H.A. Brown made over and B.H. Heald assumed charge of the office of the Divnl. and Sessions Judge, Hanthawaddy Divn. on the 19th Oct. 1915. |
A.E.H. Killick, Asst. Commissioner, is transferred from Insein to the headquarters of the Tavoy Dist. as Headquarters Asst. in place of C.R.P. Cooper, Asst. Commissioner. C.R.P. Cooper, Asst. Commissioner, on being relieved by A.E.H. Killick, Asst. Commissioner, is posted to special duty in the Tavoy Dist. with headquarters at Tavoy. Privilege leave for one month and furlough in continuation thereof for three mths. and twelve days is granted to the Hon’ble Mr Justice E.W. Ormond, Bar-at-law, Judge of the Chief Court of Lower Burma. At an examination held at Myitkyina on the 9th Nov. C.P. Duffin, Probationary Extra Asst. Commissioner, passed the prescribed test in the Chingpaw dialect of the Kachin language. Mr Duffin is entitled to receive a reward of Rs. 1000. Forest Dept. C.G.E. Dawkins, Deputy Conservator of Forests and First Instructor, Burma Forest School, Pyinmana, is transferred from the school and posted to duty in the Pyinmana Forest Divn. P.E. Plunkett, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, is attached to the Depot Divn., Mandalay. E.W. Carroll, Asst. Conservator of Forests, on special duty in connection with timber measuring at Toungoo, is transferred from Toungoo and re-posted to duty in the Pyinmana Forest Divn. G.H.A. Goldberg, Asst. Conservator of Forests, is attached to the Insein Forest Divn. P.W.D. J.V. Griffin, Superintending Engr. 2nd class, on return from privilege leave resumed charge of the Maritime Circle of Superintendence from M.F. Petters, Superintending Engr. 3rd class, temporary rank and Sanitary Engr., Burma, on the 20th Nov. The Lt.-Governor is pleased to order the following promotions to and in the Superintending Engineer classes of the Burma Public Works Dept., with effect from 1st Oct. 1915:- L.W. Lewis (on deputation) from Superintending Engr. 2nd class, temporary. P.F. Wickham, from Superintending Engr. 3rd class sub pro tem. to Superintending Engr. 2nd class, temporary. F.R. Collins, from officiating Superintending Engr. to Superintending Engr. 3rd class, temporary. Notifications by Heads of Depts. On return from leave C.H. Delmege, Asst. Superintendent of Land Records is posted as Asst. Superintendent in the Bassein Land Records office. W.H.F. Fforde, Asst. Superintendent of Land Records is transferred from Pegu and posted as Asst. Superintendent in the Shwebo Land Records office. S. Vertannes, Inspector, is posted to the Magwe Dist. R. Loose, Inspector of Police, has been permitted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State to return to duty within the period of his leave. Leave on medical cert. for three mths. is grated to A.G. Snadden, Inspector. On return from leave, J.P. Dawson, Inspector, is posted to the Insein Dist. On return from leave R. Loose, Inspector, reported his arrival at the office of the Inspector General of Police on the forenoon of the 22nd Nov. and is posted to Tavoy as Mines Inspector. O.G. Dover, Inspector of Excise, 1st grade, on his relief by W.G. Bowden, Superintendent of Excise,4th grade, is posted to Rangoon, Rangoon Town Dist. in place of G.A. Chill, offg. Inspector of Excise, 5th grade, who reverts to his substantive appointment as Sub-Inspector of Excise, Rangoon Town Dist. |
J.B. Marshall, Asst. Commissioner is appointed to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner and is posted to the charge of the Shwebo Dist. as a temporary measure, pending the arrival of H.L. Stevenson, Deputy Commissioner. H.L. Stevenson, Deputy Commission, on completion of the duty to which he was posted is posted to the charge of the Shwebo Dist. in place of E.N. Bell, offg. Deputy Commissioner, proceeding on leave. A. Samuel, Extra Asst. Commissioner is permitted to return to duty before the expiry of his leave and is posted to the headquarters of the Ruby Mine Dist. as Treasury Officer and Headquarters Magistrate in place of C.E. Hill, Extra Asst. Commissioner, proceeding on leave. Leave Privilege leave for eighteen days is granted to N. St. V. Nepean, Extra Asst. Commissioner. Mr Nepean is permitted to affix to the leave granted above the gazetted Christmas holidays. Misc. The Hon’ble Mr Justice E.W. Ormond, bar-at-law, Judge of the Chief Court of Lower Burma, availed himself of the leave granted on the 30th Nov. Police Dept. Leave on medical cert. for three mths. is granted to H.A. Atkinson, Deputy Supdt. of Police, in continuation of the leave granted. Capt. J.E. Power, I.A., Commandant, Burma Military Police, is permitted to return to duty before the expiry of his leave and is posted to special duty in the office of the Deputy Inspector-Genl. of Military Police at Rangoon. Capt. J.E. Power, I.A., Commandant, Burma Military Police, is transferred from Rangoon and is posted to the command of the Putao Battn. in place of Capt. J. de L. Conry, I.A., who reverts to his substantive appointment as Asst. Commandant, Putao Battn. Capt. A.E.S. Fennell, I.A., Commandant, Burma Military Police, has been granted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State an extension of leave on medical cert. for six mths. and eight days. Military Dept. The name of Lt.-Col. Charles Townley Graham, Commandant, Rangoon Vol. Rifle Corps, is placed on the supernumerary list with effect from the 27th Oct. Judicial Dept. Major A.T. Kirkwood, I.A., Cantonment Magistrate, Rangoon, a Magistrate of the 1st class in the Rangoon Town Dist., is specially empowered to take cognizance under section ... ... for which he may try or commit to trial. J.F. Sheehy, Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to be a Magistrate of the 1st class in the Katha Dist. J.F. Sheehy, Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to be a Justice of the Peace within and for Burma. General At an examination held at Myitkyina on the 10th Nov. the under mentioned officers passed the prescribed test in the Maru language:- Lt.-Col. A.W.H. Lee, I.A. Commandant, Burma Military Police Sub-Asst. Surgeons Behari Lal and Dalbhag Rai. Lt.-Col. Lee is entitled to receive a reward of Rs. 1000. Messrs. Behari Lal and Dalbhag Rai are entitled to receive a reward of Rs. 200 each. P.P. Ginwala, bar-at-law, is appointed to officiate as Asst. Govt. Advocate, in place of Maung Kin, bar-at-law. P.L. Nicholas, Asst. Supdt. of Land Records, passed the examination in Revenue for Superintendents and Asst. Superintendents of the Land Records Dept. by the higher standard. At the departmental examinations held at Rangoon, Moulmein , Mandalay and Mogok on 2nd Nov. the following candidates passed the examinations in Law prescribed for officers of the Forest Dept:- R.A. Cochrane, Asst. Conservator of Forests W.C. Rocks, Probationary Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests J.M. Campbell, Probationary Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests F.G. Edwards, Probationary Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests W.J. Agabeg, Ranger, Thaton The Lt.-Governor is pleased to appoint J.E. Houldey, Deputy Commissioner, Rangoon Town Dist, to be a member of the Educational Syndicate, in place of A.G. Cooke, who has resigned. Forest Dept. Privilege leave for one month is granted to A.S. Rencontre, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, attached to the Mandalay Forest Divn. H.C. Smith, who has been appointed by His Majesty’s Secy. of State to the Imperial Forest Dept. as Asst. Conservator of Forest, is posted, on arrival, to the headquarters of the Ruby Mines Forest Divn. of the Southern Circle. E.S. Hartnoll, who has been appointed by His Majesty’s Secy. of State to the Imperial Forest Dept. as Asst. Conservator of Forest, is posted, on arrival, to the headquarters of the North Toungoo Forest Divn. of the Tenasserim Circle. T.I. Pocock, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, is granted a further extension of leave on medical cert. for one mth. in continuation of the extension of leave granted to him. Financial Dept Privilege leave for one mth. is granted to L.A. Rosario, Assessor of Income-tax, Rangoon, with effect from 15th Dec. P.W.D. On return from privilege leave, E.H. Liversidge, Executive Engr. is re-posted to the Chindwin Circle for the charge of the Meiktila Divn. Non-Gazetted Officers Maung Ku, Myook, is posted to the charge of the Shwebo Sub-divn. in place of J.B. Marshall, Asst. Commissioner. B.F. Cooper, Supdt. of Land Records, on relief by Maung Tha Hla, offg. Myook, is transferred from Sandoway to the charge of the survey of mining areas in the Tavoy and Mergui Districts in place of E.T.W. Skinner, Supdt. of Land Records. H. Cosmo Fisher, 2nd grade Pleader, Myaungmya, is appointed to officiate as Govt. Prosecutor Myaungmya vice Maung Po San, proceeding on leave. G.R.K. Williams, I.A., Deputy Commissioner, received charge of the Sandoway Dist. from A.H. Gayer, Deputy Commissioner, on the forenoon of 17th Nov. J.P. Hardiman, Collector, Rangoon and G. Blake respectively made over and received charge of the office of the Collector of Rangoon, and Deputy Commissioner, Town Lands, Rangoon on 15th Nov. A. Paul is awarded a European Collegiate Scholarship of Rs. 30 per mensem tenable for two years at the Govt. College, Rangoon, with effect from 1st Apr. 1915. S.W. Cocks availed himself of the leave granted to him on the 30th Nov. Capt. F.L. Roberts, I.A., Commandant, sub. pro tem., Burma Military Police and offg. Personal Asst. to the Deputy Inspector-Genl. of Military Police, assumed charge of his duties in the office of the Deputy Inspector-Genl. of Military Police at Rangoon on 26th Nov. E. Chill, Inspector, is permitted to return to duty before the expiry of is leave and is posted to Prome as Town Inspector. Leave on medical cert. for six mths. is granted to C.H. Clarke, Resident Excise Officer, 4th grade, in extension of leave granted to him. |
The following permanent and temporary alterations of rank are ordered in the Burma Commission and are published in the Burma Gazette.
With effect from 6th Sept. consequent on the reversion of J.E. Houldey, Registrar, Chief Court, Lower Burma, to the regular line as an Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade and the appointment of R.R. Brown, Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade, and officiating 1st grade, as Registrar, Chief Court, Lower Burma: J.M. Baguley, Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade, and officiating Dist. Judge, to be an Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade sub pro tem. and to continue to officiate as a Dist. Judge. Major G.R.K. Williams, I.A., Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade, sub pro tem. on special duty, to be an Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade and to remain on special duty. A.E. Gilliat, Asst. Commissioner, 3rd grade sub pro tem. and officiating 2nd grade and Under Secy. to the Govt. of Burma, to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade and to remain as Under Secy. to the Govt. of Burma. H.F. Searle, Asst. Commissioner 4th grade and officiating 3rd grade, to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner 2nd grade. With effect from the 6th Sept. consequent on the departure on leave of A.G. Cooke, officiating Deputy Commissioner, 1st grade: W.A. Hertz, Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner, 1st grade. A.G.H. Breithaupt, Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade, to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade. J.E. Houldey, Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade, to officiate as a Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade. With effect from the 6th Sept. consequent on the appointment of O.M. Rees, Asst. Commissioner, 3rd grade, sub pro tem. on special duty as Asst. Settlement Officer: P.C. Fogarty, Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade and Asst. Secy. to the Financial Commissioner, 3rd grade, sub. pro tem. and to remain as Asst. Secy. to the Financial Commissioner. With effect from the 9th Sept. the date on which J. St. C. Saunders, offg. Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade, relieved B.W. Swithinbank on return from leave: H.F. Searle, Asst. Commission, 4th grade, and offg. 2nd grade, to officiate as an Asst. Commissioner, 3rd grade. With effect from the 24th Sept. consequent on the confirmation of C.M. Webb as Secy. to the Govt. of Burma: Lt.-Col. F.R. Nethersole, I.A., to be a Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade sub. pro tem. to be a Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade. F.L.J. Williamson, Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade and offg. 2nd grade, to be a Deputy Commissioner, 2nd grade sub. pro tem. E.O. Fowler, Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade, sub. pro tem. to be a deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade. T. Couper, Asst. Commissioner, 1st grade and offg. Deputy Commissioner, 3rd grade to be a Deputy Commissioner 3rd grade, sub. pro tem. Capt. A.P. Sandeman, I.A., Asst. Commissioner, 2nd grade sub. pro tem., on military duty, to be an Asst. Commissioner 2nd grade and to remain seconded for service in the Military Dept. A.S.A.S. Gilbert, Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade and 2nd grade sub. pro tem., on military duty, to be an Assistant Commissioner, 3rd grade and 2nd grade sub. pro tem. and to remain seconded for service in the Military Dept. F.H. Steavenson, Asst. Commissioner 4th grade and Asst. Secy. to the Govt. of Burma, to be an Asst. Commissioner, 3rd grade, sub. pro tem. and to remain as Asst. Secy. to the Govt. of Burma. |
Wilfrid Hugh Payton, who has been appointed to be an Asst. Commissioner, 4th grade, reported his arrival at Rangoon on the 7th Dec. 1915. Mr Payton is posted to the headquarters of the Sagaing Dist. for training. Leave Privilege leave to the amount due under article 252 and leave on medical cert. in continuation thereof for a total combined period of six mths. is granted to C.C. Crosby, Extra Asst. Commissioner. W.G. Wooster, Extra Asst. Commissioner, has been permitted by His Majesty’s Secy. of State to return to duty within the period of his leave. Police Dept. Privilege leave to the amount due and furlough in continuation thereof for a total combined period of two years is granted to G.C. Latimer, Asst. Supdt. of Police, on account of ill health. On relief by Capt. R.W. Barker, I.A., Capt. W.G.K. Broome, I.A., Asst. Commandant, Burma Military Police, was placed on special duty at Kanpetlet from the 1st to 26th Nov. Maung Po Tha (1) T.D.M., Deputy Supdt. of Police is transferred from special duty in the office of the Deputy Insp.-Genl. of Police for Railways and Criminal Investigation, Rangoon and is posted to the charge of the police of the Taungdwingyi Sub.-divn., Magwe Dist. in place of H.R. Lanktree, Asst. Supdt. of Police, transferred. H.R. Lanktree, Asst. Supdt. of Police, is appointed to officiate as a Dist. Supdt. of Police and is transferred from Taungdwingyi to the charge of the police of the Shwebo Dist. in place of A.P. Warburton, Dist. Supdt. of Police, sub. pro tem., transferred. A.P. Warburton, Dist. Supdt. of Police, sub. pro tem., is transferred from Shwebo and is placed on special duty with headquarters at Rangoon. The following promotions are ordered in the Police Dept. with effect from 1st Sept:- B.T. Roussac, Deputy Supdt. of Police, 2nd grade, to be a Deputy Supdt. of Police 1st grade sub. pro tem. M.J. Jacob, Deputy Supdt. of Police, 4th grade to be a Deputy Supdt. of Police 3rd grade sub. pro tem. H.V.C. Sausman, Deputy Supdt. of Police, 4th grade, to be a Deputy Supdt. of Police 3rd grade sub. pro tem. Military Dept. The name of 2nd Lt. Theobald Seymour Stewart Martin of the Burma Railways Vol. Corp is placed on the supernumerary list with effect from the 19th Dec. 1915. Privilege leave for twenty-six days is granted to Major A.T. Kirkwood, Cantonment Magistrate, Rangoon, with effect from 29th Nov. Lt. E.J. Semini, 79th Carnatic Infantry, Rangoon, is appointed to officiate as Cantonment Magistrate, during the absence on leave of Major A.T. Kirkwood or until further orders. The following officers of the Rangoon Vol. Rifle Corps are placed on the supernumerary list with effect from 22nd Nov:- 2nd Lt. Charles Frederick Grant 2nd Lt. Bernard Moore Blakestone 2nd Lt. Arthur Green Mumford Judicial Dept. W.H. Payton, Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to be an Additional Judge of the Township Court of Sagaing and is also appointed to be a Magistrate of the 3rd class in Sagaing Dist. General At an examination at Putao on 4th Nov. L.L. Langley, Asst. Engr., P.W.D., passed the prescribed test in the Chingpaw dialect of the Kachin language. Mr Langley is entitled to receive a reward to Rs. 1000. At an special examination held at Rangoon on the 24th and 25th Nov. 1915, H.O. Reynolds, Asst. Commissioner, passed the examination in Burmese by the Proficiency Standard. Mr Reynolds is entitled to receive a reward of Rs. 750. H.C. Claridge, offg. 2nd grade Master, Govt. High School, Rangoon, is appointed to officiate as Headmaster in place of L.A. Belletty, transferred. P.W.D. On return from leave E.D. Haffenden, Executive Engr. is posted to the Pegu Circle for the charge of the Embankment Divn. C. Innes, Executive Engr., Lashio Divn., is transferred from the Mandalay to the Maritime Circle for the charge of Tavoy Divn. vice R.P. Farr, Executive Engr. transferred. On being relieved of the charge of the Tavoy Divn. by C. Innes, Executive Engr., R.P. Farr Executive Engr. is transferred from the Maritime to the Mandalay Circle for the charge of the Lashio Divn. The services of J.N. List, Asst. Engr. Public Works Dept. are placed temporarily at the disposal of His Excellency, the Commander-in-Chief in India. Non-Gazetted Officers E. Pritchard is appointed to be a Probationary Myook and is posted to the headquarters of the Sagaing Dist. for training. H.F. Dunkley, Asst. Commissioner made over and Commander E. Stocken, R.I.M., Port Officer, received charge of the duties of the Port Officer, Moulmein, on 30th Nov. 1915. The following gentlemen are appointed to be members of the Mergui Municipal Committee. They will hold office for two years from 1st Jan. 1916:- E. Ahmed, Merchant Shwe Gyeik, Pensioned Myook C. Samuel, Agent, B.I.S.N. Co. W.A. Woodsell, Supdt. of Customs Privilege leave for three mths. is granted to G.F. Fforde, Inspector. |
Examination Results
At the departmental exams. held at Rangoon, Bassein, Meiktila and Mandalay on 3rd Nov. the under mentioned candidates passed the exam. in Criminal Law prescribed for Excise Officers:-
D.H.D. Wilkinson, offg. Excise Insp., Katha At an exam. held at Putao on 8th Nov. C.W. King, Extra Asst. Commissioner passed the prescribed test in the Maru language. Mr King is entitled to receive a reward of Rs. 1000. At the departmental exams. held at Rangoon, Bassein, Moulmein, Mandalay and Mogok on 2nd Nov. the following candidates passed the exam. in Land Revenue prescribed for Officers of the Forest Dept:- J.W.L. O’Hara, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests E.H. Peacock, Probationary Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests At the departmental exams. held at Rangoon, Bassein, Moulmein, Mandalay and Mogok on 3rd Nov. the following candidates passed the exam. in Procedure & Accounts prescribed for Officers of the Forest Dept:- E.W. Carroll, Asst. Conservator of Forests W.C. Rooke, Probationary Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests At the departmental exams. held at Rangoon, Mandalay and Mogok on 1st Nov. the following candidates passed the exam. in the Lower Standard in Hindustani prescribed for Officers of the P.W. Dept:- F.D. Flint, Asst. Engr. J. Dunn, Asst. Engr. At the departmental exams. held at Rangoon, Meiktila and Mandalay on 1st Nov. the following candidates passed the prescribed test in Hindustani by the standards specified below:- Higher Standard F.B. Leach, offg. Deputy Commissioner H.H. Craw, Asst. Commissioner W.V. Hoey, Asst. Commissioner Lower Standard S.G. Grantham, Asst. Commissioner J.B. Marshall, Asst. Commissioner Moung Thet Tun, Myook, Monywa At the departmental exams. held at Rangoon, .... .... on 3rd Nov. the under mentioned candidates passed the exam. in Revenue Law for Asst. Commissioners, Extra Asst. Commissioners and Myooks ... ... :- E.B. Sutherland – Registered Candidate, Rangoon |
J.B. Marshall, offg. Deputy Commissioner, on being relieved by H.L. Stevenson, Deputy Commissioner, is re-posted to the charge of the Shwebo sub-divn. in place of Maung Ku, Myook. A.M. Evans, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is transferred from Insein and is posted to the charge of the Nyaunglebin Sub-divn., Pegu Dist. as a tempy. measure pending the arrival of A.G. Mosely, Asst. Commissioner. A.G. Mosely, Asst. Commissioner, on being relieved by P.C. Fogarty, Asst. Commissioner, is transferred from Rangoon and is posted to the charge of the Nyaunglebin sub-divn., Pegu Dist. A.M. Evans, Extra Asst. Commissioner, on being relieved by A.G. Mosely, Asst. Commissioner, is transferred from Nyaunglebin and is posted to the headquarters of the Insein Dist. to continue his training. E.F. Baum, Asst. Commissioner, is transferred from Nyaunglebin and posted to special duty in the Tavoy Dist. with headquarters at Tavoy. G. Scott, Deputy Commissioner, on completion of the duty to which he was posted, to the charge of the Hanthawaddy Dist. in place of E.G. Pattle, offg. Deputy Commissioner, transferred. E.G. Pattle, offg. Deputy Commissioner, on being relieved by G. Scott, is re-posted to the charge of the Kyauktan Sub-divn. Hanthawaddy dist. in place of Maung Ba Thaw (3), Myook, transferred. Leave - Privilege leave for twenty-four days is granted to G.C. Tew, Asst. Commissioner. Misc. - J.P. Hardiman, Deputy Commissioner was deputed to Penang and Singapore on duty with effect from the 15th Nov. 1915. Police Dept. F. Newton, Asst. Supdt. of Police is transferred from Kyaiklat and is posted to special duty in the Kyaukpyu Dist. with headquarters at Kyaukpyu. The under mentioned Asst. Dist. Superintendents of Police 2nd grade sub. pro tem. on probation are confirmed in their appointments with effect from 29th Nov. 1915 M.O. Tanner H.J. Todd A.G. Adams G.J. Harvey P.F. de la F. Sherman Dist. Supdt. of Police is transferred from the charge of the Provincial Police Training School, Mandalay and is posted to special duty in the Meiktila Dist. with headquarters at Meiktila, as a tempy. measure. W.H.A. Webster, Dist. Supdt. of Police sub. pro tem. is placed in charge of the Provincial Police Training School, Mandalay, in additional to his own duties, as a tempy. measure. The following alteration of rank is ordered with effect from 1st Dec. 1915:- J.A.P. Stuart, Asst. Supdt. of Police, 1st grade, on special duty, to be a Dist. Supdt. of Police, 5th grade. sub. pro tem. and remain on special duty. Judicial Dept. - A.M. Evans, Extra Asst. Commissioner, is appointed to be an Additional Judge in the Insein Township Court in the Insein Dist. Forest Dept. On completion of the timber measuring duty in the Yaw Forest Divn. G.S. Shirley, Asst. Conservator of Forests is re-posted to duty in the Upper Chindwin Forest Divn. On return from leave T.I. Pocock, Extra Deputy Conservator of Forests, is placed on special duty in the office of the Conservator of Forests, Pegu Circle. On return from leave W.J.G. Cooper, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, is attached to the Prome Forest Divn. Privilege leave for 3 mths. is granted to C. Alfred, Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests, attached to the Prome Forest Divn. with effect from 10th Dec. P.W.D. Privilege leave for 2 mths. and 21 days combined with leave on medical cert. in India for 5 mths. and 28 days under the furlough and leave rules of 1889, is granted to Deputy Commissioner and Honorary Captain G.F.J. Caldecourt, Asst. Engr., Amhrest Divn. J.V. Griffin, Superintending Engr. 2nd class, Maritime Circle, is placed on special duty in the Tavoy and Mergui districts with headquarters at Rangoon. J.M.F. Petters, Superintending Engr. 3rd class, tempy. and Sanitary Engineer, is, as a tempy. measure, appointed to the charge of the Maritime Circle. Exams. At the departmental exams. held at Rangoon, Bassein, Meiktila and Mandalay on 1st Nov. the under mentioned candidates passed the exam. in Hindustani by the Colloquial standards prescribed for Police Officers and Jailors:- F.H. Robinson, Probationary Asst. Supdt. of Police R.G.B. Lawson, Probationary Asst. Supdt. of Police F.H. Fearnley-Whittingstall, Probationary Asst. Supdt. of Police E.H. Baxter, Sergt. of Police, Mandalay T. Thompson, Sergt. of Police, Rangoon H. Atkins, Sergt. of Police, Rangoon W. Nelson, Sergt. of Police, Rangoon K. Regal, Sergt. of Police, Rangoon R. Crisp, Sergt. of Police, Rangoon A. Paxton, Sergt. of Police, Rangoon D. Saxty, Sergt. of Police, Rangoon E. Deighton, Sergt. of Police, Rangoon |
Non Gazetted Officers
P.W.D. G.K.S. Dawson, Overseer, 3rd grade, sub pro tem. has been transferred from Rangoon to the Maritime Circle. Notifications by Heads of Depts. R.K. Anderson, Asst. Supdt. of Excise, is transferred from the Akyab Dist. to the Mandalay Dist. General The Commissioner of the Pegu Divn. appoints the under mentioned gentlemen to be members of the Syriam Municipal Committee:- J. Moore, Burma Oil Co. R. Cloudsley, Burma Oil Co. The under mentioned gentlemen have been elected members of the Municipal Committee, Henzada. They will hold office for two years from 1st Jan. 1916:- Maung Ba Maung, Merchant Ko Maung Gyi, Paddy Trader Maung Wiyi, Merchant Maung Min Mang, Trader Maung You, Saw Pit Owner Maung Phaw, Pleader A.W. Bodeker, Bar-at-law The following gentlemen are appointed members of the Municipal Committee, Henzada. They will hold office for two years from 1st Jan. 1916:- F.L. Phipps, Pleader Maung Pu Thu, Pleader |
Police Dept.
On return from leave E.M. Browne, Inspector, is posted to the charge of the Shwebo Section, Railway Police. On relief by E.M. Browne, H. dePenha, Inspector, is transferred from the Shwebo Section to the Pegu Section, Railway Police. Maung Lu Gale, Inspector is reduced 10 places in the list of Inspectors, 3rd grade and will rank above H. McCready. Excise Dept. The following promotions are ordered in the Excise Dept:- Consequent on the reduction of R.A.F. Hearsey and Maung Po Thet, Resident Excise Officers from the 6th and 7th grade, Maung Po Thu Daw from Resident Excise Officer, 7th grade to Resident Excise Officer 6th grade; Maung Tok from Resident Excise Officer 7th grade to 6th grade. Consequent on the reduction of Maung Po Kin: C.E. Dennis from Resident Excise Officer to 6th grade to 5th grade. Consequent on the death of E.F. Pereira, Resident Excise Officer, 1st grade; Maung Kaplipha, from Resident Excise Officer 2nd grade to 1st. |